#weiner dig races
evilminji · 9 months
YouTube has just? Given me SUCH a delightful thing? Look at it! BABIES! Going so fast!
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blakegopnik · 6 years
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MY WEEKLY PIC (first published at Artnet News): Over the years, the biggest fans of Jean-Michel Basquiat have had a strange way of showing their affection: They’ve just about drowned him and his work in tired romantic clichés.
He’s supposed to be a tortured soul overflowing with passions that pour out through the tortured pictures he paints. One writer likened him to “a preacher possessed by the spirit,” an image that comes dangerously close to primitivist stereotypes. A curator insisted that Basquiat’s art channeled “his inner child,” the kind of talk that could easily veer into ideas of the Noble Savage. Basquiat himself complained that critics had an image of him as “a wild man running around—a wild monkey-man.”
To this day, he’s almost always billed as being more in touch with his emotions and the passions of urban life than with the orderly reasoning of post-Enlightenment culture.
Luckily, a show opening in New York lets us see a very different, much smarter and more complex artist than that, one who has more in common with conceptualists like Hans Haacke and Hanne Darboven than with Hollywood’s earless van Gogh—a Basquiat who is an artist of words and thoughts, on the order of Lawrence Weiner and Jenny Holzer, not of instincts and inchoate emotions.
That’s the artist on view in “Jean-Michel Basquiat,” a concise survey that opens March 6 at the new Brant Foundation venue in the East Village. (Tickets are—or were—free, but they have already run out for all 10 weeks of the show; maybe the Foundation will consider opening on some Mondays or Tuesdays to deal with the demand.)
Except for the very earliest collages and graffiti works, and the later collaborations with Andy Warhol, most of Basquiat’s major moments and modes are represented. But for an artist who died at 27—an artist who only ever had the chance to make “early work”—the 70 pictures in the Brant show, displayed across four elegant, light-filled floors, may give just the focused view that we need.
Basquiat is always described as one of the central stylists of 1980s Neo-Expressionism, and it’s easy to get lost in the attractive and exciting—but fundamentally conservative—look and touch of his paintings. In the Brant show, however, I was struck again and again by works where content seemed to matter more than form.
A canvas like “Per Capita,” a 1981 work from the Brant Foundation’s own collection that is today’s Weekly Pic, overflows with information. One end of the painting is a list of American states followed by the annual incomes of their inhabitants. The rest of the painting is scattered with bits and pieces of graphs and numerical tables. “Hollywood Africans,” a 1983 painting from the Whitney Museum, is a compendium of all-capped words that relate to the title, usually via some kind of political take on the subject: “SUGAR CANE INC.,” “TOBACCO,” “WHAT IS BWANA?”
A piece called “Museum Security,” from that same moment, overflows with accusatory words like “RADIUM,” “ASBESTOS,” and “HOOVERVILLE.” All three paintings remind me of the biting lists that Hans Haacke compiled of a slumlord’s real estate holdings, or of the corporate entanglements of the Guggenheim Museum’s trustees. Similarly, a lot of Basquiat’s paintings seem to be as much about simply pointing at things that concern him as they are about choosing how to do the pointing.
Deep down, he’s an artist concerned with inventories, so his pictures have much in common with the tidy cataloging of Darboven. The lack of polish in Basquiat’s style may be about achieving an utterly minimal, frictionless kind of indication—a kind of painting degree zero that parallels Haacke’s typed lists—rather than expressing basic or “primitive” emotions. Basquiat’s scrawls, that is, may really avoid having any style at all, and their ties to the well-worn look of European Expressionism, or to its 1980s retreads, may be almost accidental. When we see a similarity to Expressionist art, we’re indulging in the kind of “pseudomorphism” that the Princeton scholar Yve-Alain Bois has railed against.
Although Basquiat’s paintings are almost always linked to the raw emotions of graffiti, it’s important to remember that his own most important interventions on city walls consisted of pungent and concise bits of text. “4 THE SO-CALLED AVANT-GARDE.” “A PIN DROPS LIKE A PUNGENT ODOR.” If they were rendered in neon or carved in stone, these could just about pass as maxims by Jenny Holzer.
