#those were the golden ages of love live in my opinion
Love Live in the game department is pretty sad honestly.
SIF shut down after 10 years of service, puchiguru shut down after 1 year of service, school idol paradise is forgotten and honestly kinda bad, school idol activity (arcade) is no longer in service (to my knowledge), waiwai homemeeting is nothing more than a port and a cashgrab, all stars (aka the only love live game with good and expressive 3D models) is hitting the deck in 3 days, and the only available free love live game at the moment is sif2 which is honestly pretty lazy and empty compared to its predecessor.
Love Live fans are rlly going through it rn💔
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heartysworld · 2 years
Nobody would dare || Aemond Targaryen x Reader
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A/N: She is back after two long months of absence! I hope you guys like this one it's been a while since I wrote something! Anyways,how are you, how have you been? I hope everyone is well and doing good! <3
"What's wrong,flower." Aemond asked while holding you close to his chest. "You seem upset." He added.
"I...I heard some things." You murmured.
"About what?" He asked, his tone indicated that he knew where this was going at, but he needed your confirmation.
"On my way here, I heard one if the advisers of the Queen Mother talk about my paternity, how I belonged to a house as further away from the crown as possible and how shameful it is that their Prince is disrespecting the Targaryen bloodline by fathering a child with a bastard. " You whispered.
The moment your words escaped your mouth you felt his body tense, he was fuming
"Do not listen to them, my love. Soon nobody would even dare to even speak your name in a sentence containing a filthy word." He said,his hands fell to your waist before leaning down lay a small kiss on your lips.
"Please Aemond, don't do something foolish, I don't want your family to shame you even more than they do now because of me. I just want to live peacefully with you." You said against his lips.
"Don't worry about me. I couldn't care less of what my family says. As long as you're with me." He said.
"I'm so in love with you." You said, smiling at his words.
"I love you too." He answered. "Now go rest, I know it's been exhausting for you recently. I have a few matters to take care of." He said, hands moving to the small swell of your stomach, covered by a beautiful green dress, the fabric laced with golden threads, creating the illusion of vines spread across your lower half and your chest .
You were your mother's daughter, beautiful and strong-willed, everything a princess needed to be,but you were not your father's daughter. Set Laenor raised you and your brothers as his own, never letting a bad word be said against his children,but despite that people spoke.
Aemond however,did bit care about those rumors,he despised your brother with his entire being but something about his niece always made him soft,ever since the two were little. The second you became if age he wasted no time in asking for your hand in marriage. The Queen was absolutely against such alliance,but the King was delighted to hear about it, claiming it would help settle down the tension that had risen in House Targaryen during the last decade.
The moment you found out you were with child Aemond wasted no time in announcing the news to the royal court. Of course, this caused a lot of mixed opinions, mots of the people were happy that their Prince has found a woman that he actually loves and wants to marry, while others like Otto Hightower, Aemond's grandfather, thought that it was outrageous and even dares to propose a way to solve this "problem" despite the fact you were already married to Aemond.
Aemond barely let you out of his sight after that, whenever he was home he was always around you, and when he had to go away there were always guards sworn to him placed to keep you safe. He always knew what was happening, even if he was on the other side of Westeros.
" Are you going to be gone for long?" You asked, yawning as the thought of the soft sheets of your bed made you sleepy.
"I will be back before you wake up. Now go, Y/N, don't strain yourself too much." He said.
Pecking his cheek one last time you made your way to your chambers, leaving him alone as he left the Red Keep's grounds, deciding to pay a visit to his beloved dragon, Vaghar
A few hours later you were woken up by one of your maids, telling you it was time to get ready for a dinner the Queen requested with you and Aemond. Hearing his name made you remember his words from earlier saying he'll be back before you are awake, but he was still not gone.
You were ready to go now, a beautiful golden dress hugging your body, a ruby necklace hanging from your neck. Your hands were starting to sweat, when the doors of your chambers opened, revealing no one else but your husband himself.
"Gods you're here!" You exclaimed, heading his way for a hug. "I thought I was going to have to face your mother alone, my nerves were are up to the sky." You said.
Your words earned a laugh from him, his hands caressing your cheeks softly.
"Not a chance, love. It took more time than I thought to get done. Don't worry now, let's go." He said, taking a hold of your hand as the two headed towards the King's private dining room.
On your way to dinner you encountered Lord Larys Strong , the man stopping to make a conversation with the Prince.
"Lord Strong , to what do I owe the pleasure?" Aemond asked while he held you close to his body, one of your hands placed on his chest.
"I am sorry to interrupt your plans, Price Aemond, but I would like to ask if you've happened to see one of my men,Ser Denor? I am unable to find him anywhere." The man said, an unreadable expression evident on his face.
"I am sorry, but I cannot help you, I have not seen him either, hopefully you will find him soon." Aemond said, his voice changing on his his last sentence. It couldn't go unnoticed by you.
"Thank you, my Prince,Lady Y/N, once again, sorry to disturb you." He said, bowing before he headed down the large hallway.
"What have you done, Aemond?" You whisper-yelled, hitting his chest with your fist.
Unbothered by your question, he sneaked his hand around your shoulders, tugging you towards the room you were headed to.
"All I can say,love, is that you won't be hearing any rumors coming out of Sir Denor's mouth for a long time." He said, smiling devilishly.
"Gods help us!" You sighted, a hand going to your forehead as you thought of all the things he could've done to the man. A small part of you was satisfied, however, you were happy with the fact that Aemond defended your honor when someone tried to shame you, let alone your future child.
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allgoldenelite · 29 days
Translation of various things surrounding DDT 8/25 (Ibushi's return match)
It's a long one, so click to read it all after the cut
On the mic after the match, Ibushi said:
In these 20 years I've been wrestling, there truly were times when I didn't know if I liked pro wrestling or not. Coming back to the DDT ring and being able to have a match here, it really made wrestling seem fun again. But my love for wrestling is still only at 60%. It's not enough for 100%, but from now on I will get into the ring in AEW and DDT and gradually find my own true wrestling style that's fun to me. Endô, let's have a singles match next. I'm always waiting.
Kôroku Yuya:
I was no match that presence that changes the atmosphere of where he is just by being there, or that aura he has. It was a good experience to get a taste of Ibushi Kôta live like that. But I have to defy him, don't I? There are many passionate guys among the rookies in DDT right now that you don't even know about. Remember that. Thank you for the nice inspiration.
During their backstage comments, Ueno and Mao were more critical of Ibushi coming back to DDT. Ueno said:
We're here right now because Ibushi built the history of DDT. But him coming back to DDT is nothing amazing. What is Ibushi going to do in DDT? What are we going to do in the future? That's [what I want you to] look at. I lost but I'll go forward.
And MAO said:
The guys who had their dreams together with Ibushi Kôta, they can't forget the era in which they dreamed together with him, they'll chase after the shadow of that time their entire lives. How do you think we've been feeling when we built our own era after that?! I don't care about Ibushi this Kôta that, but 'that time' is over! We are the now! We lived through the hard times, and even after DDT was picked up by CyberAgent when the numbers were low, they were still a bit low after that—that the numbers are finally looking good again, that's thanks to the era we built! Don't take us for idiots! You middle-aged lot, don't give yourself up to the 'golden star syndrome'. Wake up. We are the current generation.
To which Ibushi said:
A return to DDT after a long time I'm dead tired, but it felt like something nostalgic, something new. I'm going to physically stay a heavyweight for a bit... It was fun, but, well, I don't have any interest at all in the criticism? inferioty complex? of the rest of the roster and I don't want to get involved with that at all, so I'm going to ignore it. It crossed my mind if [he?] is going to do that kind of wrestling again, but Endô has really grown!"
Oh, these people are the aces? I guess they're from a generation I'm not familiar with [typo]. Either way I'm tired of superfluous jealousy so if this repeats I can always fade out, and also please get bigger crowds again, in the future I won't accept that kind [typo] of jealousy even if it's in wrestling. I'll leave I got AEW too"
And then Ueno had this to say (reposted by MAO and Chris):
For me it's not at all like that. Neither myself nor MAO has any kind of criticism of you or feels inferior to you, Ibushi. It's simply about the problem with the stance of those people who share their opinions. If you could, I'd implore you to watch our backstage comments again. I'm sorry it's about us, but please forgive us if our language is rough. I think the fact that [people] feel nostalgic about the DDT that you built under Takagi, and what the current you is going to build in DDT from now on, are two completely different things. Please don't just look at the past, but at DDT as it is now, as a promotion, as the individuals. It's not just about what's happening right now. The present continues a bit into the future. That's our DDT, us who're living in the now. The DDT the way I see it. It's extremely sad to see this as jealousy or inferiority complex or something like that, that's just unfortunate. I'll show [people] everything I've acquired as a human being. I think that if we can't shift our focus because there are other places, then that's the last stop for us as we are now. If you are born of Takagi Sanshirô and wrestling is fun for you to experience, then please experience DDT until you've had enough. Please don't give up on yourself or others. It's all in DDT. If singles are easier to do then let's have one immediately. We're the children of Takagi Sanshirô, so let's enjoy this. It'd be a waste [not to].
At the end of the day, pro wrestling is a fight, so if someone snaps at you, you should snap back. I think no one is expressing petty jealousy, and I think if you think that we are then you have a pretty narrow world view. And the people who are blindly agreeing with that kind of misunderstanding aren't helping the situaton, either. DDT is a kind place with kind people, so let's enjoy this together. If it's not from the heart we won't get anything out of it, after all.
Mita Sayoko:
When Endo asked Ibushi, 'Ibushi, do you love pro wrestling' and Ibushi answered in his actual voice, 'I do', I remembered that time in 2013 at the show in Ryôgoku when Dieno and Ibushi, after their singles match, had this back-and-forth: 'Ibushi, why do you wrestle?' 'Because I love it'.
