#we're the most bland species ever
raccoonzinspace · 5 months
"Humans are weird."
"Humans are space orcs."
No, humans are the most boring, bland creatures to ever exist. There's literally nothing special about us in any way, shape, or form. We literally have nothing going for us.
Heck, we're not even that creative or imaginative when compared to other animals.
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beevean · 1 year
Those first 3 episodes
What can I say?
The plot was written
The backstories were told
The characters were characterized
The social issues were commentated on
The pacing was....paced
100/10, best show ever
On a more serious note I'm genuinely impressed that they managed to make these 3 episodes feel even more rushed to fuck than Season 1, which in its 4 episodes was able to at least establish each of the main characters and the main villain, their respective motivations and you know was mostly just a testing season made to see if there was public interest plus it was made using the scraps of a cancelled movie from 10 years earlier
This shit right here is awful. Genuinely awful, just the most stereotypically fanficy writing I can think of, the pacing goes by so quickly it feels like they're speedrunning the whole thing and there's no way to properly establish each character without it feeling like a 5 minute digression at best and then on with the fight scenes!
And the social commentary is as subtle as a jack hammer of course, i'm treally curious to see if they'll explain how a vampire elite can control society from the shadows so fully when they souldn't even be able to make public appearences during the day. Are you really telling me the citizen of France are so dense they never thought to set the royal palace ablaze during the morning?
Oh and then there's Maria
Called it about her
I have a honest-to-god headache.
Where do I begin?
Well... Richter is fine, so far, although he didn't do much. He's pretty laidback without being too vulgar. That's honestly how I'd imagine the real Richter to be. I wish they advertised those moments instead of showing him crying. I have to wonder, though, why did he use to be a prominent ice magic user of all things. Are they going to say that he inherited Juste's magic? (also where is the morning star?)
But then... big oof.
The pacing is shit. That was painful to go through. These three episodes were full of flashbacks and fight scenes: the latter to shoehorn tragic backstories instead of organically weaving them in the story, and the latter to pad out time, because they were just "oh there are monsters now! Go smash them!"
also I didn't see a single enemy from the games. We're back to S1's generic monsters. Nice.
Also, what's with those backstories? Richter has a Dead Mom, Annette has a Dead Mom + Slavery, Tera is Russian has a Dead Sister... really? That's the best you can do? It's so fucking cheap!
And the show really deadass killed Edouard, a nobody just introduced, in the second episode, and then expected me to feel bad about him because Annette, another nobody, misses him and cries with the most narmtastic voice acting so far. This is literally the same thing they did with Cho, except at least we weren't meant to feel sorry for her.
Maria is insufferable. She's the rudest and crassest of them all, can't talk about anything that isn't "liberty, equality, fraternity" and she's terrible to Richter - why is NFCV's idea of friendship insulting each other? We don't even know how they know each other! At least NFCV showed us how the gang was formed!
(Annette is too bland as of now, but justifying her metalbending with "she descends from gods" is... something)
Can we talk about that worldbuilding? There are still Devil Forgemasters? Who are they? Did Hector and/or Isaac have descendants (good god i do not want to imagine n!isaac impregnating a woman), or it's yet another person, diminishing the uniqueness of the art? And they're using machines to turn humans into Night Creatures? MACHINES??????? What the fuck is this, Sonic SatAM??????
(also bullshit that Night Creatures are only made, not born. Hector said, and I'm quoting from S2E3, "Before the war, night creatures were simply a species in hiding. They either reproduced naturally or were created by acts of wild magic." bro c'mon I'm not even a fan and I remember your worldbuilding, why can't you guys)
But also. Man they didn't even try to be subtle with these vampires. They are the entire French elite, they are the "white slave owners". Wow, deep commentary right there. And tell me, how can they go out in the open and show themselves to humans like that? How can they walk in the sunlight, like Drolta is seen to be doing? I know the original show had vampire lords like Carmilla and Cho, but they're really saying "yep, all the evil nobility is made of vampires" now, and everyone is aware of it.