“We wanted to do some kind of conceptual art project,” explained Al Diaz, Basquiat’s spray-painting partner, in the 2010 Basquiat documentary The Radiant Child. That’s not the kind of thought that springs from an “inner child.”
If Haacke and Holzer don’t come to mind at once in looking at Basquiat’s art, I think that’s because of another layer he adds to his “information.” He’s showing how the kind of order and transparent meanings that such white artists take for granted were not made equally available to black people and black artists when they confronted America’s majority culture. The assumption of cultural stability and transparency that information-based art is built around just wasn’t part of the lived experience of many African Americans, at least in New York in the early 1980s. Government statistics and Hollywood movies depended on ideas and images of blackness—and of society in general—that didn’t necessarily map onto what black lives were really like. Haacke could observe a slum landlord’s machinations from on-high; many African Americans suffered them from the inside. Society didn’t exactly give them easy access to the kind of disinterested remove available to the rest of the art world, or to the Kantian (or Marxist) contemplation that it fostered.
The “distortions” in Basquiat’s pictures are not there to deliver an Expressionist style; they are distortions that are really out there in the world, because of the filters of race and oppression that came between a black artist and the things he wanted to point to.
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By contrast, Basquiat’s art can become orderly and almost Apollonian when it digs into modern jazz, with its unquestionable roots in black culture. A painting like “Discography II,” a recent Brant acquisition, gives a stable and systematic account of the first recording session that Miles Davis led under his own name, with the title and take of each song set down in orderly white script on a black background. The painting represents the world as Basquiat might have preferred to render it, if only circumstances allowed. (Images © Estate of Jean-Michel Basquiat. Licensed by Artestar, New York. Courtesy The Brant Foundation, Greenwich, Connecticut.)
For a full survey of past Pics visit blakegopnik.com/archive.
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softforday6 · 5 years
좋아합니다 (I like you). You x Young K (feat. DAY6). Chapter III.
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Gif: I made it lol Summary: Younghyun is in love with his best friend and decides to do something about it. It won’t be an easy task, will he be able to overcome his fears and change his reality?. Genre: Romance, smut (in the future). »»————- ♡ ————-«« [Previously] 1. Heart surpassed by Soju (available). 2. I missed you (available). »»————- ♡ ————-«« “There’s a spotlight shining on her tonight, could’ve been the way she smiled. No, I’m not going down without a fight. My heart is racing, I can’t forget the feeling burning inside my chest” -Forbidden, This Century.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Sunday, 9 am. Olivia’s apartment. [Younghyun’s point of view].
I woke up with a caress on my back, feeling tired and without remembering where I was. She was the first thing that came to my mind and, suddenly, I felt goosebumps. I bit my lips, searching for a kiss that I interrupted when I realized it was Olivia who was there with me. Of course, what was I expecting? I thought. I felt upset with my own thoughts that were clearly not going to leaving me alone, ever.
She didn’t care about my rejection and went for a new kiss, expecting to find me like she did last night but my phone saved me from this going any further again. I got away from her to answer it.
-Good morning, Kang Younghyun!- a sweet voice said.
-Good morning!
I smiled like a fool.
-Can we meet before going to the movies? I need one of those vanilla latte you make, if it’s okay with you.
-Of course it is!
-Thank you!
-I’ll go pick you up in a bit-I said while getting dressed.
-I’ll wait for you!
-Wait, you’re leaving?-Olivia asked.
She climbed my back and started kissing me again.
-Without… letting me taste you again?-she purred.
-I have to go, I’m running late- I said, ignoring her lust.
She whined but when she realized I wasn’t giving in, she went back to bed.
I quickly went back home to take a shower before I went to pick her up and take her to my coffee shop.
7 pm. [Group chat].
Dowoon: Hey, nobody forgot about our Jeju trip, right?
Y/N : Of course not, I need to rest…like, right now.
Sungjin: Same.
Wonpil: Don’t worry @Dowoon. I already rented the house for next week, I’m taking care of things.
Jae: I want to believe everybody here arranged to get vacations at work… Inattentive people are not welcome here.
Jimin: Ha!! look who’s speaking, I had to REMIND YOU to do so.
Jae: -.-
Sungjin: Why am I not surprised?
