#9 episodes without Cats incident
9 episodes since Drawfee last referenced Cats (2019)
3 episodes since Drawfee last referenced Everytime We Touch (2005)
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melefim · 26 days
Swearing in Dead Boy Detectives: Sod & Dick
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Sod and Dick were said 3 times each, in 2 episodes each. Sod was said by only 1 character, while Dick was said by 3.
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Uses Per Episode:
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Episode 1: 0
Episode 2: 0
Episode 3: 2 Sod
Episode 4: 1 Sod
Episode 5: 2 Dick
Episode 6: 0
Episode 7: 0
Episode 8: 1 Dick
Uses Per Character:
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Charles: 3 Sod
Crystal: 1 Dick
The Cat King: 1 Dick
Twitchy Richie: 1 Dick
Percent of Total:
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Both words are said 3 times each, which is .9% of cursing in the show. Combined, they total 1.9%.
There are 3 variations of the word Dick used in the show, while there are none for Sod- Charles says ‘Sod it’ every time.
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Dick: 1
Dicks: 1
Dickheads: 1
Total Uses: With 3 uses each, Sod & Dick are tied for 12th place.
Number of Episodes: Both words are tied for 12th after being used in 2 episodes each, along with Pussy, Dick, Bastard, Tosser, & Piss.
Total Characters: Sod is tied for last with 12 other words that were said by only one character.
Dick is tied for 9th place with Bloody and Screw, with 3 characters each.
Curse Word Variations: The single variation of Sod ties it in last with 13 other words.
Dick is tied for 8th with Jesus and Bitch.
Episode 3:
Charles: I'm just sick of watching this asshole kill his family a million times for no fucking reason. Tried it your way, and it did nothing. Sod it, let's try mine.
Charles: I'm just sick of watching this asshole kill his family a million times for no fucking reason. Tried it your way, and it did nothing. Sod it. Let's try mine.
Episode 4:
Charles: Sod it. Can't spy on people without a spyglass, can I?
Episode 5:
Twitchy Richie: They were dicks who treated people like shit.
Crystal: I am really not sorry the world is short two toxic dickheads.
Episode 8:
The Cat King: So was her wayward husband. A real swinging dick.
Corrected an error in Curse Word Variations placement.
More Dead Boy Detectives Swearing Posts:
Swearing by Episode
Swearing by Character
Swearing by Word
All Swearing Posts
And if you like lists of things like I do, you can check out my other Dead Boy Detectives ones here!
When Charles’ Shirt Colors Change
George Rextrew’s Edwin comic inspo board
Full soundtrack with timestamps
Moves, Incidents, and Cases Masterlist
First pass at finding where the songs in the score are used- full post with timestamps in progress
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shinygemstone · 1 year
1. An AU where Kipo doesn't end up on the surface in the first episode, and has to go through the events with the mega monkey still looking for her
2. An AU in which all of Kipo's people are actually dead, and she's the only survivor. Depression for everyone!!
3. An AU where Margot never betrayed Wolf, and the two have a very close and codependent relationship. Bonus points if Wolf gets kidnapped by Scarlemagne
4. An AU where Wolf's wolf parents never actually betrayed her and raised her alongside the other children. Wolf girl wolf.
5. AU where the protagonists end up separated after Ratland, with Kipo and Benson trying their best to escape Scarlemagne's place without Scarlemagne realizing they're there while Wolf, Mandu, and Dave try to save them
6. AU like #1, except Lio fucking dies and Kipo's body now assumes it is in danger a lot more. So now she's dealing with the mega monkey and turning into the mega jaguar
7. Kipo gets along a little too well with the timbercats, and they kind of adopt her. Parental Yumyan and Molly. They're not surprised to find out she's part cat and teach her how to properly kitty
8. In which Lio turns out to be the mega monkey, somehow.
9. In which Kipo was raised on the surface, and is kind of known as the local feral half cat creature. Naturally, Scarlemagne kidnaps her for weapon usage and oops. Guess he has to teach the feral out of her
10. In which Jamack joins the protagonists (if you didn't think my man would be here you're wrong)
11. Let Kipo get upset about the whole mega jaguar thing PLEASE
12. Song and Lio raise Kipo, while Song is suppressing the mutagen and struggling more and more as she gets older.
13. Song turns out to fill Dr. Emilia's role, and is actually trying to end mutekind.
14. Emilia gets her hands on Kipo, but mistakes her for a normal human (somehow) so Kipo grows up in the science burrow believing mutes killed her parents and that what Emilia is doing is justified. Bonus points if she's Emilia's protege/assistant/intern
15. Emilia gets her hands on Kipo, knowing that she's Song and Lio's daughter, and decides she can use Kipo as a weapon. This would involve a lot of dehumanization and likely good brother Scarlemagne/Hugo. Also Lio? Totally dead
16. AU where Lio manages to yoink Hugo. That's the AU. Hugo and Lio and Kipo as family.
17. AU #16 with angst: Lio gets captured, so it's just Hugo and Kipo. Bonus points if Kipo grows up in Ratland
18. For even more angst, Scarlemagne kidnaps Kipo, raising her in his blooming empire. Except Scarlemagne has no idea how to raise a child, especially not one who's half mega jaguar.
19. Where Mulholland doesn't help Kipo, and Scarlemagne's coronation goes as planned.
20. Where Emilia kidnapping the mutes was a trap, and it works as planned. Kipo is in for such a bad time.
21. Where what Emilia did to the mutes she kidnapped mutes is a lot more horrific than in cannon.
23. Margot changes her mind about betraying Wolf sooner, and Emilia never captures any of the protagonists. Consequently, Emilia sneaks into timbercat village to conduct her evil plans.
24. Instead of Yumyan, Kipo gets hit by the cure. Consequently, the decision is made to have the mega jaguar deal with all subsequent human incidents. This prevents It's a Trap from happening.
25. Kipo gets hit by the cure, except it works. No more mega jaguar, but she gets back to timbercat village.
26. Kipo goes through with sinking the cruise ship. Insert huge crisis (and maybe Song, Lio, or both of them rejecting Kipo/treating her like a monster. Please. I live for angst)
27. AU where Dave kills child Benson, and is a reoccurring side character who's literally just a bastard
28. Fun Gus Monster Emilia. Like just IMAGINE if she took Gus' DNA instead of the mega walrus. Sludge monsters are underrated imo, and she could do so much fucking damage.
29. Emilia gets stuck as a half mute, and gets shoved in prison. Maybe with Hoag.
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fuckthisshitimin · 4 months
About the OIAR's "categories";
What if they tell you what the incident is tied to? Not as in "what entity" but, a place, a person, or an object. Comparing files under the cut. I kindly invite you to
CAT1 "Person"
Episode 1, [5257], "Some of him", dead partner comes back wrong + the subject was contacted by someone who offered her to hear her lost one again.
Episode 6, [4824], "Needles"
Episode 10, [2275], Bonzo's first appearance (let's here consider Bonzo as a person, though it might later be replaced with "agent", "monster" or something else. the important part is that it acts as a subject)
Episode 12, [4728], Bonzo's Bachelor Party Crashing
Episode 14, [4426], Snake salesman taken over by snakes. Would "person/agent" here define said salesman or the snakes? I'd go for the victim, but unsure.
Episode 15, [6451], Lady Mawbrey's hunting party.
Episode 16, [1565], Madam E. aka goth influencer dying of being hated.
KLAUS [2373], the rendez-vous given with the note "Lady M"
KLAUS [5529], incident with note "Mr. B" for Bonzo.
KLAUS [corrupted], the only "Rank S", with note "Mr. B" as previously.
CAT2 "Place":
Episode 1, [1157], "Dolls coma watching"... I don't know, would have made more sense if it was in "object" but we don't know much about this file.
Episode 3, [8175], Tree body horror. The victim is becoming a part of the place he's in.
Episode 5, [2377], "Voyeur needs to be seen to be believed. The scariest movie I've ever seen." Victim is lured into creepy cinema. Tags contain "Invitation".
Episode 7, [3338], Oxford's People Trust, Hilltop Center branch gets invaded by volunteers. The place is burned down by armed people wearing black at the end of the report -- it's Hilltop. The "volunteers" are gathering here, occupying the space, hurting the manager is barely a consequence.
Episode 8, [3366], "Brutal liminality", a paper about how places hurt people's psyche. "You're here" and "Stay awhile" are the only sentences repeated by the crowd.
Episode 17, [1147], Darrien & Other Darrien. The Passage or Crack or whatever he went through, arriving near Oxford's Magnus Institute Outreach Center. Rich Darrien is the horrific part of it, but it's not the supernatural one.
KLAUS [5548], note "Mr. B" -- location "Bland (for Bonzoland) Theme Park, Sommerset"
CAT3 "Objects"
Episode 2, [1567], "The artist becomes the canvas!" Dorian Gray-like case. It seems odd that ink5oul's tattoos wouldn't fall in the same category, but when Madam E.'s tattoo directly attacks her heart, this one transfers power to the painting so it still makes sense to classify it this way. Also, separating subject from canvas stopped any progression, so unlike a CAT1 case even though the tattoo's on her the power isn't within exactly.
Episode 4, [7494], blood-hungry violin. It's the violin.
Episode 9, [3354], the dice.
Episode 13, [4622], Darrien bets against himself on an app. Trickier, but the phone's importance is underlined throughout the story, nothing happens without it. Maybe the app itself counts as an object? I'd bet on the phone.
CAT 23 "Place" AND "Object"
Episode 1, [2155], "Canaries should stay above ground". Place would be the Magnus Institute ruins RedCanary explored, and object the souvenir (empty wooden box with symbols on it) they brought back. They were receiving anonymous DMs (impossible on this forum) calling them a thief.
Episode 11, [5246], "The sea will care for his bones", digging up graves near the sea, weirdly well preserved tattooed corpse. The place is relevant and brought up in many ways, and I'd say the tattoo, or the corpse, are more efficiently filed as "object" than "person".
Additionally, in the KLAUS spreadsheet, two lines have notes saying "Avoid" and they are both CAT2. Seems more likely to write "avoid" about a place than a person, but mayble I'm extrapolating too much.
If you've read this far, thank you. It's nice not to be alone getting a little obsessed with this.
I still don't know what DPHW stands for though. Still staring at the sheet until it gives me answers.
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nikz-artea · 3 years
Okay, I've got a whole lot of questions and observations after seeing the trailer of Dearest Family for about a hundred times already. Here's some of them:
Gabriel can now break charms? The one that could prevent Akumatization and its barrier? (This is just a guess but the charm almost looks like Mr. Ramier's or I could be mistaken and he Akumatized himself in episode 9 so he can get one of those blasted charm that prevents him from Akumatizing the same person again.)
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Also, can he now Akumatize people without using butterflies as mode of transmission for his power? And multiple persons at once? He must have taken notes from Crocoduel. Lol.
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Then this. He's communicating to all of them at the same time. If I understand this correctly, he is striking a deal with them. He offers them to do something and in return, he'll give the one who accomplished it a reward.
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It will explain why they're seemingly in competition here.
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So, what does Shadow Moth wants?
The Ladybug and Cat Miraculous obviously.
But here's the thing. They are racing and even fighting to go into Marinette's room.
Did they know she's Ladybug? Could be.
Maybe they sensed her powers or Tikki after Gabriel's suspicious experiment? Possibly.
However, it's can also be because Shadow Moth is targeting Marinette specifically because her Akumatization will be a huge impact to the people. He knows she can be the greatest Akuma because of the near Princess Justice incident.
Just look at the fear in her eyes when she heard the commotion downstairs. She fears her identity will be revealed so she left.
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Now, let's talk about Tikki. She became uncontrollable. Marinette can't calm her down. First, they're fighting her family then Ladybug detransforms in an alley and the next thing we see, Tikki turns bad. And her powers is just as destructive as Plagg.
The reason of the attitude change? Marinette is holding it. That suspicious food she's clutching that Tikki probably ate.
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I have no idea if Tikki got Akumatized or if the food is really that awful. But she goes berserk. Giving us the almost parallel of Chat Blanc. It's Ladybug's powers that nearly wrecked the world leaving Chat Noir to save it. And them.
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Congratulations, Shadow Moth. You've got more than you bargained for. 😆
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Anyway, thank you for reading this long post. Hopefully, you're just as confused as I am. Kidding. Here, look at this almost cat like Tikki that woke up from the smell of food. So, cute.
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feelingofcontent · 3 years
DNP Rewatch: A Festive Day in the Life of Dan and Phil!
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Date video was published: 12/20/2014 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 254
The 2014 DITL video! The last one had been back in August 2013. This is my absolute favorite DITL and probably one of my top five DNP joint videos of all time. Get ready for me to have way too much to say about it.
0:00 - sleepy morning + quiff Phil! We’ll see a surprising amount of that in this video.
0:05 - “almost a week till Christmas,” so they must have filmed this just a few days before it was posted
0:25 - no waking up Dan in “his” bedroom like in the first two DITL. Hmmm...this scene doesn’t seem staged at all...especially since Phil’s laptop is already open on the arm of the sofa. Unless he just left it like that overnight.
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0:37 - love that the other advent calendar on the mantle in the one they made. 😂 There are 18 of the doors opened on it, so they’re probably filming this on the the 18th or 19th of December.
0:47 - they both jump into doing the theme music as soon as Phil says “titan”
0:57 - that is pretty late for them to be putting up the decorations! Phil looks sad about it too.
1:01 - sad tinsel. I think Phil had the silver piece in the background in his last video. And the little WALLE in the background here, from all the way back in PINOF. 🥺
1:17 - this domestic insight, just 😭😭😭
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1:26 - full circle back to the first DITL video. I wonder if they watched the previous DITLs before filming this one.
1:41 - so many mugs.
1:48 - Dan did not want that one because it was very hard to actually drink out of as he discovered in DITL London. I really bet they did watch the previous ones shortly before this...so many references back!
1:55 - awww, happy warm Phil
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2:13 - such a dramatic sigh but he goes to get it anyway!
2:25 - well that is a terrifying way to burn a tealight...put it on a dish!
2:33 - I love that there is no explanation for this in the video. Phil is superstitious about new shoes on the table, which they had both tweeted about before.
2:40 - Dan fashion show and an encouraging Phil
2:47 - immediate smile when Dan notices Phil there
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2:56 - why does Phil looks SO GOOD in this clip. also, as usual a weird/slightly horrifying poem from his brain.
3:02 - love that they both decided to wear holiday jumpers. They also wore these same ones for their December radio show. Also the Dan lean-in 🥺
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3:12 - PJ tweeted about this DNP visit!
