#weim crime
kitsunefire7 · 3 years
I miss when Baby Star use to look in the mirror like this. Maybe it’s a sigh she needs a bby sister soon lol
Sound on!
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Accidentally snapped the cutest pic of my dog yawning. Was trying to show his new clean coat to my mom. I just LOVE this guy to pieces!
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owyheestar · 5 years
When Mom's Down
When Mom’s Down
~And I am Neglected
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Mom says there is No shame. She was sick in bed for a few days which left, me, Emmy “neglected”. This pillow (from Target, so it’s no great loss) but it bore the wrath of my boredom. ~ Emmy
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Cliff and Shela are speechless. We think it was excellent that you Mama recovered quickly enough to avoid more issues.
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novathesheltie · 4 years
So it's been like a 1-2 months since Nova's neuter and here what I've noticed in terms of his reactivity. When he gets spooked by dogs, or when I'm not actively working w him on being calm etc., his reaction is a lot more aggressive. Like pretty aggressive. He's lunging, teeth out, snarling, aggressive. Before he would boof and bark, maybe pull on the leash, but overall nothing quite like what he's been demonstrating lately. I thought at first it was a fluke, or that we had encountered just *the wrong dog*, or something along those lines. But it's like, straight up aggression. Not to all dogs, but to enough dogs that it's slightly worrying tbh.
Today, in prep for his 2nd birthday tomorrow, we went to tj maxx, homegoods, and petco to get some birthday toys. Petco was probably not the best idea, but what's done is done lmfao. We saw a doodle there who was quite excited and barked at Nova, but we were able to keep our cool and while Nova reacted, it wasn't...aggression. It was the typical oo there's a dog there! borkbork. But then we saw a puppy weimaraner and Nova literally thought he was the devil on Earth. We were sitting in the aisle while Laska tried rainjackets, and the puppy walked in our way. And that's a hate crime apparently in Nova's book. So I left and walked around the store, avoiding the pup but also letting Nova watch him from afar. Everytime he turned to him, that exact split second I rewarded w hotdog. When Laska was done touring the store for xyz, Nova did not react to pup anymore. He barked back at two new dogs that came in for a grooming appt, but no aggression like he had shown w the weim pup.
It's disappointing. I got some advice from a dog trainer but they were mostly unhelpful and instead triggered Nova. So I'm kinda just, trying what works for Nova. Catching and rewarding calmness. Dog coming our way = Reward. Being calm seeing a dog = reward. Being calm while a dog walks by = the fattest hotdog reward. Overall a lot of watching and R+. But I need to work somehow on the spooking. He gets easily spooked and his reaction is to borkbork and it, as seen here, gets a lot worse when a dog spooks him. I have no clue how to do that lmfao other than perhaps exposing him and desensitizing him to a bunch of shit that spooks him. But like, how does one teach a dog to not spook at a person walking down the stairs of your own apartment complex? Yeah. Anyways. Nova turns 2 tomorrow.
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Weim crime via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2zbC4k9
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synapsidgirl · 8 years
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Definitely a synapsid, definitely not an extinct one. If you ask me, I think everyone should drop whatever they’re doing, and look at my dog :P
I painted it as a Christmas present for my parents, and am now waiting for the print to arrive. As a side note: redbubble’s express delivery charges are... painful.
Anyway, this ridiculous creature is Luna, almost 1.5 year old weimaraner, who lives to eat. And honestly, I thought my previous dog, Saba, was cuddly, but I seriously underestimated typical weimaraner clinginess ( is clinginess a word?).
For example: when I started painting this, Luna was curled up on the office chair, and I was sitting on a chair next to it, with only a part of my tight still on the office chair, because, contrary to what she seems to think, an almost fully grown weim and a human (even a small one, like me) cannot possibly fit on one office chair together. And she’s not satisfied with staying on the mattress that is there solely for the purpose of her having something to lay on while I’m on the computer. No, she has to be as close to human as possible. Luckily, she finally stopped trying to sit on my lap some time ago, when even she had to admit that she doesn’t fit on my knees in any way.
She’s a goofball and I absolutely adore her, even though she tries to eat all of my food, keeps squishing me any chance she gets, is a total bed hog, and requires insane amounts of attention.
I also forgot to paint her whiskers, but noticed it after I ordered the print. Oh, well...
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kitsunefire7 · 3 years
I love how Bby Star will stand just perfectly still whenever Callie feels like being affectionate 😂 but when the cat stops, she’ll silently look at her with those big eyes like 🥺 more pls. 😂❤️
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kitsunefire7 · 3 years
They’re at it again 👀❤️ part 2
But srsly, anyone know why cats (or atleast my cat) loves to shove her face inside my dogs ears as far as possible?? 😂
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owyheestar · 5 years
Caught Redhanded ?!?
