#maquis member
traxanaxanos · 2 years
love when you get to see the Voyager crew chilling out of uniform. Look at the multiple textures Chakotay’s got going on, really adds some depth and flair to the layering.
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LOOK at B’Elanna’s burgundy lounge outfit. Comfy, stylish, elegant.
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Scope the people in a lovely yellow and the purplest purple next to her
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Watching episode one of Voyager is like watching the first act of a horror movie
#also I completely forgot that Tom Paris was part of the Maquis - and that he was only IN it for like a week before getting caught#Tom saw Janeway action figure posing the second she met him and was like 'fuck I'm not gonna let her be cooler than me'#(she is - effortlessly)#they want him so badly to be a playboy bad guy but he's just...HEHEHE he's SO whatever#Quark what do you MEAN 'cash or credit' ???? do humans HAVE /cash/??? HEHEHEH#Tom saw Harry Kim and IMMEDIATELY is down so bad v_v#It's fun seeing some members of the original crew ~#'see you in a few weeks' OOF...........OOOOUUGHHHHH That hurts.......OOOUGH.#The Harry - Tom - Popular Guys subplot i s sooo highschool its crazy HEHEH#Tom thinks he's like the brooding bad boy but he's the nerdy girl who gets picked on until one day the popular guy says#'hey - leave Tom alone.' and smiles at him afterwards#'the ghost of those 3 dead officers came to me in the middle of the night and taught me the true meaning of christmas'#Harry (not well versed on by now ANCIENT childrens fables): ????what????#Tom Paris: It's a long story Harry and I'm tired of telling it.#Also Tom Paris two seconds later: IT ALL STARTED FRESHMAN YEAR.#I also forgot the Maquis ship went missing first and Starfleet was searching for debris...#how long has T'Pel thought her husband might be straight up dead?? How long has he been undercover? How long since they spoke???#(thinks about people whose loved ones died in episode one...thinks about them hearing that Voyager and some of its crew DID survive but#the person they loved did not - that there was never any chance of them returning)#Janeway's hair is so BRIGHT in this episode#'Harry - wait for me!' <- Tom in one line#I also love the creepy barn party 'don't look in there~! don't look in there~!' Voyager should have leaned way more into horror for REAL#Janeway's eyes widening when she sees Tuvok ~!! <3 she thought he could be dead!!! I wonder if she talked to T'Pel about it#Tuvok: (goes missing) Janeway: Don't worry T'Pel I'll bring him back to you if it's the last thing I d- (goes missing)#Caretaker after snatching up the Maquis: Starfleet has the chance to do something hilarious#Janeway (being stabbed): aa.. ..a!h...hh.. / Harry: (being stabbed) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#Chakotay looking to Tuvok like 'do we trust her?' and Tuvok being like absoluuuuuteeeely <3 go for it <3#Tuvok's voice is different~!!! It's quieter~!! Interesting~!! I love him <3#TUVOK YOU DID /NOT/ GET /CHANGED/ BEFORE MEETING THEM ON THE ARRAY HEHEHHEE#'She wanted to know if she had time to send it...I had to tell her no.' AAAAAAAAA.....AAAA
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scvlly · 1 year
woke up normal and then remembered ro larens inevitable death and the changelilng infiltration of the federation and the possible resurgence of the dominion war and “she calls me Commander Seven out of respect,” fucking hell 
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joshuaalbert · 2 years
iirc I don't think there's another cardassian episode after that one BUT YAY IM GLAD THAT YOU LIKE TABOR ! in my head ive been trying to think of background crew interactions for him but i have nawt any thoughts. But i love him dearly
yeah I feel like in a perfect world I’d want him and some of the other maquis crew members to kinda take on the level of role that vorik has (because like. they should probably be more relevant given the premise of the show) but unfortunately they’re not played by nepotism babies :/ sad. like yeah you can just make some stuff up, but that’s way easier to do when they have even one meaningful interaction with a major recurring character since you can start with and work outward from there. I wish you the best of luck with your quest tho 🫡
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lostyesterday · 5 months
Before I watched Voyager, I saw a lot of posts about it by virtue of being in other Trek fandoms, which led me to develop several funny misconceptions. One of these misconceptions was that I somehow merged Timeless and Equinox in my mind and came to believe that the Equinox was Chakotay and Harry’s ship. I knew enough about the premise of Voyager that I constructed in my mind an episode plot where Prime Voyager somehow connects with an alternate timeline where Voyager was destroyed in Caretaker and Chakotay’s ship survived. In this alternate timeline, Harry was the only surviving member of Voyager’s original crew and had joined the Maquis, ending up as Chakotay’s first officer. The story revolved around Voyager coming into conflict with this alternate timeline version of Chakotay’s ship. I got to season 5 of Voyager before finally realizing that Equinox had a completely different plot and my imagined episode didn’t exist. I still think it’s an interesting idea, though.