3:27 - this whole leaving scene is possibly the most domestic part of any video - the candle argument, the coat adjustment, the stop in the bathroom to check their hair, Phil checking to make sure Dan has keys, the spider checking and joking... I mean.
4:13 - more throwback conversation to DITL London
4:35 - so glad he chose not to lick his hand. Even more horrifying in 2021.
4:40 - Dan talked about this and falling up the escalator in What not to do on Public Transport
5:00 - “bit corporate isn’t it?” but caves immediately because Phil wants to. 
5:10 -  Love that Phil orders while Dan finds a table. Love that Phil makes Dan draw something happy not just a sad face. Love Dan’s huge smile after that.
5:33 - Dan really can’t say much he was reading his phone in the clip right before this!
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5:58 - Dan’s talking about this weird incident that Phil posted a clip of on LessAmazingPhil
6:18 - they always go to at least one nerdy shop in the first DITLs!
6:36 - the things they choose to zoom in on in this shop...Dan with Spiderman’s crotch a few seconds before this and now Phil on the shirtless guy book cover. subtle, lol.
7:29 - I had actually heard of this board game prior to this video because Wil Wheaton did a TableTop episode. I remember being so surprised to see DNP wanting it!
7:39 - Phil and his weird people encounters. 😂 And Dan just mocking him for it.
7:59 - they did, in fact, go to see Matilda the next summer.
8:10 - oh my god this clock scene. Of course Phil wants to make a game of it. And then Dan with the seemingly slight fudging of what he was pointing at. And this look and then both of them giggling. 👀
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8:32 - that start of Dan’s running! This is around the time or shortly after he had started to see a therapist (according to the timeline he gave in Daniel and Depression), so thinking he probably wanted to start for his mental health.
9:11 - Dan talks about the “guy wearing the white sheet in Manchester” in What not to do In Town. Their reminiscing faces are too much.
9:19 - Phil is so excited about this. He had tweeted a couple times in the past about Moomins (1, 2)
9:37 - the excitement about the treats and the festive drinks and decorations and Phil’s teasing 😭
10:04 - they film fairly often in the back of cars and I just feel like must be so awkward, but it doesn’t seem to bother them. And Phil’s hair is quiffed again!
10:28 - and the stairs song! Which they are too prepared for so it must be a regular thing they say/sing. This video has SO MANY moments that I love.
10:51 - Phil just sitting while Dan hauls the tree box out. Maybe Dan lost rock-paper-scissors.
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10:59 - reminiscing about THE TREE now, which is the last time they decorated on camera
11:09 - why is this a common theme in DITLs!? lol. Love that they’ve lit the candle again after getting home.
11:22 - “stop doing that” as he can’t control his giggles. sure.
12:03 - okay, Phil had to go get the other decorations! The “Christmas faces” are slightly horrifying
12:22 - that is the most horrifying. also, Dan and Phil themed toys/decor even in the bathroom.
13:02 - Dan’s little messed up piece of hair in the back is so cute. Also love that they have the garlands up and everything at this point too.
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13:19 - even more quiff-Phil!
13:31 - their fridge contents are not great
14:04 - unexpected filming but a huge grin anyway from Phil. Also, how do they make just answering the door so awkward, lol. Also: what is that picture in the background in the bathroom(?)
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14:32 - they’re so excited about this set up and dinner plan
14:43 - and now glasses Phil! Also, arguing about wrapping neatness. I love it. Although when we see Phil’s wrapping in a minute, I think I might agree with Dan...
15:03 - PJ will end up with one of these face banks
15:10 - Phil came up with some decent gifts for Kath this time, although he didn’t think she had good ideas.
15:18 - I find it so cute that Dan wants to keep the cookbook
15:30 - Dan looks almost embarrassed to share this. He’s also got something “12 Days of Christmas” themed in that blue box on the chair. Although apparently a lot of his family just wanted money.
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15:37 - I have no words for Dan filming this closeup and then them choosing to keep it in the video.
16:16 - Phil’s trying to be all serious with his wrapping tutorial and then the tape just immediately falls. 😂
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16:40 - “it’s endearing” Dan does look pretty endeared, lol. Dan’s concerned because the face banks are actually gifts from both of them, at least according to PJ
17:04 - wow, Vine mention
17:25 - Dan’s just expecting Phil to come up with a great pun on the spot. Also, the lobster thing is an old reference.
17:39 - I think I mentioned this in the last DITL post, but I like that we do see even in a short video that they spend some time alone. That’s just so normal, especially for introverts even when you’re that comfortable with someone.
17:45 - Phil will keep reading that book over the holidays
17:48 - we did see the inside of the chest. So what is Dan implying here, lol.
17:52 - well then. Dan’s giggly face though.
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18:08 - soft piano Dan 😭
18:25 - Ariana Grande had sent them both cat ears after they met her for the radio show
18:37 - a glimpse at the early gaming channel set-up.
18:46 - we don’t actually see that footage in the gaming video
18:51 - it must be pretty late at night by this point considering it was dark when they came home 
19:15 - Phil’s first instinct is to throw it of course
19:18 - this face and the sweater paws. I can’t. 😭
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19:25 - and of course a joint ending. 
19:40 - Dan is so sleepy and happy seeming here
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20:13 - awwww 🥺 The last video of 2014!
One difference from the first two DITL is they don’t even pretend that they’re going to see other friends/invite someone over. Just the two of them hanging out and they seem quite happy with that. This is probably the most “domestic” of the DITL videos. I love it so much.
Phil went to his parents’ on the 23rd to celebrate Christmas. He had Swedish food, was very excited as usual, got a stocking with a toothbrush and animal socks, and watched Guardians of the Galaxy. Dan went to his family’s on the evening of the 24th after a candle incident (lol, though I love that he was burning the candles even without Phil there. He started the tradition of yearly Christmas pictures of Colin. And also posted this.
On to the 2015 videos, and the start of the TABINOF/TATINOF era!
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dailysmilingnatsume · 3 years
Happy 2 Year Anniversary to this blog!! Thank you so much to all 1300+ of you for following! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
For this year I thought it would be fun to do a Top Ten ranking of all the screenshots on this blog. There’s a lot of good Smiling Natsumes, but which ones are the best? Tell me what you think of my list... ohohoh....
10) ch79.1
Starting the list off strong with this beautiful manga cover. Always a fan of how ethereal manga Natsume looks (and the background’s green colour suits him so well!!)
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9) s05e06
I tagged this with “potential meme format” on the original post and actually saw a few memes :’) They were epic thank u
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8) There goes Nyanko-Sensei! ch11
“You’re so cute I could just eat you up!" (*/∇\*)
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7) s03e09
Natsume with all his friends!! They were really worried for him :’) Taki is so iconic (I wish I had my own Nyanko-Sensei to hug)
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6) ch7
toddle toddle What’re you complaining about, cat?
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5) s05e11
I really love the episodes where Natsume gets sick and Touko frets over him, they’re so cute ToT It’s just nice seeing my boy get cared for... look at how happy he is to drink the eggnog...
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4) OVA 01
box boy :)
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3) s04e06
Natsume and Tanuma’s relationship makes my heart go 💞💞 In this episode they were at a festival right?? and they were having so much fun until the Bottle incident happened ToT If they could go to another one without any interruptions that’d be Great. Also I’m a big fan of how the roasted corn looks (º ﹃ º )
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2) s03e12
Ohhh my GOD this part. I remember the first time I watched it I had to pause to blink through my tears ╥﹏╥ It’s been years since I watched this episode in full but I still remember the satisfaction of finally seeing people who were willing to take Natsume in. The Fujiwaras don’t think of him as a burden, they love and care for him like their real son... *ugly crying* He looks so genuinely relieved and happy in this moment too (I wish he could be like that all the time) Anyway this series defined found family for me <3
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1) s05e10
Ah yes, the sequel to the episode above... and where my favourite smiling Natsume comes from. It was quite hard to narrow it down to this one, but I think it’s a good choice!! He looks so precious here <333 Touko and Shigeru’s lives were really brightened up when they adopted Natsume. One of the first things he asked for was to keep Nyanko-Sensei, and when they let him, he smiles like this ;; It goes to show how accepting the Fujiwaras are of him. When you compare this moment to more present-day episodes, you can really see how much Natsume has settled in. He’s more comfortable confiding in his family and friends now. He’s still a bit tentative, but it’s a process! And this picture represents the start of that process to me :’)
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Honourable Mentions:
Everything about this image is so funny . give me more toddle toddle!!
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Natsume has gotten too used to saying these Deeply Troubling things with a big smile on his face 😭 Someone help him
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Yeah they look like a family <3 also I love the fox child they’re adorable...
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And that’s a wrap! I hope you enjoyed my silly little list (*^▽^*) Hopefully the Top 3 reasons make sense lol Thank you all so much again for sticking around <33 Look forward to more pictures of smiling Takashi!
What will I do when I run out, you ask?... Don’t worry about it 👍
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chalkrevelations · 3 years
Word of Honor Ep 6, and let’s talk a little about what’s canon, and what’s not, and about the particular slip-slidiness of the line between them on this show.
But first, due diligence: If you are NEW or JUST VISITING, this is a re-watch, so you’re going to find SPOILERS not just for this ep, but for the entire show. Scroll away and come back later if you haven’t seen all 36.5 eps and want to watch unspoiled. Also, heads-up, this got super long, because I had to talk about that stuff up there and then still talk about the ep. Hashtag long post (remorseful).
So, “canon,” as applied to fannish source material (in Western fandom, at least) traditionally has been considered the official stuff – the episode, the book, the comic, the movie – based on the religious definition of  “canon,” the collection of texts accepted as genuine and official within a religion. The word “fanon” – widely accepted fannish ideas – plays on this, as does the fandom concept of “word of God,” or things the Creators have said about the text but outside of it. Is it in the show as it aired or the book as it was printed? Canon. Is it not in the show as it aired or the book as it was printed? Not canon. (Apocrypha? Maybe. Anyway.) Generally, I think we’d say that things like material in the first draft of a script that doesn’t make it through revisions and onto the screen isn’t canon, even if you can get your hands on a copy of the first draft. The final product that airs is what’s canon. BUT this gets super slippery in something like WoH, in a way that’s exemplified in this episode. This ep is one of the places where people who can lip-read Chinese have spotted some significant dialogue changes between what the actors say on-screen and what lines have been dubbed in. (Everybody’s dubbed in cdramas, it’s just the thing that happens. You have your on-screen actors, and you have your voice actors. The ONLY person in The Untamed who did his own voice dubbing, for instance, was Ji Li, who played Nie Huaisang. All the other characters had voice actors dubbed in. In fact, the voice actor for Jiang Cheng in The Untamed is the voice actor for Wen Kexing in WoH.) One of the descriptions of WoH that I’ve heard is that this show was filmed as a bl and dubbed as a bromance. The thing is, nobody tried very hard to hide the shift. There are plenty of places that you can clearly see the actor’s mouths don’t match the dubbing, and they’re not artfully shot or edited to hide this. They’re fully on-screen, mouthing words that don’t match, right out in the open, almost like they want to you to pick up on it. Almost like it’s canon, because it’s right there on-screen, aired in the episode. In my first-watch reactions to Eps 36 and 37, I talked a lot about how the dubbing puts a layer of de-queered no-homo over what the on-screen actors are saying in these places, but if you can see what they’re actually saying and understand it, does that make it canon? What does it mean, both textually and meta-textually, if you can’t believe what you’re hearing – what you��re being told – because it contradicts what you’re seeing? How does that affect what we’re told about Our Protagonists and its “truth,” particularly in the final scenes? How much is the show deliberately working against censorship in this way? How much is it teaching us to look deeper than what we’re hearing on the surface?
Several people have talked about what’s actually being said by the on-screen actors in places where this happens, and I’m going to direct you to AvenueX on Youtube if you want a complete overview, because she’s reliable and has a good compilation that’s easy to find. She has a couple of videos called “Lip Reading for Sugar,” and the March 9, 2021, installment includes the Ep 6 incidences, the most significant of which are: At 3:05 in the ep, when WKX throws himself on Zhou Zishu’s back during the zombie Drug Men attack, calls him “mom,” asks ZZS to carry him, and tells “mom” that “your shoulder blades are the most beautiful.” Only no, Gong Jun didn’t say this, if you watch his mouth compared to the sound of the words. Instead of “niang” (mom), he says “Zhou Zishu.” Twice. “Zhou Zishu, carry me.” “Zhou Zishu, your shoulder blades are the most beautiful.” This is not only important because it emphasizes he’s gay for Zhou Zishu’s shoulder blades, but also because he’s fucking baked on Drunk Like A Dream incense when it happens, and later, ZZS will reveal that Drunk Like a Dream makes you see what you most desire, and he’ll confront WKX about how he “kept calling” someone’s name while he was under the influence of it. This makes no sense with the dubbing we get, because with “mom” dubbed over ZZS’s name here, WKX only calls Zhou Zishu’s real name once while he’s under the influence, at the end of ep 5. That is not kept calling. ANYWAY, once WKX clears his head and flies them away from the Drug Men, back to the a lakeside, there’s another disjunct at 5:05, when the dubbing has WKX tell ZZS not to play hero, that he doesn’t lose face if WKX helps him, and ZZS responds with something about your grandmother’s bear, which AvenueX tells me is a real Chinese idiom, although not for what. What Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan appear to actually have said, though, is that WKX tells ZZS that this was just like a hero saving a beauty, with the implication that ZZS is the beauty, the damsel in distress, and ZZS respons that no, it’s like the beauty saving the hero, without a lick of concern that he’s the beauty, the damsel, in this scenario, just that he did all the work killing Drug Men and now this asshole is going to act like he’s the one who did the saving. At 31:24, dubbing has WKX telling ZZS that he’ll give ZZS whatever he wants if ZZS can get him some of the Drunk Like a Dream, but AvenueX tells me that he actually offers his body in exchange, in a way that implies marriage. And at 32:22, when ZZS asks WKX what he saw under the influence of the Drunk Like a Dream, the dubbing gives us some random story about baby WKX throwing a rat on his mother’s bed, while Gong Jun’s mouth seems to be saying something something about being in the bridal chamber with his beloved … so circling back to our first instance at 3:05, WKX using Zhou ZIshu’s name is now super-interesting, eh?