[the actual back-and-forth took place before Ryôgoku, and went like this:]
Dieno: “Thank you very much for so thoroughly and utterly smashing me to pieces for daring to think I could win even a little bit. Oh, damn it! Ibushi, can I ask you something? Why are you wrestling?” Ibushi: “Because it’s fun.” Dieno: “What a coincidence. [I feel so] too. One more, why are you in DDT?” Ibushi: “Because I love it, because I love it here.”
Ibushi also replied to the first post in this thread:
I really was so lost that I weighed in my mind whether I loved it or hated it. A lot of things raced through [my head]. When I asked myself how I would feel if I didn't have pro wrestling anymore right now, I knew definitely that if it went away I would regret it. I've only ever had like, one regret in my life, but this one I would regret! So then I said, "I do [love it]."
[back to Mita:]
Endo belongs to the last generation in DDT who were deeply influenced by Ibushi, and Ibushi's not just the wrestler who inspired him to become a wrestler but 'someone I will always look up to'. I'm really glad that they each came up through an era when pro wrestling is unbelievable and that I could see with my own eyes the day when they could face each other in a DDT ring [after that]."
And then MAO comes along and throws a fastball at these sentimental feelings. When I saw him yell, "You middle-aged lot, don't give yourself up to the 'golden star syndrome'! Do you have any idea how hard we worked since then?! That era is over!", I felt like I couldn't just carelessly say "I want to see a match with Ibushi and the DNA generation after him" anymore,
and furthermore I knew that Ueno, who had lost his championship and had been made to talk about Ibushi only after his match, was [also] thinking, don't take us for idiots, so I trudged home, thinking around in circles about everything.
Dieno on his blog (this was the free part, there is also a paid one):
First, I should say, 'Welcome back'. This is probably putting the assclusion first, but let me talk about what's great about Ibushi in DDT. It's his degree of madness. That he's a psychopath. If you forgive the crass expression, the guy is insane. But because he has an unbelievable talent for wrestling, people pay attention to him, whether it be because of his moves of his physicality or his unique, hard work, and as a result he was successful in major promotions as well, not to speak of how accepted he was. Although he went to a major promotion, his madness didn't fit in there. That's all this is about. We will never know how much Ibushi was worried when he left DDT. Some people maybe even think it wasn't good. Well, a lot happened. Sorry, but I don't care about that. What does he mean to me? That's the only basis by which I judge Ibushi.
So then he returned to DDT yesterday (8/25). He made sure to dress up in madness. I think his injuries and ring rust did have an effect on him. But this was Ibushi at his most 'Bussan' to me. The same way Endô is 'Tecchan' to me. Ibushi was 'Bussan'.
I don't care if he himself agrees or not. If he's going to be a heavyweight wrestler than he's going to get bigger for that and a build a body he can use for that. I think he will adjust that himself in the future. As far as yesterday is concerned, I think it's enough that he showed up as 'Bussan'.
I guess I'll go into detail? This is jumping around in the timeline a bit, but somehow Endô made his challenge after the main event. It feels like before that he was looking at himself and checking what it was that he himself needed right now. Through the match with Ibushi. His question to Ibushi after the match was probably also part of that. In other words 'Do you love pro wrestling?' You get it, right? Tecchan was asking himself that. In reality the answer was already there. Because he was asking that inside a wrestling ring. But for him, that was probably the last piece needed [to make his] challenge. 'I wrestled because I love wrestling. But sometimes it was difficult in wrestling. Would I continue to love wrestling despite that?' That led to him declaring his challenge after the main.
Kôroku. I'm glad he got a taste of Ibushi before the others. I don't know how Ibushi is going to wrestle for DDT in the future. But I could see him wrestling in matchups that are meaningful. Consequently I guess he won't really wrestle those with shorter careers we call rookies. Thus it's a valuable experience that shouldn't be wasted. And on top of that. Of course, I don't know if this is the correct answer. I don't know, but if I had been Kôraku, I think I would've said 'This guy is crazy' during the match. After all, he tried to asphyxiate him. So I get the feeling that he acted in this kind of position in the match. And by doing so [Kôroku] became a key person of the match. But I don't know if it's the correct way to go to repeat that over and over. It changes depending on how you want to be perceived. Wrestling is hard.
Akito controlled the match. At the very least he did for our team. Akito's control of the chaos was very effective when it came to how excessively often it was Ibushi's turn, even though this was his return match after injury. There was a way everyone conducted themselves that was like, 'Everyone wants to see Ibushi in this match.' The nerve of this guy to have this kind of important position in DDT, in deed as well as in name. How upsetting to think that, I thought in admiration.
And actually, me and Ibushi. This is important for this match. I was able to predict the fact that Akito would help 'Ibushi's match' along the way I noted earlier, so here I shoved in my story with Ibushi, as is my nature. I thought I would do it as soon as Ibushi made his entrance. I write about this in more detail in the paid part, but I understand where Ueno and Mao are coming from. I guess you could call it a concern for the "current DDT". That's why I brought my story with Ibushi here. I think the result was worth it. We mustn't go back to 8 years ago, after all. Not just the wrestlers in this match. Every wrestler in DDT right now. The whole of DDT, in a way. And neither should Ibushi. We live in the now, facing the future together with the past. ...This is the kind of thing I will get deeper into in the paid part.
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1989withstyle · 13 days
Recently I sent in an anon to @alittlebitofloveliness about my interpretation of a female Dallas Winston! So I thought I’d expand my insight on the parallels/contrast between fem Dally and fem Darry.
Now Dallas Winston in the book reeks of toxic masculinity and the ideas of what masculinity was at the time. That being said FEMALE Dallas Winston would to a certain extent portray toxic femininity as well. Except Dallas would NOT adhere to the feminine standards of the time. As stated in the book, Dallas isn’t a physically attractive person, not in the way the Curtis Brothers are. It’s one of the reasons Dallas as a character is treated much more harshly than anyone in the gang.
A female Dallas as a result of not being attractive would probably take the route of “not like other girls” or whatever the equivalent of that is in the 60’s. It doesn’t help matters that she doesn’t have any strong female role models to look up too or to help her navigate girlhood. To make things worse she’s not pretty, or slim or tall the way a Fem Sodapop or Darry would be. She’s short,curvy, and is HIGHLY opinionated. All traits that many people would not approve of the time. I’m not necessarily saying she’d be plus size, but I do think she would be viewed that way at the time considering she has curves to her, which would be frown upon during the time. You also have to remember that anything pre 2000’s (really pre 2010’s) considered people who had curves to them, to be overweight.
(Ahah…good old 2000’s with its body shaming 🫡)
Back to the point! Dallas as a result of not being seen as physically desirable, I think would heavily reject femininity as a result of not fitting into those standards. BUT also the way she grew up comes in to play as well. She’s seen the way that the women around her got treated by the men in her lives. How the girls she played with at recess were sexualized at a frighteningly young age. How those girls would later end up in abusive relationships, or some would end up in less that savory jobs. I like to think that also would play a huge part in her rejecting femininity as a whole. Seeing that at a young age would horrify Dallas, to the point she flat out rejects being seen as feminine. She’s seen what happens when you fit into those standards and she refuses to conform as a result.
(Fem Dallas definitely reeks of internalized misogyny)
Dallas in turn carry herself as loud,opinionated, and would refuse to dress conservatively. I think she’d be a tomboy with a girly streak. Not completely masculine, but definitely not girly either. She’s stuck in this middle ground due to rejecting anything feminine growing up. To pull from movie examples she’s a mix of Janis Ian,Kat Stratford, and DEFINITELY Natalie Scatorccio from Yellow jackets.
I do think a fem Dallas would look down on girls who do embrace being soft and girly and sweet. She would find them to be stupid,weak, and would just add them to the list of reasons of what’s wrong with their society. Though this also stems in part due to her own jealousy. Even if she wouldn’t admit it, I feel like there are times where Dallas wishes she could be seen as delicate and soft. Which is why I think she has a soft spot for fem Johnny, because yes Johnny is sweet and loves everything feminine, and in a way is everything Dallas CAN’T be. Though their dynamic in this universe is gonna be saved for a later rant.
Now that I’ve established how I would view a Fem Dallas…now let’s discuss my thoughts on a Fem Darry in this universe. As we all know Darry is the golden boy of Tulsa. As a girl this would not change, except she’d be seen as the All American girl. She’s tall with long and slender legs, lean and flat chested. In my mind she looks like Julie Newmar did, just maybe a little bit more leaner. She would definitely check off all the boxes on how a women should act and look like at the time. She’s outgoing,sweet, and doesn’t really voice her opinions out loud. BUT In the same way that Darry doesn’t necessarily act like a toxic male, Fem Darry would not act like a submissive housewife. She values her education and strongly believes women are made for more than being a wife. She craved to get out of Tulsa and to have a proper career for herself. She had dreams bigger than being a mother and a housewife. But things changed when her parents died. She lost any hope of going to college and making something for herself. Instead she’s stuck working in a domestic field the way that most women were at the time. Nurses,teachers, and secretary work were the only real career paths at the time. So I imagine Darry most likely went on to be a teacher here.
Unfortunately for Darry, she has no choice but to play along with society’s rules. Especially if it means being able to support her sisters. She HAS to smile, and be sweet and patient even if she feels like yelling most days.She has to act prim and proper, and wear skirts. Even if she desperately just wants to wear pants.She’s trapped by societal norms in the same way Dallas is. The difference is that Darry uses her femininity to her advantage, while Dallas actively fights against it. Both are representations of femininity in their own way. I think as a result of how both girls act they often clash most of the time. ESPECIALLY when it concerns handling Ponyboy. Darry what’s Ponyboy to have an easy time in life so often she projects certain standards/views on femininity onto Ponyboy. Whereas Dallas often encourages Ponyboy to go against those standards.
Anyway I could go more in depth but I think that pretty much covers my own take on the Genderbend Outsiders Universe. I hope this makes sense to ya’ll!
