bassil-clan · 6 months
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MOON 118: Erminefreeze, deputy of BasilClan under the now dead Weevilstar, travels to StarClan to receive their nine lives. Nervous about being able to lead the clan at only 59 moons old (never quite sure why Weevilstar chose them over other qualified clanmates), Erminestar returns to their clan with a new sense of confidence. And with an aching heart, having seen their two dead kits.
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foryouthegays · 6 months
starting a new clan in clangen eheheheh
im going to intentionally antagonize surrounding clans, try and get rude, vengeful, cruel, etc cats, stuff like that. its my 'arent you tired of being nice? dont you want to go ape shit?' clan .its called cruelclan, here are the current members:
weevilstar--leader. cold, good speaker, great teacher. adult male.
copseclaw--deputy. childish, trusted advisor, steady paws. senior female.
ganderpad--medicine cat. vengeful, somewhat clairvoyant. senior female.
fadedrip--warrior. gloomy, den builder. young adult male.
copperpaw--apprentice (mentor: copseclaw). cold, never sits still. adolescent female.
finpaw--apprentice (mentor: ganderpad). cold, picky nest builder, active imagination. adolescent male.
honeyfruit--elder. ambitious, clever, natural intuition. senior female.
tagged as cruelclan and ill try to do multiple moons in every post, and under a readmore :3 theyll be reblogs to this also
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phloxclan · 18 days
Some moons later, all is peaceful, all is well, and an exhausted cat is found, having collapsed at the border.
Wolftrail, Ghostshadow, and Furledfalcon carry her to camp, although they aren't hopeful. The tortie is old, and she barely stirs when they lift her. Ghostshadow thinks she's too light. Wolftrail thinks she smells familiar.
Wolftrail realizes why as soon as they enter camp. Many of the cats seem vaguely curious or concerned, but a startled cry comes from a few of them.
"Mom!" Darkpond shouts, racing over to crouch beside the elderly tortie, who Wolftrail now knows is Coppersight.
Peatwish is there in an instant, too, gently checking for wounds. Soon, she steps back, shaking her head. In a quiet voice, she tells Darkpond that Coppersight isn't injured, but she's very sick.
"It seems she's used the last of her energy to get here." Peatwish says, gently stroking Darkpond's back with her tail. "I don't think....well, let's move her to my den, where she'll be more comfortable."
The cats carefully move Coppersight, and she seems to breathe a little easier once she's out of the sun. Darkpond settles down next to her, carefully licking her ears. Shiveringstripe pushes in a moment later, joining them.
Auburnstar appears at the entrance, blinking kindly at Darkpond. She stares at Coppersight with a strangely forlorn expression. If Coppersight hadn't been taken, she would have been Copperstar. And then what would have happened? Who would her deputy have been? Auburnstar owes her leadership to Coppersight's disappearance, but that doesn't mean she's glad it happened.
And I've done terrible things. Maybe the clan would be better if she'd been leader, if a different cat had been deputy, and leader after that. Auburnstar remembers, almost involuntarily, guarding the camp the night Fireblur slipped out for a walk. The night Ratstalk followed after. She remembers arguing with Ottercinder over that poor Antclan apprentice. Going for a walk with Dewglade, and letting Ottercinder follow them. Grabbing Ottercinder by the scruff and tossing her over the cliff, into the swollen river below.
And there's another thing bothering Auburnstar, although she won't say so outloud, not here where Coppersight's kits could hear. We ended the war with Antclan on Weevilstar's sacrifice and the lie that Coppersight was already dead. If any Antclan cats saw her...
Lichenspeck joins Auburnstar, looking longingly at her family. Auburnstar knows she misses Paleflicker, the kind cat who rescued and adopted her. Darkpond and Shiveringstripe had helped raise her in Paleflicker's absence, but Auburnstar could still see hesitation in her eyes.
Until Coppersight begins to stir. Shiveringstripe glances up at Lichenspeck, beginning to motion to her, then hesitating.
"Will you get your kits? And Ghostshadow?" Shiveringstripe calls quietly. "She'll want to meet her great-grandkits, I'm sure."
Lichenspeck nods, darting out of the den. Auburnstar steps aside, hesitating for a moment before her eyes find Bouncespeckle. Motioning for her to join her outside, they find a quiet corner.