Another slip-slidey point of canon here is that there are two versions of this episode. The original version didn’t have the rabbit-washing scene. That was an extra that was inserted later into a Special Version ep when Youku reached 2 million subscribers. But the Special Version is now available on Youku’s channel (it’s the one I watched for this re-watch), AND it’s the regular version that’s on Netflix. So at 25:28, we now get this adorable little scene where ZZS and WKX are cleaning two rabbits in the lake before cooking them, and WKX splashes ZZS who pretends to be irritated before splashing WKX back and running away up the riverbank, chased by WKX. It’s flirty and playful and ALSO a foreshadowing of the flashback we’re going to see in a later ep, when they play together for an afternoon as children. Wasn’t canon before. Now it is.
Anyway, even with the (bad) dubbing that we get, this is a fantastic WenZhou ep. We open with them still being menaced by the zombies Drug Men, with a lot of swordwork by ZZS before he starts flagging because of his Nails Issue, whereupon WKX instantly sobers up, goes Evil Ghost Valley Master on Imposter Hanged Ghost who’s controlling the Drug Men, kills him with his Fan of Death, then scoops up ZZS and flies him off to a lake, where he attempts to tenderly check ZZS’s pulse and take care of his wounds before ZZS slaps away his hand like an offended maiden. WKX has to give him the qi smackdown in order to hold him still to :coff: pull down his robes and suck out the poison from the Drug Men scratches on the back of his shoulder. :hands: I remember the first time around, watching this with my mouth hanging open, demanding to know the heterosexual explanation for this. (Also, if you’re rummaging on Youtube, the Five Straight Guys Watching Word of Honor for this ep is not to be missed. They’re a little questionable in their reaction to the poison sucking, but before that, they’re a bunch of squeamish babies over using the dagger to further slice open the wounds to get to the poison, and it’s HILARIOUS. They can’t even look at the screen once the dagger comes out, hiding behind their hands. I love them, more and more as the eps go on, but they are WEAK compared to even the newbiest hurt/comfort fangirl.) There’s some more back and forth between WKX and ZZS about revealing their true selves to each other, no you, no YOU. WKX makes it clear that he knows there’s something really wrong with ZZS, and then they fight, set to romantic music, and ZZS ends up falling in the lake. I do the victory arms (  \o/  ) to myself where I’m sitting on the couch and startle one of the cats, because FINALLY we’re going to get rid of that execrable fake facial hair. ZZS fucks with WKX by staying underwater long enough that WKX panics and also dives in, we get some really cheap and awful underwater effects, and ZZS reveals his face! They end up back on the edge of the lake, drying their perfectly dry outer robes, while they sit around the fire together in their perfectly dry inner robes, but I am not going to complain because y’all. I CANNOT with how smug and pleased ZZS is for just a moment about WKX mooning over how pretty he is. Then he remembers to be an ill-tempered gremlin and pokes at WKX with a flaming stick, but I had to rewind four times just to catch that little moment of satisfaction about being admired again – it’s subtle and gorgeous and Zhang Zhehan is going to kill me with his face one of these days. ZZS demands dinner on this date, and fake-coughs pitifully to get WKX to go hunt something down, while he stays and does his delightful little thinky face as he pokes at the Soul Winding Box they got from Imposter Hanged Ghost. Then we get a shot of WKX looking at ZZS before he heads off to catch some rabbits that confirms he now knows he’s really Zhou Zishu, rather than Zhou Xu.
So, we’ll get back to the Ghost and the Box in a minute, but I do want to mention that this whole ep is layered through with mini-references and thematic stuff. Imposter Hanged Ghost rings his little bell to control his Drug Men, and remember that, we’ll see that again. WKX asks if ZZS came from the Healer’s Valley when ZZS offers him an antidote to the Drug Man poison; we learn later that WKX, himself, is the one who came from the Healer’s Valley. When ZZS gets the Soul Winding Box open and finds a piece of the Glazed Armor inside (Danyang’s, taken off of Ao Laizi by Ghost Valley before he was hung at the gate of Sanbai Manor), he gives it to WKX, tells him to throw it away if he doesn’t want it. WKX says he couldn’t possibly, and that he’ll wear it because it’s his first gift from A-Xu. Compare this to the way Xie’er will wear Awful Yifu’s Glazed Armor around his neck. We also see some of the thematic and referential stuff come up in conversations that form a repeated pattern in this ep of ZZS stressing what a bad and dangerous person he is: He scoffs at the idea he’s from Healer’s Valley, and asks if he looks like someone who practices medicine; WKX responds that he looked like a professional killer (true) who was cruel in the abandoned temple (presumably while escaping Mirror Lake) and frightening to a kind-hearted man like WKX who can’t even kill a chicken (particularly amusing given the prep for New Year’s dinner in a later ep, when WKX is the only one who CAN). At the lakeside and again after ZZS hightails it away from Sanbai Manor when they spot Han Ying there (HAN YING, my beloved), WKX asks if ZZS is a fugitive, what he’s hiding from, and says that he’ll protect him – by reason, because would he kill anyone unreasonably (omg, where to even begin? How many guys have you choked out at this point)? When they’re arguing about ZZS revealing his “true” face, ZZS warns that most people who’ve seen his real appearance are dead (probably true). WKX says he’s not afraid of death (not his own, at least, we’ll see that the thing he’s afraid of is ZZS’s death). ZZS warns WKX that he’s not only sharp-tongued, he’s ruthless (true). He tells WKX that he’s murdered many people (true) and set them on fire (not unlikely, frankly) and committed many crimes (true, in a way, although they were state-sanctioned, making them legal, if morally reprehensible). This is the ZZS who put the Nails in himself, who talks to himself about what a truly awful shixiong he is, who tells Prince Jin that he’s only good as a weapon. I like how we see this at the same time that we’re starting to see the side of him that’ll preen when someone thinks he’s pretty - this is a process, and it’s subtle, not as high-drama as WKX’s, but it’s there, nonetheless.
We also formally meet Xie Wang in this ep, artfully posed and playing his pipa among the bodies – old and new – of Zhao Coffin Home. He and Changing Ghost have a bit of a slapfight over whose fault it is that Imposter Hanged Ghost, who was actually Long-Tongued Ghost, got killed and got his (Danyang’s) Glazed Armor took by WKX, when Changing Ghost stole it from Ao Laizi, put it in the Soul Winding Box and gave it to Long-Tongued Ghost specifically to deliver it to Xie Wang. Xie Wang is super cool through all of this, and I think we get a sense of how deadly he is by the way Changing Ghost backs down. So, here’s what’s falling together: Some iteration of Ghost Valley is working with Xie Wang and the Scorpion Sect, giving the Scorpions access to the Soul Winding Threads, which we saw used at the Mirror Lake massacre and in the woods outside of Sanbai Manor to kill Yu Tianjie in the last ep. Via Xie Wang, Ghost Vally has access to use of the Drug Men, which we’ve seen at the Zhao Coffin Home (so far), although we haven’t yet been told (I think) how Xie Wang got access to the potions to create Drug Men (we also know ZZS read about Drug Men in a book somewhere, and got enough info to engineer an antidote to them). Xie Wang and the Scorpions have access to Drunk Like a Dream incense, which had to come from Prince Jin’s court, having been engineered by ZZS based on a much stronger formulation. Han Ying, from Tian Chuang in Prince Jin’s court, has been seen at Sanbai Manor, Zhao Jing’s place.
Meanwhile Chengling is doing poorly, with no appetite and getting bellowed at some more by Shen Shen, who would be the worst if only I didn’t know everything I know, which makes me cringe when Zhao Jing refers to Chengling as “my son, now.” NO. RUN, Goldbean. For some more thematic and referential stuff in this ep, WKX calls Chengling a “lonely chick with no one to rely on” and tsks over the fact that he’s “surrounded by hounds smarter than foxes” now that he’s under the care of the Five Lakes Alliance. This is clearly to manipulate ZZS into thinking Chengling is better off with ZZS, but it also sounds like an awfully apt description of Zhen Yan in Ghost Valley. I’m just sayin’.
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mando-lore · 3 years
The Terror of London: the story of Spring-Heeled Jack
Certainly Strange: A Podcast About The Unexplainable, episode 6
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The Victorian era was a time of shadows and superstitions. In every corner of London’s dark streets lived a mystery or a monster. One of the most popular and certainly strange urban legends of this time is the story of the leaping devil, Spring-Heeled Jack.
In October, 1837, a young servant girl named Mary Stevens, is walking through Clapham Common to the house that she works at. Suddenly, a figure jumps from one of the shadows, gripping her tightly. The figure starts to kiss her face and tries to rip off her clothes. Mary cries out in alarm, and the figure vanishes. Of course, this just seems like a case where a man tried to molest the young woman. And it could have been exactly that, had the strange figure not ripped at Mary’s clothes with claws instead of hands. Claws, she said, that were “cold and clammy as those of a corpse.”
Mary Stevens was not the first one to see this strange clawed creature jump from the shadows. In September 1837, one month before the attack on Mary Stevens, a man saw a man with horns and red glowing eyes leap over the cemetery fence.
This strange devil-like man did not wait much longer to strike again after attacking Mary Stevens. The very next day, it was reported that a strange figure had jumped out in front of a traveling coach, causing the coachman to lose control and crash. Witnesses reported that the figure escaped by jumping over wall that was nearly 9 feet tall, whilst laughing uncontrollably.
This was also the very first time the police got involved. At the scene of the crime they found a pair of very deep tracks in the mud that could only have been made by jumping from a great height. The tracks also showed that there was some gadgetry on the shoes, and speculated that it might be “some sort of compressed springs”.
And this is how the strange devil-like figure got the name of Spring Heeled Jack.
It was January, 1838. Polly Adams, who worked as a barmaid, was walking across Blackheath in south London when she was suddenly attacked. She was discovered half-naked lying in the gutter. When she came to, she is reported saying that she had been attacked by a man who had ripped open her blouse and had grabbed her breasts with claws that were sharp and cold as a corpse, eventually cutting open her belly.
On January 9th, the Lord Mayor of London, Sir John Cowan, received an anonymous complaint of another servant girl who was attacked by Spring Heeled Jack. Because of this incident, several other people came forward about similar incidents in the Kensington and Hammersmith area, all involving servant girls.
This was the perfect story for the press, and Spring Heeled Jack began to get a lot of publicity. With the increase of publicity, there was also an increase of reports from people who had seen or were attacked by the now famous ‘terror of London’. The police took these reports very seriously, and even the Duke of Wellington, the one who had defeated Napoleon, went out armed on horseback to hunt for the monster that haunted London.
This did not stop Spring Heeled Jack, however, from striking again.
There came a knocking on her door. The police, he claimed. He had found spring heeled jack in an alley outside her home. Jane Alsop opened the door. When she accompanied the policeman to the alleyway, she noticed that he was not wearing a police uniform, but instead a long black cape. She got suspicious, but it was already to late. The cloaked man attacked her, trying to undress her whilst, according to her, spitting blue flames out of his mouth.
Jane Alsop described her attacker later to London magistrates: ”He was wearing a kind of helmet and a tight fitting white costume like an oilskin and he vomited blue and white flames!”
Nine days later, the same fate befell Lucy Scales. Walking home from having visited her brother, she was attacked by a man in the same outfit as Alsop had described. And again, he spitted blue flames out of his mouth, blinding her and even causing a seizure.
Then, after terrorizing London for many months, Spring Heeled Jack disappeared.
There were no more reports of people being attacked by Spring Heeled Jack. In 1855 he was seen in Old Hill, far from London, leaping from the roof of an inn to another roof across the street. Somewhere in the 1880’s, a man and a young girl reported that they had seen Jack with glowing eyes, who had bid them a good evening.
Spring Heeled Jack was also seen in 1872, when he landed amidst a group of soldiers. One of the soldiers claimed to have shot at him, but the bullet reflected off of him with a hollow, metallic sound.
Spring-Heeled Jack was last spotted in 1904, 67 years after he had first appeared out of the shadows, jumping over a building in William Henry Street in Liverpool. And, seemingly, disappearing into the shadows once again.
Although frightening and violent, Spring Heeled Jack never mortally wounded any of the women he attacked. This did not stop locals from suspecting him of murder. In 1845, a 13-year old prostitute called Maria Davis was pushed off a bridge into an open sewer, where she drowned. Although the coroner recorded Maria’s death as ‘Death by Misadventure’, and though an eyewitness had seen that it had not been Jack who pushed her but instead one of her clients, locals still claimed that Spring Heeled Jack was the true murderer of this child.
Many attacks on women were blamed on Spring Heeled Jack. When there came a report that a woman had been murdered in Whitechapel in 1888, with her clothes ripped off her, people automatically assumed it had been good old Spring Heeled Jack, especially since the culprit had seemingly disappeared into the night without being spotted by police.
Spring Heeled Jack immediately became suspect number one in the other murders that followed. So much so, that the killer himself wrote a letter t the Metropolitan police signed Spring Heel Jack: The Whitechapel Murderer. Later, the killer shortened it simply to Jack. Perhaps better known as the real terror of London. Jack the Ripper.
The real Spring Heeled Jack, if he ever existed, was never caught. There was only ever one suspect. Henry Beresford, the eccentric young third Marquis of Waterford, who was known for his misogynist behaviour towards women and for having a bad, often alcohol-fuelled temper.
The Lord Mayor of London also had a theory that Spring Heeled Jack was simply created by a group of elite gentlemen who dressed up and terrorized women as part of a bet.
There is another, somewhat strange theory of how Spring Heeled Jack is actually an alien from a planet with high gravity. This would, according to them, explain his extraordinary jumping abilities. Our thin atmosphere could have made him giddy, which would explain his laughter. He would be a nocturnal alien, with reflective eyes like that of a cat. That would explain his glowing red gaze.
But, before considering the theories about aliens, it is important to understand the historical context in which Spring Heeled Jack was born. Because, how can a creature such as Spring Heeled Jack be born in the minds of people?
The 1830s in England were turbulent times, full of tension and anxiety. It was a time filled with social, economic, political, and cultural changes. King William IV died in 1837, and people were uncertain about the capabilities of the young queen Victoria, since she was only 18 and a woman. In this time period, society became more regulated and disciplined, which characterised the Victorian era.
In a period of increasing and intensified control, the monstrous Spring Heeled Jack represented the appealingly uncontrolled. Like the wicked Mr Hyde compared to the composed Dr Jekyll. That is why he is constantly shifting in eyewitness reports. One time Spring Heeled Jack is a beast, the next time he is a ghost, and yet another time he is a devil.
This tense and potentially volatile context became the perfect ground to build a legend that is build on mass panic and sensationalism from the press.
During the Victorian era, printing technology improved. This gave more people access to education and books, causing illiteracy rates to drop. The increased demand of books combined with the high rates of crime created the perfect environment for people to profit off of sensationalized stories about monsters and criminals, such as Spring Heeled Jack.
