#we're not sure what else we could tag here but. yknow.
anendoandfriendo · 5 months
3 - 4 in the morning thoughts right now but we wonder how many plural systems out there are saying they're asexual aromantic or similar when they're actually just...collectively sysian*.
Mainly the thought process here is: a lot of the struggles are the same on a surface level, but following the actual reasoning is completely different honestly.
Also, if you're like us and you start out as a much smaller system, it's entirely possible you won't even notice and it ends up functionally the same until your system population basically explodes (assuming it even does) and then someone goes "oh wow, that person is gorgeous actually can I kiss/fuck them??? How does that work in my own head??? Does it even have to be the same physically as an external-world relationship or are there certain processes I can straight up ignore????" and that's when at least a few people figure it out.
And then, like, there is the fact sysian and plurillean are umbrella terms the way achillean, sapphic, and delphinean are umbrella terms, so if you use the split attraction model the way it is supposed to, you could technically also have different sexualities for the inner world and outer world + whatever other orientations you have and be something like sysian lesbian/plurillean heterosexual, sysian gay man/external world ONLY you are demisexual instead (still gay but the modifier is that demi part), and other weird shit that even queers being queer, because we will be honest, plurality makes everything fucking WEIRD even by normie queer standards.
*obligatory disclaimer you can be both, asexuality is a valid sexuality, aromantic is a valid romanticism/romantic attraction and because headmates are separate people you can have, for example, three headmates and all are sysian but one is pansexual demiromamtic and one is asexual alloromantic and one is bisexual heteroromantic. Or smth like that. At minimum our very very last paragraph above should have made this very clear, but, at the same time — this IS the "piss on the poor" website.
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noimnotmae · 4 months
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𝐌𝐈𝐗-𝐔𝐏 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐏 — Lando Norris⁴
summary: After landing in Miami for his race, Lando carelessly places his bag next to an identical one as he rushes to the bathroom. And in a hurry, you mistakenly grab his bag, thinking it's yours. And during the next five days in Miami, everything took an unexpected turn, escalating into something far bigger than either of you had anticipated.
˚꒷︶꒷꒥꒷ lando norris x female! reader 🔸
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Part 2
Previous Part
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— "So wait, the guy from the airport is staying at our hotel?" Lhea's eyes widened as she leaned closer, her excitement evident as she listened to your story. "Did you get his name?" she asked eagerly. You nodded, grinning. "His name is Lando Norris, I think," you replied, watching as Lhea quickly pulled out her phone to investigate. As she typed, you leaned in to peek at her screen, only to find Lando's Instagram account. "Lhea!" you exclaimed in surprise.
She glanced at you with a smirk. "What? I just want to make sure he's safe for you, and single," she teased, prompting a playful shove from you. "We only met once–" you began, but Lhea interrupted with a finger to your lips. "Twice, actually," she corrected with a grin. Before Lhea could say anything else, the taxi pulled up to your destination. "We're here," announced the driver, and you quickly paid before exiting the car.
Lhea eagerly showed you her phone. "You need to see this," she urged. "F1? Like the fast cars?" you exclaimed. Lhea nodded enthusiastically. "And there's a race today, tomorrow, and on Sunday," she informed you as you walked, her attention divided between her phone and the surroundings.
"Let's discuss this more at Liv's place, okay?" you suggested, slightly concerned about Lhea's distracted walking. She nodded in agreement, turning off her phone and tucking it away. "You're right, we can't leave Olivia out of the conversation," she acknowledged, finally focusing on the path ahead.
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Miami, Florida
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liked by ynusername, livduh and 504 others
lhea_theitgirl reunited at last 🎉 . . . more
tagged ynusername and livduh
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ynusername took you a while to get here
lhea_theitgirl xoxo
livduh tea time 🍵
lhea_theitgirl yknow it girl 😘
ynusername whoop whoop 😋
user1 lovely 😍
user2 trios >>
user3 full fit?