"Do you think..." Auburnstar hesitates, rephrasing her question a few times in her mind.
"Just ask." Bouncespeckle says, rolling her eyes.
"Will she live long enough to cause problems with Antclan?" Auburnstar says bluntly.
"No. I'd be surprised if she makes it through the moon." Bouncespeckle replies. Her words are matter of fact, but her tone is soft as her eyes track Lichenspeck, Ghostshadow, and the kits.
Auburnstar sighs, relief and grief warring in her heart.
"Don't feel too bad." Bouncespeckle advises. "She's very old, and she's been through a lot. It's a miracle she returned at all. Coppersight will spend her final moments safe and warm, surrounded by her family and clanmates, and the clan will remain at peace. This is the best possible ending."
Auburnstar pushes her misgivings to the side, nodding.
"This is the best case scenario for all of us."
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bluetail-cat · 1 year
Found a picrew i really like, so I'm making some pictures of my ocs
Starting with Chaferclan
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Liknk to picrew below the cut!
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Weevilstar, Fernthroat, Daisysnarl, Doublemoon and Bluepaw
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one-mopeyboi · 4 years
timelines for the heck of it
I'm gonna use BS as "years before Skipperstorm"
shrikerush is born in windclan
antbite of shadowclan becomes antstar
troutstar of riverclan names darkpelt (canon darkstar) as her deputy
weevilkit (canon houndstar, i'll tell you how she got hound- later) is born in shadowclan to tipflower and ashcloud
two moons later mallowkit is born in twolegplace to thunderclan's leader wolfstar, but wolfstar took him back to thunderclan for his sister lilystem and her mate snowtuft to raise
6 moons from that mallowkit is apprenticed.
mallowpaw meets weevilpaw at gatherings and become best friends with her.
snowtuft discovered mallowkit is a half kittypet and kills his mate lilystem and critically injures mallowpaw.
mallowpaw was left for death at the shadowclan border but weevilpaw finds him
wolfstar is disliked in TC because he just let his sister's and his biological son's deaths happen so there was an uprising by his deputy oakclaw (canon oakstar)
weevilpaw and mallowpaw become weevilheart and mallowcloud.
the very weevilheart, mentored by shadowclan's leader antstar, gets an apprentice as soon as that. there are whispers she might be deputy.
rattlepaw and pigeonpaw of windclan are very close and, as soon as they got their warrior names, became mates
shrikerush "befriends" a loner kit named milkweed ; his first victim
darkpelt becomes darkstar
nothing much happens here, but antstar renounces his nine lives, being too tired and old to be a leader, and dies hit by a monster
weevilheart becomes weevilstar at a relatively young age
in newleaf lopkit and nightkit are born in windclan
skipperkit is born to rattledance and pigeontail in greenleaf
duskkit and dawnkit are born not a moon later as well, to sunstripe
rattledance dies tunneling and pigeontail falls sick from grief and dies too
skipperkit is fostered by buckstar and hailfleck, the leader of windclan and his mate. he has a foster brother called dogkit
dogpaw (tunneler) and skipperpaw (moor runner) becomes apprentices. these two brothers are rivals most of the time and skipperpaw mostly only hangs out with the withdrawn but nice duskpaw (moor runner) whose sister got snatched by a hawk.
shrikerush takes his second and third victims ; breamstripe of riverclan and loppaw (tunneler) - his own apprentice.
breamstripe dies shortly after birthing her single kit flykit
darkstar is FURIOUS that her daughter breamstripe is found dead at the gorge and demands windclan answer. no one could. riverclan becomes the enemy of windclan
flykit is taken to windclan but dies shortly due to unknown causes. apparently she snuck out of camp for an adventure and got mauled brutally by a badger.
at the same time skipperpaw and dogpaw notice that the molly both of them had a crush on, loppaw, is acting weird. nightpaw, lop's sister and the medicine apprentice, diagnoses her with expecting kits. loppaw tells her sister everything and, even without warrior training, she goes fight shrikerush and got claws down her back.
skipperpaw and duskpaw are tasked with soothing her and playing with her kits, dogpaw with hunting for loppaw, while nightpaw, as the most trustworthy of the apprentices, go tell buckstar with her mentor wooltail.
shrikerush gets the yeet
dogpaw becomes dogclaw as he is a bit older
in newleaf there is a battle between riverclan and windclan, and skipperpaw's mentor molestep dies.
loppaw is named lopear after completing her assesment now that her kits are weaned, nightpaw gets her full medicine name of nighteyes
lopear still stays in the nursery - until her kits are apprentices
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phloxclan · 18 days
Moon 132 - The Final Moon
Weevilstar challenges Dripstar to a one on one fight to end the war. She is old, and on her last life, but she refuses to back down and let others die in her place. The clan has agreed to lie and claim that Coppersight has died. She's been lost for so long, the only proof that she still lives in that she isn't in Starclan.