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hellweaver · 10 months
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In some parallel universe these crew members are having This Simple Feeling for each other (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
In my head they are former Maquis - a romulan dissident whose escape-from-the-empire plan went wrong and a socially awkward not-warrior-enough klingon
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ignisgalaxia · 1 month
I find it concerning and a little insulting that aside from Janeway, the only other member of the Voyager crew willing to help rescue Chakotay was the Doctor.
The Doctor, of all people.
Like, surely B'Elanna would be the first one to volunteer since he's literally one of her best friends. And of course Tom would follow since Chakotay is so important to her.
Harry greatly valued Chakotay's advise, so I assume he's important to him as well. I don't see any reason why he couldn't tag along (I highly doubt he got his long awaited promotion anyway).
Then there's Tuvok, who is Janeway's oldest friend and trusted advisor. He definitely should've been involved. A lot of people say that Tysses is very similar to Tuvok, so having them both would've just been redundant. But that's not what this is about. It's about the Voyager crew's relationship with one another.
Even Seven, who (as much as I would love to forget) literally dated him, didn't bother coming to help. It's possible she was already doing her Fenris Rangers gig and had thus cut herself off from everyone, but her input would've been really helpful.
I KNOW the real reason none of the others appeared is because Prodigy is about the kids and not a Voyager reunion (even though the TNG crew got their onscreen reunion at the cost of their original cast). But I'm thinking about in-universe explanations.
It just makes it seem like they don't care about him, like he isn't that valued to the crew, not in the same way Janeway is. Cause like, if it was Janeway that went missing, the entire crew would band together to find her.
Hell, the whole Maquis crew should've come together to look for him! He was their captain first!
My boy deserved better.
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arcadia75 · 3 months
Why Janeway needs a therapist
I got a request for a follow-up to list out why Janeway also needs to see a therapist
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Note: I'm treating at least Mosaic as canon. Some of the Voyager stuff might be out of order and probably forgetting stuff.
Got captured by Cardassians and had to listen to her Captain be tortured (and was possibly tortured herself)
Lost her fiancé and father in a shuttle accident, in which she could maybe have saved one of them but didn't
We have no knowledge of what she may have been thru in her career before Voyager. Wolf 359? Other battles?
Lost x% of her crew when thrown to the Delta Quadrant
Made the decision to blow up the Array that stranded the remainder of her crew 70 years from home
Effectively lost another fiancé by stranding herself 70 years from home
Had to deal with a race wanting to steal her crews organs
Had to deal with a Cardassian spy on her ship
Had to deal with integrating the Maquis crew into her Starfleet crew
First Officer got kidnapped by above Cardiassian spy
Got hyper-evolved into a salamander and had babies with her helmsman
Had to deal with Q, on multiple occasions
Saw a double of herself blow up her ship to save them, plus had to accept a duplicate Ops officer and baby onto her ship
Had to kill one being to get her Security officer and Morale officer back
Got stranded on a planet with her first officer, fell in love with him, and then got rescued where they had to go back to being just friends
Got ship taken over by hostile force and then stranded on another planet, where crew died
Had to rescue her Ops officer and Helmsman from prison
Ferengi fucked up a way home
Had to deal with time traveling back to 1996 Earth and saving the future
Single handedly fought a macrovirus to save the ship
Died. Then gaslight by an entity posing as her dead father
First Officer brainwashed by a bunch of former Borg
Had to save officers from a rouge holodeck program written by the Cardassian spy from 3 years ago
Had to make a deal with the Borg, that her First Officer kind of went back on and then fought with him
Had to rehabilitate a former Borg drone
First Officer brainwashed to fight in a alien war
Brain chemistry messed with by aliens doing experiments
Destroyed the ship in a timeline that reset
Fiancé officially broke up with her.