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suemooon · 11 months
Origins of the Oncest ship: the history
Travelling in The Once-ler's fandom history | by suemooon
Welcome Oncelings!
to one of my most serious researchers I have ever done before, now, here’s a little explanation:
I wanted to make a fandom analysis using old posts, the way back machine, and other stuff to try to compare the once-ler fandom in its golden age and now, trying to suppose how it was and trying to see what happened there, but it would be later. Because I got a really interesting capture that I got while I was checking the Oncest tag in the wayback machine, and I got this:
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Someone saying that they were the first ones to show the Oncest ship term.
I wanted to see if it was real and not a joke or something like that, so I copied the url of the tumblr and desired that the blog is still up, and I got it!!!
I explored their tumblr for a little while, and I noticed another thing, there’s a bunch of photos of the once-ler BEFORE the movie of the Lorax came out, this of course means that ye, there was some people who found the once-ler attractive and begun to share his pictures in tumblr (without any tag, if it wasn’t the help of this blog and some other ones, I probably couldn’t got them).
This makes a lot more sense than saying that the once-ler fandom was born after the came out of the movie I can say.
Those pictures belongs to all the Lorax trailers, in which ONLY appears the gray once-ler, not greedler. So we can say that the people who find him attractive in the beginning, the greedler was like a kind of “plot twist”
But the topic of the whole fandom will be for my another analysis, now let’s try to focus on Oncest.
2. Possible date of apparition
In my research, it seems that Oncest was born between 19th March, 2012, but where did I took this supposition?
Checking the dates between their first Oncest mentions (and also checking other old inactive once-ler’s blogs), there’s some important dates to make a highlight.
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link to post: https://theambernerd.tumblr.com/post/19771248254/thank-you-all-you-lovely-people-for-following-me
In this screenshot, someone responds that this pairing has a name, this is from March 22, 2012, so the ship already existed and had a name too, so let’s check out the other blogs and their archives.
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Suddenly we see Oncest fanart.
The dates are between 19th and later, is this the origin of the ship?
Of course this is just a supposition, I had to see it at that time to prove it, but it’s not the case. All I can do is make suppositions.
You can take it as something true or fake, that’s your opinion.
3. Who was the original person who brought up with the Oncest idea?
This one was one of the most complicated things that you can try to research, we are talking about something that is 11 years old, so some pretty amount of information got lost with the time.
In words of temporarilycheating.
IT’S CALLED ONCEST BECAUSE I SAID SO! Lol but really…actually, I’m kinda the one who came up with the name in the first place… The pairing existed, but I think it was originally called twincest or something… But anyhow, in month one of the fandom, back when Sirsteeve made some of the first oncest fanart the fandom went CRAZY over the idea…and so did i. So I was sitting in my living room having a feels moment over this new OTP…but since the fandom didn’t really have a name for it, it made me think… It came to my mind that the fandom was somewhat dividing the once-ler into two seperate people of the same relation-oncie and greed-ler. To me, it sounded like incest. So I played around with that idea a bit in my head. And after saying incest repeatedly in my head I noticed the ‘ce’ in the word. I came to the conclusion to 'once’ in addition to the 'est’. thus 'oncest’. I had a fangasm and posted my idea to tumblr ASAP. Apparantly, it caught on cuz it’s still called oncest today and is widely known C: That has to be one of my greatest achievements in this fandom.
link to post: https://temporarilycheating.tumblr.com/post/25857778616/why-is-it-called-oncest
There's a small mention to someone named "Sirsteeve" who explains that were one of the firsts ones to draw Oncest.
I searched and their oldest Oncest post I found is this one.
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Date: March 19th, 2012 by: sirsteeve ( hour - 5:22 PM )
So we have in our eyes one of the first Oncest post ever.
Is that the original Oncest post? I don’t know, it only says that is ONE of the first persons in the fandom who brought up the idea. Is it made by one person or a group of people? I don’t know.
Other very first posts about Oncest:
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Date: March 19th, 2012 by: cartoonjunkie ( hour - 10:39 PM, 5 hours later after sirsteeve )
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Date: March 20th, 2012 by: owlapin
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Date: March 21st, 2012 by: rutella
4. Who gave the name of "Oncest"?
GUYS!!!! I KNOW WHAT TO CALL THE PAIRING!!!!! Y'know, once-ler/green suit once-ler!???? IT SHOULD BE CALLED ONCEST!!!! GET IT!? Its like incest, but with himself! :D WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK!? If you like the idea, reblog this to spread the word! :D
Date: March 20th, 2012
It seems it’s true, temporarilycheating was the one who created the Oncest term, we should give her more recognition for it!
link to post: https://www.tumblr.com/temporarilycheating/19650360910/guys
Second part? who knows. But the only thing I can say is… this one was one of my most complicated things to find, but now I got some important information. I'm here for you to share my knowledge!
I must say, I’m very proud of me for this, you guys have no idea how excited I got when I found these photos and data, maybe is not too much but I think they’re really important yet; this information forms part of our fandom history, and I think we should keep that information up and don’t lose it.
As a reminder too, as I already said once…
Oncest is like an icon for our dear Once-ler Fandom, whether we like it or not.
We can’t deny its existence, we can’t blame it, we can’t try to delete it, it always will exist as always the fandom will exist and some people like it.
And… My opinion about Oncest?
Well, I don’t hate it, I don’t love it thou, but I can like some posts about it, I can appreciate art from this ship, and it’s idea too.
Any reblog, like, and comment it's appreciated!
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dearausten · 10 months
just rewatched pride and prejudice 1995 and i loved it, even more than before! here are some thoughts:
- the best thing about this adaptation is, to me, the performance of jennifer ehle as elizabeth. honestly, she nails everything about her character, in my opinion. from lizzy’s wit and sense of humor to her firm resolution in rejecting darcy the first time and dealing with lady catherine, while also displaying all her conflictimg emotions not only during the whole wickham affair, but also when she found herself longing for darcy’s good opinion (who knows why!). she was absolutely charming and one can’t help but root for her.
- this might be obvious, but i love how it is pretty much the same as the book! it’s very clear that having six episodes worth of screen time instead of two hours as you get in movies played in their favor.
- i love the bennets! i love seeing the sisters interact! i love seeing them in their daily lives and watching their dynamics. i also think they got almost all of the characterizations perfectly. lydia, kitty, mary and mrs. bennet were all on point! however i do feel like they toned down mr. bennet’s flaws and only focused on the funny/sarcastic side of his character. other than that, i liked him too :)
- i’ve seen many people who don’t like this mr. collins but honestly i really enjoyed him. he was ridiculous and absurd, and he annoyed the fuck out of everyone, which is accurate lol. i do wish they’d made him age appropriate bc... that man is not 25 lol. anyways, i actually thought this collins was more accurate than 2005!collins.
- oh, caroline, you sneaky thing! i have nothing to say about her, really. i think she was portrayed very accurately as well. and they included the hursts!
- mr. bingley was good too! love me some golden retriever energy
- and, of course, how could i not talk about colin firth as darcy! he was DISGUSTED to be around common gentry people. he looked like he’d rather hang himself from the ceiling than be in those goddamn social gatherings for one more minute. he was so displeased with everyone and clearly thought they were nothing but a pain in his ass, and i love that lol.
- but OH MY he’s a simp! he can’t stop staring at elizabeth for the life of him. istg he is so fascinated by her. that scene at rosings when lizzy is talking to colonel fitzwilliam and darcy just stared at them while she roasts the fuck out of him????? top tier
- one thing i adored about his performance was just how miserable he looks when she isn’t around! and mind you, this is DARCY we’re talking about.
- the ONLY note that i have is that i wish he smiled more, especially when they meet after the letter (but before that too)
- honestly the only bad thing i have to say about this adaptation is that the second proposal felt a little... underwhelming. it’s supposed to be this big emotional moment why do they look like they’re talking about the weather 😭
my conclusion: i’ve worshipped 2005 since the first time i watched but i feel like i’ve just become a 1995 stan, it was just so so good and so faithful to the book. and yes, i finished it two days ago. yes, i’ll be rewatching today.
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alexjcrowley · 9 hours
Yesterday night I felt sick with my stomach and stayed awake all night making audio recordings to my best friend about watching Quantum of Solace for the first time (I am still finishing it) and then I started randomly talking about 00q and accidentally opened up the Pandora Box of my memories but I instantly remembered everything I ever knew about 00q like when ut got adopted by the BBC Sherlock fandom or the Paddington is the new Quartermaster stuff or when everybody was obsessed with the fucking Téméraire and it was EVERYWHERE and everybody made the joke "It's a ship!!!" and the age difference discourse between James and Q and Q being called Quentin and Mycroft and Sherlock being Q older brothers and disapproving of his relationship with James Bond and the fucking tea mugs and so many cats and everybody talking about Q's jumpers and making up OC minions for him and every fanfiction in which James retires to be with Q because he was the only one he ever loved aside from Vesper and Q feeling insecure because of her and all then Madeleine Sawnn came along and everybody was distraught even though the flirting was there in Spectre and we were all distraught because we could have had it all and so many fix it fics so many fics about James cosntantly loosing his gadgets and how hard it was for Q to watch him seduce other people and everybody was saying they were grumpy x sunshine/black cat x Golden retriver coded BUT THEY WERE NOT ACTUALLY in my humble opinion but they were easily flustered x flirting menace and Q had such salty one-liners and everybody believed he was a posh boy and do you remember when years later you had the same museum scene with Hannibal it was clearly a parallel and then there was No Time To Die and Q was officially queer oh my God oh my fucking God it was CANON he TOTALLY CANONICALLY MUST HAVE HAD A CRUSH ON BOND and we saw THE CATS and WHO WAS Q WAITING FOR?????? James must have been jealous but then the movie was what it was and a lot of people hated it and all of the fix it fics in which Bond said his last words to Q because it was always Q it will always be Q and also everybody making up names for him name were such a huge deal Q revealing his name to James in his last moments grieving fics in which James died but you also had silly ones and spicy ones uhhh a lot of those because sometimes you just need to ignore canon and see them happy and maybe both retiring or maybe they kept working flirting over the comms and annoying everyone at MI6 which wasn't exactly Avengers "Everybody Lives in The Tower" au but it was close they weren't a found family per se but some of them were very close tgere used to be edits on youtube yeah vefore TikTok came along youtube edits were A ThingTM with all those retrica-looking filters and pop songs or sad love songs and fake trailers who remembers those or like scenes edited to look like they were from a romcom and comments on the scenes written in small usually white text that were meant to reflect the character inner thoughts like "That's hot" or "He's so annoying I need to kiss him" or "BITCH" and fics in which Q was kidnapped and James went berserk and afew years ago Knives Out came out and we tried to to have Bond and Benoit Blanc related do you also remember that?
