#we need more of tilly kissing girls in the media
lovekenney · 1 year
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johannstutt413 · 4 years
(requested by anonymous)
He was a boy...she was a girl...Could it be any more obvious ♬
That was the song playing in the cafeteria when Executor walked in that day. He received his tray, completed his order, and arbitrarily selected a table to consume his meal at. By chance, this table was not unoccupied. “Good morning, Miss Ptilopsis.”
“Good morning, Executor.” She popped a cherry tomato in her mouth. “Print string: How is your day going?”
“No intruders detected, but normal routines have been altered. The Doctor has retired for the day due to fatigue and illness; I have sent a request that her condition be monitored by someone more skilled in such matters. The rest of my day will be spent providing tech support.”
Tilly cocked her head. “Print string: Tech support? Perhaps you can help me with a hardware issue?”
“I will be free to assist.” He glanced around the cafeteria for eavesdroppers. “Which terminal?”
“Print string: Personal computer.”
Executor nodded. “We should allow lunch to settle first.”
“Data entry confirmed.” She stood up, sliding a hand over his as she left to take her tray. “Print screen: I will meet you at the terminal.”
“Duly noted.” If anyone had been paying attention, they might have noticed a slight blush on both of their faces...but, unlike what the Sankta’s natural paranoia suggested, no one was watching them so intently.
It had been a weird thing, at first, these little clandestine meetings. Executor undeniably had an effect on most women, which obviously included Ptilopsis, but there wasn’t a woman who had one on Executor until he met her...perhaps excepting the Doctor, but they were spoken for. One day, Tilly had asked him to help her with a tech support issue, and while they were looking over the machine together, her face had gotten close to his, and he had kissed her cheek. Whether it was a fault in his self-control, a response to an unspoken request of hers, or something else entirely, Executor couldn’t say, but Ptilopsis answered his kiss with one on his lips, and the tech support job was relegated to a few hours later.
The code, unlike their first encounter, was completely intentional; between his emotional hang-ups and her limited expressive capabilities, and in order to soothe his subsurface security anxieties, they’d decided to embed their little affair into computer jargon, something both of them were quite comfortable with. Hearing certain phrases now had the curious effect of leaving Executor thinking of her, but it couldn’t be helped. Secrecy was important, and being able to feel like this was practically life-affirming in and of itself…
He arrived at her door a short time later, after stopping at Closure’s shop for a few items. Ptilopsis answered the door in her work clothes, as per tradition. “Print string: Do you want to see the terminal immediately?”
“I would like to begin with a cursory diagnostic.” She let him inside, and he set his purchases on the table: a box of chocolates, a science fiction novel, and a magazine [think Cosmo, but for their world]. “Or, now that we are alone...We should have a discussion first.”
“Print screen: Discussion?”
Executor sat on her couch, gesturing for her to join him. She did, sitting across his legs with an arm around his shoulders to steady her. “I believe now is the time to declare our relationship status.”
“...Standby.” Ptilopsis was staring at him, wide-eyed. “”Print screen: Declare our relationship status to whom?
“To ourselves and subsequently to our fellow Operators. I do not know entirely what our relationship is, however.”
She caressed his cheek with her free hand. “Print string: I’ve thought of us as a couple incognito. Does that seem right?”
“I have wondered.” He sighed. “There is such a strong sexual component, I worried it was less significant.”
“Print string: You? Worried? I never thought I’d hear those words.” Tilly winked at him.
Executor’s lips curled upward minutely. “You understand my point.”
“Print string: I do.” She kissed the top of his head. “Print string: If you want to tell others of our romance, I’ve no complaints.”
“Mission accomplished; all objectives completed.” He turned his face upward to meet hers, pulling her into a measured embrace.
At the end of half an hour, they were lying on her bed, Ptilopsis was lying on top of him, chirping contentedly, when an alert came up on her tablet. She sighed, giving him a peck on the cheek, before reading the message. “Print string: Darling? Why did the Notarial Hall contact me? Print string: They want to know some personal information about me.”
“Standard procedure.” He sat up, putting an arm around her as he looked over her shoulder. “I declared our relationship status to them as per my contract with Rhodes Island and the Notarial Hall.”
“Print string: I never realized you had a social media account.” Another alert had just appeared: a social media account listing her as their girlfriend.
Executor shrugged. “Data collection. Any other concerns?”
“Print string: No.” Tilly curled around him again, setting her tablet back in its place. “Print string: Any other matters on your agenda today?”
