#we need the Futurama sun cannon
brightlotusmoon · 8 months
None of this means Trump will win the presidency, or even that his full-throttle political style will help him over the next 10 months. U.S. presidential elections are notoriously unpredictable and Trump has profound political liabilities. In recent years, surveys have found that nearly half of Americans rank him among the worst presidents ever. He faces massive legal peril in four separate jurisdictions and will likely have to spend more time in a courtroom than on the campaign trail over the coming year. Millions of Americans recoil at the memory of his first term, the images of a mob in MAGA hats storming the Capitol. In November, he would need to win over skeptical voters—unlike the crowd of diehards who braved frigid sub-zero temperatures to help him claim a dominant victory Monday night.
“He's gonna do everything he says he’s gonna do,” says Tammy Hechart, a 52-year-old realtor from Ankeny, Iowa. “He's gonna fix the wall. He's gonna fix the economy. It's gonna be awesome.” Others called his victory a vindication for Trump and the MAGA movement. “It feels even sweeter that people think they can use the courts as a way to win elections,” says Natalie Blasingame, a retired teacher from Texas who traveled all the way to Iowa to see Trump, echoing his unsubstantiated claims that his indictments are designed to damage his political aspirations.
The margin of victory made it hard to see how and where his rivals were capable of unseating him. “How are they going to put a dent in him?” asked Kari Lake, the GOP Arizona Senate candidate. “Who?”
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aevyk-ing · 3 years
Thoughts on Rise of the Titans
First, I have to say the movie didn’t go the expected way, at all. Instead of moving forward... it quite did the opposite. That’s not my cup of tea, and let’s take the Futurama finale as example: while I think it’s beautiful and well thought, the idea of them living their lifes again and againg makes me a tad uneasy. But let’s stop talking about finales and start with the beginning: 
-Blinky is doing the narration. So he lives. :)
-While I quite enjoy the recap (and hearing Jim joining it), I feel it wasn’t needed.
-But the music...
-Bellroc always seemed the stronger one for me.
-Oh, so no filling the gaps, huh?
-Whoa, Claire has gotten so good at magic.
-I’ve spent the whole fight gasping every time Jim gets hurt.
-The “no-magic-cannon-force” is quite a good idea.
-Wait, they’re calling them “wizards” now?
-Nari in Douxie’s body is both hilarious and weird.
-Poor Toby, he’s desperate to make people know he’s cool.
-“At least you’re normal, kitty.”
-That confidence, Krel.
-Not the ribs. That’s not good.
-Yes! Are we going to see a wedding?
-At least Merlin left the plans in his chamber. That’s... a good thing for how many wrong?
-Yeah, we already know magic and Akiridion tech mixes well.
-And Krel’s still wearing the suit...
-Oh, no, they’re married? Wait, what? Wait, no. No, no, no, don’t go that way.
-Just like the Sims. At least we may see some cute alien babies.
-Eli has Neville-Longbottomed hard.
-Just Nari’s presence working sounds bad. But I guess it was the only way to do it.
-Hey, it was Brazil and Asia!
-I can’t help it, but the waterfall in front of the Earth Titan... at least they’re watering along the way...
-No, don’t split. I hate that kind of quests because you normally focus on one. I mean, this time is different because each one has a fav character, but I was sure I was going to be more invested in Claire and Blinky’s one. And I did.
Let’s talk about the quests separatedly:
1. Earth: After a while thinking how hard is for Nomura to avoid the sun, she gets killed just like that. Douxie trying to get up was funny, but once he woke Nari up, I knew they were going to go Titan v.s. Titan.
2. Ice: They get TV up there? Anyway, I was weirdly excited to see Jim, Barbara and Strickler with winter clothes. Aja was... weirdly annoying. I mean, I don’t like her when she’s in “I’m a warrior princess” mode, but she was trying to do her own thing and not listening to others. And Strickler... no, seriously, no. And right after they got ridden of Nomura. But hey, it was interesting to see the cannons and I loved that Toby was there. Poor Toby feels like he has to do an extra effort to be at par his friends and that’s not okay. At least we get the answer: Jim’s father doesn’t deserve an explanation.
3. Fire: The new Trollmarket it’s cool, but I feel like it could have been... just a little more. It was so funny when Archie convinces his father to go because “he likes how much Blinky screams” and the flight scene was top-notch, but hey, it’s DreamWorks. The Kronisphere... I’ve seen too much stuff like that, but anyway. When I saw it in the trailer I thought it was a piece of the Heart of Avalon and that’s because of the color. The fight was alright but Jim burning his hand for opening the gate... Archie staying behind... the robot/Titan fight... everything was in another level. Such a shame it was for nothing.
-Lots of things were for nothing.
-I would have loved to see Jim struggling with getting back to being normal, but we got Toby (and Jim at some part) struggling with not feeling “special” enough.
-Have to say I love the new encantation: “For the good of all...” and that’s what the movie forced its way to.
-Seeing Coach Lawrence and all the students again was nice, but I would’ve love to see Darci and Mary talking about all that has happened.
-Just how big is Arcadia? They have a natural park too?
-Wait, the Arcane Order can die? They can die.
-Poor Douxie. Even though we don’t know how much time has passed until Nari was found, I bet he was quite attached to her.
-I feel like Eli was brought back for just a “gasp” moment. He didn’t do anything at all!
-Steve’s pregnancy is just... disturbing.
-I don’t get it, why does everybody have to show their support for Jim so he can wield Excalibur?
-As much as I love the “become” speech, having all the characters (many of them who shouldn’t have heard it) say it didn’t feel right.
-Hey, at least Stuart gets to do something.
-You get yeeted, you get yeeted, you get yeeted...
-See? Poor thing has self-esteem issues.
-The new armor is still weird.
-No, Toby, no... and... crushed...inside...a car.
-Time-turning is the new “It was all a dream”.
-Wait, I thought he was going back to... doesn’t matter.
-Jim just wanted a normal life after all.
-I have so many questions: How does Merlin know Toby is worthy too? Blinky is going to train him (I bet so)? What’s going to be Jim’s weapon? Is Toby going to the Darklands to save Enrique? Will Claire still be a sorceress? If that doesn’t work, they will go back in time again and then Claire is going to be the Trollhunter? 
-I would’ve loved to see the new storyline in the credits. And a Douxie song.
-Wait, no Zoe?
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