#we got this little girl out here fighting dracula in a frilly dress?
I’m just gonna say it.
I think original Maria Renard was peak character design and they’re never gonna be able to recapture that magic.
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ask-anti-cosmo · 3 years
Anti-Cosmo X reader my dear pet part 2
You were sitting in your room, feeling very confused as you were just teleported there by Anti-Cosmo right as he was getting in a fight with a little bald red-eyed Anti-fairy. You sighed and laid down on your bed. Why was Anti-Cosmo being so nice all of a sudden? Honestly it just worried you….
You heard Anti-Cosmo enter and you quickly stood up from fear. He simply walked over to you and wrapped a tap measure around your waist.
“W…what are you trying to do?” You asked worriedly.
“Take your measurements.” He shrugged.
“For my coffin…?”
“No silly, I want to make you a dress.” He chuckled, making you blink at him.
“W-what? Y-you’re being nice?” You asked confusedly as he measured your hips, making you blush a little.
“I’ve decided to go to a party, down on earth its October, and a very rich man and woman are throwing a lovely costume party~”
“You’re taking me to a ball…?” You asked, feeling slightly excited. Other than the walk earlier, he had never taken you anywhere since you got there.
“Why not?” He grinned and gently wrapped the tape measure around your chest, making you blush more.
“Y-you just never take me anywhere…”
“I can have some fun~” He chuckled and got up, taking out his wand. He waved it and your clothes were replaced with a regular boring black dress. “Here we go, let start with the sleeves.” He smiled and made the sleeves long and slim, but had them flow out at the end with dark blue lace here and there.
You smiled at how pretty they were and then the skirt of the dress lowered into a mermaid style, and the fin part spread long on your left and super short on the right, making you blush a little. Blue ribbons laced up like a corset on each of your sides, and blue lace lined the collar.
“There.” Anti-cosmo grinned then frowned. “Hmm, something’s missing…”
“Stockings maybe…?” you said hopefully, feeling bare with your legs being displayed.
“No that’s not it, but I like the suggestion.” He grinned and made some appeared, but had the garter strap on the high side visible.
“T-that’s not what I meant!” You blushed and tried to hide it.
“Ah! I’ve got it!” He grinned and slide your sleeves off your shoulders.
“A-Anti-Cosmo…” You whispered embarrassedly before realizing what he was doing. He was putting your neck scars on display. “I-I don’t want to show these off!”
“But I do! It shows you’re mine!” He grinned. “Be happy! You’re beautiful!”
“That’s the last thing I ever expected to hear from you…” You huffed.
“Any how…” He poofed up a tall mirror for you. “Time for the final touches.���
“Final touches??”
“Cinderella didn’t go to the ball wearing only a dress you know.” He chuckled and waved his wand at your feet, making comfortable black heeled shoes appear. They looked like they were made of obsidian.
“Oh…” you said as you covered your mouth in astonishment.
Your ears got heavy with earrings similar to the one in Anti-Cosmo’s left ear. And a small black gemmed tiara appeared in your hair that was going up into a bun. Light make-up graced your face and you felt entirely new looking at yourself in the mirror.
“There, perfect for my little princess of misfortune~” He grinned
“T…thank you Anti-Cosmo…” You said quietly.
“You’re very welcome my dear~” He grinned and took your hand, kissing it. “Shall we then?” He grinned, swishing his hand to make a cape appear on his shoulders.
“O-okay…” You nodded, and you soon found yourself in front of a great house. People were flowing in and they were all dressed as if they were prepping for the red carpet. A Halloween styled red carpet.
Anti-Cosmo lead you inside to the grand hall, filled with people dancing and tables where food could be served. Halloween decorations covered the walls and stairs everywhere. “Absolutely wonderful~” Anti-Cosmo grinned.
“How did you get invited here…?”
“I know the owner.” He grinned. “Ah, speaking of, there’s my little porcelain doll herself~” He said, pointing to a woman who indeed looked like a doll, with platinum ringlets and a pastel frilly dress with a high collar. “Come, let’s go say hello~”
You agreed curiously and you two walked over to where the lady and her Dracula dressed husband stood. She was smiling at everyone till you two approached. She flinched at the sight and just stared with a look of fear as you two approached.
“Hello again my dear.” He grinned at her, making her flinch. She must have been one of his past victims, which actually gave you hope that he’d someday let you go.
“H-hello again….” She said softly. “How are you doing?”
“I am doing quite well.” He grinned and held you close. “As you can see…”
“I do see…” She nodded and looked at you sympathetically. “I hope you enjoy yourselves.”
“We will!” He grinned and took you into the crowd to dance. You began to feel conscious about your scars and the skin the dress showed off, making you blush as some men would leer at you. Especially when Anti-Cosmo would spin you, and your dress would flare open.
