#we're so close to the finish line wah
one-bunny-a-day · 11 months
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beelovesnct · 3 years
𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐩 [𝐞𝐩. 𝟑]
— episode 3
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The episode begins with the introduction of the two trained professionals who will be evaluating the personalities of the members; Aiko could be seen bowing and clapping respectfully together with the boys.
They began by introducing what the HEXACO test was, and when asked if they had any idea of what it could be, Jisung answered that it might be related to the MBTI, while Jaemin and Jeno revealed they thought it was for psychopaths (with Aiko scoffing and commenting, "You're both crazy," under her breath.)
Before proceeding with their assessment, both professionals put out a disclaimer that the test was not one hundred percent accurate, rather simply something that a person could relate to and say, "Oh I feel that way sometimes,"
Jaemin's assessment: Mr. My Way
They first examined Jaemin's character, explaining that he's someone who abides by his own rules and standards, and makes it clear whenever those are not met. In short, he's a character who does things his way.
Immediately, the dreamies reacted with subtle shock, amazed at how close the results were to his actual personality; even Aiko was nodding her head along with their explanation, especially about how he was such a complicated character overall and had a hard time dissecting what he was actually like.
The host noticed this, and asked why she was nodding so much; Aiko then stated that "Even I'm surprised by Jaemin every time; he's like an onion that can reform its layers, sometimes he shows everything and other times nothing at all."
The professionals and even Jaemin himself were surprised by Aiko's specification, "That's exactly how we would point it out." They complimented her use of words.
Jeno's assessment: A scholar who gets hurt easily
For Jeno, they revealed that he's the type of person who holds everything in; so when asked about his infamous nickname, "Jeno-jam", he revealed that he was actually hurt the first few times when he was teased as such, only getting over it when he finally viewed it as a positive thing—something that was unique only to him.
When asked who called him that name, Renjun admitted that besides Aiko, everyone called him that even way back in their trainee days to which Jeno then confirmed.
Aiko was suddenly asked why she didn't tease Jeno, she replied with a stutter, "H-He was funny then," to which Haechan immediately responded with "Don't lie," bringing laughter to everyone.
Regaining her flustered composure, Aiko tried explaining again, "Just, he's reminded by them anyway, me teasing him would be a waste of time," She shrugged her shoulders cooly, but it failed to conceal her true emotions as the tip of her ears started turning red; especially with Mark's revelation,
"Actually, Aiko came to me one night when we were preparing for debut, she told me if I could tell the kids to stop teasing Jeno because she was worried his confidence would decrease,"
A bunch of oohs and aahs came after the confession; Aiko rolled her eyes but covered her face after, earning a "Tsundere!" comment from Jaemin.
Jeno simply smiled and side-hugged Aiko who was still crouched over with her face in her hands.
Ako was once again complimented, making the host joke if she was doing this to get more screen time, to which the boys denied altogether, "Aiko is really like that, she's observant. She knows when we're having problems without us having even to tell her, she has like a detector of some sort." Renjun said with much sincerity, making everyone nod in understanding (and Aiko embarrassed again so she settled on putting her entire face on Jeno's shoulder).
With such timing, the professionals intervened that that was exactly what they got from Aiko's personality test as well, and so the segment moved to Aiko's examination.
Aiko's assessment: Individualistic Tsundere
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After seeing Aiko's HEXACO results, the members let out a sound of surprise, as much like Jeno's, Aiko's chart was very unconventional.
"As we can see, Aiko-nim's results were a 3-3 situation; her humility, emotionality, and conscientiousness were very high, but her extroversion, openness, and agreeableness were all lower than what is of standard."
"This is the reason why we gave you the title, 'Individualistic Tsundere'", they continued, and once again, even just from the title, the members gasp and showed their agreement.
"You are very individualistic, and that simply means that you enjoy being alone, and you actually value your alone time. For that reason, you are very independent and often won't turn to others for help." They began their explanation, the set quiet as all of the dreamies paid attention to what they were saying about their precious member, only nodding whenever they agreed with what was revealed.
"Wah, why is that so accurate," Renjun commented, his voice low as he glanced at Aiko who has kept silent right from the start when her results were shared.
