#we got confirmation from toga that tomura missed kurogiri when he got captured
Part of me finds comfort in the fact that Kurogiri was with Tomura almost right from the start.
I'm hoping that we'll see more flashbacks of their relationship and past together during the final confrontation between Kurogiri, Present Mic and Eraser Head. I really want to know how it all went down, how kid Tomura and Kurogiri got along.
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Disappearance 4: The Child {Katsuki Bakugo}
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A/N: Please be sure to reblog, comment, review, and like if you enjoy! Feedback is what keeps me motivated! This was a chapter I had a lot of ideas for and was very excited about while writing!
Disappearance Masterlist
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While Toga didn’t hate their associate’s teleportation quirk, she did miss Kurogiri and his warpgate. He was a much better conversationalist than the skittish bald man in the back of the antique shop above their safehouse, plus she enjoyed the dramatic flair of his quirk more. The dark swirls suited her tastes much more than the bright white glow she experienced now.
She kept a hold on the boy as she blinked away the slight dizziness from the teleportation and took in the familiar basement of the tea shop. They’d only started using this shopping center recently since it had better clothing for the kid’s size. It didn’t hurt that the shop was close enough for a quick getaway if necessary.
Scanning the area as they stepped outside, she did notice the pink and red UA heroes on patrol. The curly pink one was wildly telling a story to a small group of citizens and the spiky red one was walking towards a nearby train station. She made a mental note to alert their associates of the increased hero presence; she and the rest of the League should’ve been told about the higher risk.
She brushed the dark hair forward over her shoulders and bowed her head slightly to hide her current face. These heroes were close to Katsuki Bakugo and could recognize her easily if she wasn’t careful. Still, with a firm hold on the boy beside her, she pressed on towards the mall.
The entire time they shopped she kept a watchful eye out for the heroes but didn’t see them inside the complex. Their intel said that they did patrol around the shops throughout the day but it was possible they just weren’t coming around this part of the mall around this time. Even so, she stayed alert until they finished choosing the boy’s new clothes.
With their purchases in one hand and the kid in the other, she stepped out of the shop and headed towards the door. The afternoon shopping rush was entering and she was thankful there would be more cover as they made their way back to the tea shop. Tomura had said to keep the boy in the sun for a bit to try and see what might happen but she was going to err on the side of caution with the two heroes lurking.
Toga saw the bouncy pink one to her left as she stepped into the crosswalk and kept her head low and the kid close, watching the different shoes blur together as she walked. They were only a few meters from the tea shop, from being safe, when she felt two tugs. One on her hand from the boy as his hand was wrenched from her grip and one on her leg as her foot was held in place and she tumbled to the ground.
The bag of clothes spilled out into the street and she hit the pavement hard, scraping her hands and feeling her ankle pop awkwardly. A woman stopped to help her up but she waived her off as she looked back to see thick white tape wrapped around her foot and sticking her to the ground. She sat up and untangled herself as she looked around for the boy.
Panic was bubbling in her chest at knowing she would be in a lot of trouble with Tomura for losing him, and she turned in place as she scanned the area around her. Her ankle throbbed and the blood rushed in her ears when she didn’t see him, instead coming to lock eyes with the red-headed hero standing at the entrance to the mall.
She knew he recognized her but all she could do was run, the pain sharp as she dashed the rest of the way to the tea shop and leaving the clothing strewn in the crosswalk.
Kirishima watched the imposter flee towards the shop and Mina try to give chase through the crowd. There were more people than expected and they were lucky Sero had pulled off his part as well as he had.
From where he stood he could see Sero approaching with the small boy at his side. He’d wrapped him in the hoodie he’d been wearing for his undercover streetwear and he looked positively tiny in the sea of olive green around him.
When they got close, then knelt down to the boy’s level and smiled warmly. “Hey little guy.”
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“I’m very sorry, sir, but he simply won’t speak with me,” the man said timidly. “There’s no way for me to determine if this may be a form of selective mutism or the result—”
Katsuki sighed tiredly. “He’s not responding at all?”
“Not verbally. A few times he would give me a nod or shake of the head but to properly assess him I would need more.”
He looked towards the window into the small conference room where the boy sat. He was lightly tracing square and triangle patterns on the table with his fingers instead of coloring with the art supplies the psychologist had initially brought in.
“You got more toys? Like Legos or blocks or something?”
“Yes, I do have some wooden blocks in my bag.”
He nodded towards the room. “Put them on the table closest to the seat across from him. I’m gonna see if he’ll talk to me.”
Moments later Katsuki was sat at the small table across from the little boy who still had yet to speak. Fearful eyes stared back at him for a moment before darting to the right, one hand absently scratching at his arm.
Deciding to try and ease the tension in the room he looked away from him and busied himself with building a small structure with the wooden blocks between them. He started with a haphazard Jenga-like tower, then decided to try a castle with the cone-shaped blocks as spires.
After a few minutes he felt eyes on him, and without looking up asked, “Do you want to play with these?”
From the corner of his eye he saw the dark mop of hair bob once timidly. It was progress, and he slid the blocks over to the other side of the table. When a full moment passed with the toys in front of him, he slowly took them in his hands and looked them over before starting to stack them.
He could only watch the child in wonder, completely in awe at the parts of him that were so distinctly Chiasa. Even with the grease and knots matting down his hair he could tell that it was dark brown like hers. The concentrated pout of his lips as he focused on building his tower took him back to the nights she stayed up late to finish her projects and that same expression was illuminated by her computer screen.