 “None.” He settled back into the bed, arm resting in the small of her back as she pressed against him.
Another kiss on his cheek. “Print string: Good. I’ll need you later today.”
“Mmhmm.” Executor could feel himself falling asleep, but before he did, he had to make sure he said this. “And I will always need you.”
We are in love, haven’t you heard how we rock each others’ world ♫
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lilacmoon83 · 5 years
Finding You Always
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 177: Scrutiny
Snow rested her head against David's shoulder, as they watched their kids play a game. It was a familiar scene to them, but one sorely missed as of late. Their plates had been taken away a while ago and dessert was shared, as they enjoyed being together again. Rogers had stayed for a while and ate with them, but then opted to go home, for they had court in the morning and he wanted to go check on Tilly.
They tried not to laugh, as they watched their sons stare each other down with two of the worst poker faces they'd ever seen. They could help but chuckle to each other, as Bobby's tongue poked out of the corner of his mouth. It meant he thought he had a good hand and they could see their older son grinning at the younger for it.
"Well...let's see it," Leo said, as Bobby showed his cards.
"Three of a kind," he announced, thinking he was going to be winning the pot, which consisted of gummy worms, Oreo cookies, and more than enough sugar to keep him up all night.
"Don't even think about eating all that junk tonight, young man," Snow warned, making David chuckle as he got the same pout on his face that she did.
"Don't worry Mom...I'm the only one that's going to feasting on this jackpot tonight," Leo said, as he showed his cards.
"Full house kid...better luck next time," he said, preparing to scoop his winnings toward him.
"Um...not so fast there," Eva said, as Summer put her hand down, revealing four aces.
"What?" Leo protested.
"Sorry...I win," Summer said, as now both boys wore identical pouts.
"That's my girl...I taught you well. Better luck next time, boys," Eva boasted, as she congratulated her little sister in her victory.
"You know, coaching her isn't exactly fair. There's no one better at reading people than you," Leo complained. She rolled her eyes.
"I don't need my ability to read you two. You two wear your emotions all over your faces," she retorted.
"She's got you there," David agreed.
"Mmm...and they get that from you," Snow agreed too and he didn't deny it. His emotions were always prevalent in his mood and expressions. Emma chuckled at their antics and stole a gummy worm.
"Not to change the subject to more serious things...but I need a favor from you," she mentioned to Eva.
"Of course," the dark haired young woman replied.
"Killian...Rogers…" she said, correcting herself.
"Rogers and I found this in Tilly's boxcar earlier," Emma said, as she pushed the evidence bag over to her.
"Is that golden dust?" David asked, looking at it.
"Yep," Emma replied.
"Like...golden dust from a certain flower?" Snow asked. Emma nodded.
"I'm pretty sure…" she replied.
"Then she's been in Tilly's boxcar," David surmised.
"I think so...but that's not all that was in Tilly's boxcar," Emma replied, as she swiped through some photos on her phone of the drawings on Tilly's wall.
"Tilly drew these?" Snow asked. She nodded.
"If I had to guess, then she's probably been having episodes or moments of clarity that she's not even aware of," Emma replied.
"Emma...do you think these are drawings of the future?" Snow asked.
"I don't know...but I think Gothel is looking for the resurrection amulet. I already told Regina that we need to find a way to wake Zelena up so we can get it first," Emma replied.
"If Gothel gets the amulet...then all she needs is our star seeds," David mentioned unpleasantly.
"Which is why I'm going to get it first. I won't let her get it first," she promised. Snow clutched her daughter's hand.
"We know honey...but you won't fight her alone," she assured.
"I know...but you two have got to be careful. You're in more danger than I think you realize," Emma stressed.
"We promise we won't take any chances," David tried to assure her. But Emma knew her parents. The danger to them was significant, as usual and Emma feared that there wasn't much she could do to prevent any of the dangers to them.
"We have court in the morning, so I better go pay the check," David mentioned.
"Yes...and you have a recital tomorrow night, honey. So you especially need to get to bed," Snow responded.
"Mom...I'm not going to my recital," Summer refuted. The raven haired beauty frowned.
"Why not?" Snow asked and her daughter gave her an incredulous look.
"Uh...reporters are trying to follow you and Daddy everywhere and there are way more important things going on right now," she refuted.
"Oh sweetie...I don't care if a mob of reporters are waiting for us at the school. Your father and I would never miss one of your recitals. You love dance and we are not going to let anyone deprive you of that," Snow admonished.
