#we know they have the ability to make good beatmaps
Love Live in the game department is pretty sad honestly.
SIF shut down after 10 years of service, puchiguru shut down after 1 year of service, school idol paradise is forgotten and honestly kinda bad, school idol activity (arcade) is no longer in service (to my knowledge), waiwai homemeeting is nothing more than a port and a cashgrab, all stars (aka the only love live game with good and expressive 3D models) is hitting the deck in 3 days, and the only available free love live game at the moment is sif2 which is honestly pretty lazy and empty compared to its predecessor.
Love Live fans are rlly going through it rn💔
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quanonthecob · 2 years
osu! diary, 3rd december 2022
so i've been grinding osu! quite a lot during the past week, when i definitely should have studied more, especially when mid-terms are coming up, in fact, i have one tomorrow morning, but i'm here writing this lol
also i titled this "diary", but this is probably a one-time thing, like yeah yeah, diary in vnese is nhật ký, and nhật (meaning "day") implies the daily aspect of it, but hey, i can't be bothered to write sth daily, not like i have enough ability or linguistic skills to write so much ._.
so yeah, like i've said before, i've been grinding a lot recently. specifically, this is the graph showing the number of plays in the past year
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November: 175 plays
December: 59 plays (keep in mind we're only 3 days in)
so yep, the future's not looking so bright LOL
the main reason why im playing so much is because i've got a new laptop, so i'm kinda abusing the storage and specs upgrade from my last laptop
and... on the topic of storage, here we have the amount of storage i've spent for storing the beatmaps
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i feel fortunate because i'm currently only into play osu!standard, and not other game modes as well, because god knows how much more storage it's gonna take up
but yeah the first few days when i first installed the game, i mass downloaded the beatmaps. i just looked up some popular artists and download all the beatmaps of the songs that i know. to the point that osu literally temporarily blocked me from downloading any more beatmaps 💀💀💀 they quite literally shouted at my face that i need to stop downloading maps and play more...
of course, after playing for a bit and waited until the next day, i could download more beatmaps again 😈 so as of now, we end up with
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i have no idea if i'm gonna be able to play all of them. obviously there are also beatmaps from other game modes, and there are 6-star, 7-star beatmaps which i don't think i'm gonna ever have enough skills to play them. i might need to filter them out sometime, for now i can't be bothered to do that, especially when they don't take up that much space in my hard disk.
there's kinda one problem tho, it's when i try to press the Z and X keys on this laptop, but it's a membrane keyboard, and this laptop also happens to be really slim too, so pressing the keys down feels very shallow. i find it really annoying at first typing on this keyboard, still does now, but im more used to the feels. but yeah, it feels kinda weird having to spam these two buttons playing osu!, and since the laptop in general is so fragile, i always feel like i'm damaging the keys somehow. so i might get specialised keycaps just for this game idk (if i do, that would be extremely concerning actually)
and so the grinding starts, i played some maps that i used to love playing on my old laptop, also tried out some new maps, most of them are songs that i'm already familiar with, so i tend to not have a lot of problem with the rhythms
one of the really good songs that i've downloaded and have played recently is lily allen's fuck you. honestly, the song itself is amazing. the beatmap, well, it's a little bit slow, so i had to do put some mods in, specifically HR - hard rock, making the circles smaller and faster and DT - double time, increase the speed of the song and the beatmap by 1.5 times i think (yeah i know it says double but that's how the mod works ig)
honestly that was pretty challenging to me already, especially when the tempo of the song is 1.5 times faster. but it also pays off with a good amount of pp (let me stop you horny mfs right there, it's performance points) and rank, and ofc had quite a bit of fun playing it, and a bunch of adrenaline as well.
another beatmap is sesame street's cookie butter choco cookie, it's basically ppap, but for kids
honestly i'm still wondering how is this a thing, like, look at this
セサミストリート:ピコ太郎、エルモとクッキーモンスターの CBCC (Cookie-Butter-Choco-Cookie) - YouTube
the beatmap was just the first minute when elmo and cookie monster was singing. there are also quite a lot of difficulties to choose from, so i just played a lot of that song, not to mention because i'm also kinda grinding for stats, and i tried a difficulty that's a bit harder for me, so yeah just imagine having elmo and cookie monster "awh" harmoniously in your ear three times each time the song plays and have that repeat for about 15-20 minutes...
truly traumatised
it kinda pays off tho, i got a 2nd highest on my PB leaderboard, and im now in the 600k (ofc, not a lot, but still sth)
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i enjoyed it a lot, i've always loved rhythm games, and osu! is an awesome game, despite it's clearly contributing to my highly likely, upcoming dramatic academic downfall, but hey, circle clicking game is fun, you can't blame me alright?
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bishie-haven · 5 years
CecilCelebration, October 6: A Super Rare Snap!
Hi, Princesses and Princes!
