#we have no idea how that works but yeah he mostly just chills out while the rest of us get shrimp emotions and existential crises
billybutcherrtrash · 17 hours
It’s a Cover
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Requested by @bohemianblasphemy
You sat beside Billy, shifting awkwardly as you looked around the room. You hadn’t expected to see so many familiar faces who didn’t even remember you. Billy smirked as he nudged your arm.
“S’matter love, none of these fucks are even paying attention to us.” He asked.
You scowled at him, “I can’t breathe in this dress.”
The dress Annie has picked out left little to the imagination and felt like it was squeezing your ribs. It was an emerald green that she said matched your eyes. That paired with the ridiculous shoes Kimiko had chosen were going to be the death of you.
“But ya look like a treat.” He winked at you.
“Can we just do what we came for?” You asked, as he slid his arm around you. “And stop staring at my boobs.”
His touched sent chills over your skin and caused you to tense.
“Gotta keep up appearances.” Billy grinned.
“My boobs are not for your entertainment.”
“Can ya blame me?” He smirked.
He guided you down a hallway, arm holding you tightly against him.
“Must be nice covered neck to toe.” You said, still annoyed you were the one showing so much skin.
“Well, take it off and we can switch.” Billy teased.
You elbowed him, more annoyed now.
“Should be right back here somewhere.” He said, his hand squeezing your hip.
Nothing in the tower was familiar, not having been on this floor when you worked for Vaught. Annie has told you exactly where to find Ashley’s office to plant devices. Sure enough you’d found the door you’d been promised was there. You pushed the door open, Billy close behind and headed straight for her desk. You bent down and picked up her pencil cup, placing one under it while Billy placed a few more around the room.
“These cunts are terrible at security.” Billy mused as she stepped closer to you.
“You’d think not, but it’s mainly on the lower floors. Mostly at check in and the doors.”
Your eyes move to meet Billy’s, only to find him staring at your body. You shifted awkwardly, not sure what to say. You hadn’t noticed before but he looked good when he was cleaned up and in a suit. His hair was slicked back and he had trimmed his beard for this. You shivered as you realized you were feeling something other than anxiety as he continued to stare.
“I, um…uh…should…” You stammered to think of a sentence, causing Billy to smirk.
“What’s wrong, little Dove? You enjoying the idea that I’m enjoying the idea of you?” He asked, stepping closer.
You swallowed, completely braindead at the words he’d just spoken. His hand slid around your waist, pulling you closer. You hadn’t realized you were even freezing until you felt his warmth pressed against you.
“We’re on a mission.” You said, barely above a whisper.
“Yeah, technically.” He agreed.
His face moved to be inches from yours, your heart pounding in your chest.
“This couple…thing is just a cover.”
“Doesn’t feel like a cover.” Billy shrugged.
You barely had a chance to think before Billy pulled you into a kiss just as the door flew open and Ashley barged in.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?” She yelled, gawking at the scene before her.
“Oh, fuck. Sorry, love. This little lady couldn’t wait until we got home.” Billy grinned smugly.
“GET THE FUCK OUT!” Ashley yelled.
You giggled a little and headed for the door. Billy followed as you headed for the nearest elevator. You spammed the button, as if it would make it come any quicker. The two of you fell into the small box, giggling. Billy pressed the lobby button and turned to you.
“Well, dodged that bullet.” He smirked.
“How did you know she was coming?” You asked.
“What? I didn’t.” He raised an eyebrow.
“I thought that’s why you…?”
The ride down was quiet as you realized he didn’t kiss you because he knew Ashley was coming. You made your way outside and to the car, getting in quietly. Neither of you spoke the whole way back to the flatiron apartment. Billy let you in first, following you in. You quickly rushed to the bathroom to change out of the dress, careful not to damage it. Finally you emerged in your street clothes, finding Billy had undone his tie and it hung loosely on his shoulders. You couldn’t help but think how handsome he was. Had he always been this attractive?
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” You asked softly.
He gave a weak smile and nodded, “Course, love.”
You started for the door, ready to be home and process what had happened.
“You looked beautiful tonight, really.” Billy called after you causing you to stop and turn.
A small smile played at your lips, “You look pretty handsome yourself.”
“Tomorrow. Let me know you got home safe?”
“Or you could walk me.” You said as you took a few steps back.
“I can definitely do that.” He grinned.
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lvcky-g1rl-syndr0me · 4 months
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as y/n walked to the hybe cafe, she immediately spotted riki, a head above the rest. so tall she could point him out in a crowd anywhere. she took a deep breath and took a moment to compose herself before eventually walking over to him. she tapped him on his shoulder as he was facing away from her. "oh! hey!" there it is that smile. to say she loved his smile would be an understatement. she thought it was the prettiest thing she'd ever seen and she nearly felt as if she was going to die at the sight of it. she couldn't help but smile back at him. "hey! how are you?" what he wanted to say was "so much better now that i'm with you", but what came out instead was "good. yeah, i'm good, what about you?" his eyebrow raised, it was single handedly the cutest thing y/n had ever seen. "i'm pretty good. doing a lot of schedules for debut, you know, usual stuff" could she be anymore awkward? clearly yes. first "thanks you too" and now "usual stuff" she felt like she wanted to disappear right then and there, but riki absolutely loved it. this whole time he thought she was so cool and calm, but really she's cute and awkward, which he secretly liked more than if she would have been chill. he finds himself staring at her for a moment before quickly catching himself "oh um- did you want food? I didn't get any cause i wasn't sure if you'd want anything." she smiled at his thoughtfulness and said "no thanks, i'm not super hungry right now. thank you though." he thought back to their conversation yesterday, the whole reason why they're here now. "so, you wanted some tips about mcing?" he asked. "oh! yeah. im kind of nervous, i have no idea what i'm doing and you've ben an mc before, so i was hoping you could give me some advice?" she was hoping this didn't come off as pathetic or anything. i mean, who needs advice on how to talk into a mic? y/n apparently. "well," he starts "for me, i find its best to interact with the fans while waiting for our speaking parts. it calms my nerves before speaking because i'm talking to people that support me. often times it's mostly your own fans watching you in person. that’s at least what sunghoon told me. and if you're worried about messing up lines or something, I'll be there to cover for you, reading from a prompter is hard, so if you mess up its okay. don't worry too much about it." she nodded along to his words, taking mental notes on his advice. "thank you, i really appreciate it. i don't know why im so nervous. its just talking into a mic to a camera." she sighs. "I mean, I understand. it's nerve wracking when it's your first time. I felt like that too when I mc'ed for MAMA one year. it can be scary talking in front of a bunch of people and trying not to mess up. that's why you have a co-host, me! if you do mess up, I can cover you so it doesn't look too much like an accident." her heart fluttered at that. over something so small? she knew it was corny, but she couldn't help it. she felt so strongly for him. she always thought that if she actually talked to him, this whole little crush would go away. but to her surprise, it only got stronger. "you know, since we're going to be working together, we should get each others numbers." her heart stopped, and so did his. hers in shock, and his in fear. what if she said no? what if she thought he was weird? did he really just ask her for her number? there's no way. she froze for a moment, but realized she really should probably respond to him "yeah! yeah of course!" riki was never more relieved in his life. he handed her his phone "here, put your number in." she took it from him and put in her number, texting herself. "there. i can send you a picture for my contact photo later" his heart raced, he had just gotten his crushes number, and she's going to send him a picture of herself later. could his life get any better then this? "okay, sure, yeah, that sounds good" he stammers. is he really flustered right now? oh my god she thought. as the two talked and laughed together, they figured out they're more similar then they thought they were.
the pair quickly growing closer in just mere hours, both feeing significantly strong for each other than when they first said hello earlier. as the time drew later, the two decided to end their night, quickly realizing the ghost town that the hype cafe had become. "oh- well, its late, and my members are blowing up my phone asking where I am" she laughed as she scrolled through the countless messages left by yunjin and hanni. 'yeah, I should probably go too. I told jay I'd help make dinner tonight" he sighed, wishing he didn't promise jay anything and he could hang out with y/n for longer. she laughed lightly "ill let you go then. text me though, okay?" what had come over her? did she really just say that? (y/ns version of flirting was a bit different then others, that being because she didn't know how to flirt) riki nodded and smiled "yeah, I'll text you. see you later!" he waved to her and started to walk away. she waved back and watched him go. she sat back down and sighed once he was out of her sight. she was so fucked. she was completely and utterly melted by him, and they had only just official met yesterday. maybe there was something wrong with her. but frankly, she didn't care. maybe she was being delusional like usual, but she was pretty sure she could see something there with riki.
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luckys note!: guys i’m so good at writing😎😎
© lvcky-g1rl-syndr0me, 2024. do not copy, translate or upload any of my works without my permission.
(🩷) MIDNIGHT FICTION TAGLIST! @nctislifue @akuspic @pkjay @siya-bean @eun-chaez @wavetosunoo @gweoriz @luminouskalopsia @soobiary @ivyannemarie @rikikiynikilcykiki @emma2black @enh4ht @wooziswife @jjunie-0 @yumilovesloona @wth121 @riksaes @isaxshin @allforhee @rikisgeef @sunghoonsarmpit @autumn583 @tzuyusluv @lukesboo @anormieee @rockyhedgehog @thomawifey @lovrqis @akashisthighs @just-a-girl-with-hyper-fixations
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thatfreshi · 1 year
We're all just trying to cook out here, let us cook!
TW - run-in with abusive ex, bf and ex get into a fight
Recommended Song: I Didn't Change My Number - Billie Eilish
Evening walks, humidity in the air from the day's rain, hands intertwined. You can't ask for much more. While you and Astarion enjoy a good party-filled night, it's nice to simply observe the bustle of dusk, lovers just now finding each other in alleyways, ridiculous drunken fights. It's fun, making little comments about the surrounding chaos, Astarion mostly just making fun of people's outfits.
"I mean really, I have never seen such a gaudy scarf in my life, and I've lived for almost three hundred years!"
"Yes, I remember."
"I'm just saying, truly a bad scarf."
You cling to him, as you usually do. The streets of Baldur's Gate make you nervous, so many uncertainties, especially one man. You never told Astarion about your past lover, not wanting to burden him with all of that. After all, you have no idea if he still lives in the city, but it still makes your skin crawl, knowing he's out there.
"Are you alright my sweet?"
He noticed you had slowed your steps, zoning out.
"Of course."
You smile, hiding the thoughts quite well. Eventually, the two of you make it to a quieter part of town, and you both lean against a stone building, taking in the sights of the stars. As people silently pass by, a figure makes their way towards you from the street.
"Well, if it isn't Tav? How are you old friend?"
Goosebumps, chills all across your skin. Your ex, a half-drow, eyes a burning purple. You stay silent, and Astarion simply watches the situation play out.
"Who's this?"
His gaze moves to Astarion. You wrap yourself around your lover's arm, squeezing him tight.
"Tav, would you like to go?"
Practically ignoring the drow, he turns to you, trying to deal with your fingers digging into his skin. You nod.
"Now hold on, I just wanted to say hi! Tav and I, we have a past together, and it just so happens I haven't seen them in a long time."
A grin grows across his face, disgustingly intrigued by your current circumstances.
"Yeah... hi."
You don't make eye contact, simply agreeing. Not liking the way things are progressing, Astarion goes to grab for the dagger under his coat, keeping his hand on the handle.
"Oh, so your new lover thinks he's so scary, huh? I'm sure you've told him all about me, right?"
"Aster, let's just go, please."
Your voice is practically a whisper at this point.
"Hold on darling, it's okay. I've got you."
He steps between you and the drow.
"Unless you want to be splayed all over the cobblestones, I'd suggest you move along now."
The drow steps to him.
"Splayed? Are you sure about that pretty boy?"
You didn't remember just how tall he was, making Astarion look tiny.
You plead, scared that he's bit off more than he can chew.
"Aw, scared for the pretty elf are you? Seems things haven't changed, you're still just a fearful mouse, prey."
He's said too much now, and the vampire pulls his dagger, meeting the drow's knife. While he's distracted trying to hold off Astarion's blade, the second dagger comes out, piercing right through the drow's stomach. He got him good, knowing right where to stab that would make him bleed profusely, but not kill him, not if he was quick. Your ex cries out in pain, he wasn't expecting the second blade. Astarion pulls him in by the collar.
"I never want to see you in this city again, understand?"
Still wheezing in shock, the drow nods, clutching at his stomach. Astarion smiles, content with his work.
"Good. Now, I would get someone to patch that up soon, lest you bleed out in the dark somewhere."
With that, he scurries off into the darkness, and you realize a few people were staring at the spectacle.
"Apologies, nothing to see here!"
Astarion waves off the strangers, and turns back to you.
"Are you alright my dear?"
You're still in shock, not expecting to see him here, now. You nod, wrapping yourself around his arm again.
