#we've met on ocean avenue
kylesbikeadventure · 2 years
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Day 30 - Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park to Kirk Creek Campground
Yesterday's ride was going to be hard to top, but today's ride managed. 
Was a chilly morning at camp amongst redwoods, and knowing I only had about 45kms or so I wasn't in a particular rush to leave. The campground last night is pretty amazing - incredible location, lots of amenities, and very peaceful. 
There were five other cyclsts at camp - a couple from Germany (Hannah and Phillip) who I first met on the Avenue of the Giants. They are flying out of San Fransisco but have a lot of extra time so took a train down to Salinas and then cycled to Monterey to continue down to San Luis Obispo before catching a train back up to San Fransisco. Then there was a Belgian guy (Johnathan) cycling the entire Pacific Coast (Alaska to Argentina) and a couple from Spokane, Washington (Sabina and Ryan) cycling the California coast section. Was a great group and fun to hang out with them, sharing stories of all the characters we've met along the way - often remembering the same people, but meeting them at different places. 
The road climbed immediately after camp for the biggest hill of the day, with the delicious (and expensive) Big Sur Bakery near the top. I passed the German couple shortly after grabbing some pastries, and was behind the American couple for a bit. I wouldn't see the German couple again until they arrived at the campground tonight, but crossed paths with the Americans several times during the day at all the amazing view points. The Belgian guy departed early as he was riding on further today, trying to meet a deadline to Los Angeles.
I joked that it would be the longest short ride of the trip, and it really was. I wouldn't go more than a couple kms before I had to pull over and gawk at the views and take some pictures. It was nice to have the time to do so.
The morning's climb got us up to a sort of ridge which the rest of the day stayed mostly along, climbing or descending fairly frequently but remaining maybe at least 50m above the water for much of it. The road was often right next to a sheer drop to the water, meaning constant spectacular views. Blue skies and warm weather we're just the icing on the cake. Quite the day!
Forgot to unpause the Strava activity at one point, and missed out on a 23km stretch, so did around 63km on the day.
The campground tonight is right on the ocean as well, and should be a great sunset. Could see a few whales off shore during the day and at camp. And actually got a mostly clear sunset - haven't had that in a couple of weeks!
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1ooo-w0rds · 6 years
we met on ocean avenue pt 2
A/N: August fic and chapter 2 of we met on Ocean Avenue, my social media AU collaboration with @dancer-dramatic-13.  Enjoy Jason upcoming TV star pov.
Here’s part one: one
BlondSuperman: 2:31 pm Day 1 in LA. Not lost. “Exploring”. At least one of us is having fun. #ThorTheAmazingDog
Annabae: Thor is adorable with those shades! Looks like Santa Monica beach.
BlondSuperman: Mystery solved. #NotLostAnyMore #Stateside #NoMoreTravelForNow
Jason chuckled as the likes slowly grew on his daily picture of Thor. The golden retriever puppy panted from the heat as he sat beside Jason’s leg, staring out at the waves. The flight from Vancouver to Los Angeles was exhausting especially for Thor in his dog crate. Jason’s been on the move recently, living out of his suitcase as he flew to various locations for an upcoming film. He’s been traveling for three months. It felt weird being stateside again. Not bad though.
“You’re probably glad we’re home.” Jason said to Thor as he scratched the dog’s chest. Thor looked up at him as his oversized ears flopped with his long tongue dangling from his mouth. The dog closed his eyes at the belly rub, content to be outside. “Same, buddy, same.”
The beach was decently empty for a weekday. Parents lounged underneath large umbrellas as kids ran towards the water. Seagulls cawed from above as they circled the sky for free snacks. Thor lead Jason down the boardwalk, his tail wagging as he looked around. He was small for his age which worried Jason at first but Thor definitely had an appetite. “Hey Thor,” Jason asked as his ears perked at the sound of his name. “How about some vanilla ice cream?” Thor yelped excitedly, hopping back and forth at the word ice cream. Jason laughed as he walked towards the ice cream cart near the volleyball nets. He blinked for a moment, patting his phone in his pocket as he thought.
