#we're.. sort of on good terms again rn but idk
larentslovechaos Β· 2 years
oh boy 🀣🀣
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AITA for not helping my family pay for hospital bills?
🎷πŸ”₯ so i can find it later
This is going to need a lot of context right off the bat. I (20'sM) am a gay man that comes from an extremely conservative family. My sister (20'sF) is also a lesbian and recently got married and adopted a child. I'm very proud of her, but that's not the issue.
My parents seem to have little to no issue with my sister marrying a woman. They do have a very big issue with me liking dudes, however. Like, it was the reason my parents got divorced "big issue." I'm not gonna go into everything, but my sister ended up with my dad and I stayed with my mom for reasons I'd rather not share.
Our last parting was on... less than decent terms. Upon finding out that I was of the homosexual variety, my dad flipped his lid. He called me several slurs and said some other very hurtful things, and even made moves to physically attack me. My mom, also a very homophobic woman, stepped in and thankfully talked him down. Then divorce, etc etc.
I saved up enough money to move out when I turned 18 and may have done some impulsive things including completely trashing my mom's bathroom, which I know I'm definitely the asshole for, but in my defense my mom kept "forgetting" to pick up my prescriptions and I was manic (I have bipolar). But, again, I know I'm the AH for that.
I now live with my two best friends R (20sNB) and P (20sM) in a house we all pay for. R comes from money so they help out a lot, and I love them both to death. We kind of have a sort of situationship but none of us are poly? Idk it's weird we're just going with it rn.
Anyway, I bring them up bc we all went to my sister's wedding together, and my parents separately chewed me out for bringing them (and for R daring to wear a dress. They're amab for context) and I obviously argued back bc hey they're my best friends and my sister specifically said it was okay for me to bring them (she and R are also friends and they wouldve been invited regardless of me bringing P) and also because R looks very good in a dress and i can handle them shit-talking me but i will not tolerate slander towards R or P.
At the wedding, I went full no contact with them and told them to lose my number. They, ofc, did Not lose my number and I got several calls from extended family saying about what you would expect them to say, so I switched numbers and gave only my sister and her wife my new number.
My sister. I love her to pieces but sometimes she gets on my nerves. She gives my number to my mom to have "just in case," but she reassures me that she won't give it to my dad or any other family. So far, she's made good on that promise, I just have to deal with periodic calls about getting a girlfriend and having kids.
Now, my dad isn't the healthiest guy out there. He has arthritis, osteoporosis, and several other things that i don't really wanna get into. As he's aged he's only gotten worse and there have been several times he's almost died, but recently he's been put on hospice and has an estimated Not Very Long to live.
Here's where I may be the AH. My dad calls me while I'm at a very important, personal event for R (he got my number from my mom) and goes on a long rant on how I'm an unlovable disgrace and how he fed me and clothed me and I could make up for all that by helping him pay off hospital debt. I say no immediately and tell him that he's never been my dad, only my dna donor, and that he's going to be dead anyway and that selling his house could cover all the bills. He calls me many more names and tells me he wishes I was never born (calling my mom some very derogatory names too (she's asian)) and that i should just go ahead and off myself to save the world someone like me. I tell him he should die faster while he's at it because God knows the world already has enough bigots in it and there could never be too many mentally ill queers.
I hung up, but now I'm thinking I went a bit too far. AITA for not helping out with his hospital bills and yelling at him?
What are these acronyms?
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borreloadsavagedragon Β· 1 year
Chris, Kaito and Shark
omfg I had to do this on my laptop bc mobile tumblr is literally unusable in terms of copy and pasting anything
I tried read more-ing this but it wouldn't let me I'm so sorry if it's giant gdjsaklgjg CHRIS
favorite thing about them: he's hot. jk, not just that, I love that he's loyal, man will go DOWN for the people he cares about, family, friends, he's committed to his bonds, the duel with Mizael when he partners with Michael is so good
least favorite thing about them: as much as I love Chris, not a huge fan of how everything sort of got fixed with one duel, I have the same gripe with Thomas and Ryouga-
favorite line: good question jdsaklg, not sure the way he says "my life points" in the dub is kind of funny-
brOTP: vkai, I call them divorcees without being married because they had so much post divorce energy during the WDC but now they're going to be coworkers and chris also had to just watch kaito go off to the moon to fight a guy who said his dragon was bigger and die so he's taking the keys to the rocket the next time he sees him
OTP: what do you mean Kousei isn't in Zexal canon, yes he is, he's right there genuinely can't think of another pair for him from canon though, there's some dynamics I think could be interesting and have wips for but nothing like romantic
nOTP: romantic vkai.............. see kaito's below for details, it's more to do with him and how I think about kaito-
random headcanon: GEEK. NERD. CLOSET FANBOY. WOULD WEAR GRAPHIC TEES IF HE DIDN'T HAVE AN AESTHETIC. Take this man to see Kozmo films right now!!!!!
unpopular opinion: I don't think I have one outside of the ship preference gjdakl
song i associate with them: none omg, unless I REALLY fixate on a character, I don't usually have songs for them gjdklggd
favorite picture of them: he's very pretty, it's hard to choose one fjdsklg, anytime you can see him wiping hair hair around
favorite thing about them: how dare you make me pick one thing when I'm already working on an analysis essay- Kaito's one of those characters to me where you look at them and feel like you've been EXPOSED by this show you're watching so picking one detail is hard I like how accurate he feels to me when it comes to how he's someone who's just so used to being burned by so many people, love how fiercely protective he gets when someone matters to him, love how petty and dramatic he can be too but literally NEVER owning up to it I love that he's straight forward that he's not a good person also, that he sold himself to the devil to do what had to be done and he's tainted, I'm just- He's so god damn good really also lives up to being lonely but absolutely genius
least favorite thing about them: nothing, he's perfect............... but I will beat him up if he continues to hide his physical health from everyone else around him and if he goes to the moon again, it's ok, your dragon is good too
favorite line: this is hard because he has so many good ones because he doesn't know how to talk to people hdskjlaj the only one I can honest to god remember at this very moment is "you're quite the romanticist" because who tf says that to another person
brOTP: Chris and Yuma both come to mind, Chris I've gone over above but Yuma, I love that Kaito's always just in awe of him, just imagining Kaito always picking him up by the scruff constantly
OTP: I have like four ships for Kaito that I rotate out in my brain a lot highkey, the only two I haven't written something for are Galaxymaster and Raven but coming soon, my google docs are INSANE right now I want everything with Mizael to be perfect because MizaKai's just... idk, I love it so god damn much, there is SO MUCH to the two of them, and Shun's just not a muse I'm suuuuper comfortable writing rn but we're trying, I love that Shun actually like... goes back for him, not a lot of people chase Kaito back but Shun immediately ponies up idk, Kaito's pension and insistence for being alone always makes me want to throw new people at him at all times though I LOVE going into depth on Challenge, not even romantically either, their rivalry is so good in that subtle way that they're two steps off from being the same person and it didn't get nearly enough time, shakes fist And the last one is EdoKai omg, Kaito speedrunning his enemies to lovers plot with Edo in Arc V is iconic, took one look at him in the safe house and was like "yeah, we could get married"
nOTP: sweats, vkai in romantic context So... I experience pretty strong RSD, which is rejection sensitivity dysphoria, and their entire friend/mentor breakup backstory sits super wrong with me because of that gdsjagilgdsa I don't want to go too far into details but it hits home Also not huge on Kaito and Vector at all-
random headcanon: I love writing him touch starved......... he's always fully clothed anytime he's near another person, probably from just being ditched or taken away from so many people, so letting someone close physically is a big step.
unpopular opinion: He solos. literally no rival matches him if you were to attempt to scale them in skill, I'm on this hill forever and you can't move me from it <3
song i associate with them: god I have a big playlist just for him gjdasklj, it's hard to pick just one so I gift just two - Hell's Comin' With Me / Poor Man's Poison - "I am the righteous hand of god and I am the devil that you forgot", perfect, glorious - I Don't Want To Be Here Anymore / Rise Against - just... chef's kiss
favorite picture of them: him jumping through the cockpit window of the blimp, it's my mobile banner and sometimes is my Twitter banner lmao
favorite thing about them: ryouga is another character who just says and does shit with his whole chest and I honestly just love him for that, yes king, keep being stubborn, my cringefail bestie I love that he's just such a little edge lord and a wannabe bad boy but just fails at it gjdkaslj he can fight a whole gang by himself, but he'll do whatever his sister says, he's jumping off cliffs for someone who annoys him, god I love him
least favorite thing about them: ngl, I could complain for hours about how much I hate how him getting his memories of being Nasch was done, but it's also in character because Ryouga is SO UNBELIEVBABLY hot and cold about everything and everyone, love him but I also want to beat him UP
favorite line: god, Ryouga is such a tsundere so all I hear out of his mouth is "it's not like I don't like you or anything", I feel bad I haven't come up with any specific lines for any of them but they're all just dumb boys who can't talk
brOTP: Hellshark and whatever his pair with Durbe is called- Ryouga and Thomas being besties is so weird to me but also like, yeah bickering, kicking each other's asses to hell affectionately, good for them Durbe sweetie I'm so sorry but also you signed up for this
OTP: Sharkbait is up there, Challenge is proooobably my favorite though, like I said above, just love going over what could have been with their entire rivalry, the fact that Ryouga never got his grudge match with Kaito will haunt me forever, even though there's no universe where Ryouga wins jagklds
nOTP: deadass 99% of romantic pairs with Ryouga I'm not too huge on, I wouldn't say any of them are like NOTPs but idk, there's more I don't like or don't really think about than ones I actually do haha
random headcanon: ngl. I've got none I can think of right now gdjasg
unpopular opinion: he's not the rival. guy with a sister he'd do anything to help, former school bully who now practically throws his life away for the protagonist, temporary gang member, temporarily evilness Like his dueling is the first thing his sister saw when she came out of the hospital, just like someone else we know... list goes ON why he's the friend role I also,,, like his name more than his nickname, as you could tell I'm sure
song i associate with them: like what I said for Chris, unless I like FIXATE on a character, I have no songs for them, but I Am My Own Muse by Fall Out Boy comes to mind- Ryouga's playlist is inevitable
favorite picture of them: ANY WHERE HE'S JUST LIKE, FLAYING, he has so many shots of him just being blown over or on the ground, they're SO GOOD
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resignedseraph Β· 3 years
hi, i struggle a lot with the idea of defining my faith because of my personal experience with the catholic/christian based faiths. i was brought up in catholic school and i could probably tell you anything about any of it at this point, but the one constant for me was always that the god i was taught about got more complex with age which i think is bullshit because then we get into the bible was written through divine inspiration and the hypocrisy that just because the holy spirit (which is god (who is infallible)) divinely inspired people (who are infallible) that means suddenly only priests and popes can translate god's plan for you because they were Called to Serveℒ️ - i'm not gonna go down that rabbit hole because i'm pretty sure i'll have an aneurysm (you can't say god is the embodiment of red and so what if that includes green - i'm watching the good doctor and they made a similar reference which means it's the only thing i can think up rn).
ANYWAYS. the post that prompted this was "i wasn't getting into your heaven anyways" i think. how do you know that heaven is the right heaven? how do we know catholicism hasn't been corrupted by the demons of say capitalism and bigotry and arrogance etc and that the only way you could actually get into heaven is if you stop trying. why would their version of god want eternal life with people that only ever did the right thing so they could live forever? i think the god i could get behind would have a heaven for the sake of those that actually deserve it. give them what they think they want and oversee it even though they have to watch their creation wallow in the sin they tried to save them from (which by the standard of the god i learned about in elementary school like the god that should exist or else fuck that shit i'm out) and they would do it because it's the unselfish thing to do and as much as it hurts they couldn't bear to have anyone else be subjected to that kind of awful. and say hell ends up being heaven? say the archangels falling was an elaborate ruse to TRULY separate good people from bad people? and maybe heaven isn't really hell but it's this limbo that the bad people go to but like they have the chance to realize they were awful and like that could be how they could maybe get to heaven but they have to realize it themselves and try to redeem themselves by doing something really big with the knowledge that they could be wrong and end up going to fire and brimstone and never see their loved ones again for it but still they try because it's the right thing to do. and what if purgatory is for the worst people, maybe there's a parallel to it that people who are truly sick/were born with something in them broken are the demons that make purgatory the worst place as their punishment along with like demons or whatever idk i'm making this up on the spot. what if hell is the heaven you always hoped for, heaven is the hell you're living through, and purgatory is just unimaginable horrific with like hitler and shit getting what they SO deserve and more.
wouldn't that be like wicked cool?
i'm sorry if that doesn't make any sense i'm probably gonna go try to write a book or some shit but like idk. it felt like you might find my semi critical ramblings somewhat relatable? or that it might - not restore your faith i'm not here for that that's bullshit - heal something inside of you that's been broken by your personal experience with religion? maybe that you could die with that warm and fuzzy hope in your heart that we all should have had when we were kids..? i hope this doesn't upset you, i just. i'm a dreamer.
i was born with a heart that feels way too much and a conscience that will not let me be any other way than what i am. i've been called weird and annoying for it all my life. but i found a peace in truly rejecting religion, which i think people might forget also means buying into the fact that rejecting religion means we're doomed to the hell that religion subscribes to. i think maybe it could be rejecting the heaven and the hell that religion subscribes to and either defining it for ourselves or simply saying whatever and giving it the best you got even if your best doesn't seem all that good.
what if you were to embrace the things you've always been told make you bad to do the good you wish existed - and what if that was enough? i think that's why i get out of bed in the morning. and that maybe it's healed a part of me that's needed to believe in a world like that a long long time ago but never had the chance..