"It's okay my love, it's over."
You mumble, lying against his arm.
"I know, I just-"
"Shhh, hush now. Let's go home, alright?"
You nod, weeping from the fear that still hasn't dissipated. He wipes away your tears, and you try to smile at him.
"Thank you."
"Of course my sweet, anything for you, always."
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that1emowitch · 6 months
One shot suggestion: Dick finding out about joyfire bc him finding out his little brother is dating his EX (and honestly probably his other ex too, let’s be real) IS SO FUNNY
(also can I just say I also love ur username <3)
This isn't short enough to be a drabble but not exactly too long either, it's 760 words, so make of that what you will. Here it is!
TW: Jason's usual level of swearing but milder
Dick stood in Jason's doorway at the Manor, eyes wide. This was one of those rare times when Jason was staying here, just for a few days, mostly for Alfred's sake. His friends (or so Dick thought) Roy and Kori had joined him— for reasons unknown.
Dick was... feeling slightly awkward with them being around, Kori more so. He was quite civil, buddies, even, with Roy— after all, they'd only dated for a week or so. But Kori... their relationship had not ended well, at all. But Jason refused to unless his Outlaws did, so Dick let it slide.
He'd gone up to call them down for dinner, at Alfred's bidding, going to Jason's room first... to find Jason sitting on Kori's lap while she cradled him, and Roy french-kissing Jason.
"YOU'RE DATING MY EXES??!" The words tore out of him as he stood with his eyes wide, trying to process what he'd just seen.
Jason turned beet red, suddenly jumping away from the red heads. Kori sat cross-legged, smiling as if nothing had happened, while Roy wore a smug grin.
Dick turned to them, his voice high-pitched with disbelief. "AND YOU ARE DATING MY LITTLE WING?"
"I ain't little, Dickface," Jason scoffed from the corner, looking downright embarrassed.
"I don't see the problem," Kori stood from the bed, towering over all three men. "You and I, or you and Roy are not dating anymore. And we are all adults. And we have the love for each other. Why would we not date?"
A unbelieving sound escaped Dick. He turned to Roy, eyes flaming. "You. I know for a fact how vulgar you get in a relationship. Have you done it with my baby brother?"
From across the room he heard Jason's choked gasp, but he paid it no mind.
"Dude. Your 'baby brother' is 24." Roy shrugged, resting a hand on Dick's shoulder. "Why're you getting so worked up over it?"
"I'm not— no, no, I'm not worked up!" Dick scoffed. He faced Jason, pouting. "You. You stole my exes!"
Finally, Jason managed to get control over his expression and forced a smirk. "Yeah. Maybe they just know who's better."
"Yes, Jason is a much better of the partner than you, Dick," Kori pointed out not-so-helpfully.
Roy finally registered Dick's bloodthirsty expression and backed away, hands lifted. "Whoa, hey, man, chill. Seriously."
"I am chill," Dick snapped, glaring at him. He turned back to Jason, who was clearly trying to appear cool and intimidating, and pointed an accusing finger. "You have so much to explain. But right now Alfred wants you all down for dinner."
Then he left the trio without a word.
A bit after dinner, Dick finally found Jason alone in the library, reading some book titled 'Jane Eyre'.
"Jason." Dick walked towards him, expression a forced calm. "I am... sorry about how I reacted earlier."
Jason looked up from his book, an eyebrow raised. "No, you're not."
"No, I'm not," Dick agreed, sitting beside his brother. "How could you not tell me?"
"I didn't tell the rest of the Bat-cult either. You're not special." Jason leaned back, carefully placing a bookmark in the book before putting it aside.
Dick took this as a sign that Jason wanted to talk. "Jaybird... I'm your big brother, you know I love you, right?"
Jason looked away, muttering something that sounded like a mix of "Fuck off" and "Yeah, I know."
"It's just... If you'd told me, yeah, I might have freaked out at first. But I just want you to be happy, in the end. And if you're happy with my exes..." Dick sighed. "I guess I'll just have to live with it."
Jason turned back to his brother, glaring slightly. "Stop calling them your exes. That's my girlfriend and boyfriend you're talking about."
Dick winced. "Yeah. Sorry, sorry, I just... Do you just have a thing for redheads? You had that schoolboy crush on Babs when you were, like, 13. You were dating Artemis of Bana-Mighdall. And now you're dating Roy and Kori."
Jason scoffed. "You're one to talk. You've dated Babs, Kori, Roy, Wally West... Do I really have to go on?"
Dick chuckled, laying an arm around Jason's shoulders. "Guess it runs in the family, huh?"
"We're adopted, asshole," Jason grumbled, but leaned into Dick's touch.
After a long beat of silence, Jason spoke up again. "I also dated Rose Wilson for a while. She is not a redhead."
An amused laugh escaped Dick, and he ruffled Jason's hair lovingly. "Yeah, yeah."
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voltronisanobsession · 9 months
Hii, I hope you are having a good day or night! I've recently read your platonic yandere voltron things. And I was wondering if you would make some more headcanons? Or stories with platonic yandere? Here are some ideas you could write either a few headcanons or a story about, for if you have low inspiration. Kidnapped reader with platonic yandere voltron, maybe by an alien species who wanted to help the reader? How would the team react? What would they do? Or maybe the reader get really sick which isn't easily cured cue the panic from the team? Again, just so you know I really like your work! So keep up the good work, and thank you for making your works in the first place! Take good care of yourself, and stay hydrated!
Yandere Voltron’s Reaction to Reader being Taken
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O M G DONT EVEN PLAY WITH ME RNNNN!!!! I absolutely LOVE yandere voltron like they’re so fun to write for🤞😜 I love the idea of the group just going crazy if reader were to escape UGHH
tysm pookie, take care of yourself too and ENJOY THIISSSS
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I can already imagine the group going crazy when reader suddenly gets swept up right from their grasp out of nowhere by some random spaceship
I know you said some kind of an alien species taking reader but hear me out
It’s painfully obvious that you’re the real star in voltron seeing as how possessive and protective they are of you, hiding you away whenever danger is nearby
So it only makes sense to Lotor to just kidnap you as leverage for his plans
Little did he know that you would be THANKING him for taking you away from the group lmao😭
Imagine your tied up and homeboys getting ready to explain his super mastermind plan to you when all of a sudden you start rambling about how good it feels to be away from them
“Nothing personal, you were the only thing holding that sad excuse of a team together, so I needed you out of the picture for now.” Cue smirk
“UGH THANK GOD! I was literally starting to lose my mind in there, you have no IDEA how needy they all are.”
Now cue a dumbfounded Lotor
He was not expecting reader to be so relaxed considering how he just snatched you up out of nowhere
You’re just chilling while looking around his ship, maybe making conversation with his generals
You finally get a break from the constant attention and possessiveness, ANYTHING is better than being around the group
While you’re happily talking your voice away with Lotor a group, everyone in the castle is freaking the fuck out
It’s bad enough that they let you slip away from their grasp, it’s worse knowing it was Lotor who took you away💀
We all know how Lance feels about Lotor so I think he would have one of the more extreme reactions to you being taken away
Probably starts pointing fingers and starts blaming everyone for not being able to keep you safe
Lowkey begins targeting Keith because it’s somehow always his fault when something goes wrong💀💀
Lance might even starting crying and wailing out for you with Hunk when the situation finally hits him
Keith is also another one to have a more violent outburst during and after your disappearance
He’s someone I see with strong emotions that he doesn’t know how to handle yet so we already know how he might act
Agitated? Yes. Scared? For you, yeah. Furious? Oh honey absolutely.
Keith might have almost caught you too, but he didn’t. He’s so angry with everything and mostly himself that’s he’s pushing everyone else’s buttons, trying to convince the group that the only right choice is immediately going after you
He’s too anxious now that you’re not in his line of sight, making him kinda desperate to get you back again
Hear me out but I think the calmest ones would PROBABLY be Shiro and Pidge
Now I’m not saying that they’re CALM but they have the nerves mostly in tact
They’re already trying to locate where you are with the secret tracker that have on you so it doesn’t really benefit them to try and blame someone for what happened to you
Pidge’s hands shake while she’s working her whizz tho. She has to type, erase, and retype every now and then because of how nervous and anxious she is
She’s so used to having you around that now her brain can’t function properly without you
She doesn’t want to lose you like how she lost her brother and father so Pidge is trying her best to have a one track mind
Shiro on the other hand is more level headed
He really does try to calm the group down as best as he could but with Lance and Hunk crying, Keith yelling at them to get up and do something, Pidge taking a long time to track you down, and Allura and Coran seemingly in an entire different universe, he can’t help but feel the pressure of this disaster falling on his shoulders
This man is ready to just end Lotor when they find him like I’m not even joking
Everyone is getting on this man’s nerves and knowing that you’re trapped with Voltrons enemy doesn’t really make him feel any better
Hunk might even strike fear into Shiro while he’s babbling on about if you’re hurt or not, if they’re torturing you to get any information out of you etc
Poor Hunk is a flood gate at this point. One moment you’re right next to him and the next you’re not
He’s having a complete meltdown in a corner, maybe trying to comfort himself with a small picture of a selfie you both took together
This dude is already imagining all these terrible scenarios you could possibly be in which makes him feel even more terrible
Quite literally feels like he’s gonna throw up now when he begins thinking about how he’ll never see you again
Allura and Coran are surprising quite and calm during all this
They’d keep to themselves but know that they’re going through some extreme inner turmoil
It’s kind of like Allura disconnected herself from the world ever since you’ve been taken
Her skin itches to run out and grab a pod to find you herself but she knows it’s a brash idea
The only thing she does is mull over the idea of making Lotor regret messing with Voltron
They are willing to do anything to get you back, not caring for the description they’ll leave along the way
The longer your gone the less control and stability they’ll have as a group
Desperate and irrational are some words to describe them during your being away from them
They will stop at nothing to have you back with them, some more destructive and violent than others
No one holds back when getting you back from Lotor, leaving his ships wrecked and forcing him to put his plans on pause as he recovers
Who knows, maybe him and his group might’ve grown similar possessive feelings towards you as well with the time you spent with them? HMMMM
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Just a Girl 5
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as possible cheating, low self-esteem, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: you move in with your sister when your luck turns for the worst.
Characters: Walter Marshall, possible Andy Barber
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
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You stand in the open garage, gangly and out of place. You hear the back door snap again and sense Walter as he strides through the open gate. He comes up beside you and presses his arm against yours. 
“Here,” he holds out the stemless glass of wine, “figure one of us should enjoy it.” 
“Oh, thanks, I...” you stifle the complaint that you don’t drink. You suppose one won’t hurt.  
“Not much for wine,” he wiggles the can in his hand. You can smell the hoppy beer from there, “so, I was thinking shelves right across the back wall,” he spreads his fingers in a gesture across the breadth of the garage, “what do ya think?” 
“Right, er, what kind of shelves.” 
“I got storage in the basement. Mostly beer glasses and the like. Some car models. It’s gonna be a little bar or whatever. Need somewhere to chill,” he nudges you with his elbow, “’specially since I’m making lots of new friends.” 
You glance over at him from the corner of your eyes and step forward. You go to the wall and touch it. They’ve been newly put up and finished. Sturdy. You knock on it so you can hear where the anchoring is. 
“Could do,” you mutter, “when did you do these?” 
“Just finished them. A regrettable winter decision,” he chuckles, “don’t forget to try the wine. I’m sure your sister wouldn’t want it to go to waste.” 
“Oh, yeah,” you shift, standing on an angle to him. You raise the glass and take a sip, your face scrunching up at the acrid but sweet flavour. 
“You really don’t drink, do you?” He scoffs as he nears. 
“Never really saw the use in it,” you shrug. 
“Should be clearer after living with the jackass Barber,” he snorts, “you seem like you could use the escape. Must be awkward pent up with the newlyweds.” 
“I guess...” you rub your neck. “So, the shelves, how tall--” 
“We can talk business tomorrow,” he interrupts, “I’ll get dinner on. How about you come hang on the deck while I cook?” 
“Sure, er,” you turn to him stiffly, “I could help.” 
“That’s sweet,” his eyes flick up and down, “but I invited you. You sit back and relax and enjoy the wine. It gets better the more you drink.” 
You clamp your lips shut and follow him back through the open door. He hits the button for it to close and directs you through the gate. You head up onto the deck and look around as you clasp the glass in both hands. 
“Sit,” he insists as he points to the cushions on the wicker frame. “I’ll get this going...” 
You take his command. You sit in the very corner of the patio couch and cross one leg over the other. You have a habit of trying to make yourself as small as you can. Next to him, it's easy. 
You sit and shrink as he moves around. He lights the barbecue then disappears inside once more. He brings out a plate of burgers and some veggies to grill, along with foiled potatoes to bake. He returns one more with the bottle of wine. 