And fucking Drolta. What the fuck are those shoes. They look like horse hooves. Isaac was neutered to keep her stupid hair and boobs, and also Olrox sitting on the-guy-who-looks-like-agent-stone-from-the-sonic-movies' chest. Okay. I'm normal about it.
and speaking of sonic references, edouard singing at the bird's funeral is peak NANANANANANANANANAAAAA energy.
Don't know what else to add. It was extremely boring and rushed and while we're not hitting the peak of offensiveness of the original show, this is still so, so bad from a writing standpoint.
And, as expected, the only thing that connects it to CV is that Richter has a whip. The story so far looks like a shitty period drama fusing the French Revolution and that good ol' american slavery story. They haven't learned a thing.
How in the hell are they going to butcher SoTN...?
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poryphoria · 1 year
RANDOM QUESTION OUT OF THA BLUE BUT!!! I've been thinking about what various madcom characters' fursonas would be bc i do that with all my hyperfixations and im v curious what animals youd assign them,, (especially crackpo n phoobert bc ur takes on both of them are delightful !!
see the thing about this question i LOVE is that you can answer it two ways: "what the characters would say their fursona is" and "what God and everyone else knows their fursona is". "jerma you'd be a rat" vs "lion wolf hybrid king of the junjle". you get me?
we'll start with what they'd make up as fursonas- i think phobos would try to be as realistic as possible n choose a deathstalker scorpion, nd make VERY clear to specify that he has remarkably small claws (so you know how potent his venom is!!!) [scorpion venom is relative to the claw size- smaller claws = more potent venom, as they have less need to hold down their prey!]. tbf he'd probably literally just base it off one of his owned scorpions- no fancy bits n baubles attached, although he would also design UV markings [scorpions, along with many other animals glow under UV light!] for himself so the design isn't necessarily bland or lacking.
crackpot would be the complete opposite, however- he'd be too indecisive with which bird species he likes best that he'd just give up n make an every-hybrid of some manner (tho it WOULD look most similar to a vulture, i think!). he'd literally make a sparklebird. rainbow feathers, scene getup, FUCK YOU let him have fun for once in his miserable life!!! realistically unlike phobos, who cannot ever take the stick out of his ass for 2 seconds to indulge in a little whimsy, i think crackpot probably had a fursona at some point (he just kinda stopped having time to think about it after The Occurrences. you get it!)
now. as for what god and everyone else would assign them....... actually a little tougher. bc a scorpion still feels right for phobos, symbolically- the ole fable about the scorpion and the frog, y'know? DAMMIT, PHOBOS. YOU WIN THIS TIME! but maybe he'd be a species with weaker venom. Just cause. (i could be really extra mean and say pseudoscorpion but cmon man.)
crackpot on the other hand.... ive gone into such meticulous detail about the kinds of bird he could be, but the funniest part is i don't think God would let him be a bird at all. birds are something he takes great comfort in, something he wants to be-- but he's a pretender, he's always worn a mask his whole life, always wished he could be somebody else. he'd be something that exhibits batesian mimicry [batesian mimicry is when one harmless species mimics another, more threatening species]-- i think he'd be a hoverfly, a type of fly that mimics bees! alternatively he could be a salamander but i don't have cool symbolism reasons for that i just think it's right.
if we're talking "jerma you'd be a rat" phobos could be a scorpion or pseudoscorpion and crackpot would either be a hoverfly or salamander, if we're talking "lion wolf hybrid king of the junjle" phobos would be an ostensibly cooler scorpion & crackpot would be some kinda sparklebird.
TY FOR GIVING ME AN EXCUSE TO WRITE AN ESSAY!!!! i love prompts like this so so much plsplspls don't hesitate to send me three hundred asks of this nature I LOVE FEELING LIKE A GREEK PHILOSOPHER
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kankrilicious69 · 2 years
I've only read a bit of Vast Error but the characters and universe just seems like a bit of a let down.
They're trolls, but they're not on Alternia, sure. What differences do they have?
Well, they're nicer about blood color and their government isn't as mean... Okay, so... They removed all the dark and gritty aspects of their planet that made the trolls interesting as a separate species?