Look, this ask is so long and took me so long to figure out what it said (thank you brain), and I grew up very Protestant so I hope you don’t mind if I missed some stuff or can’t really address it. Also lmk if you want me to delete this or whatever, I just didn’t want to leave you hanging.
I do think Catholicism, and Christianity in general, have been corrupted by all those things. Probably not demons, just humans and their terrible ideas and striving for power.
I think that trying to decipher what anyΒ β€œtrue” meaning of a religion is β€”especially one like Christianity as an umbrella termβ€” ends up being really confusing and complicated, and sometimes you even end up with a set of beliefs that aren’t even the religion you started out with. Trust me, I’ve tried. Some people can figure out beliefs that make sense for them, and that’s cool, but by the time I figured out a set of beliefs that made sense to me, it wasn’t even Christianity anymore except by inspiration.
I’m not sure what to make of your ideas about the afterlife setup, but I do think that the vast majority of ideas of Heaven tend to be a hell in themselves. I can’t justify the Heaven/Hell setup, and can’t say anything really about Purgatory since I don’t know enough about the most common beliefs about it, but it doesn’t sound fantastic either. Regardless, I don’t think punishment is the appropriate response to any sort ofΒ β€œsin,” especially from the perspective of a supposedly all-powerful, all-knowing, infinite being.
I think I’m fine with being doomed to the hells of the religions I don’t believe in. After all, that argument works with nearly every religion that has a concept of a punishment afterlife, and I’ve been fine with that since I was little, even if it was for different reasons. I’m honestly not sure about the last bit. I think I probably will die with thatΒ β€œfuzzy feeling,” but from a different source, most likely just love for humanity and the world.
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punkscowardschampions Β· 5 years
Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: never seen a kid 😒 at a haircut Jimmy: before you say owt, it ain't even done yet so it don't look shit Janis: Poor Bobs Janis: bribe him with sweets after like it's the dentist Janis: I can get some on my way back Jimmy: throw him at your family pinging and well mad fer the party πŸ˜‚ Jimmy: tah for the invite lads Jimmy: πŸ‘ Janis: you know Janis: can't get him on the pre drinks so Jimmy: I'll set him up with a shot glass full of fizzy pop Jimmy: sorted Janis: πŸ™Œ Janis: party don't stop Janis: what about Twix Janis: she'll feel left out Jimmy: 🎢 or start til you walk in, babe #obvs Jimmy: πŸ’”πŸΆπŸŽ» Jimmy: I'd reckon on letting her trash the place but that's any day she's left alone for 1 sec Janis: Naturally Janis: why else would I need to be there so bad Janis: she's just bored #relatable Jimmy: life and soul, my dear Jimmy: you and your true love wasted on this place Janis: sad but #truthbomb Janis: [sends him socials of the decor that are already up] Janis: I know I've been telling you but seriously Janis: see and believe and prepare Jimmy: fucking hell Jimmy: too late to ask πŸ’€πŸ‘‘ to be your date instead or what? Janis: hmm Janis: would probably be my easy ticket out Janis: and she'd be thrilled for so many reasons Jimmy: crack on then Janis: πŸ˜’ Jimmy: come on, no challenge in it Janis: only a further challenge on my sanity, like Jimmy: turn round, I've sent the orchestra after you Jimmy: Bob's gonna save you a tissue an' all Janis: lovely Janis: just one he's not blown his nose in, tah Jimmy: πŸ‘Œ Jimmy: buy us 🚬 when you're at the shop Jimmy: πŸ€žπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ Janis: sure Janis: death pact sounds good rn Jimmy: right there next to you, Juliet Jimmy: headfirst off the balcony if nowt else Janis: honestly Janis: love to fuck up their marble floor Jimmy: least if you play up enough you might get a new pony out of it Jimmy: fuck knows where we'll put it but the kids will be #buzzing Janis: piss off Janis: don't even like horses Janis: or you Jimmy: I know that's bollocks, rich girl Janis: glue factory, both of yous Jimmy: πŸ’•πŸ΄ Jimmy: πŸ’•πŸ˜Ž Jimmy: I'll buy you a heart shaped locket when our #truelove turns 1 Jimmy: space with pics for all your faves Janis: πŸ˜’ Janis: I'll throw it into the ocean Jimmy: πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’” Jimmy: gonna make me 😒😒 too Janis: s'alright, draw a masterpiece and I'll share the door Janis: don't hate you either, not completely Jimmy: every bit's a masterpiece with you as my muse, baby Jimmy: πŸ₯‡πŸŽ¨ Janis: gonna get whiplash if you keep doing these 180s boy Jimmy: get you out of this party, won't it? 😘 Janis: your plan all along Janis: πŸ’” me so I've got a get out of jail free card Janis: not worked for Gracie, like Jimmy: gotta be πŸ’• to get πŸ’” Janis: she was Jimmy: bollocks Jimmy: our fake was realer than that Janis: not with him, obviously Janis: πŸ’€πŸ‘‘πŸ’• Jimmy: πŸ˜‚ Janis: you know it's real Janis: as real as she gets Jimmy: a love story to rival me and my ex that one Jimmy: bout as many break and make ups as we had too, like Janis: I wouldn't try and console her Janis: never get away Janis: more 😭 than the kid Jimmy: I can't πŸ’ͺ and 🀐 you said Jimmy: I ain't cuddling her Janis: better not Jimmy: not in my πŸ’°πŸ’° party clothes, tah Jimmy: wouldn't be πŸ’‹ on my collar, it'd be half her face Janis: πŸ˜‚ Janis: you have no idea Jimmy: I'm not trying to find out what she #wakesuplike or owt else Jimmy: πŸ’” Gracie I know Janis: 😏 reckon she's over it, babe Jimmy: πŸ‘ Janis: πŸ’” I know Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Jimmy: [sends selfies that Bobby has taken of himself post haircut] Jimmy: heartbreaker not heartbroken now he is Jimmy: he needed you to see ALL 23 of them identical pics so he reckoned Janis: He looks so good Janis: very 😎 Jimmy: using every bit of my πŸ’ͺ to stop him taking my phone to give you a bell Janis: n'awh he can if he wants Janis: am at the shop so get your order in Jimmy: [cute little phone call moment including Jimmy telling Bobby to ask her to buy all kinds of silly stuff cos nerd] Janis: [so cute, when they'd all be used to each other now and like a mini fam soz ian not soz] Jimmy: [even Cass would like Janis by now, such a squad, fuck off Ian] Janis: [get her something for dinner just in case 'cos too cool for this party obvs] Jimmy: [and we know Ian ain't gonna give a shit as long as he's okay himself so] Janis: actually 😍 Jimmy: how soon can we palm him off though? Jimmy: doing my head in if he ain't yours Janis: so mean, you Janis: go 'head and wish for this party to start tho Jimmy: you're alright Janis: mhmm Janis: this is gonna be a disaster, not even a funny one Jimmy: what's the scale? Janis: you wanna hear about the worst party this family has ever, like? Janis: 'cos you need to give me like 3-5 working days to work that out Jimmy: just working out if today's the day for us to say yeah to drugs instead of nah or if decimating Ian's drink supply before he gets back will do Janis: no doubt they'll have it out like hors d'oeuvres Janis: rich people Jimmy: what the fuck are them? Jimmy: I know that weren't paddy lingo but you still lost me Janis: party food Janis: pineapple and cheese on a stick but make it πŸ’Έ Jimmy: πŸ˜‚ Jimmy: brush some edible gold leaf on it Janis: exactly Janis: make some poor cunt in a tux hand it out Janis: they aren't quite that level, well Janis: I don't think they'll have 'staff' anyway or 🀒 Jimmy: could've had a word for me, babe Jimmy: bit rude Jimmy: missing out on a lot of tips to be there Janis: if you really wanna make it weird, I'll pay you myself Janis: idiot Jimmy: I've been waiting ages to unlock that final kink of yours Jimmy: πŸ’ͺπŸ† Janis: There you go then Janis: all comes out Janis: πŸ™„ Jimmy: πŸ₯‡ Jimmy: really cheered me that has Janis: you'll forgive me for the hors d'oeuvres then Janis: so glad Jimmy: put a bit more work in and I might Janis: you work, I pay Janis: silly Jimmy: 🀀🀀🀀 Jimmy: keep giving them orders, girl Janis: 😏 Janis: if we didn't have somewhere to be Jimmy: we don't yet Janis: no, but you can't actually ditch bobs Jimmy: I'll throw him at Cass for a bit when we get back, she's getting time off later Janis: True Janis: not above it but not ideal getting drunk enough to deal in front of him, like Jimmy: I'm texting her now Jimmy: and we're on the bus Jimmy: be home well soon Janis: πŸ‘ Janis: race you there Jimmy: piss off I ain't driving the bus Jimmy: that ain't fair Janis: if you ain't up to the challenge Janis: πŸ˜‚ Jimmy: leave it out or you ain't getting your present Janis: locket? Jimmy: not what I've got in my pocket right now but I love that you're thinking long term Jimmy: very keen you Janis: πŸ€”πŸ‘€ Jimmy: you gonna guess or what? Janis: 🍾 Janis: umm Janis: did you get some shampoo Janis: idk Jimmy: my subtle hint that you need to sort yourself out, like Jimmy: not that much of a dickhead Janis: I've got no clue Jimmy: Are you telling me you wanna shower with me? 'Cause not fuming about it Janis: I was thinking where you was last but you know Janis: can't show up stinking can we Jimmy: If getting kicked out is the goal, probably should Jimmy: but I Janis: wanna give me my present Janis: I get it Jimmy: and you want it off me Janis: yeah Janis: I do Jimmy: you're so Janis: you Jimmy: [sends her a fire sext because always and any opportunity] Janis: Jimmy Jimmy: what? Janis: just Janis: be here now Jimmy: just wait for me Jimmy: won't be as long as it feels Janis: I miss you Jimmy: I want you Janis: as soon as you're back Janis: 'til the last possible minute Jimmy: Yeah Janis: didn't want to go but now I really, really don't wanna go anywhere but the shower, like Jimmy: Ian ain't there to bang on the door, it's alright Janis: 😏 maybe he's just trying to keep us in time Janis: helpful, really Jimmy: sounds proper fake that Janis: probably Janis: just tryna spread those posi vibes Janis: you know me, babe Jimmy: such a ray of sunshine you Jimmy: what I'm always telling people that is Janis: awh, who you talkin' 'bout me to, boy? Jimmy: the 🌏 babe Janis: 😍 #thatdemotho Janis: you spoil me Janis: that my gift, yeah? #freepromo Jimmy: you got me Jimmy: know the way to your πŸ’˜ Janis: just can't quit being goals, can you Jimmy: πŸ’• Janis: be here now Janis: I'm done waiting Jimmy: Hang on, I'll throw the driver off Jimmy: only a few stops Janis: probably distracted with his 😍 Jimmy: if the kid weren't here everyone on this bus would be Janis: πŸ’” that Janis: actually Jimmy: has Cass shown up at ours yet? Jimmy: I told her to take him out Janis: yeah Janis: her mates here too they're raiding the cupboards Jimmy: that lad again? πŸ™„ Janis: alright, dad Janis: nice of you to pop in πŸ˜‚ Jimmy: piss off Janis: you're so cute Jimmy: you're a dickhead Janis: don't get aggy with me Janis: I ain't got my mans over Jimmy: Mia be round any sec though, will she? Jimmy: make myself scarce for a bit then Janis: πŸ–• Janis: so funny, you Jimmy: save that for her Jimmy: πŸ’• Janis: the fakery? Janis: sure Janis: I'm a pro now Jimmy: that and the hand gestures Janis: easy now Janis: not tossing her off Janis: and it's a different gesture, anyway Jimmy: πŸ˜‚ Jimmy: trying to tell me I've been doing it wrong, are you? Jimmy: first I've heard Jimmy: and very subtle of you, mate Janis: πŸ˜‚ Janis: you know Janis: been thinking how to bring it up and now seemed like the perfect opportunity tbh Jimmy: you'll have a perfect opportunity to show me how I can do better in a bit Janis: it's a date, loser Jimmy: πŸ‘Œ Jimmy: [showing up cos why not do a lil skip lol] Janis: just chilling in the kitchen with cass and her mate like hey] Jimmy: [100% her mate is the Tyler kid in my head lol but yeah don't be rude and kick them out immediately, do pass the sweets Janis got round tho shameless bribe which reminds me her gift was a lollipop he swiped from the hairdresser for well behaved kids cos drunken throwback they don't remember but we do so he can give her that too like] Jimmy: [Bobby showing everyone his hair and loving life P.S] Janis: [love that, being shamelessly buzzing 'cos about those nerdy gestures forever and you get to be #seductive on the low] Janis: [get it bab, you look fresh] Jimmy: [could not resist and never will bye] Jimmy: [that little kiddo being less shy fuck me up] Janis: [get your confidence live your life bb] Jimmy: [making