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bpdkaiba · 2 months
Love, Sex and Foolish Desires
I meant to post this during Pride month but haha things go brrrrrrrr. This is my first hsr proper fic? drabble? Idk.
Tldr; the villain is the Amatonormativity society we live in and how Sampo and Jing Yuan (besties in me and @chaosmax 's opinion) navigate and survive through it.
Sampo slept with many men and women in his life. Whether it was for profit, the pure joy of it or a secret third thing, it ultimately didn't matter. It was expected of him. This persona of a man who could bed anything that walked or talked near him. With a sultry smile, a wink thrown in, he could get anyone he desired.
But… that's not really what he wanted.
The comfort of another body with him, a childish desire to sleep next to someone. That's what he sought after. The comforting warmth of knowing someone would be there should anything happen. A deep trust between two individuals that didn't extend to physical desire (or went beyond that). It wasn't easy to get that in this day and age. 
No matter how much progress the universe went through, some ideas remained instilled in humans. Sleeping with others as a child is seen as cute and innocent. But as an adult…
Are you leading him on?
Either you're fuck buddies or you're not. There's no way two hot guys are just friends.
So when are you putting the moves on him, Koski?
You should've told me you had someone else.
“Sampo, Sampo!”
The thief opened his eyes. He's laying on top of Jing Yuan. A strong arm was holding him close while another was carefully holding his face. “Are you alright?” Concern was written all over his face. Golden hues stared hard. Watching each movement the Fool made.
“I'm… fine.” Sampo finally said, after regaining himself. He removes his body off of the other man. This reveals that the General was partly naked. His chest was exposed with no shirt on. Years of battle detailed on his skin with lacerations and scars. He did wear some loose sweatpants so he wasn't entirely naked.
Unlike Koski. He never liked to sleep with clothes on due to his unusually warm body. He wasn't a nudist however. He did have enough decency to wear underwear while he slept. The Fool makes himself sit at the edge of the bed. Fingers run through his hair. When did he start to sweat?
“You're not.” The bed shifted, and now Jing Yuan was sitting up as well. Worry was dripping from every word he spoke. “What's wrong? You know I can't help you if I don't know anything.”
From the corner of his eye he could see him looking right at him. Still looking worried for the old Fool. “I know you too well to know when something is up. Please, tell me what's wrong.” Then his eyes widened when he felt the General's hand on his bare shoulder.
Touch was something he craved for. That's why he was such a touchy feely person. Within reason of course. When others touch him, the Fool knows it's to get something out of him. Whether it's to slap him to put him in his place or sexual gratification, it was all take, take, take.
Those touches never gave him the comfort he wanted. Yet when Jing Yuan did it… It didn't feel that way. It felt honest like his feelings. The grip on his shoulder was meant to comfort the thief. Bracing him as he had done for his soldiers when they were too scared to go into battle. Or when Yanqing was too nervous for his exams. 
“We should stop this.” 
“Stop what?”
“This.” Sampo gestured at both of them. “It's not… normal.”
“I don't understand. What are we doing that isn't normal?”
Sleeping together Sampo wants to say. Yet he can't find the will to say it. “You're seeing someone, aren't you? I doubt they'd like it if they found out their partner is sleeping around.” 
Jing Yuan blinked. A partner? When did he… “Are you talking about the visit with the other Xianzhou Generals?”
He wasn't but Sampo will roll with it. “I heard one of them was interested in something a bit more than that. If they found out you were with someone, especially someone like me…” his reputation would go down the drain. As well as any romantic prospect. 
“Sampo, you know I'm not interested in such things.” Jing Yuan retorts.
“Well, some people are. And you should be more careful with who you go to bed with.” The Fool begins to rise from the bed only to be stopped by a hand on his shoulder. It's holding him back, preventing the man from leaving the bed.
“Sampo, what I do in the bedroom is my business.”
“And mine if I'm here in it.”
To this the General concedes. But not before bringing one simple question. “Is being in bed with me a problem, Sampo?”
After a few moments of silence does the thief answer. With a tired and exhausted “Yes.” The hold on his shoulder is released. With the warmth gone, it left him empty. “People are saying we are sleeping together. That I'm doing this to get some sort of favor out of you. The General's concubine, they call me.”
“I see…”
“Real friendships are hard to find in my line of work, Jing Yuan. That's why I treasure this friendship dearly. While you are an attractive man that anyone would be honored to sleep with, I only love you as a good friend or brother would love.”
The feeling was mutual on the General's side. But he could see why the anxiety was building on the thief. “I never assumed you would have slept with me for any reason other than genuine sleep.”
“I didn't either.” Sampo ran his fingers across his hair and laughed. A dry empty laugh.  “When you ignored my advances, I felt relief every time. It meant I didn't have to act more than I had to. But I kept doing it since I was expected to be a flirty man. A degenerate, a con man, a Fool, a—”
“A friend.” Once again a hand goes to his shoulder and gives a comforting grip. “I don't feel uncomfortable with this, nor do I care for baseless rumors. Back when the Quintet was still around, people assumed the same.”
Jing Yuan laughs. “The tales people spun revolving around us was quite fantastical. I should show you some books to show what I mean. However…” The comforting hand leaves him alone. A chill runs down the thief's spine. 
“I won't force you either. If it helps calms your worries, you know where the guest bedroom is.”
Sampo looks over at the General. Tears are forming and he's not sure why. “I— Did I say something wrong?”
“This isn't what I want either!” The Fool shouts.
“Then what do you want?”
“I…” The Fool shifts back over in bed. Before plunging head first into the General's chest. Desperate fingers grip onto the man's back. Clinging as if he'd disappear. “I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to be alone. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.”
What had Sampo endured to be like this? The man kept wavering between wanting to be a free bird yet tethered to someone. With a sigh, Jing Yuan stroked his back. In soft, soothing circles. Just as he had done for Yanqing when he got scared. “You don't have to decide right now. We can stay like this until you feel ready.”
The Fool wishes he could say he was sorry for being a selfish man. The only sound that comes out of him was a choked gasp.
It still pains the General that for someone like Koski, things like this don't roll off his back. Behind every smile, every laugh, there was that anxiety he failed to see in his dear friend. His hand comes up to stroke the Fool’s hair. Combing through the strands as he let out his cries. Maybe it was age or his own disposition to not caring about such things. But for Jing Yuan, sleeping in bed with someone meant nothing.
Well not nothing. Sleep meant trust in one another. And the act of sex, while highly desirable for most people, wasn't for the General. It seemed like for Sampo, this was the same thing. Though unlike Sampo, Jing Yuan made peace with it. He learned to understand this bit about himself. But for the Fool? Only Sampo had the answer to that.
For now, the only thing Jing Yuan could do is offer comfort and support for his Blue Bird. Until the day Sampo realized his answer.
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maverick-werewolf · 1 year
Werewolf Fact #69 (dude!) - Ancient Egypt
Well, I thought this month would be about something else, but my patrons spoke differently! And I always listen to my patrons when it comes to folklore facts.
So, without further ado, let’s finally get back to werewolf facts! This is a big one, as it’s a lifelong favorite topic of mine!
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An ancient Egyptian mask worn by a priest during rites performed for the dead, who would have “taken on the aspect” of the wolf-headed god Anubis
Let me just open by saying that I absolutely love ancient Egypt. It’s fascinated me since I was a small child and I was reading a tiny children’s book about cats, and ancient Egypt was discussed. Naturally, when I found out about Anubis, I was even more interested. Then came games like Age of Mythology and many movies... especially The Mummy (1999), of course. Anyway!
Ancient Egypt didn’t have a negative opinion of wolves. In fact, several important deities had wolf heads and were associated with wolves. Let’s begin with something that’s always interested me, which is the city of Lykopolis (as it was called in Greek)...
More under the cut, since this post got so lengthy!
Lykopolis (ancient Egyptian transliteration is something like “Zawty”) was an important city located on the western bank of the Nile, capital of the Thirteenth Nome of Upper Egypt during about 3100 BC. The primary deities of the city were - as you might imagine - Anubis and Wepwawet, both wolf-headed gods. Mummified wolves (golden wolves, not jackals; more on this momentarily) have been found in various excavated chambers throughout the city ruins, of which very little still survives.
The city has a very fun story behind it, as told by Greek historian Diodorus Siculus. In the first century BC, an army of Nubians invaded from the south - but they were repelled by packs of wolves. These wolves drove the army from the southern borders of Lykopolis and then back beyond the borders of Egypt. According to Diodorus, this is why Lykopolis was called “the city of the wolf” and revered wolves and wolf-deities so greatly.
Some sources claim that these wolves were summoned by the god Osiris, who was also worshiped as a wolf in Lykopolis, and had also, at one point, taken the form of a wolf. I will admit I personally haven’t read this source, as it’s in French, so I can’t fully attest to that element of the story - I haven’t seen that one cited very often in various specifically ancient Egypt history sources. Regardless, it’s fun if true. Either way, the tale of the wolves driving back Egypt’s enemies was definitely recounted in detail in a primary historical source!
