#we've reached the final part woohoo
Camp NaNoWriMo Week 1 Progress
Decided to do it this way instead of posting each day individually! This will probably work much better in the long run, and will be much easier to keep track of instead of 30 reblogs that definitely get annoying after a while!
Project Name: The Shifting Tides (side blog is @the-shifting-tides-wip)
Goal: 30k words.
Tagline: Sometimes we must fight for a future we ourselves cannot see.
Genres: Fantasy, LGBT+, Romance, Adventure, Young Adult
Progress under the cut!
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Day 1
Words typed: 1,242
Total words: 1,242
Times updated: 3
First day of Camp NaNoWriMo hooray! It was a pretty easy day. I spent about 2.5 hours (started around 6:30pm, ended around 9pm) typing, and got a lot of work done. I met my word count goal, and then some! Maybe I should have made a bigger goal... oh well!
Most of what I typed today was finishing up the last chapter of part one. I skipped most of part one so I'll be moving to part two now!
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Day 2
Words typed: 1,067
Total words: 2,309
Times updated: 2
Day two went by pretty smoothly! Although I suppose both days have been a weekend, so after today things might change!
Regardless, I just started part two and it's gone really well! The main cast has finally started their journey (about 30k words in oops), and are heading towards their next destination. It really won't take long before we get to meet the other half of our main cast, and I can't wait!
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Day 3
Words typed: 1,032
Total words: 3,341
Times updated: 1
This time, I still felt really good about myself! I wrote for two hours straight and put on some episodes of Inuyasha in the background! I finished the first chapter of part one, so we're finally getting closer to meeting the other half of our main cast!
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Day 4
Words typed: 1,039
Total words: 4,380
Times updated: 1
Wow! I’m really on a roll here! 1k words in one sitting isn’t something I usually do. I typically top out between 300-450 words in one sitting (my sittings are usually 90 minutes). But honestly, that just means this should go very well! Even if I don’t reach my goal of 1k words a day tomorrow or the day after, I’ll still be able to reach my goal of 30k words by the end of the month!
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Day 5
Words typed: 1,120
Total words: 5,500
Times updated: 1
Officially reached 5k words today and then some! Woohoo!
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Day 6
Words typed: 984
Total words: 6,484
Times updated: 1
We've finally been introduced to the next half of our main cast! Viridian's introduction was really fun to write (as always), so I'll definitely have to share that chapter later! Keep an eye out!
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Day 7
Words typed: 998
Total words: 7,482
Times updated: 1
We just finished up with the introduction to the pirates here. Saran and his friends are officially part of the crew now, so we'll be moving towards the catalyst of the main conflict soon! This next section will be writing about the pirates and doing some lorebuilding for them.
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moony-meadow · 3 years
Going for Goldie (6)
Pt. 1 / Pt. 2 / Pt. 3 / Pt. 4 / Pt. 5
After Beelzebub departed, Mammon and I were once again alone together. The white-haired demon had resumed his place on the sofa, only now he was laid out on it with his back propped up against the armrest. This left me inside his stomach at a kind of incline. I’d taken to leaning against the back wall and was taking advantage of the surprisingly relaxing warmth the fleshy surface provided.
“I can’t believe I’m going to be stuck in here for hours,” I moaned, flopping my arm over my face dramatically. “So much for having a midnight snack.” It wasn’t uncommon for Beel and I to run into each other at the kitchen in the middle of the night. We both seemed to have a habit of craving late night treats.
“Well,” I felt Mammon’s hand plop down onto his stomach, causing a small tremor around me, “I could always swallow somethin’ for ya to eat.”
My face instantly formed into a grimace. “Don’t be disgusting, Mammon,” I chided. The idea of eating someone’s second hand food was positively repulsive. Though I knew the demon was joking, I still didn’t appreciate the crude commentary. A chuckle rumbled around me, but otherwise Mammon said nothing more.