“In case you want a top up,” he winks. 
“Thanks,” you murmur. 
He picks up his beer and sips as he goes to work. He puts the potatoes on first and closes the lid. He turns to lean on the railing and watches you. You drink to keep yourself busy. 
“So, you hear Jack White is coming to town?” He asks. 
Your eyes flit to him then away, “yeah.” 
“How about you tag along?” He offers. 
“Oh, I can’t--” 
“My treat,” he interjects. 
“It’s nice but...” 
“But what? You’re a fan.” 
“Sure, but er, it... would be too much.” 
“Hm, who says so? Seems like you got too many people in your ear. I wanna take you out. We can get some dinner too.” 
“Oh, would that... are you... asking me out?” You blanch. 
He guffaws, “uh, already did. You think I brought you over for your thoughts about shelves? It’s a bonus.” 
“Uh. I didn’t think... oh.” 
“Oh? I thought I was pretty forward. Why are you here if you’re not into it?” 
Because you told me to. Because you made me. Because I can’t go back. 
You shrug, “guess I misunderstood.” 
“You’re cute, you like good music, and I like you.” 
“You do?” You frown. 
“Don’t act so surprised,” he scoffs and nears the couch, he sits next to you. Close. Too close. “The other women around here, they talk too much. You’re calm, quiet. I’m too old for all that. I know what I want.” 
You nod as your throat tightens. 
“And you need a man, not a boy,” he tickles your side and swigs from his beer. 
You fidget. A chill ripples over you. You’re reminded of another instant, another touch that made you unsure, another man who told you what you wanted. 
You wince at the sliver of a memory and the glass slips in your hand. You garble as it tips before you can right it and it splashes onto his shirt, soaking the sleeve and down the side. He retracts in surprise. 
“Sorry,” you squeak, “I’m sorry, Walter, I didn’t mean to.” 
He stands and puts his beer down. He chuckles and you squirm, preparing yourself for his rage. You stare at him as you straighten the wet glass. 
“I’m really sorry, I don’t know what happened.” 
“It’s good, just some wine,” he peels his shirt over his head and your eyes widen at the reveal of his thick torso. You gulp as you can’t help but notice the thick muscles and dark trim of fur. “You get any on you?” 
“Uh, no, I don’t think so,” you look down, thankful for the excuse to tear your gaze away from him. 
“I’ll go grab a fresh shirt,” he says. “Can I get you anything?” 
“N-no,” you stammer out and stand up, “I’m sorry.” 
“Relax,” he nears and rubs your shoulder, “it’s adorable when you get all flustered but I’m not mad. Pour yourself another glass.” 
You keep your eyes down and nod. He brushes by you, too close for your liking, and you go to the round glass table. Adorable? You don't know if you've ever been called that.
You take the wine and pour from the long neck. You don’t know what else to do. You’re so nervous. Maybe the alcohol will help. You’ve heard it called liquid courage. 
You pick up the glass again and go to the railing to look off into the green yard. You didn’t notice the hot tub before. His yard is just as well kept as any. As you try to distract yourself from what he said, your mind resists. 
He likes you? You’re not that stupid that you don’t know what’s going on. You’re only unsure. He’s moving so fast and you hardly know him really. He doesn’t really know you and yet he acts like he does. 
Even so, you don’t feel like you can deny him. You try, over and over, and he just bulldozes over you. Still, you can’t name one thing he’s done that’s been so wrong. 
The back door snaps again as Walter appears. He pulls down a tee shirt and smiles as he shakes out his hair. He combs his fingers through his curls. 
“Thought I got this mop under control,” he chortles as you watch him over your shoulder. He grabs his beer from where he left it and approaches, “so... you checking out the hot tub?” 
“Oh, uh, no, just... the flowers--” 
“My daughter deals with those,” he says, “you wanna hop in after dinner? Get in a soak?” 
“Erm, I don’t think so. I don’t have a suit.” 
You blink at his suggestion. Naked? You look down at the wine and gulp another mouthful. 
“You keep drinking that wine and think about it,” he taps your butt and backs up, “I should get those burgers going.” 
You keep your eyes ahead of you, staring off across the lawn as your heart races. What do you do? You can’t go back to your sister’s house, not after your run-in with Andy. You’ll just have to stick it out and hope he forgets about the hot tub. 
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dismissivedestroyer · 5 months
Hi! So I want to make a Spooky Month OC but I suck at drawing, do you have any tips or advices about drawing characters in the Spooky Month artstyle?
Okay so, I might not be the right person for this, cause I also am not all that great at drawing in the Spooky Month artstyle, but I did some character design at school so I might be able to give a few tips! Please do take everything I say with a grain of salt tho!
Spooky Month's strong suit is definitely character design. It's SO expressive and well done it's genuinely unreal. You might want to know exactly what your character is gonna be doing, or how their personality is gonna be like, because character design in Spooky Month cares a lot about things like these. For example: Radford works at a cinema, so of course he's wearing 3D glasses, but also his HAIR IS LITERALLY SHAPED LIKE A POPCORN.
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So maybe decide on a job for your character, and try to start from there, get crazy with shapes and have fun! Spooky Month characters have designs that are both extremely simple to draw, since they use mostly basic shapes, but also are extremely thought out and meaningful. Another example of great character design is Pump
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Now, I have no idea if you already had an OC in mind, but make sure to choose the right shapes to represent it. Something I see around in the fandom is people making these OCs that are like, serial killers and dangerous people and stuff, but then give them the "Lila"-like oval head. And honestly, nothing wrong with that, that's a choice you can use! But still, shapes allow us to understand a lot about how a character is just by looking at them. So you might want to experiment around a bit!
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Ovals in Spooky Month are the "good" shape, let's just say. Most character with an oval head are sweet, helpful, kind-natured! It's often paired with oval eyes, so it's mostly a shape that's used for not villainous characters.
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Circles are a bit more complicated, because Spooky Month subvertes the Circle Characters. While yes, they're also used to draw children, such as Skid and Pump, so they may come off as unthreatening at first, most main villains, such as Eyes, Bob and Dexter Doll (which is meant to represent the likes of a child, so that's a nice contrast), are mostly circle-shaped.
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There's a very wide range of Square characters in Spooky Month. Square characters are usually bulky, big and strong. They often come off as threatening (such as Moloch), but there are so many other fun things you can do with them. Like, take Frank. EVERYTHING in his design should alarm us, him being square-shaped, the black eyes, the wide smile. Yet, he has a shape of the eyes that's very relaxed and chill, so we end up trusting him. As for Dexter, he's a mix of circles and squares, so we can't really understand his intentions right away, because he's shaped in the most confusing way possible. He's just made to be unsettling and leaving us to wonder if he's a bad guy or just an oddball.
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You can do SO MANY fun things by mixing up shapes of faces and eyes it's INSANE. Also, you can mix up other characters' features to create a new one, if you're planning to do a fankid or stuff like that. Look at Ross, he's literally a mixture of all his parents' features!
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My main tips for drawing in the Spooky Month artstyle are mostly
1) Play around with shapes. Be as cartoony as possible.
2) Try to be consistent with proportions, because, based on personal experience, if you draw the pupils of the eyes slightly off it changes the whole character's expression drastically
3) don't worry too much about details, Spooky Month has a very simple artstyle. You don't have to draw a perfectly anatomically correct hand, just whip up some cartoony three-to-four fingers and you're good to go
4) try to redraw some pre-existing screenshots from the serie to get familiarity with the way Pelo draws expressions. It helps a bunch.
So yeah, that's all! Good luck with your oc :)
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kamisama1kiss · 4 months
Larry Johnson { Classmates with equal interests }
This is an old story I made a while back 😝 hope you guys enjoy the small little story I tried to fix to at least readable this time around. Don't worry, requests are being worked on at this very moment 😚🫶
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Tapping the pencil on the tan wooden desk as their eyes scanned outside as the rain was booming down as if there was never going to be a tomorrow as leafs waved in the wind as they flew past in a rush, a soft sparkling sound could be heard with the lights being poorly lighting up the old classroom.
The teacher spoke, yet the words fell on deaf ears. Meanwhile, they focused on everything around instead. Their mind as being easily distracted also didn't help much to their displeasure. The class went on when a sentence had finally reached out, shifting to face the teacher listening to her one toned monotone voice.
"In this project you need to partnered up with someone" before she could continue several voices were whispering amongst the students, "Groups have already been chosen, the remaining of class will be used for discussion." Many groans were heard, and a lot of grumpy teenagers' faces were visible in the room.
The only thing that would maybe scare them about this project depended on who they got with it. Maybe it could mostly be because who would wanna be partnered up with 'the quiet kid' huh? Most people.
"Last group is Larry Johnson and {Name} {Last Name}. Group up and talk." Which was the last words heard from her, having moved her focus back at her desk as she schemed at some sort of papers. Clinging on to some sort of hope that they'd survive this project.
While they sat as thoughts ran through their head, a voice interrupted that train as they blinked. Their eyes met with a pair of brown eyes, "Hey {Name}, right?" Long brown hair softly framing his face as a beauty mark placed underneath his right eye, he was pretty decent looking. "Yeah, Larry, correct?" A soft smile creept its way to their lips, trying to keep the awkward tension to minimum.
"Mhm" Keeping a good mood. "How would you like to do the project? I am currently blank myself, " shrugging his shoulder sheepishly with a lazy boyish grin on his face. "Oh yeah. We have had about the nature lately, so we can just keep it simple with that theme? Like sustainability of some sort?"
Looking at him waiting for a response, but he only nodded, seeming as if he didn't mind, "Yeah, that could be an easy topic without too much stress. Chill." He agreed, nodding with tiny lip curl.
"Thinking the same." scribbling down the idea in the book which was used as notes. Facing Larry again with an almost nervous smile, that never actually seemed to have left. Not used to interacting with someone. Complaining? Slightly, but that was before their eyes landed on the big letters on the tan t-shirt he was wearing.
"Sanitys Fall?" They mumbled softly, which he had heard easily enough as a bright smile appeared. "You know them?" he spoke excitedly, which shocked them as it suddenly was a bit louder than before, even seemingly more interested in talking. Happily answering. "Yeah, I do"
Almost as if new life had shot throughout his body, Larry leaned forward as his elbows rested crossed on the desk. The left leg bounced. "Wow, I don't often meet people who even know about them. Why didn't you say so earlier?"
Stopped yapping, waiting for a reply from them. They were speechless for a few seconds before the words poured out like a waterfall. "Really? That's shocking. I've known about them since the first release." Taking a short breath.
"I have had to hide that interest, not every accepted at home." Their expression showed excitement, yet it lingerd a more of an upset filter underneath. Greeted with a rare emotion of no judgedment.
"Fucking that suck man, we can talk about it now? I've got a friend who also likes SF. " He smiled back. His joy could be reminded of a little kid in a candy store. "If it isn't too much of a trouble, I would love to."
"No, no. I dont mind. How about later today? After school." An eye-closed chuckle escaped from him, recreating a similar smile on their own expression. His smile was contaiges.
Pausing for a brief moment, "I am not exactly the most... social person." Rubbing the back of their own hand, the pencil being back on the table. Their expression now faltering for a little. "Don't even worry, Sal is chill with new people."
The bell rang, signalling the end of class. Disappointed, this conversation had to come to an end. Larry had looked at the clock on the beige wall before turning back to them. "Later?" Saying with more of a questionable look, "Yeah.. later." Nodded at him.
Larry stood up with these words, grabbing his red bag, which he had next to him on the floor, which went unnoticed by them, not having seen the bright red bag before now. Their eyes looked around the bag to see all the different designs, which looked mostly hand-made or stuck on there. He was a creative person.
Lifting a hand as to say bye before he left the room before making his way to god knows where. This small, friendly movement made their face heat up the slightest bit, almost not even noticeable. Being left in class smiling to themselves before snapping back and leaving for next class.
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matryosika · 2 years
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Day 7: Aphrodisiacs with Jisung
Wordcount — 5,144 words
Includes — Use of aphrodisiacs (their effects might be exaggerated for the fics' purpose, haha). Best friend!Jisung, perv!Jisung, conversation about sexual topics and mentions of sexual fantasies, dirty talk, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, fantasies of free use in the end.
Author's Note — Yeah I don't know what happened with the wordcount. Let's pretend I'm actually not a sucker for Han, but really... This was a special occasion haha. Please remember that english is not my first language so I apologize in advance for any grammar/spelling mistakes!
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They weren't supposed to work. 
Or at least that much you thought, underestimating the cheap candies once you bought them at a local sex-shop, with no hopes whatsoever that you were spending your money on quality products. 
“I can assure you this is a waste of time,” you had told Jisung when you perceived him reluctant to follow your silly plan. “But we have nothing else to do, so we might just give it a try”. 
