#we're so fucking back babeyyyy
adamfanti11i · 1 month
god the fucking viiiiiiiibes
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Hiiiiiiiii hdisjxksjdj I have 2 ideas for the fic writing request! Feel free to choose whichever one you'd like to do or both! 💝💝💝 love youuu
1: Steve's parents meet his new friends and are shocked at how happy he is. + they see that Steve and his friends all wear a similar-style friendship bracelet made by the kids.
2: platonic stobin with the song lyric (brother by Kodaline: I took out the chorus bc it doesn't match here):
When we were young we were the ones
The kings and queens oh yeah, we ruled the world
We smoked cigarettes, man, no regrets
Wish I could relive every single word
We've taken different paths
And travelled different roads
I know we'll always end up on the same one when we're old
And when you're in the trenches
And you're under fire I will cover you
If I was dying on my knees
You would be the one to rescue me
And if you were drowned at sea
I'd give you my lungs so you could breathe
we'll go deeper than the ink
Beneath the skin of our tattoos
Though we don't share the same blood
You're my brother and I love you that's the truth
We're living different lives
Heaven only knows
If we'll make it back with all our fingers and our toes
Five years, twenty years, come back
It will always be the same
ANOTHA ONE (BUT ACTUALLY TWO)! This first one for some reason got me fucked up. I wrote so much, then 75% of the way through, I hated it and deleted it and started over. The second one was a lot easier, but I did get a little carried away (could have gotten MORE carried away if I didn't have a tiny bit of self control left). ANYWAYS YAY FOR FINISHING ONE OF MY CLASSES WITH A 94 AND BEING ABLE TO POST THESE! LOTS OF LOVE BABEYYYY - Mickala ❤️
“Where is it?”
Steve was panicking.
Okay, panicking might be dramatic.
It was just a bracelet.
But it wasn’t just a bracelet, actually.
El made them for everyone. They all matched, but she’d added everyone’s initials to theirs so it was still special for each of them.
When she gave Steve his, he hid in the bathroom and cried.
Despite being the King for years, he’d never had any friends like the kids and Robin.
Eddie either, but he’d already passed the line of “friends” into “love of his life”, so he didn’t count.
So when he looked down while he was cooking and realized it wasn’t wrapped around his wrist the way it had been for months, he started to worry.
When he couldn’t find it in the kitchen or the path from the kitchen to the car or the car itself or his bedroom or his bathroom, he started to feel a weight settle in his chest.
He wouldn’t give up yet though. He’d gone outside to check the chemicals in the pool this morning, maybe it had fallen off there.
Just when he was about to go look, he heard a car door slam. Then another one. Then keys at the front door.
Of all the times for his parents to decide they live here, they choose now? When he’d abandoned the casserole he was making on the counter and turned most of the place upside down in the last hour looking for his bracelet?
He took a deep breath, ready to try to brush aside the panic to make sure they didn’t find his behavior unacceptable or suspicious.
“Oh good. You’re home.”
Anne Harrington’s voice used to make Steve relax. She wasn’t ever a great mother, but she was at least here until he hit middle school. Her presence, her voice usually made his dad remain calm.
But when she started going away with his dad, her voice became a dreaded sound.
Instead of it easing the tension he held in his back and jaw, it caused the tension to arrive faster.
Richard Harrington was the root cause of all of that tension, though.
“What’s going on in here?”
Steve tried to make himself appear smaller, that’s what his dad liked from him, and that’s what kept him safe.
“You caught me as I was making dinner. I haven’t been able to clean up yet.”
“Is that a casserole?”
Anne was walking up to the counter, peering down at the casserole dish as she spoke.
“Yes. I’m having friends over later.”
He was at least. Before his parents made a surprise visit.
Just as he checked the clock to see if he had time to call everyone to cancel, he heard more car doors.
Fuck, how late was it?
6:30. Shit.
Of course the one time Eddie gets everyone here on time is the one time his parents decide to show up.
El had joined this campaign at the insistence of Eddie and Will, so he knew she’d notice his bracelet was missing.
He couldn’t let her close enough to see.
No hug hello. No sitting in the room while they played. No hugging goodbye.
He could do that.
El barged in the house first, excitement palpable before she even made it into the kitchen.
“Who the hell is this?”
The voices of the others could be heard walking through the door as El froze with wide eyes.