"I've heard that you're lazy, right? Fans call you a cat because you laze around too much," The comparison brought a smile to Aiko's face as she nodded, confirming their thoughts.
"But I think that you're not lazy at all; as a result of your low extraversion and high conscientiousness, you're very picky with what you put your efforts in. In short, you're practical. You share the same 'My Way' attitude with Jaemin-nim, that if something does not interest you, you tend to back off completely."
The dreamies, once more, portrayed an appalled expression; this time, even Aiko was not excused as she felt immensely exposed to that particular revelation.
"Yah, this is so crazy," Mark chimed in, shaking his head in disbelief.
The professionals continued, seemingly pleased with the reaction, "There were some essay portions in the test, and Aiko-nim answered some of them—which I assume was in line with your interests, with essays that were good enough for college applications."
"Like with the David Statue, she made references to the art of human anatomy, and even stated possible reasons as to why Michaelangelo sculpted it; it was an amazing read,"
"But for those that she might have not found so interesting, she simply stated some simple phrases that weren't at all expounded."
"One question asked if you would steal money in the instance that you would never get caught, Aiko-nim simply stated, 'I'm rich enough, so no thank you.'" The disclosure didn't fail to bring smiles and laughter to both the members and hosts, finding Aiko's savage response too amusing. Aiko simply shook her head as she hid her face behind her hands once again, only regaining her composure once the topic was changed.
"It's also because of your lack of extroversion that you tend to hide how you care for others. You have really high emotionality, which means you have the tendency to be an empath—detecting whenever a person is down even if they don't show it; so you help them in any way you can—especially if they're important to you, but often would brush it off as nothing, hence we gave you the title, 'Tsundere'"
Jaemin nodded vigorously, displaying full-on his 'my way' attitude as he screamed his thoughts, "That's RIGHHHHHT."
The dreamies, though amused with Jaemin, sided with his thoughts, with Jisung declaring one particular story from their trainee days.
“Noona always sees right through any of us. She'd buy medicine from across the street during break times just so we won't have to suffer. She would then always lie that she already had those medicines with her, but she didn't know that we could see her right from the window."
At Jisung's confession, everyone visibly cooed; adoration in their eyes as they looked at Aiko (who waved her hands in front of her, trying to deny the accusation, but the dreamies won't let her have it). Jaemin, who was beside her, ruffled her hair fondly.
"With that, there are a lot of benefits with having you on the team, one of which is making sure that everybody's doing okay behind the scenes, but I do have a tip for you, Ms. Tsundere." The laughing seized, as the professional's tone was somber; Aiko listened intently, her face morphed into seriousness.
"Since you value independence, you have a tendency to keep all your problems in. You have no problem helping others, but you have a problem with them helping you. Remember that you are never a burden, so you can lean on others too."
For the nth time, all the dreamies portrayed an immense gesture of agreement, either commenting, "That's right, Aiko, stop holding everything in," "Be more like Jaeman"; or simply nodding their heads as they glanced at the neko-member, relieved that she heard those words outside of their own team (which means she'd probably take their advice since she views that there are no biases).
Aiko simply showed a smile, "I'll take that to heart, thank you." She responded politely.
The personality examination finished for Aiko and then continued to the other members until the host told everyone that it was the time for the next activity.
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rainingspellforlove · 4 years
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Bbangmil's drabbles. Inspired by younghoon's birthday♡ and slight junew!
Here's my 1 hour writings, i just woke up today and this idea came out in my mind and i quickly made it into a drabble. And finally i made a bbangmil fic! one of my fav ship🥺❤ they are just too cute for each other😭 enjoy this makeout session of bbangmil after the bday party lmaoo not 18+ ! but a lil bit. JUST A LIL BIT HAHA
Today is younghoon's birthday. the big baby is turning 24 this year. So the members already prepared the surprises and the bday cake as well. But it's too sad bcs younghoon gonna leave early tomorrow morning for his drama so the members will celebrate it earlier.
They finally celebrate it together in 10pm before midnight bcs younghoon need a good sleep to prepare his drama shooting. As always, they're so loud while surprising younghoon. Younghoon seems to be expected it as well but he's beyond happy.
Then while holding the cake younghoon said so much thankyous to the members and his wishes. They play with the cake's cream playfully to each other. And hyunjae is younghoon's target.
