#we're gonna ignore all that for the sake of getting this fic done before december 2023 <3
the-dream-team · 2 years
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"Lily Evans liked girls. Well, she liked boys, too. Bisexual. That was the term she’d settled on." After 22 years spent in the closet, Lily is excited to finally start dating girls. In fact, she's quite determined to make up for a lifetime of relationships with mediocre men, and the messy-haired boy who works at the art museum isn't going to change her plans anytime soon. Definitely not.
Chapter 12: The Current Has Us Now
Lily’s blinds weren’t fully closed, letting in slats of light from a day that had moved on without her into the early afternoon. No, I think I’ll skip today, she thought decidedly, squeezing her eyes shut. Her bed was so warm and comfortable, her room so still and toasty… and deep down, an anxious swirl of her snowglobe seemed to warn of less pleasantries in her immediate future. Being awake was overrated. If she put her mind to it, she could potentially remain buried under her covers until nightfall... 
At that moment, a crow squawked loudly outside her bedroom window, shocking her into consciousness as though it had just telepathically heard her slothful plans.
She blinked wearily, eyes squinting through a fog of headache as she slowly exited the coma-like slumber that had been protecting her from the rest of the living world—from the realities even an uncountable number of mojitos couldn’t hide from her. 
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