“Mom, Dad, this is El. She’s Chief Hopper’s daughter? I babysat her.”
They looked at him like he’d grown three heads.
“Steve! Tell Dustin that I’m supposed to be the fun parent!”
Steve’s face paled. Eddie.
Every possible reaction his parents could have ran through Steve’s mind as he actually did start to panic.
Suddenly, everyone from Hellfire was standing in his kitchen. With his parents.
And an uncooked casserole.
He reached for the bracelet on his wrist, then remembered he lost it, and then he felt the sting of tears in his eyes. He couldn’t cry in front of his parents.
He walked out of the room, ignoring the confused stares and murmurs from everyone, including his mother.
He walked up the stairs, to his bedroom, then fell on his bed.
No tears fell, but they were there, waiting. For what, he didn’t know.
He could hear footsteps outside of his room. A pause. A gentle knock.
His mother.
She opened the door slowly, probably just as nervous as he suddenly was.
“Can I come in?”
“Sure,” he managed to choke out.
His mom sat on the edge of the bed, leaving enough space between them that he couldn’t feel any warmth from her, which is how it’s always been.
“We probably should have called.”
It wasn’t an apology, just a statement. More for her than him since she was feeling just as awkward about this as he was.
“Those kids are the ones you babysat?”
“They’ve gotten quite big, haven’t they?”
Steve had no idea what she was doing, but he could answer her questions.
“Yeah. Don’t really need me anymore.”
“They’re here, though.”
“I’ll send them home,” Steve started to get up, but his mom’s hand on his shoulder kept him from standing.
“Don’t. We just dropped by to grab a few things. We have a flight in a few hours.”
Ah. So they weren’t staying. If he hadn’t been home when they got here, he probably never would have even known they were here.
For some reason, that hurt. Even after all these years, all these times being left alone.
“They must really love you.”
Her voice sounded different, shaky. Like she was actually trying to show an emotion other than passiveness or disappointment.
She was holding something, he could see her rubbing her fingers along whatever it was.
And then he caught the bright pink.
His bracelet.
“Where did you find that?”
“It was on the ground by the front door. Your father didn’t see it, but I picked it up. Thought it may have belonged to a girl you brought home. Then I saw what all those kids were wearing and saw your initials on it.” She handed him the bracelet and he felt relief wash over him. “You’re lucky to have them.”
He looked at her. Her lips wobbling, her eyes watery, like she was actually happy for him, or maybe a little sad about something else.
Regret. That’s what that look was.
“I wish I had known that you had so many people who love you. I wish I had been here to see you find happiness. You didn’t have any for so long.”
She’d seen it then. She’d seen the way he had to fight loneliness despite being surrounded by people at school. She’d seen the way his face dropped every time they told him they were going on another business trip, how he started to hate that they even bothered to come home at all. She’d seen the way he filled his home with idiot teenagers who barely respected him or the house, who just wanted a place to drink away from their parent’s prying eyes.
She’d seen it and let him feel that hurt anyway.
She still didn’t say she was sorry.
But he thought about if he even wanted that now. If he could even believe it or accept it coming from her.
Probably not.
He took the bracelet from her and wrapped it around his wrist, tightening the string until it was snug.
“I didn’t have anyone for so long because you didn’t seem to think I needed anyone. I don’t know who I would be without them. They’ve done more for me than you or dad ever have, and that’s why I’m the happiest I’ve ever been,” Steve sighed. It was exhausting that he even had to say this. “You’re right, though. I am lucky to be loved by them. This bracelet is just one of the physical reminders of that. Thanks for finding it.”
A single tear fell from her eyes, but Steve wasn’t going to let himself feel bad. She could have done this years ago when he needed it most.
Now he had those kids downstairs. He had Eddie. He had Robin. Joyce and Hopper. Claudia. Even the Wheelers.
Suddenly, Eddie was standing in his door, a panicked look on his face.
“Uh, sorry to interrupt.” He wasn’t. “You may need to come downstairs. Erica’s kind of doing that thing she does with your dad.”
Steve’s eyes widened while his mom just looked confused.
Then he heard it.
He jumped up and ran down the stairs, Eddie close on his heels.
“...and another thing! This house isn’t even decorated nicely! You have all this money, right? Why don’t you spend it on things that actually look good? Or a couch that’s actually comfy. How am I supposed to sleep on a piece of plywood with itchy fabric on it? Have you ever tried to sleep on that couch? Probably not since you can’t be bothered to come home.”