"Im gonna put the cream into your face like a santa!!"
"Fine fine as you wish bday boy" hyunjae smiled and lean his face to younghoon.
Younghoon smiled happily like a puppy while putting the cream cake into hyunjae's chin and hyunjae looked like a santa with white beard.
"Look at you sweetie!! You're like a grandpa! Hahahaha!!" Younghoon looks so happy and laughing his ass off.
Hyunjae just smiled while looking at the bday boy and strokes his hair
"I'll get my revenge later!" say hyunjae while pinching his boyfriend's cheek.
The other members still playing along with the cream as well. There's sunwoo who chased chanhee. Juyeon who laughs at them. There's sangyeon and jacob just shaking their head looking at the others. Younghoon's bday night is a whole success!
After cleaning up the mess they made, the members go to sleep rightaway. While hyunjae is about to sleep, he hears slow steps walking towards his room. Hyunjae thinks maybe it's haknyeon bcs he's not here yet then he takes his phone and scrolling the sns. Suddenly the door opens, hyunjae still on his phone
"Oh haknyeona, did you just eat again in this hour? Is there anything to eat in the fridge tho?"
Silent for a moment, hyunjae realizes there's no answer.
"Haknyeona, answer me-" say hyunjae while getting up from the bed and see that it's not haknyeon standing there.
there, a big baby standing in front of the door holding a pochacco plushie, and keep staring at hyunjae with puppy eyes. The bday boy is here.
"i-i told haknyeon to switch room just this night.." say younghoon carefully.
Hyunjae just smiled looking at his adorable boyfriend in front of him.
"Dont just standing there, come here" say hyunjae with his warmest smile as ever
Then younghoon walks cutely through the room and gets into hyunjae's side. Younghoon just snuggles into hyunjae while holding his plushie in hyunjae's bed.
"You big baby, is this how you ask me to give you a present?"
"i just want to spend more time with you bcs tomorrow i'll be gone for a while"
Hyunjae pulls younghoon closer as he strokes his hair softly.
"there there my big baby, we're the same age but you're way cuter than me"
"im not cute." say younghoon while looking up to see hyunjae's eyes and pouting
"look. this is how cute you are. you didnt realize yourself that you're this cute. My cute baby"
"fine im a baby. just for you." say younghoon shyly and snuggles his head more in hyunjae's chest
Hyunjae chuckles seeing how adorable his boyfriend is.
hyunjae hugs him tighter and so does younghoon. They stay like that for a while.
Until hyunjae is about going to dreamland, younghoon suddenly loosen up their hugs and look up into hyunjae's face. Hyunjae is startled for a bit while staring at the younger's face.
"oh what's wrong baby? Cant sleep?"
"So what is it? Is it cold?"
"then wh-"
"i want an early present"
"early present? From me?"
"uhm. A present" younghoon nods while saying present eagerly.
"right now?"
Younghoon nods again
At first, hyunjae didnt get what is his boyfriend wants. He didnt buy anything from him yet, what should he give at this hour- ah- wait- okay. Then he got what younghoon means.
"Oh" hyunjae comes into realization
Younghoon looks up into his boyfriend's feature waiting something what his boyfriend gonna give. Ofcourse he wants present. PRESENT okay. Present for another mean is yes younghoon wants hyunjae.
hyunjae cant help but smiling.
Hyunjae leans in closer to younghoon's face until they're just 1 inch apart face to face.
"you always can tell me that you want me that bad" hyunjae teased
Younghoon just smiles shyly
"kiss me quick." finally younghoon pleads..
Without any answers, hyunjae pulls younghoon's neck closer to his and plants a chaste kiss into younghoon's lips. younghoon's hand goes to hyunjae's waist and pulling him closer as hyunjae kisses him deeply. hyunjae miss how younghoon's lips taste like. it's always been soft and melted in his lips as he kissed. hyunjae gives younghoon open mouth kisses in his lips as younghoon lets him in. tongue to tongue tied with each other as hyunjae kisses him deeper. Younghoon feels the best joy while hyunjae puts the best kiss he ever feels. younghoon moves along as hyunjae leads the kiss. they kissed more deeper and deeper until younghoon was out of breath and pulls away, while there's a saliva string between them. hyunjae moves a bit closer and lick all of them.
younghoon pants a little bit after their hot kisses, and hyunjae just smiled seeing his baby got hot after the kiss.