Anti-Cosmo leaned close to your ear. “If any other man dare touch you, tell me and I will bring the wrath of Hell upon him.” He whispered, making you shudder, but also somehow made you feel safer.
“Thank you…” You whispered back. “C-can I go get some food…?”
“Yes of course.” He smiled.
“Anti-Cosmo…why are you being nice to me all of a sudden?” You asked.
“Go and get your snacks love.” He told you, ignoring your question. You sighed and went to the table to get something to eat.
“Hello…” A familiar voice said. You turned to see the Doll Woman Anti-Cosmo talked to earlier.
“Hi…” You said back shyly. “So uh...I assume you know what I’m going through?”
“Well enough…” She nodded. “When I was much younger, my family was a mess and reporters constantly wanted to prove it. But because I fed Anti-Cosmo, he was able to keep their secrets safe…”
“I see…” You nodded. “When did he let you go?”
“Let me go? I sent him away, He appeared in my house one day and promised me wishes for blood. I wanted my family to appear normal and perfect so I accepted. One day I had enough and told him to leave and never return.”
You blinked in astonishment. Will He leave you alone should you ask? You’ve never gotten a wish from him, so does that mean he owes you? He has taken blood from you almost constantly since he took you two and a half years ago.
“So what about you?” She asked.
“Um…he saved me from a sexual assault from a student at school…”
“Oh wow, wonder why, usually unless you as he waits till after the misfortune to approach you.” She chuckled lightly. “I’m sorry…time with him messed me up a little…”
“I can understand why…” You sighed and saw the Anti-Fairy call to you. “Gotta go…”
“Good luck.” She smiled.
“Like there’s a chance of that happening…” You mumbled softly as you went back to your master.
“There you are love~” He grinned and held your hands. His grin wasn’t his usual cocking look that made your stomach turn, it was more loving and happy. It made you smile back at him without realizing it.
You were too distracted by the kind green eyes looking in yours to notice the drunk man behind you that came over and groped your bottom roughly with both hands, making you squeal with surprise and embarrassment.
The next thing you knew, was Anti-Cosmo’s angry eyes burning with hatred at the man who touched you. To your great surprise though, he simply swatted the man’s hand away and pulled you closer to him.
“Keep your filthy hands to yourself sir!” He spat and walked you away.
“Wow…you handled that really well.” You said. “I thought you’d kill him…”
“I basically did.” He shrugged.
“What?” You blinked and looked back at the perv.
“Let’s just say, he going to find a cancerous lump downstairs.” He said subtly. “If he’s lucky, they’ll find it in time and he won’t die…He’ll definitely lose something reguardless.”
“Oooh….” You winced.
“Why don’t we head back home then?” He smiled.
"Right…home…” You mumbled.
“Yes, it’s your home too.” He told you gently.
“It’s my prison…and I think you own me some wishes!” You huffed at him, making him blink in surprise. “From all the blood you’ve taken from me! You did the Doll girl!” He then smiled his nice smile again.
“I supposed you’re right, but there are some wishes I will not grant.”
“Fine…” You grunted.
“So what is it you wish?” He grinned.
“I can guess you don’t want me escaping or anything, so those are probably out of the question…” You sighed. “Alright, I want either these scars from you gone, or covered!” You huffed.
He frowned slightly at that but sighed and waved his wand, wrapping a blue scarf around your neck. “There….”
“Thank you…”
He smiled at your thanks and kissed your cheek. “Let’s go…”
You agreed and followed him to the back where you both disappeared into your room. “I wish my room looked less like a dungeon…” you frowned.
“What would you like it to look like?” Anti-Cosmo asked.
You stared at him a minute. “Like a bedroom.” You said sarcastically.
“Boring, but fine.” He sighed and made it look like the room of a teenage girl. A very girly teenager, but at this point you were happy with anything. Even the pink walls and boy band posters. The vanity was super nice at least.
“Thank you…” You smiled happily. “Anti-Cosmo…Why are you being so nice to me?” You asked again.
“Come now dear, time for bed.” He said, avoiding the question again. He waved his wand and you found yourself in nothing but a night gown and underwear. The night gown was black, short-ish with soft mesh-like fabric over the black silk inside layer and spaghetti straps.
You blushed and tried to cover your legs before taking a breath. “Please stop avoiding the question.” You said bravely.
He paused a second before sighing.” I’m avoiding because I don’t know the answer myself…”
You blinked surprised but smiled at him softly. “Well…either way, thank you. It was a nice evening.”
He smiled back at you and kissed your head before leaving the room.
You sighed happily and flopped on the bed. He’s been so nice to you today! It’s made you feel so happy that he’s even trying! You got under the nice cover’s and felt yourself drift into the best sleep you’ve had in years. You were completely unaware of the red eyes that watched you.
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