So whether Spring Heeled Jack was a man, a monster, a ghost, a devil, an alien, or simply a result of a restrained society looking for sensation, his legacy is very much real. Spring Heeled Jack remains a popular penny dreadful figure from the Victorian era, featuring in games such as Assassins Creed Syndicate or the series Jekyll and Hyde. And whatever Spring Heeled Jack was or is, he is Certainly Strange.
Bell, K. (2012). The legend of spring-heeled Jack: Victorian urban folklore and popular cultures. Boydell Press.
Bellows, J. (2006). Spring Heeled Jack. Retrieved from: https://www.damninteresting.com/spring-heeled-jack/
Castelow, E. (n.d.). Spring Heeled Jack. Retrieved from: https://www.historic-uk.com/CultureUK/Spring-Heeled-Jack/
Dunning, B. (2007). The Attack of Spring Heeled Jack. Retrieved from: https://skeptoid.com/episodes/4064
Grundhauser, E. (2016). Meet Spring-Heeled Jack, the Leaping Devil That Terrorized Victorian England. Retrieved from: https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/meet-springheeled-jack-the-leaping-devil-that-terrorized-victorian-england
Ogden, P. (2020). Spring heeled Jack: The Leaping Devil Who Spread Hysteria in Victorian Britain. Retrieved from: https://oddfeed.net/spring-heeled-jack-the-leaping-devil-who-spread-hysteria-in-victorian-britain/
Origjanska, M. (2017). Spring-Heeled Jack: The Leaping Boogeyman who terrorized Victorian England. Retrieved from: https://www.thevintagenews.com/2017/11/26/spring-heeled-jack/
Perry, L. (n.d.). Spring Heeled Jack, Fiction Based On Fact. Retrieved from https://casebook.org/dissertations/ripperoo-spring.html
Sheldon, N. (October 29, 2018). 16 Frightening Details in the Story of Spring Heeled Jack. Retrieved from https://historycollection.com/16-frightening-details-in-the-story-of-spring-heeled-jack/16/
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chaislatt · 3 years
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ravenclaw , head boy, muggleborn
excels in every class he takes
when he first discovered he was magic, he flipped out
he had a matilda episode in his room one night
he was staring intently at his toy planes, wondering how it would be like to fly one someday
then suddenly it just?? levitated??
as an eight year old, he did the only thing he could do in such situations—scream bloody murder
first year : in his newly pressed robes and neatly gelled hair, sat at an empty compartment and started reading his textbooks
until the compartment door opened and a cat just walked over him
“oh sorry, leon doesn’t behave very well” says ten who he did not think would stick around but guess what? his cats liked him
being sorted into ravenclaw, he quickly became famous for being the smartest and wittiest most sensible? wizard of his year
he was especially great at charms got so surprised that there was an incantation to make things float, since all he has been doing is just think it (flitwick got a shock at his first year doing wandless magic)
as he grew older, almost everyone depended on him for help in everything
he couldn’t go a day walking in the corridors without someone asking to meet up at the library or thanking him because they aced their tests
but of course, this little ravenclaw had a limit
he didn’t mean to, but one day he just snapped at a poor gryffindor who kept bugging him to meet at the courtyard to practice spells (everyone finally left him alone, too scared to face the wrath of a wizard who knows all the spells for duelling)
OWLS year—the most memorable year for him, as he and ten spent nights in the library (and sometimes in the kitchen but if anyone asks only ten was in there) studying their bums off
that summer, ten just received a holler from him (surprise! he got all o’s)
naturally, he had been picked for prefect and head boy
the first years LOVED him
he taught them all the secrets to their tower and even handed them a parchment full of riddle answers, because let’s be real, even though you’re a ravenclaw doesn’t necessarily mean you want to use your head all the time
eats at the hufflepuff table because they have better breakfast items
adopted a whole assortment of kids with ten (winwin kinda just sticked around because yangyang was his buddy)
would be the boys’ go to— from pesky spells, ink blotts on their robes, th right grams for mandrake powder, they all depended on him for it
hendery was once asked why he wasn’t scared of him (knowing what happened before)
“he’s not dumb enough to duel someone because they’re bugging him. that’s why he’s in ravenclaw”
overall 9/10. minus one point because he still feels the need to get the last remark in everything.
hufflepuff, pureblood
loves hanging out at the common room
doesn't really care much for grades, but does his best when studying
his housemates call him a sloth
moves so slow, especially in the mornings
likes taking walks along the corridors because it's fun to see other students rush and run to their classes while he walks a leisurely pace
always has his tie loosened
sometimes, he doesn't even tie it, he just wraps it around his collar and hope no one notices everyone does
has a talent for transfiguration
will turn anything into cat snacks
he once turned his homework in kibble and his excuse was "my cat ate it"
befriends all the cats in hogwarts
sometimes he lays down at the courtyard and they all just gather around him
one legendary moment (as lucas likes to call it) was when he was walking down the corrider and a train of cats just followed behind him in a single file
sweet wizard boy, befriends humans as well
he's so likeable, everyone just feels drawn to him
has this laidback energy that feels like a breath of fresh air when things get hectic in the castle
speaking of fresh air
he likes to stroll around outside, most of the time dragging yangyang and winwin out with him
"winwin could use the fresh air and your voice doesn't echo" - ten to yangyang
his sister is friends with yangyang's sister, so growing up he kind of babysat the three whenever their families would be together
he didn't imagine that it would continue during school, but poor winwin looked like he just wanted to get his head bitten off
despite having a lot of friends, he sticks with kun most of the time because he's not as chatty when he's focused (and kun is focused all the time so)
his favourite thing to do anywhere is lay down on his back and play with his wand, sending wisps of magic swirling around in the air, creating beautiful artwork
received pencils and a notebook from kun so he could just draw because "your magic might hit someone and i do not want to be involved with any of that"
doodles all the time
he likes to draw butterflies and magic them off of the paper and makes them follow his friends around
doesn't really say much when no one's talking to him, but will keep the conversation going casually
wanted to become a prefect so he could have his own bathroom
would patrol around at night with his cats (hendery jokes how he looks like filch and now he takes his filch impersonation seriously)
when catching students, he makes obvious remarks like "oh wow good to know that there aren't any gryffindors in this corridor! it would be an awful hassle to report them. good thing everyone's in their chambers!"
very lenient on students he doesn't know, but will threaten those he does and ask for something in return
accidentally gave yangyang the idea of becoming a prefect so he needn't have to worry at night
also accidentally gives yangyang dare ideas to give to hendery
he doesn't mean it! most of the time
overall 10/10. everything is cancelled out by the fact that he goes around the castle with atleast 2 cats following him around.
slytherin, pureblood
mr frowns-a-lot, mr don’t-talk-to-me, mr i-want-to-go-back-to-my-dorm
the most stereotyped slytherin
first years believe that slytherins are scary because of him (but they immediately get debunked by hendery “you’re scared of a tall dude who gets tired from talking and likes to eat chocolate? yeah okay”)
but yes this not so little bean finds talking draining
it’s not that he doesn’t want to, but why would he have to talk about his day when as far as he knows, everyone just did the same thing he did??
you can barely get a sentence out of him
will reply with nods or shrugs and just point or look at things
only talks during class when the professors ask him questions
yangyang bugs him the most
when he got assigned to take care of this chatty, full of energy first year he almost cried
ended up just following him around and yanking the back of his robes to stop him from getting into trouble
because of this, yangyang’s friend are his friends
first got introduced to xiaojun, lucas, and hendery
ended up becoming a babysitter for four
when he met ten, he almost cried again, but now out of happiness  because he got yangyang to shut up
met kun last, and immediately took a liking to him for no reason at all
no one knows how, but suddenly mr-i-dont-want-to-do-anything started getting more mischievous and talkative
the whole hall got surprised when he laughed at lucas’ lame joke
this may be an exaggeration but the boy doesn’t even smile
after this incident, lucas just kept talking to him and he just kept replying, and pretty soon the four little troublemakers would joke around with him and he’d just sit back with kun and ten when he got too tired
this made him attractive
but unlike lucas who got confessed to everyday, there was no one who confessed to him
he didn’t really talk to anyone else and just minded his own business when he was alone, so everyone was too scared to confess to him
which is a huge relief to him because the not so little bean is actually very awkward
proven when hendery accepted yangyang’s dare of going right up in winwin’s face omygod when i tell you his whole face turned red
he avoided hendery for a week until he realized it was too hard since they have most of their classes together??
speaking of classes, it’s a miracle how he just passes everything since no one actually ever sees him studying or doing homework
it’s like everything he does is magic well
overall 7/10. doesn’t really try that much and will only voluntarily hang out with kun.
hufflepuff, halfblood
was tiny, like a little bug
no one knows when he got so tall (summer of second year, he had to buy new robes for third year because they were already too short)
spends breakfast half awake, focusing on eating his meal and listening to yangyang complain about how hard his transfiguration classes yesterday were
he’s never around for dinner because he’s always at the pitch and no one has the energy to talk to yangyang in the mornings so he’s the poor guy
everyone loves him, no one can find a single thing to hate about him even if they tried
loves care for magical creatures with hagrid (he measures his height with the half-giant)
other classes? not so much
sure he tried a little bit, but why would he need to transfigure something into a pen when he could just look for one, and why would he need to concoct a drowsiness potion if he can just will himself to sleep
speaking of sleep, he does that a lot
he likes to wait for xiaojun during fourth period because they had arithmancy next, and he would lean against the corridor and sleep
learned how to sleep hunched over so it looked like he was focusing on class (begs whoever he’s sitting with to wake him up)
why does he do this?
“i’m saving up my energy for later”
he’s a quidditch beast
part of the quidditch team, originally tried out for seeker but they realized he couldn’t go fast enough without loosing his balance on his broom
he switched to being a beater, which the team found out he was very good at aha great power comes with great biceps
everyone falls in love with him when he’s on the pitch
he looks big and scary and ultra focused
and they realized after 3 games that he focuses so much because he aims the bludger to hit the player’s upper thigh only (this prevents player from taking a fall and just bruise, not break a bone)
once he accidentally sent his bludger flying too hard and knocked the chaser off, but he was faster than the seeker and caught them (followed the poor chaser for a week saying sorry and giving them semi burnt cookies he made with xiaojun)
gets confessed to every other day and just says “thanks”
but why don’t you ever reject them? 
why deny that i’m handsome?
that makes no sense
as with rejecting them! 
but truly is an angel
he even got winwin to actually converse with him
he makes everyone feel comfortable, talks to everyone and just hangs around when they don’t want to, offering company
overall 10/10. his cockiness about his looks just makes him endearing since everyone knows he can’t break someone’s heart.
ravenclaw, halfblood
kun’s reincarnation
but there’s one problem
he’s still immature
you would think he’s the prime example of a ravenclaw
practices his passions all the time
likes doing brain-productive things
reads about anything he finds interesting
goes in and out of their tower because he thinks solving the riddles is fun
but ho ho ho oh oh no
he’s a little devil
makes snarky comebacks under his breath that takes a little bit for you to understand
makes things harder on purpose just for fun and because he’ll be the only one able to do it
has a joke for EVERYTHING and never repeats them so i guess he can get away with that
he’s a little menace to the society but he can get away with it because it’s all just minor inconveniences
but we all know minor inconveniences are the most annoying things
likes to annoy kun the most because he understands and reacts immediately
doesn’t like to annoy the hufflepuffs because they just smile at him in confusion
despite that, he’s also a little sweetheart
remembers everything his friends say, so he’s always there to remind them
reminds kun about a test he has to retake, ten about his changing patrolling schedule, winwin’s meeting with a professor, lucas’ need to polish his broom after dinner, hendery’s homework, and yangyang about that incoming howler from his parents
when he realized he’s such a great asset, he became a bit nosy too
likes to meddle with all of his friends’ business
so if someone wants to find any of the six, he can tell you a vague description where they are
because of course he’s not gonna tell you lucas is by the lake practicing his swinging, he’s gonna tell you he’s brushing up on his quidditch skills so you’d go running to the pitch
this way he’s not technically doing anything wrong to both parties
one day, kun asks why he likes doing this
“it makes me feel like a king maker. feeding things into their tiny brains and knowing exactly what they’ll be doing”
“that’s not exactly what a king maker does”
“yeah but does it look like i want them to be more powerful than me?”
co-parents a dog with lucas
aka lucas asked him to take care of bella while he’s in practice but he forgot to take her back with him for 2 days so now bella thinks she lives in the ravenclaw tower too
does random errands for his friends as a way of apologizing (but really just as a leverage so he can cause more trouble)
his ultimate goal was to brainwash everyone so they couldn’t live without him and he succeeded????
now they’re the receiving end of all the sermons his professors give him (you wouldn’t expect it, but he causes quite a ruckus in class)
but still, at the end of the day, they choose to sit next to him at the ravenclaw table during dinner
overall 7/10. he’s annoying, but he’s good at everything he does and helps his friends out in different ways. which makes him more annoying because why? why not
gryffindor, muggleborn
does not understand magic. like at all
the only reason he’s still managing is because he refuses to be beaten by xiaojun
he doesn’t know why he’s in gryffindor but anyone who’s ever met him can vouch for the sorting hat
he’s courageous in the way he faces learning magic (it won’t hurt me, i’m magic) he's brave to speak up to anyone and ask for help when he needs it, and most of all, he has the nerve to get right into winwin’s face
surprisingly good at harder spells than that of his year level, so he’s in a few higher level classes
the reason being he wants to save face when with upperclassmen so he actually focuses real hard and actually understands 
because when he’s with his friends, his mind goes wandering and he can’t focus his magic 
a very strange wizard indeed
imagine getting help from xiaojun to levitate a piece of parchment but can explain to ten how to brew an advanced potion
he’s very confident in his abilities
why would he be nervous to stay after curfew??
if filch catches you
then don’t i just have to avoid him??
but has realistic fears
will not go near a broom
yeah okay the broom can fly, but can he?? he can’t even levitate a piece of parchment, how can he levitate himself?
also very practical
lucas kept struggling since he kept spilling his ink pot so he handed him a pen
“dude i forgot these existed!” “who writes with feathers??”
the most laid back yet extra ordinary wizard ever
you can start a conversation with him and he can keep it going for hours on end
very friendly, will talk to anyone but the downside to this is that he talks to everyone like they’re his friends asdkjshjkd even mcgonagall
overall 7/10. uses magic to solve trivial muggle things and still makes bets with yangyang up to this day.
slytherin, pureblood
a force to be reckoned with
spend a day with him and your ears will bleed
why?? does?? he?? talk?? so?? much??
his friends always complain but everyone else in the castle can’t see why
in the eyes of a stranger, he’s actually cold and reserved, hard to approach
but if you actually knew him
oh boy you’d want to not
can talk for hours
he and hendery wanted to know just how long he could talk
so they timed it
talked for 9 hours straight, no one knows how they managed
good thing this talking is actually useful
he likes to recite during class, always has a lengthy explanation for his answers
people aren’t the only one he talks to
he talks to the ghosts and to the paintings, greeting them a lovely day or whatever
besides talking, he also has another passion–quidditch
he plays as chaser for his house, often times taking his time to freshen up, so he goes back at about midnight during thursdays
good thing ten patrols during thursdays
speaking of ten, he’s been a brother figure for him all his life
so when he was introduced to winwin, he got so excited because he had another brother
by the end of the night, fourth year winwin knew everything about first year yangyang
he loooves his buddy
tries to do everything with winwin but he doesn’t let him
despite being too much to handle, winwin actually likes him too (but don’t let yangyang know)
likes to do dumb dares with hendery
isn’t really into pranking and getting all up into other’s business, so they manage their mischief between the two of them
and the whole of hogwarts just enjoys and guesses which of the two would be the one running around the great hall in their pajamas
yangyang actually encourages his fellow slytherins to stop sticking among themselves
mostly because he’s tired of them bugging him to “go ask your gryffindor friend if there’s homework on-”
at the end of the day, all his slytherin friends have been adopted by ten, took a liking to kun, and watches lucas, xiaojun and hendery fool around for entertainment
that being said, he loves his friends
thankful that he has classes with at least one of them for all his classes
all his professors have learned to sit him next to them, otherwise he’ll just slack off and stare into oblivion
he’s actually more productive when he has someone to remind him to be
okay maybe sitting him next to hendery wouldn’t result to school productivity
overall 9/10. it would be an 8 but he actually does acknowledge he talks too much.
