matthewhillstudiovi · 11 months
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These iterations were made in week nine.
Reflecting on them they were really just text slammed on a page and there as no system or cohesion between elements.
I think I have done a good job to create greater colour consistency and enough rhythm across the four chapters but also some rules and guidelines which text follows acrocss different spreads.
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Iterations of shape building of the diagramtic and scientific approach which I could bring through. 
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rmitcordelia · 4 years
week ten tutorial
This week Bailey challenged us to create a collage in an hour using magazines, newspapers and any material we had around us. 
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In the magazines that I had, there were a lot of images of fabric and faces, I decided to make these the motif’s of the piece, with a few other images of the human body and actions that I thought could frame the piece well. Bailey mentioned that she liked the colour journey in the collage. The warm colours on either side hold the balance for the cooler colours both top and bottom, which I didn’t notice but I thought was interesting. I really enjoyed this activity and I think I might try it more when I have some free time after all these upcoming assignments!
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katiezhou · 4 years
Meat, Meat, and More Meat
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In class we touched on the technique of détournement, which was an artistic practice made by the Situationists. This was basically where they transformed artworks by creatively disfiguring them, to create a new meaning that derived from the original intention of the artwork. After looking at a couple examples of Internationale Situationniste posters, later on our class had a small workshop activity of creating our own collages using magazines, keeping in mind the way we could implement détournement.
After looking around my house for any magazines we had lying around, I ended up only being able to find my mum’s old Coles and Woolworth magazines which she had kept for their recipes but never really ended up using.
I wasn’t too confident with how I could make an effective collage with magazines that only really had images of food. But after thinking about how I could use detourement in an interesting way, I thought about using the food imagery as a vehicle to express the meat industry in an unappealing, inhumane way; a satirical protest against the consumption of meat. Alas, this is what I came up with.
In terms of the visual appearance, I am not the biggest fan as the layout could definitely be improved and the images are not technically very ‘aesthetic’. However, I am happy with the messages I was able to convey. 
The use of celebratory text such as “simply divine”, “delicious” and “everyday indulgence” is used ironically to mock the imagery, changing its original intention of applauding the food recipes. I collaged together the image of a plate with the image of a happy and very much alive lizard, to reveal that the food on our plates are often animals with personalities and lives of their own, hence confronting viewers with such an uncomfortable image. Furthermore, the dog eating the human head seems very weird and crazy, but it is similar in the way humans eat meat, just from an opposite perspective. The image of the pregnant women’s belly, originally from a random pregnancy advertisement, is contrarily used as a reference to people’s stomach’s filled to the brim with meat, with the lizard on the centre of her belly. Rather than the original intention of the heartwarming pregnancy advert, détournement is used to convert the image to ooze of a sickening and repulsive feeling. The repeated words of “chicken” stuck on the man’s face portrays how people’s vision of food has been ‘blinded’; not seeing rationally. It is also a pun labelling people as “chicken”, cowardly for not facing the truth of their food. Lastly, the images of the ham and prawn were deliberately chosen for their unappealing appearances, as I didn’t want the meat to look appetising. 
This workshop really shed light on the way an images meaning can change drastically when placed in a different context. I had a lot of fun collaging and it reminded me of the times when me and my sister used to cut out and swap faces of the models on target catalogues when we were younger!
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akyladanielson · 4 years
Class Discussion Response
This week we are transitioning into the HOW section of this class. This will get philosophical in this space as we consider how we do church and how artists and Christians have struggled with this in the past. We discussed the video and how he talked about artists’ need to find the time and work for productive hours to get their work done. If they want to do well they need to make sure that is what they are focusing on.  Whatever your goals are or where you want to go being creative no matter what is helpful. There is a strategy in sampling and working on being creative and that is when you relax and truly create. This is also when you find what works for you and what does not. Nobody is going to achieve your goals for you and that is something hard to realize but putting into the work is how you get there and that very much applies to this theme of HOW that we are discussing. In our discussion group, we talked about the question of the week about the art you create versus the art you like. I liked how most of us agreed that we draw inspiration from others and what we look at even if we cannot necessarily do it ourselves. I found that I am either looking at art that I could never create or am looking at the possibility for me to do and I was not alone in this. I also found it interesting that we talked about how the Bible can create inspiration for our artwork. Most of us said that we don’t necessarily read a Bible verse and then immediately go create something, but rather when are feeling something spiritual is when that comes across in our art. I liked how one person said that when reading the Bible God calls her to go and write something on it and I didn’t think about how writing is a form of art and I found it awesome that she found great inspiration from that. This was overall a good discussion class and started looking into the how aspect of creating art.
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brainmoney89 · 4 years
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That's right folks, time for another edition of Friday Funnies and Feel Goods! Week 10 edition. Enjoy! #friday #fridayfunnies #feelgoods #happy #smile #animals #meme #weekten #good #mentalhealthawareness #littlethings #laugh #healthybrain (at Kalamazoo, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBEZdGUgWVg/?igshid=16ox94zfsvyx8
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jenniferchau-212357 · 4 years
Week Ten - May 26th•May 29th
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songaweekorg · 5 years
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Week 10 is here! - https://goo.gl/ZG8c2W - #songaweek2020 #saw20 #weekten #red #red #rhyme To hear the songs, join the mailing list, and learn more about the project, visit = www.songaweek2020.com Love and art to all <3 (at East Nashville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9eoPEXnybi/?igshid=12hb1tcfs9mog
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averyyenglish · 7 years
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Got that study flow on tonight. Catching up on Saturday Night Life Whole copying down some notes to prep. No exams this week but a huge prep week, winding down to final exams!