everyone a cuppa even though you want them to fuck off #northern] Janis: [when you're rood (but not really) so you're like we've got to get ready bye] Jimmy: [only so much eye fucking and accidental touching and seduction via lolly you can handle before you g2g] Janis: [truly, in that shower boys] Jimmy: [casually really long shower soz not soz Ian] Janis: enjoy that waterbill] Jimmy: [then actually get dressed and get drinking but it's obvs still flirty af] Janis: [the vibe, 'cos don't need to dwell on what a non mood this party is] Jimmy: [literally he'd be distracting her so hard, so many kisses it'd be a miracle that anything else gets done, lowkey helping each other dress just so you can keep touching and being soft] Janis: ['you look good' 'cos he did despite the dresscode] Jimmy: [does a drinks cheers because thanks and also she does too we know it] Janis: [cheersing with glee 'cos a few drinks in and being with the bae you don't feel completely like kms] Janis: ['not as good as Bobby but you know, you'll do'] Jimmy: [runs his hands through his hair dramatically cos got a lil trim but nothing worth mentioning and doing a pouty face for the pisstake 'take him then, I'll stay here'] Janis: [hugging him tight like no] Jimmy: [hugging her back as tight just because and hands in her hair likewise and more kisses just because] Janis: ['I promise I'll make it fun' 'cos sorry to be dragging him into this mess but gotta lol] Jimmy: ['If I'm with you, I'm having a good one' cos true even in this instance ultimately] Janis: [literal sincere hearteyes] Jimmy: [give them right back so its a moment] Janis: [just snuggling like 'let's run away okay'] Jimmy: ['alright, we're decently dressed for life on the run' but being soft with your touches cos you want to as well] Janis: [sniffs, 'yeah, new identity ready, like'] Jimmy: ['forgot your former name already, me'] Janis: [lols 'be more believable if you hadn't been saying it so much in the shower, boy' 😏] Jimmy: ['soz, I thought you only wanted me mute at the party, like' 😏 Janis: [makes face like no and a 'n'awh' sound 'I don't want you like that, you just ain't gonna have nothing to say to 'em, me either, like'] Jimmy: ['I don't wanna say nowt to 'em, just you' no offense fam but that's the tea] Janis: [nods 'cos same and not like she's that bitch to say you must lmao] Jimmy: [tops both their drinks up because that speaks for itself] Janis: [drinking and snuggling] Jimmy: [enjoy the alone time while you can kids] Janis: [just telling him about the 'decent' (bit rude) kids that'll be there for bobby to play with] Jimmy: [he'll be having a lovely time at least] Janis: [and at least as bouj as they are it's not like they're most fancy house 'cos he's still in school so can't be living fully lavish] Jimmy: [makes me lol god bless those extra bitches] Jimmy: [let's say he puts music on for them cos kids could be back any time and wanna stay in their own bubble as long as they can] Janis: [throwback to all those times, appreciated] Jimmy: [casual playlist of all those van hook ups lol] Janis: [if anything is gonna get you in the mood tbh] Jimmy: [enjoy it kids] Janis: [in your new bed bowchicka] Jimmy: [that for once isn't full of a pup and a kid so it still feels as small as a single usually #rude] Janis: [hope you've not put your fancy clothes on yet lol] Jimmy: [dressed and undressed haha priorities] Jimmy: [Jimmy'd be like me and not put them on til the last min in case they get messed up] Janis: [sensible, better than turning up all awry like what you been up to 😏] Jimmy: [they don't need the pisstaking today fam they're trying to stay in a good mood] Janis: [just like 'fucking obvs wbu'] Jimmy: [don't ask if you don't wanna know tbh] Janis: [truly, how long are we giving you lads before Ian's back being a hoe] Jimmy: [give 'em long enough to enjoy that new bed and be a few more drinks in but yeah he should probably appear soon to give him the most time to be a knob before they get be like oh bye Ian lowkey maybe they think it's the kids coming back so they're like alright cool they're earlier than we expected so loads of time to get Bobs ready but then no, it's that fool Janis: [when you're lowkey like should I stay in here 'til we're ready to go 'cos Ian hates you lol] Jimmy: [she should if only so they can type to each other for a bit] Jimmy: πŸ™„πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ™„ Janis: real life and soul has arrived Jimmy: can you hear us celebrating down here? Jimmy: πŸŽ‰ keep it down, knobhead 🍾 Janis: been to plenty parties like that Janis: but Ian, the vibe is πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’‹πŸŒΈπŸŒΊπŸŽ€ Janis: get with it Jimmy: πŸ€ standard fare that, be why he fits right in on this street Jimmy: you don't wanna take him in my place then? Jimmy: πŸ’€πŸ‘‘ gonna be thrilled to still be πŸ₯‡ like Janis: they should date Janis: start an anti-fan club for me Janis: cute πŸ’• Jimmy: stop trying to make me vom Jimmy: so kinky you Janis: tryna save you, babe Janis: sure she's dead distracting Janis: soz sue or whoever it is rn Jimmy: I'll take her over Mia as my new mum tah Janis: she will find her in Janis: stop fighting it, boy Jimmy: Take your own advice before you hand it out to me, mate Janis: 🀐 shh Jimmy: πŸ’• Janis: she's coming for his πŸ‘‘ in the dickhead stakes though so maybe it won't work Janis: too much competition πŸ’ͺπŸ‘Ž Jimmy: what like there can only be 1? πŸ€ town's full of twats Janis: ask her, she'd tell you Janis: don't share the throne, babes Jimmy: hang on, I'll slide in her DMs for a change Jimmy: shock might πŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺπŸ’€πŸ‘» Janis: 🀞 Janis: needs distracting from her story rampage Jimmy: ? Janis: ugh, usual Janis: now her and gracie aren't bffs forever she don't have to hold back with slaggin on her and spilling all that tea, sis Jimmy: πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ Jimmy: rather have this twat in my πŸ‘‚ than eyes on that bollocks Jimmy: tah Ian Janis: tell him it's his turn to say something nice now Jimmy: πŸ‘ Janis: πŸ”Š I'm waiting Jimmy: take your turn, he's skipping his Janis: About Ian? Janis: Hmm Janis: he makes cute kids Janis: I guess Jimmy: πŸ˜‚ Jimmy: come and get the little one, he needs to get ready not hear this shit Janis: πŸ‘ Janis: [does and gives him a subtle shoulder squeeze as she goes] Jimmy: [runs away as soon as he can cos you know Cass is good for making Ian kick off/taking his full attention so they could just get Bobby ready and be cute though you can tell Jimothy is forlorn]] Janis: [not saying anything but keeping Bobby chatting and hyped about this party and showing him pics of relevant kids so he won't be as shy to meet them] Jimmy: [just 😍 cos that's so nice and so cute and he is full of love] Janis: [just smiling at him and doing lots of subtle small reassuring touches] Jimmy: I love you Janis: I love you Janis: fuck the rest, yeah? Jimmy: yeah Janis: [gives him a sneaky kiss 'cos kids be like ewwww lol] Jimmy: let's just go Jimmy: if not to the party yet just Janis: 'course, all dressed up like Janis: kid needs an audience rn 😎 Jimmy: bit rude if our kid's just taken 1000s of pics of you on that old camera I let him have Jimmy: my muse not his Janis: there's enough inspo to go around baby Jimmy: weren't a challenge but take it as one any time you like, girl Janis: [posing for Bobby and pulling all kinds of faces whilst getting one of his jackets on like let's ride] Janis: what challenge Jimmy: [counts how many poses/faces she's doing casually] Jimmy: you owe me a photoshoot later Jimmy: see what you reckon then Janis: see what you reckon when I hit you with my hourly rate Janis: owes me so many sweets, that one Jimmy: Nah, rich girl, I work and you pay Jimmy: your words them Jimmy: [we on the move though fuck you Ian and good luck being stuck with that Cass] Janis: [seriously that'll be fun for you both lowkey] Janis: you think I'm gonna pay for the pleasure? Jimmy: as long as you feel it I don't give a fuck if you don't get the cash out Jimmy: but we can keep that between us Jimmy: #golddigger if anyone asks obvs Janis: 'course Janis: why else would you be with me Janis: just keep that off the 'gram, naturally Janis: [walking and talking with Bobs, obvs, sneaky convos ftw] Jimmy: I'll put the list on the 'gram in a bit Jimmy: let you know, like Janis: how very goals of you Janis: even if you're gonna have to ignore me to write it, like 😏 Jimmy: fuck that, it basically writes itself Jimmy: [a look cos so in love bitch] Janis: you look good Janis: did I tell you Jimmy: might've done Jimmy: I need to tell you Jimmy: come here Janis: [moves closer like hello] Jimmy: [whispering all these compliments and generally hot af things in her ear like] Janis: [when you nudge him like excuse me but it's just an excuse to snuggle into his side, we see you] Jimmy: [soz baby bobs but we gotta do another sneaky kiss here that may or may not be that sneaky soz again] Janis: [he'd be less grossed than cass and we all know it] Jimmy: [yeah and he's probs using his camera on himself/the scenery as they walk along anyways so] Janis: ['how's it feel having a mini-me?'] Jimmy: [shrugs cos used to it 'better than it'd feel Ian having one' cos that's the tea] Janis: [nods like ain't that the truth] Jimmy: [when you openly snuggle into her side without any excuse cos ugh he's the worst and you know he's been saying shit as standard] Janis: [taking your hand out of the pocket to hold his 'another pro of Mia, she's definitely infertile, no more Ians ever'] Jimmy: [little lol because you can't even help it] Jimmy: ['imagine the school lunch she'd pack, tah mum'] Janis: ['those appetite-suppressing lollipops are well kid-friendly'] Jimmy: ['do need this kid off my hands to have a smoke though so if you could give her a bell now that'd be decent'] Janis: ['um, cigarettes are the OG appetite-supressors, HELLO!' taps his head like think on but gestures like, you want me to go ahead with him or] Jimmy: [pulls her closer to him and holds onto her dramatically because no #bantsbutalsotherealest] Janis: [doing that half walk half dance you have to do when you're holding onto each other and still moving for a while 'cos not going] Jimmy: [giving her the realest intense don't leave me look before you can stop yourself because the neediest softest boy ever bye] Janis: [just looking back not faltering 'I ain't gonna leave you alone with 'em, if only for the purely selfish reason I don't wanna be alone with 'em either'] Jimmy: [a hug moment that he really needs and is made cuter by Bobby joining in cos they a lil fam] Janis: [love a group hug moment, live your best life, ain't no one stop you, especially not Ian bye] Jimmy: [shakes his head at himself like get your shit together now boy] Janis: [puts Bobby's shades down for him 'cos cool kid and mimics the same at him like you got this babe] Jimmy: [a wonderful hand squeeze of thanks and hand holding the rest of the way] Janis: [squad roll up honey] Jimmy: [let's do this lads, take a deep breath before the pink hits you but] Janis: [literal deep breath as if you're not gonna do your best to do the bare minimum of socializing before finding a cosy corner] Jimmy: [god bless, can't even shade you two cos its gonna be so awks, I can so clearly hear and see Venus' dad's extraness like] Janis: [as much as she's πŸ˜’ at least he's met cali enough for that to not be unbearable just keep rio away lowkey lol] Jimmy: [we all know they are gonna take a smoke break the first chance they get full offense everybody but could be worse cos grace is lowkey tipsy af already so] Janis: [just exchanging a look but not a sexy look with him like okay and we were pre-drinking] Jimmy: #whitegirlwasted Jimmy: you might've taught me that but she's reminding me Janis: πŸ˜‚ Janis: she's an education in all things white alright Jimmy: πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ Jimmy: [okay but Jimmy chatting to Indie cos she's brought Astrid and he's got Bobs and remember when he was like 10/10 would bang lol] Janis: [just off securing that bitch vodka] Jimmy: [take it girl you're gonna want it] Janis: [talking to Rio (and Buster and Venus' dad etc) without him 'cos you wanna keep her away 'cos embarrassing] Jimmy: [he's just settling Bobs in but he's got loads of kids and hippie brother so he's buzzing unlike most of these guests] Jimmy: πŸ‘ Janis: all good? Jimmy: you alright? Janis: you know Jimmy: πŸ’ͺπŸ† Janis: that's about the