#we need more of nancy and eddie being menaces
ladykailitha · 8 months
Never Hold Back Your Step... Part 2
Hey, hey! I told you you'd see more this story soon.
In this one, Nancy and Steve butt heads, and Eddie and Steve talk about having to hide their relationship. Then it gets a little spicy.
Part 1
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Going to regionals proved to be a sticking point between him and Nancy. Every time she got within speaking distance it was all she would talk about. Even sweet, patient Jonathan was starting to get annoyed.
That strange limbo of a week after state and a before regionals it all finally came to a head.
“All I’m saying is that the money could go to the arts,” Nancy said when Eddie, Steve, and Jonathan all rolled their eyes.
“The swim relay team going to regionals is a big deal,” Steve huffed. “It’s unprecedented. A school of Hawkins’ size has never made it to regionals. In fact Couch Hall was saying that we might even have a chance at nationals. Like a really good chance. We could break records. Lyle, Nick, and Ezra have good chances of being scouted to college teams. Hell I have a good chance of being scouted.
“But I’m talking specifically about them because they need the scholarship to get into the nicer schools. Why can’t you let this little vendetta against the swim team getting to go to regionals go? I’m sorry funding was cut to the newspaper. I am. But stop blaming the four of us for it.”
He slammed his locker and strode away leaving a very stunned trio in his wake.
Eddie licked the bottom of his lip. “Look, I’m not going to pretend I understand why he’s still friends with either of you,” he turned to Jonathan with a nod, “no offense, man.”
Jonathan scoffed. “None taken. Honest.” He held up his hands to show he meant no harm.
Nancy stomped her foot. “It’s none of your business.”
Eddie leaned over her. “Now that’s where you’re wrong, Steve will always be my business and if you can’t let this sports thing go, maybe avoid him until it’s over.”
She rolled her eyes. “Like you care about sports anymore than I do.”
“You’re right,” he said with a menacing growl. “I don’t care about sports, but I sure as hell care about Steve. He wants to be happy about making it to regionals, but you won’t let him. Knock it off.”
“You’re a smart girl, if you want more money funded to the arts,” Eddie said, “you’ll find a better way then by harassing your ex.” He turned on his heel and went off to find Steve.
If Steve avoided his locker for the next week, with Eddie or Jeff getting his stuff for him, his friends wisely said nothing. Eddie wasn’t sure if Nancy had taken his advice or if Steve was successfully dodging her, but it didn’t matter because he feel the change come over Steve like a warm welcoming blanket. He was focused on the upcoming meet and practicing every day after school with relay team and was happier then in had been in a long time.
Eddie also tried to push down the jealousy that boiled up in his stomach every time he saw Nick or Lyle sharing a joke with Steve as they walked out from practice to him waiting for them in the parking lot.
The only thing that kept Eddie from marching over there and staking his claim was that Steve would say goodbye as soon as he spotted Eddie. They could be in the middle of the greatest discovery known to man, but as soon as Steve saw Eddie in the parking lot, he would say his goodbyes and trot over to where he would be standing outside his van.
Once they were on their way, Eddie asked, “What do you tell them about me picking you up from practice?”
Steve took a deep breath. “I told them my car wasn’t working and that I had to wait until my parents were home again to get it fixed.”
“And when it suddenly works again next week?” Eddie asked with a raised eyebrow.
Steve grinned. “Miraculous!” He waved his hands in the air.
Eddie huffed out a laugh. “Yeah, okay.”
Steve took his hand. “I know this is hard for you and I want you to know it’s hard for me too.” He played with the singular ring on Eddie’s right hand.
“Yeah?” Eddie breathed.
“I don’t know if you ever had to witness the trainwreck of my relationship with Nancy,” he murmured, “but I’m super touchy-feely boyfriend. I Iike kissing by my locker, I like picking them up and spinning them around as a greeting, I like touching them in some way, like all the time. And that I can’t with you is killing me.”
Eddie pulled off to the side of the road. “Sweetheart, why didn’t you say something?” He had been feeling like he was alone in his fears, but hearing Steve’s confession cracked open something in him. A protective instinct to hide this boy away from every bad thing in the world.
Steve continued to play with the ring. “I didn’t want you to think I was being too clingy.”
That word. That horrible little word. It was final. He was going to go over to Nancy’s Wheeler’s house and forcibly make her apologize to Steve for every little thing he could think of. She took the sweetest, goofiest little dork and broke him to the point he lost all confidence in himself.
Steve had been firm that there was bad blood on both sides of his former relationship with Nancy Wheeler, but Eddie still had a hard time seeing that scales were anything but unbalanced in favor of Steve coming up roses. Like literal fucking roses. Steve had said that he had gotten sidetracked by Dustin when he went to apologize to her for their fight, and he had bought actual fucking roses. That girl did not deserve Steve in the slightest.
Eddie grabbed Steve’s hand and held it tightly in his. “Baby, have you met me? I make literal koalas look standoffish. But it is going to be way harder for you then for me. I’m used to people thinking the absolute worse about me. I don’t like it, but it’s a fact of my existence.” He brought Steve’s fingers to his lips. “You, on the other hand, went from...”
Eddie closed his eyes. “I don’t want to say being able to get away with anything. Because even I know that’s bullshit. But it was pretty damn close. And now you’re off the basketball team and they didn’t even make it to district finals much less state because you weren’t there. You’re still making waves with the swim team–”
Steve giggled.
“Laugh it up, smart ass,” Eddie snarked. “You knew what I meant.”
Steve ducked his head. “I know, but listening to you always makes me happy inside and that was too delicious a pun to pass up.”
“I make you happy, baby?” Eddie murmured, leaning across the center console.
Steve nodded, his blush tinting more than just his cheeks red. The flushing skin went from the tips of his ears all the way down that delicious column of throat.
“You make me happy, too,” Eddie breathed. “But the point I was trying to make is that I’m used to sneaking around, even if I don’t like it anymore then you do. It’s going to be a lot harder for you, and it’s something I’m going to have be reminded of once in a while, okay?”
Steve smiled, his eyes sparkling with warmth.
“Now come on,” Eddie said, pulling back into traffic. “I need to get you to my place, because Uncle Wayne isn’t home and I would really, really like to hear all the pretty sounds you make when you’re in my bed.”