Jae: -.- x2
Younghyun: Whyyy are there sooo many notifications? someone sum up pls.
Dowoon: We talked about our trip to Jeju, we double checked if everybody got their vacation dates, Wonpil took care of the house for us… we just have to wait until next week.
Jimin: Oh! and I’m going to celebrate my birhday there, where I did last year.
Y/N: Noooo… I’ll bring emotional support for you from my bed that night, my friend.
Jimin: You HAVE to be there!!!
Jae:  Come on, you’ll have fun! We’ll all be there.
Y/N: I’d rather discuss quantum physics at 3 am this time… I’m really tired, you guys.
Dowoon: Come on!!! you have to come.
Y/N: Ok :(((
7:45 pm. Cinema. [Younghyun’s point of view]
This afternoon, the song Forbidden by This Century, made think about how I feel about her again. This need to confess and do something about it was painfully growing inside of me, I honestly think I’m reaching my limit here. Couldn’t stop thinking about the day we met. ♡━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━♡
[Flashback]. Saturday, 4 pm. Coffee Shop. [Younghyun’s Point of view].
Sungjin and I went to this coffee shop near his house, he insisted to get me out of my room after a week of social isolation.
-Hey, shake it off. You’ll meet someone better, wait and see- he said while we got inside.
I broke up with my girlfriend after finding out she was actually screwing with someone she told me, a hundred times, was just a friend. Oh, right.
-I know, man. I just feel like an idiot. I trusted her, you know?
He nodded.
-I know you feel like that now but the feeling will wash away. In the meantime, let’s just enjoy great food and let’s hang out with Dowoon later.
-Hey! What are you guys doing here?-someone asked, far away from us.
I could tell it was Jae that was coming towards us with Jimin and a girl I’ve never met before.
-I dragged him from his cave-Sungjin said, patting my back twice.
My eyes encountered this girl’s eyes and suddenly I was full of questions. Who was she? Where did she come from? What school did she went to? Especially: why was she so pretty???? Oh my God.
-Hey, what’s your name?-I asked.
-Hey, I’m Y/N-she replied with a shy smile.
-She just moved in, she’s new at our school-Jimin said.
-Miss Park told us to make her comfortable and guide her through the activities- Jae added.
-Nice to meet you, I’m Younghyun!
She smiled.
-I’m Sungjin, wanna join us? we didn’t order anything yet.
I was waiting for her at the movies, when I finally saw her running towards me.
-Hey!!-she said.
She squashed my body into the nicest hug. She’s the warmest person I know, she never holds back when showing affection.
-Hey, princess.
We talked for a few minutes before the movie started. I promised her that the next time we saw a movie at the cinema, would be one of those horror movies she likes so much, so that’s what we did.
-Feeling better?-I asked.
-Yeah, I think so.
-Why didn’t you tell me about it before?
-It’s just… I realized that whenever I feel sad or stressed, I need you. I can’t depend on anybody else to make me feel better, I have to do that by myself.
-Well, what’s wrong with that? I’ll always be here for you, even when you get marry, have three kids and a dog.
We started digging in the popcorn we bought, we were never able to wait until the movie starts.
-That’s how you picture me? wasn’t that your dream?- she asked.
I almost choked because of those words that came out directly from the unconscious part of my mind.
-Wasn’t that yours?-I asked, trying to fix it.
-Mine was to have a sexy and affectionate husband, a couple of weiner dogs and two kids.
I couldn’t help but picture myself in that scenario for a bit. I don’t know with how many dogs I can deal with but if our kids and her are happy, I’m happy I thought. Kids???????? you better calm down, Younghyun. I just sat there thinking about how long her love was going to be forbidden… I knew she was faithful to her boyfriend, so I guess I just had to wait and pray for him to be gone.
I sighed, I always go after what I want but there was so much to lose here. Chapter IV: The Past is the Past (available).
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pithybehavior · 6 years
Kevin, Taraji, Erykah and Liam: Movie Gonna Tank? Blame Black People.
On December 4, 2018 Kevin Hart was announced as the 2019 Oscars host. That same day, a writer named Benjamin Lee posted an excerpt from an old interview and multiple tweets showing Hart making homophobic jokes and comments. From there, the timeline was quick. So quick that for some, it became suspect.