~Or the Paw Going for a Goodie
I had to take this picture of Olli this AM as I am not sure if his paw got stuck on the cabinet or he was just caught redhanded!!  This was going on while his dear sister, Indi, was posing in the backyard.  If she only knew what she was missing!  
All is well with Olli and Indi.  They are both healthy and are keenly aware of all rabbit movements under the snow…
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owyheestar · 6 years
A Penchant for Paper!
A Penchant for Paper!
      ~Naughty Maizie, Or Not!
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No Paper on My Lips or Anywhere
You wouldn’t believe that this little beauty, MAIZIE, age 6.5, has a penchant for paper!  
You can file this in a chapter of “Weim Crimes!”  Yesterday, we left the house for an hour.  Maizie stayed home.  Usually always on our return home, she happily greets us—smiling, chattering, nibbling, wiggling with glee.  Yesterday she…
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owyheestar · 7 years
Beginning with Bella
     ~some time ago 
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Before Bella got here, I got a mattress. I laid it on the floor in the living room just because I know puppies like to chew things. (I had no clue about the Weimaraner (joined Weim Crime on Facebook learned a lot LOL) and how they love to chew things up don’t worry I wouldn’t change a thing I am so grateful to have her).
(I think I own stock in Bitter Apple Co. now, but I’m not sure, (LOL) The stuff works). I wanted to protect my antique wooden furniture in the bedroom, and I know dogs love to chew wood. Therefore, I figured I’d play it on the safe side. Well, the mattress on the floor thing has worked out awesome. We all sleep on the floor in the living room–Me, the old Levi and the younger Bella.
Gulping Her Food
The chewing was not the only challenge. Bella also likes to scarf down her food. I got one of those balls that you put food in she loves it. She rolls it all over the house– it’s good exercise, too! Every once in awhile she gets a treat. The other day Levi was laying on the bed which is up against the couch. Levi’s back was laying against the couch with her feet out the other direction. The food ball was around Levi’s tummy area. You get the picture. Something was about to happen. Well, Bella was right there trying to get little chunks of food out of the ball. Every time she would get a piece of food out, Levi would eat it. (ha) Bella would have this look on her face like what the geez did you just do? I worked so hard to get that food out and you (Levi) ate it. It was too funny!
Appreciating Differences
The difference between these two dogs is amazing. Levi is a lab mix. I am not sure what the mix is but the two dogs are so different. I got Levi at 6 weeks old, and she has been amazing. I don’t know if I ever told you this or not, but I had an elderly couple that had lived next door to me for nine years. They were living there when Levi came home. The older gentleman fence proofed the whole side so that Levi couldn’t get through the fence. I mean he was awesome with her–like they shared custody.
Plans Change
A few years back they moved away. Levi missed him so much, so she went and lived with them for approximately a year. After he passed away, I got Levi back. This happened just before I picked up Bella. I was not prepared to have two dogs let alone two big dogs, but I am adjusting. Actually, I love it! (LOL) I just had to share this story with you.
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We all appreciate you letting us share this story. Everyone loves to read about other folks and their Weim’s antics and solutions that make a difference. The Bitter Apple –well, some Weims love it. They think it is ketchup on a hotdog. I was once told the best way to avoid this situation is to soak a cotton ball in the apple solution and pop it in their cheek for a moment. Then, the aversion to it happens quick. Yes, we tried the stuff on our outdoor wood posts, and they loved it. It was then I spoke to our Vet, and she is the one who told us how to prevent this scenario. Sometimes you need to give them the taste so they won’t go near it.  This might help someone else.
It is so great that you were flexible and able to bring Levi back into the fold. Bella has never known life without her sister. I do believe, Bella enhances Levi’s golden years too. What a great job you are doing with the both of them. Thanks again for the share.
Too Fun Beginning with Bella      ~some time ago  Prepared Before Bella got here, I got a mattress. I laid it on the floor in the living room just because I know puppies like to chew things.
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owyheestar · 7 years
Have Wheels
Going Places! We figured Kula must be old enough to drive now, so we got him and Pilikia a van to drive around….. Brent Breeder Comment This is not the first Weim Crime pair at the wheel. You might remember Ilsa and Indi the two Blue sisters who borrowed the camper while Mom and Dad went on vacation. Pilikia and Kula Bleu’s ride is pretty upscale, but the idea has not changed. Thanks for the…
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owyheestar · 7 years
Time Flies I can’t believe this guy is almost one. It’s been a crazy 9 months with him. Overall he’s a pretty good dog. Just a few quirks to work, like barking at the smallest noise, and how he greets new people, he struggles to sit and wait to be greeted. Happy to report we have very little weim crime. The worst was my Fitbit, but that was months ago. Now he mostly tells on himself when he is…
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Apollo didn’t want to leave the passenger seat for the back of the car where he would be alone. His solution was to move to the driver’s seat instead. Unfortunately, it was already occupied. Not a problem for a lap dog though!
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