Well I can overlook that, how are the characters? The Karkat clone, the multiple Mary sues, the random bitchy one (that I was actually kinda upset about because I was super excited for the purple blood), the porn addict, and emotionally absent boyfriend, etc.
I don't really see any characters that feel worth liking. As interesting as the journey may be, these aren't the sort of characters I want to see make that journey.
None of the characters interest me, they're all cruel in some way. The universe removed the most difficult aspects of Alternian life making it feel they don't have struggles to MAKE them that way, and honestly the plot is pushing forward so fast I barely understand what's going on.
The things I can compliment? The art is beautiful and very fluid, perhaps even rivaling Homestuck if not better. It's wonderful to look at.
The music is great and I have no complaints, generally very good.
I know they have merch, and the merch is super neat too. (Although I question the copyright legalities)
i love vast error's art its WONDERFUL. very clear that a lot of passion and care and love goes into the works, even on the games and spin off comics and other such things. Ive not seen much of the merch but i assume its probably good quality and nice too. from the music Ive heard the artists are all SUPER talented, i loved the dead shufflers album. very good work!
but then you get to the comic itself. to compare the comic to food, the artists prepare a wonderful layout of delicious desserts, and the musicians brought the most amazing wines possible to the table, and then the writers bring out the main course, and its the blandest, most driest jerky Ive ever had.
every single Vast Error character is written like this: we're gonna deconstruct a trope! this character is this trope, but we're gonna subvert it!!
and then they fail to remember that to set up a character who is one thing and then subvert it, you must set up the thing you are subverting.
arcjec is a main character-type boy who's since grown depressed and unhappy with his role, and we open up on him AFTER hes realized that. Ok! that's an interesting way to open up! Let's see the rest of the cast.
we've got serpaz, who is a comic relief type character, but... isn't happy with that role. and as soon as shes introduced the story begins taking her more seriously. Ok...
then we have calder, who is said to be sexist, and cruel. and as soon as hes introduced, characters begin speaking down to him for... being sexist and cruel, something we've yet to see him do cause he just showed up... right.
this story doesn't want to slow down and introduce us to our characters before they go "no i don't like this role im playing in the group/story" but id like to see them in the role first!!!
you cant just show me a character and go "theyre like this! trust me guys!" only to then immediately show them differently and expect me to be surprised that theyre subverting their trope. you never set it up!!!
so many of these characters are just flat, and bland, and uninteresting, and we're told that we're subverting tropes, but you gotta write the trope first!!!
and dont even fucking get me started about how they dont want any of their characters to be bad. so many of these characters are humanized and treated as redeemable, all in a story about how capitalism and shit destroys the enviorment/society. not every character can be redeemable and good if you want to tell a compelling story about how greed and profit destroys lives. jesus christ i hate vast error.
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storiesofrimbeldal · 1 year
Welcome, my dear reader. My name is Zuberim Oolas, and, as of writing this book, I'm the Master Alchemist, on the School for the Thaumatological of Rimbeldal III, and I have always thought that said title is too long, especially when everyone knows the aforementioned school as simply "Rimbeldal". That is how I will refer to it through this compilation, for the sake of clarity, and of mine, and the reader's, sanity.
Thaumatology is a noble group of sciences, and a science in itself, studying what is not usually explained by standard sciences, like the flow of Mana, or the principles of Alchemy. As the avid reader might have guessed, Alchemy is my expertise inside of said group.
Anyways, many people will still be asking "What exactly is Rimbeldal?". Well, officially, it is a school for the thaumatological, as the full title implies. I shall now explain what the word "thaumatological" means, at least in this case.
That said, in Rimbeldal, "standard" sciences, like Physics, and Mathematics, are still studied, though, in comparison, they're relatively bland, if I can say so myself.
Sadly, this book is not about the working of Alchemy, or of Magic. Instead, I want to focus on the "shenanigans" that have and will occur in Rimbeldal, over my stance in here.
In this prologue, I wish to introduce you, the reader, to myself, and some other prevalent figures that will later be important to this compilation. I shall then start with myself.