December 4:
Announced as Oscars host.
December 5:
Benjamin Lee writes a scathing post for The Guardian
Adam B Vary does a search for homophobic tweets (and finds them)
Jonah Weiner finds what Hart called an apology (It wasn’t)
December 6:
Hart posts IG video stating Oscars asked him to apologize
Refused to apologize
Claimed he’d apologized years prior (He hadn’t)
Steps down as Oscar host
Posts non-apology to twitter
December 7:
More tweets emerge this time a “joke” about AIDS
Almost a month of relative silence as he continued on his comedy tour out of the country.
January 4:
Ellen appearance where she absolved him despite concerns from Black gay community.
January 9:
Good Morning America appearance saying “I’m over it.”
January 10:
Early premiere of “The Upside” opens at the box office.
Why now? Why was this the moment these tweets came to light? Kevin Hart has had so many big public events over the last decade but he’s also had people bring up the old tweets so what was different this time?
Kevin Hart’s concern about his movie opening.
Prior to the controversy, The Upside had a dismal low 30’s rating across multiple platforms. It went up slightly after the controversy but not much. With a Rotten Tomatoes score of 40%, a Metacritic score of 46% and an IMDb score of 6.3/10 critics weren't loving it before the controversy and only liked it slightly better after. This was one of the worst reviewed movies in Kevin Hart’s career but it wasn’t only the reviews this movie had to contend with. Along with bad reviews, guess what else go buried in the rubble of controversy? This is one of the last movies Harvey Weinstein produced before being ousted. That doesn’t look or sound good to most, so how to do you stop people from looking at critical reviews and make them forget that an alleged mad man produced your film? You shine a light on something that was always there. Always being brought up but mostly kept quiet. That is, until Kevin Hart wanted it to be an issue.
A closer look into Hart’s past will show you that this was written years ago. On his show, The Real Husbands of Hollywood there’s an episode called “The Bump Stops Here” where Kevin is announced as and then loses the Oscar hosting gig in a 24 hour period because of a PR stunt gone wrong. What are the chances?
Were the people digging up Hart’s old tweets plants? Doubtful, those tweets have been talked about for years and many of them were still there to be found. Was the Oscar hosting gig some big set up? That’s also unlikely. However, a bomb at the box office could do a lot more damage to his career than losing a hosting job. It was likely a reasonable sacrifice. If you doubt anyone would go to such lengths, keep in mind, we’re talking about a lot of money. He never really apologized. He knew he lied about a previous apology and knew people would look and never find one. Adding to the controversy. When things started to die down after the first week, he waiting until the movie was going to premier to come back out and say he wasn’t going to talk about it. Nothing about this situation makes sense until you realize that there wasn’t a single mention of Harvey Weinstein and very little mention of negative reviews.
No matter what happened with The Upside, Kevin Hart had an out. If the movie did well, it would be in spite of the backlash and if the movie bombed, he could blame Black gay people. It’s always okay to blame your failures on Black people and it’s always okay to use Black people as your scapegoats. Since this was Black gay people, Hart had no qualms about using their backs for his self-hyped controversy.
Kevin Hart isn’t the first to use this type of controversy when the general belief is that the movie will bomb but it looks like he may have opened the floodgates for other actors and studios to use this template.
On January 22, 2019 Taraji P Henson posted a cryptic message on her IG story that appeared to defend accused pedophile R Kelly. Within 24 hours, she posted a clarification on Twitter saying she believed R Kelly should be muted. Less than a week prior on January 19th (posted on January 20) Erykah Badu made a public statement during a performance that also seemed to support R Kelly.
Henson and Badu have a movie coming out on February 8th with an early premiere tonight, February 7th. The film currently sits at 50% on Rotten Tomatoes, 56% on Metacritic and has not-so-great reviews from sites like AV Club with lines like “Dumbs down an already dumb Mel Gibson hit.”  R Kelly has infamously been accused of targeting Black children and young Black girls. To come out in support of him is to stand against Black girls. This is a society that accepts, encourages and forgives that.
If the movie bombs, it will be the fault of Black women. If the movie does well, it will be in spite of Black women.