Steve put his hand on Erica’s shoulder while he glanced over at his father’s red face. He obviously wasn’t going to do anything to a child, but he didn’t want to take any risks, not with the kids he loved so much.
“Alright, everyone in the dining room! Get your game setup while I put the casserole in the oven.”
Erica glared up at him, but relented when everyone started moving towards the dining room.
Eddie watched as she left too, but he remained next to Steve.
Steve turned to face his father, who was certainly going to have a lot to say to him, but would probably wait until he was alone.
“The neighbor told me you had kids coming and going from here all the time, but I thought they were losing it. Especially when they said that the Munson van was parked in the driveway most nights. I guess they aren’t losing it, after all.”
His tone was outwardly calm, but Steve was well-versed in the silent rage boiling underneath.
He was also well-versed in how his father refused to make their family look bad, even if it was just a bunch of kids.
“They needed a place to play their game. I have plenty of room. It keeps them out of trouble and happy. I get to have people in the house. It’s a win win.”
Steve wasn’t usually this bold with his father, but he knew he was fine with Eddie next to him and his family in the next room.
His dad grunted and looked down at the bracelet wrapped around Steve’s wrist, and the matching one wrapped around Eddie’s.
Steve could feel his brain trying to figure everything out. He didn’t say anything to help.
“I’m sure your mother mentioned we’re just grabbing some things and leaving,” Richard finally said.
“She did.”
“Make sure the house is clean before we get back.”
“Which will be…?”
“Within the next few weeks.”
They weren’t gonna be back in a few weeks. They probably wouldn’t be back for months, if ever.
Steve noticed that they barely had any of their personal belongings left in the house. He noticed that they had been slowly moving out of the house since his senior year of high school. He noticed that they rarely got mail delivered anymore, and that they didn’t send the gardener or pool cleaner by unless they were coming home.
He knew they had another house in upstate New York, one he’d never even been to and only found out about because his dad’s secretary mentioned it the last time he’d called looking for them.
He figured if they were coming back in a few weeks, it would probably be to tell him they were selling this house and he had to leave.
Which was fine.
He looked down at his bracelet as his dad left the kitchen, tugging on the end of it to make it even tighter.
He had people who would help him if he got kicked out. He had family.
In 1987, Robin Buckley leaves for college.
They knew it was coming, her gap year truly could only be a year, after all.
Steve tried to put on a brave face.
He was proud of her, of course. She got into Purdue on one of the hardest academic scholarships to get. They’d let her, even encouraged her, to take the gap year, postponing her scholarship for her new start date.
She was leaving tomorrow and Steve didn’t know how to say goodbye.
Eddie was helping with some of the last minute packing she had to do, but he was trying to stay out of their way, give them time and space to enjoy what time they had left.
Suddenly, Steve knew what he needed to do.
“You’ve got supplies for tattoos right?”
“Tattoos, plural? Going from none to multiple in one go may not be a great idea, sweetheart.”
Robin was watching their interaction with curious eyes, but wasn’t saying anything.
“No, just one for me. But maybe one for Robin too?” He pointed the question at her, giving her a small smile.
“What? A tattoo? Now?”
“If you want. Just something small for us to have before you go.”
Maybe it was a stupid idea.
It’s not like she was leaving the damn country. He’d probably see her once a month at least.
But he was scared that she’d get to college and find a lot of smart friends who could keep up with her and find fewer reasons to visit here, and then Steve wouldn’t be able to convince her to stick around and he’d be alone.
A tattoo would at least ensure she was thinking of him, too.
“What would we get?”
“What about an ice cream cone?”
“Or a scoop?”
Eddie laughed. “You really want me to tattoo ice cream scoops on your bodies? Forever? You know these are permanent.”
Steve and Robin giggled together and nodded.
So it was settled.
They finished what they had to, waving a quick goodbye to Robin’s parents and letting them know she’d be back late. They reminded her they were heading out early in the morning and she ignored them. When they got to Eddie’s trailer, the nerves sunk in for both of them. Not enough to avoid getting the tattoos, but enough to make them hold hands while Eddie prepped the tattoo gun and ink for Steve.
“Alright, where do you want it big boy?”