Aliens captured the ship and brainwashed entire crew to participate in war simulations
Switched bodies with some of her crew (was this in Vis a Vis or just fanfic?)
Had to deal with the Omega particle
Alien that they all forget was on their ship and fell in love with her First Officer
Duplicated into goo, then dies later when she doesn't realize she's a duplicate
Major depressive episode during a part of space with no stars
Gets her crew killed by deciding to try a slipstream drive
Demoted helmsman for defying orders
Had to play mind games with alien who wanted to fuck her
Had to discipline her love struck ops officer when she's not getting any herself
Drove her First Officer/Best Friend/Would be lover to the brink of madness to save the ship
More temporal mechanics shenanigans
Found another Starfleet ship and then they turned out to be killers and crazy
Holographic boyfriend malfunctions
Former alien crew member who evolved to a higher being comes back super pissed off
Willingly assimilated into a Borg
Had to help First Officer put the ship back together after it was split into 37 different timeframes
Brainwashed to work in a factory, falls in love with an alien, forced to give him up when her memory gets restored
Had to deal with future self coming back and telling her the awful things about the future
Watched First Officer/Best Friend/Would be Lover get involved with her protégé
At least a year we don't know about. Hopefully she saw a therapist
Promoted to Admiral then sends Starfleet flagship on a mission that costs the life of one of their most beloved officers
Three years we don't know about. Hopefully she at least took a couple vacations
Sends Former First Officer / Best Friend / Would be Lover on a mission where he gets lost 52 years into the future
Spends possibly 3 years looking for said First Officer / Best Friend / Would be Lover
Retires! Buys a nice house! Gardens!
Forced out of retirement cuz synthetic beings attack Mars shipyards
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kvetchlandia · 9 months
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Carl Mydans Execution of a Member of the Nazi-collaborationist Milice (Vichy Militia) by Members of a Maquis Anti-fascist Resistance Squad, Grenoble, France 1944
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trillscienceofficer · 5 months
B'Elanna's tormented history gave Roxann [Dawson] plenty to play—not only her Klingon heritage, but her background as a Maquis freedom fighter. “The more you have to chew on the easier it is, because the less you have to create yourself,” she says. “I love conflict. When you're handed a character that's just rocked with internal and external conflict, what more can you ask for as an actor? It gives you something wonderful to tackle.” Roxann acknowledges that the Maquis conflict with the Starfleet crew couldn't have played out indefinitely, but she would have liked to see it continue a little longer. “I feel that it's a bit of a shame that it was resolved so quickly. I think that what makes a show good is conflict; when things settle down too quickly you lose the tension in the characters, I understand that in the STAR TREK universe—in Gene Roddenberry's world—we all get along, but I find it interesting if we have to actually struggle to do that. Whenever there has been conflict between B'Elanna and any of the other characters I've tried to heighten it, because I think that what's interesting.” […] B'Elanna's other relationships have mostly been antagonistic, notably with Captain Janeway when she and the Maquis crew first came aboard the U.S.S. Voyager, “I feel like I've lost touch with the captain a little bit; we had wonderful things in the first couple of seasons and I wanted to get back some of that adversarial kind of mental battling kind of confrontations that we had.” The captain, of course, had another rebel on her hands when Seven of Nine joined the ship, and B'Elanna had problems with the new Borg crew member. “I loved the conflict between B'Elanna and Seven of Nine. I know at some point we had some discussion with the producers; they wanted to soften the antagonism, and I said, ‘Please, this conflict is good; let's not discard it too quickly! Let's work for an understanding between them.’ I think conflict is exciting, and they did actually maintain that. It adds so much more spice, in my opinion.”
Interview with Roxann Dawson on Star Trek: The Magazine, June 2001
I'd been told before about Dawson having expressed the opinion that it was better to keep the relationship between B'Elanna and Seven antagonistic, as a bit of trivia. I'm glad that I finally found a source for this piece of information though because the context of the interview makes it clear that Dawson was trying to keep the character of B'Elanna interesting in a way that made sense to her, without having to necessarily fall in line with the idea of a ‘conflict-less’ future that didn't accommodate for the actual effort to get there. It's an approach to storytelling that I find really appealing as well. What's disappointing to me though is that on the show we never really saw the ‘work’ that could've brought B'Elanna and Seven to an actual understanding, but rather only caught glimpses of its possibility.