"She's right peanut...we can't wait for your recital. You're the lead, as usual and you know we never pass up the opportunity brag about one of our amazing kids," he added, humbling her a bit, as her mother smiled and kissed her father's cheek, before resting her head on his shoulder. All the reporters and attention from other parents would be uncomfortable at best, but they were gladly going to brave it all for her and without question.
"That reminds me...we need to charge the camera tonight," she mentioned and he nodded, as he settled their bill. Emma smirked and squeezed her baby sister's hand. It was almost like being back home and that gave them all hope, for her parents always managed to give them a bit of normalcy, no matter what was going on around them. They were always first to their parents and that had never wavered, even when they had faced down some of the worst situations imaginable. David pecked her on the lips, before getting up to go pay the bill.
"Thanks again, Joe. We'll get out of your hair now," he promised.
"Nah...this is family. Stay as long as you want," he replied, as the song changed in the jukebox and happened to be one of Snow's favorites. He grinned back at her.
"Well...maybe one dance," he said, as he held his hand out to her and she swooned, as he swept her into his arms.
"This song is so cheesy," Leo complained.
"And like thirty-years old," Eva added.
"It is both of those things...but somehow, it just works for Mom and Dad," Emma said, as they all shared a smile.
"I think we're embarrassing our children again," Snow whispered to him, as they swayed and danced together. He chuckled.
"Probably...but what else is new?" he joked, as he kissed her tenderly. She giggled and then mewled into his kiss again. Which quickly dissolved from dancing into just making out.
"And now they're making out," Leo deadpanned.
"As usual," Eva added.
"It's not new, but still embarrassing," Emma agreed. Snow and David shared a smile at their usual commentary and they decided it was time to go home. As much as they wanted to stay, they had the unpleasantness of court to deal with early the next morning.
After a tumultuous dinner, the two couples returned to Roni's bar for a nightcap. Robin seemed to get along with Chad well enough. Regina knew she wasn't going to like whatever defense her sister's fiance would be mounting the next morning in court, but she definitely felt that he wouldn't be doing so maliciously. Still, she knew he would be painting Snow and David in a light that she wasn't happy about. Such was the job of a defense attorney, but she still didn't have to like it. Add to that, she still had to figure out a way to get Zelena to remember. She needed to find that amulet before Gothel. Everything could hinge on who possessed the amulet, but that was only part of the battle. Court in the morning was likely to be another and she hated that her family was even having to go through this. And all because of that damn doctor they had originally encountered in New Orleans when Isaac had sent Snow to his facility in a twist he wrote in as an insurance policy if they managed to defeat his narrative. They had, of course, and when the former author's twisted narrative had ended, he made sure to get in a final dig at Snow and Charming.
They had journeyed to the bayou and rescued Snow, of course, but not before making Dr. Ivan Facilier their enemy and initiating his need for revenge on them. And she had to give it to Facilier's vindictive grandson. He had crafted an unorthodox, but very effective revenge. Shining such media attention on Snow and David was not only the last thing they needed, but it was quite possibly the worst thing he could have done. Having normal people focus on them in the scandal he had crafted for them was so intrusive and exhausting. They didn't need or want the attention and it had complicated everything. The doctor that she had dismissed as a non-threat had proved her wrong in a devastating way. Being embroiled in this court battle was just a forced distraction they didn't need. It was almost like he was trying to ensure that even if they did manage to break the curse that there would be either no escaping this new reality or at the very least, it would prevent them from ever leaving Storybrooke again even if they did make it back. Somehow though, she knew Snow and Charming wouldn't mind the latter and neither would she. If they did make it back, she knew it wouldn't matter to any of them if they never had to leave Storybrooke again. In fact, she welcomed that and knew they did too.
"Nice try Facilier...but this family will endure," she muttered, as she did a shot and glanced at her sister, who was leaving with Chad for their hotel.
"I know that look…" Robin mentioned.
"I got a text from Emma...she thinks Gothel was poking around Tilly's boxcar," she said, her face troubled by this.
"The amulet...she's looking for it," he realized. She nodded.
"We think so and the only one that knows where it is…" she trailed off.
"Is Zelena," he finished.
"We need to get to that amulet before Gothel," Regina said, as she went in the back room and started fumbling around.
"What are you looking for?" he asked.
"I don't know...maybe she hid it here somewhere. Before the curse took us, Zelena assured me that it would be safely sealed away. That means that it might be here," she replied.