By the way, you’ll hear a lot of people refer to these deities as “jackal-headed.” It’s very popular still to call Anubis the “jackal god.” We now know, though, that the animals in question were in fact not jackals - they were indeed wolves. Scientists for a long time asserted that they for some reason knew things better than the ancient Egyptians and Greeks who actually lived during the time period and retroactively dictated that they weren’t wolf gods, they were jackal gods.
However, the Egyptian jackal was discovered to be a species of gray wolf. You can read a lot about that here in this article, regarding how people didn’t believe wolves lived in the area during those time periods, but we found out they did, and we also found out that the mummified wolves in Lykopolis were - yes - wolves, like their contemporary cultures said.
A quote from the article: “the Egyptian jackal is in fact a gray wolf. ‘We now know that wolves were indeed in Africa in the days of the ancient Egyptians—and long, long before,’ says Stenseth.”
I honestly don’t know why everyone thought wolves couldn’t have lived in the area during these time periods (when we know perfectly well a wide variety of animals inhabited regions they no longer inhabit, and that we discover new species in the deserts even to this day) or decided the ancients didn’t know what they were talking about, but anyway...
Another fun fact, by the way, is that the word “jackal” didn’t even enter the English language until the 1600s, borrowed from French, which in turn was most likely borrowed from Persian - not Egyptian. The animals in Egypt were wolves, and we now know that they were also wolves scientifically. In fact, some scientists even believe it’s possible that jackals (as in actual scientific jackals, not golden wolves) didn’t find their way into the Egyptian region until much later, when these wolf gods would have been well-established. They may have followed travelers out of Arabia. This is speculation, though, but regardless, the long-believed-to-be “jackals” of ancient Egypt were all wolves. So it sounds like we should’ve believed the ancient Egyptians and Greeks in the first place, huh?
Long story short - Lykopolis was indeed a wolf city, wolves drove invaders out of Egypt, and Anubis, Wepwawet, and Duamutef were wolf gods. Not jackals.
Please note that there are those who would argue with me that some of them are jackals and some are wolves, or that they were all jackals, or whatever else, but in my personal opinion (and the opinion of many historians and scientists), it’s very clear across depictions, mummified wolves, historical accounts from both Egyptians and Greeks, etc., that these many Egyptian wolf-related beings were what we now call “golden wolves” or “Egyptian wolves” (and sometimes referred to as “jackals” still despite their genetics), which are indeed gray wolves, and not a species of true (genetic) jackals. There also exist theories that these wolves are something that no longer exists, and also that the modern animals we have are interbred wolves and jackals. Theories abound, whatever the case.
Then of course there are those who say that Anubis was the jackal-headed god and Wepwawet was the wolf-headed god, due in no small part to inherent biases that wolves only come in “gray.” I think those are all very silly, especially as we already know that colors in ancient Egypt were highly associated with ritual and meaning, rather than directly stating that Anubis’s head was black because he’s some kind of black-backed jackal - which don’t even have black heads, anyway. We have multiple associations between Anubis and wolves, and just because Wepwawet was often depicted with a grey or white head doesn’t make him a wolf and Anubis something different. Therefore, I personally will continue to refer to all of these as wolf-headed gods, and I apologize if that bothers anyone.
Sorry. Brief Mav-rant there. More important things to follow, because we haven’t even talked about those deities yet!
So now let’s talk about these gods themselves...
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Anubis in the book of the dead (which was not actually a book)
Easily my favorite thing in all of ancient Egyptian mythology, Anubis (known by many other epithets, including but not at all limited to "Lord of the Sacred Land," "He Who is Upon his Sacred Mountain," "Master of Secrets," and "He Who is in the Place of Embalming”) is the god of the dead. He was the protector of graves, guardian of the dead, the shepherd of souls passing into the afterlife, and many more roles, including the ever-important Weighing of the Heart (as seen above), the results of which would dictate whether or not someone was allowed to enter the afterlife - or if their heart was devoured by the monster Ammit and their soul destroyed forever.
Anubis was depicted with the black head of a wolf. His head was colored black because black was the color associated with life, the life-giving soil of the Nile River, regeneration, and embalmed bodies, and he, of course, is also the god of mummification. Anubis is one of the single most important deities in all of ancient Egypt, depicted and mentioned very frequently, even more than most any other deity - however, despite this, there are almost no stories actually involving him.
But no, Anubis was not “evil,” as much of modern pop culture would have you believe! (Sorry The Mummy Returns, I love you to death, I really do - but it was super rude to make Anubis evil.)
Long story short, Anubis was freaking awesome, and there’s way too much to say about him and his awesomeness for just one post. Maybe I’ll do a separate post all about him later, because he’s a personal obsession of mine.
Anubis’s brother (at least, he is considered to be this by some) was the god Wepwawet, another wolf-headed deity. Wepwawet was a man with a white or grey head of a wolf (though some think he may have also had a black head like Anubis, but others claim that is not the cause and the coloring was on purpose as we have seen it in too many different places - still more claim it was just the artist’s preference; it’s hard to know any of these things for sure)...
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Wepwawet with Pharaoh Seti I (try not to read that in Ardeth Bay’s voice, I dare you. I don’t know why you wouldn’t want to, though)
Like basically all deities of ancient Egypt, Wepwawet is a complicated god, a deity involved in some funerary rites, but especially associated with war and royalty. Wepwawet means “opener of the ways,” and he was depicted as a man with the head of a grey or white wolf, as well as wolf at the prow of a solar boat, sometimes said to lead armies, to scout, and even to have the honor of going before the pharaoh himself. He is also known by the title “one with sharp arrows more powerful than the gods.”
A very important god, Wepwawet is one of the oldest gods of Egypt ever recorded, and he was always associated directly with royalty and specially the pharaoh. He was said to accompany the pharaoh on his hunts, as well as protecting the pharaoh in life and the afterlife - he is a symbol of divinity of rule and of kings in general. He is, for certain, a very good deity, rather than some kind of evil wolf of Western literature.
And lastly among the prominent wolf-headed deities, we have one of the four sons of Horus, Duamutef...
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The four sons of Horus were depicted upon the canopic jars (jars containing certain organs of the mummified dead) starting in the First Intermediate Period of Egyptian history, which was around 2181-2055 BC. Each deity protected a different important organ; Duamutef, the wolf-headed god, always protected the stomach and represented the direction of the east. Please note he was not always depicted with a black head like Anubis; sometimes he also had a white or grey head. It varied. Likewise, in later periods, the forms of these various gods were sometimes mixed up, and a different son of Horus would have the wolf head. These deities were depicted not only on the canopic jars, but also on many other funerary artifacts, including the sarcophagi that would contain the jars.
So we have all these wolf-headed deities... but does any of this tie into werewolves at all?
Well, it doesn’t, really. There seems to be no indication that Anubis, Wepwawet, Duamutef, or anyone else did any particular shapeshifting, and they certainly weren’t cursed. They were gods. Anubis and Wepwawet are both sometimes depicted as simply a wolf as opposed to a wolf-headed man - as many of the Egyptian gods are depicted as their animal counterparts, including Ra, Horus, Hathor, Sobek, and many, many others - but that’s merely his animal aspect counterpart. Depictions and aspects of the gods of ancient Egypt (and also, later, how Rome and Egypt intermingled some of their deities during the Roman occupation, such as Hermanubis) are extremely in-depth topics. I’ve always loved studying them, but they are immensely complicated - certainly far too complicated for this post! So let’s get back to the matter at hand...
I’ll be honest, I have yet to find a credibly-sourced legend that talks about anything like an ancient Egyptian “werewolf.” I’m pretty darn sure they didn’t have anything remotely like what we consider among actual werewolf legends, my friends, and especially none that meet my personal criteria. The ancient Greeks, however, absolutely did, as you probably know if you’ve spent time browsing my werewolf facts masterlist (link at the bottom of this post!).
Wolf-headed gods, however - yes, they definitely had those, and no, they were not “evil gods.” In fact, some of them were very highly revered and associated directly with necessary aspects of life and death, as well as with pharaohs.
Speaking of, if you love ancient Egypt (and also adventure movies), you should absolutely check out my new novella that came out just this past June - Wulfgard: The Tomb of Ankhu!
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It is the first of two short novellas that tell an exciting tale about adventure, an ancient curse, mummies, memorable characters, and last but not least lots of Anubis and other legends, all of it set in the vast ancient-medieval dark age fantasy realm of Wulfgard: a world where all myths are true.
Every book release means the world to me, and this one is no different. I’m very proud of this story, and I really think you’ll enjoy it.
Deep in the southernmost deserts of Wulfgard lies the resting place of Pharaoh Ankhu the Endless, one of the greatest evils the land of Kemhet, or the world, has ever known. So terrible was his power that the gods themselves cursed him, sealing him away in an underground labyrinth. Ankhu rises with each darkening of the moon, a walking mummy, wandering this tomb in search of his own still-beating heart, without which he can never reach the afterlife.
Over untold ages, Ankhu’s tomb remained undiscovered, a secret protected always by the loyal Medjai, an order sworn to guard Kemhet from all threats. And now, a new threat has arisen: Lord Tefnahkt the Red, a powerful warlock, drives his cult and his many slaves to uncover Pharaoh Ankhu’s resting place and steal the mummy's power.
While a small group of Medjai desperately work to stop Tefnahkt’s plans, one slave may become the key to putting an end to this evil once and for all: Djedar Rath. In a race against time, Djedar must lead the Medjai to prevent Tefnahkt from opening the tomb of Ankhu before the coming of the new moon, when the undead Pharaoh will awaken once more. For, if Ankhu escapes, the world will never survive his wrath.
Inspired heavily by real-world ancient Egyptian and other mythologies - but with many original additions and elements - as well as the classic character-driven adventure genre that mixes aspects of action, thriller, and horror, with a tasteful sprinkling of levity, The Tomb of Ankhu is a tale of non-stop adventure and excitement that will leave you on the edge of your seat! Now available in ebook and paperback!