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atopfourthwall · 1 year
Watching thru Star Trek Voyager for the first time. Do you like this series if so, favorite episode?
Posting my full thoughts below a read more because spoilers. But it's a mixed bag at best, favorite episode the two-parter Scorpion.
It's biggest issue is that it refuses to abide by its central concept: a Starfleet vessel lost 70,000 lightyears from home with few resources and in a place the Federation have never been to, made up of a mixed crew of both Starfleet and the Maquis - a rogue terrorist organization set on freedom from Cardassian oppression due to shitty treaties the Federation made in the name of peace.
Voyager goes for seven years and you would think with a premise like this, the ship should be a WRECK by the time it gets home - barely held together with duct tape, flickering lights and debris in spots because there just isn't time or necessity to deal with minor stuff like that when there are bigger concerns to deal with. You'd think the crew has gotten more lax, dirtier or with more rolled up sleeves and casualwear as the situation has made them less of a formal structure like a regular Starfleet vessel and more like a found family, maybe with a ton of alien crewmembers from the Delta Quadrant who have decided to join Voyager along the way because they (and the Federation by proxy) have offered something that wasn't present in their corner of the galaxy, something better and they want to join the mission back home. You'd think the ship itself would have changed in appearance as they've had to patch it with technology and because they don't have regular drydocks to replace lost/damaged systems and bulkheads. Sure, Star Trek has replicator technology, but I can't imagine Voyager has MASSIVE replication technology capable of creating HUGE swaths of the hull. At the very least, you'd think you'd see cracks in the hull hastily sealed up - maybe a kind of Kintsugi thing where the cracks are a different color because of special alien material used to keep it strong. You'd think those Maquis crewmembers, despite being former Starfleet, wouldn't be wearing Starfleet uniforms because why would they? They're here because they're stuck and what's Starfleet going to do if they haven't shined their boots? Throw them all in the brig for however long it takes to get home? More interpersonal conflicts between crewmen as they have to find a way to live together, have different approaches to solving problems, maybe deal with the crippling loneliness and despair that comes with thinking you may never make it home (either because of the dangers of space travel or just because it'll be 70 years on our current technology to get there).
But no. Nothing like that ever happens in Voyager.
Because it followed the pattern that had made Star Trek TNG so successful (despite it having a premise that DEMANDS more serialization), every episode the reset button is pressed. The ship is restored to normal, character development is rare or confined to a single episode. The few attempts at serialization are just… badly written (or just met with a shrug), which probably explains why they mostly dropped it in later seasons. You'd be forgiven for watching the first episode and then the last while thinking "Wow, not much changed except for Janeway's hairstyle."
Oh, but there WAS change… just not very much. A new cast member to replace one leaving… and a character brought on to be the breakout character - one of the few times we brought on new crew from this part of the galaxy - was shuffled away the episode beforehand because inexplicably some of his people were farther out than they ever should have been and he decided to stay with them because he met them for a few days. A romance between cast members that… was okay, but not great. Another romance introduced at the last second because they needed one of their characters to actually DO something because they had spent 7 years inventing boring hobbies and interests for him separate from his identity as fake-90s-Native American-whose-entire-culture-was-thought-up-by-a-fraud-who-tricked-Hollywood-into-thinking-he-knew-what-he-was-talking-about.
A lot of plots could have happened on any other Trek show. A lot of plots dealt with "Hey, maybe we'll get home THIS time!" and they of course would not. They invented a whole new way of propulsion that allowed you to be in every spot in the universe at once (and easily reversed the negative side effects by the end of the episode)… aaand then just pretended it never happened. The recurring villain enemies ranged from godawful to okay, but not fully realized.
Behind the scenes it was often full of office politics before actual quality. Whenever an episode needed some padding? Add technobabble. Have an ambitious idea for an episode? Nope, we're not interested in anything challenging. Do anything that might make the characters look bad or have more shades to them? Noooope. There were plans and ideas, things thrown out like, for instance, a year-long storyline where the ship would get as battered as I suggested… and it was shot down, turned into a two-parter with the reset button pushed hard at the end of it.