"Then we'll find it," he assured, as he started helping her look.
Snow kissed him deeply, as they lay entwined beneath the bedclothes, sated and glowing the in the after effects of their powerful, incredible lovemaking. They panted together, as their lips parted and they pressed their foreheads together, gazing soulfully into each other's eyes.
"I love you so much," Snow whispered, as she continued to kiss his neck
"And I love you, my beautiful Snow…" he rasped, as he spooned her against him and she settled in his arms. She noticed his pensiveness though.
"What's bothering you?" she asked, for not even their euphoric lovemaking had eased his tension.
"I just hate that you have to go on the stand tomorrow and relive what that psycho doctor did to you," he lamented.
"I know, but I'll be fine, my love, because I know that you'll be there with me," she reminded, as she kissed his cheek.
"You're my hero...never doubt that," she added, as they settled and slowly drifted off to sleep.
When David opened his eyes next, he was startled at first, because Snow was no longer beside him, but he was dressed in the exact clothing he had been wearing when he awakened Snow from the sleeping curse. He looked around and instantly recognized the meadow as the one from Neverland.
"Snow?" he called, but somehow knew she wasn't there. Snow had told him about her dream and he noticed that their tree was there. He could tell it was theirs, because of the blanket of snowdrops growing all around it.
"I'm sure you've figured out that though this is a dream...it is very real," a male voice said. David turned and found a tall, dark haired man before him. He was wearing a formal black and gold coat, pants and cape that indicated his royal station.
"You're King Endymion," David stated.
"And you're Prince David...we meet at last," he replied kindly.
"Snow told me about her meeting with Serenity and I think that's what is confusing me. Aphrodite made is sound like neither of you survived your battle with the Black Fairy," he said.
"We sacrificed ourselves to save our people from the darkness. Then two of our guardians sacrificed themselves to the resurrection stone to bring us back. Serenity and I were not happy about others sacrificing themselves for us, but it was their duty to see that we survived for our Kingdom," he explained.
"And then Gothel came along," he surmised.
"Yes...the Kingdom was lost then, but we were able to save most of our people and settle again near Olympus," he explained.
"Snow and I don't like the idea of anyone sacrificing themselves for us, especially one of our children. Emma's heart is already poisoned and I know we'll do anything to cure her," he said. He smiled.
"And I'm hoping I can help with that," he said cryptically...
The next morning, the District Attorney managed to sneak Snow and David in the back way again, avoiding the mob of press outside the courthouse. Clayton arrived after them, having actually enjoyed the attention of the cameras and even had the audacity to do a shameless plug for the grand opening event of his new exhibit debuting that very evening.
"Mr. Stavros...do you think this trial will affect the attendance to your event tonight?" one reporter questioned. He smirked smugly.
"On the contrary...I expect a packed house for the event," he said, as he looked over at Snow and David.
"There is no hard feelings here," he said, gesturing grandly toward them.
"I'll even extend an invitation to Detective Nolan and his lovely...Snow White to attend," he said, making some of them chuckle, at least the reporters that seemed to always eat him up. David clenched his fists, as they were essentially making fun of the woman he loved again, but she put both her hands on his fist and looked him in the eyes.
"Baby...it's okay. It doesn't matter what they say," she whispered.
"I just hate this...they're going to drag you through the mud today on the stand," he lamented.
"I know...but I'll get through it, because all I have to do is look at you the entire time. With you here, I can get through anything," she assured.
"The court will come to order," Judge Cabot stated, as the press was locked out of the courtroom and opening arguments began.
"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. We're here today, because this man, the defendant, Clayton Stavros participated in a dastardly scheme. He assisted the late Dr. Franklin Samdi in a plot to enact revenge on a beautiful little family," Amara stated.
"Their reasons for wanting revenge are not clear, but what is are the deeds the defendant committed against David and Margaret Nolan, as well as their children. Clayton Stavros assisted the Doctor in his kidnapping Margaret Nolan and her son Bobby," she continued.
"Doctor Samdi kept Margaret Nolan against her will, made a false diagnosis in order to keep her locked up, and forcibly medicated her. Mr. Stavros provided forged papers, stating that he was Margaret Nolan's brother and stating that her name was Mary Blanchard. He used these falsified documents to have her committed and take custody of her son, all while allowing her husband to believe them to be dead," she explained.
