#we were in biology class. and we have this slay of a notebook with hello kitty on each page.
chqnified · 2 years
Learning to respect someone’s boundaries is important. if someone says no, it means no, even if to you it doesn’t seem like a big deal, it may do to the other person.
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henrykcc · 5 years
Twisted Love
Ever since I laid eyes on her, I knew we were in love. She may have not known it at the time, but she had stolen my heart. I have always been an outsider in my school so I’ve never had any real friends, just the cafeteria staff that I got my breakfast from daily, however I wouldn’t consider a simple hello as us being real friends.
But she was different, oh she was more than any old friend, we were lovers. It all started when I walked into my Biology class first period, I was surprised that I arrived on time for once and was a little excited to get a full work period in. I wasn’t a bad student, I just didn’t like to wake up in the morning.
Anyways, I was shocked to find out that Mr. Evans (my usual homeroom teacher) wasn’t already in class. He usually arrives 45 minutes before the bell, so he could set up everything in order to save time. It was 15 minutes after the bell and the rest of the class began to worry, he was never late for anything.
Suddenly the door of the classroom opened and what walked through had to be an angel sent from heaven. I remember the first thing I saw were her pitch black high heels, then in came her long toned legs, when the rest of her body came in the door I felt my jaw hit the floor.
I remember her so vividly, she was wearing a short skirt that just went right up to her knees, she wore a silky baby blue blouse that hugged her curves tight. Her eyes were as blue as a pool of water, her long honey blonde hair was neatly straightened and moved to the side in order to display the artwork on her face.
She had ruby red lipstick that coated her lips, her curly black eyelashes nearly touched her thick eyebrows and her fair face had a bright glow to it, her complexion was mesmerizing. Our eyes met, and she gave me the warmest smile that made my heart skip a beat.
I could tell the other boys were drooling over her, I couldn’t blame them. She walked up to the desk and plopped down her massive purple purse, she then turned to the class and began to speak,
“Good morning boys and girls, as you can see your usual teacher isn’t here today, in fact i’m afraid he won’t be with you for quite some time. You see, Mr. Evans had a bad fall while cleaning out his gutters over the weekend, he’ll be alright but he won’t be able to do his usual teaching duties for awhile, I’m his daughter Mrs. Evans. I’m so excited to meet you all and can’t wait for us to work together”.
She let out a little giggle and began to start up her computer. I instantly fell in love with her. For the next couple of months, Mrs Evans was our homeroom teacher. She was way better than boring old Mr. Evans, along with being exceptionally sweet and practically looking like a greek goddess, she was very smart too.
I must have jumped out of my bed every morning, I was never late to her class because I didn’t want to miss a single thing. I never really took notes in her class however, I was to busy doodling love notes in my notebook, writing poems about her, thinking what life would be like to live with her, forever. When the other boys discovered my secret love journal, they tormented me with teasing for being so lovey dovey.
Mrs. Evans caught them one time picking on me, she scared them so badly that I could see the sweat run down their faces. She looked at me with her alluring eyes and gave me a little wink, that's when I knew we were in love. She would ask me to stay a bit after class to help clean up the lab and sometimes I would stay with her after school to help her with marking her other classes work.
We would talk about mundane things like the weather and all, but I knew she was flirting with me. I knew it was hard for her to keep her composure around me, I could tell she wanted me. For a long time, I thought we were really in love, but one day I caught a cold and couldn’t go to school for a few days, those days were pure tourcher, It felt like my heart was going to rip out of my chest due to the pain of being away from her.
When I finally returned to school, I was heartbroken. I showed up late and arrived a few minutes after class was over. When I walked to the classroom, the door was open, I looked inside and saw one of my classmates Lawrance helping her clean the lab, that was my job. They were giggling together and she had a smile on that i’ve never seen before, my heart shattered. 
I didn't go to school for awhile after that, I was filled with sadness,  and anger. When I did return Mrs. Evans didn't even welcome me back, she just looked at me with her cold dead icey eyes. Apparently we were going on a field trip to a barn that day, something about watching a live birth go on or something, but I didn't care.
It was just another thing she didn't tell me. When we arrived at the barn, we split up to explore, since I had no friends I just went alone. As I walked around aimlessly, I noticed Lawrance from the corner of my eye. He had a pair of rusty old scissors in his hand that he impaled into a nearby hay bale.
He walked into an old barn that looked abandoned, the paint on the outside that was once a bright red was now brown and dirty. I went to the hay bale, and stared intensely at the scissors. He took my love from me, she was the only person in this cruel world that gave a damn about me, and now she was gone and it was all his fault. I tugged the scissors out of the bale of hay and followed him into the barn.
I slowly opened the door that was being held with one hinge, it began to creak but he didn't seem to notice. He had a pair of white earbuds in that kept him from hearing what was going on. He had a sick big grin on his face, I knew he was thinking about Mrs. Evans, how beautiful she is, how madly in love she is with him, it made me sick. All I felt was rage, he stole my love from me, he needed to pay. Before he knew what hit him, I charged towards him and ramed the scissors into his back.
I kept stabbing him vigorously through his back, I felt his blood spill onto my hands, he jerked his head around and looked at me, I could see the fear in his dark brown muddy eyes, like he didn't know what was coming. He stole my love from me, he needed to die. Those five long minutes felt like an eternity, I was desperately gasping for air. Lawrance's lifeless body laid before me, it felt like a wave of relief washed off my chest.
The villain was slayed, and I could finally be with my love. I turned his body around and carved in his chest "I still Love You". The police came to get me a couple of minutes after they found the body, they knew I did it because I told Mrs. Evan's that he would never bother us again.
I thought she would look at me with those alluring eyes like she used to, but instead I was met with a look of pure fear, like I was some sick freak. I was so confused, I thought she really loved me. Now, I sit in this cold cell, writing this story because I have nothing better to do. I look back on what happened Thoes 8 long years ago and wonder, did she really love me?
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