Dripstar loses 2 lives, and Weevilstar loses her last life. The war with Antclan is over.
Auburngale goes to receive her 9 lives. 1 Minnowcinder - Truth and knowledge. 2 Geodeflow - Love 3. Teaselsky - Responsibility 4. Beesechurgerleaf - Family 5. Racoonpaw - Adventure 6. Fluffyrustle - Depending on your clanmates 7. King - Protecting what matters most 8. Quesadilla - Trust 9. Weevilstar - Faith in the next generation.
Lichenspeck is named the next deputy of Phloxclan.
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phloxclan · 18 days
Moon 123
Berrykit has a seizure, and Guppyripple believes he will continue having them.
Myrtlefeather sprained a paw, and Flaxwhistle stepped on a bee.
Moon 124
Racoonpaw is apprenticed to Dewglade.
Bouncespeckle and Murkfreckle have 2 kits. Rowankit - Ginger speckled tom with cobalt eyes, quiet. Hyacinthkit - Gray tabby tom with cobalt eyes, attention-seeker, interested in clan history.
Firkit joins Starclan and is given the full name Firwhisker.
Lichenspeck is expecting kits.
The camp floods, and Racoonpaw, Bleakpaw, Stagpaw, Rowankit, Hollyhockshade, Amberburst, and Teaselsky drown. Weevilstar loses 2 lives trying to rescue the apprentices.
Auburngale is named the new deputy.
Snippaw goes for a long walk, deep in thought. She decides to become a healer.
Guppyripple has heat exhaustion, but Shiveringstripe and Boo recover.
Moon 125
Ghostpaw earns the warrior name Ghostshadow. - Fun fact, this is my favorite warrior name out of all of Phloxclan and I didn't even mess with it, RNG just handed me the name Ghostshadow.
Groveglide, Clifftimber, Myrtlefeather, Guppyripple, and Flaxwhistle recover.
Roachstripe is expecting kits.
There are 2 battles with Antclan, and while there are no major injuries Brightpelt and Ottercinder are both causing a stir with how much they seem to enjoy the violence.
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phloxclan · 24 days
Moon 111
Piperpaw is apprenticed to Fluffyrustle.
Lichenspeck is expecting kits.
Auburngale has heat exhaustion. She confesses to Dewglade and they become mates!
Strikekit tried to sneak out of camp, but fell. He has scraped paws and heat exhaustion.
Moledapple's tail is infected.
Crow and Snowshadow become mates.
Teaselsky overhears Ratstalk talking in their sleep. What they say confirms his suspicions - Ratstalk murdered Fireblur. Weevilstar exiles Ratstalk for their crime, and they agree to go peacefully. In a surprising bid to finally bond with Ratstalk, Wisteriaheart argues against the conviction. Weevilstar refuses to back down, and Wisteriaheart choses to leave with Ratstalk. At the border, Ratstalk tells Wisteriaheart to go back to the clan. He refuses, and they say nothing. However, they do slip away in the night, leaving Wisteriaheart on his own.
Fruitstreak and Craneshade go hunting, but are swept away by a flash flood.
Moon 112
Hubert is expecting kits. She seems nervous.
Strikekit recovered, but Roachstripe has heat exhaustion, Falconfade has heat stroke, and Honeyspider was injured by a rogue.
Myrtlepaw is apprenticed to Raincurrent, Strikepaw to Tawnysnarl, Amberpaw to Shiveringstripe, Furledpaw to King, and Hollyhockpaw to Shatterhaze.
Moon 113
Shatterhaze brought a single kitten to camp. Ghostkit - White speckled tom with bronze eyes and long fur, know-it-all, avid play-fighter.