Steve ducked his head.
“I need to see how far down that blush goes,” Eddie growled.
“Then you better step on it,” Steve whispered, lowering his eyelids and looking up at him through his eyelashes.
Eddie hit the gas and prayed to the traffic gods that a cop didn’t pull them over as he shifted in his seat to try get his erection to shift so it wasn’t so painful against his zipper.
They were barely through the door when they fell all over each other. Hands and mouths seeking their favorites spots on each other’s bodies. They grasped at the clothes that became a barrier to their want. By the time the backs of Steve’s knees hit the edge of Eddie’s bed, Steve was only wearing one loose sock and Eddie was completely naked.
“Baby,” Steve whispered. “I need you.”
Eddie let out feral growl as he bullied Steve onto the bed, tossing the sock over his shoulder. “Thinking of you in that skimpy little Speedo, water dripping down your toned, tan chest as you exit the pool, gets me so hard baby.”
Steve grinned. “You like that?”
Eddie grounded his cock into Steve’s and Steve let out a breathy moan. “It’s why I haven’t been able to actually watch you practice, Stevie. You’re practically sin on legs when you look like that.”
“If I’m sin, Eds,” Steve whined, “then you’re the devil himself.”
“Sap,” Eddie teased. He pecked a kiss on his boyfriend’s lips. “God, I love you so much.”
Steve wrapped his hand around Eddie’s neck, slipping underneath the curtain of curls. He pulled him closer. “I love you, too.”
Their bodies moving in time with their breath. Hands clasped together as Eddie continued to make the most delicious sounds come out of Steve. Breathy moans, little gasps, his name bubbling from those kissable lips. Eddie devoured each one. And then with one final shuddering gasp Steve came. Eddie swallowed that one, too before his own release came with a grunt.
Eddie got up and cleaned them off. He then slid into the bed next to Steve.
Steve pulled him close, so they were cuddling, Eddie’s head resting on his chest.
“I’m sorry you can’t be as affectionate as you want in public, sweetheart,” Eddie murmured. “Does it ever...I mean do you ever–”
Steve squeezed him tightly. “Never. You keep saying how hard it is for me and while that’s true up to a point, there is no doubt in my mind that this is worth it.”
Eddie raised his head. “Yeah?”
Steve kissed him deeply. “Always.”
Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16
Just a little heads up for this story, the first part of this story is NOT Nancy friendly. She feels vindicated about cheating on Steve because he is gay and really takes it out on him. Nancy and Jonathan also don't know that Steve wrote that comic book for Eddie and Eddie is more aware then they think he is.
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @counting-dollars-counting-stars @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @angels-of-hades @mugloversonly
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runningupthatvecna · 1 year
the law of seat partners | part 2
a/n: ok so the response to part 1 of my first ever eddie blurb has been quite surprising and i've had ideas for a second part while writing it so i guess that's what's happening here now. this part is definitely longer (you're welcome) and will lead to a part 3, so no worries there everyone. i definitely recommend reading part 1 first though to get more context. enjoy and i live for reblogs and comments so i'd appreciate you leaving me some :)
summary: the bus ride continues and so does your feeling that eddie might like you a bit more than the others. also, he eats all most of your snacks and it (among other things) makes you realise that you're down bad for him. also you learn that his hands are just generally quite warm.
cw/tw: more of eddie being a touchy menace while trying real hard to make reader aware of his affection. kinda friends to lovers with eventual spice in part 3. slow burn, kinda? slapping of butts, a bit of mutual pining (reader is emotionally ... confused), mentions of eddie being treated poorly by people, mentions of eddie partaking in illegal activities, also a lot of eddie being a sweet bean. no mentions of y/n.
read part 1 here
It was the halt of the bus that woke you up from your pre-noon nap on Eddie Munson's head.
His hand was still resting on your thigh, giving it a reassuring squeeze before he lifted his head from your shoulder and straightened himself.
The touch wasn't entirely new to you, since you had figured out this was the primary way he expressed a certain level of affection. Because he also was like this with the others of your group and you hadn't dared to read too much into it. At least until now.
"Looks like the babies already need a diaper change."
His mumbled comment on what seemed to be the first break on the road made you snort.
You loved the fact that he seemed to share your disapproval of having a rampage of middle schoolers sharing the bus with you on this trip.
Eddie turned his head to you, his deep brown doe eyes slowly wandering over your facial features while is mouth was lightly curled into a smile. Yours was slightly tilted towards him, reciprocating his gaze right before a familiar voice made both of your heads turn.
"Hey, you guys wanna head outside for a stretch?", Steve's pretty lean figure had appeared in front of your seats, he stood on one of the lower steps of the staircase leading out of the back door.
Again, Eddie turned his head to check on you. Because if you would rather stay in your seat, so would he.
You cracked a smile at Steve who was just now followed by Nancy, Robin and Dustin, all of them awaiting his exit in the aisle.
"Sounds good", you replied, while your friends hopped out of the vehicle into the warm Indiana sun which was, thankfully, still more than visible in the blue sky.
It was warmer outside than on the parking lot this morning, which made you decide leave any additional jacket or hoodie inside the bus. You weren't the type to get cold easily anyway. Following an energetically bouncing Eddie down the stairs, you both made your way over towards where Steve, Robin, Nancy and Dustin were gathered.
Not long after, you had the Byers brothers standing among you as well.
"Anyone going for a wee?", Robin asked in her blatant straight-forward no filter fashion you celebrated her for. It made you smile. "We still have six minutes and I've been holding it since we left the parking lot."
"Yeah I'll come", Nancy replied to her, before they wandered off towards the building together and left you among the group of boys who wouldn't have minded just stepping out into the bushes along the fence of the road house.
Steve was the only one who seemed to take the going outside for a stretch literal, because right now his entire figure was bent in half as he leaned forward to let his arms dangle towards the ground while he tried his best to keep his legs straight.
And Dustin's observant facial expression, which was slowly turning into a grin told you that he was desperately fighting the urge to playfully slap Steve's ass.
I mean, fair.
Eddie also had seemed to notice and it took him only a mere few seconds to decide on executing Dustin's obvious thoughts.
"Hey man, stop that!"
Steve snapped back up and let his fist hit Eddie's shoulder with a laugh.
