#we're at the limit.... next episode makes or breaks the record
9 episodes since Drawfee last referenced Cats (2019)
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portraitofadyke · 8 months
THOUGHTS ON OFMD S2 FINALE (and s2) overall
Okay, so we ended the season on a high note, and after reading a lot of people's insights here, I have a few things to say
The issue between Ed and Stede is not resolved by them moving into the inn I have seen a lot of people have conflicted feelings about this one. And guys. Nobody said it was. They have been through a lot this season; separation, Ed's spiraling, Stede's rise (and imminent fall) to infamy. And it's absolutely not meant to feel resolved. They just went through something traumatic. I am pretty indifferent about Izzy (unlike most fandom), but his relationship with Ed was veery complicated, and now he's dead. He meant a lot to Ed, and how did Ed reward him for that? By torturing him, along with the crew, and shooting his leg off. Now Ed has to live with that. And somebody else pointed it out before, but Ed's solution to everything, same as Stede, is escapism. Right now, feeling like the regular guy who runs an inn, or lives in a little cottage, is better than facing everything that's happened. Stede hasn't expressed his opinion on being a pirate still. He seemed excited at Zheng's offer to join teams. He didn't say no. And neither did Ed. Those guys have been through so much since they met, changed as people, and now they just need a moment of peace and quiet, without the world exploding around them and the responsility of the crew on their shoulders to talk it out. Live with each other. Throghout the whole season, they did not have a chance to actually talk about what they want. Now they can
Jenkins himself said the relationship is not complete without a third act. This is not meant to be the finale for them. We're not supoosed to see the united Revenge off into the sunset and expect that to be the end. if we do have a third season, we should see how these two manage the quiet life, if they have the conversations they should. It's unresolved for a reason
Ed has serious issues that will not dissolve just because he moved in with the love of his life Ever since we are introduced to Blackbeard in s1, we see how very reactive he is, how erratic. he can't stand criticism, can't stand being told what to do, anything uncomfortable to him he lashes out at. We see some growth with that this season, BUT There's the thing nobody really talks about. In s1, during the Fuckery, Ed tells Stede he hasn't actually killed anyone since his dad. he just maims. And we believe it; Ed is very good at making people believe what he wants them to believe, he's a tactical genius, he could pull not-killing and being a notorious legend just with maiming. BUT We see it contradicted in the next episode. With Jack, who tells Stede about how Ed set a whole ship on fire. When asked about his supposed 'ban on killing' by Stede, Ed answers that 'Technically, the fire did it.' We move on. Makes you wonder how many times 'technically, something else did it' before. Then, Stede leaves him on the beach, Ed goes back to the ship, and after being vulberable in front of the crew, he wants it to stop. Wants the feelings to stop. Wants to hide behind the comfort of the insanity and ruthlessness of Blackbeard. The first thing he does? Gets rid of the person who saw him hurting the most, Lucius, and throws him overboard. That should be his first direct kill since his father, if we believe his claim, and it goes downwards from there. We start s2 with Ed completely derranged. He's pushing his crew to their limits and beyond. He's clearly indifferent to his crew dying (Ivan). He's high and drunk and it's implied that he kills recklessly now. he drives everyone around himself, Including himself, to insanity. We see him passively trying to kill himself, because like Stede said, he will either burn the world down or die trying, and like Izzy said, he's too much of a coward to do it himself. He's breaking Ned's record not to prove that he can (bc he knows he can and just doesn't care, he's notorious enough, this isn't about his legacy anymore), but because he hopes it will get Ned on his track. He hopes Ed will kill him, if no one of the crew will. He gives the gun to Izzy. Asks him to kill him. he doesn't. So what does he do? He intentionally sails his boat into a deadly storm. When everyone is too scared to stop him, he carries on. He will either drown everyone, or somebody will kill him. During the storm, while Ed is in his final breakdown, we see multiple crew members go overboard, lost to the sea. That's another dozens deaths on Ed's conscience. When the crew finally turns on him, he's relieved to die. He can't wait. In the gravy basket, he finally admits to himself that he hates himself. He thinks he's unlovable. Should be unlovable. And as much as I adore the scene where Stede essentially coaxes him back to life with his love, proving the opposite (the mermaid is a cinematic masterpiece), Ed's deep laying issues that started with coming from an abusive household and ending with being a crazy, tortutous maniac will not be cured by true love's kiss.
In the finale, he obviously kills a lot of people. And so does Stede. I love that he got his hero moment. I love that he got to use the thing he's good at. But. He killed people recklessly. We see him stab, shoot, snap necks, choke. If we are to believe he hasn't killed since his dad until Lucius, did he start being okay with death during his crazy reign on the Revenge? Will he hate himself more for it? What will he do with himself now? And Stede, somebody who had flashbacks about an accidental death, now killed more than one person who threatened his crew. his Family. How will he deal with that on his conscience?