Liam Neeson, another person involved in a self made controversy also has a movie coming out on February 8th with an early premier of February 7th. The misconception was that Neeson was asked about a time when he wanted to seek revenge but no, this story was unprovoked. It wouldn’t have made sense as a revenge story anyway since he didn’t seek the person who hurt someone he loved, but instead anyone who shared a skin tone. He was purposeful in describing of a hate crime. It made no sense to tell this story. If he felt there was a connection to his character, he could have told the same story while leaving out the racist element. Why not leave out asking about the person’s race? Why not leave out “Black bastard?” Why not tell the same story, looking for anyone who fit the description but not mentioning race? He did it on purpose. It was a plan.
Cold Pursuit isn’t doing as badly as the other movies on sites like Rotten Tomatoes where it currently sits at an 82% but it’s still lacking on most other sites like Metacritic where it sits at 60% and IMDb with a 6.9/10. As much as people make fun of Neeson’s movies being similar, he keeps making them because they do well at the box office and this one will likely do well too. Nonetheless, before the box office opens, this movie is shaping up to be the biggest flop of any of his movies. Only time will tell and with the support of racists who say they’re just like him and actively attempting to commit a hate crime is no big deal, it’s a good guess that while this may not be his biggest, it will probably do just fine. But if it doesn’t, you can blame Black people.
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atonguethatisafraid · 5 years
media diet 07/15/2019
(podcast) The Treatment w/ Elvis Mitchell - David Fincher, “Mindhunter” - fincher’s work as an examination of sociopathy and fame - serial killing as a narcissistic need to be seen - famous serial killers as a regional sensation until Son of Sam, when the fame portion went national (article) The New York Times - “Amazon Prime Days Brings Sales, and Risks, For Retailers” by David Yaffe-Bellany https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/15/business/amazon-prime-day.html?action=click&module=News&pgtype=Homepage - the effect of Amazon Prime Day as a sort of summer Black Friday - other retailers forced to have sales to compete, may end up hurting them if people become accustomed to only shopping when there are sales - “They do have this physical footprint that they really should leverage,” Mr. Nash of RedPoint Global said. “They can meet with consumers in person, let them physically touch products. That’s an advantage.” do we really believe this anymore? - nothing about the effect on workers or labor, obviously. it’s the Business section. there will never be a Labor section. (article) The Ringer - “Simona Halep Has Her Moment” by Katie Baker https://www.theringer.com/2019/7/13/20693039/simona-halep-serena-williams-wimbledon-2019 - watched the last week of Wimbledon with my sister Kate - very bizarre final, Simona just crushing, but Serena never looking fully engaged or excited to be there, tough to read her state of mind - Simona was incredibly cute in the post-match interview after learning that she’d get to meet the Royals (review) The New Yorker - “Midsommar,” Reviewed: Ari Aster’s Backward Horror Story of an American Couple in Sweden” by Richard Brody https://www.newyorker.com/culture/the-front-row/midsommar-reviewed-ari-asters-backwards-horror-story-of-an-american-couple-in-sweden - I like Brody’s intellectualized take on thinggs, even when I wildly disagree with even the basis of a take (his “A Quiet Place” review as a defense of white, gun-obsessed culture) - I’m with him largely here that Aster is more interested in aesthetics than digging deeper on his psychological premises he introduces, though I think he does a bit more than Brody gives him credit for (music) Helios - Veriditas (2018) - ambient, swirling, some simple piano, calms the brain while it wakes in the morning (music) Midsommar Original Score - Bobby Krlic (2019) - “The House that Harga Built” and especially “Fire Temple” are so beautiful; the haunting stuff is good but not a chill listen (article) The New York Times - “The Great Race to Rule Streaming TV” by Jonah Weiner https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/10/magazine/streaming-race-netflix-hbo-hulu-amazon.html?auth=login-email&login=email - “the mission at a streaming service like Netflix is “to basically create channel surfing within Netflix” — to entice us into a walled garden where the plantings are so copious we never think of leaving” - the goal is your attention - everyone’s bringing their Content home after letting others license; it’ll be cable 2.0; how many subscriptions can you have - the glut is the point; the “good enough” era of TV - more people, more voices, no monoculture? probably fine, but, we’re still adapting