This post...isn’t about what I was expecting to cover today. I was working on Day 6′s original topic to play catchup, however due to the wonderful technology we rely on, the file of the post’s content was corrupted, losing EVERYTHING. I’m legitimately crying right now, but I know that I need to keep moving. So, to make up for it, I’m moving two shorter posts up in my schedule so that we can actually make it to Day 7 ON Day 7!
So, what’s the new topic? We’re moving from 2011 to 2017, right into the era of Shining Live!
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What’s the thing that people think of most when they hear about this tappy tap game? The songs? Nah. The beatmaps? Not really. The events? In some cases, yes, but not much other than that.
The big draw of the game? The cards you use to play!
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And when there are multiple photos of lovable characters, you know what that means~
Ranking lists!
Yep, I’ve taken all the available photos of our prince, and I’m going to be revealing my Top 7 of his SRs and URs! Why Top 7? Because when Cecil became a full-fledged member of STARISH, he changed the number of rainbow colored boys from six lovable characters to seven!
This post will cover the Top 7 SRs, while the next will cover the URs. So, let’s get started!
#7: Shining Sports Day
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While the outfit is pretty basic (white shirt, black sport shorts, jacket of team color), what really got it for me was the poses. In the Normal shot, Cecil’s parading around with megaphones, looking like he’s ready to cheer his own team on (cheerleader set KLab PLZ). And in the Special shot? Poor boy can’t handle the spice in the bread, it’s so CUTE! Get this guy some milk!
#6: Holy Night Santa Claus (Christmas V2)
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I’m very soft for this Christmas set from last year, and Cecil’s card is no exception. Considering that (fun fact!) he never celebrated the holiday in his country and only started understanding it once he became an idol, seeing how caring he is about spreading the joy of it to children just warms my heart. The sweet expression he has while filling the stocking gets to me every time. ^^
#5: Marine Festival
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I’m a sucker for sailor suits. Marine sets are one of my weaknesses. I just recently got the UR Otoya from this set, one of my dream cards. 
But back to Cecil. It seems weird that he would be a part of this, as the boy hates water along with the fishies, but this look fits him really well! And him with the bright green water gun? COME TO ME, BABY!
(But his side story...honey, I need to teach you the meaning of “double entendre”...)
#4: Odorokiman
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MAN THIS SET WAS FOR HIM. I know this look is based off a planet people like to make puns out of, but this look is perfect for what we hear about in terms of his heritage and his magic abilities. The gloves and the cat head staff are two of my favorite touches~ (Also, have you seen him on your home screen?
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The ribbons are HUGE!!!)
#3: Magical Halloween Live Show (Halloween V1)
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I said that marine sets were a big weakness of mine? Well Halloween sets are an even bigger one. And aside from one or two cards in this set, this is my favorite out of the OG designs. Cecil being a witch wizard is just spot on, and the fact that he openly gets to use his magic in the Special shot is just beautiful! And the expressions...in the Special shot, I know that’s he’s showing off the petals he’s conjured up, but I bust out laughing because the way the card is framed with his eyes just screams to me,
“Look at this big stick I have!”
#2: New Year’s Feast: Happiness and Prosperity (New Years V2)
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THIS is peak adorable levels for the prince, FIGHT ME. Cecil is known to love aspects of Japanese culture and explore new things relating to it. So to see him decked out in a kimono playing a good ol’ game of karuta (played it myself, really fun game, really helps while learning the language) is just great. 
And BOTH expressions on his face. They. Are. PRECIOUS. 
I want to squeeze him in a hug so BAD!!
#1: Happy Hearts♡My Dear Doctor
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Now some of you may be wondering: “If I love the last one so much, why is THIS event card your #1 SR?” Well, mainly because...this card means a lot to me. For a few reasons:
This card was part of the first event that I ever attempted to tier on. I had gotten enough to get URs via points, but never enough to get past ranks that would just get you an extra SR. During the entire week of March this event was on, I was in uncharted territory trying my HARDEST to stay high. In the end, I had gotten #288 on the charts, enough to stay in Tier 2 and get a near max copy of the UR and a FULL copy of this SR. And to this day it remains my ONLY event card that I have maxed and crowned.
As much as I love music and the arts, I’m currently in my second year of college studying to get into dental school. And for me, when media that I love combines with something that I’m striving for in real life, it hits me right in the kokoro. As such, I love medical/dental themes. TO DEATH. I kid you not, at 5 in the morning, when I was getting ready for a 7:30 lab, I seen the first announcement of this event and I felt like my heart was going to lift out of my chest. And I know that they push the fact that Cecil is a nurse in this, I get it. But with the products they try to sell, the scrubs, and the background of that Special shot, I see him as a dental hygienist to the end. I DARE YOU, FIGHT ME.