"want more?" teased hyunjae softly
"i-if you dont mind"
"ofcourse not but lets change position" hyunjae flips the position so he's above younghoon right now. younghoon seems a bit surprised while holding his plushie tighter.
"Mr. Pochacco, you need to leave for a while" say hyunjae while taking the plushie and puts it on the bed side.
"you are beautiful younghoona, happy birthday.. here's your early present from me"
Hyunjae leans in and puts a hot open kisses for younghoon again but way hotter. Hyunjae kisses younghoon's lips like there is no tomorrow. he gives the open mouth kisses again and gets into younghoon's mouth as he explores into younghoon's. Tongues tied again. Their sound of their clasped lips is louder than the clocks ticks. hyunjae gives deeper kisses as long as younghoon pulls him closer while circles his hand into hyunjae, he holds hyunjae's hair for dear life.
hyunjae pulls out from younghoon's lips and continue to put wet kisses in all of younghoon's face. He moves along through his jaw, his cheek, then he kisses younghoon's ear and licks it.
he wishpered "im not going further than this, you have a work to do tomorrow, okay"
younghoon just gulped and holding into hyunjae's body tighter.
hyunjae continues his work. He moves his kisses into the neck carefully not to make a mark on it bcs he still needs to shoot drama tomorrow morning. He just plants wet kisses through younghoon's pretty neck line then to his shoulder.
Younghoon initially wear pajamas that has buttons on it so hyunjae can easily opens his shirt while kissing him. Yes younghoon has been prepared for these kind of things.
And true, hyunjae slowly undone his shirt 's button one by one while kissing younghoon's shoulder softly.
Finishing undone all the buttons, hyunjae moves again to explore younghoon's body and plants wet kisses all over it. Then hyunjae suddenly stops.
"Do you have half naked scene tomorrow?"
"ehm i think.. no.."
"Okay then, then im marking you here"
hyunjae continues his work as he kisses younghoon's chest and puts some pink marks all over his body. younghoon didnt expect hyunjae will be this wild. So he's a bit startled by hyunjae's doings. Younghoon puts his hand in the bed after hyunjae moves along in his body freely giving him wet kisses and pink marks there. younghoon finally got to hold his pochacco plushie and holds it tighter as hyunjae marks him wildly. he keeps silent restricting his voices bcs he's scared the other members will hear these kind of moments happening right now. Younghoon just lets out his small moans but not too loud as hyunjae's trailing him with bites and wet licks.
Hyunjae moves up again into younghoon's face and cup his face with his hand. His thumb carressing younghoon's fluffy white cheek.
"Do you like it? my present? Is it good?"
Younghoon smiled and puts his hands into hyunjae's neck
"thankyou this is beyond amazing" they both smiled and chuckles for awhile.. until hyunjae puts a soft kiss to younghoon's nose. Hyunjae buttons up again younghoon's pajamas while looking at his beautiful art he made in younghoon's body. The pinkish marks is all over the baby's white milky skin. Hyunjae is satisfied and smiled while younghoon pouts as he sees hyunjae buttons up his pajamas.
"you really eat me up alive, happy?"
"it's what you asked though? You're happy anyway" hyunjae smiled while hugging his boyfriend closer
Younghoon didnt answer bcs yes he's too happy right now. And he just smiled shyly and hides into hyunjae's chest.
"Aw poor baby got shy. Next time after your drama ends, i'll give you more"
Younghoon just hugging him closer as he gets shy but he's silently nods...
"night baby. Lastly, happy birthday. Sweet dreams" say hyunjae while kissing younghoon's forehead.
They finally enter the dreamland after the hot makeout session while hugging each other tightly.
little that they know, there's the other members watching them from the little space of the door. Turned out younghoon didnt close it right so it gives little space to the members to see what happened inside.
"wah i never knew hyunjae hyung was that wild" juyeon said in disbelief
"nah it's always been like that, but he just showed it to younghoonie hyung tho" say chanhee
"what did i just see though....." say sunwoo
"i told you that you should sleep why coming here you idiot" say haknyeon
"but you say there will be somthing hot comin up after you switch with younghoonie hyung then i got so curious so..." say sunwoo
"kids lets sleep it's all over. we must get back so they wont notice us haha come one quick go back to your rooms" say kevin
Then juyeon wishpered into chanhee's ear while hugging him from the back.
