#we went geocaching (sp????) a lot and he would always hide from me in the woods and make me cry and think i was lost
jokeboy · 1 year
having a bad father was amazing we used to go out into the garage and look out a hole (he chopped a hole in the garage wall) into the backyard and whenever he'd see an animal he'd try to shoot it with a bb gun. and I would get upset because I wanted to be a veterinarian when I grew up or something anyway he got me a bb gun for my 10th birthday and taught me how to shoot it at squirrels. which inevitably meant I shot a squirrel. and once you shoot one squirrel, what's one more ? so my father and I shoulder to shoulder would shoot at animals from the safety of the garage like it was normal. this is all normal to me. when I tell people this they're horrified. there was a swamp behind his house so he would just throw anything that wasn't moving into the water and whatever was able to leave just.... left. we shot a fox. we would shoot at deer. I used to watch my dad chase animals out of his yard with a hatchet and I don't know if he ever caught any of them but I know that if he did they would be dead. when we would go fishing together he would literally beat the fish unconscious with his tackle box and then throw them back in the lake. when i was really young (stopping at like .. 8?) he used to dangle me over bridges and tell me he could drop me to my death and nobody would find out it was him or find my body. hannibal ass father
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