Lichenspeck and Fluffyrustle have 2 kits. Petuniakit - Black tom with cobalt eyes, charming, splashes in puddles. Robinkit - Brown marbled tom with hazel eyes, lonesome, interested in herbs.
Honeyspider is expecting kits.
Moledapple, Vinepath, Falconfade, and Auburngale recovered. Weevilstar and Piperpaw have heat exhaustion. Brindlebud and Wolftrail have sprains. Furledpaw fell into a river and has been coughing. Oakstripe and Falconfade were ambushed by rogues. - Something about the rogues seems a little...off.
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phloxclan · 26 days
Moon 105
Starlinggleam and Groveglide have 1 kit. Piperkit - White tom with a ginger leg, hazel eyes, and long fur, daring, quick to make peace.
Cliffhowl dies from her infected wound.
Riot's tail is badly injured by a dog. A patrol rescues a cat from a dog, and the cat joins the clan. Tansyclaw - Yellow rosette tom with emerald eyes, 87 moons gloomy, impressive climber
Quesadilla and Springsprout have yellowcough and Craneshade has greencough.
Fluffyrustle and Lichenspeck have become mates!
Crestpaw, Vinepath, Teaselsky, and Mistlepelt have recovered.
Moon 106
Weevilstar has 2 kits with Falconfade, but loses a life in the process. Myrtlekit - Gray tabby molly with copper eyes, sweet, confident with words. Strikekit - Light gray tom with cyan eyes, nervous, splashes in puddles.
Bouncespeckle has finally found her way back home! She has greencough and is sad that none of her kits could return with her, but happy to be home.
Swiftchasm has greencough, Honeyspider fought a hawk and was injured, and Darkpond’s leg was injured in a twoleg trap, but Burrowheart recovered.
Flaxwhistle has nightmares about Shrubfoot.
Antclan has been causing problems at the border, and Shatterhaze goes to try to resolve them.
Fireblur brought a litter of 3 kits to the clan. He asserts that they are his, but refuses to share more of their origins. Amberkit - White tom with brown specks, copper eyes, and long fur, nervous, avid play-fighter. Furledkit - Ginger tom with pale yellow eyes and long fur, polite, avid play-fighter. Hollyhockkit - Ginger and white molly with dark blue eyes and long fur, daydreamer, quick witted.
Fireblur asks Beesechurgerleaf to nurse them alongside Mumblekit and Logkit. She agrees, but breaks things off with Fireblur, heartbroken over his lies. Fireblur is NOT popular among his clanmates right now. - The other queens offered to nurse the new kits instead, telling Beesechurgerleaf she shouldn't have to nurse them if she doesn't want to, but Beesechurgerleaf refuses. It's not the kits' fault, after all.
Moon 107
Fireblur has been murdered. The culprit is unknown.
Tawnysnarl has whitecough. Sloenight, Beesechurgerleaf, and Guppykit have yellowcough. Springsprout, Peatwish, Flaxwhistle, Quesadilla, and Craneshade have recovered. Riot’s tail is infected. Shiveringstripe’s leg was injured by a twoleg trap
Teaselsky had a difficult conversation with Furledkit, and Groveglide had a difficult conversation with Mumblekit.
Snowshadow had a difficult conversation with Beesechurgerleaf.
Logkit asks Sweetpaw where kits come from. Auburngale thinks Sweetpaw has been acting strangely.
2 new cats join the clan, one rescued from a dog and one Pythonclan apprentice. Brightpelt - Pale tortie molly with gray eyes and long fur, 45 moons, vengeful, learner of lore, good kitsitter. Curlewpaw - Dark gray tabby tom with green-yellow eyes, 9 moons, nervous, quick to make peace.
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phloxclan · 28 days
Moon 102
Crestpaw is apprenticed to Dewglade, and Sweetpaw to Crow.
Sleekshadow and Beesechurgerleaf are both expecting kits.
Sleekshadow, Swiftchasm, and Peatwish recover.
Cliffhowl's wound is worse, and it itches.
Fluffyrustle is rejected by Lichenspeck again.
Sorrelbloom finds a young fox caught in a trap. She is distraught, and tries to help it, but fails.
Hubert, Snowshadow, and Fluffyrustle tell ghost stories while on patrol and are scared by a snapping branch.
