#weirdest overlap of media to date imo
cakebatteronabrickwall · 10 months
So, Caroline isn't a mom that cooks which is its own, whole point of discussion (hello summer of competative EDs) but, keeping with the rigid expectations of their respective genders, I would argue:
Logan was not a dad who drives.
And I shit you not, I got thinking about this after catching an old How I Met Your Mother episode on TV, where they go on this side tangent about feeling safe as a child when your father was driving at night. I get that feeling still (though it is with my other parent), so it might be relatable to quite a few other people as well.
BUT anytime Logan Roy is in a car he is
a) next to his children on the backseat, because they are "being driven" aka the safety is outsourced to someone doing it for money and
b) inspiring mostly terror: making Kendall come to the waiter's family with him and giving him that whole speech, confronting Roman about the punch that didn't happen without giving him a chance to leave the situation, dragging Shiv deeper into Waystar and away from herself (an image that is paralleled by Tom in the end)
Also, I'm trying to come up with times the Roys are in the literal drivers seat and the three that stand out are obviously Kendall's accident as the very opposite of safety and responsibility, Kendall asking for a motorcycle and being given one with a driver (lol), AND Roman picking up Kendall in Austerlitz which might actually be the only positive example, because it is motivated by wanting to help out despite it possibly fucking with a business call + it happens at night (which accidentally aligns perfectly with the himym thing)
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