I was born in a small tribe, north of the nearby river, in the summer of 4296, though the exact day is not of interest here. I should have noted this before, but, in fact, I am a centaur. Many people are shocked seeing centaurs nowadays, and I don't blame them. We're not a species in the brim of extinction for nothing.
It might have been due to said scarcity that, when I was no more than a kid, the entire tribe where I had been raised, where I learned to survive, and to defend myself, was burned down by a party of raiders.
I saw my family, my friends, and most of the village, killed in front of my eyes. To my luck, or, in that moment, my disgrace, a different faith waited for me. I was sold as a slave in the black market, with two other of my people.
That was when I met Romeo, a rich old man that bought me, not without haggling with the raiders first. He said he wanted me as a mount for his children, but, when he brought me to his home, an old shack in the middle of the forest, I remember him, telling me not to worry, as he didn't have any children, and he wasn't even married.
When I asked him what he wanted to do with me then, he only answered to me that all creatures should be free, and the guards were on their way to close the dark market already.
As an be obvious, I felt like if I was in a novel, and I asked him tons of questions, from why he lived so poorly if he really was so rich, to why he decided then to buy me, and more.
His answers are not for this book, but, I can say, from my later experience, Romeo was one of the greatest persons I have ever met. He bought me to substitute the vacuum of her wife dying during the labor of his firstborn, who would die months later of a malformation.
His story with me is, again, for another day, but my eight years with him, were defining to me. He taught me everything he knew about his old profession as an alchemist. I was there when he peacefully died of old age, in his bed.
When that happened, I was sixteen years, and I was truly flabbergasted to know his will left everything to me. It's not like he really had anyone else, but, still, I again felt like I was in a novel.
I won't get into details, due to this section getting too long already, but I managed to get a degree in Alchemy at the near city, Licaea, in no other place than Rimbeldal. There, my professor helped me get a place, as one of her colleagues, and, through a lot of effort, coincidences, luck, and accompanying stories, that I might talk about, in this very book, I advanced rapidly, to being the youngest Master Alchemist, at the age of 23 years.
Vimac is a weird character. I got to know him during my years as a student. Well, everyone did. He would appear around the classes almost at random, saying he forgot something, or that he needed to borrow a thing, always noticing a class was on too late. That was always accompanied by a puff of smoke and a disappearance, as well as the whole classroom cheering for him.
It was, and still is, a weird thing, but it's been a joke at the school for almost a century. Oh, that's right! I forgot to mention, nobody knows what race Vimac is exactly. He always disguises himself as a human, and he does it so well, nobody knows yet what he is exactly.
Personally, I don't care what species he is. I just know he's very old and gets angry if you ask him. But, luckily, or perhaps tragically, for me, I'm good friends with Vimac since I entered the staff of Rimbeldal.
We even have our own competition, where we try to see who can discover something in their field faster. We still don't know who is winning, but we sure love to keep saying we ourselves are winning against the other.
I should also note, Vimac is the Master Wizard, Director of Rimbeldal, and the Real Counselor of Licaea. This guy has it all. He also knows The Archives like the palm of his hand, and that's why we all call him "The Archivist", as a funny nickname.
I don't know much about him, neither does almost everyone else. He is one of those mysterious, yet very well known, figures.
Gunda is a weird girl. It suffices to say that she is younger than m,e, and yet she reigns over the entire Kingdom of Alixus. She's a fourth generation Hybrid, and actually the first Hybrid to get the throne of Alixus.
As I said, she's very weird. Don't get me wrong, she's a great leader, and she has even studied in Rimbeldal, and she's great with magic, but, she is very extroverted, and sometimes even a bit childish…
That said, I get along well with her, at least so I think. She comes various times a week to see Vimac, and she always strolls through the Alchemy Tower to ask about my work. She's very nice, and has one of those personalities that solve every bad day.
She's the daughter of Arion III, and a peasant woman called Ruura. Her mother, rest in peace, was a great woman which I only knew for a few years, from her showing up to the reunions Arion had with the professors of Rimbeldal, which is also the first place I met Gunda, but that story should wait.
