#we're all pals here
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Ugh everyone dunking on Steven are soooo cringe 🙄
Shane and Ryan are grown men who stood by this decision, so please dunk on them too lmao.
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modmad · 1 year
just voted Taffy despite being a huge discworld fan because I read all the pro Iron Girder train tags on that post and... gross energy. bad vibes, they're doing exactly the opposite of what Terry would have wanted (guys?? stop being so mean!!!) also some are saying Toonkind is WOTC owned which is so off the mark I can't help but laugh about it. GNU Terry Pratchett
oh dear, I think some people might have got confused because Toonkind is so obscure- it's not an official DnD property, it's a Homebrew and one that's been terrific fun and a huge collab effort of a lot of people for a little over three years now.
Regardless of who wins I'm just astounded anything I did has had a chance going up against something by the legendary Terry Pratchett! I do hope people calm down, it's not a real fight it's just a tumblr poll folks let's just chill out and be friends okay?
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spxnglr · 10 months
Hateful Anons Get In The Bin Challenge 2K23.
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romanitas · 9 months
hello friends and followers on tumblr, i have been around with y'all basically since i started at my current job, and i am now in the process of trying to leave it!!! so if you could send me good vibes and good luck for the fall, i would appreciate it time to get the fuck out of education ✌️
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veeeffvee · 4 months
Here's the instrumental to this old post, which currently summarizes my mental state right now AAAAAAAA
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ignorancelive · 4 months
landlords PLEASE die horrendous fiery deaths why are they literally doubling our rent and getting past rent control by only starting to document our rent prices after the first half of the increase 😐 kill yourself right now
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aeide-thea · 7 months
thinking abt like. if you introduce someone to something you're into and they're like, wow, that's so awesome, you're probably tickled that they dig it and are seemingly a kindred spirit at least that far; if you then introduce them to another thing you're into and they're again like, wow, that's so awesome, you're probably still pleased but also perhaps guiltily wondering whether they know any other adjectives; and if you introduce them to a third thing and yet again they're like, wow, that's so awesome, you're probably asking yourself, was any of that affirmation actually real or is this person just so reflexively accommodating that they've been turning off whatever independent critical faculties they possess in order to play a better yes-man???
(for values of 'you' that primarily mean 'me' obviously)
#just thinking a lot this week abt like. on the one hand i SO deeply need people to be kind and exhibit a readiness to be pleased#and i'm so relieved and grateful when i encounter that energy#but like. on the other hand i need to feel like i actually meet your standards‚ not like you don't HAVE any?#like. if a golden retriever wants to be pals it means nothing. if a cat wants to be pals it means everything#and like. if we're being honest i'm very very very picky abt. everything. i was going to specify areas but. it's all of them.#i just try not to actively be a dick abt it to anyone's face bc i think that's really important#(and like. i did a slightly less good job of hiding that in certain ways this week than i probably endorse so i'm thinking abt that)#(like i think the problem is that it always feels v important to be clear abt my tastes/Who I Am bc i want to be Understood)#(but like. sometimes ppl just aren't the sort of people who are going to Understand me and i need to get better abt cutting bait)#(and prioritizing courtesy abt their tastes over clarity abt mine in those cases)#idk. have very extremely not resolved the tension between my various values here#basically like goldilocks i need everything to be juuuuuust right which like. perfect IS the enemy of good and i know it!!#but at the same time like. it IS better to be alone than to be with people who chafe you raw.#but maybe eventually if you let them sand you into a new shape it'll be good? but. feels bad to be sanded.#anyway. strongly suspect this is not actually a coherent post i'm very sleepytired#this week was really really challenging and left me with a lot of food for thought. also some pie
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queenofbaws · 8 months
the medical questionnaire: please describe your health concern(s) in the space provided.
me, your average chronic illness haver: buddy, we are gonna need more than one line for this one, i think.
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roboraindrop · 4 months
The holy Trinity of "F/Os I Have Connected With Unlike Any Other";
Fonzie, Dick and Fenn.
My knights in shining armor <3
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colorbarillusion · 22 days
I'm Kennith!! My pronouns are He/they/xe/it/color!! I'm the host of the Timeloop Collective (@dreambuggz)
I like bright colors, stuff from the 80s, and learning about culture! (I do not appropriate it, I just like to learn!)
I'm a Kennith Simmons fictive!! Detached, but I still use his name and consider him a face claim, and will occasionally roleplay as him!