Go do the thing you're good at and stick to it Pardon me if those are not the exact words, but that's what the fisherman tells to Ed. Ed who dreamt about a normal life ever since leaving his home, maybe before that, since his dad did nothing but abuse his family. Immediately, he fishes out the leathers and goes back to being Blackbeard, because he is the most famous pirate for a reason. Only to go to an inn with Stede. Ed's perception of the normal life is a fantasy. When he thinks he's living the live of a good, conent fisherman, he's actually doing fuckall. He's never had a chance to be a normal guy, and I don't think he will like it. Stede didn't like it, either. And now they have each other, sure, and it's different when you don't have to pretend to be somebody else and be with someone you truly love, who gets you, but. It will not last. Ed will find out how boring and mundane everyday life is.
Co-captains So obviously, since a lot has been going on, these two need to lay low for a bit. Find out what life should be for the two of them if they just live. No piracy, no crime. Like we said, it will not last. They are both restless, born to move. Not to mention either of them is exactly mentally stable. We have seen them together on the ship plenty, sure. Ed mentoring Stede about piracy, Stede Ed about finery. Then, finally, their relationship moves on and they realise they are significant to each other, and they decide to be co-captains. If you find two people perfect enough for each other. It's new. It sounds like the novelty Ed needs and the support and respect Stede craves. But we never really see it. Stede leaves. Ed goes crazy. Stede saves the crew. Ed tries to earn forgiveness. Now Stede is the captain. We have a small moment of peace (between s5 and 6) where they probably could be just co-captaining. And then, when Zheng offers them to join up, we never really see that. My guess is that's what we should be getting in s3.
So much importance on family just for Stede and Ed to see them off So my biggest nightmare for the finale, just like everyone else's, was the crew splitting up. To me, this show is as much about acceptance of queenress as it is about found family. They will be reuinted. They are a family. Overall, it was rushed, but still better than 99% of other tv shows.
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Magical Girl News as of 2023
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Sailor Moon Cosmos Part I and II
We're starting off with Sailor Moon Cosmos Part I and II. The final chapter of Sailor Moon manga is coming to an end with two part movies coming in June, 2023. While I barely remembered reading the manga, I'm happy and sad that Sailor Moon Crystal series is ending. I got nothing much to say about this one, but I do know we're getting more Sailor Senshi in this one that didn't make it to Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Anime.
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Re:Cutie Honey coming to BluRay/DVD in Western Countries
Since Cutie Honey Anniversary is coming up, it looks like Re:Cutie Honey is coming to western countries in BluRay/DVD release. While this Anime was made back then, it's a good thing it's coming to the west, although there are fansubs available. The English Dub is in the works.
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New Precure Season: Hirogaru Sky Precure Premieres
On February, 2023, Hirogaru Sky Precure premieres after Delicious Party Precure ended as part of Precure's 20th Anniversary (it's actually 19th, but whatever lol)! We also got a first blue lead Cure, a first main boy Cure, and a adult Cure as it breaks new records for this Season. Toei wants something different so I can't blame them TBH.
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Balala The Fairies 15th Anniversary, Ocean Magic Dubs, and Magic Star Fate Castle News
With Precure and Sailor Moon celebrating their anniversaries, Balala The Fairies is also celebrating their 15th Anniversary this April. There have been talks that Ocean Magic is getting Dubs in western areas, such as English, Italian, and possible African-languages. However, there are no official releases on streaming sites as it was considered lost media. The Italian dub is in the works. As for Magic Star Fate Castle, Season 2 is in the works and it's most likely to be release later in 2023-2024.
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Tokyo Mew Mew New Season 2 coming in Spring 2023
While I've seen the original Tokyo Mew Mew, it looks like Tokyo Mew Mew New Season 2 is coming this Spring. While Season 1 was successful, I might watch this after I finished watching the original Anime.
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The New PowerPuff Girls cartoon is in the works.
While the 2016 cartoon didn't worked out, Craig McCracken decided to come back to Cartoon Network to fix things up with a new PowerPuff Girls cartoon in the works. There have been plans that I will be storybased bur only time will tell.
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New Totally Spies Season coming this year or 2024.
While I haven't heard the new Totally Spies Season is in the works as much, it seems like this will most likely to be released this year or next year. There's going to be new designs for the characters and hopefully not too much...fetish-cringe like older seasons did. But that's just me.
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Winx Club Season 9 or a Reboot?
While there are talks about Winx Club Season 9, it's most likely to be a reboot of a series. Not much known about this, but it looks like it's going to be 26 episodes long.
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Lolirock Season 3 might be in the works
According to some news articles, it seems like Lolirock might get a Season 3 if the new Season of Totally Spies works out. Only time will tell because everyone wants to know what happened after Season 2.
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Panty and Stocking Season 2! 'Nuff said!
It seems like PSG will get Season 2 this year. Hopefully... just hopefully it has a continuity after the first Season. No more bullshit!
I might post more updates but I have reached the image limit. But that's all I can think of. We also got Madoka Magica movie coming out and a new Magical Girl Raising Project Anime, but we might get it next year. I think that's all! ❤ 💙 💜 💖
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