“Can't believe you spent money on this,” he sighed, shaking his head while he saw you going through all the flavors you had bought. “I am telling you, they are a scam”. 
“Well I got them already,” you huffed, almost giving up on convincing your best friend to try them out with you. “And I bought so many, so I might as well share them with you”. 
“I'll pass,” he rejected you, returning his undivided attention to the screen in front of you. “You don't even know what they are made of, we might as well catch some stomach virus or something”. 
“Is that it?” you asked him with a taunting grimace. “Or are you scared about the idea of them actually working?” 
“Come on,” he scoffed, avoiding the intense gaze staring at him. “You know they are bullshit”. 
“So have one,” you insisted, bringing the citrus flavored candy to him. “If they are bullshit, they won't work”.
He looked at you and then at the candy, intriguingly resting on top of your palm. In reality, he did think those products were a scam —they were nothing but a placebo effect. But in the back of his mind, he knew the possibility of them working was there.
And really, what would he do if the aphrodisiacs actually affected him? Even worse, what would he do if the aphrodisiacs affected him while being with you?
Jisung would never say such things out loud, mostly because he is ashamed of what goes on in his head, but he was truly afraid that the aphrodisiacs unleashed that part of him that he had tried hard to repress.
“What’s in it for me?” 
Typical Jisung.
“I’ll do your laundry,” you proposed, but he didn’t seem too invested. “For the rest of the year”. 
It was a good deal, he couldn't lie.
“All my laundry?” he asked, cocking eyebrows. “Socks, underwear and everything?”
“All,” you nodded. “Up until December 31st”. 
Jisung hesitated, but he finally reached out to grab the cherry flavored sweet. 
“How long does it take to kick in?” he asked you, fingers ripping the package open.
“25 minutes?” you replied, turning the candy wrap to see if the back of it had any helpful information. “I’m not too sure, I think that’s what the lady at the sexshop told me”.
He nodded and ate the sweet in one bite, chewing it slowly. “It doesn’t taste as bad as I thought,” he murmured, “I mean, it’s not the best, but it’s savory”. 
“Yeah, this isn’t bad either,” you said. “I’m pretty sure the citrus one is going to taste way better though”.
Jisung scoffed. “How many flavors did you buy?”
“All the flavors there were”. 
After 30 minutes and no signs of any kind of effects from the aphrodisiacs, fully convinced that they were not going to work, you and Jisung managed to empty the plastic bag full of colorful candy. 
At first, you were both hyper-alert to see if you could spot any weird feelings or sensations —a slight chill and a faint tingling sensation on your legs were pretty much all you felt throughout the waiting time, but it wasn’t anything out of this world and, at moments, you and Jisung even believed it was part of the placebo effect.
“I’m so pissed,” you exclaimed, chewing on the last peach flavored candy. “I knew they weren’t going to work, but it would’ve been fun if they did”. 
For Jisung, it would’ve been everything but fun.
“It’s almost like you have never been aroused, ever,” he mumbled with sarcasm. Why were you so invested in aphrodisiacs, Jisung wonders? It’s not like you haven’t experienced real arousal before. 
“Yeah but aphrodisiacs don’t work just for that,” you explained. “Apparently they make you more sensitive, and everything feels ten times more intense. I don’t know, I saw a video a while ago and I haven’t stopped thinking about it ever since”.
Jisung wanted to ask what kind of video you were talking about, but he stopped himself —for his own sake, it was best to not know. Otherwise, if you were to tell him that you actively watch porn in your room, he would have ended up jerking off to that very thought that night. 
“Well,” your best friend murmured. “At least they were good”.
“At least,” you sighed.
And that sigh was followed by a comfortable silence that dawned upon the both of you, the only sounds flooding the living room coming from the movie Jisung chose for the night. A comfortable silence that was interrupted by your sudden need to tell your best friend all about that clip you watched. 
“The girl in the video came like… 3 times in less than 10 minutes,” you spat, recalling the aphrodisiacs video you found on twitter not too long ago. “It was in another language so I couldn’t understand a thing, but it seemed fun”. 
When you said that, Jisung felt a pang on his cock. It was too quick, too faint and almost imperceptible, but he blamed it on your words —there was no way on earth it was anything else but your voice saying such a thing.
“I felt pure envy,” you murmured, laughing. “She was lost in her own world, squirting and coming over and over again until her legs were shaking. I've never experienced that, so I thought about trying aphrodisiacs”.
“What would you do if they had worked?” Jisung asked you, not daring to make eye contact with you.
“Shit,” you sighed, amused by the thought. “I don’t know. Probably lock myself up in my room and just- I don’t have someone in mind who I would call in times like these, if that’s what you are asking”. 
“That’s not what I asked,” Jisung shook his head, swallowing thickly when he felt as if you had discovered his intentions. “I was just curious”.
“What would you do if the aphrodisiacs had worked?”
Jisung didn’t really want to know. 
Without aphrodisiacs, he was the horniest, neediest and desperate person he had ever met. He was the type to get hard at anything, especially by you.
And that was something that truly haunted him —you could be doing the most trivial, innocent things and his cock would find a way to get hard inside his pants.
“I don’t know,” he admitted. “I didn’t think about it, I wasn't even hopeful that they would work”.
“Well, think about it,” you told him, tilting your head. “How do you think you would act if you were stupidly aroused?”. 
Jisung didn’t need to think about it because he knew the answer. 
With or without aphrodisiacs, he jerked off at least 2 times a day —when he woke up or took a shower, and right before going to bed. Not only did he do it to relieve some tension or stress, but because he was always turned on. And it didn’t matter how many times a day he made himself come, it was never enough.
“Uh…” What was it that you wanted to hear? He could tell you were pushing the topic of conversation, but you didn't seem like you wanted to get anywhere with it. “Jerk off?”
“How many times?”
“God, I-” the questions kept getting more and more ridiculous, but a part of him insisted on giving you a proper answer. He could have stopped the conversation at any given time, really, but he didn’t. “I don’t know”.
Question after question, Jisung started to feel his skin getting hotter. It was almost as if the living room was shrinking in size, leaving him trapped in a small space just with you.
“Well, if the aphrodisiacs had work, I would’ve spent the whole night with my hand inside my underwear,” you scoffed, tilting your head. “Would try and make myself come like the girl on that video”.
When he felt another pang on his cock, way more intense than the last one, he couldn’t ignore it. 
“You would?”
Tonight, your words were coming out with no filter. Jisung didn’t need to ask about the video for you to fill him in on what it was about, and he definitely didn’t expect for you to answer bluntly honest to any of his questions.
“Yes,” you sighed. “Fuck I- I even purchased a few toys not too long ago. I haven’t tried them all yet, but I’m planning to. Maybe tonight, or during the weekend when you are not around, I don’t know”. 
When you said that, Jisung remembered the package that arrived at your doorstep a few days ago. You weren’t home so he texted you to see if you had purchased anything online, and your reaction was rather strange.
“Leave it in my room,” you had told him over the phone, weirdly nervous for such a trivial thing. “Uh, it’s for… it’s a gift, my friend’s birthday is coming up”. 
Not only were you a terrible liar, but Jisung was an exceptional lie detector. 
“The package you received on monday?”
It didn’t make any sense how hard you tried to prevent him from snooping through your stuff only to end up admitting what the package was about a couple of days later.
“Yep,” you laughed, pushing a few strands of hair away from your face. 
“What kind of toys?”
The idea of you noticing how nosy he was being scared him, but you didn't seem to mind. And because you didn’t seem to mind, he didn’t seem to care —the more you answered, the more he questioned you.
“I bought a dildo, a wand, even some nipple clamps…” you couldn’t recall every single item you had bought online, but that was more than enough of an answer for him. “I tried the dildo already, but I haven’t taken my time with the others”. 
The image of you, laying on your back with your legs spread and your hand forcing a dildo inside your cunt was something that he couldn’t let go of that easily. 
“What color is it?” Jisung asked you, visibly eager to know such a random fact.
It might’ve been random for anyone, but not for him —if you were giving him the opportunity to lore into your deepest secrets, then he was going to get as many details as possible. 
He was much more a detail-oriented person rather than one who took into account the bigger picture.
“A clear one,” you replied. “Transparent. It looks cool”. 
He unconsciously stared at your thighs, fantasizing about the image you had engraved into his mind —your hand moving roughly against your pussy, burying the toy deep inside you while you desperately tried to hit that one spot that could assure you the pleasure that the girl in the video was feeling.
He felt bad for even thinking about you that way —you, who had been nothing but a sweet, caring best friend. More often than not, Jisung thought it was inappropriate to have such perverse thoughts about you, especially because you had never done anything for him to think them in the first place. 
He might’ve been staring at your thighs for too long, because he didn’t even feel your palm resting on his knee, softly stroking it while your eyes were fixed on such a scene.
“Didn’t think they would kick in, huh?”
When you asked him that, he immediately stared at his crotch, noticing what he had been fearing for all the years he had been living with you.
His first instinct must have been to try to hide his erection with a cushion, or perhaps lean over himself to prevent you from seeing his bulge. But, in the midst of things, Jisung did nothing.
“I didn’t think they would kick either,” you continue without taking his eyes off him.
You were shamelessly staring, and he was shamelessly showing himself off —it was a weird dynamic, but none of you bothered to change anything from it. “But I can feel it now”.
Your nipples were painfully erect underneath your t-shirt, and your cunt was soaking wet to the point that your folds were sticking to your underwear.
“What exactly do you feel?”
Jisung’s question was ambiguous, but it awakened endless responses in you.
“I feel desperate,” you replied, tilting your head at him. “I can’t stop looking at you and wondering how it would feel to have you inside me”.
You didn’t know if it was you or the aphrodisiacs talking, but those were thoughts you already had prior to that day. Maybe the candies gave you the courage to say so out loud, but your attraction towards Jisung was definitely not a product of the whole situation. 
“How do you think it would feel?”
Your hand was still on his knee and your eyes were fixed on his crotch, his words looping in your brain while you tried to explain yourself.
“Good,” you barely managed to say, feeling the skin on your palm burning because of the contact. “Feel like- you can fill me up real good. Even better than the dildo I bought”. 
“It doesn’t feel as good as the real thing?”
“Nu-huh,” you replied, shaking your head. “Bet you would feel a thousand times better”. 
“Me?” he asked you, luring you into saying something else so he could act on it. 
“Yeah,” you replied. “When was the last time you fucked?”
The question took him by surprise, but he still answered it.
“3 or 4 months?” He exhaled, licking his lips while feeling your touch going higher and higher on his thigh. “I- don’t know. I’ve been busy these days”.
“That’s a lot of time,” you purred, gripping his thigh softly. “Aren’t you stressed?”
You were practically putting yourself on a silver trail for him, and Jisung liked that as much as he hated it —on one side, his cock was twitching in excitement for the possiblity of being able to fuck you, the main character of his wet dreams; on the other, he hated how shy he was acting. Up until that point, Jisung was sure he was giving you the wrong impression.
“Where are we going with this?” he asked you, out of the blue. It had been minutes of teasing and beating about the bush —you were provoking him to do something, but it seemed as if that was the only initiative you were willing to take.
“The aphrodisiacs worked on us,” you spat, as if the elephant in the room wasn’t obvious. “And we are here, we both need- I think we need each other, and-”. 
“You want me to fuck you?” Jisung’s heavy breathing and your loud heartbeats resonated through the living room, even while the movie was still playing in the background. It was a risky move, but he knew you were not going to reject him.
You definitely wouldn’t. 
“Yes, but I don’t think we should,” you sighed, followed by a frustrated groan. “Fuck, I can’t- think straight”. 
He copied your actions and placed one of his hands against your thigh, the warmth of your skin burning his palm. 
“We don’t have to talk about this,” he proposed. “Hm? What do you think?”
“I can’t just not think about it,” you murmured, half-lidded gaze making eye contact with him. “I’m not scared about things getting awkward between us- I’m scared of not being able to stop”. 
“What do you mean?”
“Like,” you let out another frustrated groan and shifted your position on the couch to face him. “If we fuck tonight, I’m sure it is going to happen again. And again. And again.” 
“And so?”
“We live together” you exhaled, as if the answer wasn’t rather obvious. “It is going to get weird”.
“So you don’t want to, then?” his hand moved from your thigh to your hip, and you melted under his touch.
His hands were big, and somewhat rough, and the fact that he was touching you in places he had never touched before was only making it worse for you to think clearly. 
“No, I do want to-” you sighed, hypnotized by his intimidating gaze. “I need you, really need to be fucked”. 
“But you are my best friend!”
“And you are mine,” he exhaled, murmuring his words with a husky voice. “That doesn’t mean I don’t fantasize about you all the fucking time”. 
It was supposed to be a secret but, in the midst of things, Jisung didn’t seem to care about the information going out of his lips.