"I know what these allegations must sound like to all of you. This plot sounds like something out of a movie or crime novel, but I assure what these men did to this family was very real. One is no longer with us to pay for his crimes, but the other still is and I believe after you have seen and heard our testimony, that you will come to one conclusion and one conclusion only. That this man, Clayton Stavros must be punished for his actions accordingly. Thank you," she concluded her opening argument, as Chad stood up and buttoned his suit jacket, before approaching the jury.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I think we can all agree that the late Dr. Samdi's practices were questionable at best, but the details in his memoir are hardly substantial proof to back up these allegations against my client. But there are facts that I can provide you with," Chad stated.
"I think we can all agree that my client did not do the right things when it came to Mrs. Nolan and her son. But I assure you that I can make the argument that he did the things he did out of concern for a young boy, whose mother is mentally ill," Chad continued.
"Margaret Nolan was correctly diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder and has three identities that we know of," he explained.
"But rather than get his wife the help she deserved, Detective Nolan chose to rather indulge her delusions by playing along with them and indulging her in a very unhealthy way. Meanwhile, his constant investigations into my client bordered on harassment. He was obsessed with trying to find some imagined mis-dealings and illegal actions that he was convinced my client was committing. But despite never finding definitive proof of anything, Detective Nolan refused to stop pursing his outlandish investigations into my client's business transactions," he added.
"Mr. Stavros' only tried to get Mrs. Nolan the help she deserved and give young Bobby a more stable home. He did it the wrong way, but I think by the end of this trial, you will agree that leniency in this matter should be considered. My client was trying to help in all the wrong ways. That deserves community service and a fine, but not jail time. And I think you'll soon agree," Chad finished, as he sat back down.
"He can't be serious," David growled under his breath.
"We knew they were going to go this route," she reminded.
"The state may call their first witness," the Judge stated.
"Thank you, Your Honor. The state calls Margaret Nolan to the stand," Amara announced. David squeezed her hand and she went to the witness box where the bailiff swore her in, before District Attorney Pearson approached.
"Good morning, Mrs. Nolan," she greeted pleasantly.
"Good morning," Snow replied.
"Can you please describe what it was like during your time in Dr. Samdi's care?" she asked. Snow got a haunted look on her face, as she remembered those nights.
"Dr. Samdi kept me locked in a small cell and his orderlies would force me to take pills. When I struggled, they would hold me down and even slap me. I had bruises and marks on my body most of the time," she confessed.
"Did Dr. Samdi ever tell you why you had to take these pills?" she questioned. She nodded.
"He said I was a sick woman and that I was a danger to my family when I said I wanted to go home," she replied.
"And what role did Mr. Stavros play in this?" she asked.
"He had custody of my son and said that my husband believed we died in a horrible accident. He said it was for the best," she replied, recalling all the nights she had cried for David.
"That must have been terrible to endure," Amara stated.
"It was...I cried for my husband every night," she confessed, as she gazed at him. It brought tears to his eyes too, for he hated all she had gone through and he had not been able to protect her.
"Objection, Your Honor. This is not a therapy session," Chad interjected.
"Sustained. Move on with your line of questioning, Ms. Pearson," the Judge ordered.
"Mrs. Nolan...there have been allegations that you have multiple identities. Is this true?" Amara asked.
"No...I only started to believe I might be this Mary Blanchard after I had been forced to take medication for months. The drugs caused those problems. I was very malleable when I was medicated," Snow replied.
"So it would be safe to say that Dr. Samdi easily controlled you while you medicated and the meds made you believe anything he told you, is that correct?" she asked. Snow nodded.
"Yes," she answered.
"Mrs. Nolan...do you know why Dr. Samdi would do this to you or why Mr. Stavros would want to participate in such a scheme against you and your husband?" Amara asked.
"I can't be sure, but I know Mr. Stavros wants revenge against my husband," Snow answered.
"Why?" she asked.
"Years ago...David was responsible for keeping him from illegally acquiring some ancient artifacts that he was desperate to add to his collection," Snow replied.
"Objection, Your Honor. My client was never convicted of any crimes, despite Detective Nolan's attempts to catch him with his baseless accusations," Chad objected.
"Sustained. The jury will disregard Mrs. Nolan's mentions of any unsubstantiated charges," the Judge ordered.
"Did Mr. Stavros allow you to see your son? The son that he illegally took custody of thanks to forged documents?" she asked.
"Sometimes...he would let Bobby visit once a week. Most of the time though, Bobby had to sneak away from Clayton to come see me," she replied.