“You know, I think since this turned out to be a lot more than a quick trip into your stomach, that you owe me Goldie privileges for at least three days,” I stated. Had I not already committed myself to helping Mammon keep his credit card from Lucifer, I might have abandoned the whole thing as soon as things got complicated. But, if I gave up now and made Mammon cough me up, then the whole thing might end up being for nothing.
A strangled noise of outrage came from Mammon. “Three days?! Ya gotta be kiddin’ me!” The stomach walls all pressed in around me slightly, I could only assume as a result of Mammon clenching his hand around his middle. “I--I’ll give ya two days, but that’s it!” he exclaimed after my lack of response displayed how serious I was about the matter.
“Fine, but you also have to take me out to dinner some night,” I declared.
Mammon unclenched his hand from around his stomach, but I could tell that he’d now tensed up all over. “Wha? You can’t be--pfft, like the Great Mammon would ever be caught goin’ out to dinner with a--with a human,'' he stammered. I had to stifle a giggle, I could just tell his face had become all blushy.
It was a pretty common occurrence that whenever I took part in some playful flirting with the Avatar of Greed, his face would heat up while he stuttered out insistences that he had no interest in humans. I knew it was just one of his defense mechanisms, so I had stopped taking offense to it a long time ago.
“It can be lunch if you prefer,” I replied, feigning ignorance.
“Huh? No--I’m only havin’ a meal with you if you’re the main course,'' Mammon finished the sentence proudly.
I rolled my eyes. “This is the last time I’m ever going to be in your stomach.” While I felt pretty sure of my own statement, there was a part of me that wondered if I really would be able to avoid being eaten again. Yesterday I would have said I would never let a demon eat me under any circumstances, and yet here I was sitting in the belly of the beast.
The pressure at the front of the stomach returned as Mammon rested both his hands on top of it. “Well ya better not end up in any other demon’s stomach,” he warned, a hint of possessiveness in his voice. “You are my human, after all.”
Being the Avatar of Greed, it wasn’t surprising to me that Mammon tended to be overprotective of his belongings. However, I never would have guessed I would be considered among those belongings. His possessiveness over me wasn’t only in regards to me being eaten, he had also expressed jealousy when his brothers tried to get a little too close to me. In a way, it was kind of endearing. Although, I always made a point to make it clear that I was not an object to be owned.
“I’m your friend,” I corrected smoothly, “and you don’t have to worry about anyone else eating me, at least not with my permission anyway.”
Mammon was silent, and for a moment I wondered if I’d made him upset in some way. But then his hand began to slowly and gently rub his stomach. I smiled softly and leaned forward to pat the outermost wall in response. The guy wasn’t the best at accepting compliments or genuine displays of affection, but he had his own little ways of showing his appreciation.
“Hey, Y/N?” Mammon spoke up, now idly trailing a finger over his stomach. “You’re not...I dunno, scared of me or nothin’, are ya?”
My eyebrows lifted in surprise. The genuine concern in the demon’s voice threw me off guard. He usually made an effort to try to convince people that he was an incredibly powerful demon that ought to be feared. And while his brothers often treated him as though he were weak, I knew better. Mammon was the second eldest of the seven Avatars, and therefore the second most powerful. However, the thing with Mammon was that the guy pretty much never flexed that power. For whatever reason, even when his little brothers smacked him around or called him names, Mammon never lashed out.
As a result of all that, it was easy for me to sometimes forget that I hung out with a potentially deadly demon on the daily. Of course, when Mammon had shrunk me I’d been reminded of that latent fear. However, I wasn’t about to tell him that. I didn’t know how he’d react to the knowledge that my natural instincts insisted I be wary of demons like him (especially when they were giant sized), but I certainly didn’t want him getting the impression that I was some scared little thing. Besides, logically I knew Mammon could (mostly) be trusted. Plus, having a pact with him meant I could stop him if he ever were to do something that really freaked me out.
