#we just need roberto aguirre sacasa to take over as show runner
2008hondacivic · 1 year
SOMETIMES I wish Yellowjackets was a cw show. maybe then Shauna could resurrect Jackie through the power of lesbian love
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You may recognize him from Netflix’s Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, but Peter Bundic has a few more tricks up his sleeve – behind the camera and on several sports fields as well! We caught up with the charismatic performer to discuss his time on Sabrina, how athletic prowess carries over to his other bodies of work, and what’s next.
One of your more prominent roles to date has been football-playing jock Carl Tapper in Netflix’s Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. What did you find most challenging about playing this character?
I think the really cool part about playing Carl wasn’t necessarily that it was challenging, but that in playing this character, it really accentuated the growth of the other characters being hurt by the bullies and overcoming them in the show. Kindness and love always win – something I wish Carl learned a little sooner haha.
What was your favourite scene to be a part of, and why?
There were so many great scenes I can remember it’s so tough to choose just one! One of my favourites was when Billy (Ty Wood) and I got to trash the carnival and then got turned into pigs. I was really curious as to what our pig versions would look like and they were actually really cute.
Do you keep in touch with your former castmates?
It can definitely be tough sometimes with us being in different places, but it’s always a blast when we get the chance to reconnect. Such an amazing cast to be a part of and lots of memories to follow it.
You also appeared as Steve in Spontaneous – a coming-of-age dark comedy starring Katherine Langford and Charlie Plummer. Do you have a favourite memory from set?
Honestly, some of the funniest random moments happened in between set-ups during some of our long shoot days. Once you get past the feeling of being tired, you get really creative with activities to keep yourself occupied… Many times we made little flip cup obstacle games to keep us energized for the next scene.
Next up for you is indie short Cupid. What can you share about this project – and can we expect a release around Happy Heart’s Day?
Cupid was a really interesting one to shoot. It’s not your usual Valentines movie; let’s just say that for now. I don’t have an official release day to share just yet but I’ll be sure to post about it once it’s ready to go!
In addition to acting, you have screenwriting and directing credits. Where did this ambition come from, leaning into all aspects of the filmmaking process?
When making shorts, I’ve always tried to learn both sides of film to deepen my understanding of how a film comes to life. In that, I’ve found tons of love and appreciation for writing and directing. Every position in film needs watering like a plant, and those two jobs are definitely not simple but truly rewarding.
Are there any filmmakers you look up to in particular? Or stylistic techniques you’d like to experiment with in the future?
On Sabrina, the show runner Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa amazed me with the amount of work he puts in to make all these shows come to life. It really takes an accomplished, driven individual to be able to do what he does. The list of great people I’ve worked with and would like to work with just goes on and on…
I’ve had the pleasure to experiment with different ideologies of performance on many platforms, but I think what I look forward to most is trying new things and always keeping an open mind. There’s always something new to learn and that’s great at keeping you humble.
Your older sister Janette is also an actor, and your initial interest in acting came from her. Do you run lines together – or did you growing up?
Janette’s credited with getting me started as an actor, and we’ve always been really close. Among enjoying our normal brother-sister time, always happy to run lines with each other.
You’re also an accomplished athlete, having represented BC/Canada at football events in Las Vegas and Miami. Would you say the discipline and team aspect of sports have carried over to your entertainment career?
I think it definitely carries over into life in general. I’ve spent some years learning martial arts as well and the discipline I’ve adopted has helped me stay on task, even when life seems super overwhelming sometimes. It’s a great way to stay grounded.
What is one thing readers would be surprised to know about you?
If you’re one of my close friends, you’d know that if a song I like comes on in the car there’s absolutely no holding me back. To the point where it gets annoying sometimes.
Who are you listening to on your playlist?
I’m one of those people who say “I listen to everything,” but actually don’t have a favourite genre. Rock and roll as well as R&B are up there – but when I like a song I really like that song.
If you could be any ice cream flavour, which would you be and why?
I’m way too tempted to say vanilla because that’s always my go-to flavour, but I’ll spice it up this time and say vanilla caramel. Caramel in chocolates were my favourite growing up, so why not combine the two?
Thank you to Peter for taking the time to chat with us about filmmaking, Sabrina and more! You can follow Peter on Instagram to connect with his upcoming work.
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