“She’s in Santa Monica, right?” Jason murmured to himself, thinking of a certain volleyball player.
Their interaction happened by accident. It was on Annabeth’s honorary Halloween Facebook post, with an Aquaman Percy opposite of her Black Canary. Annabeth had wrote ‘where my super pals at?’ with a string of superhero related emojis as her captions. A lot of responses were Batman, Spiderman and Ironman. Jason was on set, taking a break as he scroll through the post. Reyna’s picture caught his eye. Not only because she was beautiful but the Wonder Woman costume was well made complete with silver band guard and head band. ‘Wonder Woman reporting. Any Superman?’ She wrote cheekily. Jason smiled and impulsively grabbed his black rimmed glasses, snapping a selfie, and replied to her post. ‘No Superman. Just plain old Clark Kent right now.’
Jason grinned at the memory as he adjusted his sunglasses. He wasn’t able to see her reply because he was called away to shot his scene but when Jason returned, Annabeth created a group chat including him, Reyna and Percy.
Annabae: Gah how have you super nerds never met?
QueenReyna: Super nerd? Look who’s talking.
SeaweedBrain: Girls, you’re both nerdy. Reyna, this is Jason, my cousin. Jason, if you ever have a free moment to breath, this is Reyna. She won’t bite.
QueenReyna: :V
SeaweedBrain: Hey...
After that introduction, they’ve spoken often either in the group chat with Percy and Annabeth or in private messages. Jason wasn’t recognizable at that point, still doing small projects or cameos on teen sitcoms and dramas. Because of his work and travel, Jason didn’t meet people outside of the industry. It felt good having a friend who he could talk to about the latest Marvel trailer or someone to keep up with Game of Thrones with.
Jason’s phone buzzed as he stepped up to the ice cream cart, handing over his card. Thor whined as he looked at his treat as Jason struggled to hold the melting ice cream and phone. 
One does not simply get lost in Santa Monica. Reyna’s message read beside her contact photo. Jason laughed before thanking the man and walking off, tapping his response with one hand. 
This one does when jetlag. You busy? Jason looked at the last two words before quickly deleting them and tapping send. It felt too forward. Thor whined as he pawed Jason’s leg. He welcomed the puppy's distraction.
“I know buddy, let’s find a spot to sit.” Jason said as he walked towards the bleachers beside the volleyball nets.
Despite talking to Reyna on a nearly daily basis, he’d never met the girl in person. They’d done movie nights with Annabeth and Percy, all streaming the same movie at once while on a group call. He had helped her edit videos and her scripts for her youtube videos, offering advice for lighting and wording. He knew that Reyna was sharp, always quick with a witty comment in such a way that Percy would be proud. She was also extremely dedicated, balancing beach volleyball life with her active youtube channel. She was passionate, wanting to express herself and educate people. There’d been a video of her cycling around youtube of her speaking out about her roots and feelings about growing as a child of an immigrant. Jason thought of the video, feeling his heart ache as he recalled the sound of her voice, the look in her eyes, the unhidden emotions on the screen.
The need to see her after that video was strong. He wanted to gather Reyna up in his arms and hug her tightly, telling her how proud he was of her for speaking out. Jason sighed as he shook his head, not entirely sure  why he felt like this. 
“I want to see her.” Jason murmured, picking up Thor so the puppy sat beside him. Thor’s dark eyes zeroed in on the ice cream, not quite listening to his master rambling. Jason scooped a bit of vanilla ice cream for the puppy. “I’m not crazy relocating to LA, right?” For a girl, Jason added mentally.
Being near Reyna wasn’t his main reason. There’s so much potential work in LA, Jason’s agent mentioned when he described the part to Jason. It’s a recurring character in a medical drama that starred Tristan McLean. He got to work with Tristan McLean, an actor who had years of dramas and movies underneath his belt. It was an opportunity of a lifetime. Being near Santa Monica was just a convenient plus.
