#we take them and there's like a 50/50 chance we'll either be completely fine or absolutely zooted
raveneira 9 months
Hi, I'm sorry in advance if my English is too bad. Can we talk about ksu? Because it seems so wrong and disgusting to me, this ship is just a sidekick for Borusara, which is created by their hatred of Sumire and hate her love Boruto
Nah your english is fine, atleast well enough for me to understand you.
But yea lets talk about Ksu, because its the most disigenuous ship of the entire new gen out done ONLY by KawaAda, which is purely out of hatred for Kawaki but we'll just talk about Ksu for now.
Ksu was seen coming a mile away as soon as it was revealed she would be his caretaker, hell just from the leaks dropping of that panel of her tending to him with Katasuke we already knew the agenda was gonna start, why? not because of the usual ppl shipping things as soon as theres interaction but because they saw a perfect opportunity to keep Kawaki and Sumire away from BoruSara, it worked out perfectly because they get to kill two birds with one stone, keep Sumire away from Boruto and Kawaki away from Sarada, and what better way to do that than to shove them together? it was so obvious.
Lemme tell you I watched in REAL TIME an instagram acc that made OCs of the new gens kids and one was an KawaHima child alongside BoruSara, but as SOON as that panel dropped all the content with the KawaHima kid disappeared and all of a sudden was replaced with a KawaSumi kid instead. It was so so obvious what the agenda was and I can tell you as an eye witness just how fake they all are when it comes to Kawaki ships that they try to pretend is 'genuine' when its really playing keep away.
I saw in real time ppl start shipping MitsuSumi to keep Sumire away from Boruto, but when their interactions became scarce and they saw Kawaki building somewhat of a bond with Hima they jumped ship to KawaHima instead to keep him away from Sarada, but when their relationship became heavily sibling like they got quiet but still lowkey pushed it until they saw that panel of Kawaki and Sumire and thats when they finally found the perfect keep away ship that gets rid of them both at the same time and they've been clingin to that ship with their lives ever since because for once FINALLY they found a keep away ship that has a decent amount of interactions to 'possibly' have a chance unlike the others.
But dont get it twisted because they dont have total faith in KawaSumi either, the reason being because they themselves know that when girls fall inlove in the Narutoverse they STAY inlove and dont move on, and because Sumire loves Boruto they know odds are she'll keep being an obstacle for BoruSara, thats where KawaAda comes in, because since Sumire isnt a 100% garuntee to keep Kawaki away their backup plan is Ada who actually DOES like him and isnt movin on anytime soon.
So on the 50/50 chance Sumire doesnt move on to Kawaki, they have Ada to fall back on atleast to remove Kawaki.
They have tried to lie about these facts whenever anyone called them out on it and claimed 'oh its not keep away ships we just can see the obvious endgame ships being set up unlike yall' and of course their usual deflection 'yall only ship KawaSara because you hate Boruto' which is really just projecting because they only ship KawaSumi/KawaAda because they hate Kawaki, some Sumire too, but they claim its the other way around to try to take the spotlight off of them because they KNOW their the ones really hate shipping.
Lets not forget how they play down Sumire's feelings as 'just a crush' but paint Sarada's as 'true love' even though only one of them have confirmed romantic feelings and it isnt Sarada, Sumire's love is described with the same kanji as Sakura's for Sasuke, and unless you gonna try and argue Sakura's feelings were also just a crush then your either in denial or just a complete dumbass.
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People WANT her feelings to be just a crush because then they can push the agenda that she'll move on like Ino, who was the only girl who actually only had a crush on Sasuke and not actual love and had feelings for another guy as well. However ALL the girls who loved ONE guy and ONLY one guy and were NEVER shown to have feelings or interest in anyone else all stayed devoted to the ONE man they loved whether their feelings were returned or not or even if they died, they STAYED inlove with that one man and one man only.
This is why they need to deny Sumire's feelings so hard because its the only way to keep their ship safe, because acknowledging her feelings are genuine and real means she's never movin on which is what they want and what they NEED to feel secure in their shit ship that they fear to death of having any competition because despite being 5+ years, 200+ episodes, and 85+ chapters in they STILL havent gotten ANY confirmation of romantic feelings on either side and that scared tf outta them.