It was almost as if the aphrodisiacs were some kind of drug that forced you to speak the truth. 
“God,” you sighed, pushing your hair back nervously. “You aren’t making this any easier”. 
“Why not?” he asked you, dragging his hand from your hip to your waist. “This is kind of your fault”. 
The aphrodisiacs.
“What do you suggest, then?” you asked back with a pinch of sarcasm. “You suggest we fuck and then forget all about it?”
“Why not?”
There were a million reasons why that suggestion was anything but right; there were another million other things you two could do to try and ease the aphrodisiac’s effects, yet you knew you needed Jisung more than he needed you. The endless nights of masturbating to the thought of his voice, his hands and him were proof of it.
“Promise we will forget about it?” you queried, melting underneath his touch. “Pretend it never happened and never talk about it?”. 
Jisung’s eyes were fixed on your lips, his cock twitching at the idea of getting to feel them against his. 
“I can’t promise you that,” he whispered, voice turning deeper the more aroused he got. “I don’t think I could ever forget how it feels to be inside you”. 
You closed your eyes in defeat, blaming the aphrodisiacs for not allowing you to think logically.
But really, what else could you do if not give in? The mere touch of his hand was burning against your skin, you felt tingles all over your body and the way he whispered those dirty words got you wondering what he would sound like while fucking you.
“Don’t think I could ever forget how pretty you look while having my cock inside you,” he murmured, lips approaching yours.
Jisung knew it was only the beginning. The more he talked, the more your body reacted, and he couldn’t ignore how you squeezed your thighs together every time he said something dirty. 
“Best friends do this kind of stuff all the time, anyways,” he murmured against your lips, too close to feel his breath caressing your face, yet too far to be able to taste him for the first time, ever. “Okay?”
You didn’t answer, but you didn’t need to —your lips were already pressed together, parting them ever so slightly so that your tongue could meet his. You've kissed many lips before, yet none of them felt like Jisung's did —they were wet, and bold, and they tasted oh so good that you craved to kiss him more, even when you were already doing so.
It was just a kiss, yet your body reacted as if it was something else. Your hips were grinding unconsciously against his touch, your clit was aching to be played with and your nipples were poking through your shirt, begging for his attention.
“Fuck,” you whispered in between kisses, a few beads of sweat forming on your forehead and nape. “It feels so weird”.
More than feeling weird, Jisung felt pain. His cock was so hard it hurt, and he seemed too desperate to take off his clothes.
“Can’t fucking wait,” he groaned, trembling hands finding the hems of your shorts. “Please let me- Want to know how badly you want me”.
His fingers slipped inside the elastic of your bottoms, guiding them expertly to that one place he was dying to explore. He needed to feel your warmth, to be sure that your body reacted the same way he did.
“Don’t tease me,” you swallowed thickly, eyes fixed on the veins of his hand and arm. The cold rings on his fingers made you shiver, and the anticipation of getting to feel his touch somewhere he hadn’t touched before made your heart skip a beat. “Please”.
“The fact that I’m your best friend doesn’t matter anymore, hm?” he scoffed with cockiness, the tip of his middle and ring fingers pressing against your swollen clit on top of your dampened underwear. 
“Shit,” you sighed again, rolling your hips against his hand. 
You were much more sensitive than usual, and Jisung wondered if you had always been this way or was it just the aphrodisiacs’ effect.
“So wet,” he groaned, tracing your clothed slit. “Just like I’ve always imagined”.
Perhaps it wasn’t much of a secret that Jisund dreamt about fucking you for as long as he can remember —you clearly recalled a few times you caught him staring at you in an odd way. But the possibility of him being attracted to you wasn’t as arousing as him actually telling you all the filthy and perverse things he thought about you, even while you weren’t aware of it.
“What else have you imagined?” you asked him, desperate to get rid of your clothes. “Want to know all of it”.
Jisung licked his lips while he stared at you undressing for him, exposing yourself completely to him for the very first time.
And definitely not the last one.
He stared at your breasts for what felt like ages, before he caught a glimpse of your glistening, swollen cunt that was asking for him to use it. 
“You,” he murmured in awe, his cock leaking precum and staining his pants and underwear. “Sucking me off, letting me come inside your mouth”.
“What else?”
You’ve always been a sucker for dirty talking, but hearing him saying all those things was completely different from what you were used to. 
“Fucking you raw,” he continued, feeling his skin burning when your hands desperately reached for the hems of his shirt and helped him get it off. “Getting to come inside you a couple of times a day, watch my cum leaking out of your pussy while you thank me for it”.
When your hands sneaked inside his pants and touched his hard bulge without a warning, Jisung bucked his hips against you.
The aphrodisiacs did wonders on turning you both more sensitive, and you couldn’t figure out if you liked it or hated it. 
“Is that what you think when you masturbate?” you asked, stroking his clothed erection. From time to time, Jisung’s hips twitched because of your touch, and he couldn’t help but feel pathetic for being desperate. “Don't think I don't know what you do when you lock yourself in the bathroom for hours”.
“Would that satisfy you?” he panted, breath hitching every time you squeezed his cock a bit too rough. “To know that I jerk off thinking about fucking you at all times?”
“Mhm,” you sighed, feeling your cunt clenching around thin air while you stroke him off. “And I can’t wait for you to actually do it”.
“Are you always this desperate?” he hissed, lowering his pants to reveal his hard, veiny cock. He wrapped his hand around the tip of it and smeared the precum all along it, moaning for you while doing so. “Or are the aphrodisiacs talking?”
“Both,” you admitted, eyes fixed on the way he played with his dick. “I’m always aroused but this- just made it worse”. 
“And have you ever thought about me this way?” he asked again, guiding you to sit on his lap with your cunt aligned with the tip of his length. 
“Yes,” you bit your lip, rolling your hips against his while your own fluids lubricated his cock. “It’s not- It’s just not the aphrodisiacs, I do want you. I’ve always wanted to feel you”.
Jisung traced your slit with two of his fingers, getting them all wet and slippery while your body trembled on top of him, “Yeah?”.
Before you could reply, Jisung lifted his hips so that his cock could enter you deep; the stretch was so sudden that it made you gasp, and the way your walls clenched around him almost aggressively at the unexpected stimuli made him groan loudly.
“G-god!” you cried, breath getting caught up in your throat the more he bottomed out. 
“This is what I feel like,” he hissed with a shaky voice, too lost into watching you falling apart on top of him. “Don’t need to imagine it anymore”. 
You bent forward to kiss him while having his cock deep inside you, forcing him to stay like that for a while as you got used to his length. Your lips hungrily attacked his in a sloppy kiss, one who knew neither rhythm nor gentleness —it was like you both were too fucked out now to reciprocate each other’s kiss, but you didn’t care.The messier the kiss was, the more you clenched around him and, although his cock was already inside you, it still hurt.
“Can I fuck you now?” he whimpered in between kisses, his voice sounding unrecognizable to you —the husky, deep tone was long gone and was replaced by a whimpering, desperate one. “Want you to come around my cock”.
You nodded, still with your hands cupping his face and your lips devouring his. After that, Jisung lost no time in starting to move inside you at a slow pace at first, helping you get used to his cock while he deliciously explored your cunt. 
His hands grabbed your arse while he fucked your cunt with rough and deep thrusts, letting you feel all of himself inside you.
“Touch yourself for me,” Jisung asked, half-lidded eyes taking in all of the sight in front of him —his cock was going in and out of you with ease, your wetness providing the most delicious friction while your legs trembled in pleasure. “Want to see you playing with yourself while having my cock fucking you”.
He didn’t need to ask you twice before your digits were already rubbing your clit in circular motions, matching the same pace his thrusts had. 
“You feel so- hard inside me,” you moaned, struggling to maintain your position while your body threatened to plop down over his. “So fucking g-good”.
“You think your toys will ever feel as good as I do?” he groaned through gritted teeth, the pace of his thrusts becoming sloppier every second that passed by. “Don’t worry, I can take care of you”.
“Shit,” you whispered, closing your eyes when you felt the knot tightening inside your lower abdomen. “No, they don’t- feel as good, no”. 
“It’s okay,” Jisung murmured, forcing you to plop down on him while he continued fucking your pussy. “I can be your toy from now on”. 
The filthiness in his words were pushing you to the edge, one of your hands grabbing his shoulder for support while the other continued working on your clit, rubbing it sloppily and carelessly with the sole purpose of getting you to come. 
“Ji-” you cried, burying your face on the crook of his neck. “Yes- want to fuck your cock more”.
“Yes?” he queried, “Want my cock to be your toy? To be available for you to use whenever you feel like it?”
The thought he just engraved in your mind was the last push you needed to reach your orgasm —thinking about getting fucked by him every time you wanted, in all the different ways you craved, was more than enough to make you come around his cock. 
“Coming,” you cried, increasing the movement of your fingers while he did the same. “C-coming, Ji-”. 
He fucked you through your orgasm with rough thrusts, making your legs tremble and your eyes roll to the back of your head while you pathetically resented the effects of aphrodisiacs. It felt all more intense, more long-lasting. 
“God,” he groaned, hugging you tightly while you trembled on top of him and managing to keep his cock inside you, even while your body spasmed. “You’re going to make me come”.
“P-please,” you murmured quietly, trying hard to overcome the sensations your body was feeling. “Please come”.
He never stopped moving inside you, not even when he was hugging you and keeping you in place. He was just a few seconds away from his orgasm, but he wanted to keep on fucking you for as long as he was able to.
“You want me to be your toy then, huh?” he queried, licking his lips while he swallowed thickly. You nodded against his chest, moaning and crying in overstimulation every time his pubic bone hit your swollen clit. “Then, it’s only fair you get to be my toy too, let me fuck your tight cunt whenever I want”.
“Yes, yes, yes-” with shortness of breath, you agreed to everything Jisung was saying.
And that was not the aphrodisiacs’ fault, but your own.
“Yeah?” Jisung asked, too far gone to think the whole thing through. “I’m going to fuck you all the time, bend you over any surface and use your cunt as I please,” he hissed, feeling chills all over his body while his cock twitched inside you at the idea. “Gonna make you come as much as you ask me to, make a mess- out of you”.
When you cried and begged for him to do exactly that, Jisung couldn’t hold any longer. 
“Fuck I- Where do you-?”
“Inside,” you whimpered, straightening your body so you could see his face. “Want it there”. 
With sharp, deep thrusts, Jisung milked himself inside you until the last drop. He could even feel your walls squeezing him harshly, almost as if they were begging for more, and it made him feel dizzy.
It was truly something he had never experienced before.
You stared at him while he filled your pussy to the brim, hazy half-lidded eyes looking at you while he tried to stabilize himself. 
You both came hard, but it seemed as if the pleasure was elongated. You were both sensitive, and still aroused, and trying to figure out how to describe the experience you just had.
Trying to figure out what happened in the first place.
But it was safe to say that neither of you regretted it. At all.
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theindescribable1 · 13 days
(EDIT: U DONT HAVE TO READ THIS ANYMORE! We chill now and I'm all good 🔥🔥)
Hey guys, I just realized that there may be some really big misunderstandings and confusion on my blog that I was too oblivious to notice.
So, this is and was always supposed to be a role-playing blog where I play as a character, not as myself, and I played someone you guys know as Stirling. You thought that was my sona, but no, that's not me. He is supposed to be the protagonist and narrator of my blog and stories which is why he's often used, and when I answer asks, I'm still playing as him.
Ive made many jokes and comments in the past that were supposed to be from Stirling's POV, like it's him talking, and that was pretty much every post.
Im really sorry for all the confusion, but I have never revealed my real name, age, or even gender on here! I feel like it's very necessary to tell you guys all this, because I only now see that I never announced this before
Im not sure why, but I must've gotten too ahead of myself and forgot to make a post that explains my blog, or how it's supposed to work.
This is just to let you guys know, I felt like it was important to talk about. I don't want to feel like I'm lying to people, and it was completely unintentional. It's a weight I need to get off my chest.
I figured out that people really had no idea, and then I was nervous to say anything about it since reactions are unpredictable. Once again, sorry.
A lot of things I've said was not me irl speaking, it was all the narrator Stirling, but I may change that to avoid more confusion in the future? I know that people have been misgendering me because I played as a boy, and they thought it was me. My friends also played into teh roleplay, and really all of us thought the audience knew. (Carol, B.V, etc)
I'm a she/her and still count as a minor.
Now that I've addressed the problem, I hope y'all will just continue to enjoy my blog while keeping the role-playing aspect in your mind.
Don't let this completely fuck things up for you guys, I just had to tell you sooner or later while my audience is still mostly small and humble! Yeah I just made this blog when I was younger and never really organized it well, and it was too late to just restart, and people were already thinking I was a totally different person than who I really am, and my scared ass just started playing along, too nervous to correct it.