He pointed to his ankle and looked at Robin, who nodded back at him in agreement.
So Eddie began.
Steve flinched at the first few lines in his skin, but got used to it quickly.
Robin held his hand and watched, talking to him about random things that she thought of that they could do when he visited her on campus.
Eddie finished quickly, smiling up at them both.
When he cleaned up and set up the new needle and ink for Robin, Steve held her hand and talked about all the things he was excited for her to do when she left. He even joked that she’d probably find a girlfriend in her Women’s Studies course.
“I mean that class is just gonna be a bunch of queer women, you better make a move.”
“You don’t know that!” she exclaimed while rolling her eyes.
When Robin’s tattoo was done, they smiled at each other. Robin kissed Eddie’s cheek in thanks and Steve kissed his lips, whispering a quiet thanks against them.
Even if Robin moved on, they’d always have this.
In 1991, shortly after Robin managed to graduate from school, Steve and Eddie had a massive fight.
They’d never had one before, not like this.
Not one that led to Eddie walking out and staying with Wayne.
Steve’s first call was to Wayne, making sure Eddie was safe.
His second call was to Robin, begging her to come stay with him for a few days so he wouldn’t have to be alone.
He hadn’t been alone in his house since the fall of 1986 and it was suddenly bigger and quieter than ever.
She quickly drove to him, knowing he wouldn’t have asked if he wasn’t struggling.
When she arrived, Steve sobbed into her shoulder for hours, not even saying anything, not really able to. She let him, didn’t offer any words of comfort, just running her hands through his hair and making sure he kept breathing in and out.
Eventually, she asked.
“I thought you guys were doing great. What happened?”
Steve shrugged, but he knew. He knew that for a few weeks now Eddie had been working a lot more, that Steve had been working a lot more, both of them trying to save money to buy a house that wasn’t a constant reminder of everything bad in their lives. He knew that neither of them were giving each other the attention they deserved. He knew the tiny little snippy comments they both were giving each other kept adding up into a form of resentment he didn’t think either of them could’ve been capable of. He knew when he missed their date because he forgot to call when he found out about the overtime he was scheduled for, it would lead to a pissed off Eddie.
“We’re just under a lot of stress right now.”
“Worse than the literal end of the world?”
“No. Just. Real life is kind of harder sometimes. Is that crazy to think?”
“I guess not. But you guys love each other more than anything. This is just a bump, right?”
“I dunno. He’s staying with Wayne for a bit.”
“How long is a bit?”
“I don’t know, he didn’t say. Wayne said he’s barely seen him.”
“Maybe he just needs to cool off. Bet he’ll be back tomorrow.”
But he wasn’t. He wasn’t back that week at all. Robin had to go back to campus to pack before they locked her out permanently, so he was left to work and come home to an empty house.
It sucked, point blank.
But Wayne called him every night before he left for work, and Steve knew that at least Eddie was safe, still going to work, still eating.
The day Robin was supposed to be back, Eddie showed up. He let himself in, which was a good sign. He sat down next to Steve on the couch, another good sign. He sighed, not a great sign, but maybe not a bad one.
He looked at Steve with tears in his eyes.
“I wanna come home.”
Steve let out a sob and folded into Eddie’s chest, Eddie wrapping his arms around him and kissing the top of his head.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“Sh. I’m sorry too, Stevie.”
When Robin arrived, she saw them asleep on the couch, thankfully fully dressed, and smiled to herself. She made her way up to the guest room that was basically hers and went to sleep, content with knowing that she’d gotten Steve through.
In 1997, Robin lands her dream job offer. Things move quickly. She’s supposed to fly to Italy in three days, but she’s stuck on how to tell Steve.
Steve and Eddie moved to Boston when she did, insisting that they wanted to live a city life. Now that the kids were all gone, they had no reason to stay in Hawkins.
They sold the Harrington mansion, then their own home, and found a nice two bedroom apartment on the outskirts of the city. Steve worked in a bakery, so his hours were a bit all over the place depending on the season. Eddie worked as a sound mixer at a record label, which wasn’t his dream job, but close enough that he was happy.
Robin had been working as a tutor for years, enjoying the one on one with teenagers who needed the extra help in their high school foreign language classes. It didn’t pay much, but it was enough.
But she applied to be a teacher, part of a study abroad project for prospective Boston University students that reached 24 different countries. She didn’t really expect to get it, her experience and education level not quite where most of the other applicants were.
