#we will ignore that doa seems to never change clothes
what are your opinions on recast artist dolls such as kinoko dolls? just curious
Every doll it’s made by an artist (3Dprinted or handmade). Either it’s a well known one that sell its designs forthousands of dollars to a major company or a small production handmade at home(or casting services like Haru). If you can’t pay the legit version ofneither (small or big artist), you can get a recast. In this instance, eitherit’s because of your personal economical situation or any other reason(emotional, life, whatever), and even if you had the money, you wouldn’t buythe legit one from the company or independent artist. You can find thisbehavior morally reprehensible in comparison to your personal views, but humansare all different and this people it’s paying for the recast. They are notbreaking into the place at night and stealing them from the factory. They areabsolutely not thieves.
Having said this, everyone wants to have alegit (even if the recast sometimes it’s better quality in resin and has noseams lines, all the benefits of hybrids and resin colors, or asking for aspecific old limited that’s not even on the marketplace and you have noguarantee that will ever be or at what cost I’ve saw many, not just one, asking$500 to $750 for a minifee head, only the head, and many times not evenlimited). You will tell me “then wait and hope for the doll to come out to the2nd market”, well, as someone who has being chasing for more than sevenstraight years at very least four grail sculpts (that are not available asrecast) and they never showed up not even broken or ruined, I can tell you thatit’s an excuse to blame on the other person their lack of determination basedonly on your moral ground because you have decided “it’s better than theirs”(your morals, I mean) even before start the conversation and finding out everysingular situation as an unique one, and what might be happening right now intothat buyers life, and why took the choice they took. Everyone it’s different.And if you get things easy or save for 50 years, that might not representanyone else but yourself and you can’t blame others for “not being you” and notliving in the exact situation as you. Anti recasters have no empathy for otherhuman beings “as humans” (not to mention as doll collectors), because it’strue, recasts are “killing” the used marketplace and for a good reasons. Brokendolls, not to mention prices, bad problematic transactions even from the mostpopular sellers (and then you can’t even complain because you get a ban fromdoa only for telling the truth and they will harass you and insult you as manytimes as they can until the next drama comes around), and the list it’s endless.So when you see all this, yes, recasts aren’t looking too bad after all, youdon’t want the drama, you’re getting a doll to feel better, not worst. The usedmarket it’s killing itself and yes, recast exposed all the shit that was behindthe table, but sooner or later, the second hand mp was going to loose theirappeal (and to be honest, in my opinion, it took longer than expected).
Recastfrom big or small companies (or artists) are just one part of the problem, butno one seems to hold responsible about all the rest of the problems unrelatedto recasts. So they need a scapegoat, and here comes recasts! Many(ignorant) anti recast (pro artist) people think that if recast stop existing,all their problems will solve, and they will sell their minifee heads for$600 and that people will actually throw the money at their faces, and “that’sthe way it has to be”. So sure they get angry as hell, because they need themoney that stuff isn’t worth to buy other stuff and be happy themselves(because, they are the selfish bjd collectors of them all, go try ask wherethey got “this pair of eyes” or “clothing” and you’ll see they will either nottell you or sent you to hell because they want to be “the only ones who havethat”), and at this point, artists are hardly involved into the whole thing.They’re just watching their back, thinking if they impose enough fear and bully,someday, magically, recast will “cease to exist”. And if they can’t do that, atvery least they will make sure to let you know you’re the worst because theyhave their selected small circles of “cool people” and they won’t let you inbecause they think they’re better human beings than you. Not that people withmoney ever though it’s better than poor people, we are talking about a socialissue that completely exceeds bjds (and dolls in general).