"should we?"
"we what?" chanhee turned his head to juyeon who leans his head on chanhee'a shoulder
"doing it like them?"
"next time, honey" as chanhee holds juyeon's chin and kisses him quick
"but i want it so baaaad too" juyeon hugs chanhee even tighter.
"NOT IN FRONT OF MY SALAD PLS GET A ROOM" sunwoo said to them disgustedly
Chanhee just laughs as he holds into juyeon's arm in his waist while juyeon just smiled on chanhee's shoulder.
"lets make it quick, make eric sleeps in another room then" finally chanhee changes his mind
Juyeon smiled widely and kissed chanhee's cheek quick. Juyeon runs to eric telling him to move and finally juyeon goes back and quickly snuggling into chanhee.
Meanwhile in sunwoo's room :
"lovesicks everywheree and im sickkkkk" while he puts the pillow above his head frustatedly.
bonus clip :
when younghoon puts the cream all over hyunjae's chin.
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leal-5 · 5 years
Tomb of Time Destiny Chapter 23
Juvia POV
A knock sounded at our door, and then a male servant peeked in. "Misses," he said. "We're here to escort you to the games."
"Come in," Erza said, waving him forward. Another came with him.
"Can you walk? Or should we carry you to your settee?"
"Let Juvia try to walk," I said, taking hold of each of their arms, but when I came to my feet, my knees crumpled beneath me and I felt a wave of nausea. From the pain? Or was it the medicine?
Luckily, the men had a firm grip on me and carried me on my bed to the hallway, with Lucy, Levy, and Erza right behind us.
"You okay?" Levy whispered to me.
"Y-yes," I said. I lifted my hand to my head. A wave of dizziness was there, then gone.
The doctor appeared then. Why hadn't I noticed him before? "Are you sure this won't exhaust you?"
I was sitting there, suspended in the air on a bed. It was all I could do not to laugh.
"Juvia doesn't think so," I managed to say.
"Well then, here is another dose of pain medicine," he said, handing me the bottle.
I gladly took a swig, ignoring the unpleasant taste, if it continued to keep that horrendous pain away, then I wasn't going to complain.
We went out to the courtyard, and I was a bit shocked at the hundreds of people that lined the edge, all sitting in chairs and beneath tented roofs, shielding themselves from the sun. Simon smiled and strode over to us, his cousins at his side, as the servants set me on a platform. I just barely kept my squeal in when I noticed the way Jellal's breath caught in his chest when Erza stepped out in all her ball gowned glory.
I caught sight of his father, beside him sat Carmen's and Ava's father followed by Carmen and Ava themselves. I didn't dare look to see where Gray was.
Simon turned toward us and urged us to him so that two of us were on each of his side.
"Ladies and gentlemen," called Simon. "I present at last, the warriors that turned the tide for Fairytail, the she-wolves."
I had expected a cheer, applause, shouting. But what happened next was something I'd never forget.
Every man, woman, and child stood, and as one they bowed or curtsied, as if we were royalty before them. Just like in Mulan. It was deathly quiet, and in the hush, a wave of honor swept over me. I was overwhelmed. I glanced at Lucy and Levy, who looked like they were about to cry, lifting a hand to their lips.
"Fairy Tail is forever in your debt." Makarov said. "Whatever you need, whenever you need it, ask it of us and it will be yours."
"Thank you." Erza said after a moment. "We did only what anyone else in Fairy Tail would have done, had they been in our places. And we would do it again, for Fairy Tail."
He smiled and raised a goblet in the air. "Well said. With that, I declare these games officially begun." And then he rammed the goblet down, and it shattered into a thousand pieces across the cobblestones.
The crowd cheered and returned to their seats as the jousting line was erected.
We watched through twelve grueling rounds of jousting, wincing whenever the lance struck a man. As hardcore as we were, there was something about trying to pierce a man on a horse with a long lance that was a bit... unnerving. Several men somersaulted over the backs of their horses, sending the crowd into a riot of laughter and shouts.