“AHHH look at Thor!” Jason and Thor both jumped at the excited cry. Thor spun around at the sound of his name, tail wagging like crazy. A group of teenagers in volleyball gear stood around, taking a break from their drills. A blonde tugged her friend’s arm as she shoved her phone at her. “Look at the golden fluff ball! He’s getting so much bigger. Gah, Rey, I just want to cuddle him.”
“Geez, Grace, you’re really whore-ing Thor out.” The girl with a visor said as she took the phone, leaning back slightly. Her dark hair tied up in a high ponytail. Jason’s eyes narrowed as he leaned forward, trying to get a glimpse of her face. Her friend said Rey. A pair of sleek sunglasses hid her eyes but something about her face shape felt familiar. Even from a distance, Jason could see her lips curl up as she looked at the dog picture. “Thor is a real cutie.”
Hearing his names called out way too many times, Thor barked and ran over. “Thor!” Jason shouted as he tried to grab the leash but the dog was too fast. He bounced over, running along the metal bleachers before colliding with the bags. The dark haired girl reacted quickly catching the eager puppy. Thor wiggled in her arms as he licked her cheek, knocking her sunglasses. “Thor…”
“Thor?” The girl said as she held the dog up. Thor barked happily.
“Oh my god…” The blonde murmured as she stared at Jason with wide eyes. “It’s him, Reyna.” Jason didn’t hear anything after she said Reyna. He stared at the dark-haired girl holding his puppy, a girl he had only seen on screen. Beads of sweat clung to her temple from the intense LA heat. Stray strands of hair stuck to her neck, following the curve of her chin. Reyna’s eyes are just as intense in person as they were in pictures, blinking at him. Even sweaty and messy, Reyna is very pretty. “It’s your Instagram boyfriend.”
“Instagram boyfriend?” Jason repeated amused. His heart thumped rapidly against his chest like he just ran a chase scene. Reyna’s cheeks flushed as she glared at her friend, adding color to her sun kissed skin.
“Gwen! Only you call him that.” Reyna shouted as she hiked Thor up in her arms. The puppy wiggled, tail wagging back and forth in excitement by all the people. Gwen laughed as Reyna shook her head at her before looking at Jason again. “I prefer Airhead.” She said coolly.
Jason nodded his head as he took a step closer. He didn’t know where to look, nervous by how much skin her beach shorts and sports bra revealed. He focused on her face, taking in the shape of her face. “You’re taller than I expected.” Reyna said when he stood in front of her.
“Taller than you, shortie.” Jason teased back, pleased he had half a head over her. Reyna huffed, held Thor between them like a shield. Jason almost forgot about the furball that caused this mess. “Hey troublemaker, making friends?” Thor panted happily with his tongue sticking out. Jason looked at Reyna again. “Can I have my dog back?”
“Hmm, I don’t know.” Reyna hummed as she rubbed her face against Thor’s furry head. “I might have to report you to PETA for doggie endangerment.” Jason rolled his eyes but grinned. It felt good hearing her quips instead of reading them on a screen. There’s so much more interaction in person. Jason could read the teasing smile on her lips. He could hear the playfulness in her voice. Her eyes sparkled as she tried not to smile too widely. Gwen watched the interaction amused, a sly smile creeping onto her face.
“Really? I finally get to see you and you’re gonna try to steal my dog?” Jason sighed dramatically before leaning down so he was eye level with Thor. Reyna’s breath hitched at their sudden closeness. Her arms instinctively tightened around Thor’s midsection. “Sorry buddy, looks like you have a new mommy.”
“Nope,” Reyna said quickly, shoving the dog into Jason’s arms. Her fingers brushed Jason’s and he tried not to jump at the contact. “My two very loyal greyhounds at home will already hate me for smelling like a puppy. And you don’t want to lose any Instagram followers. You know they’re only there for Thor.” Jason laughed and snaked his arms around her shoulders without thinking. Reyna yelped in surprised but fell into the hug freely. She wrapped her arms around Jason’s midsection.
“Hey.” Reyna whispered shyly, looking up at him.
“Hey yourself.” Jason whispered back, inhaling the scent of sea and salt from her hair. She’s real and in front of him. “Small world.”
“The smallest.” Reyna said back with a wide happy smile.
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