#we have ATTDC hitting ao3 soon ! :D
wexhappyxfew · 1 year
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The duo had been staring out towards the darkness for only a few hours now, at least for the better part of the early morning (way too early of a morning); they'd arrived at the designated location late last night only to find that they were desperately alone in the Normandy wilderness - now they awaited movements, signs of gunfire or even light to signal they could prepare to move locations again.
" This is my first time in Normandy." the Maquis member whispered from beside Mildred, barely moving an inch of her body, perfectly poised in textbook form, blending into the tree that stuck up from the ground beside her," This makes me hope that it is my last." A thin-lipped smirk perked up on the corner of Mildred's lips there in the darkness.
" It's my fourth." Mildred said quietly back, catching the Maquis member's peripheral vision move its way over towards her," Makes me think the war is trying to tell me something." The Maquis member's chuckle against the leaves of the tree was worthwhile.
" It is not doing good job of telling you." the Maquis member whispered back," It appears that for others, it did job well enough. For you? I am highly in doubt of such thing." Mildred felt goosebumps press against her skin as a chill ran up her spine, despite the thin layer of sweat that materialized on her forehead once she had jumped out of the transport and followed the Maquis member into the dark tree line to hide from sight.
" I think the prison sentence was enough." The Maquis member's eyes did not shy away from meeting her own as their gazes collided in the darkness, her dark brown eyes, searching Mildred's own green ones, flicking about before moving to hold her attention again. Speculating. Assessing.
" Prison sentence." the Maquis member said," You do not appear to be the type to deal with such things." Mildred almost snorted at her words and shook her head.
" I don't appear to be a lot of things now, do I?"
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