But she’d impressed the interviewers with her knowledge of multiple languages, not just fluency in one. They expressed immediate interest and asked her which country she’d prefer.
She told them she preferred Italy, but hadn’t expected to get her first choice.
She did.
And now she had to tell Steve she was leaving the country for at least a year.
She called Eddie first to warn him. He was excited for her, of course, but nervous about how Steve would react.
They frequently joked that she was the side chick in their relationship because Steve would cancel plans just to hang out with Robin. Even as grown adults with grown adult responsibilities, Eddie had to remind them to get some sleep during sleepovers like they were teenagers.
He thought it was adorable.
He told her to come over for dinner, she could talk to him then and he would be there as backup.
So she did.
And it went okay at first. Steve was so excited for her, he kept talking about how she could send real Italian chocolate like he got on a vacation with his parents when he was young.
But then it seemed to slowly sink in what this meant.
No more random meetups in the city for coffee or drinks, no more dinners here at their apartment, calls would have to be scheduled in advance because of the time difference. No hugs or cuddling for a year.
“Maybe we could try to come visit in a few months?” He looked at Eddie hopefully.
“Maybe, sweetheart,” Eddie responded with a small smile.
He knew their finances weren’t bad, but a trip to Italy certainly wasn’t something they were prepared for. Plus, taking that much time off of work would be difficult. They didn’t have another sound mixer right now, which meant if he missed more than a day or two, they’d pretty much have to close up shop.
“I mean, I’m sure with what they’re paying me, I could probably come visit during the Christmas break,” Robin added, though she didn’t sound so sure.
Eddie squeezed Steve’s knee, sensing the tears he was trying to hold back.
“We’ve got time to figure it out.”
Nothing got planned for a while though, because Robin was busier than expected.
She worked six days a week, and on the seventh day, she was usually still grading papers or setting up meetings with the other teachers in the program.
Steve felt like he was fighting constantly for her attention, which wasn’t fair to think because she was just doing her job.
Eddie knew he was getting into a depressive episode about a month in.
He called Robin while Steve was asleep, coming up with a plan to get him out of it before it got bad.
“I’ve got enough money for the flight, but we need somewhere to stay. I think I can swing five days off for both of us if I tell his boss what’s going on. But I can’t do it for at least a month.”
“Okay, just stay with me. I have a pull out couch. My neighbor brings me so much food all the time, I’m sure she’ll wanna feed you both too. I still have to work, but you can explore while I do. Have you guys even taken a real vacation before?”
“Does visiting Dustin count?”
“Then, no.”
The plan was in place. Steve remained sad, but Robin tried to call as often as she could.
But almost exactly one month later, Steve came home to Eddie packing luggage. His heart stopped for a moment.
“What are you doing?”
Eddie smiled at him, walking over to wrap his arms around him.
“Packing for our trip.”
“What trip?”
“To Italy.”
Steve’s heart started racing.
“Gotta get you to see your girl, don’t I? She’s got a couch with our name on it.”
Steve cried for the next hour, leaving wet kisses on Eddie’s cheeks and lips as he helped pack.
When they arrived in Italy, Robin was at the airport holding the chocolates Steve so desperately wanted, but he didn’t care about in that moment.
He was back with his platonic soulmate.
Being engaged wasn’t that important to Steve or Eddie. They couldn’t legally get married anyway, so what was the point of the whole song and dance of asking and wearing a ring?
They’d belonged to each other for so long, it wasn’t necessary.
But in 2003, Eddie changed his mind.
It happened because Robin said something about how marriage equality was looking more likely, like maybe she could actually marry her girlfriend who followed her back from Italy.
And Eddie couldn’t have Robin get engaged before him.
So he found a ring, just a simple gold band with a single diamond. He got it engraved to say “scar on my heart” which was the title of the first song Eddie wrote about Steve for Steve.
He made plans. He called the kids and made them swear not to say anything.
He called Robin and asked if she could be there.
But he should have known Robin couldn’t keep a secret.
“I’m just so excited!”
“For what? It’s just ice cream at the park,” Steve said curiously.
“It’s not just ice cream! It’s a big moment!”
And then she realized what she said. Eddie glared at her.
“What’s the big moment?”
