lena-in-a-red-dress · 4 months
Medieval Supercorp AU
EDIT: it's this gifset
Continuing from this gif inspiration by @weinzapfel, have this full angstified story overview:
This makes me think Lena and Kara are both noblewomen of a kingdom at peace. They grow up together at court, sharing tutors and charming the king with their adorable antics while they're young enough to be adorable.
And then as they grow older, everyone continues to assume that they're the best of friends, which they are, but little do their parents know that their afternoon rides through the forest take them to a hidden copse of trees where they cuddle gently in dappled sunlight.
Their eventual marriages of politic are a distant future, leaving them with a present that is just the two of them, happy and in love.
Trouble comes, as all trouble must, when the King dies with neither an heir nor a ratified succession plan. The two greatest families in the realm, the Luthors and the Els, each claim a right to the throne, sparking a year of discord and unrest at court. At first, their youth and their stations as younger children of each family leave them out of the fray, but when forces storm the castle one night, all that changes.
Lena and Kara are sequestered together when the assault begins. No one tells them whose family is storming the Citadel, and so they wait in wary apprehension to see which crest comes bursting through the door.
It's the el mayarah.
For a brief moment, Kara is relieved, because she knows her family's forces won't harm Lena. Not if Kara speaks for her. But these soldiers don't heed Kara's protests as they rip Lena from her arms and drag her from the room. Kara struggles to follow, but the soldiers shove her back and lock her in.
By the time she is finally released, she demands to see Lena, decrying her friend's treatment and the brutish actions of her house in taking the stronghold. To her shock, her family knows nothing of Lena's whereabouts. They had stormed the castle, yes, but they hadn't entered the living quarters until that morning.
At first they believe Kara mistaken, but the staff confirm they witnessed the same. A search of the castle is ordered, but no trace of Lena remains to be found. She has disappeared, and with no Lena to present as proof of her survival, the Luthor family not only refuse to acknowledge the Els as the rightful rulers, they swear vengeance for the murder of their beloved daughter, cruelly mistreated and killed by the rebels.
Years pass, and the realm falls into further turmoil. The Els maintain their hold on the citadel, but the Luthors have established their own capital city safe on the far side of the northern mountains. Lex Luthor and Kal El have destroyed each other in the conflict-- Lex on the battlefield, and Kal at the hands of a Luthor assassin in retribution.
Kara is now the surviving heir, though her family elders rule in her stead as she gets a crash course in regency. It’s hard for her to embrace her duties however, as doubt eats away at the back of her mind as to what happened to her best friend. With no answers, she wonders if her family did in fact had something to do with her disappearance and presumed death. She has nightmares, none of which she clearly remembers but leaves her with a deep unease she can’t shake. For years, she struggles to rise above and be what her family needs, but can’t fully engage in her role with half her soul missing.
Then one day Kara’s having a rare moment of escapism, participating in a hunt with some of her closest friends. During a break, one of the scouts comes thundering in through the brush. Kara’s tease about scaring off the game dies on her lips when she sees the page’s frantic gaze and desperate puffing breath.
“Your Majesty-- we’ve found something.”
Something is a pit set into the ground, deep enough that the sunlight filtering in through the canopy can’t find the bottom. Their torchlight can, and Kara’s blood chills at the sight of iron shackles dangling on long chains from a bolt in the wall. 
“What is this place?” she asks, half to herself. Her mind races, piecing the puzzle together. If this was a prison, then there must have been traffic to and from. Her eyes scan the forest floor around the mouth of the pit, and feels her heart seize when the light of her torch glints against something metal half-hidden among the detritus. “Nobody move.”
Her party all freezes, and Kara reaches down and lifts the golden chain of a familiar necklace from the dirt. From it dangles the crest of the House of Luthor, adorned with a long tear drop pearl.
“Is that...”
“Clear out. Retrace your own footsteps. If there’s tracks, we need to find them.”