"Just giving you what you don't seem to get anywhere else these days, big boy."
It left both Steve and Dustin speechless. Witty comebacks? Not existent in their brains.
You blurted out a laugh, since you knew that Eddie's remark was true. As one of Steve's best friends, you just knew.
The metalhead grinned widely, threw his arm around your shoulders and pulled you close enough for you to hear his low voice, while moving the both of you back towards the bus.
"Come on darling, napping always makes me hungry."
Yeah. His love language was touch.
"Alright everyone, get back into your seats, we're leaving!"
Ms Kelley's voice echoed through the microphone she picked up from the driver's booth while standing in the very front of the bus, trying to get everyone's attention.
Unlike the middle school kids further in the front, you and Eddie had already settled back in long ago.
The vehicle started moving again.
"Is there anything besides being around children of course, that you're particularly looking forward to this week?", the metalhead asked with a genuinely curious tone.
"Oh please, there's nothing I enjoy more than having screaming kids around me, I thought you knew that about me already."
You pretended to think really hard for a few seconds and let out a chuckle, before you continued.
"No, but I get to spend time with you guys. Outside of school, outside of Hawkins. And I love lakes and being in nature. The fresh air, the cool water, I prefer that over any hotel room in any city, if I'm hone– ... Eddie, what are you d–"
While you were speaking, the boy next to you found it to be the perfect time to lean forward and try to reach for the snack bag you had carefully placed between your feet.
"Keep talking sweetheart, I'm listening." He had turned his head towards you, unable to hide another one of those big grins that you secretly adored on him. So much.
You couldn't necessarily see his movements, but you sure as hell could feel them. His right hand kept brushing and his fingers kept tapping against your jean covered calves and shins and ankles, pretending to be on the search for a certain bag, but the more time it took him to actually get it, the more it dawned on you that he was doing this very much on purpose.
What a fucking menace.
And by the way, where were his snacks?
"Eddie, just fucking grab it", you said with a laugh, letting him know you were well aware of the little game he was playing.
"Hm, it's quite nice down here to be honest. Could get used to it."
You just rolled your eyes at him with a smile, let your head hit the rest behind it and turned your head towards the window, while you felt the bag being pulled away from inbetween your feet.
In the corner of your eye you watched him peek into and rummage through it. He was sticking out his tongue, like he always did when he was trying to focus. You'd seen him do it too when he would be working on writing campaigns for Hellfire during lunch break in the cafeteria.
"Like what you see?", you asked him, without breaking contact with the headrest. You didn't dare to turn your head either.
Four hours had passed since you left the high school parking lot in Hawkins, and you don't think you ever spent that long with Eddie. Certainly not in this close proximity.
There was some form of tension building between you two. And you couldn't quite place it. He was his usual charming self, yeah sure, but there was an additional something to it.
"Yeah, I do."
If you would have turned your head, you would have noticed the fact that his eyes weren't taking in the selection of your snacks anymore.
You would have certainly placed his entire demeanor in a new context if you would have paid attention to the way the tone of his voice changed to something more soft and warm, saying those three words.
You turned your head towards him. And you were way too far down the road of overthinking for you to catch the spark in the dark brown of his eyes and the way the corner of his mouth slightly curled up.
As if he actually liked liked you.
But you still smiled back at him.
"Go ahead then pretty boy, all yours."
And maybe you also weren't referring to snacks anymore. But you didn't expect Eddie to catch that.
What you did notice though was him catching your compliments. The way heat was visibly rising to his cheeks.
Eddie Munson had never received a lot of them. Sadly so, due to the fact that he was known as the freak of the town. Being a nerd with a bunch of tattoos, always involved in some kind of trouble, hotwiring cars, dealing drugs and of course the town's favourite classic: worshipping satan. When in fact, he was just trying to be a good friend, going out of his way to make the people dearest to him feel good (and maybe not using the most legal methods ever while doing so), and just heavily enjoying things he found really cool. He was always just being himself.
You had to admit to yourself that you were more than curious to see and explore the effects of your compliments on him. Because you were sure that if you just kept dropping them, they would eventually help him feel better about himself. And you knew from conversations with your friends that he did need that. And most of all, deserved it.
Soft baby cow personality, yeah.
For more general coziness on a ten hour bus ride, you had taken off your shoes right after the first break. You slightly turned your back towards the window and pulled your legs up to let them rest on the little barrier in front of both your seats.
And just after that, you were handed the snack bag by the boy next to you.
Before you knew it, he grabbed both of your legs a little above your ankles (with his really warm hands, like, really warm hands) and pulled them over his thighs. It made your breath hitch in your throat.
Then he took back the snacks. Between his torso and your legs.
"Gotta set the table then, right?", Eddie flatly said with a smirk, while pulling out a box of crackers. It made you snort.
Why did he have to be like this? And why did you like him so much for it?
You ended up sharing half of the contents of your snack bag with Eddie. Seated like this, one of his hands fumbling in whatever plastic bag or cardboard box of snack he could find, holding them out to you when he noticed you going empty on your last grab, his other resting on one of your shins, while his thumb kept rubbing slow, small circles into the flesh through your jeans.
The warmth of his hand felt like fire.
Eventually you had to keep him from munching through the remainders too, reminding him that you still had at least half of the journey ahead of you.
He had pouted at you all cute, and you had felt your cheeks heat up at him dropping another pet name at you while protesting.
You seemed to keep pushing the right buttons for him to be all sweet with you. And yeah, of course you couldn't deny that you enjoyed his attention.
During your time munching away, you both even came to learn new things about each other.
There were conversations about your families, milestones of your lives, hopes and dreams that some you surprisingly seemed to be sharing, similarities in your outlooks on life, Eddie's slightly questionable moral compass when it came to illegal activities, and your shared love and passion for music.
Pretty much everything he told you was confirming or adding to your already existent image of him.
After a content sigh, Eddie suddenly made attempts to get up into the aisle (he was kind enough to softly place your legs on his seat first though) and reached up into the luggage compartment. He was searching for his own bag of stuff that you were surprised he hadn't forgotten on his bed in the morning.
And yes. Your eyes just had to travel over the stretch of his Hellfire shirt down over his torso, all the way to where a sliver of pale skin revealed itself to you and the light trail of dark hair disappeared into the waistband of his black jeans, which was tied to his hips with his iconic handcuff belt. And it was giving you ideas.