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Olivia warmly welcomed you and Lhea into her apartment, which looked much the same as your last visit, albeit with a few new additions– mainly, an abundance of cat-related items. You and Lhea settled your bags on the couch as Liv disappeared into her room briefly. "I'm raiding your fridge!" you called out from the kitchen, already opening the refrigerator door in search of a drink. "Go ahead," Liv replied casually, emerging from her room with a ginger cat nestled in her arms.
Instantly drawn to the feline, you and Lhea approached Liv, cooing at the cat, who seemed less than thrilled with the attention. "Why so grumpy?" you cooed, cautiously petting his head as he attempted to bat your hand away. "He's not a fan of meeting new people," Liv explained with a grin. "But look at those adorable white socks!"
Clearly, the three of you shared a love for cats. "Anyways, let's get to the point, shall we? We have somewhere to be in a few hours," Liv said, glancing at her watch. You and Lhea didn't press for details and followed Liv outside to her backyard, where a table and chairs were set up.
Seated comfortably, Liv placed Bib on her lap and turned to you and Lhea. "So, spill. What's the story?" Lhea wore a wide grin as the two of you sat across from her. "Let's start from the beginning, when YN found who had her bag and whose bag she mistakenly took," she began, earning a chuckle from you. "Well, that same person happens to be staying at our hotel. And when I looked him up on Instagram, turns out he's some kind of celebrity–" Lhea's explanation was cut off by Liv's question. "How did you find his Instagram?" she asked, to which Lhea replied, "He introduced himself to YN. Anyway, turns out he's actually an F1 driver."
"No way. Oh my god, talk about coincidence or fate," you and Lhea exchanged confused glances as Liv continued, "Remember when I mentioned we were going to this big event because my brother and his friends couldn't make it?" Lhea grasped your arm as if she had some sort of revelation, while you remained confused. "I can't believe it..." Liv shook her head, a grin spreading across her face. "We're going to watch the race today!" Both Lhea and Liv squealed with excitement, while you sat there, utterly baffled by what was happening.
Glancing at her watch, Liv rose to her feet. "Time to go, let's go!" she exclaimed, prompting you and Lhea to follow suit, still trying to process the whirlwind of events.
[IG Story]
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viewed by livduh, lhea_theitgirl and 33 others
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Miami, Florida
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liked by lhea_theitgirl, livduh and 989 others
ynusername idk how we got here. anyway, go Ferrari? . . . more
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lhea_theitgirl girl, we're here for McLaren
ynusername I retract my earlier statement, let's go McLaren
livduh unbelievable 😂
user4 you're an F1 fan??
ynusername no, lol. just had an opportunity to attend the race for today
user5 one day
user6 Forza Ferrari ❤️
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Part 3 — Masterlist
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A/N : Part two, whoop whoop. Idky but I feel this part is such a mess. lmao, let me know what you think :)
tagged: @doofenshmirtzevil-inc @barcelonaloverf1life
If you want to be tagged for this series, just let me know in the comments.
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obsessivestar · 5 years
Steamy Love (A Tom Hiddleston x Reader) Part 24:~That Feeling~
Summary: During your big date night, Tom brings up a rather forward request as the night takes a turn for the worst.
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, medication and panic attacks.
Read it on my Wattpad: wattpad.com/HiddlesStar
Word count: 1909
Tags: @theoneanna @midnightdragonzero @drakesfiance @kcd15 @ihthr @deviantsendbyreallife @bookgirlunicorn @cherrygeek86
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Your cheeks heated up some, gazing back at Tom, who was still sitting across from you, still waiting for your answer.
"..Wh...What?..." You finally spoke up after a couple minutes. You couldn't believe what he was asking you. He...wanted you to move in with him!
"I...I want you to come with me.." Tom spoke. "Back to the UK."
"You...want me to..." You tried to speak, but soon trailed off. You really couldn't believe what you were hearing.
"I know, I must sound crazy.." Tom smiled a bit. "But you could come back with me, watch me perform in my play every night, meet some fans, meet Bobby." Tom's smile grew as he talked. "I know, m-maybe normally it would be too soon, but...I...I really love what we have."
You continued to gaze into his big blue eyes, watching as his pupils grew a little bigger as he looked at you and talked to you. He seemed really sure about this, like he was truly ready for this next step.
