#we had to make fictional propaganda posters and I did one on the faceless old woman vs hiram mcdaniels mayoral race
shadowsandstarlight · 3 months
Today I discovered that my social studies teacher listens to Welcome to Night Vale, and I am still in a bit of shock.
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sensitivefern · 7 years
It was also depressing in Talcottville to find that the John Birch Society... had made their inroads there. One of the good-for-nothing Sullivans had put up a poster on the gas station in front of Elmer’s store: ‘Save the Republic. Impeach Earl Warren’. This had been torn down, and he then put it up in front of the wretched house which he has bought across the street from Aunt Addie’s. Old Krieger is also an ardent convert. He came to see Carrie Trenham and demanded, What do you think of that! – the poster, then on the gas station in front of the house. I don’t like it! Then I won’t work for you any more! She had been dependent on him to do certain things for her. He has announced that he won’t work for anybody who doesn’t go along with the John Birchers, but he mowed my back field as usual, not knowing undoubtedly what my opinions are. It all emanates from somebody in Port Leyden who sends them John Birch literature and has tried to persuade the principal of the regional school to give each of the seniors a copy of some Birch propaganda book. The Catholic priests in Constableville are strong John Birchers. The movement appeals to the Catholics on account of the Supreme Court’s decision about eliminating prayer from the schools... The John Birchers have created in T’ville a certain amount of bad feeling.
[Edmund Wilson]
Memoirs of Hecate County came out in 1946; I read a copy borrowed from the Reading (Pa) public library, where it sat placidly on the open shelves while the book was being banned in New York State. Mere reading must have seemed a mild sin the the Reading of those years; it was a notoriously permissive town, famous for its rackets, its whores, and its acquittal-minded juries. The head librarian was a sweet Miss Ruth, who had been in Wallace Stevens’s high-school class, she told me years later. In 1946, I was fourteen. What the slightly sinister volume, a milky green in the original Doubleday edition, with the epigraph in Russian and a three-faced Hecate opposite the title page, meant to me, I can reconstruct imperfectly. Certainly I skipped the pages of French that the curious Mr. Blackburn spouts toward the end... But the long, central story, ‘The Princess with the Golden Hair’, the heart and scandal of this collection of six ‘memoirs’, I read, as they say, avidly, my first and to this day most vivid glimpse of sex through the window of fiction.
[John Updike]
It does not appear that any government other than the Taliban financially supported al Qaeda before 9/11, although some governments may have contained al Qaeda sympathizers who turned a blind eye to al Qaeda’s fund-raising activities.
[The 9/11 Report]
The most widely distributed element in nature, oxygen makes up nearly half of all terrestrial matter. It forms approximately 21 per cent by volume of the atmosphere; 87 per cent by weight of all the water on the earth; and over 40 per cent of the human body.
Plants and soil organisms cannot live without oxygen. Plants get this vital element from the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere, from water drawn from the soil, and from numerous other substances.
OYSTER PLANT: (Tragopogon porrifolius) [It] is a biennial, growing three to four feet high, with a white-skinned, deep taproot... The Spanish oyster plant, Scolymus hispanicus, is often called golden thistle and is similar to salsify. Even better in flavor, some people say, is black salsify, Scorzonera hispanica, which has a black-skinned root. Its leaves are often used in salads.
[Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening]
butter daisy, annual marguerite | Leucanthemum ‘If you haven’t grown butter daisy, start doing so ASAP’... they stay dense and compact, it is asserted, and pests stay away, it is also asserted... container friendly... must have full sun...
Liriope ‘Repeat after me: leer-eye-oh-pee’... a decent-sized clump will fit comfortably in a 6-inch pot... Liriope muscari and Liriope exiliflora and all their cultivars work splendidly in containers... cut back foliage in spring... Liriope spicata is the hardiest of the gang, and ‘spreads like crazy wherever it grows’...
edging lobelia Obviously, when July this-way-comes, little lobie is sent to ‘the big compost pile in the sky’; the Regatta series and the Moon series are said to have a fair amount of heat resistance, however...
[Encyclopedia of Container Plants]
Feb 20 [1854]. PM – Skating to Fair Haven Pond. Made a fire on the south side of the pond, using canoe birch bark and oak leaves for kindlings... How much dry wood ready for the hunter... is to be found in every forest, – dry bark fibres and small dead twigs of the white pine and other trees, held up high and dry as if for this very purpose! The occasional loud snapping of the fire was exhilarating. I put on some hemlock boughs, and the rich salt crackling of its leaves was like mustard to the ears... Dead trees love the fire.
We skated home in the dusk, with an odor of smoke in our clothes. It was pleasant to dash over the ice, feeling the inequalities which we could not see...
[Thoreau, Journal]
❚Mark Morford Thumbs up from the KKK. David Duke We did it! Congratulation Donald J. Trump President of the United States of America!
Hadley Freeman Oh god. It's happening. Obama leaves the Oval Office for the last time
Departing Obama Tearfully Shoos Away Loyal Drone Following Him Out Of White House ‘Go On Now, Git,’ Says Former President WASHINGTON—Stopping and turning around as he made his way across the South Lawn after hearing the unmanned aerial vehicle hovering just feet behind him, outgoing President Barack Obama tearfully shooed away a loyal MQ-9 Reaper drone attempting to follow him out of the White House, sources confirmed Friday. “Go on now—get out of here!” said the former commander-in-chief, his lower lip trembling and his eyes welling with tears as he affected a stern tone of voice in an attempt to scare off the faithful hunter-killer drone that had spent the past eight years obediently at his side. “You can’t come with me anymore, you got that? Can’t you see this is for your own good? Now scram. What are you waiting for? Go!” At press time, a heartbroken Obama had thrown a rock in the drone’s direction, causing the unmanned aerial vehicle to flee into the sky, where it paused to look back one last time at its old master before flying off toward a Yemeni tribal wedding.
Purge Of White House Website Complete: Gays And Climate Change No Longer Exist
Claim: There is a faceless, semi-human monster called Slenderman who stands eight feet tall, has tentacles for arms, stalks and eats small children, and communicates telepathically with his human servants, called "proxies." FALSE
Pigeon NURP 40 TW 194 In 2012, the skeleton of a carrier pigeon was found inside a home chimney in Bletchingley, Surrey, in the southeast United Kingdom. Inside a red canister attached to one of its legs was an encrypted message handwritten on a Pigeon Service form. The message was addressed to "XO2," which is thought to be RAF Bomber Command, and is signed "W Stot Sjt." It is believed to have been sent from France on June 6, 1944 during the World War II D-day invasion.
Michelle Obama Was Not Really Having It Today
Totes annoying: words that should be banned
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