Now that I'm older, I'm here to address it before it becomes 'serious' (large audiences)
I'll be doing my best to make things less confusing and unorganized from here on out!
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memyselfandmya · 4 months
Jwct countdown May 16-17 -> post-nublar shenanigans:
So, I had so many ideas for this prompt, and ended up only doing two. I will be writing more of them and maybe I'll put some of them on tumblr but a lot of them are going to go towards my fanfictions. I'm not used to this multiple point of view thing with limited action and so many characters so the 1st part is a little wonky. I really love the 2nd one; it's shorter than I'd like it to be but I'll probably end up lengthening it later on. Enjoy!
“I mostly play with the dinosaur mods,” Darius says. “Can we add—”
The loud chorus of “No!”s is unmistakably noticeable especially with his headphones on. He has to lift them from his ears for a moment while the group settles down.
“No offense, D, but I’ve had enough dinosaurs for a lifetime,” Kenji tells him. “I’m gonna make the server.” 
Brooklynn groans. “Don’t name it anything stupid, Kenji.” 
“I don’t even know why you bother,” Yaz says, propping her bandaged ankle up on her desk chair leg rest.  
“Too late,” comes Kenji’s response. “I just sent you guys the server invite.”
Groans are heard all throughout headphones when they see the server named “trauma-craft.”
“Really, Kenji?” Sammy questions. “That’s not even remotely funny.”
“Yeah, yeah, just join the server.”
“Hey, guys,” Ben says. “How do I join the server?”
Brooklynn sighs. “Oh my God, Ben really?”  
“I’ve never played!”
Darius and Brooklynn give Ben the run-down while the others join the server. 
“What I’m most surprised about is that Yaz, of all people, has already played minecraft,” Kenji teases. He’s loaded into the world but so far it’s just him.
“Shut the hell up, Kenji,” is what Yaz tells him. She’s next to load in and the first thing she does is punch Kenji.
Sammy giggles. “You have to admit, Yaz, you’re not the type of person you'd think plays minecraft.” Her character spawns right next to Yaz.
Yasmina scoffs. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, Darling. Don’t worry about it.”
“All right, I think I got the hang of it,” Ben says. He, Brooklynn, and Darius finally join the game. 
“The gang’s all here,” Kenji says triumphantly. He makes his avatar run around in circles as he sips from a (non-carob) juice box. 
“Well, I think it’s obvious what we do next,” says Sammy. They all respond at once. 
“Go mining,” Yaz says. 
“Build a house,” comes Darius’ response.
“Make weapons?” Is Ben’s suggestion. 
“Explore the map, obvi,” Brooklynn says.
There’s a moment of silence. Then comes Kenji’s voice. “Guys, guys. I think it’s obvious what we do first: punch a tree.”
“What I was going to say was we should go looking for a cute biome to live in,” Sammy answers. 
Hey guys, Ben texts the group chat one day when he’s visiting Yaz in South Carolina. Yaz and I are going to get our ears pierced together.
It was a completely random decision that they made. Ben’s mom just so happened to have some work in South Carolina to take care of so Ben tagged along to pay one of his closest friends a visit. They had been hanging out at Yasmina’s house all day, just chilling and playing games, when Ben says, “We should get our ears pierced.”
Yasmina looks up from the deck of cards she’s holding. “I already have my ears pierced, Dummy.”
“Okay, well yeah, but I’ve been thinking of getting mine done.”
“Sick,” Yaz says. “Do you think your mom’ll go for it?” 
“I mean, yeah probably.” He flops down on Yaz’s bed and stares at the ceiling. “My mom has been crazy nice to me lately. I think she feels guilty about sending me to Nublar.”
“Sending your kids to their presumed death will do that to you,” Yaz hums. “But yeah, my mom feels guilty about it too but it’s not their fault. We should be blaming Wu and the maniacs who made that place.”
“Oh, believe me. If I ever see Wu’s face again, I’m jumping his ass.”
Yaz smiles. “Perfect, we can tag-team him together.” The two fist bump and Yaz sets down her set of cards. “Now that you mention it… I wouldn’t mind getting a second piercing and Mom would totally let me. Do you think Sammy would like it?”
Ben laughs at the question. “I think Sammy would like anything you do. You could shave all of your hair off and she’d still love you. Have you guys said it yet, anyways? The “L” word? And no, I don’t mean lesbian.”
Yaz clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “Yep, we have.”
“Yaz!” Ben exclaims, gripping Yasmina by the shoulders and shaking her while she fights the smile growing on her face. 
She ducks her head down to hide the blush creeping onto her cheeks. “Anyways, let’s go ask our moms about getting our ears pierced.”
And that’s how Yaz and Ben end up at a tattoo parlor (don’t go to Claire’s, kids) sitting next to each other as they wait to get their ears pierced. 
WHAT!? OMG SEND PICS WHEN YOUR DONE, comes Brooklynn’s reply. 
When Ben sets his phone down he begins tapping his finger against the seat’s armrest. “Is it bad I’m getting kind of scared,” he asks, watching the man prepare the needle.
Yasmina rolls her eyes and laughs. “Man up, Pincus. What happened to the Ben who defeated Toro?”
At that Ben’s face reddens. When he said it back on the island a kajillion times, it was like a badge of honor, but back home on the mainland, whenever he told anyone they looked at him like they would a person who just lost an arm in a war: with pity.  “Yea, yea. You’re right,” he says. 
Their parents are waiting up front so it’s just the two of them until the piercers come up to them, needles primed. “Are you guys ready?”
Ben looks at Yaz for a split second and then nods to them. “Hold my hand,” he says, stretching his arm out towards Yasmina. She groans but holds it anyway. 
Ben takes it like a champ. He hardly even notices when the needle pierces through his skin and the earring he chose is placed in the new hole. The second ear goes just as smoothly.
Yasmina isn’t as lucky. 
She’s gotten her ears pierced before, back when she was younger, so she’s relaxed up until the point the piercer disappears behind her head. She’s right by Yaz’s ear and on the very edge of her sight to the point where Yaz can’t even see her, but her presence is certainly there. 
Deep down, she knows that she’s not on Nublar and the woman right next to her isn’t a dinosaur coming to sink its teeth into her neck but her mind is a sick little thing that loves to seize her with fear. Yasmina closes her eyes but the image of Nublar won’t disappear and she’s certain that Blue is approaching her, hunting her. She has to run—but she can’t.
Ben’s calm until he notices Yasmina’s hand tighten around his and he glances at her to find her eyes shut tight and her knuckles turning white from gripping the armrest. The woman finishes with her just as quickly as Ben had but even when she walks away, Yaz is still hunched over and what hair that’s not in her ponytail shades her face. 
“Yaz,” he says, hesitantly. “You good?”
“Mhm,” she responds, but Ben can tell that she’s not really there. He doesn’t know why he bothered asking when the answer was so plain to see, however he does know that he has to help her in some way. He knows Yaz isn’t one for touch but when he tries to pull away, her grip tightens around his wrist. “It’s over, Yaz,” he says. “You’re okay, I’m here.”
It takes a moment but eventually Yaz’s grip loosens and she sits up a little straighter. She’s still staring at the floor, though, and avoiding his gaze. 
 “Do you want some water?” Ben asks, before digging through his fanny pack which he still makes a habit of wearing. He takes out a mini water bottle and hands it to Yasmina who accepts it gratefully and downs it all in one gulp. “Thanks,” she whispers once she’s done. 
“Of course,” Ben tells her. 
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Sorry, had a thought or two to share XD
Was musing on the M-Trio and realized how well it works that Nino is the one to flip out at Lila. Cos like, hear me out here:
Alya & Chloe are fairly fearless & acclimate to danger very quickly. They also tend to solve their problems by going on the offensive. & with Alya always loving super heroes & Chloe being raised to be ruthless, both embrace the dangers & risks of the job gleefully.
In contrast, Nino is someone who embodies the idea that courage is overcoming fear not an absence of it. He's a natural caretaker and while not prone to paranoia like Marinette we know how deeply he cares and how quickly he cane work himself up over his loved ones.
Meaning Lila running around claiming to be a super hero gets under his skin like nothing else. Here she is endangering herself her family, his friends, and potentially all their families if her claim make Hawk Moth start poking around their class more than he already has done.
No wonder he exploded, he's been simmering on the worst case death scenarios since she started while Alya & Chloe are mostly just like "Tsk, wanna-be glory hound."
Honestly yeah I also think like.
So from Alya's POV she's annoyed and all, but she can easily shut down Lila's sphere of influence, so to speak. Like, Lila's claims of being bffs with Heroes won't really leave the classroom because Alya won't post it on her blog (both because she knows it's false, but also because she has better perspective in this timeline to know that even if it was true she shouldn't do that).
Chloé is also annoyed but she's.... kinda used to this shit and doesn't exactly care? People are going to make up whatever the hell they want to get what they want. She comes from a world of half-truths and loopholes and twisting words to get what you want. She might have a better morality now to know that this isn't 'okay', but it's currently entirely benign so she's not inclined to deal with it just yet.
But yeah Nino is the one who is very protective of the people he sees as 'his' and he would be upset about this. Both the larger endangerment of her 'knowing the Heroes' lie, but moreso the direct 'she's manipulating my friends'. I think he'd initially try to be more chill and talk to her kindly in the first place, when her lies are just 'I know X celebrity so please be friends with me!' vibes. But when she starts doing more direct manipulation of them into doing what she wants, that's when he snaps
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icy-watch · 8 months
That was so cute and wholesome. Aaaaah.
Um. Yeah. Just me crying over here.
I'm not really sure what to expect of the next season, but I was told it's called Master of the Mountain.
No idea what that could really mean, but I'm guessing there's a mountain and some guy who's the master of it. And that's really about all I have.
So, since this is the end of Prime Empire, I'll be watching the shorts tomorrow that explain some things. So, a chill day tomorrow. Until then!
Correct and incorrect predictions under the cut.
Unagami is one of the people in charge? Or an AI? Unagami is an AI and he was in charge.
Milton Dyer created Unagami. Yes.
The ninja will listen to Okino as he helps them thru Terra Kerana. They did, and Lloyd got a new dad.
Okino became more cognizant while he was with the ninja. He's also going to Go Thru It. He learned so much, and he gained so much more. Gained more Trauma, that is.
Unagami is an AI that gathered some consciousness. He did.
Unagami wants to go to Ninjago to find Milton Dyer. He did, and he was reunited with his dad after they had an emotional talk. The emotional one was me. I'm a wreck.
The ninja being out of credits will be important later. Meanwhile, in the very next episode...
The race is going to be the next episode. It was!
Seven will make it past the fourth mile marker. She did!
Rescue mission to recover Zane from the Mechanic. Surprisingly, yes, in the same episode as the background of Milton and Unagami.
Unagami is going to visit Ninjago, and he's going to bring some friends. It's not going to go well for Ninjago. The city has been in worse shapes after the final battle, but there was some damage. And people might have been injured.
We're going to lose Nya. She got rubix cubed, just like everybody else.
A confrontation between Milton and Unagami. TT__TT Yes.
Milton won't die.
Evil video game. Just a normal video game that was abandoned, and the AI in charge lashed out.
Milton Dyer was pulled into the game. He was just in hiding.
It will be a few more episodes before the rest of the ninja make it into Prime Empire. They made it in during the very next episode.
The motherboard needs to be inserted back into the arcade game for everyone to be able to return to Ninjago. A giant gateway also works.
It'll be a hot minute before the other ninja find Jay in Prime Empire. They were told where to find him in the very end of the next episode.
The League of Jay will be helpful down the line. They really just helped out that 1 time and that was it. We were cheated out of some more Jays all season.
Unagami is an old enemy with a new alias. Boy was I wrong there.
Lloyd will be the first ninja to lose all his lives. *crying about Cole and Kai*
The ninja are going to return to Scott's garage to find it trashed and him missing. He was alive and well, until Seven showed up.
Time flows different in Prime Empire than it does in Ninjago. I thought I had something, but it was a nothing.
Everyone will leave Prime Empire using the inter-dimensional arcade portals. Apparently, I never said anything about the gate in my main prediction posts (which I go off, not my opener "what's this ep gonna be about" post), sooooo... yeah.
Zane's not going to come out of this whole thing ok. He was able to shake it off faster than Taylor Swift.
Kai and Scott will lose their last life. Kai doing something stupid, and Scott in the race. They both did lose their last life, but Scott sacrificed himself for the ninja and Kai and Cole both lost their last life during the race.
We're going to lose someone during the race. We lost 2 someones.
The level to get the third Keytana will be a fighter game. It was a platform game + infinity maze + fighter game.
It's going to come down to Jay vs. Unagami. Yes, but mostly no.
Unagami paid attention to the ninja back on Ninjago. It wasn't ever confirmed how Unagami clocked the ninja as his enemies before they arrived in Prime Empire, but the Mechanic might have been the person informing him about the ninja. He might have informed Unagami of everything the ninja have done.
