#we used psychopath and sociopath interchangeably because neither of us is board certified
taylorrepdetective · 11 months
I’ve mentioned the young swiftie in my life. She’s a young adult who has grown up on Taylor since she was 6. She loves her with her whole heart and was extremely invested in Toe. I think Taylor’s idea of Joe is her dream man so she really bought into it. Nice, intellectual/well-read, artistic renaissance man, humble, no fragile masculinity. You get the idea. She was very sad over the break up 7 months ago.
Then Matty showed up. She is a mild fan of The 1975, so she knew about Matty and thought he was terrible and was not happy at all about it. At some point she mentioned maybe it was just for PR ( I think someone else planted that idea.) she hung onto that idea but expressed a lot of concern about Taylor’s character if she would date a man like that.
She’s heard rumors of her being a bit fruity and I think she thinks it’s probably true but absolutely 100% believes in Toe and hasn’t talked about her bearding, just dating for PR more as a regular celebrity like a Kardashian might do. I do not talk about Taylor being gay and bearding with her. I’ve never mentioned it once, I have always indulged her toe fantasies because it’s nice. It doesn’t hurt anything at all.
But the thing with Matty really shook her. When they broke up she moved on but I think she had been exposed to a lot of the negative stuff that was going around after Matty. Her silence on politics. Working with That Director, etc… and we talked about it just a tiny bit. It seems her Pollyanna view of Taylor had been a little bit tarnished because of Matty specifically because it exposed her to this other stuff. But they broke up and we all moved on and we didn’t really talk about Taylor again much.
But then last night I happened to be with her during the concert. I knew she wasn’t super thrilled with Travis (she sees him as a meathead and not attractive at all. She’s more into the Timothee Chalemet type.) And I told her about Taylor changing the guy on the screen coming home to me to “guy in the chiefs coming home to me,” and let me tell you, I’ve known her throughout her teen years, but when I say she gave me the BIGGEST eyeroll that’s ever been rolled. I laughed and said “yeah it’s a bit extra” and then she just went on this rant. It was fascinating.
Basically she told me that ever since Matty, she’s had to reconcile with herself that Taylor is not the person she thought she was. Keep in mind that throughout her teen years, Taylor was with Joe, so that’s the Taylor she knows. The Taylor that spoke out in 2018-2020 as well, just as she was growing into her own political mind and out there at women’s rights and anti-gun and BLM protests. She basically said “I think there’s a 50-50 chance Taylor is a sociopath” (in all seriousness, not joking around like we do.) We talked about her being a bit messed up by fame and how she has to compartmentalize her public and private lives in order to stay sane. Then she said “but has she? Stayed sane? I don’t think so.” I mentioned about how Taylor has said her life makes her sometimes question if she’s a real person and she’s admitted struggling with this, and all this did was confirm to her that yes, she may very well be a psychopath, and she specifically clarified to me that she meant “evil” psychopath. I tried to be nice and say that her actions generally were pretty benign even if she has a bit of that tendency, and she was unconvinced (see above for the problematic stuff.)
Then I said, “yeah I think about some of this a lot. And you know what, when you hear Dear Reader in this context, it really hits home.” And she said. “Yes! I love that song...”
And that was the end of the conversation. But what I really wanted to say is “but if she’s closeted, she looks a lot more sympathetic and a lot of this makes a lot more sense.”
Maybe that conversation will come in time.
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