#wearing the arm warmers that like to fuck me up and a pair of docs i haven't fully broken in yet
c0rpsedemon · 5 months
ok so someone (me) didn't factor in the 30 min walk back home from the post office w a big ass box . and also open boba
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kensboytoy · 5 years
Barbie’s Hair Salon
Title: Barbie’s Hair Salon Fandom: Beetlejuice The Musical Pairings: Beetlejuice/Reader (Gender Neutral) Ratings: General
“And he was like ‘No way you can shove this baby Sandworm up your nose’, so I was like ‘Uh yeah, I totally can!’ And then I-”
“Beetlejuice,” you whined softly as his fingers ran along your scalp to get the hair dye to stick to your roots.
The demon had practically begged you to dye your hair something bold after you had mentioned liking his mood ring colours and how they suited him. While he couldn’t give you the same effect, he was desperate to make you look just as crazy as him. Which wasn’t a big vote of confidence considering how his own colour clung to his dirty, shaggy mound of fluff. It was cute in a trash sort of way but on you? Well, you had some doubts.
“You don’t have to help, you know. I told you I was just gonna go to the salon to get this done-”
He gasped, feigning shock with one hand over where his heart should be.
“A salon? I didn’t know that I was talking to high society!” The demon decided to mock you in that annoying voice he loved to do when belittling your ‘breather’ opinions. “Oh, I’m sorry Your Highness, I didn’t know you wanted to blow three hundred smackaroos when your b-f-f-f could do this for free.”
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You shrunk in your seat, feeling a little bit guilty. That kind of money to blow on something so frivolous? You felt bad for even suggesting it.
“I just meant that you didn’t have to be the one to do it, y’know. Didn’t wanna bug you with it,” you admitted sheepishly.
“Oh, honey, I used to dye my hair back in the day with fuckin’ Kool-Aid,” he snorted. “Now I just go to Hot Topic and pocket this shit for free. Waaaay better. Doesn’t make me wanna eat my goddamn hair now.”
“What?” The man pouted at you, jutting out one hip to give you that level of sass you came to know and love. “Oh, stealing from a big corporation! Such a bad man I am! C’mon, babes, I’m a fucking demon. We’re not exactly kosher with trying to score brownie points, alright?”
You pinched the bridge of your nose in irritation. One day you’d go to that store and ‘accidentally’ leave them a wad of cash in Beetlejuice’s wake so the idiot didn’t get those poor kids fired.
“‘Sides, we’re so close to a whole new you! You’ll get more personality from my craftsmanship than some prissy know-it-all.”
Sighing, you let him continue so he would stop his pouting. You wanted to tease him about just how personal he was taking this but you kind of didn’t want him to fry your hair in revenge for making a stink. He’d do it too, the asshole. You’d be coming out looking like a fried Doc Brown if you weren’t careful. It wasn’t really the look you were going for this season.
Beetlejuice mumbled nonsense to himself as he circled around you while you sat idly. Maybe doing this in a kitchen was a dumb idea but he had insisted on washing your hair out in the sink. But you hadn’t noticed that he had let the dirty dishes stack up, Beej trying to use this as an excuse to get his one chore done while pretending he was being thoughtful. You’d yell at him upon finding out that your bowls were dyed the same colour as your hair.
Whenever you fidgeted, he swatted at you like an irritated mother scolding a kid for getting into the cookie jar. It was your turn to pout up at him but he seemed too preoccupied to care. You huffed and tried not to feel how sore your ass was from sitting in the same spot for what felt like hours now. It had taken ages for that bleach to soak in but at least this was the final step.
You actually didn’t know what colour Beetlejuice had chosen for you - he had insisted it remain a surprise until he blow dried your hair himself.
“No peeeeeking,” he crooned as you tried to sneak a glance in the reflection of your fridge. “It’s almost done, babes! C’mon, you have more patience than me don’tcha?”
“I dunno, Juice. You’re being such a tease about what colour you chose that it almost seems suspicious.”
“Suspicious? Me?” He chuckled and set your hair up under a showercap to allow you to move freely without worrying if dye would get all over the floor. “I told you I’d pick the colour that suits you the most! You don’t have trust in me?”
You rolled your eyes and strolled into the living room. He was right behind you, moving you out of the way so he’d get first dibs on a seat. You didn’t mind because you promptly sat down on your side and stretched out all over him. He gave a groan of protest but soon hooked an arm around you to cuddle as you lazily flipped through the streaming channels you had to watch something.
It didn’t take very long for you to nod off, remote slipping out of your hand and clattering onto the floor. Beetlejuice had watched you, more intrigued by you than whatever trash you had settled to watch. He smiled at how sweet you looked curled up against him. It made him feel so protective of you. You were his little breather.
Once enough time had passed, you were jostled awake by the impatient being.
“Baaaabes. Baaaaaabes! Wake up!”
You jolted upwards, snapping out of it instantly. A groan left your lips as you rubbed the side of your face that had unfortunately been pressed right to his suspenders. The red mark left in its wake made your flesh a funny new pattern that would wear off soon enough. You rubbed at it before blinking wearily up at him.
“C’mon, babes. Enough beauty sleep! We gotta wash that shit out and doll you up nice an’ purdy,” he finished in a southern twang.
You already felt like a doll the moment he picked you up by the shoulders and hauled you back into the kitchen. Trying to rub the sleep from your eyes, you let out a yawn only to be met with the stinging cold of the water shooting out of the faucet attachment. You let out a yelp of protest before Beetlejuice held your head firmly into place.
“Stop squirmin’ or you’re getting waterboarded instead.”
Annoyed, you shut your eyes tight and held your breath in case he wanted to make true on that threat.
His hands massaging your scalp felt like heaven in your dazed state. You leaned into his touch and were quickly rewarded with his nails scratching you gently. Beetlejuice knew what made you tick by now and head scratches were definitely in the cards. A happy sigh as the water grew a bit warmer - lukewarm to make sure the colour wouldn’t wash out so easily the first go around. You were surprised that the demon actually knew how to maintain, well, anything. He didn’t exactly seem the patient type.
The demon watched you curiously as he washed out the dye. He wanted to have a bit of fun to lord over your head. Your hair tangled in his talented digits and he gently tugged the curls. You let out a groan at the feeling, liking all the fussing he was doing. Chuckling, he splashed your face with water before pushing you up so he could drain your hair of extra moisture.
As tenderly as he was able to, he toweled you off. You felt like a cloud was encasing your entire head.
“... did you warm this up?” you asked, a bit surprised at the tender gesture.
“Well, you wanted a salon treatment, babes. Thought I might give you somethin’ you’d miss out on.”
He winked at you and you felt your heart flutter. The bastard knew how to be charming when he wanted to be.
Beetlejuice hauled your chair across the room, ruining the moment by making the most godawful sound as the legs of the chair scraped the floor. You put your hands over your ears before you heard the loud whirring of a blow dryer. Heat graced the back of your neck, sending goosebumps along your arms and a shudder down your spine.
You were lost basking in the warm glow, taking in the breeze as a welcome change from the gross splashes of sink water. Even when he blew it in your eyes to make you flinch, it still felt good enough that you wouldn’t knee him straight in the nards.
Once your hair was properly dried, you felt his fingers running through your hair, coated with some sort of gel. You wanted to oppose the idea of any product before you saw it but your curiosity was definitely piqued. Finally, you were ready. All of it was ready to be unveiled so you sat in your chair, wiggling around like their were ants in your pants - or perhaps a centipede or two that had escaped from Beetlejuice’s pocket.
Pleased with his work, he finally retrieved your hand mirror and showed you the final product.
“Taaaadaaaaa!” he sang out, a third arm slipping from his torso to do jazz hands with the one not holding the mirror.
What you saw left you speechless.
And not in a good way.
“Green?!” you barked, almost falling back in your seat at the sight. “Beetlejuice! That’s your colour! You said you were doing something special for me!”
He looked almost offended and quickly rolled his head around to mimic your whininess.
“I did do somethin’ special! Hey, not everyone can pull off the look.” Beetlejuice smoothed his own hair back and grinned a toothy grin. “And besides, babes, we know that green already looks so good on ya.”
Before you could continue your staunch protest of his choice, he had managed to catch your lips in a surprise kiss. Your complaints were muffled and your cheeks burned a deep red.
“See? The colour brings attention to just how sweet that face of yours gets when you’re all embarrassed.” He laughed loudly and took your face in his hands, planting another kiss right on your lips. “I gotta admit, I thought I was the only one who could pull that look off. But it looks so damn good to see a little bit of me in - uh, on you.”
There was a saucy wink before he moved behind you to cuddle from behind, his stupid face looking at you through the reflection of the mirror. You sighed. There was no way you could stay mad at that face too long. He could get away with murder and you wouldn’t bat an eye. You knew what you were signing up for when you turned him loose.
“Fine,” you replied with a huff. “But I get to style it a different way. I don’t want to do that gross couple thing of matching.”
The demon didn’t refute the request and instead made a row of fine hair care products dance in front of you midair. You chose the right gel and took a pair of scissors, demanding that he hold the goddamn mirror straight for one second - to which he replied: “Babes, me? Straight? I pity the thought! And the fool.”
You shushed him and began your work. He watched on with eager eyes lighting up as he began to get the idea. Without any word, he grabbed the scissors and an electric razor and finished the job for you. When you were done, you admired the well trimmed faux-hawk he left in his wake. You gave a little whistle before he leaned in.
“So, like it now?” he inquired, raising one eyebrow and biting his lower lip like a beaver.
Pulling him down by his tie, you planted a kiss right on his cheek and nuzzled against his scruff. It was his turn to change a different colour, his green tinted more pink now. He let out a girlish giggle and scooped you up into his arms bridal style. As much as he could get on your nerves, you knew you loved the infectious smile and happiness this idiot demon brought along with his wild schemes.
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fanofnightz · 5 years
Booze (Part 2)
Nikki Sixx x Reader
Summary: Your band has been touring with Mötley Crüe for over two months now and you and the boys are on really good terms because you are always down for some trouble. Especially the bass player and you are getting along really well. After a show you run into your mother and her newest boyfriend and in the end of it you find yourself drinking on the roof of your hotel as suddenly Nikki joins you. As he refuses to leave, you both stay up there the whole night, talking about your demons. After you wake up on the next day, you leave and ask Nikki to forget everything and not to tell anyone.
Words: about 10300
Warnings: coursing, drinking, drug use, angst, fluff, a little smut at the end
Note: Holy shit, this has gotten way longer than I thought it would be! In this Part, I tried to write a little more about Y/Ns realationship with her bandmates, 'cause they are a big part of her life and they are really important for the storyline too. Maybe they are the reason this Part is so long...
Taglist: @bandzrus @mrs-bucky-wintersoldier-barnes @swoopygorl @oh-well1 @anxious-diabetic
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On your way back to your hotel room, you were still thinking about the night on the roof with Nikki. No matter how hard you tried to get rid of it, the thought of his warm chest under your head and his strong arm around your waist just didn't go away. And it wasn't just that. You still had his words in your ears. His vexing comments about him not leaving you alone and his promises about not telling anyone about the last night.
You wanted to believe that he really wouldn't tell, but you knew how men were. And even if he wouldn't tell everyone, at least the rest of Mötley Crüe would know it by the end of the day, that was one thing you were 100% sure about.
If drinking makes me soft and makes me tell people about my demons, you thought, then I'll never ever drink again. 
You had been drunk too when you had told your bandmates about your problems with your family and about your trust issues, thinking that they were too drunk to remember what you had told them by the next day. But they did remember and all of them had promised you not to tell anyone. And by now, they had kept that promise. But still, you were scared that one of them would talk about it after drinking too much.
Even though you trusted them like they were your brothers, there was still that little voice in your head, telling you that they would break their promises, just like every other man in your life.
And now you almost couldn't breathe by the thought of Nikki knowing about your problems.
Deep in your thoughts, you almost stumbled over somebody who was lying on the ground in the middle of the hallway. You stopped walking and looked down on the person to your feet. It was Brian, lying on his back, sleeping and holding an empty bottle of Vodka in his right hand. His black messy hair was covering almost all of his face and his white t-shirt was completely ripped apart.