gist of it, yeah Jimmy: what are you drinking, girl? Janis: that's a poor excuse for chat, boy Jimmy: shut up Jimmy: do you want one or what? Janis: obviously Jimmy: πŸƒ me Jimmy: hang on Janis: you offered Jimmy: [brings her that beverage and knocks their glasses together] Janis: ['careful, wouldn't wanna spill anything'] Jimmy: [gives her a look because she wanted to spill their blood on the marble not that long ago lol] Janis: [shrugs like what] Jimmy: [shrugs back like what cos always] Janis: [πŸ™„ and dranking] Jimmy: [we all drinking] Janis: this is so ugly Jimmy: it's πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’‹πŸŒΈπŸŒΊπŸŽ€ Jimmy: get it right babes Janis: my point still stands Jimmy: smack me, I'll get a clashing colour nosebleed and we'll have to leave Janis: alright, sounds fun Jimmy: #kinkunlocked Janis: you wish Jimmy: when I blow out the kid's candles in a bit you'll have to do it πŸ‘Έ Janis: [does mini lol] Jimmy: 🚬? Janis: [starts heading out in response] Jimmy: [following the bae] Janis: ['we shoulda got another pack' as she's tapping two out, like no time for sharing] Jimmy: [gives her a playful look like literally you had one job 'I'll go in a bit' but obvs he means on the way back he's not just gonna leave her lol] Janis: ['I'm an optimist, I didn't think it'd be this bad, sue me' 😏] Jimmy: [little lol 'why we're such a good match, duh'] Janis: ['for now, anyway'] Jimmy: [πŸ’” with his hands] Janis: ['believable'] Janis: [does πŸ‘Ž] Jimmy: [does OTT sad face and fake crying like is that better?] Janis: ['if you want sympathy you gotta aim it at your new, not your old' taps her head, like Jimmy: [πŸ‘ IRL like tah for that] Janis: ['in you go' shoos 'cos so polite] Jimmy: [playfight moment cos oi] Janis: ['stop it' but a LOOk obvs] Jimmy: [a look back like make me cos distract yourselves with being flirty af kids] Janis: [shakes her head 'I'm busy' takes pause to inhale to prove point then exhales 'ask your friend instead'] Jimmy: ['which one, got so many friends, me'] Janis: [just makes face like you know] Jimmy: [makes a face back like no I don't] Janis: [rolls her eyes but not agressively so add the smirky face, like, 'good job you're pretty, babe'] Jimmy: [bats his eyelashes at her in an OTT way and makes a kissy face, it's almost like Grace is in the room lol] Janis: [makes a vom face and pushes him away 'no, you're dumped, get out'] Jimmy: [hair flip and walk away but not far away thanks] Janis: ['technically, half of these are yours' and shakes the cigs at him] Jimmy: ['not til you say yeah to tying the knot, babe, today the day?'] Janis: ['obviously, this-' gestures around '-is all I really want'] Jimmy: ['obviously'] Janis: [shakes head and sighs, 'least bobby's having fun, like'] Jimmy: [nods because that's the best he could expect as an outcome tbh] Janis: [kicks at his shins but softly not actual 'cheer up'] Jimmy: [is all like oi cos fancy clothes but not actually mad obvs 'alright, challenge accepted'] Janis: [looks at him expectantly] Jimmy: [hits her with a 'what?' as standard] Janis: ['come here, idiot'] Jimmy: [does of course] Janis: [sneaky garden makeouts forever] Jimmy: [take what you can get kids, probably gonna have to go back in before too long] Janis: [Astrid probably having a meltdown so you gotta go in to check on the kid you brought lol] Jimmy: [Indie just gotta leave with her so the numbers are dwindling #awks] Janis: πŸ’” Jimmy: πŸŽ»πŸŽ»πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸŽ»πŸŽ» Janis: really should've scaled this back, all things considered Jimmy: but the πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’‹πŸŒΈπŸŒΊπŸŽ€ Jimmy: actually would be πŸ’” Jimmy: it's a 3 πŸ’Ž event, girl Janis: for who Jimmy: everyone #obvs Janis: I repeat Janis: who Jimmy: your horse would be feeling it if you'd brought her along πŸ‘ΈπŸ‘‘πŸ΄πŸ’• Janis: can't bring a horse for a date Janis: not that kind of horse girl Jimmy: πŸ˜‚ Janis: gutting, I know Janis: not even afer the honeymoon Jimmy: might be a challenge too far competing with πŸ΄πŸ†like, πŸ’ͺπŸ† as I am Jimmy: so you're alright Janis: πŸ˜‚ Janis: no amount of πŸ€ gonna help you Janis: 🀷 soz Jimmy: πŸ’• meant to help me, Juliet Jimmy: choose me πŸ˜πŸ’˜ Janis: you've always said how much I love horses so Janis: how could I Jimmy: πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’”πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ Jimmy: on you go then Jimmy: πŸ‘‹ Janis: Missed a perfect opportunity to go with fuck you and the horse you rode in on Janis: which is why I already dumped you so Jimmy: missed a perfect opportunity to leave with Indie an' all but I've still got the orchestra to see me out Janis: 🎺 'cos you're not funny Jimmy: bit rude Janis: have we met Jimmy: dunno, my mrs does have a very different #aesthetic Janis: lucky her Jimmy: she's going out with me, she's well lucky #duh Janis: mhmm Janis: I'm gonna politely smile 'til you go away now Jimmy: πŸ‘ Janis: can I trust you not to spike my drink, creeper Janis: too many of my family members are congregating and I can't Jimmy: no need, give it a bit and you'll do the work of being gone yourself, lightweight Janis: fuck off Janis: how you gonna say that when she's stood right there Janis: barely Jimmy: you want me to start comparing you and her? Jimmy: not that thick or ready to πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ tah Janis: Changed your tune Jimmy: so fickle me Janis: clearly Jimmy: keeping up with you, I reckon Jimmy: am I dumped or your #goals boyfriend bringing you drinks and whatever else your heart desires? Janis: you wanted the gig Janis: tux sadly not included Jimmy: [obvs brings her drinks tho cos needs them himself anyway] Janis: ['cheers'] Jimmy: slΓ‘inte pisshead πŸ’• Janis: be nice Jimmy: you Janis: I am Janis: so nice Jimmy: πŸ‘Œ Jimmy: where? Janis: [πŸ˜’] Jimmy: go on, get your #receipts out Janis: why are you being a dick for Jimmy: what are you on about? Janis: [πŸ˜’ and an actual pout not the emoji kind] Jimmy: [gotta kiss that pout soz fam] Janis: [not soz, claim this corner lads] Jimmy: [being really nice to her rn like come back to meeeeeeeee and be my friend again] Jimmy: [I like to imagine Grace being a salty single from afar] Janis: [when you're so over this whole mood you ain't even arsed about the attention your PDA will get either way] Jimmy: [likewise only care about the bae and making this more bearable for her so soz but not soz at all actually] Janis: ['sorry' when you take a sec 'cos actual] Jimmy: ['it's alright' cos it is and not just saying it] Janis: ['it's stupid but' shrugs 'cos what can you do 'soon as they cut the cake, I swear'] Jimmy: [just snuggling her cos he'll be here as long as it takes and so much love] Janis: [just forgetting your rep and being soft for a sec] Jimmy: [#ultimategoals 5eva nobody else exists bye] Janis: ['I actually fucking love you, you know'] Jimmy: [when you're kissing her but you can't stop smiling the whole time because always gonna get you when she says that] Janis: ['I mean it' not like she doesn't think he believes her but 'cos she do and that's crazy if you ever stop and think about it which they clearly don't #nochill] Jimmy: [giving her the most intense heart eyes cos he knows and it's so mutual] Janis: [just snuggling] Jimmy: [let them have all the moments I am unrepentant af] Jimmy: [just whispering all the nice things to her like how much he loves her and how important all of this is to him etc because he could be saying anything fam its not for you] Janis: [when your face probably looks like you're #scandalized but really it's 'cos it's not saucy and that gets you harder] Jimmy: [if you didn't wanna leave before you really do now so you can just be properly alone gdi] Janis: [gonna have someone cockblock, probably one of your parents trying to talk to you like now lads okay lol] Jimmy: [rude but real] Jimmy: do you wanna just fuck off for a bit after this? Jimmy: catch a train or a lift like Janis: yes Janis: always, like Jimmy: nobody'll be at the caravan if they've all had to come here Jimmy: don't have to be there though Janis: a good base if nothing else Janis: but we can go anywhere Jimmy: πŸ‘ Jimmy: have to drop the kid back first, change out of this shit Jimmy: can grab the dog if you're both gonna be πŸ’”πŸ’” Janis: can't you bring the braces 😏 Janis: hmm, maybe Janis: the less responsibilities we leave for Cass/Ian, the less arsed everyone will be Jimmy: depends, are you taking the piss or what? Jimmy: and yeah but that don't mean I'm taking the kids meaning he'll still need me to leave classic FM blasting for him Janis: Would I do a thing like that Janis: you know you still look fit Janis: 🎻 obvs Janis: don't want him to enjoy himself ever Janis: just not ban me and πŸ’€you Jimmy: stop looking at me like that or you'll πŸ’€ me Janis: I can't help it Janis: not my fault everything else in here is offensively πŸŽ€πŸŒΊπŸŒΈπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’‹ Jimmy: πŸ’• Jimmy: love you too Jimmy: and how impressively you backhand them compliments Janis: gotta keep you grounded, babe Jimmy: then, as I said, stop looking at me like that, babe Jimmy: #groundednotintheground Janis: you're so Janis: make everyone go away Jimmy: how many bathrooms does this place have? Jimmy: let's hide in one for a bit Janis: more than one Janis: and there ain't enough guests here that they need to be queuing Janis: come interrupt so I can show you Jimmy: [does and can because has never been here before so legit wouldn't know where to go] Janis: [off you run children] Jimmy: [someone'll come find you if they need you for birthday things and you aren't back so take all the moments] Janis: [also none of you are stupid you know what's happening so leave 'em for a hot sec tbh] Jimmy: [mhmm all of y'all have pull these same tricks at some point and we know it] Janis: [exactly dr phil] Jimmy: [do we want skerries again or somewhere different?] Janis: [should go somewhere different why not] Jimmy: [yeah I'm thinking get the train/hitchhike until they are fed up and then just get out cos destination ain't the important bit] Janis: [a mood] Jimmy: [feels real even they come back tomorrow, being gone long isn't the point either really] Janis: [exactly, it's just about leaving]
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yeonjuins Β· 3 years
hiii! It’s the goingtouniversitysoonforgfx anon againπŸ’€πŸ’€
call me june☺️! ngl that’s what I acc go by on my blog so if you ever find it, cool and hi :) (im just anon bc im shy lmao) - honestly i really love that name and it’s my birthday month, (I finish in June too!), also one of the first krnb artists I started listening to back in 2020 is called june and I was absolutely in love w his music, like he was all I had in rotation with gsoul and couple others
i haven’t acc tried using ae yet, your guide gave me a rough idea of where to start, I just haven’t gotten round to it . Truth is I’m so so so soooooo bad w time management and getting stuff done so I couldn’t make any extra passion projects for my portfolio (I ult txt and procrastinate like crazy so put that together with having to prepare for a 6hr exam) 😭
I had this really cool idea for an Ateez zine but all I’ve done is the cover roughly and nothing else - so I just quickly made a few things and compiled school and personal stuff together and sent it off, im really bummed out about the zine because it’s something I would’ve really put my all in and be so proud of but I didn’t wanna rush it and not be proud of it πŸ₯² if I ever make it I’ll be sure to show you!
On the bright side I made this fairy of shampoo poster that I love and a Polaroid love poster that I made on a whim-that oddly turned out really good that I sent off, but i wanted to animate it which I ended up not doing….. I’ll get round to it eventually…..
I have 2 offers tho! Just not from where I wanna go lmao, I should have the rest by the end of March so fingers crossed..
this could be the weirdest question you’ve ever gotten but like, how do u sort all your gfx stuff..? Like resources wise (colourings, pngs, elements) idk if I’m using the right terms but you get what I’m saying right?
I do have them in folders but most of the time I go on downloading sprees and then I end up leaving everything over the place - I may have just answered my own question but I’m just wondering what works for you or if you know anyone that has anything organised in a specific way where it’s easy to navigate, u know?