The overall card is FLAT OUT CUTE. The boy’s arms are overflowing in the Normal shot, just wanting to share the love he’s promoting to his friends. And the Special shot? MY WORD. That gorgeous smile on his face while he’s clinging onto a huge tube of toothpaste? I love it. I just love it.
So, those were my Top 7 Cecil SRs! Stay tuned for my Top 7 URs in just a little bit!
See you later, Princesses and Princes!
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[RO] Robots, girls and everything in between
If I told you that by playing video games and building robots I got a girlfriend, will you believe me?
It was at English class, I needed to charge my laptop and of course the only place where I cloud sit and charge my laptop is in the back corner where it's hard to see the board, it was before I realized I need glasses, she sat there in the only available table "Hey, is this sit taken?" I asked her "No" she said it very quietly and without making eye contact. Now that I think about it I probably invaded her safe space but I glad I did, or at least I was glad until recently. Anyway since then every English class I sat next to her, I made some jokes during class, mostly about what Mrs Shoker said, she is a bit wired but she is a good teacher, at the beginning she didn't talk but she did laugh from my jokes so I kept going. After a while she started to talk and we had short conversations during class.
Here is where the robots part gets in, because I was and still am a part of a robotics team I had a group of friends from the team and we used to hang out every few days, one of my lady friends was there and one day she brought a friend of hers that wasn't a part of the team and guess who she brought with her. So now she stopped being the girl I sit next to and started being one of my friends.
I guess now is a good time to tell you about my bad habit with girls, I tend to complement them a lot and talk about girly things with them which does one of two things: or they think I hit on them or they think I am gay and most of the times non of them are true but it does make some nice jokes and it made me closer to my female friends so it's not so bad but I really should stop.
Aft one of the times my group of friends went to the park I had a conversation with one of my lady friends and she said "you are kind of the gay friend of every girl in our group friends" I said "I don't try to be anything more than that with any girl here" she said "any girl?" And I don't know why but I said "well, maybe not with her" and I pointed on my apparently crush, the girl I sit next to in English class. I walked home with my lady friend and she helped me understand I have a crush, I am lucky to have a friend that lives so far because I needed a lot of time to understand it, I am so emotionally cripple, anyway I got home and started to think about my strategy.
The plan was simple: texting her everyday, talking with her at school during breaks, after a week of talking and texting it's time to ask her out to see a movie at my place, the movie will be Princess Bride, after that keep texting and taking to her, asking her out again two days later, telling her how I feel, she will reject me and I will find a nice building to jump from.
I grabbed my phone and started texting her, she was very interactive and we had a great time texting. Stage 1 is a success.
School started and I had a lot of classes with her so I have a reason to talk to her, again she seems to enjoy our conversations. Stage 2 is a success.
A week had past, it is time to ask her out. I remember being so afraid, I did it by texting her and I still was frightened, it was very smooth though we were texting and at one point I asked "have you ever seen the movie princess Bride?" "No" "what? How can you not see it, everyone saw it, who educated you?" "I don't know I just haven't saw it" "do you want to come to my place at tomorrow to fix your education?" "Yes, sure" boom, stage 3 was a success.
We had great time in our date, I know that because she came to my place at 16:30, stayed untill we went to the park to meet our friends at 22:30 and I walked her home at 01:30, at the entrance to her house I told her "I had a great time today" she said with a quiet voice "me too" and went inside her house. Stage 4 was a huge success.
I kept talking to her and texting her and two days later I asked her out again, she agreed, I knew she is coming to my place and it was the moment of truth, I am going to tell her I like her and she is going to laugh at my face and say I am just a nerd and will kill myself like I always wanted to.
She came, we talked, a lot, we were alone at my house but I wanted to make things a bit more romantic so I told her I wanted to show her something on my computer, we went to my room and I showed her like the huge nerd that I am the game OSU, it is a music game with mostly J pop so I showed my crush I am not only a nerd gamer but also a J pop fan, at least she was impressed by my ability. I showed her one beatmap, took a deep breath, grabbed bother her hands and said "I know it's a bad thing to say to a girl because it makes them go away but I will say it anyway, I like you, I really do" when I said it something very wired happened, she had a huge smile on her face, why is she smiling? She is suppose to make a worried face and think how she is going to tell me she doesn't like me back, what does a smile means? I finished my line and she said "I like you too" I said "what??" She smiled to me, I smiled to her and we both just started laughing like crazy I said "what do we do now?" "I don't know" "I will ask you a question from 6th grade, will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes" and we kept on laughing she asked "what do we do now?" I answered "I don't know I didn't thought I will get this far" and we talked for about two hours about our feelings while holding hands, I never thought holding hands would feel so good. Stage 5 went a lot better than expected.
And that is how me and my ex got together. Why did we break up after almost two years? That is a story for a different day.
submitted by /u/talknoller [link] [comments] via Blogger http://bit.ly/2Pgcp2h
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