#we're in hardcore self-reflection mode over here
xoxoemynn · 7 months
In general, I really do try to assume the best in people and give them grace, even if their actions upset me. Because I do know there's no way of knowing everything someone else is going through. And I also know that even if it may feel that way, it's more likely than not that the way a person is acting has nothing to do with me. We're all just making do the best we can with the knowledge and emotional resources that we have available.
Sometimes that bites me in the ass. Sometimes an asshole is just an asshole. Sometimes I end up feeling more hurt later on. Sometimes the other person isn't interested in giving that same grace to me.
And that's okay.
Because I'd still rather hold to the belief that we are generally good people who sometimes unintentionally hurt others because our own loads become too great, or because we didn't fully understand another person's POV, or because we're just human beings and that means we can kind of be dicks at times, than to become the kind of person who views everything that makes me feel bad as an attack, and anyone who makes me feel bad as a Bad Person.
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