There are no tracks. Lena’s pendant is tarnished with time and the elements. If Lena had been there, it had been months ago, if not years. For the first time wielding the powers vested in her as the royal heir, Kara launches another wide scale search, the largest since Lena’s initial abduction. 
This time, they find her.
Deep in a vassal’s dungeon, royal guards find Lena chained in the dark, pale and gaunt from years of imprisonment. The vassal lord is arrested and held for questioning, while Lena is installed and seen to in proper rooms on the estate until she’s well enough to travel. Kara’s duties keep her from traveling to the vassal’s holdings herself, but the moment Lena arrives back in the capital she’s aching to visit, but heeds her mother’s warning to let Lena get comfortable first, so that she isn’t overwhelmed. She’s been sleeping most of her days regardless. So Kara gives her a day to settle in, but when evening falls, she can’t wait a moment longer.
She knocks softly on Lena’s door, and enters on shaking legs. Lena sits wrapped in a shawl near the windows, which have been left open to admit the cool evening breeze. It’s a long moment before Lena turns to regard her, and when she does, she rises only to dip into a deep curtsy.
“Your Majesty.”
“Lena--” Kara surges towards her, to lift Lena to equal footing, to embrace her, to hold her so tight she’d never let go... But Lena recoils from her touch, and Kara stops short. “I’m sorry, I-- I didn’t mean...”
But Lena can’t meet her gaze, and in her features Kara reads the distrust, the suspicion. And in that moment Kara knows that Lena believes that her family ordered her imprisonment. 
“We didn’t order it,” Kara says.
Lena nods, but says nothing, gaze still askance. Her discomfort is plain, and so Kara does the only thing she can. She turns to leave. 
“Word has been sent to your family. At this time of year, the mountains will be impassable, but I give you my word that you will be safe here until they are able to send an emissary to collect you.”
Just before she leaves, Lena finally speaks. “I still dream of you,” she whispers, trembling with tears. “Every time I reach for you, you disappear into the darkness. I don’t-- I don’t think I’ll survive if I reach for you again and you’re not there.”
Kara pauses, then returns to stand before Lena. Her head is bowed, tears glistening on her cheeks. Kara’s own throat locks around the sobs rising in her chest. 
“Then let me reach for you.”
She slowly, carefully, reaches up and cups Lena’s damp cheeks between her palms. The moment their skin touches, a sob pulls from Lena’s chest, and finally she reaches for Kara, clinging to her as the years of fear and helplessness releases in a flood of tears. Kara holds her all through the night, spilling no small amount of tears herself. 
When morning comes, the light shines on them both, together once more.
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wikiblair · 1 year
15 Questions, 5 Mutuals
Yeeey, I was tagged by @weinzapfeltalks :-). Thanks for thinking about me :-).
Are you named after anyone? No, I don´t think so
When was the last time I cried? Last week, in cinema watching Man called Otto.
Do you have kids? Nope and I never want to have them, thank you very much.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I do I guess.. My friend thought me how to be sarcastic little shit so.. I blame her :D.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? That´s difficult to say. When I can´t see their face I always notice hair (haircut, hair collor, etc). When I can see their face, I alwas watch for eyes.
What’s your eye color?  Classic dark brown
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. Scary movies are not my jam. I prefer action flics where things go boom :-).
Any special interests? Does collecting coins counts as special interest :)?
Where were you born? In our local hospital after 12 hours of labor as my mom hapilly reminds me every now and then :-).
What are your hobbies? Reading fanfics, reading books (although I didn´t read a book in three years so I don´t know it´s still count as a hobby), oggling blogs on tumblr (yes I don´t have any interesting hobbies, I am very boring person)
Have any pets? No I don´t. I am not mentally stable enough to take care for another living beeing.
What sports do you play/have you played? I used to play handball as a kid (which is kinda our family sport, almost every cousin I have played handball at some point of their lives) and florbal for our school team.
How tall are you? Weinzapfel complained that she is short.. I raise you with my 156 cm girl :-D.