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admrlthundrbolt · 7 months
Black Magic Woman (Werewolf Santana x Chubby Reader)
Born into the curse of a Werewolf. Santana had always preferred his more beastial form. So imagine his surprise when a Park Ranger makes his human side so desperate.
Hey guys, I'm back at it again. This is another installment of my Piller Men stories. This one really ran away with me. I didn't expect it to be as long or for a whole background lore to spawn. Yet here we are, with a Park Ranger and a Werewolf falling in love. Any who I hope you enjoy.
His entire life had been simple; sleep, hunt, survive. He was a beast through and through. No matter what the legends said. At least that was before you came along.
The first night he caught your scent on the wind, it became ingrained in his memory. It was sweet, yet with a heady undertone. Itching at a part of his mind that he had never accessed before. Beast and man began their first battle for control within him. Not knowing what to do with himself, he sprinted home.
The cave was dry and in a more isolated section of the park. He had made sure to mark the perimeter, ensuring that the local predators knew what belonged to him.
For the first time in a long while, he slipped out of his canine form. Shifting into that of a man. He stumbled on his two legs, finding the motion unfamiliar. Though even this change couldn't remove the new scent from his nose.
So he spent his night, cold and alone curled up on the hard floor. Trying to wipe his head of the aroma that plagued him.
You had settled into the housing quickly. Not having a large space to live in, helped with only needing to unpack a few things. But it didn't matter to you, the place you were living in wasn't the reason you took the position. No, it was the chance to study the wolf population. You had went to college for a degree in Wildlife Biology and Research. It was tedious and took a lot of hard work, but it was your dream. Every since you were a child, wildlife had always fascinated you.
Though there was something special about the wolf population of this particular park, that drew you to it. They would mostly stay to themselves rather than in the typical packs. When they did pair off, they rarely grouped beyond the immediate family. Almost as if they wouldn't stray beyond their own familial grouping. It was unlike any other behavioral patterns that had been witnessed.
Though the most perplexing thing had to be how little documentation had been conducted. You could only find bits and pieces of information. Even coming across forms with most of the information blacked out. It seemed as if there was a sizeable gap in the knowledge released from this park.
Grabbing a few supplies from the office, you prepared for your first day in the field. Only to bump your head on a cabinet as one of your coworkers enter the room.
Joseph barged in with a loud morning and went straight for the coffee maker. Rubbing the tender spot, you greeted him. He was a nice enough guy, but to loud for his own good. Though his soft spoken girlfriend, Suzie Q, was a great counterpart to his personality.
His mug full, he turned your way. “So, excited about your first day?”
A small smile graced your face as you nodded. “Yeah and about the same amount of nerves. But who doesn't feel that way when they start a new job.”
He nodded with a thoughtful look on his face. It was odd to see a serious expression on the goofball's face. “I get that.” Then leaning towards a locker, he pulled out a large walkie-talkie. “Make sure to keep this on you. The wolf population are unpredictable and it's never a good idea to underestimate them.”
The statement sent a foreboding chill down your spine. Why hadn't you thought to ask the other staff about their experience with the wildlife. Well that was just a task to file away for later. “Thanks, I'll see you later.” Heading out the door you passed Suzie Q. With a quick good morning, you left for your vehicle.
She waved you off, then rushed over to Joseph. He handed her the second cup of coffee he made and shook his head. “I can't believe they gave that woman a grant to work with those monsters.”
She sipped the warm drink and gave him a hollow smile. “Maybe they hand picked her for a reason.”
Staring at your vehicle as it became a dot on the horizon, he couldn't help but hang his head. “Unlikely.” Taking a deep swig of coffee, he tried to distract himself with the burn of the beverage.
After a restless night, he shifted back into his beastial form. Taking off in a sprint, he hoped that a run would help clear his head. Not sure how long he would push himself. Only focusing on the burn of his muscles and the speed of his breath. Continuing his mindless run, he came across a stream and collapsed on its bank. Panting and relaxing until he felt the need for water. Though this luxury never came.
A vehicle pulled up nearby. He could hear the tires crunching over rock and fallen branch alike. Still huffing, he waited to see if it would pass. It stopped instead and he scrambled behind a close by rock formation. Wind picking up as the door swung shut. He was once again engulfed in a indescribably wonderful scent. This caused him to dart his eyes around. When his gaze fell on you, he was astonished at what he found.
You were a goddess sheathed in khaki clothing. As the uniform shifted around your full figure, he couldn't stop the imagery that followed. You rounder with his pups and welcoming him home. It was an image that made his heart race, more than even the run caused. Every part of you sang out to him like a siren's song.
But he knew now wasn't the time to approach you. No, he had to prepare the den. Then he would prove to you that he was a worthy mate.
For now he watched you carefully as you set up a box on a tree.
You were meticulous and precise as you hung it. Then opened it and fiddled with what looked like a camera of sorts. Finishing up, you clapped your hands together. A gesture he found most endearing. Heading back to the vehicle, you pulled out a map. Folding it back up, you drove off in a new direction.
Watching you leave, he glanced at the box. Then marked the tree under it and took off after you without a second thought. If he was to court you, he would need to know where to find you.
As you placed the last trail cam up you sighed in relief. It had taken most of the day, but the cameras would be a boon to your research. It's not like you could be everywhere at once after all. Not to mention you had the odd sensation of being watched today. Although that could also be chalked up to being the trail cams. So you brushed it off and headed back to the Ranger housing, ready to rest.
He had trailed you to your den. It was a small home, but it wouldn't matter soon. You would spend little time there once you became his bonded mate.
Nosing around the area, he was relieved to find that there wasn't an established scent. So he marked the site, paying special attention with your house.
Through with that, he decided that he would find a quick bite and settle down close by. It wouldn't do if his mate came to harm.
The next day you woke up and set off to your usual morning routine. Only to pause on your way out the door. It reeked, the scent was an all to familiar one, wolf pee. Making your way to the common area. You couldn't help but wonder why the stench had cropped up overnight.
Still the oddity wouldn't stop you from checking the cameras you put up the day before. Settling down with a cup of coffee, you pulled up the app to search through the footage. All of it was pretty mundane, until you reached the video first video recorded after setting them up. It seemed the same wolf was marking the area under each cam, then sprinting off. It wasn't an unusual thing for wolves to mark unfamiliar things. But it seemed that he had followed you and repeated the action under every single camera. Just as the thought of him being the culprit behind the smell around the housing popped in your head, Joseph entered the room.
He gave a cheerful greeting and headed for the coffee maker. Turning to you he noticed a video feed on your screen. One with a familiar wolf. “Watcha got there.” Trying to keep his tone casual, he was desperate to know why Santana was there. You had only been here a day and already had one of their interest.
“Oh, footage from the trail cams I set up yesterday. You know, it's pretty bizarre. This one wolf seems to find everyone and mark underneath it. Almost like he was taking in an unfamiliar scent and marking it. At least that's my theory.” Taking a sip from your coffee you looked at him a bit wide eyed. “If that’s the case then he must also be the reason for the smell outside the housing."
He gave you a confused look. “Smell?”
Nodding you said. “Yeah, it was so pungent I had to rush over here to get a fresh breath of air.”
Gazing out the window, he narrowed his eyes. “Is that so, I'll check it out before I make my rounds.”
You waved him off. “Don't bother, it's probably my new scent disrupting the ecosystem. Maybe my pheromones are throwing off some of the local wolves.”
“Well I'd rather be safe than sorry.” He patted your back and smiled. “Can't let anything happen to our new teammate.”
“Oh. Thank you." You ran your fingers through your hair. “It's nice to have a team that has my back.”
“Sure thing. Let Suzie Q know that I had to make a quick errand. I should be back before lunch.” Then he headed out the door to pay a certain elder wolf a visit.
You had stayed at the housing area that day. So when night came, he went to his den. It needed preparing for your arrival.
When he approached the entrance, he paused. A familiar, but not entirely unwelcome scent was there. His care giver Kars was an infrequent guest. But he had a strong kinship with the other wolf. He had saved him as a mere pup and taught him all he knows. Still why would he be waiting at his den. Stepping forward he hoped to find the answer to this question.
Kars gave him no time for speaking first. “Ah, Santana, how have you been?” As he gazed at the younger wolf, his eyes bored into him. “Because I received a little visit today. From Joseph of all people. Asking me about you and your recent actions. I hope I don't have to remind you of how tedious it is to deal with humans and maintain our alliance with them. Now with that being said. I would like to know why you are stalking the new ranger.”
The silence that followed was suffocating. He had a respect for the elder, but you are his mate. Though as he thought for a moment, they wouldn't be having this conversation if it wasn't to keep you safe. Puffing his chest up a bit, he said. “She is my mate.”
He hung his head at the confession. “That makes things awfully more complicated. For the sake of the treaty stay away from her until I return.” This caused the younger lycan to bristle. “I understand this may be hard, though it is your choice to make. Leave her side for a short while or be force to vacate the park. Never to be with her again.”
Lowering his hackles he gave a solemn nod and retreated futher into his den. He could at least take this time to tidy up. It would be a suitable distraction for the time being.
Joseph paced in front of his truck and shook his head. This couldn't be happening. He wasn't sure what was worse. Santana hunting you or wanting to mate with you. At least this way your death wasn't guaranteed. Still what was he supposed to tell his superiors. “This isn't good. Do you know how many violations this could cause."
Kars rolled his eyes at the other man. “You act as if you humans are the only one with rules.” He scoffs and continues. “You should know that the title Elder was not an easy one to come by.”
He stepped forward, facing the purple haired man. “I get that and I'm thankful that you're willing to talk with me about this. But that doesn't make the situation any less complicated.”
“That you are right about. Once they meet, there will be no way to keep them from each other. True mates are bonded for life, ceremony or not.” He crossed his arms at the statement. To think that a pup he raised would be destined to a human. It was uncommon, but not as abnormal as having no mate. He honestly hoped this could help tame Santana. His unruliness had gotten him into trouble more times than he liked to recall. Maybe the soft touch of a human would calm him.
Running a hand over his face, he sighed. “OK, new plan. We keep them apart until I get word from my superiors. It should be simple enough. We'll just keep them both occupied and wait for an answer. I'll make sure to keep you in the loop.”
Nodding he watched the man climb into his vehicle. “Yes, you do that.” Knowing that this would be a most difficult task. But he knew it would be for the sake of one of his pups. So it was a challenge he was willing to take.
The storm shook your vehicle as you sped to the last piece of equipment. It was annoying to pick them up after of a few short weeks of them being out. But you knew you would get chewed out if the equipment got torn away in the storm. It would be just one more thing for your superiors to pressure you about. It seemed like they had breathing down your neck lately.
You pulled up near the camera, only able to go so far due to it precarious location. At the moment of setting it up over the gorge, you thought it was a stroke of genius. The footage of the wildlife that could live in the river at the base of the valley was to good to pass up. Now as you attempt to loosen it from the tree, leaning over the dizzying drop. You couldn't help but curse your earlier ambitious. Rain pelting against you and wind seeming to pick up in speed by the second. You questioned if this last camera was worth the stress. This thought was followed by a rumble and your perspective shifting downward.
He knew he was supposed to be avoiding you. But this storm had made his hair raise and nerves jumpy. He only needed to see you, hopefully through the window of your home. Curled up, warm and cozy, reading something in bed. It was his favorite position to see you in, content and comfortable.
On his way over, he stopped at a familiar sound. Your voice was at the gorge and you were calling out for help. It only took him a moment, muscles burning at the exertion to get to you as quickly as possible. Not seeing you standong near your vehicle, he understood in an instant the danger you were in. Looking over the edge, he saw something that made his heart stop. You were hanging on by a few mud covered roots jutting out from the side of the gorge.
Without a second thought he shifted, knowing that hands would be more useful than paws. He scooped you up and brought you against him. Checking you over for injuries, he breath a sigh of relief when he found only a few scraps.
You looked up at your savior, only to pause. He somehow made your heart race faster than the near death experience you just endured. You felt drawn to him, like the booming thunder that followed the lighting around you. Your sudden emotions moved you more than the raging storm that engulfed the both of you. He held you close yet delicately, it was an intoxicating feeling.
After a moment of you admiring each other, you came to your senses. “Let's get to my vehicle.” You guided him to the truck and you each made your way inside. Panting you took a bit to gather yourself. What was that, you had never felt emotions at such an intensity. Taking deep breath, you turned to your savior.
Only to gasp as you noticed his lack of clothes. “Oh, uh.” You looked away and then did another quick glance. As impressive as his physic was, you weren't sure what was going on. “Why, uh, where are your clothes?”
He never took his eyes off you. “I do not have any.”