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yeonchi · 3 years
Kisekae Insights #24: GJ Club - how a spinon became a spinoff featuring Kyōya and Kasumi Shinomiya
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(Art by 結城辰也)
The Kisekae Insights series has allowed me to bring the spotlight back on Waifu Network animes that I haven’t posted much about in the past due to lack of fanart or lack of interest. Like Hidamari Sketch in the last instalment, GJ Club will be no exception until I continue posting the usual content in my anime posts. Honestly, it was good while it lasted.
While Hidamari Sketch is a fairly popular and notable anime, GJ Club, sadly, isn’t. The anime was adapted from the light novel series written by Shin Araki and it only received one 12-episode season in 2013 and an OVA in 2014. Since it is a slice-of-life series, not much is known about the characters’ histories, which made it very easy to adapt into my personal project. All these factors coinciding with it being the 50th anniversary year of Doctor Who made GJ Club the perfect anime to adapt and expand on.
Background information
For some reason, the light novel has been a bit hard to find. In short, while you are able to read it online, the sources are unfortunately scarce.
From 2013 to 2015, NanoDesu Translations posted translations of the light novel. They published a PDF and EPUB of the first volume (which is available on archive.org) and translated up to Chapter 17 of the second volume. It was then abandoned for two years before Haraguro Scanlations picked it up. As of September 2018, they only finished up to Chapter 3 of the third volume (with the first chapter being translated by Shadowys on Baka-Tsuki) and there are no further updates after that, with the exception of a one-off chapter released in November 2020.
As of August 2021, however, all the original translations by NanoDesu seem to have been deleted from their site. All the translations are available on AsiaNovel, but there are no illustrations because the reader doesn’t seem to support images. If the images weren’t discarded in the code of the novels, then all they would need to do is add support for them and then they would appear.
There are 9 volumes and two special volumes for GJ Club along with 8 volumes and a special volume for its middle school spinoff. It’s honestly telling how popular the series was when the translators have all but abandoned it.
Shin Araki also wrote an additional spinoff to GJ Club, namely GE: Good Eater, and a sequel, namely KB Club. GE is set in a fantasy world with the characters being based off the characters of GJ Club, while KB Club turns everything meta by having both series be the creations of a high school light novel club, with the characters of GJ Club being based off the members of said club, right down to their names. Honestly, I’m not a big fan of that approach given how I’ve adapted GJ Club into my personal project. In the end, I guess we’ll never really know what happens in the novels, but at least we have this.
Watching the anime and listening to the character music was how I first realised that anime was sexist to males because of the female-centric focus in most animes. Kyōya only gets one character song in the series, and even then it’s a duet with Megumi. If that isn’t sexist to you, then I don’t know how I can convince you that a lot of animes are sexist.
In January 2015, I published two posts outlining my idea for an English dub of the series that also fits with GJ Club’s depiction in my personal project. The setting would be changed to London, England, specifically the areas of Chiswick, Ealing and Acton (where their school is located) and the characters would speak with British accents. The images in the original post are dead because I idiotically copied the images from the site instead of saving and reuploading them to the post, but since I’m grubbing for content anyway, I’m going to repost my character details as follows:
Kyōya: The protagonist of the series. When he started Year 10, he was kidnapped by the girls when he walked into an old school building, hoping to find the Culture Club. He moved to London from Manchester just before he started Year 7. His best friend outside the club is someone named Tesshin Yokomizo (横溝徹心) who is a local and not seen in the anime. In the GJ Club, he is nicknamed “Kyoro” and despite his spinelessness, he seems to have talent in dealing with the girls around him. His birthday is December 18. Due to a crisis involving his family during his childhood, he and his sister Kasumi were left in the care of a family guardian just before they moved to London, but she left when Kyōya started Year 10. It might have been that childhood incident that emotionally scarred him and left him spineless…
Mao: The Year 11 president of the GJ Club. Her family is rich and they live in a mansion in Ealing. She has a habit of biting and picking on Kyōya when she is bored or angry. She always reads books and watches shows without kissing scenes.
Shion: The only daughter in her family, Shion is an expert chess player with many brothers, all experts in some kind of activity. She speaks in a Birmingham (Brummie) accent because her mother and a few of her brothers were born in Birmingham. It is unknown if Shion was born in Birmingham herself.
Megumi: The calm and nice middle sister of the Amatsuka family. She likes knitting and she is always seen making tea and cakes in the club room. In the same year level as Kyōya.
Kirara: Born in Swansea, Wales, Kirara is the tallest and strongest member of the club. She speaks English in simple, monotone sentences. Welsh is her first language. Kirara can be seen eating meat, sometimes sharing it with Kyōya, but not with anyone else. She is afraid of spiders and has little tolerance to alcohol.
Tamaki: (voiced by Karen Gillan!) The newest member of the GJ Club when Kyōya becomes a Year 11 student. Like Kyōya, she is kidnapped and forced to join the club. Her nickname is “Tama”. Her family is from Glasgow and they run a Shinto shrine in Acton. She has several younger siblings.
Kasumi: Kyōya’s younger sister, who was born in Manchester. After a visit to the GJ Club, she becomes inspired to start a middle school division when she starts Year 7. She has a brother complex and she mistook Mao for being a primary school student when she met her. Her proficiency in Welsh is better than her brother’s, who can probably speak at a beginner level.
Geraldine: Shortened to “Jill”. She moved to Chiswick from Swansea to be with her sister, Kirara. She first met Kyōya at Ealing Broadway Station when she had difficulty buying a Tube ticket. She didn’t really understand how to use the ticket machine, so Kyōya went to help her. After this, Jill considered Kyōya her “samurai master”. Jill doesn’t speak English fluently, so she relies on her whiteboard to communicate with the others. She is as strong as her sister and she joins Kasumi’s GJ Club when she starts Year 7 in Chiswick.
Seira: The youngest sister of the Amatsuka family. Though she speaks in a typical London accent, she sometimes talks through her cat clip in Received Pronunciation (the Queen’s English/RP) using ventriloquism to state her true feelings to Kyōya, who she has a grudge against.
Mori: The maid of the Amatsuka family. She likes to ride a motorcycle.  A running gag is her twirling before Kyōya much to his pleasure and annoyance to the rest of the club members. Sometimes, her mother takes her place without the family even noticing due to their identical appearance.
Kyōya, Kasumi and Momoka: The Brother, the Child and the Yandere
Normally in previous instalments, I would have described each character separately, but because their backstories are heavily intertwined, I will introduce them all at once in this section. Most of the backstory takes place around the Battle of Koshi Castle in December 2013 and during the Manchester Campaign of 2005-2013, which I have already covered in #15.
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When Hiroki Ichigo’s twelfth incarnation was killed at Koshi Castle, he managed to escape in his TARDIS, where he regenerated into his new prototype, namely a four-year-old Kyōya. The TARDIS crashes outside North Manchester General Hospital on 11 December 2005.
Earlier, Hiroki and Akari’s gametes (along with those of Hiroki’s brothers and their families) were taken by Reona Yukawa and placed in the Progenitor so that they could breed super-soldiers out of them. When Takumi Kamijō and Kyōko Sakura manage to escape from their cells (saving Nodoka Manabe and Azusa Nakano in the process), he changes the destination of the baby about to be released into the Progenitor’s time portal. That baby was Kasumi, one of the super-soldiers grown from Hiroki and Akari’s DNA. She ended up at the same hospital as well and was about to be taken home by a couple when Girl Power killed them, resulting in Kasumi being taken by Akari and Shaun.
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What remained of Hiroki was contacted by the spirit of Walpurgisnacht. Making a deal with her, Hiroki regenerated into his thirteenth incarnation, the female Momoka Mizutani. No, Momoka is not an OC for GJ Club, but she is based on the character of Apple Lam Chung-yan from the TVB drama A Great Way to Care II, played by Tavia Yeung. Momoka takes Hiroki’s TARDIS and heads to Salford, where with the help of Walpurgisnacht, she establishes a cha chaan teng café in the middle of a trading estate and hires a group of red drone Daleks as her workers, hiding their identities by having them disguise themselves as humans.
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Over the next eight years, Momoka gets close to the new Shinomiya family by influencing them through Kyōya’s dreams to come to her café. Eight years later, on 11 December 2013, the Fourth and Fifth Doctors come in with their companions. When the Shinomiya family come in, a confrontation with Ayaka Kikuchi and her army ensues before Momoka transmats the Shinomiya family to a Dalek spaceship, where she prepares to execute them using the Yashio’ori. However, the Yashio’ori is sabotaged by the enemy army so that the laser beam would not charge.
As Ayaka and her army attack the Dalek ship, Momoka uses the Dalek-enhanced machine guns to fend them off. While two Doctors confront the Master, Momoka is killed by Girl Power officers, resulting in Walpurgisnacht taking over her body as she regenerates, maintaining her current appearance. Read #15 to find out what happens after this.
Once the Battle of Koshi Castle and the Manchester Campaign conclude, the Fourth Doctor helps Kyōya and Kasumi move to Chiswick in 2008. Five years later, the events of the GJ Club anime take place. During his time in Chiswick, Kyōya gets a job at the post office there and later, studies a double degree in Japanese Studies and Politics at SOAS in the University of London while also learning Cantonese, Mandarin and Welsh in weekend and evening courses (apparently he also wanted to learn Taiwanese but they weren’t running any courses, but that’s alright, he can always learn it somewhere else, which he presumably did).
On a side note, I volunteered myself to be Kyōya’s English voice actor, so I’ve practiced my Mancunian accent by watching actors like Christopher Eccleston, Stephen Tompkinson, Karl Pilkington and maybe a bit of Peter Kay as well. The only problem was that I’m not even sure that my accent is even Manc because I can’t tell if I’m getting it wrong and sounding like someone from Liverpool, Yorkshire, Newcastle or even Scotland. Oh well, that’s what happens when you really get into things.
I don’t buy expansion packs, I make my own (budget allowing)
So as I said, GJ Club only got one season and an OVA to go with it. Do Kyōya and the GJ Club make further appearances in the series? You bet your ass they do.
After being absent for much of the Next Gen Series in 2014, Kyōya and Kasumi receive a letter from their aunt, Narutaki, asking to meet in Hong Kong after their mother, Akari, went missing following the Siege of Ōsaka, only to be followed by Mao and the rest of the GJ Club, who learnt where he was going and managed to get on the same flight as them.
Narutaki, who had taken her Girl Power friends and established a rogue faction separate from the main group, takes the GJ Club to Nijō Castle, where she explains the background behind the Manchester Campaign and the events of Series 8 and 9. Soon after, Girl Power’s commander, Daniel, sends his brother, Nathan, out to find Narutaki. Kyōya tries to contact Hiroki, but he is unable to get through to him. Luckily, the TARDIS arrives and the Doctor and Hiroki help Angela and the others repel the attacking Girl Power forces. Some more things happen and by the end of the story, we learn that Kyōya and Mao are dating.
That Christmas, Kyōya and Kasumi head up to Manchester, but the Doctor briefly takes them and their friends back to Hong Kong for a picnic with Hiroki and the rest of the Zhuge family.
A few years later in 2018, the GJ Club and Momoka get a cameo at the start and end of the Gokaiger TV movie special. By this point in time, Momoka’s café in Manchester has expanded to many other branches around the UK and in Hong Kong.
The next year in 2019, Kyōya, Kasumi, Mao and Megumi are featured in a four-part adventure in Soulbound Series 3, helping the cast solve the mystery of Parker’s past and Shinbu’s origins. Two years after in 2021, Kyōya and Kasumi move to Hong Kong (along with the GJ Club) and join the Superhero Project as the new ShinkenRed and ZyuohTiger. You’d think Kyōya would be against violence given his harmless tendencies, but I suppose his character has developed over the years despite having abandonment issues.
So this has been the involvement of GJ Club in my personal project. It’s a shame the series wasn’t more popular or it could have gotten a second season, a manga, more (and frequent) translations of the light novel or hell, even a licenced release. This series is just like Sea Princesses in how popular it was, but despite the number of episodes the anime got, at least Shin Araki hasn’t abandoned the series (by putting it in a spinoff no less) unlike Fabio Yabu, who hasn’t made anything new for Sea Princesses since 2010 after getting more animated episodes than GJ Club did. On the other hand though, neglected series with little material has been good development fodder for my personal project as it allowed me to bring awareness to the existence of those series while also developing backstories and afterstories for them.
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9 episodes since Drawfee last referenced Cats (2019)
17 episodes since Drawfee last referenced Everytime We Touch (2005)
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Popular!Luz AU concept post
This au concept is something me, @crispyclown , and @molotov-does-stuff worked out together on @pastatiger ‘s TOH discord.