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billygallen · 5 years
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capstonecharlotte · 5 years
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@yahoofantasyfootball @nfl @espnnfl #capstoneconsultants Some point swings going into #weekten #fantasyfootball (at Capstone Consultants) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4hug_LFdyx/?igshid=i3eaisgdl5za
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matthewhillstudiovi · 11 months
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Iterations and testing on my artboard in illustrator.
A lot of these concepts were unused. I tested different line weights and used solids and lines to see differences. I also experimented with filling text into the circle shapes.
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Test iterations of a poster series which uses the form of lines to demonstrate the journey one may go on when they are on their phone. They enter through a straight sharp line of traction and want to be productive and then they get distracted and loop around (curved lines) until they realise and pull themselves out. This reoccurs throughout their day. 
I will use shape as a metaphor of technology use journeys. 
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rmitcordelia · 4 years
week ten lecture
mArt and activism go hand in hand, as explored in this weeks lecture covering the 1990s, and how design developed with the new technology that was available in the world. Just like in the world, there was a conceptual change happening in design. People were united over symbols, such as the Peace Symbol (for the Campaign of Nuclear Disarmament) which was derived from the semaphore flag signal. I think design and activism is particularly potent right now in the midst of the Black Lives Matter and George Flloyd Protests. Social media is littered with many different imagery and posters surrounding the topic, here are a few that I liked:
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‘Black Lives Matter’ by Gabby Lord, June 2020, (source: https://www.instagram.com/omglord/)
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‘Black Lives Matter’ by Christina Campbell, June 2020, (source: https://www.instagram.com/christinacampbell_/)
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‘No Justice, No Peace, Prosecute the Police’ by Shannon Levin, June 2020, (source: https://www.instagram.com/great_sneeze/)
The lecture went on to talk about how design became much more accessible for the public after the development of computers and programs. One of the things that caught my attention was the Adbusters magazine. It was ‘outrageous and satirical’ and became a part of a movement that mocked popular culture. I like the raw, messy style of the cover that looks like someone just picked up an ad and scribbled on it with a marker. 
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‘Adbusters’ Cover by Jonathan Barnbrook,(source: http://alfalfastudio.com/2016/12/13/the-graphic-design-of-jonathan-barnbrook/)
The lecture also went on to talk about how popular brands and companies made statements on issues through advertisements and imagery such as Benetton, who used imagery and metaphor to convey a deeper meaning and really shock and engage their audience. 
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katiezhou · 4 years
Wangechi Mutu
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Part of this week’s class delved into Bailey talking about collage artists from different time periods, and how each of them had their own unique styles. One artist that stuck with me in particular was Wangechi Mutu, who still currently undergoes artistic practices. Upon further research, Mutu was born in Kenya and is based in New York, and draws on her experience as an African woman and migrant in her pieces, where they often explore the themes of alienation, race and female representation.
“Females carry the marks, language and nuances of their culture more than the male. Anything that is desired or despised is always placed on the female body” Wangechi Mutu
What I was intrigued by was how Mutu used and appropriated mixed media from various sources in a way that made them look like her own original work, rather than random pieces stuck together into one piece if that makes sense. Her technique of layering interesting textures together in an organic and smooth means allows the different elements to complement and combine together extremely well. I like how she uses small pieces to cooperate together to create a larger image, like all the textures used together in the first image to create an abstract portrait of a woman. The intricate textures with the strange imagery produces quite a surrealist appearance that I am very fond of.
It could be worth exploring ways I could collage together images in a way that makes them all fit together well to create a bigger picture.
Sources: https://www.christies.com/lotfinder/Lot/wangechi-mutub-1972-untitled-4955647-details.aspx https://www.art-almanac.com.au/wangechi-mutu/mca_mutu_nymph_review_0713/
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akyladanielson · 4 years
Reading Response Week 10
After reading Emerge this week on Ideas, Master, Messiness, and Habit I learned how to use the creative ideas that come to your mind. It is also important to not only have ideas but put a focus on the ways that you are using your creative talents. You gain experience through time and how you are practicing will show what you will get out of it. To be truly creative you need to develop your talents and work at what you love so you can be a master and artist in your field. The book also discussed how to learn from your failure and more past them as they are what shapes you and to even go as far as celebrating them. “If you see a single failure and as a total failure, you will never be able to develop your talents, finish your endeavors, and or grow in your career” (Emerge, 102). I think this is very important because if people see their creative works as failures then they will give up and not create anything more and that is a large waste of such talent. What the book talks about is creating good habits and spending time developing your creative side and I agree with this because if someone wants to be a successful artist then they need to put in the work and deal with the messiness to get there. Finally, the video looks at struggles artists are typically going through and good habits that should be created such as doing what you love and this was very helpful. I found it interesting because he discusses famous people and how they have used their habits to get to where they. It is valuable to get feedback and grow as well and that stood out to me because anyone can use that in their career or they will not make it very far.
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