The thing is, were you?
"And..." Tom looked down, gently taking your hands on the table, holding them in his.
"...I...I think I..."
Oh God.
He's gonna say it.
"I think I l--"
"Hey, we're closing in about 10 minutes!" The man behind the counter spoke up, breaking you and Tom out of your trance.
"Ah, we should head out..." Tom spoke, letting go of your hands to stand up. "We can talk about this more at home.."
Truthfully, you were still a little...frozen, and it wasn't because of Tom's request.
As you exited the building with Tom, you noticed it was already past 12, and you hadn't taken your pill at all. You didn't even bring them with you. You didn't want the drowsiness side effect to slow you down, but now you could feel the withdrawl start to creep in. Tom had no idea you hadn't taken them, or brought them at all. You thought you'd be fine. You didn't expect to stay out so late.
When you got outside, it was pouring rain. This just made your anxiety worse. Your new dress was getting soaked.
"B-Bloody.." Tom muttered, looking around some. He noticed you were getting cold, quickly taking off his jacket to hold it over your head.
"Come on, darling. Let's get you out of the rain.." He gave you a smile, his gaze comforting you momentarily and he led you back to his car. He got you in the passenger side safely, closing the door and getting in the drivers side.
Once you were both safely in the car, he turned to you.
"Are you alright, darling? Are you cold?.." He asked you, noticing how tense you had become. You had completely frozen up, and you were shaking.
"I-I...I didn't take my pill..." You finally admitted with a shaky voice, looking back at him.
"You--You didn't?" He asked, already sounding worried. "You haven't?"
You shook your head.
"At all?"
You frowned, shaking your head again.
"Oh darling, why would you do that to yourself? That's an important thing for you.." He frowned, quickly starting the car.
"I-I'm sorry.." You whimpered quietly.
He turned back to you just after getting the engine on.
"No no no no, darling, I'm not--i'm not upset with you. I'm not mad.." He spoke softly, reaching a hand over to caress your cheek. "We need to get you home. Just try to keep your body calm, all right? Take deep breaths."
You gave a little nod, leaning back against the seat as he drove away from the diner. You really tried to stay calm, but it was harder since you weren't home. You just kept focusing on his voice.
"It's alright darling. It's alright. We're almost there. We're almost there. Just breathe."
He spoke over and over, as often as he could while he focused on the road. The rain had let up the closer you got to the house. By the time Tom had parked outside of it, the rain had stopped, but you were close to crying. You felt so cold and shaky. So anxious. This feeling sucks. You're on the verge of a panic attack and it sucks.
Tom got out of the car and immedietly moved around to the passenger side to help you out. He closed all the doors and locked the car, quickly bringing you back into the house. He brought you into your room and quickly got your pills and some water. He didn't want to be away from you for even a second now.
"Here you go, dear. You're going to be alright.." He gave you your pill, watching you place the pill on your tongue, then take a drink from the water to swallow it down. Your nerves were making you shake like crazy. The wet clothes certainly weren't helping.
"Okay, good girl. Good girl.." Tom smiled at you. He was trying his very best to comfort you, to help you through this panic. "Let's get you into some warm pajamas, alright?"
He helped you out of your wet clothes, bringing you some freshly cleaned PJ's. Once you were dressed again, he helped you get under the covers.
"I'm going to change into clean clothes, and then I'll come hold you and cuddle those nerves away, alright?" Tom smiled at you, gently kissing your forehead before moving to the dresser to change. You let him change into pajamas. He actually wore a white t-shirt this time. It has been colder lately. You missed him sleeping shirtless. You understand why he doesn't, though.
He turned off the lights and crawled into bed next to you, immediately pulling you into a cuddle, holding you close to his chest so you could listen to his heartbeat. You were still shaking even after his warm arms wrapped around you, but it wasn't as bad as it was before, thankfully.
"Th-Thank you.." You whimpered quietly, wrapping your arms around him. His heartbeat comforted you. He was so warm, and the rain hadn't washed his cologne away. "I-I'll...t-take my pill next time, I-I promise.."