"What the fuck...?", you mumbled while rubbing on your bare arms to get a little warmer because it was kind of cold in the hallway. Well, maybe it was just the lack of sleep that made you shiver.
You looked up again and saw that you were standing right in front of Brian's hotel room, he must had passed out as he had tried to get back into his own bed. As you knew him, he had come here maybe an hour or two ago, completely shitfaced and high as fuck.
You sighed and your hand went through your hair. You pulled a face as you felt the many knots in it. Then you bent down to Brian and tried to lift him up to get him into his room. You couldn't just let him there, the hotel staff would complain about it sooner or later and you didn't want Doc, your band's and Mötley Crüe's manager, to be mad at you. He had shouted at you all just yesterday because you had wrecked Dan's hotel room.
After a few tries, you gave up. Brian was tall and had a lot of muscles, there was no way of you managing to lift him up on your own. Especially not when you were hangovered and had the biggest headache. You definitely needed some help.
You looked around and spotted Chris' hotel room right next to Brian's. Chris had always been the most responsible one out of you four and he was the one who was able to drink tons of alcohol without being completely useless the next day.
Dan was the opposite of that. He always was down for some trouble, just like you, but he had to drink just three bottles of Jack Daniels to be hangovered the whole next day. Still, he drank at least four whenever he was partying somewhere. Nobody liked to be near him the day after.
You walked up to Chris' door and started to jam your fist against it. "Chris", you yelled, "open your fucking door! I need your help!"
You knew that you wouldn't get him out of his bed with some quiet knocking and a few nice words, so you directly got to the loud and rude part.
After half a minute of loud noise-making, you stopped and put your ear on the door to listen if somebody was moving inside. At first, you didn't hear anything, but then there were some rumbles that sounded like somebody who was trying to get out of bed after a long night.
You waited for a few seconds, looked back at Brian (who was still lying on the ground, completely passed out) and pressed your hands against the sides of your head because it was hurting like hell.
You heard a few more rumbles from the other side of the door and decided to jam your fist against it for a second time. "Fucking hurry, I need some painkillers!", you shouted even though it made the pain in your head even worse.
Finally, the door opened. Chris, who was only wearing a pair of dirty leather pants, greeted you with an annoyed look on his face. "What the fuck do you want, Y/N?", he asked and you saw that he was more that just a little angry that you had woken him up.
"We have to get Brian in his room.", you explained, now a little friendlier, and pointed at your drummer, "He's completely passed out and I don't want to get in trouble with Doc again."
Dan looked around the corner and rolled his blue eyes. Then he shook his head in disappointment. "He just can't slow down.", he sighed, "I fucking told him not to go too far because of the trouble we had 'cause you two had destroyed Dan's room the other night."
You bit your lip, looked down and nodded. It had seemed like a really good idea back then, but you had to realize that the ideas you had when you had drunk a lot of alcohol and had snorted a line of coke weren't always the best.
"I already told you that I'm sorry about that.", you mumbled and then you slipped into Chris' room to search for some painkillers. You knew that he always had some in the bathroom, no matter in what hotel you were, so you immediately went there.
"Hey", Chris shouted at you and for a second, you pressed your eyelids together 'cause it felt like some marching band was going 'round in your brain, "what are you doing? What about Brian?"
You stopped walking, turned around and gave him a look that made him shut his mouth. "I won't do anything with this fucking pain in my head.", you hissed.
He gave you a tiny smile as you turned around again and made your way to the bathroom. As you got there, you opened the little closet over the sink and started to look for the pills.
After a minute, you finally found them and drowned them along with some water. Then you put the pill box back to where you had found it and closed the closet.
In the mirror, you saw Chris, who was leaning in the doorframe now, looking at you with his arms crossed. His dark blond hair was really messy and there were circles under his eyes, but he looked way better than you did.
Your hair looked like some birds had lived in there for a few months, the rest of your make up was completely smudged and your eyes were a litte red with dark bags underneath them. As you looked closer, you spotted a stain of dry saliva (with a bit of vomit) on your chin and you rubbed it off as fast as possible.
You turned to Chris again and he looked a little concerned so you raised your eyebrows. "What?", you asked and it sounded a little more rude than you had wanted it to be.
"Nothing.", Chris shrugged his shoulders, "You just look really fucked up."
"Thanks.", you smirked and walked out of the bathroom again, "I know."
You walked back to the hallway, knowing that Chris would follow you, and on your way, you looked at his bed in desire. Even though you had slept well (a little too well), you were really tired.
"Will you tell me where you've been last night?", Chris suddenly asked and you stopped in your movements, "We spent 20 minutes looking for you at the venue but somebody told us that you have left shortly after Mötley Crüe had gotten on stage."
You didn't know what to answer. You couldn't just tell him to mind his own business, he was one of your best friends. But you would've rather died than telling him about the night on the roof with Nikki.
You didn't want to lie, so you acted like you hadn't heard him. You walked out of his hotel room and went up to Brian again. Then you knelt down next to him and started to look for the key to his room in the pockets of his jeans.
After you had found a few condoms, the tanga of some chick, a pack of cigs and a joint, you finally held them in your hands and got up again to unlock his door.
"You have to lift him up.", you told Chris without looking at him while you opened Brian's door.
You heard his steps on the wooden floor and turned your head to look at him. He was looking at you too and now he seemed worried about you. You tried to ignore it and steppend into the room while Chris lifted the black-haired drummer up with a strained gasp.
You held the door open for Chris as he stumbled into the tiny hotel room. It looked exactly like your room, or Chris', or any other normal room of the hotel: the walls were painted in a light beige and the furniture was made of dark brown wood. A few paintings were hanging on the walls and on the floor was a big white carpet. But there was one huge difference to the other rooms: this one was a total mess. Brian's clothes were absolutely everywhere, the table in front of the TV was broken and you saw at least 15 empty bottles of Whisky, Beer, Vodka and other kinds of alcohol.
You always tried not to break the stuff in your room and your clothes always were in your suitcase 'cause you didn't want to make the effort to pack it almost every day. Chris was like that too and Dan just made a mess of his room when he was drunk, but Brian was the epitome of untidiness.
Chris slowly walked to Brian's bed and wanted to let him down there, but you held him back as you took a look at the clock next to the TV. "It's almost three o'clock.", you said, "We have to be at the venue at five."
"So we have to wake him up, right?", Chris sighed and you nodded. You had done this before and it had never been a fun thing to do.
"Take him to the shower.", you commanded and opened the door to the bathroom so he was able to carry Brian in there. The lead guitarist almost broke down under Brian's weight but he managed to let the drummer down in the shower as careful as possible.
You grabbed the loose shower head and looked at Chris one last time. He had his lips pressed together and his whole body was tensed up. The last time you had woken Brian up like this, he had gone completely crazy 'cause there still had been a lot of drugs in his blood. But this was the fastest way to get him out of his coma so you had to do it again.
"Are you ready?", you asked and Chris nodded. His tattooed hand reached out for the temperature adjuster and he turned it all the way to the right until the water was as cold as possible. Then he turned the water up.
One second later, ice cold water came out of the shower head in your hands and hit Brian in the face. At first, he didn't react at all, but suddenly he opened his eyes and shrugged back with a loud noise of surprise coming from his mouth.
"Holy shit!", he shouted, trying to protect himself from the water while you and Chris relaxed a little. Brian was more sober than he had been the last time and he seemed like he knew where he was and what was happening at the moment.
"It's time to wake up, drummer!", you shouted over the noise of the water and Brian's courses. You were happy that you had taken the painkillers before, the marching band in your head wasn't as loud as five minutes ago and you were able to take all the noise without having the biggest pain in your head.
You wiggled the shower head around so the water hit Brian's whole body and he let out a few more courses and a scream that was a little too high pitched for his deep and raspy voice. Even though you were hangovered, desperate and felt - and looked - horrible (and you were very hungry too), you laughed a little.
"Fucking shit!", Brian yelled and spit out some water, "Y/N, stop it!"
"I think it's enough.", you told Chris with a smirk on your lips and he turned off the water.
You put down the shower head and put your hands on your hips. Then you looked down on Brian, who was sitting in the corner of the shower, his dripping wet hair in front of his face like a curtain, glaring at you through some wet strands of his hair with the most fucked up look in his eyes.
His eyes always had been a part of him that had fascinated you, no matter how often you had looked at him. The left one was brown with a little bit of gold in it, the right one was coloured in the brightest green you had ever seen in your life.
"Don't look at us like you want to kill us!", Chris told Brian and threw a big white towel at the wet drummer, "We have to be at the venue in not even two hours."
Brian got up slowly, took off his jeans and what was left of his shirt and started to rub himself dry with the towel. You were glad that he was wearing underwear, you didn't want to see his dick. Of course, you had seen the boys nacked a few times now, shit like that happened when you stuck together for years, but it had never been not awkward and your day had already been bad enough.
"Anyway", Brian said while rubbing his hair dry, "where have you been yesterday, Y/N? You look like you have slept in the park."
Now your drummer and your lead guitarist were looking at you and this time, you couldn't just act like you hadn't heard the question. But admitting what had happened with your mum was a no-go for you.
"I'll tell you later.", you slowly answered after a few moments of silence, "I have to go and shower and put on new clothes and make up and I'm hungry as hell. And maybe I have to wake up Dan 'cause I'm the only one who is able to get him out of bed without having to be scared that he'll kill me afterwards."
You turned around and made your way out of the bathroom as fast as possible. You knew that you weren't able not to tell them what had happened, they would ask you again and maybe then you weren't able to make up an excuse to go away.
You had crossed half of the hotel room as you heard Chris' voice, shouting after you.
"We know what has happened between you and your mother last night!"
You froze and turned around. How did they know? Who had told them? It could't be Nikki, you had left the roof before him. Maybe your mum had talked to them after you had left. Or maybe it had been someone who had overheard your conversation. You remembered all the people that had been around while you had shouted at your mother.
"We know that she's getting married.", Brian now told you.
He and Chris were standing in the doorway of the bathroom and he was leaning against the doorframe with the towel in his hands. Both of your bandmates looked very concerned, even though Brian was still a little high.
"Who... who told you?", you stuttered, trying not to show them how much the marriage affected you. You failed miserably.
They walked up to you and you looked away so they wouldn't see the pain in your eyes. "One of the tour assistants told us. She had seen you arguing with your mum.", Brian responded and you hated how soft his voice had gotten. Whenever something happened and your mum was involved, your bandmates treated you like you were a little child.
"She said you had been really angry as you had left the venue.", Chris added, "We were really worried about you, Y/N!"
Now you looked at them and rolled your eyes. Of course, it was really cute and you would be worried too, if one of your bandmates would vanish suddenly, but you were a grown woman and they knew that you were able to take care of yourself.
"As you can see, I'm fine!", you lied, "Yeah, I was a little fucked up because of that, but everything is okay now!"
No, you corrected yourself in your head, nothing is okay!
But you didn't say that. It would've just leaded to them trying to cheer you up and treating you like a raw egg. And you hated that more than anything else.
Nikki had done nothing like that. He had just been there for you so you weren't alone and he had talked to you about your problems without being afraid to hurt your feelings. And even though you still kind of regretted telling Nikki about your demons, you were thankful for the conversation you had held with him.
"And where have you been the whole night long?", Brian now asked, brushing his hair back.
"I've been in my hotel room", you told half of the truth, "I didn't want to talk to anyone so I've just been in there and drank at least four bottles of Whisky all by myself."
The two of them exchanged a worried look and you coursed yourself for telling them that the argument with your mum had made you a drinking wreck.
Chris opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something but one warning look from you and he didn't say a word.
"Don't look at me like that!", you rolled your eyes as they still looked down on you with these compassionate looks, "I may have been a little fucked up, but as I told you - I'm okay now! I'm trough with it!"
You knew that you not only wanted them to believe you - you yourself wanted to believe it too. You really didn't know why the argument with your mother affected you that much. Your mum was a horrible mother and she had never cared about you as much as she had cared about her new boyfriends. Still, there was that little part of you that believed that your mum was still able to change. But even if that would've happened - she could've never made up for all the years of not being there for you.