Meanwhile Sumire's feelings are crystal clear and reinforced multiple times to everyone who matters, Sarada, Kawaki, Katasuke, and Amado, all people a part of Boruto and Kawaki's inner circle. The fact that Sarada and Kawaki knows this really gets under their skin because that adds less of a possibility of either of them making a move, Kawaki doesnt care one way or another but even if there were a chance he'd consider it Sumire already killed it before it even had a chance to start which from then on made Kawaki not even think of it because he knows she likes Boruto, it'd be pointless to even look at her that way since he knows she'll never want him anyway and is literally only around him just to hear more about Boruto anyway which is an even bigger turn off from the idea, not that he ever considered it in the first place, but if he WERE to possibly consider it she nipped it in the bud before it could even happen by admitting to him right away that she liked Boruto.
As for Sarada shes even LESS likely to make any moves because Sumire is her friend, she came to her as a friend and asked her how she felt about Boruto and Sarada told her she didnt like him that way which is when Sumire felt comfortable telling Sarada about her feelings then since she wasnt a threat, so how grimey would it be for Sarada to be revealed to have lied when Sumire was trying to be open and honest with her as a friend, Sarada lies to her while secretly liking Boruto behind her back, and even worse, she continues getting closer and closer to him right infront of her face? and now even hugging him infront of her knowing how much shes loved and missed Boruto too? it'd be just like Kishimoto said about Sakura in the Pain arc, that if she suddenly fell for Naruto now after he became the hero of the village she'd look like a terrible woman.
Well the same applies to Sarada, for her to have lied and pretended not to like Boruto all this time after Sumire trusted her to of told her the truth, only to then stab her in the back by still getting closer and closer to him and then rubbing it in her face hugging him infront of her and being hugged back, and to add extra salt to the wound SHES the only one who gets credit for saving and remembering him because Boruto never knew Sumire was unaffected and on his side too, is nothing short of scummy.
Im not saying the hug is romantic or that Sumire is petty enough to be upset over a friend hugging her friend she aint seen in 3 years, Im talking about the PERCEPTION of it. Like Sakura could very well have moved on to Naruto after the Pain arc, especially with the events that happened at the 5 kage summit it would've been more than justified for her to give up on Sasuke and love the guy thats always been there for her since day one and loved her sincerely, but the PERCEPTION looks terrible because like I said she only loved him after he became a hero and then to make matters worse she completely gave up on Sasuke who she swore to help save and to have loved sincerely yet now she moves onto Naruto just cuz hes nice to her and Sasuke isnt, and the biggest issue being she KNOWS Hinata is inlove with Naruto since day one, thats her friend, so it would be beyond despicable for her to just step on Hinata and only think about herself.
Well the same applies to Sarada here, there isnt anything inherently wrong with her liking Boruto and trying to be with him despite Sumire also liking him but its the HOW thats grimey. If Sarada was upfront with Sumire when she asked and said yea I like Boruto and then Sumire was like ok well I like him too so lets both do our best and no hard feelings, then it wouldnt be an issue cuz their both on the same page and support eachother.
But that is not what happened, what happened is, lets for arguments sake say Sarada does love him, then she blatantly lied to Sumire and never told her the truth after learning how she felt, she kept her feelings secret from her which alone is foul play, but she doesnt even try to help or support Sumire in her feelings for him which yea she isnt obligated to do but again her keeping her feelings secret and then not even supporting Sumire just looks hella grimey like she doesnt want them to get closer and is glad shes the one who gets to spend the most time with him having the advantage over her.
To make it even uglier all their interactions up till that point take on a whole new shady meaning if you look at it with the assumption that Sarada loves him and lied to Sumire about it. Her running off to save Boruto because she 'cant stand back and do nothing' comes off like a sly jab at Sumire for being logical and staying behind, like 'you dont care for him like I do'.
Another scene that has an ugly meaning now is when she asks her dad to save Boruto, she takes in ALL this info from Sumire and yet doesnt relay any of it to Sasuke or mentions Sumire to him, she makes it seem as if this is all her figuring out and that he should 'just trust her' and save him, it literally wouldnt have taken up any extra time for her to say that Sumire thinks Ada caused some huge mass brainwashing to make Boruto everyones target instead of Kawaki, but now it just looks like she wanted all the credit for herself and purposefully left Sumire out.
Then comes the timeskip and its revealed that Sarada has just been bitching at Shikamaru and co for these past 3 years straight, 'fighting' for Borutos innocence and even comparing herself to Naruto who she couldnt be further from btw, the audacity to even compare her and Boruto with the Naruto and Sasuke situation is laughable. But whats ugly about this is that she's acting like 'ugh why wont anyone believe me?' and Sumire is just forced to be the level headed one and supress her feelings because Sarada can only think to talk about hers, so far we only see Sumire reaching out to HER more so than Sarada consulting her about anything.
