#website resdesign
SEO Checklist for Website Redesign: How to Avoid Huge Drops in Your Rankings
Website Redesign SEO Checklist 
1. Audit Your Existing Content
82% of marketers leverage content marketing to power their organic presence. Your SEO checklist involves reviewing and improving your content. Perform a complete content audit using tools like analytics and Ubersuggest to determine which pages are most important and where improvements can be made.  
2. Update Information Architecture
To update your information structure and improve user navigation:
Create a map of your current structure 
Conduct a competitor analysis 
Find how users interact with your website 
Set categories and subheadings for the data collected 
Sort the URLs under the subhead, and 
Create a new sitemap based on the same
3. Carefully Map URL Redirects
Map your URL redirects by:
Creating a list of all URLs and another list of content pieces that will be published under the new URL
Match the old URL with its new URL
For the deleted links, match each to the new content covering a similar topic
Provide the list of new content mapping scenarios to developers for implementation.
4. Check Your Site After the Redesign Is Done
Look for imperfections by testing your redesigned website first before the launch. Test and review the changes for CTAs, test site navigation, side navigation links, review forms, pop-ups, exit overlays, internal links and external links, and content and purchasing pages across devices. Note the errors and review them with your developer.  
Conclusion: SEO Website Redesign
A website redesign cannot be successful without foremost SEO considerations. A business website undergoes constant updates and sometimes a large-scale upheaval which should be handled with care and know-how. 
While there are multiple risks involved, a website redesign can be truly rewarding if done the right way. Have a clearly defined strategy and goals jotted down in an SEO redesign checklist to minimize risks and churn out a new, fully optimized, and better-performing website than before. 
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Do we think Lisa will ever remove her Alex mention off of the eight seven website bio lmfao
We are down 1 house, 1 dog and 1 husband. -3!
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farhadmalegam · 3 years
Website redesign is a disaster if not done properly. The most important thing for any company is to keep reinventing and redesigning itself. To stay fresh and keep your users engaged, you might want to rebuild and redesign your website. Let us check out what are the things that you must keep in mind when redesigning a website.
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neioo · 4 years
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