"No!", you interrupted Brian and turned around to walk out of the room, "I don't want to talk about this any longer! I'm going to get ready now. I'll see you guys down in the lobby."
And then you almost fleed out into the hallway, avoiding any more talking. You hated talking about your mother and your bandmates knew it, so they let you go.
You made your way to your hotel room as fast as possible, hoping that none of the boys would follow you. Usually, you told them everything and they always gave good advice, but your family problems and trust issues were something you never talked about. It just made you feel uncomfortable to talk about your demons while knowing that all of them had grown up in a healthy and loving home.
And that was one of the reasons you had told Nikki about it - he had gone through the same shit as you, maybe it had been even worse for him. And because of that, he hadn't looked at you like you had been some little kid that hadn't known where to go, he had just listened to you and had shown you that he really had understood what you were going through.
Finally at the door to your room, you stopped walking and tried to remember where you had put the key after you had left. Your pants didn't have pokets, your shirt neither, so there was only one place where your keys could have been - in your bra. And they were!
"Gotcha!", you whispered, happy because you hadn't lost the key during the last night.
You unlocked the door to your room and a sigh of relief escaped your mouth as you looked through the room and saw that nothing was broken. Your drunk self must've been too fucked up to actually destroy something.
On the bed, you spotted an empty bottle of Vodka and you saw that you hadn't closed the fridge as you had left the room. But these were the only signs that you had been in your room after the show.
You threw the bottle off of your bed and closed the fridge, even though that didn't do much - everything in there had already started to warm up, but you didn't care much because you would leave the next morning to drive to the next big city. You were pretty sure it was Boston but after two months of touring, one city started to look like the other and you didn't care much about the one you played at.
Just as you wanted to go to the bathroom to finally get a shower, your stomach started to grumble. You hadn't eaten something since the last afternoon and you were more than just a little hungry, so you grabbed the telephone for the room service and ordered two big portions of your favourite food: spaghetti.
The lady at the other end of the line told you someone would bring it to you in about fifteen minutes so you decided to shower while the people in the kitchen got your food ready.
You had to be down in the lobby in about one hour and twenty minutes which was enough time for you to get ready. Well, maybe it was better if you got down ten minutes earlier - things never went as planned when you were touring with Mötley Crüe.
In the tiny bathroom, you finally were able to take off the dirty and sweaty clothes you had worn since almost 21 hours. It felt like you were freed from a tiny cage as you took off your tight leather pants. You didn't have the courage to look in the mirror again, knowing you looked horrible, so you headed straight into the shower.
After you had finally turned on the hot water, you started to relax. Humming the melody to one of the songs you had written for your new album a few weeks ago, you started to put shampoo into your hair and soap onto your body. Showering kind of felt like you were able to wash off all of what had happened with Nikki. You had this strange feeling his smell would still be sticking on you and you just wanted to get it off.
It was weird: you had been much closer to him before, but it felt completely different this time. All the other times, it had just been a meaningless hookup, nothing to be worried about. But this time, you had talked to him about so much personal stuff and you had slept on his chest without even kissing him. You had never done things like that before. This had been the first time ever you had slept next to a men without having sex first. You weren't used to this and you didn't like it at all. It felt completely new and different and - if you were honest - it scared you.
You slightly shook your head as you realized that you were thinking about Nikki again. Whatever had happened between you two - it would hopefully never happen again so there was no need to think about it. The only thing you had to think about was the possibility of the bass player telling the rest of Mötley Crüe (and maybe even your band) about the last night.
You turned the water off and got out of the shower. Putting your hair up in a towel, you surpressed any thought about Nikki Sixx and forced yourself to think about the next show. You had planned to surprise the crowd with a completely new song and when it was time for the other band to do their show, Vince and you wanted to sing Mötley Crüe's latest single, "Too Young To Fall In Love", together.
You rubbed yourself dry, put on a robe and started to do your hair and make up. You didn't have to do much, the assistants at the venue would do the rest for you before you had to go on stage. As you were finished, you went out of the steamy bathroom and headed to your suitcase to pull out your tight black leather shorts, some black fishnet tights and a dark grey crop top. Digging through the pile of clothes, searching for some underwear, you stopped as you spotted a lacy red bra and the fitting panties. "You never know what will happen.", you mumbled as you grabbed them together with the other clothes you had picked.
Just as you wanted to take your robe off, there was a knock on the door and you heard a muted voice. "Roomservice!"
You quickly opened the door, thanked the elderly woman who had brought your food and took it from her. Then you headed back to your suitcase that was lying next to your bed, sat down on the ground and started to eat. You downed the Spaghetti as if it was nothing because you had felt like you would've died if you didn't get something to eat in the next few minutes.
After that, you put on your clothes and went to the bathroom to see how you looked. And damn, you looked good! One thing was certain for you: you wouldn't be spending the night alone.
You put on some heavy black Doc Marten's and looked at the clock next to your bed: 4.25, time to go down into the lobby.
On your way down, you met nobody but an old man who looked at you like you were coming straight out of hell. You were glad nobody came along, you kind of enjoyed these last moments on your own, right before you would be around a lot of people for many hours.
Down in the lobby, Doc, your manager, was already waiting for you, for the rest of your band and for Mötley Crüe. You greeted him with a little nod and sat down on one of the chairs in the waiting area, knowing he was still mad at you because you had destroyed almost everything in Dan's room.
"Did someone already go to Dan's room to wake him up?", you asked him and tried to look as innocent as possible. You didn't want to fuck things up with Doc, so you tried to be extra nice.
"Andrew went up to him about ten minutes ago.", Doc told you without taking his eyes off of the newspaper he was reading.
Suddenly, the doors of the elevator a few meters away from you opened and Chris and Brian stumbled out of it, followed by Nikki, Tommy and Mick, who looked like he was done with everything and everyone.
Avoiding to look at Nikki, you watched Tommy, who was holding a bottle of liquor and talked to Brian, wildly gesticulating with his hands. You really liked the drummer, he was always down for some trouble and you two had done a lot of crazy things together like almost setting a liquor store on fire while being highly on coke or throwing the entire furniture of his hotel room into the pool underneath.
Chris and Brian sat down next to you and Brian handed you an almost full bottle of Brandy. You took a few big sips but as he wanted to take the bottle away from you again, you pulled away from him so he wouldn't get it. "It's mine now.", you determined and Brian looked upset at first, but then he just pulled a tiny bottle of Jack Daniels out of the pocket of his jacket, emptied it completely and took a drag of his cigarette.
The doors of the elevator opened again and this time, it was Dan, who looked like a really fucked up zombie. His black hair was all messed up and there were big circles under his blue eyes. He looked even worse than you had looked two hours ago. The assistants at the venue would have to do magic to make him look normal again.
He slowly walked over to you, glaring at everyone like he wanted to commit a mass murder. "Dude", Nikki laughed, "You look even more done than Mick!"
You couldn't stop yourself from looking at Nikki, who was holding a bottle of beer in his one hand and a cigarette in his other. His hair was a little less messy than it had been on the roof and he had changed clothes: now he was wearing a plain black pair of jeans and a normal black t-shirt, but he was still wearing that damn red leather jacket.
"Shut your mouth, dumbass!", Mick responded to Nikki's comment while Dan just rolled his eyes and took the bottle of liquor from Tommy to take a few sips.
Nikki laughed and you still weren't able to take your eyes off of him, wondering if he had already told his band about your breakdown. They weren't acting like they knew it, so you relaxed a little and took another sip of Brandy.
Just as you wanted to look away, Nikki's eyes met yours for a second and the look on his face changed from amused to undefinable. You looked away as fast as possible, praying he wouldn't think that you had stared at him. Because you had, in fact, stared at him.
Still a little embarassed, you looked around and recognized that only one person was missing. "Where's Vince?", you asked Mick, who shrugged his shoulders. "Probably giving head to a pretty little chick."
"I'm betting on ten dollars that he is getting it instead.", you smirked at the guitarist and he gave you a nod. "Deal."
You got along with Mick really well, probably because you left him alone most of the time and didn't annoy him like the other boys did. Still, you often had talked to him for many hours (mostly while both of you had been very drunk) and you had always enjoyed the conversations.
"I just hope he is doing it as quick as possible.", Doc, who had overheard what Mick and you had said, mumbled, "We have to leave in five minutes."
"He is already done.", someone suddenly said and you all looked over to the doors of the stairwell. Vince walked up to you, a cheeky smile on his lips, zipping up his pants. His blond hair was a little messy and there was this little sparkle in his eyes that gave away what he had done just a few minutes earlier.
"Are you serious?", Doc rolled his eyes, "In the fucking stairwell?"
"She just went down on me!", Vince held up his hands in defense, "I wasn't able to stop her!"
Nikki and Tommy started to laugh and high-fived him as they stood up from their chairs. The rest of you stood up too, ready to go to the vans that would drive all of you to the venue. Meanwhile, Mick walked over to you and without a word, he gave you a ten dollar bill, but as you looked at him, you could've sworn that there had been a tiny intimation of a smirk on his lips.
At the venue, your band headed to the stage to do a little bit of sound-checking while Mötley Crüe went away to pick up a few girls. It wasn't a Mötley Crüe concert if they didn't bring some chicks backstage. After all this time, you had gotten used to it and you had learned to ignore it when you entered the room where the boys had decided to party and saw one (or all) of them getting their dick sucked.
While your bandmates messed around with their instruments, you sang two or three of the songs you wanted to perform later.
After a little bit of tuning and rehearsing, you went off of the stage again and made your way to the dressing rooms to get ready. In a few minutes, the doors would be opened and hundreds of fans would get into the building.
You didn't know where you had gotten them from, but all of you already had a bottle of beer in your hands as you entered the dressing room where a few assistants were waiting for you to do your hair and make up.
You sat down in front of the big mirrors and while three women did the hair of your bandmates, one did your make up and another one teased your hair.
While Chris and Brian chatted about the upcoming show, Dan just drank his beer and looked like he would fall asleep at any second. You knew that he would be like this until you would enter the stage - from that moment on, he would go completely crazy.
You tried to listen to Chris and Brian, but you couldn't help but thinking about your band and Mötley Crüe, together in one room before the show would start, drinking and doing drugs. It would be so easy for Nikki to tell everyone about your breakdown on the roof.
Fear crept into your mind and you took a few huge sips of your beer to calm down again. There is no need for Nikki to tell the others., you tried to convince yourself, He won't do it. But as your hair and make up was finished, you were still scared about what could happen.
You took a look at your reflection in the mirror and you nodded a little as you realized that you looked more than just good. The assistants had done a hell of a job. And they didn't only did great on your hair and make up - your bandmates looked really good too. Even Dan didn't look like a zombie anymore.
"20 minutes until you have to go on stage.", one of the assistants told you and you nodded again and told her a Thank You as you left the room to search for the other band.
"Tommy told me that they would be in his dressing room before the show.", Brian uttered.
"Well, c'mon then. I need a little blow before we have to go on stage.", Dan, who came a little more alive by the thought of coke, said and you were pretty sure that this was the first time today that he had said something.
You made your way to Tommy's dressing room, hoping the other boys would actually be there.
As Chris opened the door, you spotted all of them on the sofas, surrounded by at least seven girls. On the table in the middle, there were lots of bottles of Whisky and Nikki was snorting a line of coke from the shoulder of the brunette groupie next to him.
You and your bandmates sat down and Vince handed a little phial to Dan and Brian. They put the coke on the table and seperated it into a few small lines with a little piece of paper that had once been the setlist.
They snorted the lines without any hesitation but as Brian wanted to do the last one, you held him back and snorted it yourself. Usually, you weren't a big fan of drugs, but you wanted to numb the fear of Nikki telling the truth about the last night. Immediately, you felt better and a little more confident than before.
Chris, who never did drugs, gave you a confused look but you ignored him, emptied your bottle and grabbed a full bottle of Whisky from the table.
"What?", you asked, "I want to have fun tonight."