"Shhh, darling, it's okay.." Tom spoke softly, petting your head with one hand. He kissed your forehead. "Sleep, my dear. Get some sleep. You're okay now. I'm here."
You gave a slight nod, closing your eyes as you laid by his chest. His warmth and comforting scent slowly lulled you to sleep, your nerves finally calming. That could've gone much worse. You were so happy that Tom wasn't mad at you for not taking your pills. Even while he was driving in the pouring rain earlier, you were his top priority.
Even so, you're shocked he wants you to move in with him. That's such a big step for a relationship, and you've only been together less than 3 months. Has your connection really grown that strong? Is that something you're really ready for? You haven't been in a serious relationship in a long time, but you could already tell that this was much different. You felt so happy with him. You loved being around him, having him in your streams, acting with him and sharing a bed. You loved being in his arms, making him laugh and gazing into his big blue eyes.
You...really are in love with him. As you fell asleep for the night, it hit you. He's treated you better than any man you've ever known, or ever been close to.
You love him.
You really do.
As you two were sleeping, though, Tom started to move a little more in his sleep, actually turning away from you entirely at some point. Feeling him pull away woke you up despite your grogginess. There was just something that told your body to wake up.
You opened your eyes to see Tom's back facing you, his body flinching slightly. You figured he was just having a dream, closing your eyes again to fall back asleep.
Until you heard him groan.
You opened your eyes again, watching as he turned to lay on his back. You got a look at his face, seeing his eyebrows furred and his eyes shut a little tighter than usual. You frowned. He didn't seem to be sleeping peacefully. That worried you.
You moved a little closer to him, gently placing a hand on his arm to at least let him know you were there. He's a bit of a light sleeper, though, as your touch woke him up. He immedietly sat up with a huff, panting heavily as if he had been running for hours.
"Tom, baby, what's wrong?.." You asked, sitting up with him. You placed a hand on his cheek so you could turn his head to face you. His eyes locked with yours, his panting slowing down some.
"What happened?"
"I..." Tom took a moment to calm his own nerves, letting out a deep breath. "I just...was having a bad dream.."
"You wanna talk about it?.." You asked, gently kissing the side of his head. He smiled slightly, laying back down with you
"You were just...in pain.." Tom explained, gazing into your eyes once again. "You were in a lot of pain. You were hurt, and there was nothing I could do to help. There was nothing I could say or do to ease your pain. I was...sort of forced to watch."
"Oh my god.." You frowned, caressing Tom's cheek once more, feeling his ginger beard on your fingers. "Was someone hurting me?"
"No, no one else was there.." Tom replied, his voice a little gravely. "You were...calling out to me, calling out for help, but I...couldn't get to you.." He frowned. "I couldn't help you."
"Do you have nightmares a lot?" You asked curiously, nuzzling him some to comfort him.
"No.." He shook his head slightly. "Not unless there's a reason.."
"Well...what could the reason be?" You tilted your head, seeing him turn his body up to the ceiling, thinking for a moment.
"...Perhaps part of me...feels guilty for last night.." Tom spoke. "For having you out so late.."
"No, Tom.." You frowned, turning him back to you. "It's not your fault. I'm the one that chose not to bring my pills. It's my fault.."
"I could've at least asked first. Yknow.." Tom replied. "I could've made sure. It hardly came to mind."
"I'm the one that didn't tell you.." You shook your head. "Please don't blame yourself. After I started panicking, you were right there to help me. You were so patient and caring and understanding. You took perfect care of me."
Tom listened to you, taking your words to heart.
"You've always taken care of me, since we first met. You've never done anything to put me in danger, and you've always been there for me when I'm in pain." You smiled warmly, moving some of his long curly hair back. "Please don't doubt yourself.."
Tom blushed some before smiling as well, cuddling up to you.
"Thank you.." He spoke, giving you a peck on the lips before laying close. "You always find a way to lift me up.."
You smiled, wrapping your arms around him once more. You were able to fall asleep once again rather easily, and so could he, having much better dreams for the rest of the night.
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