(tv) Mindhunter (2017) - ep 5: the one with benji; crying for performance or not?; Altoona is a shit hole; the spectrum of men being threatened by women’s sexuality, Benji on the murderous end when his girlfriend is sleeping around, Holden indignant when he discovers his girlfriend had multiple partners before their meeting, further indignation when she won’t give him the precise number - ep 6: more of the interior life of Anna Torv’s character; lesbian; the conversation with the other academics about wearing a mask, self-humiliation to reveal true self; what good is all the research and insight if you can’t distill it simply for a distracted jury - ep 7: Wendy and the cat; the shoe fetish, mom wanted a daughter, conflicting signals from adult women; transvestism threatening masculinity; kink coming too close to Holden in his home life, when he can’t play along
0 notes
closedspeciesdrama · 7 years
Re: The Wendigo argument, there's this instability trait which is prevalent on the internet these days. There are a lot of very unstable young men and women who try to give themselves meaning and worth by deeming themselves "gatekeepers" of either political correctness or cultural appropriation. Down to a man the ones I've seen in CS and in other communities are typically insecure to the point of near-mania and with any number of mental issues. Gatorbite and VCR are like poster boys. 1 of 2
- The best way to deal with this sort of nonsense isn’t to argue with them which is ultimately narcissistic supply and a means for them to try and show how morally “superior” they are to their victim, it’s simply best to flat out block them if needed or ignore them. Might seem harsh but I have personal issue with the way they use issues of gender and culture to bully every community they touch and to intimidate younger people with threats of dubbing them “bad people” or public defamation. 2 of 2
(1)Citing “Windigo Psychosis: the anatomy of an emic-etic confusion” an academic journal by a group of anthropologists: “When the windigo phenomenon is considered from the point of view of group sociodynamics rather than from that of individual psychodynamics, the crucial question is not what causes a person to become a cannibalistic maniac, but under what circumstances a Northern Algonkian is likely to be accused of having become a cannibalistic maniac(2)and thus run the risk of being executed as such. It is argued that those so executed were victims of triage homicide or witch hunts, events common in societies under stress.” Hell just that alone should be enough. Algonkians and other natives were straight up murdered over a mythological creature that was used against them. No one besides Algonkians are in any placeto make a CS/adopt design based on something with such a dark historical context.(3)Looking beyond Wikipedia could have easily told you this. Also, no anon, you fucking idiot, the wendigo was a thing before the term “wendigo psychosis” even existed as a culture-bound syndrome. AND IF YOU PUT TWO AND TWO TOGETHER… usually “culture-bound” syndromes are inherently racist and untrue.
Didn’t vcr-wolfe get called out for something too tho like if you’re gonna be the 1# sjw for everything wouldn’t it be ironic to get a call out for a shitty thing you’ve done
OH MY GOD. that post is LITERALLY a whole fucking year ago. once again vendetta anons pull shit from their ass. that character isnt even a freaking adopt, and vcr doesnt even have a species and has hardly sold maybe 3 adopts in the last 6 months? maybe if yall weren’t reaching so far into the past for some petty bs we could stay on topic for once lmao
Wait is there any proof of them being white?? I’ve I beleive I saw vcr wolfe say they’re native or smth before. But the thunderbird thing is so stupid lmao in the Wild West tm a lot of towns only had like white people because natives were driven out. I mean depending on the characters setting. Plus there’s majority of white people. Thunderbirds aren’t like a wendigo, you can say it’s name and talk about it and it wouldn’t attack just you so I don’t see a problem lmao
I think the issue here is you’re going to have people from a culture saying something is offensive, but someone else from the same culture saying that it’s not offensive and they’re glad you’re taking interest in their culture in the first place. See: Every East Asian mythology based CS out there, basically. Literally there is no right or wrong across the board, nobody “wins”, and that’s just how life is. Grey morality exists, just let people make content they enjoy ffs.
I think the issue here is you’re going to have people from a culture saying something is offensive, but someone else from the same culture saying that it’s not offensive and they’re glad you’re taking interest in their culture in the first place. See: Every East Asian mythology based CS out there, basically. Literally there is no right or wrong across the board, nobody “wins”, and that’s just how life is. Grey morality exists, just let people make content they enjoy ffs.