Sumire is the one who plays along with Ada when Sarada nearly blows their cover being so insistent, and Sumire is the one who questions Amado to guage just how much he knows and reports to Sarada what she learned, but you dont see that same teamwork given back from Sarada.
Again none of this is inherently bad on its own, but if your gonna argue Sarada has been inlove with Boruto this whole time and has been lying to Sumire about it, then it makes all these scenes ugly because Sumire trusts her entirely and has been open and honest with her while Sarada has been deceitful. Sumire has been fighting just as hard for Boruto in her own way but from the looks of it only Sarada is gonna get credit for it given how Shikamaru overheard what Amado said and is probably thinking about how Sarada has been saying the same for 3 years straight.
That is just plain shitty and unfair to Sumire's character and all her efforts over the years as well, just because she remained calm and level headed doesnt mean she didnt care about Boruto just as much, and it danm sure doesnt mean she shouldnt get credit just because she hasnt been pointlessly screaming the same things over and over for 3 years straight and instead opted to do something productive instead, yet the only one who will get any credit for Boruto starting to be believed is gonna be Sarada, the same way only Sarada got thanked for saving his life even though she never would've budged if not for Sumire pushing her to act.
But thankfully Sarada isnt that kind of grimey character so none of that ugliness applies to her, so like I said, Sarada knowing about Sumire's feelings makes Sarada even MORE unlikely to consider a relationship because thats her friend who trusted her to be telling the truth, so how grimey would it be for her to still make moves knowing how Sumire feels? Sarada is a good person like her mother, she would NEVER see her friend truly inlove with someone and pursue them anyway behind their back, thats just not who they are.
This is why Kawaki and Sarada knowing Sumire's feelings scares them to death because they know that makes it less likely for them to stand in her way, Kawaki has 0 self worth already so theres no way he would try to snag a girl from his brother when he doesnt even feel he deserves love in the first place and places Boruto on a way higher pedastal than himself so he'd never try to interfere in his romance. Sarada is good friends with Sumire so she'd never lie and go behind her back knowing how she feels about Boruto, Sarada would sooner sacrifice her own feelings than to hurt Sumire like that when she sees how much she truly loves him.
The part that scares them the most about this is that Kawaki doesnt have this same knowledge about Sarada, unlike Sumire who he does know likes Boruto, Kawaki has never noticed any signs of Sarada liking him so from his perspective the two of them are just friends/teammates, which is a huge problem for KawaSara antis because theres nothing holding them back from developing romantic feelings for eachother like there is for Sumire. From Kawaki's perspective Sarada doesnt have anyone she likes, so theres no reason for him to stop himself from falling for her, same way from Sarada's perspective Kawaki doesnt have anyone he likes either, so theres no reason for her to hold back developing feelings for him either. That fact scares them more than you'll ever know cuz they'll never say it but they dont have to, their actions and arguments speak for themselves.
This applies to Boruto too btw, because by him not knowing anyone elses feelings and having no confirmed feelings of his own yet, that leaves him open for anyone atp, as long as hes unaware of anyones feelings then theres nothing holding him back from falling for either girl or someone else entirely.
This is why they NEED Sumire to move on, its the only way they can truly feel safe from any threat she could possibly pose, especially since after chapter 5 Boruto is finally about to find out Sumire is unaffected too and theres no telling how their reunions gonna go which probably has them on edge too not knowing how Boruto is going to react to knowing shes been on his side too all this time.
What scared them even more is that we still dont know how her relationship with Kawaki is atp, they were hoping that Sumire 'pretended' to like Kawaki all this time to keep them being unaffected a secret, but once it was revealed Sarada and Sumire did NOT keep their cover now their just hoping that the two of them got closer over the years as shes been taking care of him this whole time even tho Kawaki only sees her at the lab for a quick routine checkup and then leaves immediately because he cant stand Amado, Sumire never once has gone after or approach Kawaki outside of the lab so why would that change now? especially knowing what hes done to Boruto? but they NEED that to be the case so they can continue to push the 'Kawaki treats her better than any other girl' agenda and that they had positive 'development' while KawaSara's is negative and that Boruto and Sumire dont interact enough for there to really be a bond, even though NH only had 38 pages of interaction, SaiIno only had 2 interactions/moments in the entire manga, and ChoKarui had 0, this is the most laziest and desperate argument they use against BoruSumi as if ships havent happened with far less in this series, now all of a sudden Boruto has 'standards' and only goes with the ships with the most interactions rather than the ships with actual romantic development and confirmation.