Favorite subject in school? History
Dream job? I wanted to be a meteorologist as a kid :D. But ever since then, I grew up and find out every job has it´s cons, so no dream job for me.
Tagging: @saii79 @angry-velociraptor @simauita @captainmariskahartigay @supergeekgirl05
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15 Questions, 5 Mutuals
Tagged by @weinzapfeltalks !!
Are you named after anyone? jena malone actually lol. cuz of the movie Stepmom
When was the last time I cried? watching ted lasso
Do you have kids? nah
Do you use sarcasm a lot? in person, quite a bit. not as much online cuz sometimes it’s hard to tell with text
What’s the first thing you notice about people? probably initial vibes idk.
What’s your eye color? brown
Scary movies or happy endings? happy endings always!!
Any special interests? probably space stuff!
Where were you born? west coast
What are your hobbies? I love reading, but haven’t really gotten invested in a few months. I also love the outdoors so camping, hiking, etc.
Have any pets? my gf and I just adopted a kitty about a week ago! her name is Freya
What sports do you play/have you played? I’ve played soccer most of my life but haven’t since I started college. in college I played rugby tho! currently nothing but I’m thinking about joining a soccer team
How tall are you? 5’3
Favorite subject in school? math or PE ngl (sorry to everyone but I was that kid running the fastest mile for fun)
Dream job? not so much a specific job. I just want a job that will support the lifestyle I want. actual dream job is to not work for my whole life skdjsksh
Tagging: @beefcake-penguin , @fazedlight , @makomaki5 , @venn364 , @weighedchutoy
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bac-connex · 1 month
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On day three, we had virtual meetings with fellow interns in the DCAMM. They shared their experience and discussed the different between private and public work cultures. The best opportunity of the day was the Lynn District Court design project meeting. This meeting includes project designer from Leers Weinzapfel Associates, engineers, contractors, project managers, the director of courts and professionals form various sectors. The discussion centered on the client's needs, with a strong emphasis on creating a safe environment a key priority in the design. They reviewed every detail, including cross-circulations for shared paths of travel for staff, detainees, and the public, as well as materials and operational issues.
I learned that a successful designer must not only focus on creativity but also deeply understand and prioritize of the project and the client's needs and want to ensure a successful project.
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big-als-talk-time · 1 year
Windthorst, Texas. Population around 300.
The west side of town features a big tower with a cow mural. It said something about black and white but I was driving.
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In the city center there is a grocery store called Weinzapfel and a cow with a message. These are both pokestops. Windthorst is a german immigrant town, and probably once hosted the dead language of Texan German. There are apparently sausage festivals which are held in the activity center.
The current owners of the grocery store are Indian. They went to Texas A&M university. I picked up a couple of postcards. I think they are printed off in a home sized machine.
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The predominant religion of the town appears to be catholic.
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Here is a shrine to Mother Mary, found near the single gym in the town.
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stennnn06 · 4 years
47, 61 and 112!
47. What are you scared of? the people closest to me getting sick and/or dying. i think that has been amped up due to everything this year, so i’ve been more anxious about it than normal
61. If you could turn one legal thing illegal, what would it be? not to get into a huge gun debate but since they’re not universally illegal: assault rifles. just...enough. i’m over all of it. 
112. What is your biggest motivation? i have a lot of self motivation, but i’m extra motivated to do better for my family...gotta take care of them!! 
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weinzapfel · 6 years
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Wives? Wives.
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nerdquisitor · 5 years
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@weinzapfel wanted to see my Supercorp sims, so I’m throwing a couple of screenshots here on my side blog! (...turns out that the rest I had were not for polite company)
I have two different Supercorp save files, one where they live in a penthouse in the city, and one where they live in the suburbs and Lena is a vampire. 
So here vampire Lena’s sipping on blood like it’s a Capri Sun (a screenshot that inspired @sango-blep to draw vampire Lena....doing exactly this).