That was true. Tonight, you didn't want to think about your mum or Nikki or anything else. You just wanted to do a good show and have a great time afterwards, drinking and dancing and having sex with someone.
"Well, Y/N", Vince, who had heard you, winked at you, "I'm always down for everything."
You laughed and shook you head. "I'm sorry, Vinney, but you aren't my type." You didn't know why, but you looked over to Nikki for a second. He was busy flirting with the brunette groupie.
"Yeah, don't be silly, Vince.", Brian smiled, "Y/N would never sleep with you or any other member of Mötley Crüe. She's way too smart to fall for one of you guys."
You panicked a little. You had never told your bandmates that you had slept with Nikki but you didn't know if he had kept his mouth closed too. There was no special reason you didn't want them to know about it. You just knew they would constantly talk about it and that would be really embarassing.
"Well, maybe she's too smart to fall for them, but she could easily make them fall for her.", Chris told Brian and you tried to look like you weren't nervous as fuck and rolled your eyes.
"As long as it's only for one night.", you tried to laugh and looked at Tommy, who didn't look like he knew anything. You knew that Nikki, if he would've told anyone, would've told Tommy first.
In the corner of your eye, you saw that Nikki was looking at you now, but you tried to ignore it. If he wanted to tell everyone about the nights you had spent together (including the night on the roof), this was the perfect moment to do it. But the seconds passed and he didn't say a word at all.
Trying not to show how surprised you were, you took another sip of Whisky and leaned back into the warm leather of the sofa. The cocaine was really kicking in now and soon you started to fool around with the boys like you always did.
The minutes went by and suddenly it was time to go on stage. Before you stood up, you snorted another line of coke and you felt Nikki's eyes on you as you did it.
Don't look at him, don't look at him, don't look at him., you told yourself and you really managed to leave the room without doing it.
The adrenalin started to kick in as you got closer to the stage and heard the loud screams of the fans. Brian, who walked next to you, jumped up and down and played with the drum sticks in his hands. Chris hummed the melody to his favourite song to calm himself down. Dan finally came fully alive and almost ran through the long tunnels. And you? You drowned the rest of the Whisky in your hand and enjoyed the feeling you had because of the cocaine and the alcohol.
As you finally got on stage, the fans greeted you with even louder screams and you lost yourself in the rush. You grabbed the mic stand at the front of the stage and shouted some greetings. Then Chris started off with some heavy guitar riffs and you and the rest of the band joined him as you played your very first hit, "Suck it up".
You danced and jumped around on stage and with every song, the crowd got wilder and so did you. At one point, you even pulled down your pants and showed your ass, covered by the red lace panties, to the whole audience. As you pulled your pants up again, you winked at your bandmates. They were used to you doing stuff like that on stage, so they just laughed and kept playing.
After that you introduced your new song: "Deavil's Whisper". You were nervous at first, hoping the fans would like it because the song meant a lot to you. You had written it all on your own in the first week of touring and you and the band had worked on it in every free minute. It wasn't even recorded yet.
After the second verse, the fans tried to repeat the chorus and clapped along to the beat and it made your heart beat even faster. Maybe this song would be the lead single to your next album.
As the song ended, you had a big smile on your lips and the blood was pulsating in your veins. You had only one song left for the night and after that, you had to leave the stage and wait for Mötley Crüe to do their show until you had to join them when they played "Too Young To Fall In Love".
You gave all you had as you sang the last song and then you and your bandmates told a few Thank You's and walked off of the stage.
This time, you wouldn't go back to the dressing rooms because Doc had told you to meet him after the show, so you waited for him backstage while you tried to calm down and drank the beer an assistant had brought you after you had asked for it.
You didn't have to wait long. Doc walked over to you just about five minutes after you had left the stage and he looked very serious. "He looks like something bad has happened.", Chris whispered to you, "What have you done?"
You tried to remember if something had happened since you had destroyed Dan's hotel room, but nothing special came to your mind. Well, there was the drama with your mum, but you were pretty sure that Doc didn't know about it.
"Nothing.", you shook your head and softly slapped Chris' arm as he looked at you like he didn't believe you.
"I've got bad news for you.", Doc said as he stood in front of you and you looked at him in shock. All of you were wondering what had happened.
"Someone has overheard your arguement with your mum, Y/N.", he started to explain and for a second, your heart stopped beating, "The press knows about it now and there are a few reporters outside who want to talk to you."
You felt like you would pass out. So long, you had kept your problems with your mum a secret. And now everybody would know about it.
"What... what do they know?", you asked with a shaking voice, remembering that the press often wrote just half of the truth or even things that weren't true.
"What I've heard is that they know that your mum is engaged and that you got really angry and threw a bottle against the wall as she told you. It sounds like you are the bad guy in this story.", Doc told you.
You felt the concerned looks of your bandmates on you but you just starred at Doc and clinged onto the bottle in your hands.
You must've starred at him for way too long because Dan gave you a little push. "Y/N, are you alright?", he asked and you came back into reality again.
You took a deep breath and tried to act like this wasn't a total nightmare. "What do we have to do now?", you asked.
"It's best if you all just avoid the reporters and don't aswer any questions at all.", your manager said carefully, "If you don't talk about it, they will give up and everyone will forget about it."
Of course Doc knew what to do. He was the manager of Mötley Crüe, he had to deal with bad stories about them every day. And you agreed with him: it really was best if you just ignored all the questions. But you didn't think that everyone would forget about it. Some people would remember it, especially the people you toured with.
You nodded and took a sip of beer but all you could think of was Nikki telling his band about your breakdown on the roof when they heard the news about your arguement with your mum.
Doc started to explain a few other things to you but you didn't listen. There was too much on your mind. As he left, you and your bandmates stood there in silence, nobody knew what to say. After a minute, you heard the music that came from the stage. You hadn't realized that Mötley Crüe had gotten up there to do their show.
You took another deep breath and tried to smile. "Fuck this shit!", you coursed and looked at your three best friends, "If you don't stop to look at me like I'm a sick kitten then I'll punch you in your pretty faces!"
Dan looked like he wanted to say something, but he kept his mouth shut. You glared at them challenging. "As I said: I want to have fun tonight!"
Almost 45 minutes later, you stood next to the stage and watched Mötley Crüe doing their show. Your band was somewhere else with some groupies - you didn't want to know what they were doing. Since you had gotten backstage, you had drowned another bottle of Whisky and you had snorted two more lines of cocaine, so you were a little dizzy. But there was no need to worry - you had performed with way more alcohol and drugs in your body.
The band was just ending "Red Hot" and looking on the setlist, you saw that there was only one song left until you had to join Vince on stage.
You watched the boys and smiled because the crowd went completely crazy as Nikki tried to do a handstand with his bass still in his one hand. His shirt slipped a little and you were able to see his sweaty stomach. Maybe it was the alcohol, but you couldn't stop looking at him and in your mind, you replayed the nights you had spent in his hotel room and for a moment, you couldn't think of anything else than your hands in his hair, his lips on your body, his taste on your tongue...
And then Nikki stood up again and his shirt fell back in place and the moment was over. The band started to play "Ten Seconds To Love" and you shook your head and watched everyone but Nikki doing their thing.
Just yesterday, you had wanted to spend another night in his bed. But now, after what had happened, Nikki was a taboo for you.
The song ended and the band immediately started to play "Too Young To Fall In Love". This was your moment to run on stage. The spotlights blinded you at first, but you quickly got used to it and waved to the crowd as you made your way to Vince and picked up the mic stand that had been lying on the ground next to him all along, covered by some props.
The audience got even louder and Vince started to sing the first verse while you started to dance. You circled your hips, raised your hands, threw your hair back and gave Vince a flirty look over your shoulder. He bit his lips as he watched you dance, not taking his eyes off of you.
As he ended the verse, you stopped dancing and sang the chorus together with him, looking at him all along. There was this little knowing smirk on his lips as tension started to build up in between the two of you.
Wait, you thought as you sang the second verse on your own and jumped around on stage with the mic stand in your hands, when did I decide to do this?
Vince really wasn't your type, you had never even thought about flirting with him. But now, you did what you did, dancing close to him as he sang the chorus with you. While Mick played his guitar solo, you let go of your mic stand, wrapped your arms around Vince' neck and smirked as he put his hands on your hips to dance with you.
The third verse was Vince' part again, so he let go of you and grapped his mic and while you continued to move to the music, you allowed yourself to look at Nikki - just for one second. He was playing his bass with the same intensity as always, but his eyes were lying on you. They narrowed a bit as your eyes met and you quickly looked away.
Vince ended the verse and again, you sang the chorus together. You knew what you were doing all too well as you kissed his cheek at the end and winked at him as you ran off the stage after you had thanked the crowd for their cheering.
But why did you do that? Why him? Well, because you knew that Vince wanted you. Because you just wanted to have fun and forget about your mum and Nikki. And because you were drunk enough to ignore the little voice of sanity in your head, telling you that this was a dumb idea.
Two hours after you had gone off of the stage, you stood at the bar in a club your band and Mötley Crüe had gone to after the show. Loud music was coming from big speakers in the corners of the smoky room and red and green lights were flashing from the ceiling that was completely covered in mirrors.
You were drunk, but not as drunk as you had been a day ago. You were still able to walk without feeling like everything around you was turning and your tongue was just a little heavy so you were able to talk properly. Well, lot's of people would've acted different if they would've drank what you had drunk, but you had gotten used to the alcohol so you tolerated it way better than most people.
You were waiting for the bartender to get your drink ready, nodding your head along to the music as Vince walked up to you and leaned against the bar, his infamous playboy-smile on his lips.
You hadn't talked to him since you had performed Mötley Crüe's single together. As you had gotten off of the stage, your band had been backstage again, drinking and having fun. You had fooled around with them until Mötley Crüe had been done with their show and after that, you had waited for them to take off their stage clothes so you all had been able to go to the club together. Outside of the venue, there had been at least ten reporters, who had waited for you to ask you about your mum, but you had held your head up high and had walked past them. On your way to the club, you had mostly talked to Tommy to avoid the questions about your feelings about the reporters. He had told you at least ten times how awesome your duet with Vince had been.
You gave Vince a tiny smile and grabbed the drink that the bartender had put on the bar a second before the blond singer had come over to you. You didn't even had to pull out some money - Vince had already given a few bills to the bartender with a wink in your direction.
"That drink's on me.", he smiled at the bartender, "And I'll have the same."
"What was that for?", you asked Vince, playing the innocent. You exactly knew what he wanted and you played along with it, hoping it would stop your mind from thinking about all your problems. Speaking of your problems: as you looked around, you spotted Nikki, who was standing just a few meters away, flirting with two girls. You stopped youself from rolling your eyes.
"That's for the breathtaking performance you did next to me on stage.", Vince flirted and his blue eyes were not looking at anyone but you.
"Breathtaking, huh?", you mumbled against the cold glass of your drink as you took a sip. The burning liquor made you feel alive even more and gave you the confidence to lean a little closer to Vince.
He smirked and grabbed his drink, not taking his eyes off of you as he took a few big sips.
"And I'm surely not the only one who thinks that.", he said after he had stopped drinking, "There are at least ten other men in this club who have seen you tonight and want nothing more than seeing you in their beds."
Now he was going all in. And he knew that you knew. He knew that you both played the same games and damn, he liked it.
"And what do you want, Vince Neil?", you asked, stepping closer to him and putting your hand on his chest. Your lips were just a few centimeters away from his and the tension between the two of you drove him crazy, you knew that.
"What the fuck do you think?", he responded and his voice got a little deeper. His lips were really close now and his breath, smelling like alcohol and cigarettes, brushed your face. You could've just given in now, but you decided to tease him a little longer - just for fun.
"No, Vinney.", you slightly shook your head, "I want you to fucking tell me what you want."
You leaned back again and smirked as you saw that there was something different in his eyes now. Something dark. "But before you do that", you added, "I have to redo my lipstick."
You took a step back and he looked like he was about to pull you back to him to drag you to the next bathroom stall. "Fucking tease.", he hissed but you could tell that he was turned on by your little games.