Go here to purchase on Amazon! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C8897R1K
Readers have been really enjoying this one! The second one has been in the works for quite some time already, so expect news about that in the coming months, as well.
Hope you enjoyed the werewolf fact this month, even if it was kind of more a wolf fact. But, myself, I have spent my entire life captivated by ancient Egypt, so I love this kind of stuff.
Thanks for reading, and until next time!
( If you like my werewolf blog, be sure to follow me here and check out my other stuff! Please consider supporting me on Patreon or donating on Ko-fi if you’d like to see me continue my works, including my folklore blog and writing my own novels, werewolf and otherwise. Every little bit helps so much.
Patreon — Personal Website (new and improved! Great starting point!)  — Ko-fi — Wulfgard — Werewolf Fact Masterlist — Twitter — Vampire Fact Masterlist )
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legacyshenanigans · 1 year
character sheet in the undercut 😊
(Might do one for Rowan later)
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Character Chart
Character’s full name:
Marvolo Aleister Gaunt.
Reason or meaning of name:
The name Marvolo actually means "inflict injury" and Aleister is his father's name.
Character’s nickname:
Aside from "pet names" Its mainly Volo, to people who are close enough to shorten his name.
Birth date: 8th of December 1864
Physical appearance
How old does he appear:
Could probably pass for like 30.
Around 210lbs
Body build:
Toned/ Muscular.
Shape of face:
Diamond face shape.
Eye color:
Golden Hazel.
Glasses or contacts:
Skin tone:
Distinguishing marks:
Predominant features:
Large front teeth.
Hair color:
Type of hair:
Somewhere between wavy and straight. Can be kinda flicky.
Overall attractiveness:
Very (my personal opinion obviously🤣)
Physical disabilities:
Usual fashion of dress:
Favorite outfit:
Black suits.
Good personality traits:
Loves hard (those he cares about).
Funny (when he wants to be)
Bad personality traits:
Litteral Murderer 😅
Can be very Arrogant and cocky
Generally nasty and sarcastic.
Mood character is most often in:
Sense of humor:
Dark (but can be goofy)
Character’s greatest joy in life:
Having power and strength is a huge thing to him.
Character’s greatest fear:
Losing someone he cares about.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?
*See above*
Character is most at ease when:
With his partner/ Reading.
Most not at ease when:
On enemy ground.
Enraged when:
Depressed or sad when:
Thinking too deep about certain things.
Character’s soft spot:
Romance with Partner and Bunnies
Is this soft spot obvious to others?:
To his partner yeah, and the bunny loving he keeps on the down low to most people.
Greatest strengths:
Confidence, Cunning, Power.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness:
Short fused, doesn't handle overwhelming feelings very well.
Biggest regret:
Using crucio on Ominis when they were kids
Character’s darkest secret:
There's a reason secrets are secrets👀
Does anyone else know?
Only Rerek.
Type of childhood:
He holds both good memories, but with certain trauma thrown in there.
Rerek (companion)
First memory:
Playing in the garden with rabbits.
Most important childhood memory:
Ominis coming home.
Education: Hogwarts.
Current home location:
Gaunt Manor.
Currently living with:
Rereks still going🐍
Den boss / "butcher"
Ophelia Belladonna Gaunt.
Relationship with her:
Good relationship.
Aleister Morfin Gaunt.
Relationship with him:
Rocky to say the least.
Ominis Matthias Gaunt.
Relationship with them:
Very typical brother relationship, sometimes they hate each other, but they care for one another.
Aurora Winters.
Relationship with her:
Grounded, caring, loving relationship.
Hobbies: Reading, Murder...You know? the usual 🤣
Plays a musical instrument?:
How he/she would spend a rainy day:
In bed with Aurora 😏
Spending habits:
Doesn't worry about money, spends it frivolously.
Yes (but isn't an alcoholic or anything, he just likes a drink every now and again)
Other drugs:
Depends on what kinda mood he's in
What does he do too much of?
What does he do too little of?
Self care mainly.
Extremely skilled at:
Dark magic and other unsavoury things.
Optimist or pessimist?
Dark Optimist.
Introvert or extrovert?
Extrovert with introverted tendencies.
Daredevil or cautious?
A calculated Daredevil.
Logical or emotional?
Depends on the situation and who's invovled.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?
Methodical and neat mainly.
Prefers working or relaxing?
Confident or unsure of himself
VERY confident.
Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general:
Doesn't TEND to like people.
Does the character hide his true opinions and emotions from others?:
If he doesn't like you you'll know about it, and if he DOES like you, you'll see that. So no.
Best friend(s):
Rerek and Rowan.
Love interest(s):
Aurora Winters.
Person character goes to for advice:
Aurora, and Ominis if he NEEDS advice, he's usually pretty sure of himself.
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of:
Aurora and Ominis.
Person character feels shy or awkward around:
Most important person in character’s life before story starts:
After story starts:
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princesssarisa · 3 months
Character ask: Charlie Bucket (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
Requested by @comma-after-dearest
Favorite thing about them: What a kind, loving child he is. Even though he gets just one candy bar a year, he offers to share it with his parents and grandparents; when the family is starving, he refuses to let his parents give their food to him; and when he finds money in the street, he uses just a small portion of it to buy chocolate for himself and plans to give the rest to his mother. Little details like this make him truly deserving of his eventual good fortune.
Least favorite thing about them: Well, he is a bit of a bland character, and in the book he effectively earns his happy ending at the factory by doing nothing. His main purpose is to be a self-insert for child readers. It's no wonder that the 1971 film makes him slightly more flawed and allows him to make a mistake at the factory (sampling the Fizzy Lifting Drinks), only to make up for it in the end (giving Wonka back the Everlasting Gobstopper). Or that the 2013 stage musical makes him (or her, in some performances) an aspiring inventor who impresses Wonka with his/her creativity as well as goodness. Even though I haven't seen that musical yet, just read about it, I especially like that idea.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I love chocolate.
*I adored my grandparents when they were alive.
*I eat a lot of cabbage soup (for the health benefits, though, not because of poverty).
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I'm not a little boy.
*None of my grandparents ever lived with me.
*At his age I was never quite as well-behaved or unselfish as he is.
Favorite line:
From the 1971 film, when he's trying to be brave about not finding a Golden Ticket:
"You know, I'll bet those Golden Tickets make the chocolate taste terrible."
brOTP: His parents and all his grandparents, especially Grandpa Joe, and eventually Willy Wonka.
OTP: None until he's older.
nOTP: Any adult.
Random headcanon: As the new owner of the chocolate factory, he'll get in touch with another suddenly-famous boy, James Trotter from James and the Giant Peach. (In the latter book, before the giant peach lands in the ocean, it crashes through a famous chocolate factory and sends a flood of melted chocolate into the streets: I think we can safely guess that this was the Wonka factory.) James and his insect friends will raise money to cover the damage the peach did to the factory, and Charlie will create a peach chocolate bar to commemorate their adventure.
Unpopular opinion: I don't think I have one.
Song I associate with them:
"Cheer Up, Charlie" (even though it's sung to him, not by him)
"I've Got a Golden Ticket" (even though he only sings part of it)
Favorite picture of them:
These assorted illustrations:
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Peter Ostrum in the 1971 film:
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Freddie Highmore in the 2005 film:
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This boy actor from the 2013 stage musical:
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These little girl actresses in the most recent UK tour of the musical. I know some people complain about this "woke" casting, but I like the fact that this tour had girls alternate with boys in the role and let the character be a tomboyish girl in some performances. "Charlie" is a unisex name, after all, and Charlie’s gender is irrelevant to the story.
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brewed-pangolin · 8 months
I really wanna know what ur thoughts are on THAT tragic part of the ending of mw3 bc I've been angry about it since finishing the game (also thank u for the soap content, it fills me with such joy)
First and foremost, thank you. *kisses sweet anon's forehead*
Now then...
You just poked the hornets nest with that one.
I've gone on full tangents with mututals in my DMs regarding the absolute debauchery this game did to the franchise. Specifically, THAT scene and the structure and dialog that are utterly wasted in this game.
My opinion below the cut. Read it or don't. I don't care. I was asked, and I'm going to give it.
But to answer your question, it was for pure shock value and the result of poor writing and a rush for content.
Soap didn't need to die. His story was barely fleshed out over these last two games (really just one and a half since he's basically pushed to a side character through most of those one)
As much as I love reboot Soap, his death meant nothing to the story. Only Ghost really has a connection to him because that's all we were shown through the game play.
And I have to admit, the only reason I felt ANYTHING from Soap's death was not from the game, it was from the fanfiction and writing for him. The game did nothing.
This is why I did something I've never done in the over 20 years of playing COD. I deleted the game and got a refund.
Look, I'm old school. I don't do multiplayer anymore. I did it back in the golden age of COD ('08 to about '12 or so) back when it was still fun and not full of campers and ruined by sweaty game play.
I dabbled a bit with it in MWII, but only lasted a few weeks. It's just not an enjoyable experience to me anymore. So the campaign is all I care about. And it is an absolute heaping pile of dogshit in MWIII.
Soap's death was the nail in the coffin for me. Not only was this a rushed DLC under the guise of a full game, but they had the misguided idea to kill off a fan favorite character AGAIN. It was a cop out. Lack of creativity. And it was a slap in the face to anyone who actually cared for his character in the first place.
I've sworn off COD future games for at least a few years. I'll watch play throughs on YouTube or Twitch, but I'm not giving them my money if this is the kind of content they're willing to push out.
And I'll make Soap live in my thirsty little stories because I'm ignoring everything in MWIII. He's alive in my mind, along with Captain MacTavish.
That's the beauty of what we do here. And I'm gonna keep doing it as a giant 'fuck you' to the creators that didn't have the balls to do it in the first place.
Stay Thirsty, anon. And much love 💛
I know this is a lot more than asked, but I just had to get it out. Feel much better now.