BoruSara and KawaSumi are blatantly and completely platonic, there is nothing romantic from either side for either ship, period, ship bait scenes like Sumire, Ada, and Mitsuki asking Sarada how she feels about Boruto is not confirmation if she seriously denies it or doesnt respond at all, its not the same as Kawaki asking Sumire how she feels about Boruto and Sumire confirming she infact does, there is absolutely NO reason for Sarada to be asked 3 times and not a single one does she admit that yea she likes him. It doesnt matter if her and Sumire are both confirmed to like Boruto because its still up to Boruto in the end who he chooses, it doesnt ruin the suspense because the same was done with Sakura and Karin and NOTHING changed because it was up to SASUKE who he chose to be with in the end. So there is literally NO excuse for why Sarada's feelings havent been confirmed in 85+ chapters yet UNLESS she just doesnt have feelings for him, point blank.
So yea bottom like KawaSumi is a disgusting pathetic excuse for a keep away ship that thrives purely off headcanon rather than actual canon material. Just because she's his caretaker doesnt mean shes gonna develop feelings for him, nor that the two are gonna develop a bond, their relationship is purely business as Kawaki stated himself that he doesnt care how she feels as long as she does her job and refers to her as Katasuke's assistant. People make a big deal about him being the only one to call her by name despite it literally making no sense for him to call her anything else because she was never his class rep, so its stupid to even use that as some sort of proof of closeness or whatever.
Im not acknowledging those terrible contradicting Ksu episodes because they completely contradict the manga entirely and its been more than proven atp that not everything in the anime is canon despite the lie that was told in the beginning, just take Sarada being a chunin with 2 tomoe for example while shes a genin with 3 tomoe in the manga since the Boro fight and now an MS. The fact that Ikemoto kept up with the anime every week yet only ever acknowledged Sumire and the mist arc says all you need to know about these so called 'anime canon' episodes.
There was a whole Mitsuki arc about Boruto and Sarada finding out he was a clone while in the manga Mitsuki just made an comment on it to Katasuke and thats how Boruto and Sarada found out, same goes for Kawaki being made an official genin and gone on several missions while in the manga Kawaki never became an official ninja, there are so many instances where the anime blatantly contradicts the manga that theres no way you can consider them both canon in its entirety.
If Ikemoto wanted to reference anything from the anime he would have like his did Sumire and the mist arc, and yet theres been radio silence for anything anime only related since then unless you wanna count Code's hair being red and Mugino getting more development in the anime so his death would have more weight, neither of which was any groundbreaking inclusions, not even getting more context on how Ao survived really mattered because the guy literally dies in the exact same arc hes revealed to be alive in so who gives af? why did we need context for him and some rando Mugino only introduced to die in that very same arc? what did we gain from that? nothing. The 'How you use it' lesson was already being taught through Katasuke and co, Ao was not needed for that lesson to be learned and if he was removed nothing would change, and Mugino in both the anime and manga really had no substantial impact other than some temporary sad feels and then moved on like he never existed, him having added 'depth' when he was doomed to die early on and forgotten was a complete and utter waste of time that again if you removed him nothing would change because nothing really came from his death or his inclusion.
So yea I dont count the entire anime as canon because theres way too many contradictions, and even the few things they expand on doesnt really add much or was pointless anyway because it leads to nothing, its all in the moment and then forgotten about, its nothing like the land of waves arc with Zabuza and Haku who had a long term substantial impact on both the story and team 7, Ao was forgettable and pointless whose death had no meaning, same for Mugino, and Shojoji, all forgettable pointless villains from mediocre arcs with minimal to no substantial impact on any of the characters or story, the most you can argue Shojoji did was foreshadow Kara, which didnt need him anyway since we were shown Kara having a conversation anyway, that was the forshadowing right there. What did we really need the Mujina bandits for? just for Boruto to have a pitiful Naruto and Konohamaru rip off? which btw the whole thing with Tento also was completely pointless because best believe he is NEVER appearing in the story again.
I could go on and on but you get the point, the anime is a clown show 99% of the time so I dont take half these arcs seriously and I danm sure dont take those Ksu episodes seriously either because they contradict EVERYTHING that happened in the manga.