"I'll be right back.", you winked and turned around to go to the restrooms. You had done this before, with Nikki. You had let him wait for ten minutes and he had still been where you had left him as you had come back. His hunry eyes crept into your mind and you pressed your eyelids together for a second to get rid of them.
But as you reached the doors to the restrooms, the real Nikki stood right in front of you, back against the wall, arms crossed. You looked at him in confusion.
"Nikki...?", you greeted him, unsure how to act. His blue-green eyes starred at you with so much intensity that you had to look away.
"Vince isn't your type, huh?", he repeated what you had said a few hours earlier and his hand went through his teased black hair. You didn't knew that he had heard you saying it. "And still, you are playing your games with him."
"What are you trying to tell me, Sixx?", you asked and crossed your arms too, still not knowing what to do. How do you talk to somebody who had seen you at your worst? "You know that I just want to have my fun - and he does too. Where's the problem?"
"There is no problem.", the bass player shrugged his shoulders, "I was just curious."
He now tried to look like he didn't care, but the fact that he had gone here to wait for you, knowing that you would come along, proved that he actually cared a lot.
You started to get a little angry. He had gone here and he had waited for you - just to lie to you by saying that he didn't care about you flirting with Vince.
"Fuck, Nikki!", you coursed and rolled your eyes, "If you've got a problem with me flirting with Vince then tell me, for god's sake!"
"If I would have a problem with it", Nikki now said and his voice got a little louder, "what would that change?"
"Well, actually it would change a lot!", you snapped before you were able to think about your words. Damn, why did you get so honest whenever you had drunk some alcohol?
"If so, then yes, I've got a problem with you flirting with Vince!", the bass player admitted, still with a little bit of anger in his voice, "Because both of us know that you'd rather spend the night with me!"
You knew that this was the moment where you should just turn around and leave. You should go back to Vince, drink with him and tease him until the two of you ended up in his hotel room. But you didn't move at all. You had told yourself to stay away from Nikki because he already knew way to much about you, but how could you? The tension between the two of you was ten times stronger than the one between you and Vince. And fuck, Nikki looked so damn good in that red leather jacket.
"Is that so?", you tried to act like his words weren't true. But even though you still had a pokerface on, your voice made clear that you wanted him as much as he wanted you.
He now pushed himself off of the wall and got closer to you, eyes filled with desire. "I think both of us know the answer to this question. So stop playing these fucking games, Hot Stuff."
A little part of you still wanted to walk away, knowing that this was the worst you could do after what had happened on the roof. But there was a much bigger part that wanted nothing more than Nikki, in his bed, as a moaning mess underneath you. "Fuck it.", you whispered to yourself.
As you kissed Nikki, he tasted like Whisky, drugs and cigarettes. And like everything you had ever wanted. He kissed you back immediately, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you in with a soft wheeze coming from his lips.
You started to blend out everything that had happened in the last days - the problems with your mum, your breakdown on the roof, the fact that Vince probably was still waiting for you. All of that didn't matter anymore as your lips moved in sync to his.
He stumbled back against the wall and you moved to him as close as possible while the kiss got hungrier. Your hands found their way into his hair, pulling on a few streaks of it and he let out a soft moan against your lips, making you want him even more.
The thought of what the two of you would do tonight drove you crazy and as his hands wandered under your shirt to caress your spine, you bit his lips and he held onto you even tighter.
His warm tongue stroke over your lips and you opened up your mouth a little. As soon as you did that, your tongues fought over the dominance. You knew that Nikki loved to be in charge, but you loved it as much as he did, so it was a battle neither him nor you won.
You had goosebumps all over your body and you started to shiver as he seperated his lips from yours to place little wet kisses from your mouth down to your neck. Suddenly, he stopped and started to suck on your soft skin, making you open up your eyes in surprise, but they fell close again as his teeth sank into your skin too. It was a sweet pain, the sweetest one you had ever been in. Your head fell back, leaving more space for him and a quiet moan left your lips.
His mouth found its way back to yours and again, your tongues played with each other. Your hand let go of his hair now, wandering down his back and under his jacket, slowly exploring his sixpack. You felt him shiver and tensing up under your touch and as you recognised something hard against your stomach, you smirked into the kiss. You liked the way his body reacted to you.
All of a sudden, he stopped kissing you and leaned back a little. You opened your eyes and looked at him while you were breating heavily. His eyes were darker now and there was so much lust in them that you almost expected him to drag you into one of the restrooms.
"We should go to my hotel room.", he mumbled and his voice was a little deeper than usual. He was out of breath too, his hair was all messed up and the bulge in his pants was pressing against your body, making it hard for you to think of anything else.
You could do nothing but nod, ignoring all the reasons why you probably shouldn't go with him.
Find Part 3 here
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hocenimlatine · 5 years
Invitation Only
Happy Thanksgiving! Here’s a chapter from my completed series Knight of the Night that I started as @sithlordintraining
KNIGHT OF THE NIGHT (Modern AU/Vigilante AU)
Matt Organa-Solo, a 21-year old psychology student at Academia: University of First Order. He was the only child of Senator Leia Organa-Solo and Retired Chief of Police Han Organa-Solo. It was a problematic community, but not as terrible as some other towns and colleges. But somehow, he always found himself always somehow saving one someone, literally. After a crazy night, will Matt dare venture to become the hero this place needs?
                              Matt the Technician x Black Reader
The leaves crunched beneath the Doc Martens owned by Y/N and Matt. Matt turned to give her a soft smile, which was gifted with a joyful laugh. Over the past few weeks, the pair were growing closer; dare to say even dating. Of course, nothing was stated that this was true nor sealed with a kiss. But, it was their actions that made it all too clear. Matt was always meeting up with you, getting you food and drinks; and you were always making him happy, showing him new things and places, and just being super cute, the both of them. The cafe’s bell rung out as Matt held the door open for her. Sliding into the booth, Matt sat across from her and watched her remove her scarf. (Y/e/c) eyes sparkled at him. “Your nose is red.” Y/N smiled at him. “URGH!” He let out loud and dramatically dropped his head down. He heard the giggle escape your lips before hands threaded to his blond locks. His chocolate eyes peered over his gold rims as he sniffled. A pout fell on her glossed lips. Matt had a little cold and hadn’t really been able to hang out. Also, it could be because he didn’t wear the appropriate clothing as Kylo Ren. But, he couldn’t help it. You were a very outgoing girl and he had to ensure your safety even if you didn’t want it.
Midway through their meal, Matt noticed the shrug of her shoulders. “Why are you nervous?” He asked as her fork hit the plate. “Am not!” She chuckled. Two fingers pressed against tense shoulders, they fell down and Matt’s eyes crinkled as he saw your embarrassed face. “You know you can tell me anything.” He said holding your stare. You sat on your hands, focusing on keeping your shoulders still. “Are your parents coming back for Thanksgiving?” She asked. Matt shook his head no; “My dad is going to be in Panama with my Uncles, to celebrate their independence day; and my mom will probably be at some summit on the other side of the world.” He said unbothered and that bothered you. “Would you like to, possibly, come to Thanksgiving with my family?” Matt was taken aback. This was a big step in your relationship that wasn’t a relationship. “Yo-you don’t have to do that Y/N.” His fingers ran through his hair. “No Matt, I want you to come.” Your smile was so pressuring he didn’t want to disappoint you, but he didn’t want to feel like a burden and the Knights. “Y/N, I-I, I’m sorry I can’t impose like that.” He stammered. “You won’t!” Your hands wrapped around his larger one. “My parents always tell me I should invite more friends over and I can’t invite Phasma over because of Finn. And Rey is not allowed, that’s another story for another time; I hope this doesn’t seem like the process of elimination because I really want you there with me.” Biting your lip, your eyes were focused on him. “I’ll try and make it.” He fixed his glasses and that answer seemed to satisfy you. He knew Nassar had a family and would want to go away even if he didn’t say anything; Olcan was getting better, but he couldn’t leave him alone. So maybe, it was time to recruit more Knights.
In less than 24 hours that the Knights of Ren had posted about “Looking for the next Knight”, it became America’s Next Crime Fighter. From videos, pictures, resumes, fanfictions, and essays pertaining to why they should be the next Knight. It was absolutely ridiculous! Matt knew he should entrust the help of his others but to be perfectly honest they were strangers with good intentions, but he felt more comfortable choosing because he was the one who initiated this. Not to mention the one candidate who caught him by surprise. The position was chosen: A young jokester from the South, who Matt had seen plenty of times. He was a nice kid that was misunderstood; on scholarship, an orphan with a good heart who was, sadly, still teased for his southern twang and dreary clothes. But that never seemed to break his merry spirits, although sometimes his anger would get the best of him. Matt understood this and was quick to take him under his wing, fitting very well into the Knights and gaining the name Lorcan Ren. Things were looking pretty well, Matt had definitely RSVP’d to the family dinner.
He had agreed to come to Thanksgiving, that had Y/N just bursting at the seams. It might’ve been fall, but your smile made each day warmer, or that could’ve been global warming. And seeing your smile just made him happy, the happiest he has ever been in probably like ever! But there was still a little problem that followed him. As Kylo, there was this one pest that continued to bother the Knights even after the fact they’ve been denied an invitation to the knights. It was late and the bass could be felt all around Phasma; it was hot, people were sticking to each other and she had to pee. Stumbling in her 5-inch heels, she made her way to the ladies room only to see a line. She rolled her eyes and made her way to the back exit. She propped the door open to gain access from the empty alleyway, or so she thought. “Aye, pretty girl!” A voice made Phasma jumped. She sucked her teeth as she felt the warm liquid slide down her knee. Turning, two slightly shorter guys began to approach her with a sinister smile. “Why are you out here alone?” One of the guys asked. Her face twisted up: “What?” The two boys laughed and began saying something in a different language. Rolling her eyes she started to make her way back to the club before one of them grabbed her. She brushed him off, just to have the two them grab her. With ice-cold blue eyes, she stared at them.
Kylo drove down the dark alleyway to see two men attacking a woman. He hopped off the bike and snuck behind one of the men, twisting his arm and shoving him on the wall. “What type of man are you?” The vocoder vibrated against the man’s ear. “No, no, no,” The man pleaded. “You got the wron-AHH!” He yelled as he was thrown to the ground. He turned to see the other man in a headlock. “No we called you, we need help she’s trying to kill us!” He squealed as the blonde held him tighter. “He made me pee myself!” Her words slurred a little. Though the mask, Matt watched as Phasma completely destroyed the other guy. Phasma let the unconscious man fall to the ground as her chest heaved. The masked man just stared at the woman. “Now are you going to let me be a Knight?” She asked. “N-No, I cannot.” Matt couldn’t put Phasma in harm, not just because of Phasma, but he could only imagine what Hux would do to him if he found out that he was putting her in danger. “Is this because I’m a fucking girl?” Her accent was thick. “Because if so that’s complete bullshit! Before you came, I was taking them both down, with fucking heels that hurt like a cunt!” Phasma continued her rant and he knew there was no winning with that. “Fine.” Phasma almost missed the approval due to the static of the mask. Her red drunk face lit up: “Really?” She began to make her way to hug the Knight, who was taken aback. Phasma wasn’t a hugger and honestly, this was probably the first time she was hugging him. “You won’t be a Knight, but I have something for you.”
The Captain; that’s what he called Phasma. Gave her a silver helmet to find her at any given moment. She was quite aggressive, so he let her run practice along with Nassar. They instantly clicked maybe because they both came from military families and knew how everything ran. Matt thought it would be great to send her out to the women who contacted them; he thought she would kill him for typecasting her but she enjoyed being a “feminist hero” while not dressing like Wonder Woman, yet still being shiny. A laugh rumbled through Matt’s chest as he thought about it as he waited outside the door to your family’s home. The door opened to show two identical boys looking at him; Matt blinked behind his glasses not knowing what to say. “Uh...Hi, I’m Matt, I’m a,” He cleared his throat. “Y/N’s friend.” The boys’ face lit up. “Ohhhh! Okay, come in, man.” They pulled him in. The scent of food filled his nostrils and music mixed with the voices of children hit his ears. It was just an environment that he had never been in. He was the only child in his entire family; the only companion he ever had was a brown Tibetan Mastiff named Chewbacca, but even that gift for him chose to side with his father. Matt walked into the room, feeling all out of place in the warm-hearted house. “Hey, man!” The familiar voice pulled him out of his daze. He turned to see Finn and four other guys approach him. “This is Matt.” Finn nodded towards him and the three behind him expression changed quickly. Before he could actually read all of them, his name was being called. “MATT!” Your cheery voice alerted them all as you descended the stairs.