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reddstarr-exe · 5 months
warranted by your recent post I have arrived to ask ur very much wanted opinion on ur personal cobymeppo head cannons on what u think their dynamic is like, like- what things from the anime and live action do you prefer over the other and take as final canon and what are the things that you just simply refuse to acknowledge or dont personally like about whats said or occurred between them? basically just certain personality traits or scenes and stuff
Oh! Their dynamic huh… I never really thought of that before 😅😅😅
Well I haven’t got to the point where I see them again (I’m on punk hazard) but I try to answer this question as best as I can 😁
The Live Action
There’s a lot of things that I preferred in the live action. (since it was the hook that reeled me into the world of kobymeppo/meppokoby 🤭)
They have more interaction and meppo doesn’t have as much of a golden stick of nepotism up his ass (as he did the episode of kobymeppo in the anime) he’s more (how do i say this) gentle and low-tempered,
i just can’t wait to see their interactions when they do the adaptation of the diary of kobymeppo!! *squeal* and i can’t wait to see their interaction with one another at marineford too!
i can’t wait to see them as chore boys as well🤭
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I was watching the anime before i watched the live action, but around the end of water 7 when we see their glow ups i had that ultimate thought (“wait, do people ship koby and helmeppo together?”)
after searching it up and with that thought in hand, i went to go watch opla (not because of the ship thing i watched bc my brothers were watching it too)
and after the infamous bar scene and looking through tumblr for like minded folks my life and view on them has never been the same since (the kobymeppo fungus entered my brain) so watching the anime after opla was a breeze 😁 (it was not 😭)
When I first started marineford, every time they were together on screen i couldn’t help but smile 😭😭 ace’s death wasn’t even the worst part of the arc for me, it was me seeing the pink and yellow speckled flower of shounen-ai blooming in front of me🩷💛
just seeing them together made me TWEAAAK‼️‼️‼️😭😭
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What I Don’t Like About The Canon
The vivre cards and due to them the “age gap” between them. and the no-funners that persist on using them. (whether they acknowledge it or not) This is the ONLY thing that i don’t like about the canon
The vivre cards state that koby pre-ts is 16 while helmeppo is 20 (4 year gap)
Ocean (cobymeppocean) made some age headcanons for them and I really like them so i have those headcanons too but some no-funner on twitter (the screenshot was taken on nitter bc i didn’t have twitter back then, do NOT find this person’s account i block on both twitter and here.)
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they were pretty much shitting on his headcanons and they didn’t even bother to CENSOR HIS USERNAME.
be aware, their ages have been ambiguous for YEARS it was only in 2018 that their ages have been “confirmed”. The ages strawhats have been confirmed since VOLUME 4 (over TWO DECADES AGO.) that’s too many years too late!
And along with the yamato/kiku trans “discourse” is actually the main reason why i refuse to see the vivre cards as actual resources for ANYTHING one piece related.
But with that, that’s really all i have to say about them, really! I love them so much 🥰
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starwarsgirlie · 1 year
We Belong To Death
Hi homegirls! Here's the second chapter of my Viktor X Reader fic!
The reader has female anatomy and goes by she/her pronouns. Further chapters will contain NSFW content! 
PLEASE comment on what you think or what you'd like to see! I love collaborating!
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters besides Persephone. I used the Arcane lore and characters from Kander and Ebb's Cabaret for much of this chapter's plot!
Trigger warnings: Sexual themes, drugs, alcohol, and death 
Chapter 2 - Life is a Cabaret
"Lacey", the name of the cabaret you worked at... and grew up in. Owned by your dearest Granny Ray, this place became your home. The upstairs is where you lived with the elderly women and your sisters, other orphaned children she had taken in. There were seven of you: Fritzy, Sally, Frenchie, Helga, Lulu, Rosy and you. You adored your family, and they adored you. Fritzy and Sally were the oldest, 24 years old—both tall and adorning beautiful locks of brown hair. Fritzy was known for her cold demeanor but nonetheless showed her sister's love in her own ways. Being the oldest is a tough job, and she felt it was her responsibility to help Granny Ray raise and protect you all.
Then there was Sally, also the oldest, but don't expect her to look after anything. Despite having the sweetest heart, she is known to be impulsive, forgetful, and a little on the wild side. Frenchie- 20, in your opinion, was one of your most beautiful sisters, who was quite aware of her beauty's effect on others. With her green eyes and auburn hair her smile could get her anything she wanted. Helga-20, too, could get anything she wanted from others, but this was more through intimidation; with her short purple hair and muscular build, she was your protector. However, she was also very charming, making her and Frenchie unstoppable in getting what they wanted. Lulu- 18, was very quiet and sensitive to what was happening around her. Being able to read people's emotions and intentions, she was who you needed when new people came knocking on the club door wanting to do business. With her petite build and dark hair, she easily went unnoticed when lurking in the shadows, assessing those around her. Finally, there was your sister, Rosy, with her curly black afro and golden brown eyes; she was the face of mischief. Rosy-18 had always been curious and intrigued by what was happening around her. She snuck into air ducts, closets, and cupboards with her petite build, nearly scaring Granny Ray half to death most of the time. If you ever wanted to know what was happening in anyone's life, she was the one you would ask.
Now, this cabaret is different from what you think it is. It isn't some shady strip club or whorehouse; Lacey was where one could watch a performance that could match those of the theatres in Piltover. Sure, you had your drunks and men who would ogle over the girls performing, but as Granny Ray said, "We live in a man's world, girls. Unfortunately, no one holds men accountable for their behavior, so we might as well make money off it." And she was right; the money you and your sisters made off those dingy men was why you survived in the undercity. However, this didn't mean the men could touch the performers; no, no, no, Granny Ray was very strict that her performers were always safe and that any person trying to cause funny business would be dealt with, often by Vander himself. 
Vander was very close with Granny Ray as she often looked after his kids Vi, Powder, Claggor, and Mylo. Oh, how you loved them! Due to The Last Drop and Lacey being across the street from each other, you often spent time with them, which you loved because they were much closer in age to you than your sisters, as you were only 11. You were only allowed to be a performer at Lacey when you were 18, so while your older sisters performed, you worked behind the bar making "drinks" with Powder (Granny Ray made sure only to give you two fruit juices). This is how it went for years, all you kids running between the two establishments "helping" and getting a small allowance. However, it was clear that Vander and Granny Ray hardly gave you any actual work, instead just tasks to keep you busy. 
Oh, how you couldn't wait for the day you could join the cabaret; you'd been learning the dances and songs your whole life from your older sisters, especially Rosy; she was often the star of the show and one of the sisters you were most close with. Her grace and elegance were unmatched, and while you thought all your sisters were talented, you could understand why she was the star. 
As the years passed, you got more and more excited to join the cabaret until things took a turn for the worst. You were not told what happened; all Granny Ray said was Vander had passed away, and you could no longer see the kids. Only from Lulu and Rosey did you hear of Claggor and Mylo's death and how Vi and Powder had disappeared. You couldn't believe this and in a panic rushed to The Last Drop, and who you found was a man called Silco. He bent to your level despite his cold facade, "Hello, young Percy. I suggest you run back home, but not before I give you a message for Granny Ray; tell her that Lacey is under my protection and has no obligation to help sell shimmer." You ran home confused. What was shimmer, and why was he protecting your home? Upon arrival, Granny was furious. And you were forbidden ever to go there and talk to your friends again. Why do so many people expect you always to forget the past and those you love with little to no explanation? However, sensing your sadness and panic, Fritzy took you aside to explain what had happened more clearly. "My dearest Percy, I know you are confused, but you need to know that at this time, you have to stay away from there for your safety. Your friends have moved to another beautiful world where they are now playing together!" "But why did they leave me? Everyone leaves me." you sobbed, and the windows shook. All your sisters came into the room, knowing you were losing control. Before you knew it, they surrounded you, gently holding you in a group hug. You calmed down and looked up, "We will never leave you, Percy." Frenchie smiled. "Of course not; you're my favorite sister. Do you think I like these other bitc-OUCH?" Sally elbowed Helga in the side; don't swear in front of her. Everyone giggled, including you. "We love you, Percy, and we are here for you always," Sally whispered, kissing your forehead. 
You were sad for a long while, but with the support of your sisters and time, you began to feel better, and before you knew it, it was your 18th birthday. 
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concerningwolves · 2 years
Hi! I really like your blog and you have some much appreciated writing opinions to me. Apologies if this is not an allowed question but would you have any suggestions on what to keep in mind when writing a character with Russell Silver Syndrome? I have been doing my research but unfortunately as with many conditions most things I can find are based towards parents of children with and not adults who have it. Sorry if this is disruptive,Thank you for your lovely blog
oh man this question makes me so happy anon you have no idea. RSS/SRS representation!! Yes!!!
Writing a Character with Russell-Silver Syndrome/Silver-Russell Syndrome
Russell-Silver syndrome (RSS) is a rare condition associated with poor growth both before and after birth. Signs and symptoms vary and may include low birth weight, short stature, characteristic facial features, large head in relation to body size, body asymmetry, and feeding difficulties. Other features may include poor appetite, clinodactyly (curved finger), digestive system abnormalities, delayed development, and/or learning disabilities. The genetic causes of RSS are complex and relate to certain genes that control growth. — information on RSS from rarediseases.info.nih.gov
What this this answer will cover:
My experience with RSS and various thoughts on living with it
RSS in adults (+ adult characters)
Things to remember when writing any disabled character
My experiences with RSS and various thoughts about living with it
Russell-Silver syndrome has felt like a non-issue to me for a long time, but I'm realising now that that was only because so little was known about it. There was no molecular test when I was born so my diagnosis was purely clinical, (using "a checklist", as my dad always told me). Still, I've grown up under this... not quite a shadow, but definitely a pervasive awareness, that I had this rare disorder. It made every meeting with a new health professional that much more exhausting, because nobody ever knew what it was (and this is still a problem I have when explaining my health history to new doctors today). Either me or my parents would end up teaching doctors, and for a long time, we were working with outdated information because very little was available to us. Since I first got access to the internet in about year two at school, I've repeatedly sat down and searched for Russell-Silver Syndrome – and I've watched as, over the course of those last seventeen years or so, increasing amounts of information have appeared.
