#weightloss weight loss journey journal inspo college freshmen15
thistimenxtyear · 6 years
This time 4 years ago,I was 125lbs and thought I was a whale who need never be seen by the public. I went off to college where I quickly became depressed...and that manifested itself in an eating disorder. I paid for a reusable to-go container from the dining hall and that was one of my downfalls. Before college I was hyper-aware of every calorie I’d put in my mouth--and so was my mother--so, college in general, and that green to-go box gave me a freedom that I hadn’t had before. I was able to fill it with cookies, french fries, pizza, etc. and eat it in the privacy of my dorm room (we had private bedrooms). I ballooned up to 150, then 160, then, by the time I left, I’d reached 185 which looked like a lot more on my small frame.
Longer story shorter, I am so tired of seeing a body I hate in the mirror. By this time next year, I’m going to be someone I can live with, and I mean that about my mind, too. I want to be someone that I can stand to be around.
Peace and love Kate
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