"That had to be hard on your son. To be cut off from his real parents and kept away from his real father," Amara stated.
"Is there a question here, Your Honor?" Chad interjected.
"I assure you there is, Your Honor," Amara replied.
"Then ask it, Counselor," the Judge stipulated.
"Can you tell the court how your husband finally discovered that you were alive?" she asked. Snow smiled.
"That was our little Bobby. He managed to sneak away from Mr. Stavros long enough to find David. Then David came and found me," she answered. Amara smiled.
"Thank you Mrs. Nolan. Only one more question. Do you believe Mr. Stavros abused your son?" she asked
"Objection! This is not family court!" Chad protested.
"Withdrawn, no further questions," Amara replied, as she took a seat, while Chad got up and approached the witness bench.
"Good morning, Mrs. Nolan," he greeted.
"Good morning," Snow responded curtly.
"Is it true that you also go by Miss Blanchard?" he questioned.
"Mary Blanchard is the woman the doctor told me I was when I was medicated," she answered.
"I see...have you ever seen this book, Mrs Nolan?" he asked, as he held up a white paperback copy of Henry's commercially published version of the original book.
"Yes...it's my son's favorite book," she answered.
"Did you used to read to him from this book?" Chad questioned.
"Objection...of what relevance is this?" Amara questioned.
"I assure you that I have a point, Your Honor," Chad argued.
"Overruled. The Witness will answer the question," the Judge ordered.
"I still read to him from it. So does my husband," she answered.
"Then you are aware, that according to Dr. Samdi's memoir, that the reason Clayton Stavros sought to have you committed was because you began to believe that the stories in this book were real. That you think you are the Snow White in this book," he stated.
"No," she answered. She knew it wasn't really the truth, but for all intents and purposes, she was legally Margaret Nolan in this world.
"Then your son doesn't think that you and your husband are Snow White and Prince Charming?" he asked. She smiled.
"It's my son's favorite story and when he was younger, he liked to think we were. He has a very vivid imagination and we will never discourage that," she answered.
"Then if it is your son that is the only one that thinks your husband is Prince Charming, then why did Dr. Samdi document that you would constantly cry every night and call out for your Charming?" Chad questioned. But Snow was ready for this question.
"Charming is a nickname that I coined for my husband on the day we met. I have affectionately called him that since we met. I was heavily medicated by the doctor and probably was calling out for him by that name," she answered. He smiled at her and she smiled back across the room.
"A nickname? Is that really what you are expecting us to believe, Mrs. Nolan?" he questioned.
"Objection...argumentative!" Amara argued.
"Sustained," the Judge ordered.
"I apologize, Your Honor. I'll rephrase. Perhaps you can tell us why we should believe that," he reiterated. She smiled at David.
"Because anyone who has met my husband knows what an amazing man he is. He has always been my hero...my Prince Charming. He is an incredible husband, a wonderful father, and a dedicated police officer, who puts monsters in prison. Anyone that knows him isn't surprised that I nicknamed him that," she said proudly. Chad didn't look too happy about her answer, but conceded with a nod.
"Fair enough. I think we can both agree that Dr. Samdi was an evil man, but why should we believe that this translates to my client?" he asked. She looked at him incredulously.
"He stole my life from me and my family. He let my husband believe we were dead," she responded.
"Dr. Samdi stole your life. My client's participation is purely speculative," Chad argued.
"He had custody of my son using forged papers!" Snow cried out in outrage. Chad smirked and pulled some papers from his briefcase.
"The defense would like to introduce defense exhibit A. These are the papers in question. Mrs. Nolan...is that not your signature as your alter, Mary Blanchard, signing over custody of your son to Mr. Stavros?" he questioned. Snow was stunned. She knew the papers were a fabrication of the curse, but she also knew how it would look to a jury.
"I was under the influence of a lot of medication. When drugged...Dr. Samdi could have made me do anything he wanted," she responded.
"Blaming the medication again. Seems a bit convenient," he said skeptically.
"Objection! He's badgering the witness," Amara protested.
"Withdrawn. No further questions," he responded.
"The witness may step down," the Judge ordered, as Snow did so and rejoined David on the bench behind the district attorney's desk.
"You were amazing," he assured, as he kissed her tenderly.
"We will break for lunch now and return in one hour," the Judge ordered, as she slammed the gavel down and dismissed them. And David knew it would likely be his turn in the witness box when they returned.
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