The basic concept is “what if Luz never did become friends with Willow and actually did become popular” based on an offhanded comment from boscha in ‘Understanding Willow’ that went to the effect of “that human could have been popular if she wasn’t hanging out with Willow”.
Here’s all the headcanons we’ve all put together:
1) 'teenage abomination' never happens. Luz just has a boring day and becomes vaguely aware of Hexside.
2) during ’Covention’, Amity and Luz meet for the first time. They don’t hit it off but they don’t not hit it off either. After the Lilith speech, Amity still steps on King’s cupcake, but it’s completely by accident. Amity tries to ‘keep up appearances as a Blight’ and ends up accidentally insulting Luz and King while attempting to apologize. Luz ultimately still has the “Bog of Immediate Regret” line, but Amity doesn’t really care one way or the other, so she nearly says ‘you read Azura too?!’ Before instead accepting. Amity and Luz’s bet is pretty low stakes — Amity apologizes to king if she loses, Luz apologizes to Amity if she loses, maybe? But Eda and Lillith get waaaay into the bet and both sides cheat as canon. Amity still breaks down when the construction glyph is revealed, but Luz formally concedes anyways (with low stakes she doesn’t have any serious need to win, and she still would rather be this girl’s friend than her enemy), citing their own relative skill levels, before going and talking to Amity. Amity is still DISTRAUGHT about the whole ordeal, but she and Luz have a much more in-depth heart-to-heart, where Luz explains what she did, tells Amity how cool Luz thinks she is, and manages to tell her the “I’m not a witch, but… I’m training to be one“ line. Amity leaves Luz with the line, ‘they say humans can't learn any magic. But... I don't think that's going to stop you.' And… they’re, maybe friends? Unclear friends? Probably just acquaintances but the point is its nonnegative relationship development.
3) ‘Hooty's Moving Hassle' is removed.
4) in ‘Lost in Language’, Luz is still a little over-friendly with Amity (Amity respects her for serious but also She Has A Reputation, Luz) when they meet in the library. Luz still gets sucked in to the twins’ chaotic energy, and Luz still thinks hanging out with them will somehow translate to brownie points with Amity. When Amity walks in on them in the secret room, she’s much more visibly and viscerally betrayed by (what she thinks) Luz did. However after saving themselves from evil Otabin, Luz does convince her the twins tricked her, they book trade as canon, Amity actually clearly thinks of Luz as a friend at the end of it all.
5) the moonlight conjuration incident happens after the library incident. Amity spins a BS story about Luz being a skilled witch to her parents and invites her to the conjuring. While initially their conjuring goes as canon (ie nowhere), Luz turns it to a regular party with Boscha, Skara, Amity, and herself. (and Cat, i think? Whoever their canon fourth was, she’s still here.) Eventually they try again, and since (in this au) the conjuring's power == your conjuring group's friendship's strength, and everyone here is at least somewhat friends with luz now, they do manage to animate a few things.
6) at some point here, Luz, Boscha, and Skara team up for a pickup game of grudgeby, and Luz learns the fireball glyph.
7) During ‘Once Upon a Swap', both Skara and Boscha notice how out of character King!Luz is acting. They can admit King!Luz is being cool, if a lil dorky, but they have an out-of-character moment where Boscha tries to ask 'Luz' if she's okay. King doesn't get it, but the others walk in on it so Boscha resumes acting like a challenged alpha bitch. (Luz eventually explains to Skara what was goin on that day. Luz ‘conveniently’ never got the chance to clue Boscha in.)
8) at some point around here, Luz manages to get Eda to enroll her in Hexside.
9) 'adventures in the elements' is changed bc Luz does know two glyphs. However, She and Amity want to hang out some more and Amity thought Luz's fire glyph could help her learn the fireball spell, so they still go to the knee together (with Eda, Emira, and Edric as terrible excuses for chaperones.) Luz learns the ice spell under Eda’s somewhat hands-off tutelage, possibly after accidentally angering the Slitherbeast as in canon.
10) In ‘First Day', Boscha is looking forward to finally getting a read on this girl who wormed her way straight into Amity's heart. (she's not jealous. nuhuh. not even a little. YOU’RE jealous!) Luz still immediately gets Detention'd, tho, but this time Amity and Boscha show up to bust her out unprompted, leading to a VERY awkward moment where Viney (and Jerbo and Barcus) refuse to trust Luz on the basis that Boscha and Amity are her friends, and both of them are notorious jerks who would ABSOLUTELY bully the DT kids. Amity has to duck out for her performance tho. the episode concludes as canon.
11) we get an extended time where we see how Luz easily makes friends with almost everyone at Hexside. She's friend-shaped and she gets a HUGE popularity boost for being honest friends with Skara and Amity. (she gets rancid vibes from Boscha when they’re at school together, but she can't put her finger on *why*. and besides, Boscha calls Luz her friend too, so that probably counts.) during this time Luz meets Gus, who is one of E&E's classmates. Gus can have an episode, as a treat.
12) Luz finally meets Willow, and gets slapped in the face HARD with confirmation that Amity and Boscha are kind of massive assholes. Luz tries to befriend Willow, but Willow refuses to trust her due to how often Boscha, Amity, and the rest of the popular girls who make up most of Luz’s closer friend group have bullied her.
13) Luz tries to get Boscha to take it down a notch. Boscha takes it up a notch. Luz tries to get Amity to help, Amity asks why it matters — it’s just ‘half a witch willow’, no one cares. Luz realizes, awkwardly (and probably with the assistance of Jerbo and/or Barcus), that while she currently has a lot a friends and is popular, if she defends Willow from Boscha’s bullying she’ll lose a lot of her popularity. Luz kind of has a small breakdown over this, because she doesn’t want to risk friends here when in the human world she has so few, but at the same time, she has Principles! She can’t just ignore this! As one of her schemes to help Willow without going against Boscha directly, Luz manages to get Willow transferred out of Abominations, although Willow is kinda annoyed by this since even though she’s in plant track she feels a stranger. (This alienation eventually goes away, but not before…)

14) Luz snaps and punches Boscha in the face one day for bullying Willow once too many times. Boscha gets PISSED and Luz is NOT BACKING DOWN, even though she’s scared. Boscha basically exiles Luz from the friend group, which has the added effect of making almost all of Luz’s friends stop talking to her, most painfully Skara and Amity. Willow starts to tolerate her, but only barely. (Gus is still Luz’s friend tho. In fact, Gus, the DT kids, and E&E Are the only Hexside students at this point who’ll be caught dead with Luz.)

15) ‘Understanding Willow’ Is changed; Luz catches Amity burning up Willow’s memories. However, since Amity, Luz, and Willow are distinctly *not* talking to each other, the quest to save Willow’s mind is *much* more tense. Luz keeps taking potshots at Amity for abandoning the both of them, Inner Willow hates both of them, and Amity is trying desperately not to have fun with people who hate her and also trying desperately to defend her actions. Amity still reveals the same secret of the day she stopped being Willow’s friend; Luz, meanwhile, reveals some bad memories of her own human school that make it very obvious how much the chance to be popular meant to her and how she genuinely empathizes with Willow’s whole situation. Ultimately ends with a bit of a tense moment between the three where they admit they’re not friends yet… but at the very least they’re all willing to be friends, now.
16) We get some time watching Luz slowly re-making her friends throughout the school, as people decide they really do like Willow and Luz as people and they’re kinda tired of Boscha been an alpha bitch. Maybe spliced with Willow & Luz & Amity hangin out, being friendly, or with Boscha been salty and Skara et al. being here by obligation even though they *clearly* wanna hang out with Luz some more.
17) ‘Wing It Like Witches’ happens largely beat for beat here. Boscha attempts to re-assert social dominance, Luz invokes the sacred rites of a game of grubby with a bet, Luz tries to get Willow and Gus in for it but Gus can’t and Willow won’t; Amity talks Willow into forming a 3 person team with her. Extra angst from the fact that Boscha and Luz did actually have some bonding over being on the same team on an earlier grubby game.
18) Grom happens now, largely as canon. When preparing Luz for the main fight, Amity theorizes (incorrectly) that Luz’s greatest fear is losing her friends on the boiling isles; Luz goes along with it, because ‘I already faced that fear once this year, it’ll be a cinch’. Grom tries it but it doesn’t work, but then from turns into her mom. (We see Amity nearly cry from Grom turning into her, but realizes what’s going on, and then has a massive blush from being called ‘her’ Amity. Skara rolls her eyes, bc she’s been clued in. Boscha is deliberately not caring.)
20) Boscha eventually gets to the point where she decides to apologize to Willow. She starts with a BS ‘lol sry’ approach, ends with a record-scratch-sudden rant where Boscha really does break it — and herself — down in honest apology. Some of the bad attempts are played for comedy, this one played completely straight.
Miscellanious other elements:
Unrequited Boschamity / exes Boschamity, boscha has cool banter with her friends (mildly platonic boschluz banter, snarky boschamity banter, member boschkara banter, etc), Boscha being really jealous of Luz, Everyone — EVERYONE — pines at Skara, Luz also pines at willow eventually, BOSCHA ACTUALLY GETS A REDEMPTION ARC AND ITS WELL WRITTEN AND NO ITS NOT IN SERVICE OF A SHIP, Boscha::Azula Amity::Zuko wrt redemption arcs, Boscha joins the inevitable rebellion as one of those ‘everyone in public thinks I’m an enemy of the rebellion so I can help them out real nice in the DL’ people, and yes we ARE overthrowing the government at some point in this au just not right now, right now we’re having ANGST and LUMITY, boscha is actually very nice to her friends when she wants to be she just usually doesn’t feel like she Should Be Vulnerable, any episode that’s just ‘Luz With Willow And/or Gus doing Hijinks’ (ex ‘Really Small Problems’, ‘Something Ventured, Someone Framed’) that hasn’t already been mapped to an event in this timeline is skipped completely, yes that means Mathholomule successfully becomes president of the human club, none of this aus cast is actually friends with him tho don’t worry, Edric has been quietly dating Jerbo for a while now but his sisters don’t know, Emira is a disaster lesbian for Viney and the teasing is relentless, Emira is a terminal prankster with a maladapted sense of boundaries as a result of her parents, this is a point of contention for her courtship of Viney who can and will go OFF on her for crossing the line and not feeling guilty, Edric is very aware of boundaries but he also finds looking to her for direction gets him in trouble the least at home so he just feels terrible afterwards and tries to get Emira to tone it down and/or apologize, basically the library incident was her idea in this au and he went along with it because of blight child optics stuff, Luz’s memory may out Luz to Willow and Amity, Willow and Amity absolutely say ‘gay rights’, in fact the entire isle says ‘gay rights’, this au tricks you into thinking ‘oh easy lumity’ but then Willow comes in like a wrecking ball, during that murky period when Luz’s friends all hate her bc she punched boscha all the people still willing to talk to her get friendly REAL fast, yes that includes willow and amity once they all stop hating each other, nobody lets Amity live down “Oh, wow,,, sports” except Luz who didn’t get it, Everyone has a song assigned to them at the sleepover, Luz’s is Bad Reputation, Skara’s is Caramelldansen, Boscha’s is Money Machine, Amity’s is Eminence Front because I say so
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mitigatedchaos · 4 years
Review: SAC_2045
(~3,700 words, 15 minutes)
This post will contain some minor spoilers for SAC_2045.
Summary: You may have thought SAC_2045 was a poor entry in the Ghost in the Shell franchise - actually, it's just intended for younger audiences.
Previously: Standalone Complex 202045:1-4 (superseded)
And what did you think of the remaining episodes of GitS:SAC_2045?
[ @irradiate-space​ ]
Standalone Complex
There's a certain indescribable feeling associated with Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex as a work, an artistic touch related to the director associated with it, independent of other considerations. SAC_2045 has it, which isn't too surprising since Kenji Kamiyama is back.
SAC_2045 is Standalone Complex. For a brief moment, while watching it, I inhabited my pre-2016 personality and outlook. I can't tell you how much that means to me. Since the arrival of streaming I've tended to bingewatch series, but on the first run-through I decided not to bingewatch this one.
If you approach this show as season 4 of Standalone Complex (Solid State Society being season 3), it's underwhelming. Now, viewing it again, it's become obvious that a conventional season 4 of Standalone Complex was never the intent of SAC_2045 to begin with.
For those of you who have delayed until now, the English dub has been uploaded - it released without one due to the pandemic. They bring back a number of the voice actors from the excellent Standalone Complex dub, though having already watched it with subtitles, I didn't feel the need to confirm the dub's quality.
Sustainable War
To properly describe a new theory of war is the same thing as to invent it. While the idea of war as a for-profit industry has been kicked around for some time, it's generally assumed that this is a kind of parasitic relationship on the part of the war-making industry.
As time goes on, warfare becomes more abstract (partly because warfare happens where it can happen), much like society itself is becoming more abstract as information moves more quickly and humanity gains access to more energy.[1] In SAC_2045, "Sustainable War" is part of the context of the world and its current issues, but we aren't really told how it works - if it's similar to contemporary information warfare and a blurring of the lines between state and non-state actors, it's bound to be quite confusing.
I believe my earlier assessment of "Sustainable War" is correct. The key feature of sustainable war, the reason they say it's safe if you leave it to the experts, is likely that it involves AIs constantly forecasting against each other and moving units around with few direct confrontations. The goal would be to lock in a victory without having to fire a shot, except for small skirmishes that don't escalate to major incidents (due to the AI forecasting).
The presence of armed separatist movements even in Japan may also indicate that the ruling institutional bodies are engaged in a kind of Post-International Politics,[2] which treats all international relations as fundamentally existing between subnational entities - however, I believe that later information suggests this wasn't their original intent.
What makes it "sustainable"? Since if done correctly, very little is actually physically destroyed, the cost is less than conventional warfare, and thus the war can continue indefinitely. Why does it threaten humanity with destruction? Because there's an awful lot of military hardware waiting for someone to actually pull the trigger.
Season 1: Ep. 2
So what is the intent of the series' creators? I think they may be telling us through this dialogue between Togusa and Section Chief Daisuke Aramaki in episode 2.