Arion is still alive, but, after the death of his fiance, he seceded from the throne, and left it to Gunda, saying he didn't feel like he was fit to govern anymore.
Sam was one of my students. As of writing this book, he has already moved out of the city, but I'll be sure to send him a copy of this book when I finish it.
He was a very intelligent, yet troublesome student. He has become something of a legend, in only the time it took for him to get a degree on Alchemy. Even now that he is no longer studying here, his name still crosses the corridors like a lightning bolt, shaking everyone up.
One of the tales that I haven't included in this compilation, that has to do with this character, was a shrine built to him just after he graduated and left the school, by a group of first years. That is the kind of influence that kid left around here.
Apart from all of that, he was a very good student, and he always stayed until late with me in the Tower, always wanting to learn a bit further.
He is a part of the reason why I brought myself to write this book, though I believe it won't take long until the students take the stories in here as the Christian Church took the Bible... Well, I can only hope that is not the case.
And with that, those three people are the ones more important to this compilation, and, whilst it might seem like I'm a bit egotistical, being my section the longest, by far, I swear by myself, that, if I had more information on these people, that isn'0t contained later in this book, I would have dedicated more writing to them.
With that all out of the way, I don't know when I'll publish this book, or if I'll even do so, but I believe it is time to get to the real stories.
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Fictober '19 Prompt No. 9 — "There is a certain taste to it."
Category: Original WIP: The Darkspace Portent series Rating: M Timeline: anytime after Rebirth CW: Sexual conversation and implication throughout pretty much the entire thing lol Word Count: 961 Additional Notes: as were and will be all of the ninth fictober pieces fall on my birthday so I just take as many liberties as I like for them
"What do I taste like?"
Thrive lifted his eyes from the tablet resting on his knee to offer Warren a look of cautious questioning. "In reference to…?"
Warren, depositing a spoonful of cereal from his mug into his mouth, reclined in his seat, propping his feet up in the comm console and avoiding pressing any buttons that could cause this conversation to be broadcast out into the rest of the ship. He knew an odd question would pull Thrive out of his impenetrable concentration and he nearly pat himself on the back for succeeding. "In reference to…things you've experienced. Certain favors you've done for me." A grin of mild modesty dawned on his face along with twinges of heat. He tapped the spoon with his teeth. "You know."
Thrive carefully turned his chair so he faced Warren, the hint of inquiry now full-blown suspicion if his narrowed eyes were any indication. "…Are you asking me what your semen tastes like?"
The emptiness of the bridge dropped into Warren's bones like a rapid ascent from the bottom of the ocean. He cleared his throat around the next spoonful he chewed with difficulty. "I don't know what I expected just then, but it probably should've been exactly what you just said."
"Don't be ashamed of your curiosity. We're both adults of our respective species," Thrive said, a tad too sly in his tone and the way he looked at Warren with an impish smile far out of character. He scrolled through the tablet and shrugged a shoulder. "There is a certain taste to it."
"Not that you'd have a frame of reference, right?"
"Precisely. I will say, however, that it's distinctly…you."
"Probably a really weird concept to an alien, I bet."
Again, Thrive shrugged. "It's truthfully not the most outlandish form of relaying passion or devotion I've ever witnessed. And do you or do you not have species of animals on Earth that end reproduction with exploding genitalia?"
Warren chuckled. "Damn. You right."
"Why did you think to ask me something like that?"
Stirring the chunks of bland chocolate and powdered sugar rings in the milk, Warren flushed a bit at the ears. "Been thinking about it."
"Mm," Thrive hummed. "I'm sensing an approaching retreat."
"What's up?"
"The conversation has a tendency to turn very blue when you're close to needing personal time with me."
"Wow, no verbal blunt force trauma this time? You feelin' okay?"
"Am I wrong?"
Warren looked at him for a moment, taking in the black form suit with the silver zipper that ran from the top of the collar to the very center of his abdomen. The ring that determined that zipper's fate dangled from his throat, oblivious, every so often catching the dimmed light of the bridge and the much brighter console. Thrive himself either didn't notice him staring or pretended not to notice, switching his attention from the tablet to the volumetric navigation screen casting a golden glow on his face and shoulders.