His heart ached in his chest knowing that this boy was the closest he’d been to her in four years but he hoped that soon he’d have them both in front of him. He could love this little boy if he was a part of her—part of him already did, he thought.
“My name’s Katsuki. Can you tell me your name?” he asked, receiving a shake of the head in answer. “I’m a hero and that means I can help you if you talk to me.”
He paused his building and ran his fingers gently over one of the green blocks, hesitating for a few seconds before whispering, “Kid.”
“Your name… is Kid?” Katsuki asked, his tone even despite his confusion and bubbling anger.
“Yes. And Boy.”
“Is that what your mom and dad call you?”
“Yes,” he said quietly, finally looking up to meet his gaze. “You have red eyes like him. But you don’t scratch like him.”
An ice-cold chill ran up his spine as his worst fears were confirmed with two sentences. He felt sick knowing what this meant, what she would have experienced. She would never by choice, not knowing everything that monster had put him and his classmates through for years.
“Is… is your dad’s name Shigaraki?” he asked, knowing and dreading the answer.
The boy nodded. “Spinner calls him that. Toga calls him Tomura.”
“And what does your mom call him?”
It didn’t matter what she called him, she shouldn’t even be near him.
“She’s always ‘sleep when I see her,” he replied, spinning the block in his hand. “She doesn’t talk to him.”
A picture of what this child and Chiasa had been through over the years began to form in his mind and he pushed down the overwhelming urge to vomit. Instead, he sat forward and continued to speak with the child to get as much info as he could.
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The bland hallways of Tartarus always unnerved him, but this time he was too focused on the task at hand to dwell on it. He had questions that could surely be answered by the man he sought out, though his annoyance couldn’t be kept at bay when the smarmy grin slid across Dabi’s face.
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen any of you UA brats other than Shoto,” he said from behind the glass separating them. “What’s the occasion?”
Katsuki walked past the chair reserved for him and stood as close as he could to the glass, all without breaking the villain’s gaze.
“Ohh, serious business then,” he teased, resting his chin in his hand.
“What was the League planning at the time you were captured?”
Cocking an eyebrow, Dabi seemed intrigued by the question. “You wanna know plans nearly five years old? Didn’t take you for the cold case type.”
“This isn’t the time for games!” he snapped. “What was Shigaraki planning?”
“That asshole was always planning different things, nothing was ever set in stone. Doubt he managed to pull any of them off considering you’re alive and so’s Shoto. Why’s it matter?”
“He’s taken hostages and we need to know everything we can. They’ve been with him too long as it is.”
Dabi’s eyes widened slightly in surprise or appreciation—he wasn’t sure which. “Shit, he really got that pretty brunette of yours?”
“Why did he want her?” Katsuki asked lowly.
“To fuck with you,” he scoffed as if it were obvious. “You helped to take away everything from him—he was just returning the favor. ‘Eye for an eye’ type shit. But since All Might bit it he couldn’t take your sensei like you took his, so he settled for your girl.”
His palms were crackling at his sides, smoke escaping from the tight curl of his fists. Every bit of information brought more questions but he was no closer to finding her than he had been. His entire being ached to scream and blast his way through the glass to wring the villain’s charred neck if for no other reason than he had known that Chiasa being taken was a possibility.
“Where would he take her?” he asked through gritted teeth.
A shrug. “Don’t know.”
“Bullshit,” he growled. “We know the League has safehouses across half a dozen prefectures. Where would he keep her?”
“You said it yourself, they’ve got a lot of safehouses. This happened after I was brought in so I wouldn’t exactly know the final verdict on where she’d be taken anyway, hero.”
“If you knew she was going to be taken you know more than just the fact she’s got brown hair. You’d have to counter her quirk and I’ll bet that needed some special fuckin’ consideration. She’d have to be kept out of sunlight or she’d be able to blow you all to hell within an hour!”
Dabi stretched his arms over his head casually. “Told you: I don’t know where she’d be. It’s been like five years.”
“And she’s been there for over four of them!” he shouted, banging his fist against the glass violently enough to make the villain jump. “I always knew you pieces of shit were low but what Shigaraki’s done to her over all this time? Keeping her captive? Fuckin’ forcing himself on her? Making her have his kid? Is that what the League does now? I never supported your fucking cause but at least you had some lines you wouldn’t cross back then. You fucking—”
“His kid?” Dabi said with a sneer. “That dusty little virgin wouldn’t know where to stick it if a girl had a neon sign pointing to her pussy.”
“Then why do I have a kid sitting at my agency with greasy hair and red eyes that can’t stop scratching at his skin and says his dad’s name is Shigaraki?”
“I wasn’t there to—”
“But this little boy was!” Katsuki snapped. “He’s been there all his life and he doesn’t even have a name; your merry band of assholes just called him Kid or Boy. You may hate being Touya Todoroki but at least you have a fucking name.”
Dabi bared his teeth at the mention of his birth name.
“I don’t even think this child has meet his own mother,” he continued, jaw set. “When I asked him about her he told me that every time he’s ever seen her she’s asleep. He has nothing. No name, no quirk, no hope. And no mother, all because of the League.”
He fixed Dabi with a hard stare, the villain now shifting uncomfortably as he thumbed a staple on his wrist. The silence stretched between them for a moment, and then two, and soon almost ten minutes had passed.
Until a single word was given in a quiet grunt.
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A/N: Please be sure to reblog, comment, review, and like if you enjoy! Feedback is what keeps me motivated!
Disappearance Masterlist
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