Aramaki: Seems time has toughened you up. Togusa: Is that supposed to be a compliment? Aramaki: It is if you want it to be. Togusa: Then thanks for the kind words. “I made the right decision by choosing this line of work over my marriage.” That’s what you’re saying? Aramaki: Perhaps. [...] Togusa: They're bringing back Section 9? [...] Aramaki: But my takeaway from the proposal is this: The PM's reason for the urgent reforming of Section 9 takes priority over his personal motives. I believe his true objective is meeting the Americans' demands for the dispatch of special resources. Togusa: So it's as the Liberals feared? An American-born Prime Minister would be no more than an American puppet? Aramaki: I've yet to meet him in person, so I can't really say. But this is an opportunity to have the Major and the rest of you undertake a major operation for me once more. Togusa: What sort of op? Aramaki: Over the past few years, I have searched for an answer on how to deal with a society in turmoil. I'd like you people to lay the groundwork that will help the next generation find that answer. Togusa: I don't know what a man in my position can contribute, but I'll humbly offer whatever assistance I can.
Those of us who cried, Kamiyama, tell us the future once more! based on Standalone Complex's prophetic analysis of a memetic crime wave were bound to be disappointed. SAC_2045 is less rooted in the near future than in the now - cyberbullying, endless war amidst historic prosperity, employment suppressed by automation, savings eaten up by the complex machinations of finance, and a breakdown of national borders? That's today.
Those of us who hoped for a Ghost in the Shell: Unicorn, a psychically overpowering work that synthesizes the full body of Ghost in the Shell into a single coherent form to elevate us to a higher level of understanding, should have tempered our expectations. To reach each new philosophical level is more difficult than the last - to achieve that with Ghost in the Shell of all things would have required a multidisciplinary genius near the limits of current understanding.
Kenji Kamiyama is just an anime director. And anyhow, Gundam Unicorn was a book before it was an animated series. And who among us even knew we'd have to write a book before 2015? Ghost in the Shell was well-understood enough, so I instead wrote 25,000 words worth of hypothetical country and became a blogger, like the infamous Scott Alexander.[3]
If we approach SAC_2045 from the lens that it's a humbler work designed for younger audiences, however, some of the creative decisions make more sense.
Just how old is Purin, the MIT grad who joins the team later on? If I had to guess, that's '23歳' on that profile she provides, and Ishikawa notes that she 'skipped a few grades' on her way to a PhD. But she acts like someone a lot younger. She's enthusiastic and we're assured she's intelligent, but seems to be lacking social training. For example, she makes the mistake of assembling an era-accurate music player for Batou combined with a playlist after consulting the Tachikomas to find out what he listens to. There are two ways to take this.
The first is that she's intended as a relateable character for someone who would make this class of mistake. It's the sort of mistake I might have made at age 13-14, meaning that the show would probably be aimed at someone that age or lower. Overly enthusiastic, doesn't understand romantic relationships, impulsive, poor reading of boundaries / poor modelling of others outside of certain domains, impulsive in a way that causes social screw-ups? Yeah that could certainly apply to an ADHD kid of about that age.
And all of a sudden the tone of the first five episodes with the gun-fighting, the literal Agent Smith, the decision to place the focus in America, and even the mystery of the series being much simpler than Standalone Complex 2nd Gig's plot regarding Asian refugees in Japan make a lot more sense. This is Ghost in the Shell for kids!
Wow, I didn't think that could be done!
...is what I should say, except that around the time I acquired the ability to futurist shitpost, and I used that ability to predict that it would.
Purin II
The second reading is that the youth of the future are fucked up. She probably has some tricked out modifications, both cybernetic and genetic. Now usually you would tell someone to try to become a well-rounded human being. But...
The global economy has crashed. Batou mistakes her for a robot - creatures that look like pretty young women are a dime a dozen. In the dating market, she would be competing with full sensory immersion VR pornography on the one hand, and at the upper end of society where cybernetics are more widely available, likely women with a similar appearance but decades more experience and professional standing.
Note that in the original Standalone Complex, the team take down an 80-year-old Russian spy with the full prosthetic body of a 20-year-old. Full cyborgs aren't common then, nor are they in SAC_2045 (though cyberbrains are ubiquitous), but if the economy recovers that may change, and the sector she's trying to get in to (full-time salaried government rather than marginal private employment it would seem) is going to be very tough to enter either way.
So Purin may have to be over-optimized even to just appear on the screen. In fact, she says,
"Just so I could work at Section 9, I moved most of my sentimental memories to external storage."
Youch! It's no wonder she's socially maladjusted. Just how much of her social learning (in particular key events necessary to rebuild logical inferences on the boundaries of behavior on the fly) has she locked away?
Purin III
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But you know who Purin looks like? Notorious internet personality, Gamer Girl Bath Water seller, and IRL video game character Belle Delphine.[4]
Or rather, it's the other way around - 2D animation compresses real detail into suggestive abstraction, letting your mind fill in the rest. Going from those impossible 2D shapes to 3 dimensions creates strange results, like training your machine learning algorithm on the salient features of a cat's face, applying it to human shape, and putting pink hair on the result. Belle Delphine adopts that otherworldly kind of appearance as part of her act.
Technically, this a stylistic choice. Within the framework of SAC_2045, this is what "a 23-year-old female" looks like.
Purin is in fact so non-threatening that her big red coat obscures her figure. I'm gonna go with younger audience. Now if only I could remember what pronoun she uses.[5/☆]
With a full prosthetic body, outward signs of human-like aging are almost an artistic expression, much like in a world with cheap tissue engineering, visible scars are a choice.
When she was first introduced in the original Ghost in the Shell manga, we don't know how old Motoko Kusanagi is. It was once said that her name is analogous to "Jane Excalibur," which in English would be an obvious alias. In the first movie (from 1995), she's cool, almost cold and robotic.
In the original Standalone Complex, Motoko has a more mature personality than in the manga, but she has a clearly adult look by the standards of anime. Seriously, check out this fantastic character design (combat suit), although admittedly the better-known "leather jacket and bathing suit" design is more ridiculous, fashion-wise.[6] (Fortunately, she gets pants in her much more stylish second season outfit.)
ARISE starts off with a young Motoko Kusanagi in a chaotic post-war period before the Section 9 we know was assembled. This shows in her character design, but it really shows in her personality. This was actually why I had joked about an even earlier Ghost in the Shell.
There is a sense in which the 2017 live-action movie's Motoko is even younger. Scarlett Johansson is a killer cyborg with amnesia. She doesn't even have one day of formal combat training.
Motoko 2045
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Ilya Kuvshinov designed SAC_2045's Motoko Kusanagi.
Yes, that Ilya Kuvshinov. You could be forgiven for thinking this is a teenager that hardboiled assassins Saitou and Ishikawa in the background have been hired to bodyguard.
Despite this, Atsuko Tanaka has resumed her role as Motoko's voice actress. Standalone Complex's Motoko looked 25 and felt mid-30s. SAC_2045's Motoko looks 16 and has the voice and attitude of 40.
This may make more sense than you might think.
Through Whose Eyes?
Throughout much of Ghost in the Shell as a franchise, Togusa, the only non-cyborg on the team, who is pulled from a police department instead of a military background, tends to be character used to help the people of our time relate to the future. He's the guy that doesn't know the things we also don't know, so in explaining concepts to Togusa they're explained to the audience.
In SAC_2045, most of the team are off doing cool cyborg things in America. Aramaki (whose in-world function is to create the bureaucratic environment within which Section 9 operates) tasks Togusa with finding them. The original Standalone Complex first aired in 2003. It's been 17 years since it was created - a similar situation to finding someone that reached adulthood who was born after 9/11. And during this time, Togusa's life has changed - the family man is now separated from his wife. And the world has changed - Togusa is now working for a private security firm. Togusa's role in the first five episodes isn't to guide the new viewers.
His purpose is to guide or stand-in for the old viewers.
The New Viewers
"Do you still hold a grudge against the Major and the others for leaving you behind?"
For the original viewers, SAC_2045 is your world, too. Togusa is there. Togusa is you.
The new viewers are Purin. Enthusiastic and smart but awkward and not confident in their skills. How could they measure up to these much more talented and experienced characters? (Also consider who is going to watch any sort of Ghost in the Shell - it's probably going to be a moderately bright and introverted kid, who is the kind of person that may be more comfortable socializing with people outside of their age band.)
But Motoko is visually separated from the rest of Section 9. Batou, Saitou, Ishikawa, Boma... they all have a much more adult look in keeping with their appearance in previous versions of Ghost in the Shell. What gives?
Batou is sort of a cool adult male figure - this is actually a pretty natural use of the character and his sense of humor as previously established in other Ghost in the Shell properties. We especially see this come through in 「PIE IN THE SKY - First Bank Robbery」 episode, with the old folks and the 21st century bank robbery.
Motoko's difference in appearance is because she's acting as a bridge between the two. The new viewer (as represented by Purin) is supposed to grow into being like Motoko as they gain confidence and experience. (The characters aren't each limited to a single role, of course.)
But SAC_2045 is still a work that's shared between two groups, similar to how the excellent Into the Spiderverse features both the teenage Miles Morales and an older Peter Parker that has lost his way, with the loss of the vibrant young adult Peter Parker being what starts the plot going.
The Last Quarter
With this framework, the rest of the work should express its nature as targeted at a younger audience itself. Watch the last few episodes through this lens and you'll see how much sense it makes. One takes place at a school. Even the bizarre 3D style that resembles recent video games makes more sense. If we take Togusa's earlier conversation with Aramaki as a discussion of SAC_2045 itself, later on there's even a sort of acknowledgement that Ghost in the Shell is a difficult work for someone of a young age.
So with that context in mind, does it work?
Standalone Complex
If I remember correctly, years ago, when I was perhaps 15 or 16, I was watching a tiny CRT television some time after midnight, and I saw the thirteenth episode of the original Standalone Complex - NOT EQUAL. It was like nothing I had ever seen before. I was immediately taken by it. And, from what I remember, I immediately understood it.
It was as though it were made just for me.[7]
To me, Ghost in the Shell is like a textbook. I thought that as a creator who has reached a place where I am able to be involved in that kind of work, I'm in a position where I have to convey its contents to a younger audience. Well, I knew it would be a lot of work, but I figured it would be my way of giving back to Ghost in the Shell. I thought that I needed to accept the baton and offer Ghost in the Shell to a young audience, to the same degree that Ghost in the Shell raised me to be who I am.
- Tow Ubukata, in a 2015 interview, regarding ARISE
For many people, Ghost in the Shell is a profound influence. I felt that it lifted me to a new level of understanding.
But what about SAC_2045?
I can't view Ghost in the Shell with new eyes. When I first saw it, I wasn't the kind of person that casually memes futuristic ethical dilemmas as a means of practicing politics.
Compared to the anime I watched back when I was 13, would I have watched SAC_2045? Yes. Is it more philosophically and politically sophisticated? Yes. Would I have found it memorable? I think so.
Would a 13-year these days watch it? That's difficult to assess. I bet someone who does data science for Netflix could tell us, if they wanted. I'm sure Kenji Kamiyama and Shinji Aramaki are considering the same thing.
How does it stack up compared to the rest of the franchise?
For most enthusiasts it's going to be one of the weaker entries, though it certainly does a better job explaining itself than ARISE.
Compare it to 2017's live action movie, however, and I think we'll find it isn't the weakest. The reason is that the writers of Ghost in the Shell (2017) decided to tell a story about bodily consent in which becoming a cyborg is a form of trauma. On some level this may have been a reasonable decision, but they didn't commit to the concept sufficiently fully to execute it well enough to carry the movie - and simultaneously, they dumbed down parts of the regular Ghost in the Shell material for American audiences. As a result the movie flopped both financially and artistically - except for the visuals.
In fact, I wrote a sequence of posts (1, 2, 3, 4) on how to rewrite the live action movie as an actual Ghost in the Shell property. I feel no need to do so for SAC_2045 - and I can't even think of what changes would need to be made.
I look forward to the second season.
[1] It's short, but that's a concept in this post. "Advanced by Left-Wing theorists, Ninth Generation warfare sees all acts as existing on a spectrum of political violence. Most acts of ninth generation warfare consist of extreme pranks."
[2] If we accept the idea of "Fifth-Generation Warfare" as motivated by a desire to prevent the enemy from using their conventional military assets, then a corresponding theory of international politics would involve preventing enemy factions within foreign governments from taking control of those governments' institutions - effectively treating all countries as in continuous level of conflict analogous to a soft civil war.
[3] There is a kind of technique to this, but in my case I substituted ADHD for raw IQ and conscientiousness, which is part of why my posts are so much shorter than, for instance, Moldbug's. In any case, technically, Scott's blog posts on the matter amount to roughly a mere 11,600 words, and the book of the black forest amounts to approximately 26,000 words (which I'm told is entertaining reading), but I'm sure if we go looking we can find an additional 15,000 words worth of worldbuilding from a man known for writing 16,000 word blog posts.
[4] Would it be more of a legal liability to sell regular water with GGBW branding, or actual GGBW that could prove to be a potential health hazard?
[5/☆] There's some future strand lurking beneath the surface here that I can't quite put into words; a culturally divergent moe meltdown where an appearance this ridiculous becomes normalized among some sub-population. To quote the Funko Pop Hatred post,
There are questions about the anatomy of anime people and their internal organs, and particularly about what sort of impact-dampening alien meta-material their softer bits are made out of, but at least homo sapiens gokuensis looks like it’s a branch off a similar starting hominid! Whatever transhuman engineering company was responsible for manufacturing the creatures in the typical harem anime has some weird ideas about human beings, but we’re clearly in their ancient lineage somewhere.
Under Late Safetyism, everyone is a declawed catgirl.
Anyhow, I don't want to alarm you, but I can't guarantee that this won't be the future somewhere. Both Purin and Belle Delphine resemble Xiaoice, "The AI Girlfriend Seducing China's Lonely Men." (2020)
[6] Motoko's ridiculous outfits are a major flex on the non-cyborgs, who aren't indifferent to ambient temperature and whose natural bodies may have unflattering features. Similarly wild fashions can exist in places like Second Life, a 3D digital platform with mostly user-uploaded content. Presumably they're also a flex on every Japanese salaryman who still has to dress like a normal guy.
[7] "It's as though it were made just for me" is also how I feel about the original game Mirror's Edge. Its follow-up, Catalyst, is also a personal favorite of mine.
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foxgloveinspace · 5 years
YouTubers AU Part One
Also On Ao3
Ed didn't want to be YouTube famous across three channels, but here he is. In a crappy little apartment, with great sound proofing, an amazing view and access to the roof from his bedroom window.
Yeah, that was the good parts.
The bad parts where Al yelling at him cause he killed the cat in their current Minecraft Hard Mode playthrough. They where on their second one, after the first was a whopping 7 episodes long, and honestly, he didn't mean to.