Moon 103
Starlinggleam is expecting kits.
Raincurrent, Brindlebud, and Craneshade have recovered.
Fireblur and Teaselsky have whitecough, and Mistlepelt sprained a paw.
Flickerkit joins Starclan. Like Quailfreckle, Umberstar is unwilling to leave an adult cat with the name -kit, and Flickerkit is awarded the name Flickerpeak.
Moon 104
Weevilstar is expecting kits!
Crestpaw and Burrowheart have whitecough, and Peatwish’s leg was injured by a twoleg trap.
Moledaple and Honeyspider have recovered, and Cliffhowl's wound is no longer infected.
Graytooth and Shrubfoot join Starclan. Flaxwhistle is grief stricken upon learning of Shrubfoot's death. While they may not have worked out as mates, they still cared deeply for each other. Hubert comforts Flaxwhistle, and the two become closer. Hubert and Flaxwhistle become mates.
Sleekshadow had 3 kits with Burrowheart. Squirrelkit - Gray tabby tom with emerald eyes and long fur, troublesome, avid play-fighter. Bluekit - Gray rosette tom with blue-emerald heterochromic eyes and long fur, daring, interested in clan history. Guppykit - Black tom with bronze eyes, lonesome, quick witted.
Beesechurgerleaf had 2 kits with Fireblur. Mumblekit - Yellow bengal molly with gray eyes and long fur, lonesome, quick to make peace. Logkit - Yellow rosette tom with copper eyes, know-it-all, quick to make peace.
A patrol rescues a cat from twolegs. The cat is impressed by the warriors' bravery and joins the clan. Riot - Ginger and white tom with hazel eyes and long fur, 72 moons, strict, renowned hunter. - Fun fact! Because of how similar they look and Minnowcinder's death being related to curiosity about his and Auburngale's origins, I was going to have a little sub-plot/mini-arc where Auburngale wonders if Riot could be her father. The end result was going to be that they're actually half-siblings.
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phloxclan · 28 days
Moon 93
Mistlepelt and Beesechurgerleaf retire.
Fluffypaw earns the warrior name Fluffyrustle.
Wolfpaw is apprenticed to Groveglide, Cliffpaw to Murkfreckle, and Tawnypaw to Orchard. During the ceremony, Molepaw interupts to requests Snowshadow as a mentor, and Weevilstar agrees.
The healers are having an easier time managing, so Weevilstar tells Limebird he can return to warrior duties. He choses to remain as a healer instead.
Groveglide and Squirreldapple have recovered. Groveglide goes for a walk with Shiveringstripe and they are ambushed by a dog. Shiveringstripe saves Groveglide but is injured.
Cliffpaw and Salmon have whitecough, Fruitstreak has greencough, and Ratstalk sprained a paw.
Minnowcinder has grown more and more curious about his origins. Thinking he's found a lead, he sneaks out of camp to meet with some rogues. Later, he is found dead, killed by those rogues. Auburngale is distraught.
Moon 94
Shatterpaw choses to become a mediator apprentice under Roachstripe.
Beesechurgerleaf is expecting kits!
Cliffpaw, Vinepath, Salmon, and Aspenswipe recover, but Quiverwing develops whitecough.
Starlinggleam and Groveglide get caught in a blizzard. They huddle together for warmth and Starlinggleam tells stories to keep their spirits up.
Moon 95
Swiftpaw earns the warrior name Swiftchasm.
Quiverwing, Ratstalk, Fluffyrustle, and Fruitstreak have recovered, but Ravenfleck has yellowcough, Quesadilla has greencough, and Honeyspider has whitecough.
Sloenight is injured by a fox, and Ottercinder sprains a paw.
Snowshadow has a migraine.
Riftbeam joins Starclan.
Fluffyrustle confesses to Lichenspeck, but is rejected. Fluffyrustle hopes to dream of Lichenspeck tonight.
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phloxclan · 28 days
Moon 87
Umberstar loses her last 2 lives to old age. Weevilsun goes to receive her nine lives: Lilacbat - Acceptance. Raventuft - Unity (and warning against overconfidence). Copseshiver - Farsightedness. Sweetheart - Duty. Fuzzybush - Bravery. Stumpcone - Endurance. iPod - Humility. Aspendeer - Determination.  Umberstar - Endurance in the face of hardship.