DNI: Basic DNI, Pure Syscourse blogs, endos, LGBTQ+ antis, people who harass people for ANY reason (including things on this dni list!!), radqueers, anti-kin
Thin Ice: Kanye fans, IRLs, aplatonic (I am HEAVILY platonic, this is less for me and more for you), people who ID with/as Christopher Pierre
I'm bodily 15, so don't be a weirdo!! People over 18 can interact, but only under 18 can flirt with me or use pet names. Nicknames are fine from any age.
Tag list!!
#I'm already here.. 🎙️ - From the ask box!
#I've always been here..! 🎙️ - personal text posting
#Turn the volume up folks, listen to the words I say now! 🎙️ - Info / Important
#You're a f*cking idiot, and there's static pouring out of your mouth. 🎙️ - Discourse posts / reblogs
#And on the screen as clear as can be, it's a colorful display! 🎙️ - reblogs
#We're screaming again again again again!!!! 🎙️ - Multi-reblogs (when i reblog something, someone reblogs and i respond to them)
#Well after all, it's a television show! 🎙️ - Requests
I take requests for userboxes, moodboards, and PFPs! Just ask :D
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pacifymebby · 6 months
Am not gonna publish anons that mention other blogs by name my dudes...
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myearts-uwu · 1 year
This is just a me thing, and I feel like a jerk for having this lil thing that peeves me, but as an artist, I hate it whenever I see another artist constantly and actively saying that their art sucks and they say it’s bad and they say that their art will flop even before they post the drawing. I get annoyed by it easily.
I understand not liking a drawing you make. It’s completely normal for artists to cringe at their art if it didn’t turn out the way they hoped it to.
But when they do it all the time?
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mindsmade · 9 months
i do love that the barbarian intimidation options are always written in all caps ... adds to the immersion
case in point:
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somehow it just works
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dxsole · 6 months
Winter holidays all my muses celebrate for ur reference!
Christmas - Didi, Lazaro, Jasper (begrudgingly), Anton, Buck, Calisto, Cam, Chet, The Columbary (Aquila, Apus, Cygnus, Corvus, Pavo, and Grus), Corbin, Deacon, Dude, Evgeni, Hank, Jessamine, Knox, Lawrence, Leslie, Lochlan, Malachi & Mara, Nadia, Penjani, Philo, Rusty, Simon, Sloan, Truman, Vicente, Viola, Walter, Whip, Willoughby, Yasmin.
Three King's Day - Didi, Calisto, Pavo.
Hannukah - 85, Donny, Gideon, Harrison, Levi.
Kwanzaa - Hank, Opaline, Penjani.
Dongzhi Festival - Wei, Yasmin.
Yule/Winter Solstice - Lyssa, Sister Sable, Zeynep.
No holidays/just good winter vibes! - Barnaby, Beatrix, Esme, Freida, Hugo, Iona, Irena, Kidd, Michi, Norm, Opaline, Ozzie, Reaper, Setau, Shuff, Victor.
No holidays/straight up Scrooge - Angus, Cesare, The De Winter siblings (Roy, Pris, and Beau), Missy, Thoth, Waylon.
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
SORRY I MEANT TO FOLLOW UP EARLIER but I got caught up in talking about The One And Only Thing I've ever added to Jo's backstory and gotten invested in so I lost track of time 😭BUT NO YEAH GOING THROUGH THE LIST WAS A 10/10 EXPERIENCE... I just really enjoy your commentary and seeing your takeaways so I don't need anything In-Depth to have a good time, even just finding out what your faves are is pretty neat; as a guide I definitely think it sells the works while setting realistic expectations overall :] On That Note would love to hear your thoughts on the movie!
LMAO YOU'RE GOOD i wasn't expecting a follow up anyhow so it's alright :]
and im glad the list was enjoyable. i suppose LMAO AGAIN i tried not to go too much into things so my thoughts are relatively sparse (because rest assured i have PLENTY of notes on everything i've seen but i didn't want the thing to be 100 pages long (╯▽╰ ) ) but as long as it gets the job done then that's fine with me:)
OH BUTTHE MOVIE YAYAYA I WATCHED THE CORRECT ONE THIS TIME LMAOOO IT WAS EPIC definitely enjoyed it A LOT and was a really great way to end the series !! again i love the sound design and track and i esp loved the music that played when the team was working out how to sneak into the house of representatives (i've noticed that bitches LOVE acoustic guitars in this series and While Unexpected it works SOOOO good)
the whole Handcuff Bit with inoue still gets me like My Brother In Christ How Long Have You Worked Here BUT I ALSO GET IT. AND ALSO WHEN HE WENT TO ARREST OGATA AND OF COURSE DIDN'T HAVE ANY CUFFS... GIRL I DIED FR...
anyway 11/10 movie SOOO glad you directed me to it LMAO
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