It was pretty much the first time you saw any other part of his skin other than his forearms, even though you'd known him for like, half a year now. There just hadn't been any moments yet where this situation could have happened.
You were so lost in thoughts about Eddie Munson's happy trail that you missed him catching you. Looking. In fact, you seemed to keep your eyes glued to his belly until his voice snapped you out of it.
The growing smirk on his face you saw next was as prominent as your awareness of your own feelings towards him. Just now in this moment you started to realise that if you kept this up, if you kept letting him in, there would probably be no escape. No escape from tripping over the edge and falling into the endless void of pining after him, probably forever.
Ever since you had first met him at one of Steve's infamous parties, it had been crystal clear to you that you were going to have a thing for him.
The way his wild mane had accentuated his beautiful face with his round dark brown eyes and the plushness of his lips in the warm light of Harrington's living room, his smell, a mix of cigarettes, bergamot, cheap cologne and something you couldn't make out but was so distinctly Eddie, the omnipresent leather jacket and Dio jeans vest, tattoos you'd spotted on his forearms, his entire rough metalhead aura that you always found to be so captivating.
"You know that as your designated seat partner, it underlies my absolute obligation to not only eat all your snacks you brought just for me of course, but in return to also make you listen to the best songs in the world.", Eddie explained to you with raised eyebrows, wide eyes and an equally wide grin after he had seated himself again and gestured for you to put your legs back on his thighs.
And who were you to say no to that?
He waved a self made mixtape under your nose. It made you chuckle.
You prided yourself on being a music nerd, so the fact that he was willing to share his music with you was definitely one of the most meaningful things he could have chosen to do with you at this point.
"Oh, how gracious of you, Munson, considering it was you who kept a seat for me", you smiled while taking out your headphones and walkman, which was so technically advanced that it had two plugs for two pairs of headphones. How convenient.
He let out a small, low chuckle while nudging your shoulder with his own.
You held out the second plug of the walkman out in his direction, and he didn't waste the opportunity to place his hand above yours which was holding out the device, to give it more support while his other hand connected the cable of his own.
And just when you were about to press play for the first song to fill your ears, Ms Kelley's microphone filtered voice filled them instead.
"We're going to have lunch break now, everyone! Please be back here in thirty minutes, yes?"
tagged: my dear @josephfakingquinn and @ghost-proofbaby
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sixofpomegranates · 2 years
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All of them are Eddie Munson fics since I am going through some severe brain rot because of this spicy golden retriever.
The order is random and not indicative of how much I liked them. There is no ranking, just sharing some really good pieces of work so we can all enjoy it!
10 Recommendations || 🐇 = My opinion. || Pink Color = SMUT
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As You Wish (series) by @corroded-hellfire
➢ Summary: When Eddie isn’t appreciated like he should be, his babysitter feels the need to step in and comfort him.
🐇: I am OBSESSED with the entire universe. Like, really, really obsessed. Older!Dad!Eddie has my whole heart. His boys too. Brittany can go to hell. Long story short: Highly Recommended! It rearranged my brain chemistry. Oh, and it's spicy. || Not sure if it's still ongoing, but the way I am stalking the author's page I’ll sure as hell find out.
Eddie Had A Little Lamb (one-shot) by @honey-flustered
➢ Summary: Eddie is trying to be good and with your help, he could be exactly that. But Kas, on the other hand, thrives in all that is unholy and he’ll stop at nothing to bring you and Eddie to the dark side.
🐇: This rearranged my brain chemistry. I want more like this. I love this. Send me recommendations with fics like this. Jesus H. Christ.
who’s to say [pt.2] by @quinnsbower
➢ Summary: your father, jason carver, promises you one thing and can’t deliver it to you. you decide to get back at him and it him where it really hurts: eddie munson.
🐇: This is responsible for getting me hooked on older!eddie. This is the reason I will be writing an older!eddie fic. This rearranged my brain chemistry. I liked this way too much. So good. Sweet, old guy Eddie.
Caught Me Slippin’ (one-shot) by @uglypastels
➢ Summary: [modern!au] feeling insecure about your skills in bed, you decide to find someone who could help you learn. Except, when the guy actually shows up, a mistake seems to have occurred. Fortunately, you're both quite adaptable (or, at least, you try to be), and the night quickly takes off into unexpected territories.
🐇: No, because YOU hurt my feelings. You gave me an amazing one-shot with banging smut and then broke my heart. I love you and this piece, and forgive you, but damn.
Honey, I'm Home! (series) by @trashmouth-richie
➢ Summary: you were desperate for a roommate after Nancy got married and moved out. An ad in the paper goes unanswered until someone comes knocking on the door.
🐇: Obsessed, but I’d kill this menace!Eddie. I do not have enough self-control to not go to prison for ending this feral raccoon’s existence. || It's still ongoing. Eventual smut.
The Soulmates (series) by @neonghostlights
➢ Summary: Eddie Munson never thought he would be one of the lucky ones. Him being the only one in his family to be given a soulmate mark was a miracle. What happens when his soulmate is not the one he wanted? Will he be able to give up his dream girl to be with the one he’s meant to be with? Or will he just have to learn to ignore the other half of his soul?
🐇: Like it a lot. I found it through a reblog and read all the existing parts in one go. It's a Soulmate AU, the first one I read. || It's still ongoing.
You Give Love A Bad Name [pt.2] by @cinemaquinn
➢ Summary: eddie munson was a world famous rockstar. and, apparently, an asshole. but you weren't one to believe rumours, so when eddie asks to meet you, who are you to say no?
Conviction (one-shot) by @tiannasfanfic
➢ Summary: Life takes an unexpected turn when a one time fling with your best friend leads to an unplanned pregnancy. Will years of friendship be enough to build a solid marriage off of...or are you destined for heartbreak due to a wandering eye like the town rumor mill predicts?
🐇: This was so cute. Especially the ending. Yes, this was spicy. Very good.
Destructive Solutions (one-shot) by @bimbobaggins69
➢ Summary: after becoming roommates with your high school crush and finally getting out of your crazy strict parents house, you get a little too close to him and his best friend (your coworker) —but they’re straight, right?