Naruto was the first person to care about and vouch for Kawaki, not Sumire, nor did he need anyone to 'beg' and 'convince' him to have mercy on him
Naruto was the first person to greet Kawaki when he was brought back to the village and assured him that he was safe, not Kawaki waking up alone in a locked room with his hands binded and being knocked out with gas when he tried to escape, he also wasnt shot with fire multiple times by the police force or nearly had his arm bit off by Nue who till this day has YET to make a single appearance in the manga but sure go off SP
Naruto [and Kurama] was the ones who opened up and related to Kawaki about Narutos past and compared Kawaki to Naruto, not Sumire with her 'Hes just like me' bs that couldnt be further from the truth and never once been stated in the manga
Kawaki's fear of needles was showcased when he ACTUALLY first interacted with Sumire at the hospital where he rejected it, he does not get over that fear until much later after the Isshiki fight and much development with Naruto and team 7, but in the anime Kawaki gets over his fear of needles the same episode he rejects it
In the manga Boruto was pissed at Kawaki because he broke Himas vase accidentally when trying to escape, in the anime Boruto is pissed at him because he attacked Sumire and then stupidly changed Kawaki breaking the vase from being accidental while trying to escape, to being him just lashing out and smashing the table cuz Boruto pissed him off. All cuz they didnt allow Naruto to assert dominance to get Kawaki to stop running away and instead just made Boruto needlessly hostile towards Kawaki over Sumire [which again never happened in the manga] and then Kawaki breaking the vase cuz he just lashed out in anger rather than him trying to escape like in the manga.
Nobody else besides KawaSumi shippers acknowledges those episodes for obvious reasons, but the hilarious part about it is that SP realized they fked up when they saw the manga didnt support anything they set up and went a completely opposite direction so they just pretended those episodes didnt even exist and never happened and didnt let them interact again until they began adapting actual manga content again, which is hilarious because I cant tell you how many Ksu fans were hypin up how Sumire and Kawaki were gonna have way more development and that this or that arc was gonna include her etc and nothing happened lol
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These are just a handful of their foolishness but you get the point, none of this came to fruition like they thought it would and yet they were all so cocky and calling other fandoms with sense enough to see their relationship was never gonna be anything more than caretaker and patient ended up getting slapped in the face.
That stupid ending of Kawaki and Sumire standing near bamboo lead to nothing, it was just random shots like one of the replies said because believe it or not, not every anime opening/ending is symbolic of anything canon or gonna happen, just look at that one ice monster opening with the sand trio that NEVER happened. Some openings/endings really are just visuals and have no other meaning beyond that, the bamboo thing was one prime example of that.
People clung to that bamboo symbolism with their lives because of her name forgetting her name isnt even really Kakei, she changed it to go undercover to attack the leaf, her real name is Shigaraki which essentially means death but you'll never see them acknowledge that fact cuz it pokes a hole in their whole ridiculous theory
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Like they are actually deadass about the name thing even though its never a canon thing thats brought up anywhere. Sumire's primary symbolism is the flower shes named after, violet, which in hanakotoba means 'sincerity' which is a clear reference to her character and her love for Boruto as being 'sincere', blowing their whole 'its just a crush' argument out of the water.
Then theres the ridiculousness of making the connection between Kawaki's name meaning dry and Sumires surname meaning bamboo shoot like whats used to carry water which is just...just so stupid for so many reasons because again, the connection between Sumire and bamboo is never even addressed in any canon material, not only that but if they want to make the connection then they need to not half step and tell the whole true about the ACTUAL symbolism of bamboo.
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Long story short, literally the meaning of her name they cling to so much is about SUMIRE'S character, nothing to do with Kawaki, even its connection to Kaguya-hime is a reference to Sumire's Gozu tennou and Nue being connected to Kaguya. The bamboo is symbolic of strength, simplicity and prosperity all of which apply to Sumire's character, it also meaning loyalty and steadfastness is even more reference to her character and feelings for Boruto, she is loyal and steadfast, she is strong and not easily moved no matter the situation and is able to stay calm and firm like the bamboo root during an earthquake.
It also being symbolic of purity and innocence goes along with her first name meaning sincerity, Sumire is a pure and sincere person, as are her feelings for Boruto.
So if we gonna use name symbolism as evidence then lets use ALL of it not just the surface level bs like 'her name means bamboo shoot which holds water and Kawakis name means dry so that means Sumire is gonna be the water he needs to heal his heart' yatta yatta yatta nonsense.