He couldn’t help but admire how beautiful you looked. You always looked beautiful, but he guessed being in a comfortable environment. He thought it was his mind making you move in slow motion, but he didn’t see you helping two little babies down the stairs. “Say hi to Matt!” You told the two toddlers, who opted to wave shyly and run away. “Hi Matt,” Y/N smiled up at him and the blush quickly took over his face. She then turned to the boys and gave them evil eyes. “You guys better have been nice to him.” To his surprise, they cowered back in fear. His lips tugged up but he did his best to keep it under wraps. “Um, I-I brought something.” He raised the black bag. “Oh okay, let’s take it to the kitchen.” Matt followed behind you like a lost puppy as he got some looks from your family members. “Mom, Dad, this is Matt,” He turned to see your parents and you were the perfect mix. “Another wh-,” Your dad whispered gaining a smack from your mom. “It’s lovely to have you, Matt. Is it short for Matthew?” Matt shook his head. “Matthias,” Matt nodded. “Aw, that’s nice and different.” Her mother smiled. “You brought something?” Y/N nudged him and he handed over the black bag. Your father was quick to take it and reveal the brown liquid. A nice smirk fell on his lips as he peered at the large bottle of Jack Daniels. His neck was red hoping your father wouldn’t be offended; this was the drink his Uncle Lando brought over all the time. “Good job, boy.” Your father chuckled calling over your Uncles and cousins over for a drink. A wave of relief hit him until you wrapped your fingers around his hand and introduced him to everyone.
Matt doesn’t know how he found himself surrounded by your brothers, cousins, and Finn. But there he was with a drink in hand listening to west coast rap. “Man, he goes to Berkeley and now he swears he from Cali.” One of your cousin jokes. Matt wasn’t really paying attention. He was too busy looking at all the pictures of you and your family, and pictures that stretched back generations. He took in how your cousins and brothers were all unique but got along so well. He also notices that you were practically the middle grandchild; all the boys were older than you, Finn is just three years older than you and then everyone younger than you were all girls, the oldest being 11. His brown eyes couldn’t help but follow you around as you interact with your family and he couldn’t stop his heart from beating faster. “Ay man,” Your brother nudged him out of his daze. “Come to the store with us.” It was more of a command than a question. Matt nodded getting up and following all the boys out the side door. “Hey!” They all froze from the sound of your voice. Even though you were the princess of your family and it was their job to protect you, he could tell they were very much scared of you. “Where are you going?” “To the store.” Her cousin quipped. But, her (y/e/c) eyes were on Matt. “Where are you going?” She inquired. “Um...I wa-was going to the stor-” He stammered before Finn slung an arm around him. “Relax Y/N, we’ll bring your boyfriend back in one piece.” He teased, leaving you quite embarrassed.
Every time a door opened, Y/N’s eyes would wander over, until eventually, the hoard of boys shuffled in. Matt followed behind them, but even with the glasses shielding his eyes, she could make out the glossy, pink orbs that matched his blush. He soon shuffled to the couch to sit next to you. “I didn’t know what going to the store meant.” He laughed into your shoulder, which gained a couple of laughs. “Well, now you know.” You told him. “Are we going to eat soon, I’m hungry.” He whispered. “Lucky for you, we had to wait for you guys to get back.” You rolled your eyes playfully. “Are you mad at me?” He asked and you shook your head no. A dopey smile fell on his lips. “You’re so sweet!” You chuckled and pulled him up from the couch. “Come on, let’s say grace.” Y/N made sure to be far from the other boys so they would be caught joking while Grandma said grace. Technically, Matt and she weren’t together, but she wanted him to make a good impression because hopefully, one day, she would or he would gain the confidence to actually define what their relationship was. Dinner was great, he surprisingly held his own and your Aunts liked that he had a large appetite, your big cousins and brothers strangely enjoyed him too, your little cousins thought he was nice because he played with them, your Uncles and Dad liked him because he knew how to play spades (thanks to Uncle Lando!), and your mom just thought: “He’s the one!” You really DID NOT want to hear that, because you really didn’t want to admit to anyone, even yourself that you felt something really strong for him. But, you would try to keep your mother’s intuition in the back of her head.
Matt stood outside checking the status of the Knights and the General, he chuckled at the name. So far everything was good and there were no messages. The door slid open causing him to turn around and see you. “Hi,” You whispered. “Hi,” He smiled. You walked over to him on the deck. “Did you have a good time?” Y/N asked. “Good? Y/N this was the best Thanksgiving I ever had.” He did the boyish smile that made your heart flutter and you were giddy. “I’m glad it was Matthias.” You cooed. “Hey, my mom was very religious when she was pregnant with me!” He raised his hands up. You laughed: “No, no, I like it it’s cute and different, not basic like Matthew.” You smiled up at him. Silence filled the space between them as the voice of Whitney Houston faintly played in the background. “I’m really glad you invited me.” Matt smiled. “Anytime,” You looked down quickly so he couldn’t see your blushing smile. Matt turned to see your family so entertained in whatever was going in the living room and he realized this is the first time the pair was alone. He placed his right hand on your waist, causing you to jump. “Um...sor- do you want to dance?” A blush was spreading from the tip of his nose to the back of his neck. “Yes,” You whispered at placed your hand in his and began to sway. Your mother was telling off your father about something when she stopped: “Look!” She pointed at the two kids dancing alone at the deck. “Uh-uh.” Your father shook his head and your mother hit him, before smiling at the sight of her happy daughter.
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sithlordintraining · 6 years
Knight of the Night (Modern Superhero/Vigilante Au!Matt)
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A/N: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! As a treat for an eventful day, here is a Thanksgiving special of Knight of the Night.  You honestly don’t need to read the whole series to read this story. But, if you do like it, I recommend you checking it out. 
Summary: Matt Organa-Solo, a 21-year old psychology student at Academia: University of First Order. He was the only child of Senator Leia Organa-Solo and Retired Chief of Police Han Organa-Solo. It was a problematic community, but not as terrible as some other towns and colleges. But somehow, he always found himself always somehow saving one someone, literally. After a crazy night, will Matt dare venture to become the hero this place needs?
Vol. #8- Invitation Only (Thanksgiving Special)
The leaves crunched beneath the Doc Martens owned by Y/N and Matt. Matt turned to give her a soft smile, which was gifted with a joyful laugh. Over the past few weeks, the pair were growing closer; dare to say even dating. Of course, nothing was stated that this was true nor sealed with a kiss. But, it was their actions that made it all too clear. Matt was always meeting up with you, getting you food and drinks; and you were always making him happy, showing him new things and places, and just being super cute, the both of them. The cafe’s bell rung out as Matt held the door open for her. Sliding into the booth, Matt sat across from her and watched her remove her scarf. (Y/e/c) eyes sparkled at him. “Your nose is red.” Y/N smiled at him. “URGH!” He let out loudly and dramatically dropped his head down. He heard the giggle escape your lips before hands threaded to his blond locks. His chocolate eyes peered over his gold rims as he sniffled. A pout fell on her glossed lips. Matt had a little cold and hadn’t really been able to hang out. Also, it could be because he didn’t wear the appropriate clothing as Kylo Ren. But, he couldn’t help it. You were a very outgoing girl and he had to ensure your safety even if you didn’t want it.
Midway through their meal, Matt noticed the shrug of her shoulders. “Why are you nervous?” He asked as her fork hit the plate. “Am not!” She chuckled. Two fingers pressed against tense shoulders, they fell down and Matt’s eyes crinkled as he saw your embarrassed face. “You know you can’t tell me anything.” He said holding your stare. You sat on your hands, focusing on keeping your shoulders still. “Are your parents coming back for Thanksgiving?” She asked. Matt shook his head no; “My dad is going to be in Panama with my Uncles, to celebrate their independence day; and my mom will probably be at some summit on the other side of the world.” He said unbothered and that bothered you. “Would you like to, possibly, come to Thanksgiving with my family?” Matt was taken aback. This was a big step in your relationship that wasn’t a relationship. “Yo-you don’t have to do that Y/N.” His fingers ran through his hair. “No Matt, I want you to come.” Your smile was so pressuring he didn’t want to disappoint you, but he didn’t want to feel like a burden and the Knights. “Y/N, I-I, I’m sorry I can’t impose like that.” He stammered. “You won’t!” Your hands wrapped around his larger one. “My parents always tell me I should invite more friends over and I can’t invite Phasma over because of Finn. And Rey is not allowed, that’s another story for another time; I hope this doesn’t seem like the process of elimination because I really want you there with me.” Biting your lip, your eyes were focused on him. “I’ll try and make it.” He fixed his glasses and that answer seemed to satisfy you. He knew Nassar had a family and would want to go away even if he didn’t say anything; Olcan was getting better, but he couldn’t leave him alone. So maybe, it was time to recruit more Knights.
In less than 24 hours that the Knights of Ren had posted about “Looking for the next Knight”, it became America’s Next Crime Fighter. From videos, pictures, resumes, fanfictions, and essays pertaining to why they should be the next Knight. It was absolutely ridiculous! Matt knew he should entrust the help of his others but to be perfectly honest they were strangers with good intentions, but he felt more comfortable choosing because he was the one who initiated this. Not to mention the one candidate who caught him by surprise. The position was chosen: A young jokester from the South, who Matt had seen plenty of times. He was a nice kid that was misunderstood; on scholarship, an orphan with a good heart who was, sadly, still teased for his southern twang and dreary clothes. But that never seemed to break his merry spirits, although sometimes his anger would get the best of him. Matt understood this and was quick to take him under his wing, fitting very well into the Knights and gaining the name Lorcan Ren. Things were looking pretty well, Matt had definitely RSVP’d to the family dinner.
He had agreed to come to Thanksgiving, that had Y/N just bursting at the seams. It might’ve been fall, but your smile made each day warmer, or that could’ve been global warming. And seeing your smile just made him happy, the happiest he has ever been in probably like ever! But there was still little problem that followed him. As Kylo, there was this one pest that continued to bother the Knights even after the fact they’ve been denied an invitation to the knights. It was late and the bass could be felt all around Phasma; it was hot, people were sticking to each other and she had to pee. Stumbling in her 5-inch heels, she made her way to the ladies room only to see a line. She rolled her eyes and made her way to the back exit. She propped the door open to gain access from the empty alleyway, or so she thought. “Aye, pretty girl!” A voice made Phasma jumped. She sucked her teeth as she felt the warm liquid slide down her knee. Turning, two slightly shorter guys began to approach her with a sinister smile. “Why are you out here alone?” One of the guys asked. Her face twisted up: “What?” The two boys laughed and began saying something in a different language. Rolling her eyes she started to make her way back to the club before one of them grabbed her. She brushed him off, just to have the two them grab her. With ice cold blue eyes, she stared at them.
Kylo drove down the dark alleyway to see two men attacking a woman. He hopped off the bike and snuck behind one of the men, twisting his arm and shoving him on the wall. “What type of man are you?” The vocoder vibrated against the man’s ear. “No, no, no,” The man pleaded. “You got the wron-AHH!” He yelled as he was thrown to the ground. He turned to see the other man in a headlock. “No we called you, we need help she’s trying to kill us!” He squealed as the blonde held him tighter. “He made me pee myself!” Her words slurred a little. Though the mask, Matt watched as Phasma completely destroyed the other guy. Phasma let the unconscious man fall to the ground as her chest heaved. The masked man just stared at the woman. “Now are you going to let me be a Knight?” She asked. “N-No, I cannot.” Matt couldn’t put Phasma in harm, not just because of Phasma, but he could only imagine what Hux would do to him if he found out that he was putting her in danger. “Is this because I’m a fucking girl?” Her accent was thick. “Because if so that’s complete bullshit! Before you came, I was taking them both down, with fucking heels that hurt like a cunt!” Phasma continued her rant and he knew there was no winning with that. “Fine.” Phasma almost missed the approval due to the static of the mask. Her red drunk face lit up: “Really?” She began to make her way to hug the Knight, who was taken aback. Phasma wasn’t a hugger and honestly, this was probably the first time she was hugging him. “You won’t be a Knight, but I have something for you.”