🐇: yes. I am Steddie x f!Reader trash. I love it when the chemistry is there. And it was there. I loved this so much that I am writing my thoughts on this for the 7th time now because tumblr is a bitch.
Show Me (one-shot) by @bimbobaggins69
➢ Summary: you accidentally stumble upon your best friend/roommates porn stash, you quickly learn he’s the main star. After seeing him in ways you never have, will your friendship ever be the same?
🐇: yes. yes. You may have noticed that that's the second fic from @bimbobaggins69 That's because I found her through reblogs and since then am sure that her fics don't miss, no matter what she posts.
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Fuck Tumblr for always deleting the last couple of sentences.
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loveinhawkins · 2 years
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 ao3
Eddie finds Wayne outside, round the back of the hotel. He’s sat on a little bench next to a trellis doing another damn crossword, the newspaper folded across his knees; and it’s almost funny, how he so easily seems to find peace and solitude during the impossible. But then Eddie remembers unplanned nights at the trailer from years ago, seeking refuge from raised voices and smashed bottles—and figures that Wayne’s always been good at carving out quiet moments amongst chaos.
Wayne looks up when Eddie sits down on the bench, too, appraises him thoughtfully.
“You’re looking better.”
“Well, damn, Wayne,” Eddie says, “was I ugly before or something?”
Wayne raises his eyes to the heavens, but he can’t hide the tiny smile tugging at his lips—and, God, Eddie thinks, he’s never taking this for granted again. Lately they’d gotten too used to passing like ships in the night—they had a vague plan to order takeout, watch T.V on one of Wayne’s rare days off, but then Chrissy…
“Steve doing good?” Wayne asks shrewdly, and Eddie nods, says that he’s heading to his house to pick up some of his stuff.
Wayne reaches into his back pocket, brings out his car keys and tosses them to Eddie. He jerks his thumb to the hotel parking lot.
“I’m parked near the front, just bring it back whenever you’re done.” He eyes Eddie, a little grave. “You just take care, all right? Don’t stop for no-one.”
Eddie nods again. Pushes back a tight knot of anxiety. “I won’t. Hey, uh… how long do we, you know,” he glances at the hotel building, “have here?”
Wayne follows his gaze. “Well, they’ve not asked me for my credit card yet,” he says, entirely straight-faced, and when Eddie just huffs a small laugh, he adds, “Government’s stepping in to re-house folks. Heard some of the trailers aren’t too damaged, so…”
Eddie puts two and two together. “People are moving back?”
“Some of ‘em,” Wayne confirms mildly. “The park still needs more work, reckon it’ll be months, at least, before it starts looking like—”
“I don’t think I can do it,” Eddie blurts out. “Go—go back, I mean.”
It’s painful to admit, that he wants to run from the one place that used to make him feel safe. But he can’t hide from it, how the horror is pervasive: how he thinks of Chrissy in the living room, and Steve’s missing tape in his bedroom, and him sinking to the ground in the trailer park, despairing, a lifeless Steve in his arms.
“All right,” Wayne says, like it’s simple.
Eddie bites his lip. “But. Wayne. It’s… it’s your home, too.”
Wayne sighs but not unkindly. He ruffles Eddie’s hair. “We’ll figure it out, Eddie,” and it sounds like he’s saying, You know full well that’s not really where ‘home’ is.
Eddie smiles. Blinks and looks away to wipe his nose with the back of his hand. When he stands up, he takes a peek at the crossword, tuts and says, “Come on, old man, you’re getting slow.”
“You’re a damn menace, that’s what you are.”
“Six across, four letters,” Eddie continues, sing-song, “All you need, to the Beatles.”
“I hadn’t got round to—”
Eddie twirls the car keys round his finger, does a stupid little spin as he leaves, just because he can. “Love!” he exclaims, hand on his heart, and Wayne chuckles.
He goes the extra mile in being cautious, takes backroads that he knows will be quiet, makes himself as small as possible in the driver’s seat. The town still feels ghostly, and the very occasional people he does drive by on the sidewalk don’t appear to really notice him, and he doesn’t quite know how to feel about it.
When he pulls up into Steve’s driveway, he glances in the rear-view mirror and sees another car crawling past—like it’s surveying rather than stopping. Then he realises that it’s Nancy who’s driving.
He sounds his horn as quietly as he can, and she starts, waves at him with a significant delay. She gets out, meets him at the front door.
“It’s empty, Jonathan took them all on a grocery store run,” Nancy says. Her voice is too level, like she’s putting all her effort into keeping it like that. “The spare key’s here.” She lifts up the door mat and bends down to pick up the key.
There’s mud all over her boots. Eddie only needs one look to know that it’s from the trailer park.
He kind of wants to hug her, honestly, but he doesn’t know yet what she really needs.
He lifts up the bag he’d brought. “Thought I’d do some laundry,” he says lightly, just to break the silence.
Nancy regards the bag with something like relief, and she takes it from him. “I can start a load,” she says, and then she opens the door and stops, right there in the hallway.
Eddie doesn’t blame her. With the house empty, their footsteps seem overly loud. There’s nothing to distract him from remembering the last time he was here, watching Steve’s forced normality. The clinking of bottles, back to the kids. His voice echoing eerily off the ceiling. You guys trust me, right?
Eddie gives himself a shake, heads for the stairs. “I’m just gonna—Steve wanted some clothes picked up, so…”
He trails off in invitation, looking over his shoulder.
But Nancy stays right where she is. She looks up to the top of the stairs then rapidly pales, a hand reaching out to steady herself against the wall. There’s a faint thump as she drops the bag onto the floor.
“Woah, woah.” Eddie hurries back, grabs her by the elbow. “You okay? You wanna sit down?”
Nancy shakes her head, screws her eyes shut for a moment. “No, I’m—I’m fine.”
“You sure?” Eddie says, uncertain.
She grips Eddie’s arm, breathes. Lets go and raises her head. “Yeah, I’m… I just need.” She picks up the bag again, straightens. “Just need to not—not think for a bit.”
Eddie releases his hold on her slowly, steps back when she doesn’t sway again.
“Yeah, I get that,” he says softly.
She reaches for a door to the left, before the kitchen. “Laundry room’s in here,” she says. Then, matter-of-fact, adds, “See you once you’ve got his things?”
Eddie nods but stays put. “Shout if you need me?”