They try to make everything about Sumire some hidden connection to Kawaki which literally no other fandoms do but Ksu and Bsa for obvious reasons. These people wont even let Sumire be her own character even down to her name which as I've pointed out, has nothing to do with Kawaki but everything to do with Sumire herself as a character. Even her job they said was for Kawaki rather than her own ambition/goal for herself, they tried to make it about her being there for Kawaki only for it to be revealed its cuz shes suspicious of Amado and wants to hear more about Boruto, but then they even tried to twist that and say she wasnt concerned about Boruto at all and just Kawaki, but then when she says herself that shes worried about them both they defaulted back to she'll move on from Boruto as she gets closer to Kawaki and that Kawaki is jealous of Sumire's feelings for Boruto which...was yet another stupid agenda of theirs they tried to push. Everything she does at the science department is for Kawaki, and her suspicion and fear of Amado is for Kawaki, shes not a scientist because of her own goals and ambitions, and shes not suspicious and confronting Amado because hes a threat to her village and clearly up to no good, no its all about Kawaki.
They want her to be Kawaki centric the same way they want Sarada to be Boruto centric, only unfortunately Sarada is being turned into just that but thankfully Sumire hasnt been reduced to that as of yet and has her priorities in the right place and zero interest in Kawaki. Even in the recent chapter shes asking Amado about Boruto trying to see if he's still Amados target and is shocked when he confesses that he knows somethings up with his memories and have set his sights back on Kawaki who is his real target. Her immediate response was to go tell Sarada that Amado is not another person who sees through omnipotence, not to go warn Kawaki that Amado is now plotting on him again and to be careful. No, her primary focus is on reporting to Sarada that Amado knows somethings up and is no longer targeting Boruto.
I dunno how clearer it needs to be made that Sumire does NOT give af about Kawaki like that and vice versa, Sumire treats Kawaki no different than she would anyone else, and Kawaki treats her no different than he treats Katasuke, shes just doing her job, no more no less.
Sorry for the long rant and tbh even with this being as long as it is I STILL have more I could say about this shit ship that its fans have the audacity to say KawaSara is dead yet KawaSumi isnt which is beyond hilarious when the girl cant even stop sweating and staring at Kawaki in fear ever since she learned he killed Boruto and hasnt thought about him at all since is laughable that ANY of them fit their mouths to call anyones ship dead when their ship dont even talk outside of occassional short lab visits, but these same ppl wanna talk about other ships lacking meaningful interactions. Gtf outta here man.
Anyway just wanna put it out here now to not go look for or harrass any of the ppl in these screenshots cuz that was not the point of me showing em, I only showed them to back up my claims about alot of the bs thats been said in defense of the ship, I do not condone harassing or going after ppl so I ask that everybody chill and leave them be.
These kinds of ppl cant be reasoned with anyway, they've really convinced themselves to believe their own delusions and are determined to stay there even when all canon signs says otherwise so its pointless to even engage anyway, let them stay deluded and let them keep talkin because thats exactly what NS and SK did and we all know what happened to them so theres no need for yall to argue with these ppl anyway, karma will strike in due time, just gotta be patient.
But yea those are my thoughts on Ksu, hopefully this wasnt too long of a read for you lol sorry.
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thethingything 2 years
I had to take painkillers about 30 minutes ago so if we end up posting something completely incomprehensible later then that's why - 馃崿
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snowgoldwaylon 3 years
Ring of Fire - Alex Mason X Reader
Mason saves you from an apartment fire. Are you happy? No. But, did you just meet a very attractive man? Yes.
TW: Strong language, fire, eventual fluff!
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"Alex Mason! Meet me in my office please!' Is what Mason heard after a long, hard, and hot training.
Mason felt anxiety by the way his drill sergeant spoke to him like that. So, Mason hauled ass to the office, and stood professionally until the drill sergeant finally came in.
"Ma'am" Mason said with confidence, in attention.
"At ease Lieutenant. Now, take a seat. I have something to discuss with you." She said, sitting down and pulling a file out.
Mason took a seat, and watched her pull a thick, yellowish file from her desk. She opened it and layed out several pieces of paper in front of Mason so he could see everything. He took a closer look and saw something for the local fire department, a look of confusion clouded his face.
"Lieutenant Mason, you are being asked to take part in giving a hand to the Fair Banks Fire Department. Their chief has been layed off for a while due to a recent building fire, and they need men. And you just so happen to be the perfect candidate for helping out!" The drill sergeant said, pulling out a cigarette.
Mason was hesitant, he didn't know how to feel. He was afraid that he might fuck up and get someone hurt. Or worse, killed. But, he already worked in that part of the field. One mistake and it means death.
"Drill Sergeant Rivers, I don't have the proper training for this kind of thing. So why am I being picked?" He questioned.
She hit her cigarette and exhaled. She shot a glaring look back at him, while reaching for a pen nearby.