“Oh please,” I dismissed. “It would take a lot more than an overgrown demon to scare me.”
“Hmmm,” Mammon hummed thoughtfully. “Maybe next time I should eat ya in my demon form, that might really give ya a fright.”
The joking tone of his voice was obvious, but I still sent a kick into the nearest wall in retaliation for the comment. “How many times do I have to tell you there won’t be a next time?” I huffed.
“Is it really so bad in there?” the demon inquired, once again prodding at the outside of his stomach.
I took a moment to assess my surroundings. It was just as pitch black as ever so I could only imagine what everything actually looked like. Surprisingly there was no foul odor, the stomach acid that was pooled at the bottom didn’t seem to have a scent to it. The temperature was a bit warmer than I’d prefer, but it was thankfully tolerable. And while the squishy stomach walls still kind of grossed me out, I had gotten pretty used to them already.
Being in the stomach itself wasn’t terrible, really it was the mere fact that I was in someone else’s stomach that I disliked so much. It was a matter of pride. Being in the Devildom, it was very important that I keep my head held high. Showing weakness would just encourage potential enemies to target me.
“It’s...well it’s not exactly the Ritz,” I responded, unsure of how exactly to explain it to Mammon. “I have no idea how I’m supposed to sleep in here either.” I couldn’t deny that it wasn’t entirely uncomfortable, but I wasn’t really sure if I’d be able to fall asleep with the knowledge that I was literally inside someone’s stomach.
As if on cue, Mammon gave a yawn that caused everything around me to tighten for a moment before loosening once again as he exhaled. “Well, let’s test it out,” he announced. That was the only warning I got before Mammon sat up and got to his feet.
With Goldie safely tucked away in a pocket, I was able to easily brace myself against the walls with both hands. I felt quite secure--that is until the floor suddenly became a wall and one of the walls I’d been holding onto suddenly became the floor. “I suppose I should have seen that coming,” I thought to myself.
After a few moments of shifting as Mammon got situated, everything around me finally settled and I was able to get myself comfortable. It wasn’t like there was a ton of room to spread out, but it was plenty of space for me to lay flat. The stomach acid had seemed to dissipate shortly after Mammon had laid down, as if his body had finally caught on that I wasn’t going to be digested so it had no business sticking around.
“Comfy?” the demon asked as he went back to gently rubbing his stomach in a circular motion.
I snorted. “About as comfortable as someone can get in a stomach.”
“Good,” Mammon replied cheerfully, unphased by my grumpy tone.
“You better not roll onto your stomach,” I warned. While I figured the action wouldn’t necessarily hurt me, I doubted it would be comfortable being squished by the entirety of the giant demon’s bodyweight.
A chuckle echoed around me. “Don’t worry, I’m not much of a stomach sleeper,” Mammon promised.
With nothing else much to say, and exhaustion beginning to heavily set in, I said, “Okay...then goodnight, I guess.”
“G’night, Y/N.”
In a matter of minutes I could tell Mammon had already fallen asleep. His breathing was slow and even and his heartrate had dropped to a resting level. Honestly, the natural ambience of his body was kind of relaxing. The up and down motion his breaths caused almost made me feel like I was on a gently floating boat. It didn’t take much longer for me to drift effortlessly into a deep sleep.
The next morning, as soon as Mammon and I woke up, I demanded he quickly get me out and unshrink me. My urgency was in large part spurred by the fact that my bladder was absolutely screaming at me after having not been emptied in so long. I didn’t even get the chance to relish my return to normal size before I darted out to the bathroom, but not before ordering Mammon never to tell another soul about the previous night’s events.
After dumping everything I’d been wearing into the wash, taking an hour and a half long shower, and then absolutely stuffing myself during breakfast, I actually felt back to normal. Of course, I wasn’t about to forget the experience of being eaten anytime soon. And something told me Mammon wouldn’t either.
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