Nancy softens. “Sure.”
In the end, Eddie’s almost glad that he heads to Steve’s bedroom alone, because he ends up freezing in the doorway for almost a full minute.
There’s more ghost-like memories in here. One of Steve’s drawers has been pulled fully out, left on the floor, and it’s like Eddie can hear Erica and Lucas scrabbling, throwing things out in their search for the tape.
Then he thinks of Dustin, his voice cracking; hearing him in the midst of asking, incredulous, “—not even going to look at me?”
Dustin’s furious, watery eyes flash through his mind, as does I hate you, and Steve turning his back, hiding as one tear falls down his cheek—
Eddie takes a deep breath. Once he finally crosses the threshold, it’s easier—he does his best not to stop. He focuses on finding clothes that are loose and soft, easier for Steve to put on over a cast. It’s endearing, to see wrinkled t-shirts in the closet, placed close to hand, clearly worn and familiar and comforting.
He has to reach for the drawer on the floor anyway, picks a couple of sweaters in case Steve gets cold. And maybe it’s silly, but his hand lingers on the wooden surface as he does so, touching the impression of where Steve’s hand had been; as if he can somehow reach into the past and keep him safe.
He skims the bookshelf with interest, prompted by Steve’s suggestion. The majority of it is made up of old children’s books—twee collections of Winnie The Pooh and Beatrix Potter which make him smile. Then there’s a volume of poetry that catches his eye, simply because it’s been left crooked on the shelf, like Steve had recently been reading it, before distractedly putting it back.
Eddie picks it up, puts it on top of his little bundle of clothes and takes it with him.
- Nancy’s sitting on a beanbag in the laundry room, watching the washing machine whir, eyes unfocused. The beanbag is a garish red, at odds with the rest of the furniture in the house, marking it as a ‘Steve purchase.’
The washing machine beeps when it’s done; Eddie puts his clothes in the dryer, remembering Steve’s words and slamming the door shut. Nancy jumps in her seat.
“Sorry,” Eddie says.
She exhales. “It’s fine.”
It’s then that Eddie notices she’s taken her boots off; there’s dried blood on her socks. He recalls Wayne saying she looked like she’d been at the trailer park for hours; and he wonders just how far she has walked.
But before he can even tentatively ask, Nancy speaks first.
“I’m—it wasn’t you, I just. I can’t go in his room.” Her voice is thick. “You know, Barb… Barb’s parents, they kept her room ex-exactly like it…” She laughs sadly. “I couldn’t stop thinking that she’d just walk through the door.”
Eddie got an inkling that the disappearance of Barbara Holland was Upside Down related when Nancy came out of her Vecna trance, trembling in Steve’s arms. Before they’d scaled the rope, he’d overheard her whisper, tearful, “He showed me Barb.” Caught when Steve made a soft noise like he’d been punched: “Oh, Nance.”
Now Eddie watches Nancy glance upwards, blinking rapidly, and knows that Barb can never come home.
“I just couldn’t…” Nancy sucks in a sharp breath. “Couldn’t go in there, not when—when he’s not here, this place feels like a fucking museum.”
“He’s coming home,” Eddie says. “He’s gonna be okay.”
Nancy nods slowly. She curls further into the beanbag, wincing as she moves her feet.
They don’t speak for a short while, the dryer churning in the background. Eddie finds a handheld brush in a cupboard, picks up Nancy’s boots.
“Scooch,” he says gently, and they share the beanbag.
Little by little, Eddie scrubs the mud off Nancy’s boots. It’s dried and caked on in places, obviously fresh in others.
His uncle’s voice in his head again: I think she was waiting for something to happen, too.
“Hey, Wheeler?” Eddie says, almost a whisper. “You don’t need to, uh… keep checking, you know?”
Nancy doesn’t look at him.
He thinks of her freezing at the trailer park, clutching a coffee Wayne brought her, stuck waiting, and it breaks his heart.
“Don’t go back there,” he says.
She sighs like she can’t promise that.
Eddie gathers himself. “Fine, here’s the deal.” He waits until she turns to him, expectant. “If—if you need to… don’t go back there alone, okay?”
She blinks those eyes that have seen far too much. “How?”
“I’ll go with you,” Eddie vows.
She doesn’t say anything. But she leans into him, their shoulders pressed together, and that’s all the answer he needs.
“Why’d you bring so much?” Steve says with amusement when Eddie shows him the bundle of clothes.
“So you’ve got options! I don’t know how you style yourself, Harrington.”
“Whatever brings out my eyes,” Steve says, deadpan.
“I thought you said your hair was your ‘best feature.’”
“Thanks for the air quotes, man, appreciate it.” Steve actually bats his eyelids. Idiot, Eddie thinks fondly. “Why’re you limiting me to only one best feature?”
“Wow. Think all that hair just hides your big head.”
Steve flips him off—correctly this time. “Pot, meet kettle,” he echoes, and laughs when Eddie throws a sweater in his face.
Steve catches him reading the poetry book over dinner. “You can, like, doodle in it or whatever, if you want.” He shrugs. “I’m not precious with it.”
Eddie reaches for a pen, but only to add a tongue-in-cheek note for Steve to find on the title page, signs and dates it: When it was discovered by Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson that Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington had hidden depths.
It’s an anthology, so Eddie flips through it out of order, settling on random pages on a whim. Then several markings in pencil catch his eye.
He pauses. He vaguely recognises this poem from English. Steve has underlined the very end.
I was much too far out all my life  And not waving but drowning.
Eddie stays on that page for a long time—thinks of Chrissy, how he’d only ever remembered her as smiling before she sat in front of him in the woods, picking the skin around her fingers.
Pictures Steve, his inexplicably tender smile in the RV. This bit really isn’t so bad, Eddie.
Steve clicks his fingers, burnt lasagne mid-way to his mouth. “Hey, where’d you go?”
Eddie starts, turns the page. “Oh, nowhere.”
He shuts the book.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 6 months
Part One
Stancy Headcanon Part Two with a Side of Hellcheer and Rovickie with a sprinkling of Jargyle:
• Steve and Eddie bonding over their bat bites while talking about Chrissy and Nancy but also talking about their shitty fathers.