The increase in information is wonderful! It gives me hope! But growing up with this sense that there was something strange wrong with me was deeply alienating. I have a lot of grief about it.
What you say about not being able to find many sources for adults with the condition also raises a very important point: RSS literature focuses very heavily on symptoms in infants and children because that's when the condition is most "obvious" and/or when it has the most noticeable impact on a person's life. In other words, most information is written up to help parents cope with the extra needs that RSS kids have because of their condition. Infancy is also treated as a sort of golden period for clinical diagnosis, because individuals with RSS will usually lose the more obvious physical traits as they age.
Although RSS has a firm diagnostic criteria, it can look quite different between individuals. (I'd actually say it's fairly similar to autism in that respect). The term used for this is phenotype:
... a phenotype is all the physical characteristics and abnormalities found in an individual patient that are attributed specifically to RSS. Some individuals with RSS have many traits, thus a severe phenotype, while others have very few traits, thus a mild phenotype. → from the MAGIC Foundation's RSS page
I was an extremely ill baby. A lot of the medical problems I faced were linked to RSS, but I don't remember this on account of being, y'know, a baby. So, if you'd asked baby me for my opinion and if baby me were somehow able to answer and comprehend, I'd have said I had a severe phenotype. Now that I'm in my early twenties, I'm more inclined to say I have a mild phenotype – but as I'll explain, I'm no longer sure how true that is.
[Russell-Silver Syndrome in adults, basic disabled character guidelines, and resources below the cut]
Russell-Silver Syndrome in Adults (+ adult characters)
You can see in my childhood photographs the RSS-typical "triangular" face caused by a too-small jaw and large forehead, and slight facial asymmetry. I was chronically underweight until I got urgently referred to a dietician in like 2018, and my parents had an absolute nightmare of a time with feeding and making sure I ate enough when I was younger. I was still ordering toddler or child portions at restaurants well into into my early teen years because my appetite was so limited. I was also quite delayed in walking, speaking, and in development of motor skills, which are again typical of the condition.
Most of these traits don't affect me any more. The facial asymmetry and face shape are basically unnoticeable. I had surgery to remove four teeth, which fixed the overcrowding caused by the small jaw, and braces sorted out the rest. The dietician helped me learn how to make foods that were calorie-dense so I could get the nutrition I needed in smaller portions, and I'm now a good weight.m(The only part of the infant criteria that noticeably still affects my day-to-day life is the lack of appetite stuff, actually). I grew taller than the doctors expected me to, although I'm on the short-to-average end. I still have issues with balance and spatial awareness, but it's manageable. I've been in and out of physiotherapy and podiatry since I started walking. So, no, most of the RSS traits so common in infancy don't affect me now – but I'm still living with the condition, and it's taken a hell of a lot of treatment to get to where I am now. I honestly didn't realise how much until I started writing this answer!
Interestingly, the end of the MAGIC Foundation's RSS page has some information on RSS into adulthood, prefaced by this sentence: "Many people with Russell-Silver Syndrome (RSS) believe that once they reach their final adult height, their “RSS issues” are over." Other anecdotal evidence from other sources says the same thing. I would have once been inclined to agree, but my latest bout of reading up on RSS has taught me some interesting things. For example, there's overlap between autism and RSS! Or at least, according to the silverrussellsyndrome.org: "Some evidence indicates that there may be neurodevelopmental differences between the different genetic causes of SRS". Other sites state more explicitly that there's a link between RSS and Austism Spectrum Disorder, and research seems to still be ongoing, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
When I went to a chiropractor, he pointed out an issue with my jaw muscles and placement (? Couldn't quite hear what he said about that), and said this could be at least a partial cause for my chronic migraine. I explained about the RSS small jaw thing, and he nodded and said that made sense. Anecdotal evidence also now shows that many adults with RSS experience functional problems with muscles and their skeleton, including back pain – which sure goes a long way to explain the near-constant pain I get, as well as the fibromyalgia. Once again, research on this is ongoing.
There are also some health risks that adults with RSS are more likely to face. These include metabolic syndrome, hypertension, testicular cancer and gynaecological issues. It's stressed that not everyone with RSS will develop these; but some are more common and should be monitored for, as in the case of testicular cancer risk in RSS individuals whose testes didn't descend properly.
Your takeaway from this is that RSS in adult characters would be represented differently from the way it's described in children. Because the phenotype varies so much from person to person, my experiences are absolutely not universal. There may be people out there who've retained the asymmetry, for example, or those for whom the digestive/appetite issues are an even bigger problem. It would be so nice to see an adult character with RSS though, because it's not a condition that you outgrow – it's one where the condition seems to grow with you.
Things to remember when writing any disabled character
People are people: don't just think about the disability! We're more than that. Make sure your character has what any strong character should have (regardless of identity) – quirks, desires, motivation(s), some kind of conflict that affects the plot, their connection to other characters, etc.
Do your research: might feel slightly counter-intuitive to the first point, but it is important you know what you're writing about. I.e., does your character take medication or undergo treatment? Do they use accessibility aids of any kind? What accommodations do they need in day-to-day life? How does their disability impact said day-to-day life?
Reasonable limitations: it's okay to have a disabled character be, y'know, disabled. Sometimes they need help, or sometimes they'll need to assert boundaries or ask for accommodations. Sometimes they simply can't do something because they aren't able to. These are facts of a disabled existence. The crucial thing is to avoid framing the character consistently like a burden or a hindrance.
Inclusive worldbuilding: most relevant in SFF genres, but basically, if you're taking the time to do any degree of worldbuilding (be that a "real"-world urban fantasy environment or an entire invented continent with dragons), consider where disabled people fit in. Abled authors rarely, if ever, have to consider their place in the real world, so they rarely consider accommodations and accessibility features in their fantastical worlds. It's important to consider these things if you want to have well-rounded representation for disabled characters.
Listen to disabled voices: Ask disabled people, read/watch/listen to media created by disabled people, and remember that no one disability is a monolith. There may be a lot of nuance and debate within communities, but you can do your best by listening to the consensus and keeping an open-minded, good faith mindset.
This list ↑ is very much a TL;DR set of guidelines, but it's a good place to start. You'll find more information in the resources section below.
In reference to your question, you might find my answer to this ask about including little-known conditions in fiction useful.
You'll find more discussions and guides in my disabled characters tag, my disabilities tag and my sensitivity & representation tag, as well as links to other resources.
The MAGIC Foundation – they have more in-site resources for RSS linked at the very bottom of the page
Silver Russell Syndrome Organisation – whole website dedicated to providing information about RSS
Diagnosis and Management of Silver–Russell Syndrome: First International Consensus Statement – This is a 2017 international consensus of research on RSS, condensed and simplified for general audiences. The original consensus is geared entirely towards medical professionals for treatment and research of the condition.
If anyone who has RSS wants to weigh in, please do!!
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a-d-nox · 1 year
jason, the unconventional hero (asteroid 6063)
"when talking about such a popular god/ goddess/hero i am going to for warn paraphrasing - of course all these stories have more details and all these popular gods have stories within stories. i would love to share them all/in detail but i would need a book and a lot more time to write it. my attempt in writing these posts are to inform you on the high level story of the god’s or goddess’s life. that being said if any one of the events regaled in the post pique you interest - please let me know i don’t mind giving a more in-depth tale of any of the events mentioned."
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Son of King Aeson and leader of the Argonauts, Jason was sent away at a young age before he was more than just a boy prince. His uncle seized the land his father ruled - his father sent Chiron to raise him due to this. When he returned to his homeland as a young man, he came upon an old woman near a river who asked him to help her cross it. Jason took the woman across on his shoulders - this woman was Hera, who his uncle allegedly had been neglecting to worship. Hera inspired the boy to see his uncle. Pelias immediately felt mortified as he noted Jason was missing a sandal - for years he worried that someone would challenge him. So, in those years, he visited with an oracle who told him that he should be wary of a man with only one sandal. He immediately feared his nephew was there to steal his throne - so he questioned Jason about what he would do if someone challenged his reign. Jason answered as that he would send them on a quest for the Golden Fleece - these words were spoken by Jason but were guided by Hera once more. Pelias told him that is what Jason would have to do to prove he was the rightful king of the land. Jason was off to start readying himself for the journey - with Athena's guidance, he found the shipbuilder Argus who crafted Jason's ship, the Argo. He then recruited the Argonauts: Heracles, Castor, Pollux, Meleager, Orpheus, Peleus, and Telamon. Jason and the Argonauts traveled to islands made up of cursed women, six-armed men, Amazons, etc. Eventually he received the fleece with the help of the enchantress Medea (this part of the story, I have told - I will leave it to her post because, let's face it, she did basically all the work). The two fled together under near constant chase of her family - until eventually they found that if they were married they would have no right to chase after her. The two married; as we know from her side of the myth their relationship is an odd one. She tricks his cousins into killing their father King Pelias, his cousin kicks him out, Jason remarries - not really because Medea burns her in her wedding gown, Medea kills their children, etc. Unsurprisingly, Jason is abandoned by the gods because of his disloyalty to Medea and their shared vows. Jason then lives out the rest of his days alone - ironically, the rotting Argo collapses on him and Jason dies from a crush wound in his sleep. IN MY OPINION Jason in your chart can represent a) how you can improve your leadership skills, b) where you are a pawn in karma's game, c) where the gods guide you, d) where you get a lot of help from others, and/or e) how/where your break vows.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of jason along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of jason AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede jason!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: hera (103), heracles (5143), athene (881), pallas (2), orpheus (3361), chiron (2060), peleus (11311), telamon (1749), and medea (212)!
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