This all sums up that if you can’t (ordon’t want to pay for the legit, or emotionally need a doll to make you happy,even if many anti recast tell you this is “luxury” and a “privilege” and it’s“not a need”, as if they experienced one day of your life and know what they’retalking about), you will not get it from the legit source either way. Theartist (small or big, art doll or company doll), will never see the money,because you don’t have it or are not willing to spent all that money (forwhatever reason) into a legit. And maybe yes, that money you’re not willing tospent on a legit has to go pay medical bills, put food on the table and a roofover your head, but that’s not living, it’s “surviving”, and as a person whoit’s on a hard spot right now and has had better (much better) incomes, itmakes me sick to my stomach to hear others telling poor people “they don’t havethe right to belong into something they love because the only thing they canbuy it’s a reproduction” and “they should be in another (“less expensive”) hobby”.Over time we have forgot about how this hobby it’s about art as a whole, andnot just the artists who make the doll but the entire sense of art. There aretutorials everywhere and wifi it’s free on any hot spot, so even if you don’town a “privilege service” such as internet at home, you can browse tutorials ofliterally everything online. You can make your faceups, your eyes, yourclotting and the shoes for your dolls from scratch. You don’t have to “buythem”, and if anyone thinks less of you because you had to work hard to makeyour doll look complete, and they only had to use their credit card for orderingonline, then we, as a society, have a very, much deeper problem than talkingabout the end of the world based on the reproductions of dolls and “artistdolls” vrs “company dolls”.
So I will say this again, the artists neveractually loose money. If you decided you’re not going to save for 5 yearsstraight on a minimum weight knowing the doll you love isn’t going to be onsale anymore by the time you get the money (and then, yes, you might have asmall chance, very tiny, of perhaps convincing the maker to do the doll againfor you, very, very small chance), you will simply don’t have the doll youactually want and that will be it. It’s not like “if you don’t buy the recastyou will buy the legit”, most of the times if you don’t buy the recast, youdon’t buy anything at all. So even artist dolls (that for me are on the samelevel as any doll, because all where made by an artist), are not loosing sales,and if you call yourself pro recast, I think (and this is only my personal appreciationand I don’t impose it to any one) you must be “pro all recasts”, not choosejust a few that are “ok” because “they belong to bigger companies” and be “antirecast” when it comes to smaller productions sales or artist. It’s like tellingme you’re all about downloading mp3s but are not willing to stream a movieonline because “that’s wrong”. You either do it or don’t. You’re a pro recastfor all dolls in the world or you’re anti recast for all dolls in the world. Ican understand that some people consider themselves as “neutrals” and I thinkthis means they don’t own a recast (and plan not to own any recast whatsoever,unless they want at some point for specific reasons), but, they are ok withfriends and other people having one (or more) and will not judge them or changewhat they feel and think about this people because of it. And that’s a truefriend. If you are “afraid your friend will no longer be your friend becauseyou own a doll that’s not legit”, then that person shouldn’t be your friend(because it’s not to start with), and as fast as you get away from that person,the better for you.
Sorry about the long rambling, and ofcourse everyone it’s entitled to their opinion (that’s what the internet wascreated for), but if that opinion it’s hold by prejudice and not common sense,if that opinion it’s intentionally hurting others for no good reason, then it’sup to you to think and analyze if what it was said makes actually any sense atall.
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dlamp-dictator · 7 years
Story Ideas Allen Has
AKA Allen’s Ramblings XV, but since I’m tagging fandoms again I can’t have that as the title this time around. Christ, I’ve done 15 of these now...
Hey there folks. For those that don’t know I’m Allen X, or Dlamp, or YOUR DICTATING LEADER OF ALL MEN AND PEOPLE, ETERNALLY RULING OVER YOU PATHETIC SCUM LIKE THE WORMS YO- Actually no, ignore that, it’s an old joke no one will get. Anyway, I write lyrics, fanfics, original fictions (that I don’t have posting anywhere yet), occasionally draw, very occasionally talk about tiddy ninjas, and ramble about RP stuff among other things. Speaking fanfics, I’ve updated my Virtua Fighter fanfic called Reversal Princess... I updated it a week ago and I’ve just been lazy in promoting that fact... heh, sorry about that Reversal Princess fans. For those interest you can read the latest chapter on either Fanfiction or Ao3, it’s basically me just writing about Aoi Umenokoji and putting her in several fights and socially awkward situations with cameos from just about everywhere from Monster Monsume to Variable Geo. 
Anyway, with that out the way, I wanted to talk about a few story ideas I had for the future. I’m mostly talking about these ideas to have them archived somewhere for references later, but also because I wanna’ see if anyone would be interested in these being written. Now, keep in mind none of these ideas are going to happen until I either (a) finish Reversal Princess or (b) get half through drafting my original work, Azure. However, these are some ideas that I’ve been toying with in the back of my mind for the past few months now. So again, I wanted share them all with you guys in order to gauge interest. And since I wanted this rambling to get attention I’m gonna’ tagged fandoms since I wanna’ know each fandom’s opinion on each idea. 