Eddie sighed. He could just say Robin was being dramatic, but Steve wouldn’t buy it, not with the way she looked guilty of murder now.
“I have something to ask you.”
Maybe Steve would leave it.
“What is it? Why does Robin need to be there? Just ask me now.”
Guess not.
“Since I can never have plans that work, fine.” Eddie pulled the box out of his pocket, sending one more glare at Robin, who already had tears in her eyes. He started to drop to one knee but felt hands on his arms.
“Wait! Are you proposing to me?”
“Uh. Trying to, yes.”
Steve started laughing. Not really the reaction he was hoping for.
Then, he pulled a box from his pocket.
Robin clapped and cheered from the side while Eddie just stared in disbelief.
“I called Robin to come this weekend so I could propose!”
“But. I called her to come!”
“You both are dinguses! Eddie called me an hour before Steve did if it matters, but you both are ridiculous.”
They looked at each other and laughed as Robin’s words sank in.
“I guess I know your answer then,” Eddie said.
“Ask me anyway.”
“Yeah, I came all this way to see proposals, give me a show!” Robin exclaimed loudly.
“You just need ideas for your girlfriend.”
“Shut up.”
Eddie turned to Steve, got down on one knee, and smiled up at him.
“We’re living in a time where we might be able to actually get married and there is nothing I want more than to be able to call you my husband. I’ve loved you for nearly 20 years, and I know I’ll love you more in the next 20, and the 20 after that. What do you say, big boy? Wanna marry me?”
Steve was crying and Eddie could hear Robin sniffling to the side.
“Yeah, I do.”
Eddie placed the ring on Steve’s finger and kissed him so hard, Robin groaned.
“Okay, my turn.”
Eddie stood up with a smirk as Steve got down on one knee.
“Eds, I’ve never been that great with words, but you’ve loved me anyway. Even when I may not have deserved it, even when it may have been hard, even before I was ready to love you back. I’m not going anywhere no matter what the law says, but I want you to wear this so you know I’m all in. Will you be all in too?”
Robin was crying harder now, but Eddie didn’t care.
He nodded and let Steve place the ring on his finger.
Then they both pulled Robin into a hug, all of them crying into each other’s shoulders.
It made sense that she was here for this. She was Steve’s other half, Eddie was just an addition, and he was fine with that.
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calderskillday · 2 years
A COURT OF FEY & FLOWERS EPISODE 8 liveblog!!!!!!!
it's catchup time babeyyyy let's go
emily's giggle is the most adorable thing
i LOVE that emily is so in on the green hunter hahaha this is so fun
"the ventriloquist dummy is doing a bit about it"
oh my god lou's rumour and the way he has squak start it 😭😭😭
every single lords of the wing aside is just SO GOOD
lmao grabalba 😭😭
"can i knock one out cause it's insane" oh lou what do you have up your sleeve
you're tired?? i'm the one who's dying!!
i am obsessed with the way the letters spawn scenes gahhh
ohhhhh this could get interesting..... the flash to omar and back to surena when chirp mentions the unseelie court......
"spectacularly deceptive and slippery"
how do you lie without becoming sleepy 🥺🥺🥺🥺
waaaahhhh chirp and binx talking about magic on the mortal plane 🥺
literally squealing over the invisible wedding ring 😭😭😭
emily saying that chirp's gonna come back to find wuvvy in 40 years when her wife dies hahahaha so true
lou's moan as aabria says the letter was ripped up 😭😭😭
"but for you, yes" OH MY RUEWUVVY HEART
gahhhh the lords of the wing are so fucking unhinged <3
lmao squak mad-libbing his letter to apollo
omg rue being offered a spot in the chorus???
emily and lou LOSING it over the potential of being offered the job of MC hahahahaha
omg the table's reactions yesssss
god suntar's whole vibe is so hot
oh my god the editing??? seeing everybody's heads turn when suntar says strawberries.....???? hoooo boy
"come on, grabalba!!"
oh hob 🥺🥺
what matters the amenability of a soldier 😭😭😭
literally screaming
brennan and surena are COMEDIC GENIUS
i am literally holding my breath oh my god
god emily and lou are truly some of the best improvisers just...ever
"my mind just got dressed down" "mmhmm, mmhmm, mmhmm" "ah yes ventriloquist dummy" WHY ARE THEY LIKE THIS
andhera's "what the FUCK" HAHAHAHA
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