Weevilstar is the new leader of Phloxclan. She names Teaselsky the new deputy.
As Weevilstar gets her nine lives, Falconfade has 2 kits. Wolfkit - White rosette tom with copper eyes, nervous, fascinated by prophecies. Cliffkit - Tortie molly with hazel eyes and long fur, charming, never sits still.
Mistlepelt has 2 kits, and Orchard is the other parent. Tawnykit - Ginger molly with hazel eyes, quiet, fascinated with prophecies, never sits still. Molekit - White and silver rosette tom with hazel eyes, bossy moss-ball hunter.
Outside the clan, Bouncespeckle has 2 kits. Flickerkit - White tom with a black eye spot, yellow eyes, and long fur, bullying, quick to help. Quailkit - Ginger speckled molly with yellow eyes, bullying, avid play-fighter, missing a leg.
Mumblepelt joins Starclan.
Beesechurgerleaf stepped on a bee. Sorrelpaw and Mudkit have heat exhaustion.
Weevilstar appoints her first warrior - Snowypaw - Snowyfeather.
After Umberstar's death, Peatwish and Springsprout are too grief stricken to work. Weevilstar asks Limebird to help the healers.
Aspenswipe and Salmon will always love their mates, but have decided to move on.
Weevilstar sets out on a patrol to let the other clans know she's the new leader, but dark clouds gather overhead. Remembering the previous floods, she turns back.
Moon 88
Auburnpaw earns the warrior name Auburngale.
Shiveringstripe has a single kit. Shatterkit - Gray tabby tom with pale blue eyes, bossy, moss-ball hunter.
Ravenfleck, Boo, and Sorrelpaw recover
Ottercinder and Flashpaw have heat stroke, and Quiverwing has heat exhaustion.
Weevilstar left a gift for Falconfade in her nest.
Teaselsky asks Peatwish how she's doing, and Peatwish thinks Teaselsky is helpful.
Honeyspider sneaks out to sleep in Teaselsky's nest at night.
A rogue is found at the border asking to join. Crow - Dark gray nonbinary cat with dark blue eyes, 43 moons, troublesome, learner of lore, incredible runner.
Snowyfeather's heart flutters at the sight of Crow.
A kittypet joins the clan. Burrowheart - White tom with emerald eyes, 114 moons, gloomy, masterful storyteller.
Moon 89
Ratpaw and Minnowpaw are made warriors - Ratstalk and Minnowcinder.
Carnationpaw is found dead near a fox den. Flashpaw died of heat stroke.
Burrowheart is badly burned in a fire. Wisteriaheart has heat exhaustion. Ottercinder, Beesechurgerleaf, and Mudkit recover.
Crow chats with Snowyfeather.
Starlinggleam has a nice time with Groveglide.
Flaxwhistle will always love Halfsnap but has decided to move on.
Shatterkit chases fireflies while everyone sleeps.
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phloxclan · 18 days
Moon 129
Gullpaw earns the full mediator name Gullsky.
Bluelily is found dead near the Antclan border.
Murkfreckle and Falconfade have whitecough. Sleekshadow recovers. Tawnysnarl has yellowcough. Pepperhawk hurt a paw.
Clifftimber brings home 3 kits, refusing to say where they came from. - Leapkit, Branchkit, Ashenkit. No sprites or descriptions in my notes :(
Moon 130
Posypaw, Fringepaw, and Snippaw earn their full names - Posydapple, Fringeshade, and Snipbellow.
Hyacinthpaw is apprenticed to Curlewfoot.
Posydapple has greencough, and Weevilstar lost a life to whitecough.
Moledapple's leg is injured in a battle with Antclan.
Moon 131
Berrypaw earns the full name Berryegg.
Lemonlily, Boulderbeak, and Tawnysnarl join Starclan.
Robinpatch is seen arguing with the Antclan healer. Roachstripe travels to Antclan to resolve the dispute, and it goes better than expected. - Dripstar finally explains why she started this war. Before Phloxclan arrived, their territory was used by Antclan as supplementary hunting grounds during famines and cold weather. - Antclan's leader at the time of Phloxclan's arrival gave it up without a fight, but things slowly got worse for Antclan. Dripstar, upon becoming leader, swore to right this wrong. - Roachstripe is able to convince Dripstar not to kill all of Phloxclan, but there is still a cost. The cats born on this territory could stay, but the founders must die. - Roachstripe solemnly carries this news back to Weevilstar. The only remaining founders are Coppersight, who has been lost for many moons, and Weevilstar herself.