But then Gray entered the courtyard on his steed. He rode over to Ava, and she rose and prettily handed him her hand, which he took and kissed. Gray never so much as glanced in my direction, which was a good thing because if he had he would have seen me hunched over, breathing heavily, and with my shoulders shaking slightly.
"I'm sorry, Juvia," Lucy whispered urgently, laying her hand gently on my arm. "But you need to pull yourself toge-" Lucy frowned when she was that Erza was also hunched over with her shoulders shaking. She shot a questioning glance to Levy, who looked as confused as she was.
"Are...are you laughing?!" They whisper-screech after they lean closer to us.
I fight back more giggles as I weakly shake my head in denial while wiping the tears from my face. "N-no," I clear my throat along with Erza.
"Of course not." Erza said after a moment when we finally regained control of ourselves. For about five seconds that is. All it took was my snort to send us into another fit of giggles.
"Okay, so Juvia and Erza are officially broken..." Lucy muttered while sweat dropping.
"I knew we shouldn't have stayed here so long." Levy muttered.
"N-no," I said, waving my hands as if to calm them down. "It's just that they always have these little corny chivalry moments that remind us of those ridiculous shows and movies you make us watch."
"We honestly didn't think they actually did things like that." Erza finished for me, still catching her breath. I had to bite my lip to prevent myself from laughing again. Levy sighed and excused herself to go to the bathroom and Erza accompanied her. Ever since the Bora incident she didn't want neither Levy or Lucy alone at any time while he was near.
Coughing, I adjust myself on my seat, wincing a bit from my wound, just as Gray was lowering his helmet. Was it my imagination or did I just see his eyes slide over to me for but a half second? No, impossible. I really need to stop imagining these things. We're about to leave after all.
His eyes were set dead ahead then, studying no one else but his opponent.
"Tell me when it is over," I whispered to Lucy, feeling another wave of nausea. The flag came down, the riders urged their horses into a gallop, and I closed my eyes.
I heard the pounding of hooves and then, impact. The crowd cheered. I peeked up and took half a breath when I saw Gray still on his horse. He was looking at Ava, and I looked there too. But she was staring at me, eyes wide and then narrowing in suspicion. Wah! Oh, nonono now she suspects! I looked over to Lucy.
"A cup of water," I whispered, lifting a hand to my head as another wave of dizziness passed through me.
She rose and then hesitated.
I blinked and dragged my eyes to look where she was looking. To my great surprise, Gray was there in front of me, still on his horse, helmet off, hair blowing about in the breeze.
"Juvia, are your alright?" he asked, his brows furrowed in concern.
Fighting back a blush, I smile weakly and say, " Fine, I'm fine."
He frowned and opened his mouth, but luckily the archery round was announced at that moment.
"Raise the handkerchief if you need to leave," Gray said, repeating our earlier agreement, then trotted off to the end of the courtyard.
Lucy was there then with my wate and I drank, glad to have something to do. I felt the heavy gaze of the crowd on me, assessing, wondering. Gray had paid homage to his bride-to-be, but in the end, as victor, it was me he had gone to. I silently cursed Gray for doing this to me. For confusing me. I cursed my sick stomach. If only I'd kept calm, had not shifted, I might not have caught his eye....
"Lucy, could you bring Juvia some bread?" I whispered.
"I'll send some back," she whispered, looking at me meaningfully. "I'm on deck."
I followed her glance to the ring, where ten targets were set up. When Lucy and Levy rose, the crowd went berserk, cheering, beside themselves to see her in action. Bora rose from Carmen's side, bent, whispered something in her ear, then left her. In the gap he left, I spotted the doctor, but when I caught his eye, he moved away, as if not wishing to be seen. I frowned, puzzling over that.
Such an odd guy.
"Are you worried for your sister?" Natsu asked, sitting beside me. He handed me a plate of bread, cheese, and grapes. "She sent you this."
"You are her servant now?" I asked wryly.
"In every way." He grinned. "She has captured my heart and now she'll capture everyone else's too. I'll have no hope to compete for her. Here, hold my hand," he said, reaching for my right. "Maybe it'll make her jealous."
I couldn't help but laugh. He was so melodramatic. And totally charming. I couldn't believe Lucy hadn't fallen for him, too. She usually liked the guys who made her laugh.