SORRY FOR THIS REALLY LONG ASK, I see you’re really swamped with asks already but….yeah. I also saw that you take music recs so I wanted to make a few! (That was the originally whole reason why i was sending an ask but i rambled alot replying to ur last answer to me…)
I have a million and one favourite songs rn, but these are my faves in rotation - lmk if you’ve already heard!
snowy night - billlie
sincerity - WONPIL
super rare - epik high, wonstein and ph-1
again - def, LEON
Cool to see other DVWN Fans and also it’s really cool to see how you’ve kinda created a space to talk about music, krnb and such, I always felt like I was the only one in this music bubble skhsjsj
Anyway, ENJOY :]
(putting under read more cause lengthy response (": )
please please !! never feel bad for having a long ask (": i'm honoured really people want to talk to me hehe <3 secretly typing up my response in class right now because this class is boring LMFAO
hello june !!! i acc have a friend with the same name on here so i'll call you 'june anon' if thats alright hehe (will go back to previous asks and change the tag as well so we can look back if we ever need to <3) and I CANNOT BELIEVE JUNE WAS ONE OF YOUR FIRST KRNB ARTISTS..... if we're talking about the same person- he's also apart of plt records right?? i am absolutely in love with anyone that is aware of plt....
oh my- please i feel like that wasn't even a proper guide ;; ik i already said this but i feel like i should've gave something more structured PAHHAHA hopefully it still helps you in some sort of way ;; and a 6 hour exam wtf that's acc insane imo ):< time management is super hard (<- literally micromanages everything to get stuff done <- horrible at micromanaging <- don't micromanage either, it's horrible for mental health if you don't condone time for it)
omg zines... i absolutely love making zines they're so fun... i think the first zine i made was an isometric house illustration based off of childhood photos of my friends ;0 i think i titled it the 'HOME' project or something but that was one of my first big projects that really pushed me towards wanting to do stuff with design in my fuutre (": i entirely know what you mean by 'wanting to give it your all'... it's really polarizing but as creators you feel the weight on your shoulder to make things good esp if the topic means a lot to you ;; please do show (if you feel comfortable and if you end up making it) !!!!
wHAHHAH edits on the whim are SOOO fun... i made my animal crossing edit / gyugle on a whim and they're truly one of my favourites hehe... i think i said this with humming anon but i feel like anything associated to fos is instnatly god tier... like nothing can go wrong with it ever and that is simply the truth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND YAYAYAY CONGRATS ON GETTING TWO OFFERS OMG ! that's acc amazing ;0 excuse me for prying but are you perhaps in canada...? it sounds like your school system is the same as mine ;; if you don't feel comfortable with sharing though feel free to ignore !! whatever college/uni you end up going to, i'm 90% sure it's all purely what you make out of the experience (the other 10% comes from me not even . being in university so i can't entirely vouch for this PAHAHAH) i believe in you my love <3
i’m going to answer your gfx organization question in a separate text post !! just in case someone else asks me so i can just redirect it easily ;; (you can find it here!)οΏ½οΏ½
oh my god i wanted to get into billie for so long because i absolutely love their debut song + concept + THEIR ?? CHOEROS ARE SO COOL (lia kim <3 she never misses... <3) snowy night feels so christmasy it’s so cute... omg i acc never listened to wonpil’s solo stuff ;; i used to be obsessed with day6 in like 8th-9th grade but his voice is so angelic and soft ): my spotify acc broke listening to wonpil’s song SO I CAN’T . PAUSE IT NOW . (<- had to force restart my phone PAHAHHAH wonpil your power...) ASDHOIAKLMW AND OMG EPIK HIGH SOOOOO TRUE.... istg the more i answer asks the more anons bring out my krnb/khiphop days... absolutely love epik high’s β€˜we’ve done something wonderful’ album... no skips on that album imo but i’m not sure if everyone would like it since it does have some of those β€˜old school’ vibes to it (the song is lovely btw ph-1β€²s part is <3) ouu i feel like i’ve heard of leon before but this song is new to me ;0 it’s so chill wHAAHA it has like..... a hint of dpr vibes to it (<- thinks about dpr live’s jasmine obsessively... i also hate the fact that i use the word β€˜vibes’ but idk what else i should say like β€˜energy’ sounds equally as........... β€˜gen z’ to me ASOHDIMKLWA)
thank you for the song recs my love (”: and thank you for dropping by my inbox hehe like i said all the way above, i don’t mind long asks !! let’s me talk about similar interests and i just think it’s wholesome overall <3 i hope your day has been going lovely as far my angel <3
0 notes
punkscowardschampions Β· 5 years
Rio & Buster
Rio: Nancy is fun but she is so sad Buster: The fact that you're calling her fun, even if you retract it, shows me how gone you are Rio: How gone she is Rio: but she's home safe Buster: Well, cheers Buster: We all know she shouldn't drink. Can't like Rio: Not really a case of being good or bad Rio: not when needs must Rio: don't reckon my experience sneaking saved her from your 'rents but doubt they'll kick her whilst she's down, like Buster: They'll get over it Buster: Hardly the first or worst sin Rio: Ain't them I'm worried about tbh Buster: Be weird if you were, like Rio: What else is new Rio: Weirdo Buster: Shhh Rio: You love it Rio: what are you doing Buster: Talking to you now Buster: Telling you to drink some water Rio: I ain't the amateur Buster: Me either Buster: So listen to me Rio: You got anything worth saying tonight? Buster: Depends on what you wanna hear, babe Rio: How you been Buster: Standard Rio: Christ Buster: What do you want me to say? Buster: That I feel like shit? Is that better Rio: Least it's making conversation Rio: was hoping for better but you know take what I can get at this point Buster: Babe Rio: Forget about it Rio: talk to your sister Rio: not now Rio: but do it Buster: So what you're just gonna go back to telling me what to do like you never stopped? Rio: Yeah Rio: and what Rio: I'm right Buster: How are you right? Buster: What the fuck is trying to talk to Nance gonna do? Rio: For starters you can tell her you don't hate her Buster: Fucking hell Buster: Why would I do that? Buster: Don't be stupid Rio: cos that's what she reckons Rio: and i figure you want to put a stop to that no Buster: She doesn't reckon that Rio: Yeah Rio: she does Buster: Shut up Buster: She's just being dramatic. I can't blame her for that one Rio: You did fuck her bully Buster: Behave Buster: They were friends and they fell out and things got out of hand, like Buster: You don't have to join her in being dramatic Rio: Give me strength Rio: this is why you two need to talk Rio: not how it was like, remotely, not for her Buster: Leave it alone Rio: Whatever Buster: Not whatever. It's bullshit and the past and I'm asking you to Rio: Isn't going to make the problem go away Rio: but sure thing Buster: Yeah well it's my problem and she's my sister Buster: Not yours Rio: Yeah well act like it then Buster: What 'cause I'm not mothering and smothering, I ain't Buster: That's your way not the only way Rio: How's yours working for you? Buster: It's none of your business Buster: Act like it Rio: Is when I have to console your sister 'cos of the shit you've done Buster: You don't have to do anything Buster: Was she begging you? No Buster: You put yourself in the middle of it 'cause that's where you wanna be Rio: Alright then, I wanted to 'cos I'm not a massive cunt Rio: Don't lash out at me 'cos you're angry at yourself and feeling sorry Buster: You wanted to 'cause anything not to deal with your own shit and how you feel Rio: My shit really ain't no concern of yours Buster: If that's how you want it Rio: Yeah Rio: keep telling yourself this is all how I want it Rio: not how you've got it Buster: It is how you want it though, babe Buster: We're stopped talking 'cause you wanted space and we're talking now 'cause you wanna have a go at me Buster: None of my choice in it Rio: Sure Rio: You're just a blameless angel who deserves none of this Rio: My bad Buster: Don't be an idiot Buster: I know what I did and if you wanna punish me forever you can, but I'm not gonna pretend that's how I want things to be Rio: Yeah 'cos I'm loving this Buster: I never said you are Buster: But you're doing it Rio: It's a reaction Rio: there's no want about it Rio: it is what it is Rio: deal with it Rio: i'm trying Buster: I'm here, aren't I? Buster: I am dealing with it Rio: Good Rio: I'm glad Buster: You should be 'cause if I wasn't dealing I'd be at your door Rio: that meant to make me feel better Buster: Yeah Rio: Fucking hell Rio: you're so clueless Buster: Fuck that Buster: I am not Rio: You are Rio: completely clueless Buster: I'm not having that Rio: Well I'm out here spitting nothing but truth and wisdom and you ain't having that either Rio: whaddya want me to do boy Buster: You wish, babe Buster: Truth maybe, but hardly life lessons Rio: Please Rio: just 'cos you don't wanna hear it Buster: No I don't Buster: I've got enough bullshit in between my ears without you adding to it Rio: If you fucking talk about it Rio: it'll clear some space Rio: 'nother hot tip Buster: Sure, I'll get Granddad to stick the kettle on so I can pop round and spit some truth at him Buster: Fuck that Rio: Priorities Rio: he's fine without your chat Rio: you know who you gotta chat to pussy Buster: Fuck you Buster: Just drop it Rio: Good luck you trying that approach yourself Buster: Go to bed, Rio Buster: You've done your good deed for the night already Rio: Shut up Rio: I'm not tired you wish Buster: I will if you will Buster: Like you said, it's a reaction Buster: Shut up to shut me up Rio: Nah Buster: Then get new chat Buster: You're wasting your time saying it Rio: idc Rio: slow night Buster: At least you can't blame me for that as well Buster: Wrong twin, like Rio: I told you she's a laugh Buster: Whatever you say, babe Rio: I get it Rio: she ain't your biggest fan either, like Rio: which was fun, btw, fuck you Buster: Fun you decided to have Buster: I didn't twist your arm Buster: I didn't even know you were out so don't start on me Rio: it ain't a decision how many times Rio: i can't just ignore her when she's hurt like Rio: not got the distance Buster: You don't have to seek it out Buster: Not like you live with her Buster: Or go to school with her either Rio: She's family Rio: don't fool me Buster: So what? Buster: She's stuck with me, I don't have to make it worse for her by showing up and vice versa Rio: Impressive you've got it in you to do worse Buster: Cheers Rio: Very welcome Buster: Are mum and dad there still? Rio: Last I checked, yeah Rio: why Buster: 'Cause you said Nance was home Buster: You know her track record when she's had a few Rio: Yeah, they were there then Rio: she's fine Buster: Alright Rio: Yep, told you, not fooled Rio: leave you to your evening now though Buster: Fine Buster: Drink that water though Rio: Lame Rio: we're going on to another club Rio: or party idk Buster: Don't they have taps that far into the 24? Buster: Still doable Rio: Boring Rio: what can i get you darling Rio: oh a tap water Rio: sexy Buster: like you couldn't make it sexy Buster: come on Buster: try harder, babe Rio: fuck off Rio: need all the help i can get Buster: No you don't Rio: do tonight Buster: I'm not buying it Rio: good thing i ain't trying to get you to buy rn then Buster: Yeah Buster: Sure you'll still be a hit wherever you end up Buster: It's only the 24 after all Rio: Right? Rio: Always got Ryan to hit up when it gets real desperate ay Buster: That's not funny Rio: Neither are you Buster: I'm not trying to be Buster: If you're not fooled I'm not gonna bother playing the fool for you, am I Rio: Just a dick then? Rio: Fun Buster: Complain all you want now but you had your fun with that when it suited you Rio: Heaven forbid anyone ever calls you out on your shit Buster: You've been there and done it Buster: It's the same old shit Buster: Sorry to disappoint but I haven't actually fucked up again yet since we spoke last Rio: Sorry I ain't impressed when you're doing fuck all to sort what you did last Buster: Says you Rio: Sort of given yourself away Rio: even if Nance hadn't told me Rio: but go off Buster: What's a give away is that the only way to sort things between me and her is to leave each other alone Rio: Ignore the problem and hope it goes away Rio: especially if its her who does it right, you can feel left all over again Rio: brilliant Buster: Fuck you Rio: You could do better Rio: you both could Buster: So could everyone Buster: That's life Buster: I'm not gonna pick at wounds until they open up over and over again and pretend I'm fixing things Rio: What happened to the best? Rio: And I need to try harder Buster: You can always do better Buster: Truth and wisdom, babe Rio: You might be clueless but don't act like you're fucking hopeless and helpless too Buster: I ain't Rio: Of course not Buster: You want me to apologize for my high standards now? Rio: What standards? Rio: The ones you hold yourself to or your conquests, either way Rio: hardly aspirational Buster: Hilarious Buster: Well done on keeping it fun, like Rio: Like you said Rio: weren't complaining were you Buster: I'm still not Buster: You're the one dead set on it Rio: That's all you've done this entire conversation don't lie Buster: How do you work that out? Rio: Slow night or not Rio: don't need to sit here and pick out all the best insults Buster: Then don't Rio: Shame for your work to go to waste Rio: but there it is, no doubt i'll remember 'em still though Buster: Good luck with that Buster: All the best, like Rio: Piss off Rio: not above a reread anyway Buster: More fool you Rio: make