"No," Warren said, the spoon lingering around his lips. "You're definitely not wrong."
"Would you like to try it?"
A beat passed. "…Try…what?"
Thrive looked at him and quirked an eyebrow, sending a bolt of heat directly into the pit of his gut.
Warren bit his lip. "I mean…I guess I'm kinda curious?"
"Right," Thrive said, perching the tablet on top of the console. "This vessel can operate on autopilot for an hour before needing authorization to continue, so—"
"Let's do it here."
Thrive regarded him with mild surprise. "…Oh?"
Grinning again, Warren nodded. "Yeah, man. Lock the door."
Elsewhere on the ship, a game of ancient chess between Guetry and Scotty grew into an intense standoff, one move away from total obliteration on Guetry's part, and he tapped the board with the bottom of the black queen. He examined the arrangement of pieces, formulating each possible move in his mind, coming to the frustrating conclusion that playing against an AI was definitely as futile as it's always been portrayed to be.
"Do you possess the courage to take that chance?" Scotty quipped via Guetry's wrist device. "You may not last as long as you're expecting."
"Yeah, shut up," Guetry grunted. "I'm trying to save face here."
"The bridge has been locked down."
"Wow, breaking news." Guetry scooted the piece across the board, visualizing the same moves he'd gone over several times in an attempt to find one he didn't think about. "Could you maybe let me win once? Is that too much to ask?"
"Would that carry the same weight of winning because you bested me in earnest?"
Guetry snorted. "I don't know, dude. I'm already dumb enough, I don't need to get my ass absolutely whupped at this every damn time."
"I apologize."
"It's not your fault, I should know better than..." He paused, his frown deepening. He glanced at the discarded chess pieces on the surface of the table. "…The bridge is locked?"
"Is someone in there?"
"I estimate two people."
"Oh, okay. That's not a big deal." Guetry instantly slammed the piece down on the board, sending Scotty's valid pieces flying. "Wait. Hold on. Stop talking. Shut up."
"That would require me to have been talking in the first place."
"Warren was up there on bridge duty, right? With the obhelian? Did they leave?"
"They did not."
"Yeah." Guetry cracked his knuckles in agitation. "My shift's in like, an hour and a half and I'm just gonna be thinking about what they're doing in there."
"Is that a problem?"
Guetry sighed. "I just didn't think Warren would ever be okay with having sex on the bridge. I'm gonna have to rewrite a lot of my fanfiction now."
He tossed the queen into the wall and crossed his arms.
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unpopular animal crossing new horizons opinions
super terraformed islands with a ton of little cliffs and waterfalls suck. walking through them is a pain, the animation on them is often laggy, and I've rarely been on any that were actually cute, I think there's been 1 or 2 out of every one I've been in that I've actually enjoyed. ditto for islands with stuff packed all over the place. in my eyes, there's nothing beautiful or fun about islands that are frustrating to navigate.
nat was a better bug off host than flick. nat was a cool elderly explorer and naturalist. he was the david attenborough of animal crossing. but flick comes across as an edgy 13 year old's fursona that they upload animesque drawings of on deviantart
cottagecore themed islands are usually not great. I like cottagecore a lot when it's outside of the realm of new horizons, but in new horizons, the cottagecore themed islands i've seen have all looked beige and bland.
ppl who act like certain villagers are their in-game s/o are weird. Ik we're all starved for romance bc of the pandemic, but come on, they're digital animals. he's a fictional cat not your boyfriend
hippeux and rodney may not be the cutest villagers, but they don't deserve all the intense hatred they get :(
people who charge ridiculous amounts for their unwanted stuff are insane. a few weeks ago I saw a post by some girl who was clearing out her storage and the entry fee to rummage through her old items was not just a couple of nmts or a stack of materials. oh no. this one was asking for an entire pocket of bags of 99k bells or nmts to visit her island. I kid you not. for that price, you should be offering seasonal diys and furniture that can't be accessed anymore without tting, celeste and mermaid diys and furniture, gold nuggets, star fragments and other such items. not your random old junk you're getting rid of to make space in your storage.