People act like VCR-WOLFE’s word is law or something. I can see being passionate about causes and all but they take the cake for extremism. People should be allowed to make a character any race to fit their preferences or just their likes, of course within being respectful. I think VCR gets some kind of high and mighty buzz by going after people, especially us evil whites.
multiple poc: hey this is offensive. yall: uhm idk that sounds fake :/. one poc: yeah it’s fake. yall, digging your claws in: YOU SEE? WE WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG! THIS ONE POC HAS VALIDATED OUR RACISM FOREVER! *pterodactyl screech*
Is vcr wolfe a serious account or is it just some random asshole that enjoys stirring up people by being the dictionary image for the social justice warrior stereotype that literally everyone hates. I have seen them be a little weiner before (cue them accusing me of misgendering them), I would take nothing they say seriously because honestly they are a joke.
Why does this Wendigo shit still come up? This is the same as the sombrero Mario crap that blew up on twitter. Quit speaking for other cultures that you don’t belong to. Native American people have expressed both support and distain for the issue. A wendigo is a monster, why is making a monster be a monster suddenly such a taboo? You can white knight the subject to death, you aren’t in the wrong but you’re certainly not in the right either. If you don’t support it then don’t.
context: the wendigo was used as a slur and label for natives/Algonquins who were mentally ill (aka called them canibals; hence “wendigo psychosis”) and was used to justify their genocide so making an adopt out of such a theme isn’t taken lightly as this has a historic context you can’t erase (source: I live in the algonquin northeast) (½)mythical creatures such as vampires and werewolves come from a ton of different cultures and generally they’ve been reinterpreted so often that it doesn’t retain its origin context. here’s another point- the Algonquin people still exist. despite the mythical creature being used against them they are more than in the right to use it how they see fit. it’s sorta like how the lgbt community took back the word “queer” while a straight person should definitely not call a gay person “a queer” (2/2)
Btw the wendigo isn’t a legend ! It’s a tale told up north and is taken very seriously. The reason people don’t want you to use it is because saying the name is suppose to make you a victim ( aa I forgot I’m sorry ) BUT I still beleive if you do your research u should be okay like just don’t make it a xD murderer monster cannibal
The thing with a wendigo character is not everyone is going to see/research the full story of them, because they’ve been big in media for awhile now. Until Dawn, Supernatural, even My Little Pony. And tbh, it’s something that while drifting away from the original intent, does bring traditional stories to the homes of others, who otherwise would never know the term, or know of the monsters. Mass media is keeping our culture alive, even as we kill it ourselves by not letting others near it.
this just in: vcr-wolfe solely dictates what can and cannot be used from cultures in character designs
VCR is mixed actually lol
VCR-wolfe is actually half mexican. So maybe don’t be fucking racist?
Can we stop the “ insulting = I’m right” thing it’s so stupid. If someone’s discussing something or DOESNT KNOW you don’t have to insult them. You look like a jerk js ( this is towards the anon in the wendigo post about wendigo-psychosis). The person was just basically saying ‘fun fact’ no need to call them a fucking idiot jeez
Mixed with what? I’ve seen this argument on another drama site. If they are mixed, they are white enough to pass as entirely white. Even then your word isn’t some divine rule on what is right & wrong. VCR constantly leans on the “I’m mentally ill” schtick, maybe they should focus on themselves for a bit & quit badgering people that want to enjoy another culture. Geez would bringing back segregation make you fuckers happy, let start DNA testing before you can draw or create a non white character.
