#we know there was sonadow bait in the show
sparkly-caroline · 7 months
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Redrawing a Sonic Prime screenshot using FNF characters.
I guess it counts as Pico X BF too since, let's be real there was a lot of Sonadow bait in Sonic Prime lmao
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therealsinnohdawn · 8 months
things i would have liked to see in season 3 (excluding all the things i want to see purely for selfish reasons, i legit think these would make the writing and pacing better)
-scene where sonic asks nine “where’s shadow?” upon returning to the grim. the show does a lot to emphasize that the two care about each others’ safety, and it feels wrong that sonic doesn’t even question shadow’s absence at all and just presumes him dead without a word
-scene where mangey and sails talk to nine. the only person who ever tried to reason with nine was sonic, and i think it could have been really interesting to touch on how nine could have turned out if he had friends
-scene where renegade knucks and dread talk, or a callback to “a captain makes sacrifices.” dread’s redemption, while interesting, didn’t seem to really be motivated by much of anything. you could say he was inspired by the friendship he saw between the roses, but that’s a stretch at best. it would have been better if he did try to steal the prism first, got his ass beat and then rescued by his crew, and THATS when he realizes that the treasure was friendship.
-more interactions in general between the various counterparts. in season 2 the show makes a huge point of saying “when two counterparts meet it’s super weird,” then suddenly rebel and prim are besties with zero time spent on their first meeting.
-establish sooner that “taking sonic’s prism energy away will kill him.” this is pretty easily inferred by the audience but it could stand to be more explicit.
-various loose ends that never got tied up. what is the “eternity of darkness” in the void? they made a huge deal out of it by shadow almost dying to it, and it was never mentioned again. i get that they probably just ran out of time but another plot where perhaps nine stumbles into it and sonic goes in to try and get nine out could be super interesting. or other scenarios, im just spitballing. also, why couldn’t shadow pass through gateways? how did five eggmen end up in one shatterspace? why are there five eggmen but only three of everyone else? there are a ton more worldbuilding questions that could be answered, but these questions are glaring holes that probably should have been wrapped up.
-the last episode in its entirety just feels rushed. nine realizing his mistakes, the chaos council getting canned, sonic dying and then being saved all happen in the space of like ten minutes whereas the battle in the grim lasted like an hour and a half. why spend so much time building to a resolution for the resolution to be so rushed?
idk it just feels like this script could have used a few more passes. i personally think the pacing and everything of season 2 was so much better, and this season feels like they just forgot about a bunch of stuff they were building up.
the roses were perfect though, zero notes on them.
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aquillis-main · 1 year
I'm very glad that two artist ( and one of them is Sonadow shipper) I follow have honest opinion of dislike of prime and give good explanation of why. They know that this show just itch them the wrong way of characteristics of both Sonic and Shadow and other characters as well. And we need more honest people like them and not go on the hype train like everyone else. Like, I'm Sonadow shipper myself but the dynamic in prime and in IDW is just off and doesn't feel like them.
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To be honest, I'm not a big fan of Sonic blaming his counterpart for the whole fiasco, when it's showcased in the show that what his 'failure' amounted to was him pulling the Shatter of the ME and not much else. He apologized to Tails for not listening to him, genuinely shows his friends that he appreaciates them in his own way, and even acts like the edgy ocs are real people. Meanwhile, his 'friends' are absolute assholes, to the point of tricking Sonic into going into some water, get uppity and fails to tell Sonic what he was doing wrong, and were genuine pieces of shits to Sonic.
Beyond this point, along with multiple things that bog down the show in general (all of the characters are absolute jerks, Green Hill is the ONLY world that is being shown because the show makers have no clue other Zones/areas exist, and New Yoke is literally SatAM with the files removed. Also bad world building in general), I agree with the Sonadow bait being utter pointless fluff to distract the shippers from the lack of story with the fluff.
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writer-of-worlds · 7 years
What my OTP mean to me
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