it easier to keep ignoring you Buster: Like I said, good luck etc Rio: I hate you Buster: Understandable Buster: Stick with Nance, you're in good company there Rio: why don't you care Buster: I do Rio: then fucking show it Buster: I am Rio: if i can't tell Rio: and she can't tell Rio: then it isn't working is it Buster: You can tell Buster: And she doesn't want to Rio: you both just want it on your terms and won't budge an inch Buster: Yeah well Buster: Like you said, it is what it is Rio: For God's sake Rio: Buster Buster: What? Rio: Just.. why is everything fucked Buster: 'Cause of me Buster: It's that simple, like it or not Rio: No Rio: if only Buster: Yes. I fucked it. You didn't and Nance didn't Rio: Nah Rio: She's fancied her, loved her, whatever for years Rio: and same here so Rio: not like we didn't play our parts Rio: and its everyone Rio: all the time Rio: its all fucked Buster: You reckon? Rio: Yeah Buster: Then why bother. With any of it Buster: You still do though Rio: Someone has to Rio: What's the alternative? Rio: Be like Drew Buster: If it's all fucked anyway then why does someone have to? Buster: Why does it have to be you? Buster: It's cause you know it isn't Buster: Not everything and not all the time Rio: Just hoping to get into heaven still Rio: loves a trier, remember Buster: At least when you do you won't have to put up with me any more Buster: Worth it for that, yeah? Rio: Shut up Rio: stupid Buster: Not all the time Rio: Don't say things like that Buster: Like what? Rio: About you being gone Rio: 'less you really want me to have a panic attack in this car, like Buster: Babe Buster: Come on Rio: I mean it Rio: not even jokes Buster: Okay calm down Buster: I'm sorry Rio: Hmm Rio: better be Buster: I don't say things I don't mean, remember Rio: even the horrible things Buster: I mean them when I say them Buster: My anger does Buster: but Rio: Yeah Rio: it's alright Rio: least you're honest Buster: It's not really alright Buster: But bit late to try and change my ways now, like Rio: Dramatic Rio: not even 18 Rio: you won't be this twat for life, babe Rio: don't worry Buster: You've met my parents Buster: You can't say that with any certainty Rio: Rude Rio: and maybe they were even worse before Rio: shock horror Buster: Now that's funny Buster: I knew you were capable Buster: Sometimes Rio: Just gotta stop taking yourself so serious, McKenna Rio: trust Buster: Says you Buster: I saw your snaps, serious business trying to straighten my sister out Rio: πŸ˜‚ Rio: there goes my conversion camp idea Buster: I don't reckon she'll be your poster child, nah Buster: But don't give up Buster: Plenty of gays in Dublin Rio: Spread the good word Rio: thank god we've left the gay club Rio: that's a bit brazen, even for me Buster: πŸ˜‚ Buster: Your t-shirt slogan taking on a homophobic meaning like Buster: Even me, massive hero I always am, would struggle to save you there Rio: 😏 Catch me getting disowned forreal for that one Buster: Same Rio: Hoping you wouldn't see that snap though Rio: spot on with try harder but like 😬 Buster: Shut up Buster: You know you look good Rio: Ha Rio: only got Nance's skills with the πŸ“· to thank for that then Buster: Bullshit Buster: You look beautiful like always Rio: Now you can go to bed Rio: Your gentlemanly act outta the way too Buster: shh Buster: I'm being real Rio: Shh Buster: I don't want to Rio: If it's any consolation, I don't want you to either Buster: Rio Rio: Buster Buster: You should go Rio: Right Rio: 'course Buster: Go have fun now you've ditched my boring sister, like Rio: Idiot Buster: I'm serious Buster: Lightweight and dead weight on a night out Rio: Want me to do you the favour of pretending you've got a clue? Buster: Don't do me any Rio: Yeah right Rio: If I was really in the business of doing you favours, I wouldn't be replying so Buster: And I'm the one who hasn't got a clue, yeah? Rio: Yep Rio: Getting tragic, honestly Buster: Fuck off, honestly Rio: See? Rio: You want it so bad Buster: Shut up Rio: Make me Buster: You wish Rio: 'Course Buster: Get a clue, kid Rio: Ain't sharing with you if I do Buster: Very mature and polite Rio: Never too late to change, babe Buster: If you say so Buster: Still a know it all, obviously Buster: That ain't changing any time soon then? Rio: Can't unknow shit Rio: Better or worse, like Buster: Good Buster: Pretty shit being clueless, not that I'd know, like Rio: You reckon? Rio: Ignorance is bliss, supposedly Buster: I don't buy it Buster: Happiness is expensive and how many idiots do you know with plenty of cash Rio: Can name a few, honestly Rio: but that's pure πŸ€ Buster: Exactly Buster: And they know it so not so stupid, at least not entirely Rio: Would be the first time you've been on his side Buster: What? Rio: Talking about Drew, obviously Rio: he's made quite the life out of being an idiot Buster: Firstly, I thought you loved him again now Buster: and secondly, not that much of an idiot given he's still standing Buster: It's everyone else who gets hurt not him Buster: Some would call that a smart move Rio: Can still think, fuck it, KNOW, he's dumb Rio: people who don't know how sad and fucked up he is, maybe Buster: Yeah Buster: So most people, 'cause who's in his inner circle Buster: Nobody Rio: And why would you care what they think if they ain't even good enough to be in your circle? Rio: Irrelevant Buster: Exactly Rio: Are we agreeing now or what? Rio: I don't think that's allowed Buster: No takebacks Rio: Wow, coming for my gig being childish too Buster: It's a time for firsts, obviously Rio: Hmm Rio: Don't know if that's a bad or good thing Buster: Well, since we were being childish I was gonna ask if you wanna play truth or dare but fine Buster: It's a no from you Rio: Nuuh Rio: I wanna play Buster: Alright Buster: Truth or dare, babe? Rio: Truth Buster: Are you gonna drink your water or not? Buster: I'm invested here Rio: πŸ˜‚ Rio: 'Course, this skin routine's worth shit if I don't get my 8 glasses Buster: Well that's a relief Buster: I'll be able to sleep easy tonight now Rio: You're ridiculous but it's your turn Buster: So ask me Rio: Truth or dare? Buster: Dare obviously Buster: Not an amateur Rio: Neither am I, for the record Rio: Hmm Buster: 'Course not, babe Buster: Such a pro Rio: I dare you to talk to your sister Buster: Seriously? Rio: Yeah, deadly, like Buster: Fine Buster: [sends a pic of the text so she knows he sent it] Rio: πŸ‘ Rio: Impressive Buster: Don't act like I ain't always Buster: Which one do you want then? Rio: I'm picking dare so I don't have to confirm or deny the above Buster: Where are you first before I decide Rio: It was a house party in the end Buster: I dare you to go up to someone and tell them how you feel about me Rio: I don't know how you want me to document that bar sending you a picture of their utter confusion and horror but Rio: okay Buster: You'll figure it out Rio: [Sends video of random saying hi Buster] Rio: There Buster: For that you'll get a truth from me Rio: Okay Rio: Are you having a good night? Buster: I wasn't but now I am Rio: Good Rio: Truth me Buster: Why did you really go out tonight? Rio: Was a lot to cheer Nancy up, and she asked so, couldn't say no Rio: but being able to get wasted and not be alone is an obvious bonus Buster: Babe you're not alone Rio: A bit Rio: feels like it in comparison anyway, yeah? Buster: You don't have to be wasted to talk to me Buster: You know that, yeah? Buster: I'm still here for you, whatever Rio: At least I have an excuse then Rio: rather than just wanting to Buster: You never need an excuse with me Buster: You're not the one who did anything wrong Rio: But I'm doing it all wrong if I just forgive you, aren't I Buster: If it feels wrong to you, yeah Buster: But if not, I always wanna talk to you Rio: It feels wrong not talking to you Buster: Then talk to me Buster: Even if all you wanna say is something annoying Rio: Ha Rio: You've got that covered, babe Buster: Rude Buster: I was gonna say give me another truth but if you don't wanna hear it Rio: Okay okay Rio: one last one 'cos everyone's getting annoyed with me Rio: Do you still want to be with me? Buster: Yeah Buster: It's all I want Rio: Okay Rio: Now I know Buster: Did you honestly not know that I'd get on a plane in a second if you told me that's what you wanted? Rio: Hey, I didn't pick Buster: I know but you have to know that, Rio Rio: I do Rio: but I know you've got to focus so I can't tell you that Rio: it wouldn't be fair Buster: No it wouldn't be fair 'cause I'm sober and you're not Buster: And if I did come and see you I wouldn't want you to feel bad about it Rio: Babe Buster: Just tell me you want me tomorrow if you still do Rio: I will Rio: don't think I don't if I don't, alright? Buster: It's like you always said, I won't hold you to shit you say right now Buster: Except the truths, of course Rio: I said some mean things didn't I Buster: It doesn't matter Rio: It does Rio: I'm sorry Buster: Don't Buster: I've said and done worse to you Rio: Doesn't mean I get a free pass to do the same Rio: or does it 'cos might need to cash that in I can feel the regret already Buster: I think it means exactly that Buster: At least Rio: Good stuff Rio: I don't wanna go Buster: You can stay Rio: What you gonna stay with me 'til I fall asleep like before Buster: Yeah Buster: If you want me to Rio: I really do Buster: Tell me when you're home Buster: I'll call you Rio: I love you Buster: I love you too
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punkscowardschampions Β· 5 years
Buster & Rio
Buster: Where you at tonight, babe? Rio: Nowhere Rio: night in needed Buster: I'll come to you then Buster: Gimme like half an hour Rio: No Rio: Don't Buster: Who's there? Buster: Come to mine then whatever Rio: No one, just a friend Rio: reckon we've gotta pack this in, like Buster: Don't be stupid Buster: What's up? Rio: It's not stupid, it's realistic Rio: especially given she's been able to work it out so you know Rio: better before someone else more important does Buster: Come on Buster: Tell her she's chatting shit and come meet me Rio: How can I? Rio: Prove her point, given her all the evidence she needs as well, fucking hell Buster: Who cares? Rio: Maybe if you'd been the one who got cornered you'd feel different rn Buster: Babe Buster: You've handled worse, yeah? Calm down Rio: Oh, thanks Rio: Yeah my reps for shit anyway so why not add some light incest Rio: Just don't, yeah Buster: You don't Buster: You know what I mean Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: Whatever, let's just be grateful it was only a random and cut our losses Buster: No fuck that Buster: We haven't lost anything yet why should we Rio: You want the unabridged version or? Buster: Forget about it Buster: I'll help you Rio: How? Buster: Come find me and I'll show you Rio: Buster Rio: Be serious Buster: I am Buster: You know I can make you feel so good again, like this never happened Rio: We can't do this forever Buster: Who said forever Buster: Give me tonight Rio: and just delay the inevitable until you can end it on your terms? Rio: She beat either of us to it, like Buster: At least it'd be on one of our terms Buster: You don't wanna do this Rio: That doesn't matter now Rio: What we want is Rio: just not right Buster: Bullshit Buster: I do what I want. End of. She's not running my life, I don't even know her Rio: No one's saying you can't Buster: You are Rio: Can't tell me you've never had a no before Buster: You can't tell me you wanna say no Rio: You know I don't Buster: So don't Buster: Just shut up Rio: How can I Rio: She won't Buster: She's not gonna say shit to anyone who matters either Rio: You can't say that for definite Rio: It ain't as if she's the only person, how many times have we been almost caught or straight up have Rio: people are shit, they talk Buster: Whatever Buster: We'll deal with it when we have to Buster: Like before Rio: You aren't dealing with this Rio: never mind anything else Buster: Fuck you Rio: Well, come on Buster: Who the fuck do you think you are to say that to me Buster: I'm the only one dealing with you as you actually are Rio: Well, that's what it is, isn't it Rio: We were both screwed up and here we are Rio: I don't even know what you mean by that Buster: What's changed, babe? You're still the same from where I'm standing Rio: Nice try but that's what I'm saying Rio: always going to have to deal with our shit eventually Buster: And that's what I'm saying Buster: You need me Rio: Maybe but Rio: you should've never been an option like that Rio: should've never crossed our minds never mind happened Buster: It's too late for all that shit now Rio: but no one important knows yet, like you said, so there is Buster: Exactly Buster: We're free to do what we want still Buster: Come on, come out Rio: You honestly want to risk it? Rio: This isn't fun and she's only a friend, think on Buster: Risk what? We can be more careful Buster: No need to be so dramatic like Rio: Can we? Worked well so far Rio: and idk, risk your whole fam wanting nothing to do with you, worst case scenario Buster: Yeah, well, can't help being irresistible, can I Buster: and that wouldn't happen Buster: Jesus Christ Rio: I know you're not a total idiot so stop acting like one Rio: never crossed your mind? Rio: it's possible, Buster Rio: and now I can't stop thinking it Buster: Maybe when you stop acting like such a fucking pussy I might Buster: It ain't crossed my mind more than standard Buster: They didn't disown me for the Chlo situation and honestly, who in this fam has room to judge anyone else anyway Rio: Shut up Rio: I'm trying to sort this Buster: The only way you can sort this is by telling me to my face that you're done Buster: And we both know you can't Rio: [A sufficiently weird pause later] Rio: She just tried to take my phone Rio: just Rio: I don't know what to do Buster: Make her leave Buster: She'll be lucky if it's in one piece with the way she's going Rio: I doubt she's gonna wanna stay much longer Rio: just gotta let me hear it all first Buster: Do you want me to come over Buster: I'll get rid of her easy Rio: God don't Rio: I don't need to break up the actual brawl that would ensue Buster: Behave Buster: I'm not gonna hit a girl Rio: I'm talking about her, obviously Rio: I don't know if you ever met her but you wouldn't like her Buster: Too right she sounds like a proper bitch Rio: Not your type Rio: but you ain't hers so Buster: Good Rio: You're funny Rio: how drunk are you then? Buster: Not enough obviously Rio: Always time, babe Buster: Yeah, thank fuck Rio: Have fun, like Buster: Cheers