An odd answer to an equally odd question. Then a thought passed through your mind. The storm must have swept them away. It wouldn't be the first time that a visitor lost something at the park. “OK then. What is my savior's name?”
“I am called Santana.”
Starting up the vehicle, you tried to keep your thoughts on a purer path. “Well, my friend Joseph is about your size. I'm sure he would be willing to lend some to you.” With that settled you drove towards the housing area.
“Absolutely not.” So maybe he wasn't willing to help your savior.
Shaking your head at his negative reaction, you crossed your arms over your chest. “Joseph come on. He saved me and has nothing to wear. You can't lend him anything?”
“No, you don't understand, he not what you think he is.” Pointing over at him accusingly. “That guy is a monster.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “So monsters go around saving people from falling to death. Whatever, let's get out of here.” You then grabbed his hand and led him to your home. Voicing your irritation of Joseph attitude the whole way. “I mean how could he be such a jerk to the guy who saved me.” You went on rambling as you sifted through your clothes. Pulling out your baggiest options, something usually reserve for your period, you held them out. “This is all I have that might work. I'm sorry my coworker couldn't be more helpful.” You faced away from him, giving him a bit of privacy. Though that didn't keep his nude image from your mind.
He was elated, as he slid the clothes on, he inhaled. Your scent surrounded and pressed against him. It was pure ecstasy. Glancing around the room, he tried to commit everything to memory. The few knick knacks and trinkets scattered around. The interesting array of books that were strewn about. Even the random sock that was abandoned half under your bed. It all screamed you and he wanted to take in every bit of it.
Then his eyes landed on you. Back turned to him, the rain water made your uniform cling to your body in a delicious manner. He yearned to reach out and hold you, just as he remember on the cliffside. To have your bodies meld together once more. That would truly be his own heaven.
Thinking you had given him plenty of time, and want to not be alone with your thoughts any longer. You turned back towards him. Only to be taken aback at what you saw. His eyes were dark and lustful.
In that moment your body reacted. Like a moth to a flame or a wave crashing into the bow of a ship. You collided like magnets, unable to stay apart. Your bodies met followed by your lips. Melding together like puzzle pieces. The raw emotion that fueled the kiss was electrifying.
Then a throat was cleared. Tearing yourself from his mouth, you were shocked to see a similarly built purple haired man and Joseph. They stood in the doorway, the new man wearing a smirk on his face and only a loincloth on his body. Joseph had his mouth agape and some clothes in his hands.
“I hope we weren't interrupting anything.” The tone of his voice made it obvious that he knew just what he was intruding upon. He entered your small home and looked over at your savior. “Santana, it seems that fate has gifted you a wonderful mate. You should thank the Moon Goddess for such a blessing.”
He faced the man and laid an arm around your waist. “I have Elder Kars, many times over in fact.”
“Very good. Let us proceed to the common area. There is much to discuss.” He grabbed the still stunned Joseph's arm and dragged him to the large building nearby.
Santana offer his arm to you and politely led you as well.
You sat there and tried to absorb all of the information that had been dumped in your lap. Not only were Werewolves real, but the government was covering up their existence. They were considered refugees and given ‘homes’ in National Parks. Which led to an official peace treaty between Werewolves and humans.
On top of that, you were the mate of a Werewolf from the park you were assigned to study wolf behavior. Part of you wanted to scream in frustration. But as you looked at Santana, you could only feel a warmth towards him. There was truly something supernatural about the way he made you feel. “Well, what do we do now?”
Without missing a beat he said. “We spend the rest of our lives together.”
The statement made your heart flutter. Still you had your reservation about it being that simple. Looking over at your superior and the Elder Werewolf, you furrowed your brow. “Is that allowed?”
Kars nodded. “It is not common, but there have been similar mated couples in the past. If it is what you wish, we will not stand between you.”
Looking back at you guessed your mate, you beamed. He looked at you with loved and devotion in his eyes. It was a sight you wanted to hold onto forever. But you grew nervous as your gaze turned to Joseph. “What about the government?”
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “There actually for it as well.”
This cause a weight to be lifted from your shoulders. If they were against it, you weren't sure how the situation could end up.
He held his hand up. “I wouldn't celebrate to soon. They want to see how a relationship between a human and Werewolf would be work. Make you a study case of sorts. You should think about what that would mean before you make a final decision.” With that the two men ushered you back to your home to discuss the situation in private. Joseph adding on that it shouldn't lead to anymore ‘funny business’. You swore that everyday you spent with him, that man treated you more like a younger sibling.
Sitting on your bed, you took his hands into your own. “I don't want them to act as if your something to experiment on. You should be allowed to have your life not be examined.”
He brought a hand to your face and gently cupped your cheek. You leaned into it instinctually. “I would endure anything to be by your side. Even if we have to run, by your side I will always be content.” Then your lips sealed together once more.
It may not be the best of circumstances. But every moment you spent together was a step closer to a life spent happily.
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sillysystems · 2 months
hiii :D so i have no idea how this works cause weve never done it before but firstly can i claim the 🥀 as sign off and with our @funkylildragonfella? were a very silly system (hence our system name silly doc squad hehe) and have lots of silly things to share also we ramble a lot like a lot and i hope thats alright we just dont wanna be annoying /gen
so this one is a very long silly thing that once happened and also with sp chat cause it was very silly i hope thats okay if not if its too much or anything im very sorry /gen
so first here the sp chat hehe
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and context:
so lucifer is a subsystem of at least 3 lucifers and were slowly learning some lil differences like 🎹 is mostly around of the lucifers as far as i can tell and hes more like caretaker and energy booster for me, then theres mainly protector lucifer 🎶 who also seems to swear a lot and then theres doc lucifer 🗂 whos an even bigger idiot than first lucifer but i love him too
hes helping us a lot like today he did a silly thing he apparently is able to mix up the dates and whatever like memories and stuff in our head so he made me think that we have therapy today at 12 so i went there only to stand there for an hour and wondering when im gonna be let in
but then i realized i probably got the date wrong and im really nervous and stuff about calls or writing messages to therapist or doctors and stuff but i had to cause i had to ask when the actual appointment is and our therapist replied and wasnt mad at all and told us that its tomorrow at 12
so yeah got that mixed up and then i thought to myself hey at least we got outside for a bit and then lucifer just popped up being like yeah that was the point like he mixed it up so id remember it wrong so that we would go outside for a bit cause we dont go outside that much as much as we want to but like for an appointment i would have to go no excuses
so i went there and then he was like and you also learned that its okay to mess up and how to write message to therapist cause to resolve the situation i had to write her and it wasnt so bad and the stress around it actually got a little less so it actually helped a bit
and yeah then i told him okay but you coudlve just asked me to go outside cause if he asks i would definitely go cause i love him its just different with outside people when they tell us to do things brain goes like no im not doing it now that you told us now
and yeah so now we made a deal like that hes gonna drop some little things to do that we have difficulty doing once in a while but like without pressure just in our own time and like when the other brain sillies ask im always gonna try cause i love them so yeah he said its like a quest and we can even do a point and reward system if it makes it easier and whatever hes so silly and i hate him but i also love him
Sure you can claim that 🥀 sing off and I'll make sure to add your tag in there. In this blog the're no such thing as annoying or too much so feel free to share what you want and yap all day, that's what the blog's for bro!!
I read the whole thing and that was wholesome ngl, a little trick to teach a lesson and learn, grow out, that's beautiful man
I also like how this Lucifers work, at least from what I've seen here, it's such an interesting way of working and I found funny how Jinx was like "I hate you but I love you"
Glad your therapist was chill about that little messed up!
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
I'm absolutely feral for ultranationalist Roach. Can we get head canons for this AU?
I will be writing more ultranationalist Roach because you guys seemed to like him and I have #ideas so here are some headcanons to sate you guys until the next drabble is done
Warnings: Horny unhinged Roach ahead and some dub-con:
Was military early into his life, similar to how Makarov was in his life
He got put on a mission working with Shepherd and, despite following all of his orders and doing some shitty things, he gets betrayed
He was shot and left for dead as a response but he's tough af and showed back up on base a week later
Tried to talk about what happened and only got dishonorably discharged for it
He's followed from the military by a few people who believed his story and got bad vibes (Jackson and a few others) together, he and this group form the beginnings of the American Ultranationalist party
The goal of the party is to fix the stain that they see as the current US government/military complex
Essentially they want to overthrow the government and put in a much more liberal and chill government
They gain a lot of popularity in the US and grow fairly quickly. This earns the ire of outside nations + the US government and they send someone to try to take out Roach
Roach doesn't die, but many of the men who first helped him join the party do and Jackson nearly dies.
It fucks him up bad and essentially rewires the way that he thinks about the other nations and what he's trying to do.
So now the Ultranationalists go from a mostly peaceful group to a full on militant party that is more than willing to send people in to other countries to fuck shit up if they get in their way
Their group are branded terrorists and, despite all of their kinda evil pretty much actually terrorist actions, they do still have a lot of support among the American people (similar to the Ultranationalists in MW2)
This is around the time at the 141 start coming for them with the explicit goal of taking out Roach
Brief aside to mention
Makarov starts off as Spetznaz again in this life, but rather than getting into shady shit and being discharged he actually stays on a good path and ends up taking what would have been Roach's place on the 141
Roach at this point has just fully lost the ability to give a fuck, so while he appears as this kinda out of it and wacky guy, he's actually super calculating and is always one step ahead of the 141
He first gets a sight of the 141 and he's super interested in this group because "God damn they just foiled my plans to blow up the Washington monument thats sick af"
So he starts watching them on missions and he, absolutely wild man that he is, is like "hey 👀👀👀👀 they're all hot af actually"
Yes this is a Roach x everyone concept now ajjdjfjfjfj
So he's like "hey Jackson, my dude, light of my life, guy who I've been sleeping with for years now, what would you say to me slowly kidnapping an entire military team"
"Why would you do that?"
"So you know how old kings used to have harems?"
He takes Makarov first as he thinks that he'll be the easiest to make fall for him (he's right, bro is whipped after like a week of being kidnapped)
Then he goes for Gaz next because he thinks he can bond with the man and also he's seen the way Jackson has been eyeing up Gaz's picture and he's like "ooo both at once 👀👀"
He takes Soap and Ghost next. He knows he has to take them together because he knows they're in a relationship. All he has to do is get Soap to fall for him and he knows Ghost will follow soon after
He saves price for last for several reasons
He knows the man will be the hardest to capture
He knows if Price went missing first his entire team would tear the world apart looking for him
And he knows it will break Price's spirit just enough to make him pliant if all of the team goes first
Yeah and from there he just kinda rubs it in the governments faces that he managed to not only take down one of their best teams, but also turn them to his side (sorta)
And then he takes over the world because he gets to win in this au sjfjnfjdjfjf
Honestly though even if this au didn't turn into Roach x everyone, he's just unhinged enough to flirt with all of them anyways
Roach starts the ultranationalist movement with a group of about seven other people (one being Jackson) and despite it operating as a council until most of the members were killed, Roach was elected their leader
When the assassins were sent after the untranationalist leaders, Roach actually did nearly die
He was shot twice, once in the chest and once in his hip. He managed to kill his attacker while running off of adrenaline before collapsing and being found by an ultranationalist sympathizer who helped him out.
Despite his full recover, he does get occasional issues with his hip from where the bullet shattered the bone there
Jackson also survived the assassination attempts, but lost his leg to one of the several bullets that tore through his skin
He does not have a prosthetic yet, but Roach is working on getting him one since the man only recently requested one
Soap and Ghost are Roach's favorites out of the 141, but he absolutely won't say that to any of them
Its because on multiple of the missions he was able to tap into their comms and listen to them talk to each other and he fell hard
Makarov fell the hardest for him out of the 141 members. Generally like a puppy in love
Roach probably interacts the least with Gaz romantically, just because he is letting Gaz and Jackson vibe, however he probably talks the most to Gaz in a friendship sense
He's rich rich from all the evil doing so he buys them a house where everyone has their own rooms and everything
Baby boy is bossy as well in this au as well as very pushy and touchy lol
Some other little notes:
I'll probably use Ultranationalist Roach as a character in multiple different ways. So what I mean by that is that in one drabble he might be trying to get the whole 141 in a harem, while in another he might be going for Soap, Ghost, Makarov, Price, or Gaz and only them.
It will really be up to whatever I'm feeling (if its something I'm writing for me) or whatever the asker wants (so if you guys send a request for like a Roach interested in Makarov only then I'll do that, but if you just send a general "ultranationalist Roach + Makarov" request then I may mention the Roach x everyone stuff in the background but still have the focus be solely on that character)
Really tbh, we could definitely add some drama to this au and I do have some ideas, but at the end of the day it really is more of an excuse to write horny feral villain Roach content skfjbdjsjdjfj
Also everyone say thank you to the Anon who initially proposed the idea, they're iconic
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