The second screenshot is from the penthouse save and I like to think it’s the moment when Lena discovers just how smart Kara really is. (Also, a moment after this shot, Kara randomly whipped out spoiled hotdogs from nowhere and grossed Lena out)
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supergayderek · 6 years
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@weinzapfel I love your edits so much, I had to use it as my Apple Watch face I just love it so much and every time I look at my watch I’m like “airfnwkfnskcns” and dead. So thank you for editing!’ Love it! Please continue.
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Love these edits!! Not sure who did the first but last two are weinzapfel on Tumblr. #weinzapfel #supercorp #supergirl #katiemcgrath #melissabenoist #lenaluthor #karazorel https://www.instagram.com/p/BqIjR_SgaWy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=db40wci7w0y7
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wikiblair · 5 years
I was tagged by @weinzapfeltalks ;). Thank you girl :)
Inspired by the favorite movie ask game! Attach 10 GIFs from 10 of your favorite TV shows without naming them, and then tag 10 people.
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There is no particular order. Just how they come to my mind :-). And I think there wouldn´t be a problem to idetify the shows right :D?
I am tagging: @ patheticlilkiddo, @ browniesthoughts,  @avarice-rising, @findoutwhatilove, @supergeekgirl05, @ loveyourbeautifulmind, @ vpwncleskru, @ladyred797, @ just-fan-of-everything, @go-sullivan
and I am really curious how many of you will respond ;). Have fun guys ;).
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marklakshmanan · 4 years
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Election season is on! @boonecountydems #weinzapfel #bidenharris2020 #christinahale #laurenhernandez https://www.instagram.com/p/CFm0aAZFJ9n/?igshid=hlgiu5dftagl
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lordsantiagoaz replied to your post “I already woke up in a bad mood, but this thing about Andrew Kreisberg...”
With Weinsten hanging over Hollywood, they can't just do nothing. I hope they do fire Kreisberg...perhaps the misogyny will go with him from Supergirl too
weinzapfel replied to your post
This is getting harder and harder. You like and admire people and then you find out they're all monsters. As painful as it is, I just hope this doesn't stop until every single one of these mfs get what they deserve.
replied to your post 
I can’t see how they could reinstate Kreisberg as showrunner for a series that’s supposed to be about female empowerment. It’s the CW so who knows. But the rampant sexist culture behind the scenes (that bled onto the screen too) - is, at the very least, terrible PR for the network. Even if they don’t care about the women and employees harmed, maybe they’ll care about that.
@lordsantiagoaz  @nerdyfancupcake
Unfortunately I think they will only do something if the CW truly believes this is big enough of a scandal that it will impact their earnings. If they think nobody will care, if they think they can keep Kreisberg on a “time out” until the dust settles down, they will and things will carry on exactly as they are. 
As it was done with other shows before, I think reaching out to CW sponsors, expressing our concern and making it clear we will not stand behind a network that condones this kind of behavior is the way to go. It’s just hard to feel like we have any kind of power on this...but we have to try and do something...
Exactly! I don’t care if the DCEU has to burn to ashes before it can be reborn, I don’t care if half of the shows I watch have to be cancelled, but the movie/TV industry cannot keep going the way it is.
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lenas-bitch · 7 years
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Hey guys so I got this amazing edit of Katie from @weinzapfel! I highly recommend y'all checking her out and following her because she makes really amazing Supercorp edits and she seems like a really cool person :)
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lifeimitatesdoodles · 3 years
Floral Mutation
Yesterday, Tracy Weinzapfel gave a free demo at Alice Hendon’s Tangle All Around Facebook group. I painted along, and got a little carried away with all those petals.. I think it looks a bit like it’s taken flight, with a propeller center spinning away. I kind of like it, lol! If you are interested, you can watch the demo on YouTube or take advantage of Alice’s group by joining, watching the…
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stennnn06 · 4 years
Happiest of the birthdays, you brilliant being!
thank you so much love !!!!! 
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