There's plenty to like about Voyager. Some really do love the characters and I like a lot of them, too. And there are plenty of episodes that I recommend and really enjoy and rewatch… but it's mostly wasted potential. It's telling that Ron Moore, who joined Voyager's writing staff after Deep Space 9 ended because he wanted to keep doing Star Trek, left after only 3 episodes… and went on to make the Battlestar Galactica remake, which for all its flaws did the Voyager concept considerably better and with all of those ideas I mentioned up top concerning the crew, the damage to the ship, the shades of grey, the hopelesness at times but still hope, etc.
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Dal/Gwyn, Janeway/Chakotay parallels
I've been mulling this over for a while so I just wanna put all of these down. I really have been enjoying the parallels between these four, and there's a bunch. Will add to this as I think of more.
Dal and Janeway:
They're both on a quest to find home. Janeway back to Earth. Dal back to his family.
Both captain a nontraditional crew and bring them under the Starfleet banner. Dal captains his crew of escaped prisoners from Tars Lamora and Janeway the combined members of her original crew and the Maquis in each case this is born of expediency. They need the crew numbers to get the ship running. And for both part of their journey becomes learning to be a better captain to their unique crews.
Both explore and grapple with their relationship to starfleet ideals. In Dal's case learning Starfleet ideals and laws from scratch and putting them into practice. In Janeway's having her existing ideals tested by an environment where they are difficult to hold to. She and Dal both experience obstacles that test their commitment to these ideals and face consequences of straying from them.
Stars: Dal's window of dreams. Janeway's love of nebulas. The stars mean different things to these two: freedom to Dal and discovery to Janeway but both are seen to have a particular affinity for them.
Learning to lean on their crew: Both in one way or another return to themes of accepting help rather than depending only on themselves. For Dal, this comes from a past of self-preservation and survival. For Janeway, from guilt-driven instinct to put her crew before herself. Both see some of their greatest successes and moments of growth when they set aside those tendencies and accept help from their crew.
Gwyn and Chakotay
Both leave their home for Starfleet, and later return to it when it is in trouble. Chakotay leaves Dorvan/Trebus at 15 against the wishes of his father in order to pursue Starfleet Academy. and only returns when it attacked by the Cardassians. Gwyn idealizes Starfleet her whole life on Tars Lamora only to decide to try to save Solum rather than join her friends as warrant officers.
Both have complicated relationships with their dead fathers. Both of their fathers disagreed with their pursuit of Starfleet, and wanted them to embrace a future that more directly benefited their homeworld. Both were in conflict with them before their deaths and Both of their fathers were killed violently, spurring a shift in their thinking.
Both love exploring other cultures. Gwyn has a love of languages. Chakotay of archeology/anthropology. Both enjoy learning about new people and places and making connections.
Both of their homeworlds are abandoned by the Federation for political reasons - a treaty with the Cardassians in one case and a commitment to non-interference in the other. In Chakotay's case this leads him to turn against starfleet for a time, feeling that it had abandoned its ideals. I'm curious if Gwyn's mission to Solum will lead her down a similar path.
Both act the first officer to an equal. Chakotay was a captain of his own ship before agreeing to be Janeway's second in command. Gwyn has more technical expertise about the Protostar's systems than Dal, and more familiarity with the Federation.
Dal/Gwyn &. Chakotay/Janeway
Both pairs begin their relationship at odds in similar ways. Janeway is seeking to arrest Chakotay. Dal is first Gwyn's prisoner and then takes her as a captive.
The Moral Star/Coda parallels. I just enjoy a good "You might be dying in my arms and I never told you how I felt moment" okay. I am a sucker for it.
Gwyn and Dal ending Season 1 in a similar place to where Janeway and Chakotay were at the start of it. Chakotay winds up trapped on Alt!Future Solum after accepting a mission to complete some of the unfinished work/fix some of the mistakes Voyager had when it first traversed the Delta Quadrant. Gwyn ends Season one going to fix some of the mistakes made between Solum and Starfleet in the alternate future. Janeway and Dal, meanwhile, are at HQ with their own Starfleet-focused duties.
All of the above have me wondering if both couples are in a similar place romantically. Dal and Gwyn are just beginning a romantic relationship when they separate. Is that where Janeway and Chakotay are as well?
And will this mean that Gwyn will also need a rescue? Will her mission go sideways like Chakotay's did?