He really didn't mean to bring his wolf in their house, and then have said wolf kill the cat when he went to eat and then accidentally hit the cat. That Al had spent about half an hour trying, and some how succeeding, to herd into their house without fish, cause 'I don't have a fish right now brother, and if I go to get one, she will be gone before I get back!' While Al was currently going to get the fish to tame it.
So yeah, this playthrough has ended with Ed dead, cause Al killed him and Al getting sad that Ed was dead even though "You deserve this Brother!" and then Al dying because of creepers, which "This wouldn't be a problem is you hadn't killed my cat!"
Well, not exactly, but it's very similar to how the first one went, which is very weird!
At least they made more progress this time, making it to a total of 9 episodes. And also filling their quota of Minecraft for three months. All in one recording session!
But that was earlier today. At the moment he was trying to find all the ingredients to try and make Al's favorite dinner, to appease him of said earlier cat incident.
"Al, we're out of... well everything!"
Maybe he would get away with making it this weekend, when it wasn't almost nine at night, and all he wanted to do was put a frozen pizza in the oven.
Instead he heard the jingle of keys from the kitchen door way. Turning he saw Al, already in his shoes, tucking his wallet into his back pocket.
Ed groaned.
"Fuck, ok."
Al smiled big.
"I love you"
Ed rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, you better. Love you too."
They heard the baby crying way before they got to the isle the baby was in. Al making a little grimace at him when they first heard it. They both love kids a lot, and hearing any baby cry makes them want to find the baby and cheer it up.
They have gotten good at ignoring that instinct since they reached their late teens, and now that they are adults it's very easy to ignore.
But then they are down the same isle as the crying baby, and her (if the flower headband and frilly dress are anything to go by, you never know these days, and honestly does it fucking matter?) almost equally in tears father. He's holder her on his shoulder and trying to bounce her while hes looking at the frozen empty ravioli. Which is right where they need to be.
The dad kinda looks familiar, if Ed stops to think about it, maybe they shop at the same time a lot? But he doesn't stop to think about, just hands the basket with their other groceries in it to Al, and gets to work. Smiling, puffing up his cheeks and then pressing on them while crossing his eyes, sticking out his tongue, and then playing peak-a-boo by hiding behind Al and speaking up over his shoulders (the only time he will admit being shorter than Al is a good thing).
Slowly the baby stops crying, and then starts smiling, and then she starts giggling like crazy!
That's when her dad turns around with his pick of frozen ravioli and stops short as he sees two young men, one of which pops up from behind the other.
" Uh. Hello there?"
Oh! Ed did know him! But he didn't. He was one Al and his' current favorite YouTube channel.
"Hello! Please don't mind my brother."
Hughes (that's his name, fuck isn't that weird, they know his name but he might not know theirs) just laughs.
"That's fine, I think he got Elicia to calm down, so thank you"
Ed smiled big at him
"No problem! Happy to help."
Hughes just smiles at them.
Ed takes the basket back from Al while Hughes put the now calm baby (Elicia), into the buggy, he also hands her a set of baby keys, which she happily shakes and then starts chewing on.
"Ah, I know this might be sudden, but we really like your dnd channel."
Ed elbows him in the side. What is he thinking! They hate being recognized, why would they-
Hughes was staring at them, kind of in a weird way.
"You watch our channel? Well, its Roy's channel, but you watch it?? What do you think, do you like it? Of course you like it, you just said that."
Elicia threw her keys. Hughes just sighs and picks them up as she giggles. He scoots down the isle a little as he does, and Ed goes to get the frozen ravioli, he knows exactly which ones, cause they are the only ones Al will eat, and hes done in two seconds. He also grabs pizza rolls, cause they are right there, and Al isn't looking. He's talking with Hughes.
"Yes! We are big fans, Ed has been binge watching the first campaign again, cause he always loses it laughing when-"
Ed tunes it out. He has gotten too used to Al trying to embarrass him like this. He cringes as he remembers the last youtube meet up they went to. He is never going to be able to interact with some of those other creators ever again. Not like he really wanted to they where all mostly assholes in real life, but gosh did Al have to tell them about how they 'inspired them' or some shit? Fuck, its silent. Ed looks up to see them both staring.
Good job Ed.
"Mr. Hughes just asked what our opinions on them switching dms is."
"Oh. Well, I think Sheska does a good job! Not as good as you, you put more personality into it, but I think shes gotten better. More lose in her story telling I guess."
He's rambling, fuck.
Hughes just smiles at him though, so he guesses he didn't fuck up too much.
"Yeah. I didn't really want to stop, but my beautiful daughter was born! And it was hard to go from work, straight to Roy's and then not see her at night during the week. But that was before they decided on the new film schedule, I could come back now anytime I want to, but I'm waiting til this campaign ends."
Ed and Al nodded. They didn't exactly understand, cause they had no prior knowledge of their film schedule, but they decided it was ok, since he was a tired father.
"Well. What brings you two here so late at night?"
They start walking, looks like they are all done and headed to the check outs.
"Oh, Brother killed my cat in Minecraft earlier, and now he's making me ricotta stuffed ravioli. But we didn't have ricotta. Or ravioli."
Hughes looks at them funny for a second, and then looks at Ed with an eyebrow raised.
Ed shrugs.
"What Al wants, Al gets"
Al just nods.
Hughes pauses, and then looks at Elicia, and gives an understanding nod.
They get to the check outs, and part ways, Ed and Al waving goodbye to Elicia, which she gives a cute little wave back, then said bye to Hughes before going to the 15 items or less self check out.
They are walking back to the car when Al starts talking.
"Well that was nice."
"That was awkward."
"Brother! We made his first fan experience nice! We could have been rude! Remember that girl from last month! That was awful!"
Ed just sighed. That was awful. Nothing like some random chick insisting you and your brother do... stuff, for you to never want to do any fan meets every again.
They climb in the car, and promptly Al starts talking about how excited he is for ravioli, even though it's almost ten thirty.
He doesn't really think about it again until two days later during their next recording session.
They are just grinding levels, and talking about random shit, when Ed remembers.
"Oh, hey, you guys are never gonna believe it! We randomly meet one of our own favorite YouTubers! Hughes from TeamMustangAdventures. He was super nice even though we meet at a Walmart, not sponsored, at like 10 pm, it was great!"
Wow, Ed didn't really think about saying that.
He also didn't think it would turn into a long conversation where him and Al talked about their favorite episodes.
He really forgets sometimes that his voice has impacts on things, mainly that by the next week, after the episode goes up, TMA would have almost a million subs, when the night before they had about two hundred thousand. He also didn't expect all their fans to comment "Ed&AlPlayGames sent us here!" He really didn't expect the request for a Twitter conversation from one Roy Mustang to be in their inbox that night.
Oh boy.
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an-angels-diary · 5 years
Mystic Code: Choose Your Path Walkthrough “Happy Ending: Case Closed”
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So this is actually the second ending that I got, and although it said “Happy Ending”, I don���t think this is the true end, since it still have an unsolved mystery after the ending.
Note: You can skip Prologue, Episode 1 & 2 
Choices that I have made are in bold.
Will keep updating as I play~ So check out this Ending Guide
Recommended to be played along with this Bad Ending Guide, so you can get the bad endings without repeating the game, although hearts will be needed.
Click here to keep reading
Episode 3
Anything to ask?
Ask about the other wounds
Ask if she knows anyone else
The whiteboard in covered in notes from this case.
Examine the whiteboard (Image)
Ignore the whiteboard
Read the pile of documents (Image)
Is lieutenant [your name] there?
Don’t answer
Episode 4
Did you…
The victim was a Mystic
The victim is our killer
The victim is the attacker
What should I do?
Listen to Captain Wilson
Insist on going together (+Theodore’s Intimacy)
What do you think, Lieutenant [your name]?
Agree with Eliot
Agree with William (+William’s Intimacy)
Give another option
Text from Justin.
Ignore the text
Go meet Justin (+Justin’s intimacy)
What would you like to drink?
Don’t Drink
Episode 5
It was…
A man drying up
Pearls piled up
Why don’t you go question some people then?
Go (+Theodore’s Intimacy)
Don’t go
Who are you going to take?
Theodore Wilson
William Harris (+William’s Intimacy)
Leona Carlson
How have you been?
Not bad
We have juice and coffee.
Episode 6
Haaa… so strict as always.
Take Eliot’s side (+Eliot’s Intimacy)
Don’t take Eliot’s side (+William’s Intimacy)
What should I do?
Ask Eliot
Don’t bother asking
How to do it?
Easy way. Check the files in KICS
Stay up and go through paperwork
Episode 7
Where should we begin?
<Assault in Mullae District>
Can’t we open this by force?
How can we open this cabinet?
Date of incident: August 29th
What should I have?
What should I have?
Maybe this could be our lead (+Leona’s Intimacy)
Episode 8
How can I help?
About <Solitary Death Case in Gumcheon District>
About <Murder Case in Fabric Factory> - Bad Ending No. 10 <Can’t Think Straight (1)>
About <Police Murder in Sillim District> - Bad Ending No. 11 <Can’t Think Straight (2)>
He handed me a can of coffee.
Take it (+William’s Intimacy)
Don’t take it
…Who is it?
Little brother (+William’s Intimacy)
Someone I know
You should get some rest.
Ask if I can go out (+Theodore’s Intimacy)
Just rest
Episode 9
But that’s expensive...?
It’s pretty pricey (+Justin’s Intimacy) (Image)
Something simple
Something cheap
Do you have to go?
Stay a little longer (+Justin’s Intimacy)
Return to the station
Episode 10
I saw the date circled in red.
Oh yes! Kendo Tournament (+Justin’s Intimacy)
Oh yes! Judo Tournament
Oh yes! Wrestling Tournament
So you need to take care of your health
Okay (+Theodore’s Intimacy)
I’m fine - Bad Ending No. 15 <Overworked (1)>
What should I do...?
Eat (+Justin’s Intimacy)
Don’t eat
Episode 11
The egg roll tastes...
Amazing (+Justin’s Intimacy)
Ugh, not good - Bad Ending No. 18 <Your Taste in Food>
Let’s see, what should we talk about?
Pop-up Bars
Kendo Tournament (+Justin’s Intimacy)
I was looking around for someplace quieter...
and moved over to the library
and moved inside the gymnasium
and moved back to my car
Episode 12
What should I get for Justin...?
A sports drink
Cream Bun
Banana Milk (+Justin’s Intimacy) (Image)
I decided to question them.
Man with vacant expression
Man with shaking hands
I must have missed something
Another witness at the scene
Relationship between Justin and the victim
Justin’s Alibi
Episode 13
His anger towards the Mystics finally blew up...
Stop him from talking
Keep quiet
Put your personal feelings aside and follow procedure
Don’t say anything
I will...
I’ll get my thoughts in order
Leave the room
Episode 14
What to do about Justin?
Leave Justin in Criminal Division - Leads to Normal Ending No. 7
Bring Justin to MIU (+Justin’s Intimacy)
Ask anything, and I will tell you everything.
Don’t ask anything
Ask what he ate (+Justin’s Intimacy)
Ask about the Kendo Tournament
Episode 15
There’s a closed sign hung up by the cafe.
Ignore the sign and enter
Wait a moment
Then it immediately came to me.
Gumwa (Golden Frog)
Baeksa (White Snake)
Ancient Hwali (Golden Carp) (+William’s Intimacy)
I’ve got a lot on my mind now.
Ask if he’s doing okay
Ask if anything else is going on
Episode 16
What did you find out?
Missing teenagers (+Theodore’s Intimacy)
Dead cop
Doctor’s surgery
Greet him with a smile (+Justin’s Intimacy)
Greet him with concern
Episode 17
Hm...? Why are you so surprised?
Tell the truth
Change the topic
Don’t say anything
Chris began leading the conversation...
...You’re right (+Christopher’s Intimacy)
We’re always appropriate
Must be hard to work with someone so stiff.
Disagree (+William’s Intimacy)
Try provoking him
Episode 18
Are you okay?
I’m fine (+Leona’s Intimacy)
Not fine
I think so
Why are you coming out from there?
Let Eliot answer
Answer for him
He brightened a lot, but Justin still seemed down.
Talk with Justin
Take a look at Justin
Hug Justin (+Justin’s Intimacy) (Image)
Episode 19
Use the media?
Block out the media  - Can lead to Bad Ending
Hold a press conference (+Theodore’s Intimacy)
Who should guard the door? - If you chose Block out the media
Leona Carlson
William Harris (+William’s Intimacy) - Bad Ending No. 25 <Failed Door Guardian>
Should I open the door?
Don’t open it - Bad Ending No. 27 <No Time for That>
It was obvious who they were so I quickly opened the door (+Eliot’s Intimacy)
How can I help you?
I’m from the police department
We need to talk to Doctor Jihyung Nam
Episode 20
Then what brings you here?
Tell the truth
Tell a lie
Mix truth with a lie (+Ansel’s Intimacy)
Ansel seemed shocked.
Calm him down (+Ansel’s Intimacy)
Try to ask what happened
Episode 21
Do you want to go question Christopher Spencer?
Go meet Christopher (+Christopher’s Intimacy)
Don’t meet with Christopher
I’ll have tea please (+Christopher’s Intimacy) (Image)
I’ll have coffee
Just water is fine
Episode 22
What should I do?
Stay and talk to him - Bad Ending No. 30 <Your Cue to Leave>
Finish the interview and leave (+Christopher’s Intimacy)
I’ll call him now.
Call Eliot (+Eliot’s Intimacy)
Don’t call Eliot - Bad Ending No. 31 <The Shutdown. It’s just not Working!>
Episode 23
Do you want to talk to him?
Talk to Ansel
Don’t meet Ansel
Sure, go ahead.
Why were you at the hospital earlier?
Then, you only knew Dr. Nam as a patient?
Were there any problems between you two?
Then the first thing I did was…
Document the interview - Bad Ending No. 33 <The Lost Chance>
Take the coffee cup (+Eliot’s Intimacy)
Episode 24
I might be able to get a lead with this…!
Search for the cat
Send Eliot (+Eliot’s Intimacy) (Image)
Check the Box
I took a deep breath and recited a spell.
Use the spell carefully
Use the spell as quickly as possible - Bad Ending No. 35 <Relax, Relax>
Should I open the box?
Open the box
Don’t open the box - Bad Ending No. 35 <Lost Faith>
Then the letter…?
The suspect wrote it
Suspect didn’t write it
Episode 25
Something unusual....
Yes (Image)
Which one should I go for?
Red Invitation
Black Invitation
Have you closed the case?
I quickly pulled out my gun, pointed at both men…
And shouted out
I fired off a warning shot (Image) - Happy Ending: Case Closed
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