• Nancy and Chrissy bonding over trying be perfect all the time, Nancy talking about losing Barb and Chrissy about her mother blaming her for her brother's death (Chrissy has a brother, it's canon but I think they forgot they gave her a brother.)
• Steve, Nancy, Eddie, and Chrissy getting high as they talk about the difficult stuff. Steve and Eddie talking about being both comfortable in their femininity and masculinity, which led to Chrissy and Nancy talking about it.
• Nancy confesses to Steve about how she feels while Robin and Eddie decide to make it dramatic with a sprinkler. Nancy and Steve chasing them until they manage to push them into the pool. (Stancy still can't get in yet.) I firmly believe in Robin and Eddie being twin menaces.
• Robin finally gets with Vickie, but before Chrissy and Eddie get together, and after Robin comes out to Nancy, she comes out to them. Nancy and Vickie bond over their different writing styles. I believe Vickie wants to right fictional novels. Vickie revealing that she loves basketball and talks with Steve about it.
• Vickie and Chrissy find out they're related. Nancy and Steve meanwhile are loving having so many friends, but they also kind of want to be alone. It's almost comical. Finally, it's Chrissy who realizes and announces loudly that she wants to make out with Eddie in his van, effectively pulling him away from his conversation with Robin, then it's Vickie pulling her out of the room.
• Stancy spending all of the time in the pool once they start to work through their issues. Nancy was even the one to dare him to go skinny dipping with her. It was a different form of intimacy and a different form of freedom.
• A few months into their new relationship and, yes, new. They didn't pick up where they left off. That relationship is dead and buried. They've both changed. Anyway, a few months in, Nancy rescues a dog, and suddenly, it becomes their dog. Due to the fact that Holly is allergic, Ace Wheeler stays at Steve's.
• Nancy and Steve are stupidly in love with their dog and each other. Steve loves to dance around the kitchen with Ace while Nancy lays on the floor with the dog on her back while she reads Ace the rough drafts of her articles. Ace makes a noise. ("You're right, Ace, that's absolutely ridiculous. This sentence needs to go somewhere else.")
• Nancy is, of course, taking a year off from college, but she definitely is going to Emerson. After the hell that occurred, she needed some off of school. But in the meantime, she's free writing for the paper in the next town over. Steve is fully invested and supportive, while Nancy is fully supportive of him not knowing what he wants to do. ("We don't have to have it all figured out.")
• Nancy and Steve getting high with Chrissy and Eddie again, but this time, after discovering their own gender and sexual identities. Eddie and Chrissy accepted it while Chrissy admitted that she always knew about herself but didn't know there was a word for it. Eddie never did anything with a guy before but admits to being curious, which, of course, leads to Eddie and Steve making out. Chrissy and Nancy watch on for a while before doing the same, which leads them with somewhat of a tradition when they got high.
• Of course, there's Robin slipping into bed platonically with Steve and Nancy, as well as Ace, when she has her first fight with Vickie. It causes Robin to do it a lot more often over pretty much anything.
• And of course, there's also Argyle and Jonathan slowly incorporating themselves into the group once they pull themselves out of their love and drug haze. But also, everyone is just being fucking teenagers on the verge of being young adults who are dealing with their trauma and becoming a queer little family along the way. And as much as they love the younger and the adult members of the Party, it's nice just to have people your own age who just get it.
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munsonfamilyband · 1 year
WIP Wordsearch Game!!!
rules: share snippets of your work containing each of the words the previous poster selected for you (optional addition: if you can't find the word in your WIPs, or you simply don't have any WIPs, you can just write a sentence around the word)
My words were: Debt, Linger, Throw, Flinch, and Camp
Thank you @ghost—enthusiast
Debt (like with Flinch I didn’t have the word but this includes the word owe so 🤷‍♀️):
“Steve Harrington, you are a menace to society.”
“What did I do?”
“You know that I am so happy for you and Eddie, and I am glad you are getting your back thrown out like you deserve, but you decided to abandon me with the stoner twins and Nancy today.”
“Robin, we had to leave at that moment, I promise-“
“I was with you when you bought all of the sex toys you own, I know what was happening today. That doesn’t change the fact that you owe me, because while I was abandoned by my best friend so he could get dicked down, I had to sit through Jonathan bringing up the fact that Nancy owns a god damn strap on.”
Years later, after the Upside Down is completely gone, everyone is at his house for a barbecue. He and Robin had hidden away in the back corner up against the fence and beneath a tree. They had split a blunt a little while ago and are currently drinking cups of a horrifically alcoholic punch that Nancy made. All this being said, they are far from sober, which is likely why Steve, eyes lingering on Eddie’s form in the pool as he lifts El above his head with a monstrous yell, says what he does to Robin.
“I think I’m in love with Eddie.” Robin actually has the audacity to choke on her drink as he says it, which gets him to focus on her, albeit reluctantly. “I definitely reacted better than that when you came out to me.”
“Wait! You need more protection than just the spear and shield. Do you have hairspray?”
“Do I have- oh, Dustin Henderson, you little genius. Yes I have hairspray, and a couple different lighters.” Eddie grinned and ran to his room, grabbing the hairspray can from his closet and he found four different lighters on his dresser. “Alright, flamethrower achieved. You watch him, okay? I’ll be back.”
Flinch (Didn’t have flinch but this is a fun thing similar to flinching):
Eddie finally looks up as the other people at the table begin yelling in a panic, an evil grin spread across his face - and he makes direct eye contact with Steve. Steve sees the exact moment his presence registers in Eddie’s mind because his grin turns to a look of shock and he falls out of his chair with a shout that could maybe be Steve’s name.
Every immediately stops talking to stare at Eddie, who quickly pops back up, leaning on the table while staying on his knees.
“Well, children, your mother is here. Looks like you’ll have to deal with the red wizards next week.”
“Where is my stuff?”
“What stuff?”
“All of my stuff. The things I had on me when I took the plane down, the things from camp that I left behind, the things in my apartment in Brooklyn. I want my things back. If you don’t want me to leave this place and find a way to kill myself, you’ll give me my shit back.”
“Some of that belongs to the Smithsonian, we can’t just-“
“It belongs to me. It was given to the Smithsonian when I was presumed dead but I’m not dead and a lot of my belongings are incredibly personal and I want them back.”