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joshuaalbert · 3 months
thinkin again about the secret more interesting version of the seska arc where they find out she’s a cardassian and have to actually deal with that for a while. and like ideally this happens further in so she’s actually like…a valued crew member who maybe has made a significant contribution to trying to get them back to the alpha quadrant faster, even if it’s potentially just for her own selfish ends. like she was planning to betray half the crew and for all they know she could betray all of them if it would serve her interests BUT she hasn’t actually technically done that, just infiltrated the maquis, which tuvok also did, so what do you do with her? and maybe she’s formed real bonds with the crew after being in forced proximity for so long so maybe she wouldn’t betray them, but she also hid being a cardassian for years so how can they trust her? like idk it just seems like there are more interesting things they could’ve done than “she was shady as hell from the start and immediately betrayed them”
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Kathryn Janeway vs. River Song
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Remember: don't vote on "who would win in a fight", but on "who, when given a task that fits her skillset and talents, would do that task better: more comprehensively, faster, with more pizzazz, with less collateral, etc."
Endorsements! "What is she good at?"
Kathryn Janeway, Star Trek: Being Captain, and all the complicated future science stuff. She also seems a lot more compassionate than most of the earlier captains, and helped Seven adjust to being an individual, accepted a crew of Maquis into her crew including as a first officer, and treats multiple crew members as her children
River Song, Doctor Who: She always shows up when you least expect her with a gun and a mission. She's a professor of archeology, a badass fighter and a master manipulator, can get the Doctor to do what she wants like nobody else. As a small child she was programmed to assassinate the Doctor, but went against that programming to become redacted for spoilers.
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clementine-kesh · 1 year
we joke about voyager’s found family being more like forced family and it’s true but i do think a part of what makes the relationships between the characters so interesting is that so many of them wouldn’t be friends under regular circumstances. like, harry with tom + b’elanna obviously their friendship is wonderful but back in the federation they’re very much people who are defined by their roles in society and those roles are fundamentally incompatible with each other. starfleet officer + an ex-con failson and a member of the maquis. same with tuvok and chakotay, who get off to a rocky start for that exact reason but are forced to work together and develop a certain level of mutual respect and (imo) admiration. and janeway + chakotay obviously, who complement each other so well but, like with harry and tom + b’elanna, never would’ve discovered that without voyager.
like, the entire premise of voyager is about who people are when removed from the framework of society and the roles by which they define themselves. which is reflected in the characters personal struggles (harry and janeway’s struggle to be “good” starfleet officers, b’elanna’s relationship to her mixed heritage and seven’s relationship to being ex-borg), as well. so for me at least that’s why the relationships that wouldn’t necessarily exist if they were back in the federation are the most interesting, because they’re a point you can use to examine those broader themes.
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wexhappyxfew · 9 months
OC masterlist for the band of brothers fic
tags to look at: #attdc #and then the dawn came #esther armstrong #mercy codona, etc….
-> war correspondent for the us airborne (101st, company E), trying to make a name for herself in this world by telling the stories that no one wants to tell
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-> war photographer for the us airborne (101st, company E), esther armstrong’s most trusted companion, running from her past into a future that’s nothing more than a blur. at least a camera can keep her in the present
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-> double agent for the SIS in britain, proclaimed legally dead by the world it seems, but is doing everything she can to get back at the germans, even pushing herself to the breaking point to get revenge on her mother
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-> rogue SOE agent with a foggy past, previously having graduated from oxford, having been stranded in both the desert in north africa and the bavarian alps, now running with the red devils to invade normandy
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-> member of the maquis with ties to a few prison cycles in marseilles, partaking in the normandy operations, paired with a stubborn oss agent who does nothing more than sit quietly
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-> oss agent with a traumatizing history in berlin, now freed and escaped, but with a heavy burden on her shoulders, trying to make up for something or other without getting too close to the sun
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-> ex maquis member, previously on the run, who lost everything but a wrist watch through the war, and is doing nothing more than trying to save the lives of people she can still save, having found herself in normandy
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-> maquis member, who works covertly as a translator, knowing 5 languages, trying to save the life of a russian sniper after a freak break-out from a prison cycle in marseilles, who says knew her missing brother
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-> russian sniper who found herself tangled in the lives of vichy, france, and was tried for far too many counts alongside the brother of a maquis member who helped to get her out
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-> member of the british 8th army, working as a translator of 5 languages, who has a chance run-in with a few people from her past and a fellow oxford graduate
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