The anon about wendigo pychosis got their panties in a twist lmao. If we can’t use anything with “” dark historical context" or “ only ____ are allowed to use this” then we all might as well sick to our own religions and make nothing but what we’re born into/practice. So if you’re native and you make a nun rabbit prepare for a ass chewing ! :( keep whining about everything you just sound like a broken record lmao you “” fucking idiot “”
Wait so if vcr-Wolfe isn’t native what say do they got in it then??? If they’re Mexican/white ??? Why don’t they step down and let real native/mixed natives speak for themselves and not have someone gatekeeping their beliefs Jesus lord I LOVE when none natives try to speak for my culture
Multi poc people: this is bad y'all: SEE ITS EVIL Multi poc: its alright do your research tho Y'all: WTF THATS BAD WHAT ABOUT OUR TOKEN FRRIENDS SAYING ITS OKAY AAAA Get your head out your ass dude there’s two sides to the shit just because people back your opinion doesn’t mean you can use your poc friends as a way to wave it around. You’re being just as bad to diss other peoples opinions FROM THE SAME GROUP lmao
i’m ndn, and personally my opinion on the entire thing is, don’t make wendigo characters for profit in general, especially if you’re not ndn. i don’t even like seeing my brothers, sisters, and two-spirited brethren do it. it’s one thing to make one for personal use, and as long as you’re not making them uwu edgy wendigo doggo that eats people uwu then.. honestly? who cares. but stop making wendigos when you know nothing about the culture, or that many tribes have different lore on it.
also the entire thing of wendigo psychosis being a thing: false. that was a term made up waaaaay after the fact. the thing is, there are multiple tribes that believe in wendigo, many have different names for it, and there’s even variations born differently like wechuge. but the fact of the matter is that most people don’t even read in or pay attention beyond the edgy cannibal shit to know that a wendigo is pretty much a skeleton made out of ice in most tribal cultures LMAO not a fucking dog
the entire purpose of people saying ‘hey if you don’t understand it, don’t make it’ is so that you don’t make a mockery of our legends, lore, culture, and history. not so you can’t have fun. it’s like me making a black character and making them stereotypical and completely shitting on it, and then doubling back with the ‘oh i made a black character so i understand black struggles’ shit like. it’s not cute when you do it to any race or culture so stop.
Why is it a crime to make Wendigo characters but when some family lines (before me, I don’t care) wouldn’t approve of the use of nordic mythos no one bats an eye at adopts that play off them, or for that matter, movies and shows that paint them in completely inaccurate ways. You can’t close the mythos of one culture & make it untouchable while saying some are fine to take from, that isn’t how it works. 
VCR is mixed Mexican Navajo and saying a mixed person is basically white is just fucking ugly and racist as shit, holy shit
Nordic myth is white myth and white people are not in any danger of having their culture stamped out and then reinterpreted by their oppressors while they are punished for trying to access it, unlike, you know, Native American myth. Reverse racism isn’t real
‘nordic myth is white myth and–’ it’s still someone’s religion, so yeah actually it still stands, either all religions are sacred inherently and are off limits or none are and you can’t bitch and whine and moan and throw a social justice tantrum into that being untrue, people making shitty wendigo ocs isn’t stamping anyone’s religion out any more than marvel making a shitty version of loki is, they’re equally stupid but harmless 
Except there is a huge fucking difference between open and closed religions? Nordic pagan worship is an open religion. Native folk religions are closed religions. Christianity is an open religion. The Amish are, by and large, a closed sect. Sincerely, an nordic heathen who knows full well what people can take from my belief system
“Werehyenas can’t be made into species and characters because they appropriate African culture uwu~” The hyena and werehyena have a very similar negative connotation in African folklore by you don’t see them getting so butt hurt over them being used. I get so sick and tired of people saying you can’t base a CS or Character off of a fictional monster. I guess I should toss out my Church Grim OC because that’s an insult to English and Scandinavian Folklore as it guards a place considered sacred
literally no one is saying dont ever do it theyre saying be respectful, follow the originating culture’s traditions, and dont slap a native myth on a white character because its disrespectful to the culture you supposedly like so much youre pulling from them. entitled much?
"my friend finds this thing offensive! your friend doesn't find this offensive? stop tokenising your friends, also YOUR friends are WRONG!" so native voices only count when they agree with you? maybe accept that an individual can't speak for an entire group, and that people from within the same culture can have very different ideas about what cultural appropriation even is.
Everyone yelling about wendigos when they're ignoring the fact Sincommonstitches literally made a design based off the imperial rising sun (you know- rape of Nanking?? Children and women slaughtered?) and day of the dead (mexican holiday already shit on for $$$) guardians, sold them for profit, and then bitched in a journal when they got called out how they shouldn't have to deal with this and they need their fiance to handle their pr now lmfao
Keeping all this in one post, anything new sent in will be added to this post. While it is on topic, it is far from species related. 
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