even though the graphics are objectively better in new horizons than any previous game, in some ways the aesthetic got worse. the colour palette seems wayyy too saturated. worst offenders are the colouration of the grass and cherries. have you ever seen grass and cherries that oddly bright? cause I haven't. even though the old games have much worse image quality than this one, the colour palettes are so much more pleasing to me. I put down a grass pattern in most of my island that's the same shade of green as the grass in new leaf bc i really don't like the shade of green used in new horizons.
people who ask for handouts of bells and diys when they restart their islands are annoying. what's the point in restarting your island cause it got boring but then asking other people to basically play the game for you?
ppl giving someone else one of their villagers in boxes, but only on condition of them being allowed to visit the person who adopts their villager's island so they can see the villager, is absurd. if you're that attached to the villager, just don't agree to let them move out. this isn't family court, when you're giving someone else your discarded villager you shouldn't be demanding visitation rights lol just hold onto them.
fauna, molly and maple aren't really that cute. they're not ugly, but they're all pretty boring looking compared to others in their species imo, idk why they're all tier 1. im suspecting it's mostly just because they're brown and that goes with the beige cottagecore themed islands mentioned above. fauna's eyes disturb me almost as much as naomi's, if im being honest
rilla isn't that bad. while i think the gorilla model itself is poorly designed (nintendo did the poor gorillas dirty), i actually like her as the choice to represent hello kitty. not all hello kitty fans are the thin, conventionally attractive, kawaii bloggers in imported japanese clothing you usually see on social media. sometimes people who are bigger in size, or who don't fit societal beauty standards like hello kitty and cute things as well. so I actually like rilla being the villager who's a hello kitty superfan.
not an unpopular opinion, but related to the above: the sanrio villagers aren't meant to be animal crossing versions of the sanrio characters themselves, they're meant to be fans of sanrio characters. sanrio wouldn't let nintendo make representations of the actual characters so they created original characters who are fans of various sanrio characters and own merch. (If i see one more person asking "whyyyyy isn't hello kitty a cat???? why is she an ugly gorilla 😡😡😡" I'll gouge my eyes out. the sanrio characters debuted in 2016, you could easily just google it if you're confused).
ppl who make posts asking "is this a good villager? should I adopt them? what are they like?" are sooooo irritating. all villagers of a given personality have the exact same dialogue. they're essentially the same character in different shells. if you like their appearance, they're good. if you don't, then they're not good. but their speech itself is not unique. I understand if it's a new player who hasn't realised the villagers don't have individualised dialogue yet, but most of these posts are just ppl who want to brag about encountering raymond, judy, or another tier 1 villager.
hazel's monobrow is iconic. it doesn't make her ugly, ppl in the west just aren't used to seeing monobrows cause they aren't a common feature here so they think hazel looks weird and she ends up getting hate even though she's actually really cute :/
nearly everyone who makes posts about how their kid deleted their island and now they have nothing are just lying to make people feel sorry for them and give them free stuff. there are several steps to deleting an island, I doubt your 3 year old was capable of doing it, janet
similarly, i highly doubt your kid accidentally let your favourite villager go. it's not as unbelievable as the first scenario, but I do think the majority of those posts are people lying to get someone to take pity on them and get their dreamie into boxes for them
ppl who start jumping on posts and messaging the op when they offered to help a certain person out with bells or certain items saying "i want some too" are just embarrassing. make your own post, don't try to piggyback off a post made by a person who needed help and received it.
ppl hosting giveaways but having super complex rules boggles my mind. sometimes i'll see a post that's like "guess what year I lost my virginity and i'll give you a million bells! oh, and I'll throw in 100 nmts if you can guess my partner's venus sign". those giveaways aren't fun for the ppl trying to guess, and I don't understand why the host would get pleasure from them. plus those giveaways seem like they'd take forever. Idk about anyone else but I can't be bothered to wait till someone guesses correctly to give them a pocket of stuff. If I'm doing a giveaway with only one winner I either select the winner with an online raffler or just give the prizes to the first person who comments. so much less painful than waiting around all day till someone guesses right.
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