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Moon 131 was when my laptop crashed and died, so there are no more sprites.
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phloxclan · 18 days
Moon 126
Robinpaw earns the full name Robinpatch.
Berrypaw is apprenticed to Wolftrail, Buckpaw to Piperheart.
Lichenspeck and Fluffyrustle have 4 kits. Pigeonkit - Brown marbled tom with hazel eyes and long fur, daydreamer, oddly insightful. Seedkit - Dark gray marbled molly with emerald eyes and long fur, impulsive, quick to help, confident with words. Heathkit - Calico molly heather blue eyes, daring, splashes in puddles. Cavekit - Ginger tabby tom with hazel eyes, attention-seeker, quick to help.
Oakstripe is expecting kits.
Boo has whitecough, Clifftimber dislocated a joint, and Vinepath’s joint pain flares up.
Antclan ambushes a patrol by the border. Myrtlefeather, Raincurrent, and Fluffyrustle are killed, leaving Tawnysnarl as the only survivor. Weevilstar swears vengeance, and Phloxclan formally declares war.
Moon 127
Roachstripe and Riot have 3 kits. Bitterkit - Ginger speckled tom with hazel eyes and long fur, insecure, never sits still. Conekit - Tortie molly with hazel eyes, daring, moss-ball hunter. Carpkit - Yellow rosette molly with yellow eyes and long fur, troublesome, moss-ball hunter.
King, with her ghost sight, sees Fluffyrustle's ghost in a panic. His kits are in danger from a venomous snake. King protects them, but is bitten in the process, succumbing to the venom. Fluffyrustle stays with her as she crosses over, apologizing and thanking her repeatedly.
Phloxclan ambushes an Antclan patrol. All goes well - maybe a little too well. Ottercinder is particularly viscious, and she maims an apprentice severely. Auburngale pulls her away, and the two argue about it. Auburngale says she'll report this to Weevilstar, and Ottercinder threatens her in return.
Moon 128
Pepperpaw, Greenpaw, and Almondpaw earn the full names Pepperhawk, Greenlake, and Almondblossom.
Vinepath was seriously injured by a dog. Sleekshadow and Weevilstar have whitecough.
Oakstripe and Vinepath have 2 kits. Pheasantkit - Black and white tom with pale green eyes and long fur, bossy, never sits still. Birchkit - Gray and white tom with pale yellow eyes and long fur, daring, never sits still.
Squirreldapple retires.
Squirrelrock is killed by Antclan warriors.
Snippaw investigates a strange noise and finds a recently dead queen and 2 newborn kits. The kits are brought to the camp. Sprigkit - Dark gray tabby molly with bronze eyes and long fur, daydreamer, confident with words. Coyotekit - Dark gray tom with bronze eyes and long fur, charming, confident with words.
Dewglade and Auburngale enjoy a quiet moonlit stroll. Ottercinder mysteriously vanishes that same night. Odd.
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phloxclan · 18 days
Moon 117
Badgerpaw earns the warrior name Badgerswipe.
Snowyfeather and Yellowtalon join Starclan. Petuniakit dies of kittencough.
Teaselsky has yellowcough, Hollyhockpaw has whitecough. Falconfade dislocated a leg. Mudfern, Ghostkit, and Quesadilla recover.
A patrol is ambused by "rogues" at the border and Snowshadow is killed. Badgerswipe finally admits the truth about the "rogues" and himself. - The rogues are actually Antclan cats who are living as rogues so as not to arouse suspicion. It's a way of attacking Phloxclan without declaring war. He was originally from Antclan himself, but joined Phloxclan because he hated living as a rogue. He has no idea why Dripstar, Antclan's leader, has such a vendetta against Phloxclan.
Moon 118
Many ceremonies are held to prepare for the oncoming war with Antclan. - Piperheart, Hollyhockshade, Strikeice, Myrttlefeather, Guppyripple, Squirrelrock.
Falconfade retires.
Dewglade is expecting kits! The timing isn't great, but Dewglade and Auburngale are hopeful nonetheless.
