gospelblkhistory ยท 4 years
Debut single by @xtaylorb out now. It's a whole wave!!! Stop playing and go support. You will not be disappointed! We have been receiving amazing love, feedback and support for this record. Excited about the EP coming next. WE. ARE. WORKING. Go follow the label @hp_music_group , to stay up to date what we are working and what's dropping next. #LetsGoooooo #HPMusicGroup #Taylor #HER #Christian #Soul #NewSoul #GospelSoul #GospelMusic #SangTaylor #SheColdBlooded #ChristIsKing #WeAreThankfulForWillingnessToBeAVessel #BlackWomanMagic #MommyArtist https://www.instagram.com/p/CEsAWrVALpm/?igshid=3vm15dc32db3
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