The Captain; that’s what he called Phasma. Gave her a silver helmet to find her at any given moment. She was quite aggressive, so he let her run practice along with Nassar. They instantly clicked maybe because they both came from military families and knew how everything ran. Matt thought it would be great to send her out to the women who contacted them; he thought she would kill him for typecasting her but she enjoyed being a “feminist hero” while not dressing like Wonder Woman, yet still being shiny. A laugh rumbled through Matt’s chest as he thought about it as he waited outside the door to your family’s home. The door opened to show two identical boys looking at him; Matt blinked behind his glasses not knowing what to say. “Uh...Hi, I’m Matt, I’m a,” He cleared his throat. “Y/N’s friend.” The boys face lit up. “Ohhhh! Okay, come in, man.” They pulled him in. The scent of food filled his nostrils and music mixed with the voices of children hit his ears. It was just an environment that he had never been in. He was the only child in his entire family; the only companion he ever had was a brown Tibetan Mastiff named Chewbacca, but even that gift for him chose to side with his father. Matt walked into the room, feeling all out of place in the warm-hearted house. “Hey, man!” The familiar voice pulled him out of his daze. He turned to see Finn and four other guys approach him. “This is Matt.” Finn nodded towards him and the three behind him expression changed quickly. Before he could actually read all of them, his name was being called. “MATT!” Your cheery voice alerted them all as you descended the stairs.
He couldn’t help but admire how beautiful you looked. You always looked beautiful, but he guessed being in a comfortable environment. He thought it was his mind making you move in slow motion, but he didn’t see you helping two little babies down the stairs. “Say hi to Matt!” You told the two toddlers, who opted to wave shyly and run away. “Hi Matt,” Y/N smiled up at him and the blush quickly took over his face. She then turned to the boys and gave them evil eyes. “You guys better have been nice to him.” To his surprise, they cowered back in fear. His lips tugged up but he did his best to keep it under wraps. “Um, I-I brought something.” He raised the black bag. “Oh okay, let’s take it to the kitchen.” Matt followed behind you like a lost puppy as he got some looks from your family members. “Mom, Dad, this is Matt,” He turned to see your parents and you were the perfect mix. “Another wh-,” Your dad whispered gaining a smack from your mom. “It’s lovely to have you, Matt. Is it short for Matthew?” Matt shook his head. “Matthias,” Matt nodded. “Aw, that’s nice and different.” Her mother smiled. “You brought something?” Y/N nudged him and he handed over the black bag. Your father was quick to take it and reveal the brown liquid. A nice smirk fell on his lips as he peered at the large bottle of Jack Daniels. His neck was red hoping your father wouldn’t be offended; this was the drink his Uncle Lando brought over all the time. “Good job, boy.” Your father chuckled calling over your Uncles and cousins over for a drink. A wave of relief hit him until you wrapped your fingers around his hand and introduced him to everyone.
Matt doesn’t know how he found himself surrounded by your brothers, cousins, and Finn. But there he was with a drink in hand listening to west coast rap. “Man, he goes to Berkeley and now he swears he from Cali.” One of your cousin jokes. Matt wasn’t really paying attention. He was too busy looking at all the pictures of you and your family, and pictures that stretched back generations. He took in how your cousins and brothers were all unique but got along so well. He also notices that you were practically the middle grandchild; all the boys were older than you, Finn is just three years older than you and then everyone younger than you were all girls, the oldest being 11. His brown eyes couldn’t help but follow you around as you interacted with your family and he couldn’t stop his heart from beating faster. “Ay man,” Your brother nudged him out of his daze. “Come to the store with us.” It was more of a command than a question. Matt nodded getting up and following all the boys out the side door. “Hey!” They all froze from the sound of your voice. Even though you were the princess of your family and it was their job to protect you, he could tell they were very much scared of you. “Where are you going?” “To the store.” Her cousin quipped. But, her (y/e/c) eyes were on Matt. “Where are you going?” She inquired. “Um...I wa-was going to the stor-” He stammered before Finn slung an arm around him. “Relax Y/N, we’ll bring your boyfriend back in one piece.” He teased, leaving you quite embarrassed.
Everytime a door opened, Y/N’s eyes would wander over, until eventually, the hoard of boys shuffled in. Matt followed behind them, but even with the glasses shielding his eyes, she could make out the glossy, pink orbs that matched his blush. He soon shuffled to the couch to sit next to you. “I didn’t know what going to the store meant.” He laughed into your shoulder, which gained a couple of laughs. “Well, now you know.” You told him. “Are we going to eat soon, I’m hungry.” He whispered. “Lucky for you, we had to wait for you guys to get back.” You rolled your eyes playfully. “Are you mad at me?” He asked and you shook your head no. A dopey smile fell on his lips. “You’re so sweet!” You chuckled and pulled him up from the couch. “Come on, let’s say grace.” Y/N made sure to be far from the other boys so they would be caught joking while Grandma said grace. Technically, Matt and she weren’t together, but she wanted him to make a good impression because hopefully, one day, she would or he would gain the confidence to actually define what their relationship was. Dinner was great, he surprisingly held his own and your Aunts liked that he had a large appetite, your big cousins and brothers strangely enjoyed him too, your little cousins thought he was nice because he played with them, your Uncles and Dad liked him because he knew how to play spades (thanks to Uncle Lando!), and your mom just thought: “He’s the one!” You really DID NOT want to hear that, because you really didn’t want to admit to anyone, even yourself that you felt something really strong for him. But, you would try to keep your mother’s intuition in the back of her head.
Matt stood outside checking the status of the Knights and the General, he chuckled at the name. So far everything was good and there were no messages. The door slid open causing him to turn around and see you. “Hi,” You whispered. “Hi,” He smiled. You walked over to him on the deck. “Did you have a good time?” Y/N asked. “Good? Y/N this was the best Thanksgiving I ever had.” He did the boyish smile that made your heart flutter and you were giddy. “I’m glad it was Matthias.” You cooed. “Hey, my mom was very religious when she was pregnant with me!” He raised his hands up. You laughed: “No, no, I like it it’s cute and different, not basic like Matthew.” You smiled up at him. Silence filled the space between them as the voice of Whitney Houston faintly played in the background. “I’m really glad you invited me.” Matt smiled. “Anytime,” You looked down quickly so he couldn’t see your blushing smile. Matt turned to see your family so entertained in whatever was going in the living room and he realized this is the first time the pair was alone. He placed his right hand on your waist, causing you to jump. “Um...sor- do you want to dance?” A blush was spreading from the tip of his nose to the back of his neck. “Yes,” You whispered at placed your hand in his and began to sway. Your mother was telling off your father about something when she stopped: “Look!” She pointed at the two kids dancing alone at the deck. “Uh-uh.” Your father shook his head and your mother hit him, before smiling at the sight of her happy daughter.
P.S.: Hope you enjoyed with your food babies. This one is dedicated to @afor-alex who LOVES this and I don’t post any new chapters on here. But, hopefully, you guys have fallen in love with some good wholesome Matt.
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tony-luvv · 6 years
How would you feel about Aquaman x Tony???
Okay i have a lot of feeling on them but I’m going to use this ask as an excuse to buildANOTHER HEADCANON.  This is literally what happened when i put Arthur Curry and Tony Stark at the top of a empty word doc.
Sorry if this had a Little Mermaid undercurrent to it.
also let it be know, I’M PISSED AT HOW QUICKLY I CAME UP WITH THIS WHEN I STRUGGLED FOR HOURS TO WRITE SOMETHING ELSE. although this is more rambles than anything but STILL.
Putting this below, please read tags.
Arthur was the bastard son of the queen. He was half humanliving among the Atlantians. Arthur hated it. He didn’t want to be with thesepeople that barely tolerated him. He would have lived with his father, but theman died shortly after he was conceived. A tragic storm killed him.
So Arthur is spending time on the surface, going to placesaround the world. He befriended a small village tucked away in the north. Heran with the wild life of Africa when he wasn’t swimming with the sea life. Itwas fun and exciting, living the best of both worlds. When one became too much,he go back to the other.
Then he meets Tony.
It was completely by chance when he met the man. He’d beenon the coast of Malibu, enjoying the crowds of summer vacationers. Partyingwith the college kids and feeling like he wasn’t being judged at every corner.It helped that the humans didn’t know about the people below the sea. He lookedhuman and new how to act the part, so he was able to blend right in.
It was night fall, when the beach started to clear and theyoung party people were heading back to their hotels. Arthur didn’t have enoughmoney for a hotel right then, so he decided it be better to return to the seafor the night. At least it was free to him.
So in the ocean, floating beside some sea turtles below thewaves he was shocked to see a body fall into the water above him. From what hecould tell it was a man, he’d fallen with his back to the water and he wasslowly sinking further under the current, closer to Arthur.
Arthur knew humans couldn’t breathe under water so he movedquickly, snatching up the man and rushing him to the surface. When they brokewater the man didn’t react. His eyes were shut mouth slightly open and notbreathing. “Oh come on, don’t die on me dude.”
Using his superior strength, he got them to the cliff sideand pushed themselves up and out of the water, getting them to the top of thecliff in seconds. Vaguely he registered the mansion beside them but he didn’thave time to think about that, he needed to get the guy breathing.
CPR happens and finally the guy coughs up water. “Thankfuck, are you okay?” The guy didn’t respond. To busy coughing up water andtrying to get his breath back. Arthur just hangs close, keeping a big hand onthe others back. But when he notices the other man shaking he pulls him closer.Holding him close against the chill of the air. “We need to get you inside, isthat your place by any chance?” Weakly nodding, the guy curled closer into hischest. Still coughing but not as brutally as before. “Okay, hold on.” Quickly,he picked the guy up in a bridal carry and holycrap he’s light!
Anyway Arthur picks him up and takes him inside the mansion.He can see a couch off to his left side and so he wanders over, silently apologizingabout the mess he sits down with the man in his lap and grabs one of the throwblankets. Wrapping it around the guy and holding him close, trying his best toget the guy warmed up. He was shaking so violently.
“What the hell were you man? You could have died just then?You would have if I hadn’t been nearby to see you fall.”
Faintly he heard the guy say, “Should have left me then.” Beforepassing out.
What the actual hell?Confused as hell, Arthur decides he’s going to stick around for a while. Youknow just to make sure nothing else happened to this dude.
Speaking of, damn he’s gorgeous. Arthur finally took asecond to look at the man passed out in his arms. He was around the same age ashim, if not a little older. Maybe close to thirty? His hair was dark and wavy,clinging to his forehead from the water. His eyelashes were thick and prettylike a girls but oddly fit him. He had facial hair styled nicely if not alittle un-kept. But the whole look suited him. He was only wearing a tee andjeans but they were soaked from his fall in the ocean. And the mansion theywere in was cold, probably some AC turned on. He needed to move the guy and gethim in something warmer or he’s going to catch a nasty cold.
Lifting the man into his arms again, he offhandedly tooknotice of how light he was, even with the soaking clothes on and took the manto what he hoped was his bedroom. It took a while, wondering around until hefound a room that looked somewhat lived in (only because the bed wasn’t made)and deposited the man into a lounge chair. He saw closed doors that must be acloset, since the other door was opened to a bath room and wandered overthrowing said doors open.
“Ha! Jackpot.” Snooping around, he found a comfortable pairof sweats and a big fluffy hoodie. Coming back out, with little shame hechanged the man out of his soaking clothes and put him in the warm dry ones.Satisfied with his work, he got the man settled under the covers and found an extrablanket to put onto the others. “Well then, what now.”