Brush joins Starclan. Sorrelbloom is bitten by a snake and succumbs to the venom. Burrowheart dies of an infected wound.
Poddapple recovers. Crestcrash recovers but has a permanently weak leg.
Badgerswipe twisted a paw, and Bluelily dislocated a leg and has whitecough.
Moledapple brings a single kit to camp. Moledapple claims her other parent was a rogue, but some cats are suspicious that it could've been one of Antclan's rogues. Regardless, Weevilstar refuses to send the kit away. Racoonkit - Dark gray and white speckled molly with pale yellow eyes, daydreamer, morbid curiosity.
Tansyclaw is patrolling and hears an odd noise. Investigating, he finds a young cat who asks to join the clan. Cliffpaw - Black tabby tom with yellow eyes and a scarred tail, 11 moons, strict, moss-ball hunter, apprenticed to Riot.
Moon 119
Clifftimber, Furledfalcon, and Amberburst become warriors.
Robinpaw is apprenticed to Guppyripple and Ghostpaw is apprenticed to Vinepath.
Fiercefern joins Starclan.
Falconfade and Hollyhockshade recover. Auburngale and Piperheart have yellowcough. Wolftrail’s leg was injured in a twoleg trap. Sweettiger’s tail was injured by a dog. Smalltail’s head hurts.
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phloxclan · 24 days
Moon 114
Hubert had 3 kits, supposedly with Flaxwhistle. Hubert hopes desparately that the kits don't look too much like Peatwish. Stagkit - White and brown tom with pale green eyes, daring, constantly climbing. Bleakkit - Gray and white molly with pale green eyes, daydreamer, curious about Starclan. Hollowkit - Gray tabby tom with pale green eyes, impulsive, interested in clan history.
Starlinggleam is expecting kits.
Lichenspeck, Piperpaw, and Roachstripe have recovered. Burrowheart's tail is injured by a falling tree. Darkpond has whitecough.
Murkfreckle and Bouncespeckle become mates.
Mumblepaw is found dead near the Antclan border.
Moon 115
Honeyspider and Teaselsky had 4 kits Almondkit - Ginger rosette molly with hazel eyes, noisy, lover of stories. Greenkit - Black molly with pale green eyes and long fur, attention seeker, quick to help. Gullkit - White and ginger molly with yellow eyes, attention seeker, lover of stories. Pepperkit - Dark gray tabby tom with dark blue eyes, noisy, active imagination.
Brindlebud, Falconfade, Weevilstar, and Wolftrail have recovered. Ghostkit and Bleakkit have kittencough. Quesadilla has whitecough. Crestcrash and Mudfern both hurt their legs.
Sorrelbloom finds an injured cat by the thunderpath. Smalltail - White and brown tom with blue eyes and long fur, 33 moons, compassionate, great mediator, great healer.
Flaxwhistle had a heated argument with Peatwish. - The kits' eyes are open, and they all have Peatwish's eyes. - Hubert felt guilty and confessed the affair to Flaxwhistle.
Moon 116
Bluepaw earns the warrior name Bluelily.
Orchard retires.
Sloemallow joins Starclan.
Springsprout and Shatterhaze are found dead near the Antclan border. Peatwish wails when she sees Springsprout's body. With all the border disputes and cats turning up dead near the border, Weevilstar begins preparing for war with Antclan.
Starlinggleam and Groveglide have 3 kits. Posykit - Black and white molly with dark blue eyes and long fur, bullying, never sits still. Fringekit - Yellow marbled molly with green-yellow eyes and long fur, impulsive, lover of stories. Snipkit - Ginger speckled and white molly with green-yellow eyes and long fur, insecure, oddly observant.
Groveglide, Furledpaw, Honeyspider, Bleakkit, and Darkpond recover. Petuniakit has kittencough. Poddapple sprained a paw. Burrowheart's tail is infected.
Squirreldapple is attacked by a brave young rogue. After the fight, the young cat is invited to join the clan. Badgerpaw - Ginger tom with gray eyes and long fur, 10 moons, arrogant, never sits, still. Apprenticed to Moledapple. Despite appearing to be a rogue, it is soon discovered that Badgerpaw was originally from another clan. However, when he's asked what clan he came from. Badgerpaw becomes uncomfortable and insists he was a rogue.
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