Debt came from a little thing I had half written about Stobin who share too much with each other
Linger came from a drabble I’m working on about Tommy being in love with Steve and Steve coming out
Throw(er) comes from my currently ongoing AU for the different meetings and I won’t be giving more context
Flinch comes from the WIP I have about Erica roasting Steve and Eddie and Eddie falling out of his chair because he was surprised by Steve was close enough
Camp comes from the Captain America AU I wrote bits and pieces of but who knows if that will ever see the light of day
Next round here you go! @nburkhardt @readysteddiecook @steddieas-shegoes @henderdads @artiststarme
Your words are: Blank, Fire, Limb, Infect, Fly
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
and therein lies the issue, friends don't try to trick you, get you in the phone and mind twist youuuu!! These two are such reputation vibes and I love it so much 😍 I actually love that song as well, but I don't think many other people do.
Full disclosure, I would have put money on Eddie bringing in the big guns and asking Nancy to bring her back. But its Steve! And he didn't even ask! And it needed to be Steve. This was a great choice. He started the whole thing, it's right that he came full circle with them as well. And then him straight away offering himself as the bad guy and telling her to just fix it, he's so precious.
I like that she doesn't immediately spill every detail to Steve, and even when she does say something, it's not the ins and outs, she keeps their time mostly between them and it's so important. because their entire time knowing eachother has had their group in the background and they need some time of their own that's private. Just like their (hopefully) eventual relationship will be 😊
Him explaining that he had no expectations with his confession, starts getting a bit dramatic in his own head again, and then she's so blunt just shutting him up 🤣 it's gonna be their whole dynamic. And again with the chapstick comment, she's a menace just as much as him. Love it.
And then, yea it's great they're being all smart and sensible and mature and taking some time apart and yepyepyep but the hopeless romantic in me did wonder if she'd go back in, even just for a minute. but then the image of them both batterd and sat staring at the open door, like the end of an action film at the edge of the blast zone or something, that was epic. Scene of the crime. Yellow tape. Do not cross. The works. He's either gonna want to move like yesterday or stay there forever and I can't decide which. Amazing 🖤
Can't wait for Steve's interaction with them face to face, can just see him coming in all Captain America thinking he fully saved the day from his phone call convincing her to go back, and them both just chasing him down the stairs 🤣
p.s. I'm so satisfied finally hearing the other side of Eddie's call with Nancy. I mean, we all had an idea, but still so satisfying 🖤🖤
i am so glad someone else thought of that song!!! when i wrote that line i took a quick break just to sigh deeply because i really can’t escape her 😭 and they are very reputation coded!! since starting i’ve always firmly believed they were very speak now coded in the beginning, and slowly became more reputation coded as their story continued lol (can you imagine a non swiftie reading this like ???? what???) i also very much love that song. it’s so fun and the lines about toasting her friends, baby, and mama are so satisfying to me.
i definitely almost had eddie call nancy first to be completely be honest. but, just between you and me, i think eddie reached out the way he did very strategically. he knew she was upset, dealing with a lot, and he also knew she’s in the groupchat. calling nancy risks jonathan finding out, which risks everyone finding out. he knows that reader is closest with steve, that steve was always going to be the one coming to pick her up at the end, so he called him for her benefit.
and also between you and me, eddie is feeling the same way as reader. he doesn’t want to give up that privacy quite yet. if he called nancy, she’d complete her best friend duties of asking for details, making sure he was okay, etc. and he isn’t okay but he doesn’t want to explain why.
and oh gosh, i’m really glad someone else saw the cinematic vibes of that moment because i was worried people would be like “why are those idiots not going back in” 😭 they’re on neutral ground there, and yes, that apartment is definitely tainted to eddie now, but he’s definitely leaning more towards never moving. especially when it’s not all quite ruined yet. if reader had left and it had all been on bad terms? oh yeah he would have wrecked that place.
and… yeah, steve better watch his back. he gets his karma next hour. (already wrote the scene. poor dude learned his lesson.)
i figured we all knew what went down but.. just for good measure <3 and because it was too cute to have a parallel of the way nancy forced that admission out of eddie in the beginning, and then steve did the same to reader. ultimate wing (wo)men truly
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berrymoos · 2 years
baby steve and baby eddie being little menaces to nancy and the moment she raises her voice at the two of them they’re both bawling and blubbering and tugging at her skirt wanting to be held. they just wanted to play with her! waaaa and eddie being a little younger than steve and trying to communicate to steve that they should stop bothering nancy and just ask her to play.
“we…trouble…?” and steve just shaking his head, knowing nancy won’t do more than tell them to quit and dragging eddie into more trouble. even tho eddie just wants baby cuddles hnhhhhh
HHHHNG WAAAA o(♡´▽`♡)o canon tbh HDKDJKS
nancy knows that steve's tears r mostly crocodile ones bc she's got EXPERIENCE with that little man: he'll irritate her, she'll tell him off, he'll cry for a few minutes (usually until she reassures him that she's not too mad, she just needs him to calm down whatever he's doing a bit), he'll do something else that isn't mischievous for about ,, 7 minutes, & then he's off getting into more trouble. rinse & repeat & you've got urself a typical day of cg nancy with small steve 👍🏾
little eddie? ohhh, the moment nancy – or anyone in fact – raises her voice above her normal volume, INSTANT tears. no hesitation, no question. and they are not crocodile tears; he's immediately sorry for whatever he did, he won't do it again, & he'll give his cuddles to prove that!!
so when nancy sternly tells the two off for continuously trying to use the wall as a sketch pad, there are two reactions: the sniffly, teary puppydog-eyed steve harrington & the instantly sobbing eddie munson, dropping his crayon & reaching up for a hug. ofc she gives the both of them a hug and some advice to stop drawing on the walls, please
...but give it like seven minutes & steve will be off with eddie in tow, into more trouble that could barely count as trouble, more just ... mild annoyances for what their smallspace is 💀
eddie is constantly like "bu' ... wh-whaddif nancy gets maddat us :((" but that's honestly the last thing on steve's mind as he's grabbing the little toy cars from under the bed & lining them up in front of his bedroom door
"nuh-uh, she's not ever that mad! she maybe might tell us we gotta stand inna corner or somethin', but it's okay!"
that ... doesn't do much to ease eddie's nerves, but props to steve for trying to reassure the littler guy JFHIUSD
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