"Mason, they wouldn't just send you in with no training. They are offering on the job skills training and certification. You provide won't even be working there for very long anyways, they just need help until the Chief comes back. So that means, you'll be chief Alex Mason for a whole three months!" Rivers spoke, ashing her cigarette.
Rivers slid him a pen, and gave a devious smile. She pointed to the words on the contract as she spoke.
"We'll still be paying what you make here hourly, and they will also pay you for the position. You'll receive a work vehicle, and housing options if you are interested. But, if you will, please sign here, and here. And then finally, date this at the bottom."
Mason sighed, and grabbed the pen.
"I really hope this isn't a stupid idea, Drill Sergeant Rivers. I'll still have my position here in the Marines, right?" Mason asked.
"Of course, Lieutenant. You are the best of the best. Besides, I don't think Frank would last very long without you." She said with a chuckle.
Mason signed the papers, and slid them back over to Rivers. She quickly and carefully tucked them away safely into the left pocket of the folder, and set it off to the side.
"Thank you, Mason. The Fire Department is going to welcome you with open arms, and everyone is going to greatly appreciate what you are doing. Now, why don't you get on out of here and head over to the Fire Department. The director is anticipating your arrival at 0700 hours. You are dismissed."
Mason stood up, and quickly saluted Rivers. He turned on his heel, and gathered his things. Woods come up to him and patted his back. Mason looked back at Frank.
"Man, what was that about? Sounded like you were in some hot ass water. Did she find out about last weeks breakout?" Woods asked with a smirk.
Mason slapped him, and told him to stay quiet. Mason rolled his eyes, and started walking. Woods followed close.
"No, she didn't. I actually have gotten assigned to something new all together, but just for 6 months. So it looks like you'll be a lone wolf until I get back." Mason said.
"Wait, where in the fuck are you going? And when the hell are you comin' back??" Frank asked as they stepped into the elevator.
Mason clicked up, and the doors shut. It took them up to ground parking.
"I'm filling in for a Fire Chief for a while, I got personally hand picked for the job is what I got told."
"Well brother, you can't argue with that. We are still gonna have boys night on Friday's, right?" Frank asked, before getting out at where the elevator stopped.
Mason laughed, and nodded.
"Of course man, as always. Bring a 30 pack this time!" He shouted to Frank as the door closed.
"My ass!" Frank called out.
Mason patiently waited as it took him up. The elevator dinged, and the doors opened. He walked to his pickup truck and got in. He slammed his door shut and laid his head back onto his seat.
'I hope I don't fuck up.' Was all he repeated to himself.
Months later......
Mason was heading to his office with a newly made friend, Dixon. Dixon was a higher up who worked with everyone, so he frequented Mason. They had coffee in hand, and were ready for safety reports.
"Oh shit, Dix. Do you remember any information on the structure at the controlled burn on the corner of Euclid and Odin we did? I need details for my JHA but I can't recall shit for some fucked reason." Mason asked as they both sat down.
"I can tell you that it had 5 stories, and over 50 apartments in it. Oh, it stood next to Crane Run Bakery. The ignition was faulty wiring, right?" Dixon responded.
"No, it was a gas line pipe. The faulty wiring happened at that bowling alley on Curtis Avenue. But thank you, hopefully I can get this JHA filled out how I should!" Mason said.
Dixon went on with Mason for about 30 minutes about baseball and football. Mason filled out his paperwork, ordered new parts for gear and trucks, and inspected everything with a fine tooth comb. It was a normal night shift for the fire crew, until the alarm system began to wail.
"We have a structure fire on Linden Ave, at 26435 Linden. Possible civilians trapped." Dispatch called through the speakers.
Within minutes, the whole shift was suited up and already in the truck and headed Northbound. Mason was behind the wheel, lights and sirens at full blast. The roads were dead at this time, minus the few cars that happened to be out at 2 AM.
"Dispatch, tell me what we're looking at. I have another truck enroute to said location, and about three ambulances. How high are flames?" Mason asked, keeping his eyes on the road.
"Dispatch here, we have flames about 20 feet up and rising. Recommend you get here quick."
"10-4." Mason responded.
They reached the fire within minutes. When they pulled up the fire was quickly engulfing anything in it's way. Mason knew what needed to be done. But right now, they needed a buidling sweep for any possible trapped people.
"Dixon, set up a crew to stay on hoses, bring about four out and hookup. My team, your with me! We are going in!" Mason said.