But then we'd both be torn. I watched as Gray took his seat beside Ava again, covering her hand with his. I slowly ate a piece of bread, forcing myself to chew and swallow. The medicine was probably hard on my tummy. If I had taken it in modern times, it'd probably come with the take-it-with-food warning.
The targets were set out, and when Lucy and Levy reached for an arrow in the quiver on their backs, the crowd went nuts again. I smiled as they drew their arrows, pulled, and let them fly at the master's count. Everyones struck within the first two rings of their targets, but my theirs hit dead center. The crowd applauded, and the archers counted out ten more paces, and again let arrows fly. All again were within the first two rings of the center.
Erza returned just when I saw Bora lean over and say something to Lucy. She paused, and I felt Natsu's hand tighten over mine. Then Bora turned and smirked in our direction. The skin beneath one eye was slightly purple where Natsu had decked him.
"Calm down, Natsu," I cautioned, holding on to him.
Erza nodded in agreement "She'll see this through to the end."
He said nothing, which was so uncharacteristic of him that I worried over it. I hoped Bora wouldn't dare to say anything more to Lucy or- God forbid Levy. I was sure I wouldn't be able to hold Gajeel back from pounding him. Also, they'll never let him win if he continues to goad them.
The archers walked ten more paces, let arrows fly, and three of them were eliminated, trudging out of the courtyard in defeat.
With seven left, pigeons were released, all painted in colors that matched the archer's arrow tips. They had to find their targets and bring them down. Levy let one arrow fly, and it missed the bird, but she was already taking aim again and, with the second arrow, brought the creature down just before it escaped over the wall.
The crowd exploded in shouts and laughter and excitement again. Only four had managed to come this far. I wondered for a moment if the emotions of killing a bird would slow them down, but with one look at their faces, I knew we were sunk.
Erza and I groaned.
They wasn't going to let Bora win.
"What is it?" Natsu asked, leaning toward me. "They're doing as great!"
"Nothing. Never mind," I said, shaking my head. I take another bite of bread into my mouth, chewed, feeling a pang in my gut and another wave of nausea.
What would happen if one of them was the victor? Who would be the victor? Lucy and Levy have always been very competitive with each other when it came to archery. Would it make Bora more of a lethal threat to us? It was all so complicated. His relationship with the Carmen's family, their relationship with Fairy Tail...
The games master was calling out the next challenge. Men on the allures above us were carrying hay bales bound to a leather shield. They would appear in random places. The first archer to stick five of them would be declared the victor.
"No," Natsu growled. "Of all the thoughtless, crass decisions..."
I bit my lip. It was too much like Phantom Lord. Too much like that night. Would they dissolve into tears? The others drew arrows across their bows. Two looked at Levy and Lucy with concern, as if guessing at what might have given her pause. The games master shouted his count, and arrows began flying. Bora struck one, turned towards them with a smirk. They tilted their chins in defiance before he turned and fired again, hitting the second. I gripped Natsu's hand, hard again.
The crowd hushed, watching the drama play out before them like a silent movie. They kept staring at Bora, who was aiming at a third moving target, narrowly missing it. Then as if snapping out of their stupor, they suddenly sprang into action, on the move, back to back, searching, locking onto their target, drawing once, twice, thrice, hitting three targets in quick succession.
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They looked like true warriors.
Men shouted. Women shrieked. But I knew they heard nothing, acting like they were back at the castle that fateful night. Bora frowned and held a hand out to her, as if complaining about their method, but they both took their fourth down before he had a chance to bring his hand back to his own bow.
There was only one target left and they both aimed for it, their arrows meeting in the center of it in a tie.
Children ran out and surrounded them, arms up, dancing. The crowd followed, lifting them onto their shoulders. Nastu and Gajeel gave a loud roar of approval.
They blinked in confusion when it was over and their concentrated expressions disappeared into an apologetic look as if to say, 'Sorry! Couldn't help it!'
Erza sighed and I smiled.
After all, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
"Wait a minute- A tie?!" Lucy cried out, squinting at the final target.
"Again?!" Levy raged, crossing her arms and pouting. "And I was eager to see who the better archer was."
I could but throw my head back and laugh.
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