He ended up staying the night, what the guy had saidbothered him and he didn’t feel right abandoning him so he stayed. It took areally long time but he found a change of clothes that were only a one size tosmall but were better than everything else and got settled in for the night.
The next morning Tony woke up warmer than normal with apounding headache and scratchy throat. “What the hell–” oh yeah. He’d taken a swan dive last night and someone saved him.Looking around his room it was obviously morning but the mystery hero wasnowhere to be seen.
That’s just great, nowhe can’t even properly kill himself. Howard was right, he’s nothing but afailure.
Upset and angry he left his bed. Making to head to thekitchen for something to drink. His throat was bothering him and he wanted somewater. But he was completely surprised to see his hero standing in the kitchenlike he fucking lived here. “You’re still around?”
“I am. Good morning princess, I made breakfast.”
“Am I supposed to thank you or something.”
“Well normally someone would when they get their ass saved.”
“I didn’t ask you too.”
Arthur shrugged, “Fine, don’t say thank you. Sit, eat.”
“You’re not the boss of me.”
“I am now. Since you’re to rude to say thank you, you arenow indebted to me. As my first demand, I demand you eat something lightweight.”
“I’m not a light weight and I rather not.”
“Too bad, someone as skinny as you needs at least five ofthese. Here.” Arthur shoves a plate into his hands before turning around tomake a plate for his self.
“If I eat this will you go away?”
Arthur smiled with a mouth full of eggs, “No.”
“Fucking figures.” But Tony still ate. They sat in silence,eating their food when Arthur speaks up.
Tony glances at him, but grudgingly says, “Tony.”
“Well Tony, I think I’m going to like crashing here for awhile.”
And he does, Arthur makes himself right at home. Doing as hepleases throughout the day, sometimes disappearing for a few hours but thenreappearing like he never left. Tony isn’t sure what to do about the giant manthat follows him around with food and has invaded his home. But Arthur hasn’tdone anything to make him want to call the cops so he just tries to ignore it.
After the ocean incident Tony had a small cold but Arthurwas the perfect nurse, no matter how stubborn Tony acted. They generally actedlike Tony didn’t try to take his life that night.
But then after a month of living together Tony has a badday. Things weren’t going right for him in the shop. He couldn’t get theprototype up and working, the media was reporting random shit about him againand it was the anniversary of his parents death.
Arthur found him sitting near the edge of the cliff, staringout over the water. He stood behind him watching the water with him. Thenquietly as not to spook him he asked, “bad day?”
Tony couldn’t help the sarcastic jab, “What gave it away?”
Arthur didn’t get mad or upset. He didn’t do anything Tonywanted him to do. What he did do was wait a moment, watching him before saying “Comehere.” Without Tony’s say, he pulled him up and away from the cliff and intohis arms. Cradling him like some damn baby. Tony couldn’t even hold on to thesmall amount of anger he felt when Arthur didn’t react how he wanted. He justfelt numb. So he just let it happen. With his head resting on his Arthur’sshoulder, he let the man carry him in the house and too his room beforeclimbing into bed. Positioning them so they were facing each other but Tony wastucked under Arthurs chin.
“I’m sorry Tony.”
No, no, no, no. Tony didn’t want to hear sorry, he didn’twant to be here. He did want this random man coming into his life and mixingthings up.
He didn’t know what he wanted. “Fuck you.” Tears cameunwanted to his eyes and he couldn’t hold back the sudden sadness and angerthat wanted to consume him. “Fuck you!” He was angry, so angry and this manjust came out of nowhere, taking care of him when no one else looked at him.The only looks he was used to was ones filled with greed, lust anddisappointment. But this fucking random ass stranger comes into his homeinvades his space and act like he’s always been there. Someone who looks atTony with kindness and snarks at him and hugs him randomly and feeds him and “FUCKYOU.”
Tony’s crying now, tears flowing down the side of his faceand into the sheets. He covers his face ashamed to be crying like this. Arthurdoesn’t say anything else. Just holds him through his breakdown. Staying withhim as a warm presence, not speaking but just holding him.
Tony falls asleep in Arthur’s arms.  He wakes up in them too.
Arthur’s still asleep, looking peaceful where his head reston the pillow next to him. It makes Tony reflect. Arthur’s seen him like this?Soft and vulnerable. It makes something other than sadness or anger swirl inhis chest. For once, he’s feeling something other than the numbness. Tonyenjoys it a little longer before going back to sleep.
When he wakes up Arthur is gone but his side is warm. Tonylays there and thinks.
When he’s done thinking he goes looking for Arthur. He findshim easily in the kitchen.
“Hi Tony, I’m making French toast–” Tony walks right up toArthur and wraps his arms around the man’s waist. Clinging to him for a moment.Arthur is clearly confused but he lets it happen, even lowers his arms to wraparound Tony.
The smaller man quietly admits, “I’m going to see atherapist.” It’s quite, neither men moving but still holding each other.
Finally Arthur moves, his head dipping down to kiss the topof his head, “Okay.”
It doesn’t magically get better. Tony still has bad days andArthur still disappears for a few hours. But they have each other now and they’regoing to take it one day at a time.
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captainkappa · 8 years
rvb high school prom night
Main pairing is tuckington, but there is also chex, grimmons, and docnut.
Read on AO3 Here
“I don’t get the hype of this.”
Tucker sighed, “Of course you don’t, Church. How would youunderstand girls flocking to you once you hit the dance floor?”
“No, I’m being serious, prom is just a bar mitzvah with theentire school going!”
Tucker shook his head, nearly hitting the top shelf in thelimo they had rented. “I don’t know man, I’ve only been to yours.”
“I love mittens! And gloves! They keep my hands warm,”Caboose piped up from his position of being squished right next to Church.
“Not mittens, Caboose, a bar mitzvah. God, why do I even trywith you?”
“I’m surprised you invited him on,” Tex said, on the otherside of Church.
“Dad refused to pay for the whole thing, so I wasn’t aboutto turn down being able to pay less for it.”
True to his word, they had managed to pack as many people aspossible into the stretch limo. Tex, Church, and Caboose were sitting directlybehind the driver, getting a full view of their… friends? Church gave up tryingto label them half way into sophomore year. On the right side was Tucker, Grif,Simmons, Flowers, Wyoming, North, South, and Lopez with the other side had Carolina,York, Doc, Donut, South, and North. It was like a rainbow of ties and bowties,going up and down the line. Donut and Tucker stood out wearing pink and aqua suitsrespectively.
“So you’re just being a cheapskate,” Tex said.
“Yep, now I have no guilt spending what I did on this thingyou dragged me into.” Church relaxed back into his seat.
Tex raised an eyebrow. “From what I remember, you asked meto go to prom. Three times.”
Tucker turned away when it was clear they would be arguinguntil they got to the venue. He glanced over to Grif, who had a hand in hispocket. After years of hanging out with the fat-ass, Tucker knew that was wherehis cigarettes were kept and he imagined the only reason Grif wasn’t smokingwas because the driver had threatened to pull over on the side of the highwayand leave them there if there was any alcohol or drugs in his car.
“So, how are you and your not-date?” Tucker asked over thedin of Tex and Church arguing.
Grif rolled his eyes. “For the thousandth time, Simmons andI only got a couple’s ticket cause it was cheaper.”
“By 15%!” Simmons said suddenly from the other side. Tuckerpretended not to notice Simmon’s hand on top of the one Grif had in his pocket.
“Sure, sure, just don’t come crawling to me if the condombreaks while you’re in the motel- Ow, stop hitting me!”
Thankfully, the limo turned the corner, and they had arrivedat the venue.
“Holy shit, this isjust like your bar mitzvah!”
Tucker gestured grandly at the hotel’s ballroom. Any beautythe place had was covered up by streamers and balloons in the school colors aswell as a huge banner that read “BLOOD GULCH HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROM.” Most ofthe space was taken by large circular tables with the DJ and dancefloor in thecenter, where most of the school was right now, dancing. Nearly two hours in,Tucker and Church were sat at their table, taking a break.
Church looked unimpressed. “Told you so.”
“This is nothing like High School Musical 3.”
“Did you just-?”
“At least it’s not half filled with your relatives, just abunch of people we don’t care about.”
Church stored the High School Musical reference for futureteasing when Tucker got on his nerves. “Speaking of such people, where are Grifand Simmons?”
Tucker looked around from where he sat at their table. “Eitherfinally making out or hiding from Sarge.”
Tucker nodded. “Mhm, he volunteered to chaperon. Last time Isaw Grif he was running in the opposite direction. Now, why are you here andnot dancing with your girlfriend?”
Church sputtered. “Well, I, uh, she’s not really the dancingtype.”
“That’s bullshit. Even girls who say they don’t or can’tdance want to dance at some point. I mean, look at Doc!”
Church turned to look at the dance floor and, sure enough, Docand Donut were dancing arm-in-arm, despite Doc loudly proclaiming in the hallsone day that he has two left feet. And next to them, Carolina and York werealso dancing, despite Church never seeing her sister as more than “scary” or “veryscary.”
He sighed. “I don’t even know where she is…”
“On your six, just back from the bathroom.” Tucker got up,empty class in hand, and patted Church twice on the shoulder before going up tothe food table.
It took longer than he expected to get up to the table withfood, avoiding groups of friends and stepping on girl’s trains (seriously, whywould you have a dress with a train at an event like this?). He had nearly madeit to the table when he ran into someone, sending them both sprawling on thefloor, glass cups somehow unscathed.
“Aw, what the fuck?” Tucker groaned, siting up and brushinghimself off before looking up at who he had brushed into and-
“What the fuck? What are you doing here?”
Wash, decked out in a dark gray suit and a yellow tie,raised an eyebrow. “I go to the school?”
“I know, I know, but I thought you weren’t coming?” Tuckerignored the pang of hurt that thought sent.
Wash scratched the back of his head. “I wasn’t, but thenConnie wanted someone to take her, and there was still time to hand in themoney, so I did.”
“Then why didn’t you tell any of us, man, you could’vejoined our pre-party?!”
“I was pretty sure your limo was filled though, right?”
“I… I mean I guess, but still! Why didn’t you tell any ofus?”
“I don’t know,” Wash exclaimed, getting up. He offered a handto Tucker, who took it. “Although I’m surprised I didn’t see you guys sooner.”He paused before continuing, “Turquoise suits you.”
Tucker couldn’t even bring himself to correct him on thecolor because holy shit, is Wash flirtingwith me?! For the entirety of senior year, since they had become more than “thatguy I know ‘cause you know the Church siblings,” there had been some sort oftension between them that Tucker couldn’t place. Church claimed it was worsethan Grif and Simmons, but that had been brewing since they entered highschool, so that couldn’t be true.
But there they were, two weeks left in high school and justnow it hit Tucker than Wash was flirting with him.
Wash’s fingers snapping in front of him brought him out ofhis thoughts. “You okay, Tucker?”
“I- I, yeah, yeah I think so. Do you, uh-” How am I this tongue-tied now, I’m nevertongue tied when it comes to the ladies! “Do you want to dance with me?” Asan after-thought, he added. “If Connie doesn’t mind.”
The smile Wash gave him was worth his babbling. “I don’tthink she’d mind.”
“Awesome,” Tucker let out, just audible over the music.
They walked to the dance floor and the moment Tucker steppedfoot on the hardwood floor, the music switched from Top 40 to a slow song. Hefroze, glancing back to Wash.
“Do you still-” He couldn’t get the entire sentence outbefore Wash took his hands in his and pulled him closer.
His hands landed on Wash’s shoulders while he felt Wash’s callousedhands on his hips and then they were gently swaying to Andy Williams’ songs butsung by a modern singer, but he could barely pay attention to the lyrics whenWash was right there and everythingfelt slightly warmer.
Apparently, Tucker’s mouth couldn’t ever let him have somethingnice, as he found himself saying, “So, uh, does this mean I have to get a motelroom for us?”
Instead of slapping him or deserting him like he expected,Wash just rolled his eyes. “You really are something else, Tucker.”
And they stayed like that, swaying together, until they werethe last people on the dance floor.
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