Mason put on his face gear, and quickly looked around for a way in. He spotted a perfect way in through a safe looking way. He quickly pointed his team that direction, and headed in. He always made sure to go ahead of his crew so he could determine what was happening.
He got in, midst the hot heat, heavy flames, and the small mist screen of water he'd feel periodically. He lead the way, and began to check every corner and possible place to hide he could. They swept the buidling for a grand total of 30 minutes before Mason determined it was clear.
"Head back everyone. Everything is clear, no indication of anyone." Mason said through the radio.
Everyone headed outside, Mason being left so he could check more. By now, the flames were out. The only thing left was smoking ruble and hot ashes. Mason carefully looked around, and looked even closer at a piece of burnt wood that was beginning to move.
Without thinking, he pulled it back, and revealed a small door that had shut, but by either luck or circumstance, hadn't been burned. Mason soon heard pounding on the metal door, and he went to open it. But it was behind blocked by something.
He struggled to open it completely, the pounding was now more frequent. He pulled with all his might, but it wouldn't budge. He could hear the sounds of a female crying, and begging for the door to be opened. Mason's adrenaline kicked in at this moment.
"I found a live one! Bring in a large ax for me, this damn for isn't opening!" Mason shouted into the radio.
"Miss, I'm going to need you to step away as far as you can from the door! We are going to cut it open! Shield your face until I get you!" Mason yelled.
He took out his small ax, and began to chop away at the hinges. But, the small ax could stand no chance against the hard metal. Instead, he quickly turned and saw Dixon with the industrial ax. He took it, and with brute strength, he swung done with control and accuracy.
The hinges slowly began to break away, until finally the door popped right off. Mason gave the ax back, and quickly threw the door off. He looked back down inside, and saw a girl about his age, coughing her lungs out. He wasted no time, and held his hand out.
She took it, and Mason lifted her out. He quickly adjusted her so she'd be against his back, to where he kept a good grip on her and carried her out. She was covered in black ash and soot, and was damp with water and sweat from the heat.
Once they were out, Mason quickly sat the girl on the gurney and took his respirator off. He secured it around her face, and up to her mouth and nose. The fresh oxygen would help her with breathing, seeing as if her lungs just went through extreme stress.
"Are you alright? Is there anybody else down in that basement?" Mason asked once her breathing returned to normal.
She looked at him, and slipped the mask off.
"No, it was just me. I was just trying to do my laundry for work, and that's when the door slammed shut and I couldn't get out....."
Mason felt a pang in his heart for this beautiful lady.
"Well, you are alright now. We are going to have EMS check you out, and ride you to the hospital to run standard tests." Mason said, giving a smile.
He took his respirator back and turned on his heels. He walked away to regroup with his crew, and Dixon. They cleaned up best they could, and headed back to the station for a shower and change of clothes.
Months After....
Mason sat in the town sqaure, drinking a coffee in his uniform. He was sat on one of the square benches, reading the paper as he waited on Woods. It was Friday, they were going to play poker after a long, exhausting week.
"Excuse me, sir? May I sit with you?" A voice said.
Mason looked up from his paper, and confusion hit him. A familiar looking face flooded his view, but he just couldn't place it. Her face had small bandaids, and a few purple bruises.
"Well, of course. Do I know you?" He questioned.
She sat down, only then did Mason notice the green box in her beat up hands.
"My name is Y/N Y/L/N, you actually saved my life in a fire on Linden street, I talked to a man named Dixon at the fire house to where I could find you.....I have something for you here." She said, handing it to him.
"No Miss, I can't take that. I was just doing my job, I don't need a reward. Seeing you alive and breathing is reward enough." Mason said.
She pushed the small box towards him. The smile on her face was warm, and made Mason feel butterflies.
"Please, I insist." Was all she said.
Mason took the box and opened the lid. Inside was a beautifully made chocolate cake, all kinds of different snacks, and a check of $15,000 dollars.
"Miss, no, I can't. This is way too much money, I will not take it." Mason said, putting it back.
"Please sir, I don't mind. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. It would mean so much to me. If anything, please donate it to your firehouse." Y/N said.
"I will do just that then. We've been needing new parts for months...."
Mason looked back up at Y/N, and smiled.
"I'm Alex Mason by the way, I'm glad to see you are recovering well. Maybe I could take you to dinner sometimes?" He asked slyly.
You chuckled, and nodded.
"Of course, I'd love that.
Taglist: @smokeywhalee @kapanovangswife @americas-monster @wennbergbabe @direwolfspostsrandomshit @kazazure @draw-with-eri @scumbagg @silomotism
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