So with that, here I go with idea #1, which is...
A Rewriting of Magical Girl Raising Project: Unmarked
Ooooh, this is something I’ve been wanting to do since after I finished reading Restart (I haven’t read past that, so no spoilers please). For at least two months now I’ve been wondering how things might play out if the death order in Unmarked was different or if the survivors had changed, if other characters had died in different ways, if certain events were instigated by different people. Sorry for being vague folks, but I just don’t want to spoil things for those watching the anime. I’ve been toying with the idea to the point where I probably would had drafted it if I wasn’t writing two other works right now, but I digress. 
Now, there are a few rules to this rewrite if I were to do it:
The survivor count must remain the same (not spoiling it for those not finished with the anime or novel, but it’s few)
The first death must still be by having minimal magical candies
You guys know the first character that actively killed someone? The one that killed that character that was raising all those death flags? Yeah, they character still has to enact the first kill. Again, not spoiling who for newcomers.
The battle at the bridge must still happen somehow, someway.
And... yeah, that’s about it. This is probably the first thing I’m gonna’ do after I finish Reversal Princess, but anyone wanting to give their input please do. I already know who I want to survive in my rewrite, so there’s influencing me there, but... again, just gauging interest. 
Anyway, onto idea #2.
A Continuation of the Deep Crimson Story/Timeline
Next up we’ve got a continuation of Deep Crimson’s story. For those that mostly play Senran Kagura for the Life, Hometown, and cute ninja girls ripping each other’s clothes to pieces, the story is broken up into two timelines, the DS game series and Playstation game series. The DS games are a bit more serious and story-focused than the Playstation ones, and it’s those games I honestly like the best. It seems like the creators have no real intention of continuing the story in the DS titles, but I’m a lot more invested in that storyline, so I’ve been wondering about making a story that explained what happened after that game. I mean, the Crimson Squad had a chance to go back to Hebijo and we never got confirmation on if they took it or not. We still don’t know much about the Kagura and Naraku and the roles they’ll take after becoming free. Just... a lot of stuff I feel they’d answer and third title, but that third title is highly unlikely. So anyone interested in that feel free to let me know. 
With that all said, idea #3 is...
A Marie Rose/Honoka Fanfiction
Not really a creative premise, I know, but it’s something I’ve been wanting ot write for months now. Much like with Reversal Princess, I mostly wanna’ write about these two because they’re my DoA mains and I tend to write fics about my fighting game mains. There’s a lot of unanswered questions about these two I want to take a stab at answering as well. Namely how Marie and Honoka know each other in the first place and more importantly how Honoka is on semi-friendly terms with Ayane. This would probably be written in the same vein as Reversal Princess, being mostly light hearted with some fights and serious moments sprinkled throughout and plenty of obscure cameos. So yeah, that’s an idea I’ve had for awhile now. Oh, and just because Marie and Honoka would have (more or less) equal focus doesn’t mean it’d be a shipping fanfic. It could happen, but romance is kind of my weakest point as a writer so... not likely.
So then, moving with my last idea, idea #4...
A Nioh-Inspired Fiction
Again, not a creative premise, but hear me out. I’m very tempted to write this one alongside Azure, but... I’m gonna’ wait to see if the idea holds long enough and my Nioh-hype dies down a little (or I beat the game). I’ve been playing a lot of Nioh lately, and it’s got me wanting to write a story about a clash of European and Japanese feudalism. I’m not so sure what I want to write about specifically, but I know I want to make it about a female knight that travels around a Feudal Japanese-eque land, meeting samurai, demons, being introduced to magic, and all that fun stuff that’s happening in Nioh. More than likely the knight will be on some conquest mission or something for the sake of having a stable (and simple) plot, but... who knows. Again, this is probably the most impulsive thing on the list, but I just wanted to see if people were interested. 
And those are all my story ideas. If you guys are interested in any of these just reply with what sounds interesting, or shoot me a message in my inbox or IM it to me. Also, check out Reversal Princess. I’ve been working on that fanfic for a year now I’m glad to see it’s gone from 1,000 to 24,000 words in just a year’s time. Anyway, that’s it for me. Thanks for reading.
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