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punkscowardschampions Β· 6 years
Bea & Bronson
Bea: Hey Bronson: You don't have to Bea: I do, though Bea: it's important, your feelings are important, I acted otherwise, so you have to know that's not how it is, how I see things Bronson: Yours are too Bronson: I know you weren't seeing things clear last night Bronson: Call it forgotten Bea: Fuck that Bea: I know there's no forgetting Bea: and I know I've broken your trust and there's no getting it back Bea: but please, let me rebuild something Bea: I only did it because you're important to me Bronson: important in what way though Bronson: we aren't gonna be that Bea: No Bea: not like that, I don't want that Bea: I don't even want what I did, not really, I know that's just words when I did it but I swear to fucking God Bea: you're my best friend, my only friend, frankly Bea: it's a distancing thing...you know Bea: make you like him, put you in that box, that way I can see it as a good thing when I lose you Bea: but you don't deserve to be tarred with that brush, so I am, I'm really sorry Bronson: I've been around C & R long enough to see some fucked up boxes Bronson: and not walk off Bronson: I'm not doing that to you Bea: It probably won't be you Bea: that'd be me too Bea: I can't sustain shit Bea: I did the same to them, you know Bea: but they don't care so I didn't have to feel bad about it, got to be selfish Bronson: and they never bragged about it in my earshot...whoa Bronson: blessing or curse Bronson: I mean, if I was gonna, you'd get first dibs, but let's not make it weirder like Bea: Guess they give enough of a shit about you to not put that weird on you Bea: little did they know...ha Bronson: I mean they have made some offers over the years Bronson: But we were a lot younger Bronson: And the flashbacks only occur sometimes lol Bea: Didn't mean to add to the PTSD Bronson: You're off the christmas card list but you can still come for drinks Bronson: Nobody needs the newsletter and cringey family photo really Bea: Bron Bea: stop making it a joke if it ain't Bronson: I don't know how else to deal Bronson: You're not a club random Bea: You could tell me what you wanna tell them Bea: might help Bronson: I don't see it, you didn't have those motives Bea: Wanna violate my trust somehow Bea: hack me Bronson: Sure Bronson: Scope out that inbox Bea: go for it, serious Bea: #exposed Bronson: Am I gonna go further down the PTSD rabbit hole by catching sight of your nudes? Bronson: You can delete but they won't go Bea: I mean Bea: perhaps best to swerve my texts then Bea: uni emails Bea: ooh the scandal Bronson: Fix your grades while I'm there Bronson: 100 or nothing Bea: 🎯 Bea: Too good, you Bronson: Then, you'll owe me solidly, there's my angle Bronson: πŸ‘€ Bronson: Express your gratitude in a manner we won't have to run from and everything's normal again Bea: Anything you want Bea: WANT being the keyword there Bea: no funny business ever again Bronson: Swear on what you hold dearest Bronson: I can make those grades go down easy peasy Bea: Hmm, myself? Bronson: Those are my terms Bronson: 'Cause I can't stutter a no out don't mean a yes πŸ˜‚ remember that going forward Bea: DON'T Bronson: too soon Bea: always too soon to be assaulting people Bronson: I'll stop smacking you with these punchlines in a minute like Bronson: Living with those two scallys too long Bronson: Not too soon to think about moving out Bea: You'd miss the mess you bless Bea: having your stuff knicked, constant undesirable and unknown visitors, all the noise and drama Bronson: I'll miss you if you do one after this botched reconciliation Bronson: You're my fave hot mess they ever brought back, Judes Bea: Don't make me cry Bea: this mascara is 22quid a pop Bronson: We'd be close to even Bronson: I'm worth at least that Bea: How rude of me to suggest otherwise Bea: but the foundation, the blush Bea: adding up Bronson: πŸ’Έ Bronson: Gotta get Ronaldo to teach you everything she knows about πŸ– discounts Bea: I think John Lewis would see her coming from a mile off, babe Bronson: There's a reason I have no fucking idea what one looks like inside Bea: like you're inside a upper middle class home but the bitch is also selling avon Bronson: πŸ˜‚ Bronson: Take me there girl Bronson: I wanna see this Bea: Get you a pot of tea and a slice of something nice if you behave Bronson: I can be bought Bea: No judgment Bea: can't we all Bronson: Bring me coffee and all will be forgiven like Bronson: I've got the headache to end all 'em Bea: 😱 you? never! Bea: surprised you're not caning the red bulls already you animal Bronson: I would be if there was any left Bronson: hot commodity in this household Bea: 🀒 you are garbage people Bronson: You missed a trick not calling us monsters πŸ˜‚ Bronson: It's early but you're a πŸ€“ Bea: I'm not gonna stoop to such levels Bea: any time of the day Bronson: Not gonna say your forgiveness depends on it Bea: Good Bea: not gonna change who I am, babe Bronson: Can't either Bea: Noted Bronson: But I'm not trying to change you, note that Bea: I know Bronson: Your man might Bronson: But I'm not going that deep into your inbox Bea: At least I don't have to tell him Bea: unless I drunkenly did Bea: bitch you better not have Bronson: I remember taking your phone at some point Bronson: If you're drunk enough to let me that's trouble Bea: 😬 Bea: Oh great Bronson: Get me his phone and it'll be like nothing ever happened Bea: idk if my skills of persuasion are gonna match his rage rn Bea: or pay for the first class postage Bronson: Quick trip to Ireland to buy my forgiveness and do some petty thievery could be a plan Bea: how is this for your forgiveness Bea: its entirely for me Bea: too pure Bronson: I need a- uh- Bronson: Guinness and Lucky Charms Bea: 😏 as cultured as I expected Bronson: Whoa there, I've seen that Leprechaun film with Rachel from Friends in it Bronson: Putting the cult in culture lol Bronson: πŸ˜‚ Bea: Oh God Bea: πŸ€“ for all things trash Bronson: Blame the trash queen herself Bronson: A slut for shite horror Bea: I'll take great delight in telling her her Mum is just the same Bronson: Start saving for a headstone now I will Bea: she's gotta face facts some day Bronson: She'd sooner spite her face violently Bronson: We all know it Bea: 🀞 Bea: whaddya think I'm aiming for Bronson: Not to get Charlie about it but peas in a pod you two Bea: how dare you Bronson: face them faces, Judy baby Bea: Dick Bea: Now either way, I prove your point Bea: πŸ˜’ Bronson: You might be a smarty pants but I'm a smart arse like Bea: think of some witty retorts for Fraze then and go at it Bea: 'cos I can't face that yet Bronson: Time to build another fort and hide you in it Bea: gonna have to take up permanent residence at this fucking rate Bea: kick Tommy out of my old box room, that's not my graduate plan Bronson: Shack up with you like you're my actual missus Bronson: bedsits are very affordable Bronson: leave Fraze in the dust and forget the awkward convo looming Bea: Ha Bea: not exactly the plan either Bea: as much as I LOVE what you lads have done with the place 😽 Bronson: I'm not as house trained as poshos need theirs to be but not the pup they treat me like Bronson: We'd manage on our own, hun Bronson: love conquers all Bea: πŸ’˜ Bea: You're ridiculous Bronson: You need me Bronson: Too sensible by half Bea: 😏 Not gonna deny or accuse you of mixed messages BUT Bronson: Victim blaming isn't the way back into anyone's good books, love πŸ˜‚ Bea: 🀷 Bea: don't want you to get the wrong idea Bronson: My ideas are fixed Bronson: No changing this mind Bea: that impenetrable firewall, I get it Bronson: Yeah Bea: Don't even be impressed by my nerd talk then, bitch Bronson: You can better Bronson: And we're trying to swerve pillow talk Bea: Look, I can't help being the best k Bronson: Back at you Bronson: Hard life being irresistible and unattainable like but I'm styling it out as effortless Bea: Ahh Bea: the one goal I can never reach Bronson: You're up there for me Bronson: If we stick together you've done it Bea: Safe to say I proved that I can't Bea: whore that I am Bronson: You're my whore Bronson: Stick around Bea: Who could say no? Bea: Such a charmer Bea: can't go in my inbox nevermind home anyway Bronson: Say the word and I'll clear it or pack a bag Bronson: Whichever Bea: Cheers, Bron Bea: what's the morning after without some drama to sort Bea: be at a loose end without it Bronson: Rather wipe your texts than clear up after the motley two Bronson: Disgusting Bea: Eurgh Bea: Don't even wanna think about them Bronson: How strong are the flashbacks? Bronson: I don't wanna think about that Bea: Why did you ask then πŸ˜‚ Bronson: I'm a caring son of a bitch Bronson: And nosy Bea: Fair and fair Bea: wasn't that bad but not needing to repeat, is the answer Bea: but keep that on the DL Bea: not having them think I'M more repulsive than they are Bronson: I would but I feel like R's got that tattooed on her cause its such a legit review Bronson: Revolving door for her lack of repeat custom Bea: Well Bea: 'cept one Bronson: Let's not start Bronson: Enough of a headache without going there Bea: 2nd that Bronson: Onward to John Lewis Bronson: How much scandal can follow us around there realistically Bronson: We're well safe Bea: unlikely they're gonna want us to stock 'em up on overpriced knitwear Bronson: Trying to sell that on for anything but a loss would be an even worse headache Bronson: It's a no from me Bea: aw but you'd look adorable Bea: and sexless, more importantly Bronson: Would I though? Bronson: Or would I look quality in a bit of salmon pink Bronson: Trying to make me a target for the older crowd so I wouldn't turn you down next time, is it? Bea: πŸ€’πŸ–• Bea: nice bit of argyle Bea: golf chinos Bronson: 🏌 Bronson: a look Bea: if you wanna be some daddy's caddy Bronson: And risk taking Charlie's gig Bea: you know i know he knows he's past his prime Bronson: Yeah but I'm not trying to take his place in my mine Bea: Your loss booboo Bronson: Theirs Bronson: My daddy issues don't go that hard Bea: Worst luck Bronson: Like in the rankings I'm the worst horse to bet on if you want that action, dads Bronson: Pay my bills and get nothing back if that's your deal otherwise its a strike out Bea: save all this time I'm wasting on uni, eh Bronson: I haven't got a leg to stand on agreeing cause I'm still showing up myself Bronson: Half the time Bea: πŸ‘ Bea: get you Bronson: someone's gotta show up to tell the rest to turn the computers off and on again Bronson: be a hero Bea: ⭐ for you Bronson: High five Bronson: We're killing it Bea: gotta slay in at least one area Bea: even if the rest is going to shit Bronson: I can't tell you not to feel bad about last night but I am Bea: I'm glad we're alright Bronson: You gotta get right by talking to freckles though Bronson: Rip off the plaster Bea: Yeah Bea: John Lewis first though, eh Bea: cheer myself with expensive crap when it all goes tits Bronson: Return it when the guilt kicks in Bronson: Easy fix for that fuck up Bea: If only everything had that 30-day return policy Bronson: We have to try on the most ridiculous shit they have Bronson: Guaranteed cheer up Bronson: Nothing's better than taking the piss outta me so I'm told Bea: πŸ˜‚ sounds good Bea: though i can turn a look with anything Bronson: There she is Bronson: I'll meet you there but you have to walk in with me so I don't get trailed round the shop like the scum I come from Bea: wear your nicest hoodie please Bronson: Never dressing like a dosser when I'm meeting my lady Bea: so 😍 babe Bronson: Deffo
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punkscowardschampions Β· 6 years
Janis & Jimmy
Janis: Not that I don't appreciate the gesture Janis: But you didn't need to go full Van Gogh to get my attention, like Jimmy joined the chat 5 hours ago Jimmy: Not my first thought when I decided on giving you the finger either like Jimmy: Suffering for my art on day one though. #committed Janis: Says even more about your artistic temperament, that Janis: Gotta be to something eh now we're officially on the radar for being on the rocks Janis: Are you okay forreal though? Playground stories vastly differing from a scratch to amputation Jimmy: Yeah. Could ask you the same since there's no grapevine for me to rely on about the Janis Cavante enigma Janis: What can I say? If only the game hadn't gone to shit Janis: I'm alright, just family stuff Jimmy: πŸ‘Œ Janis: When you gonna be my mate again? Janis: I'm sorry for whatever I said that got to you but I can't un-say it now, can I? Janis: I didn't mean to get so heavy, like, you know I was hanging Jimmy: When have I ever been your mate? πŸ˜πŸ’•πŸ˜ Friendzone better than no zone but #savage Jimmy: Cheers for the warning, bit late but Janis: Shut up Janis: OBVIOUSLY I was just gonna seduce you when I saw ya again Janis: but you gotta ruin it πŸ˜• idk, are you even committed to the #goal anymore? Jimmy: why your surprised? Got form at that, don't I? Jimmy: shut up Jimmy: Course I am #rideordie obvs 😎 Janis: Not that I recall πŸ€” Thought I was the one that couldn't read a situation Janis: Why you coming for my πŸ‘‘? You've got no chance I'm FAR more hopeless than you Jimmy: You don't get to take that win. Sorry πŸ†πŸ’ͺ All mine Janis: You're impossible πŸ’˜ Jimmy: Missed you too πŸ’• Janis: Maybe a tad πŸ˜‰ Janis: If I tell you I did and no faking Janis: You gonna put the knife down? Jimmy: πŸ‘Œ Janis: What you being a prick for? Janis: Not gonna let you off that easy soz Janis: Use your words Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: I'm still a prick though. Sorry. You won't get off that easy 😏 Janis: Yeah but that's how I like you Janis: Weren't working under some illusion you were alright like Janis: so what's up??? Jimmy: Nothing now Jimmy: What's up with you? Janis: 😀 Janis: Aside from talking to a brick wall I'm grand, boy Janis: Trying to wrack my brain for what I did or said...any hints? Jimmy: It was nowt I'm just a moody git Jimmy: don't worry about it Janis: Nah it wasn't Janis: 'Cos I was in a mood that day from the off and you were trying for ages Janis: and I don't think you were just mardy at me for spoiling the day 'cos you know I'm a prick too Janis: No surprises Jimmy: It wasn't you. My dad just does my head in, you know Jimmy: all that shit Janis: Alright, makes sense Janis: When he finally rolled in was he solo then? Jimmy: Nah Janis: Shit Janis: I'm sorry Janis: Could've given you warning but 'course not...was Bobby in bed at least? Jimmy: Not your fault Jimmy: Yeah, with me, thankfully. He hasn't gone in me dad's room for ages Jimmy: Cass of course knows it all Janis: Still Janis: That's one good for now at least then Janis: Yeah no fooling her...I thought she seemed off when I was coming to get Twix but not enough that I clocked Janis: That's shit, Jim Jimmy: Except she thought the woman was a prozzie, asked her how much pops was paying and all that Jimmy: Funny but not facts Jimmy: no chance of paying her off Jimmy: What's going on at your gaff then? Janis: Oh God Janis: point 1 to Cass πŸ˜‚ Janis: Know I shouldn't be laughing but Christ Janis: Not trying to be #fitandmysterious about it but it ain't my shit to tell Janis: Nothing that ain't survivable just something shit but that's par for the course init Jimmy: Go on, I had a good laugh. Still am. Gotta, like. Jimmy: Yeah. With you there Jimmy: Twix probs won't take no for an answer but she's a good secret keeper so it'll be alright Janis: Yeah, if your life Da insists your life has gotta be a hilarious evil step-witch Disney romp Janis: May as well be in on the joke Janis: Twix could really stir the pot if she wanted Janis: get me to herself like she really wants Jimmy: Don't suppose you fancy a front row seat do you? My dad's talking about having her over for dinner and if Cass can't put a stop to it, I think she'd like you there Jimmy: Bring Grace too if you want, Bobby hasn't shut up about her. Like she's his girlfriend or something Jimmy: Once Twix gets under the table the woman'll be well outnumbered Janis: Bless him, he really cheered her up too Janis: Would be mildly amusing to outshine his big news with that wtf pairing, sure Janis: I can be there, if Cass wants Janis: Great at fucking up family dinners, like Jimmy: #therealOTP Jimmy: Gracie doing alright now, yeah? Barely recognised her at the park before Jimmy: It's been a while but I think I can still remember how to do it too. I got your back Janis: Yeah, she'll be alright, just a bit of a rough time rn Janis: Same tbh but gotta be like riding a bike Janis: we so good at fucking up other stuff yeah? Jimmy: Gotta be, she managed to look down at Tammy earlier, no easy feat Jimmy: Yeah πŸ†πŸ’ͺ Jimmy: 🎻 Janis: She's well shot of her Janis: although she's just the monkey not the organ grinder Janis: need the rosetta stone to talk to you sometimes boy πŸ™„πŸ˜‚ Jimmy: If that's your way of telling me you're magic, I'm not surprised 😜 Jimmy: Love it if you cursed Mia this term tbh Janis: You'd think that face was curse enough Janis: πŸ˜‘ Janis: but y'all have 0 standards Jimmy: πŸ˜‚ Jimmy: Mine are πŸ₯‡ Jimmy: wouldn't even fake date her, mate Janis: Well you talk a big game but don't you always Janis: #allforshow? Janis: Oh I forgot, just tall Tam who made the cut was it? Janis: 😏 Jimmy: shut up Janis: Nah don't be ashamed we've all got a past to rip the piss out of Janis: At least you didn't end up sharing a lad with your sister Janis: Thanks for that one Gracie πŸ‘ Jimmy: Still time, Cass don't even like lads yet πŸ‘ Janis: Why would you wish your taste on poor Cass? Janis: Don't even πŸ˜‚ Jimmy: Too late, mate she's already loving ya Janis: 1/3 ain't bad πŸ’ͺ Jimmy: I'll let her know Janis: I would aim for the full set but Gracie cockblocking again so 🀷 Jimmy: Gotta step your game up, mate. Jimmy: Such a loser like Janis: Excuse me Janis: you're 3/3 by default don't shout about it Jimmy: 😎 Janis: wanna try for my full set? Janis: doubt it Jimmy: Bring it on, hun Janis: did you just hun at me Jimmy: yeah, channeling my inner Gracie since she bested TT and I just got the πŸ’‹ of death like Janis: tragic πŸ’… Jimmy: πŸ˜‚ Jimmy: what we doing now i'm outta school early Janis: Hmm Janis: Picking up where we left off? Or new challenge? Jimmy: I'm always about trying new stuff πŸ‘ Janis: Ooh Janis: Adventurous Janis: #keepingitfresh Jimmy: 😏 gotta now we're #keepingitreal Janis: can't let the haterz just hate can you? #winningemback1hashtagatatime Jimmy: Such a winner, can't help it Janis: Pfft. Jimmy: you coming to find me then? left you a blood trail and everything Jimmy: πŸ’• Janis: Who could resist such a sexy offer? Janis: I've got to get out of this lesson first Janis: Time me Jimmy: ⏲ Jimmy: go Janis: *Should have asked where he was, but it was too late for that now and thus, just another part of the game. She wasn't losing by default of asking, thanks. Logically, wasn't going to make her go anywhere near the Head or the classrooms...So that left the smoking hole, already waiting outside the gates or...the bogs? Best place to check first before venturing out. There was the lot in the Science block, the ones in the Humanities and the ones upstairs. If only she was as obsessed as she felt on her bad days to have his schedule memorized so she could pick the most likely of the lot. As it was, she just made it to the closest, like she had a place to be. First lot was a bust, just someone having a sneaky shit and keeping dead silent in reply to her 'Jim?', oops, soz mate. Exiting sharpish, Janis jogged down the corridor to the next, seeing him as soon as she entered, checking himself out in the mirrors; She smirks, walking over to the sinks and seating herself down on one to face him. She grabs his hands (gently) to assess the damage (not too bad, thank God), cocking a brow.* How'd I do? Jimmy: *Once the app's pressed, his phone's away and he's focused on his own (self imposed) race against time. The clean up. The sooner this bollocks was done the faster they could get out of here and onto the next. Whenever and whatever that is. Jimmy didn't try and guess, how things have been panning out lately like. He knows, without glancing down at his hand that it looks worse than it is, and easy to sort. No chance of calling what's happening with him and this girl anything close. Jimmy shrugs, to get it out of his system, he tells himself, 'cause no more of that shit. Not for a bit, after before. Then shakes his head, uninjured hand running through his hair. The briefest flash of a smile that there's no shame in. He's just glad she's willing to show up again and 'cause she is, he won't let himself keep slipping. Try hard move, but how he feels. There's more of the same when he hears someone come in, realizing it's her, and moves closer, hands still connected until he's standing between where her legs dangle off porcelain. It's a position to tease if he wants, and probably he will, keeping that familiar tone going for as long as they'll both allow, but first he answers her question, pulling his phone out with his own raised eyebrows poised. * 6 flat. Not bad, mate. * He breathes it out, counting himself, up to the moment when he kisses her. Fast enough to shut her up before she can make any claims to victory, yeah, but mostly he just wants to. Slowly. Needs to. She's earned it by being here. Or he's owed it for getting too far in the line of fire. It doesn't matter. Not yet.* Janis: *Janis inhales sharply as he moves closer, holding the breath in tight as so to hold him in place too. Stay. It's not just a matter of closeness though, is the problem. With a Family like hers, you were used to touchy-feely, (back in the day, when she still allowed it from any of 'em, like), but this was about the places he was able to get close...Where no one else ever had. And she wasn't just being literal, all relevant body parts ignited by his touch, it was the other shit too, head space and fucking...soul space, occupying space and time in her life she'd given to no one before him. It was terrifying, 'course, it was also fucking exhilarating. Why else would she? Up for the challenge, yeah? In this moment, here and now, absofuckinglutely. Try and stop me. Doubts and dread could be saved for later, when he was gone again. Something about him demanded her full attention, and she didn't hate the distraction of it, of him, AT ALL. She laced her legs 'round his back using them to pull him closer still. But she won't be the one to start it. She still can't. Not got the bottle to be sure he wants it too. Tragic, as her twin would say. Sure she'd feel more tragic if he pulled back, though.* New record, I reckon... *Barely focused on her own words as she murmurs them into his ear, thin fingers running through his dark hair, messing up what she had caught him fixing.* I like you better like this. Jimmy: *He meets her first unspoken challenge immediately, his easiest yet. Pushing as she pulls, but not away, both of them in a rhythm that only hurts a bit, from his hand, safe to ignore (like he gives a shit right now if it was about to fall off). No other alarm bells, thank fuck, 'cause that's sorted. Done. Jimmy grins into her skin as her softly spoken words tickle his, eyebrows raising themselves to let her know he's unconvinced, that what he 'reckons' is that he could beat it. (If it means getting to her.) Another bet he's ready to place if it's ever laid down. *You do, do you?* His tone has a smirk in it, seconds before it reaches his face, changing the smile as he moves effortlessly, no need to stretch as his own fingers retrace the path of hers, on her, until the ponytail she had in is loosened and the curls falling free. *Touche* Janis: *She laughs softly, this lowering the risk of omitting any other noise, more incriminating AND more shaming, so she reckoned. Bemused face to match, challenging him to 'be careful!' and praying he'll ignore her, breaking School property or falling on her arse be damned, frankly. Janis tuts the kind of 'oh, please! tut of someone not at all interested in having him leave even just so to come back as fast as possible. No more running. Not today. She tightens her grip on him to say as much, tugging playfully at his hair as he messes with hers.* Oi! *She allows it though, enjoying the relief of letting out the too-tight hairband, literal letting down of the hair how cliche they were...Who cares? Not her. She plays otherwise though, pouting like a stroppy kid and blowing a wayward curl out of her eyes.* Look what a mess you've made, boy... *She smiles, bending her head down, curls falling and exposing the nape of her neck, to 'kiss it better'. Light kisses trailing the slip of his knife, even though it was still a bit bloody, she liked the metallic taste of it and pale red stain he left on her lips. She looks up, bigger smile still. God, she wanted him so bad.* Jimmy: *Damn. There's things running through his mind that he could do to 'get her back for this' or 'raise the stakes' and about as many that he shouldn't, like how simple it'd be to 'clean up' again by letting the tap run and flicking as much water as he can whilst not letting go of her a millimeter. That thought could fuck right off. Stupid risk. He doesn't want either of them to cool off and it's too late for that seconds after. So he thinks then, much as he can form any coherent thoughts with THAT happening. A shuddering breath slips out (that she'll no doubt call a moan to ensure her victory when her mind's back on that) covering the sound of the bathroom door opening. Until there's an explosion of noise. Shit. Still existing purely on reactions, empty headed and dizzy, he lifts her off the sink, pulling her protectively against his side in the same movement. His body won't do anything else that it's supposed to, chest too tight and airless to get any words out, defense or attack. Just as well when he finally realises who it is. Fucking hell. All the same, the urge is there to run, persistent and he shoots her a look, daring her to listen to his idea instead of the teacher's rant. This challenge is probably one too far, but anything from Janis and he'll get it done, making sure they both get out.* Janis: *Another cliche, everything happening so fast that it feels like you're running (crawling more like) on slow-mo. Its like they're so fucking close to closing the last of the space but in the seeming eternity between this desperately needed contact finally happening, someone has managed to barge in and spoil everything before Janis had chance to blink. If it had been another kid, (depending on who, of course), she probably could have told them to piss off and then they could continue but that 'someone' being a teacher did somewhat bring her back down into harsh reality with a dull thud. That, and Jimmy lifting her off the sink with lightning speed reaction. Nice. She hid her appreciative smirk, vowing to show him just how appreciative she was when they were alone again. However, she still managed to catch his eye, and catch on to what he was silently saying as teach got louder and louder, realising they weren't listening to him. It was now or never. Realization jolting her back into the here and now, she took his (good) hand (much to the horror of Mr. Lucas when he clocked it, too little too late) and squeezed it tight to say 'Leg it!' And she did just that, pulling Jim with, exit in sight.*
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