#welcome to: kate works through her psych issues on main
casualnepotism · 5 years
It’s really interesting how characters you create take little pets of you with them cause like.. without intending to do it i imbued each of my dnd characters with one of my major personality quirks and like obvi they took it for their own spin every time but it’s a fun and slightly horrifying way to evaluate who you are as a person and therefore I’ve decided to do that right here in front of all you weirdos
Valvari got my devotion, the desire to take a person or small group under her wing and dedicate every aspect of her life to it. Anything they requested or silently needed is delivered to them without thought or hesitation. Anything they should ask her help with they receive answers for until she’s asked to stop. Anything related to something they like will be given to them until told otherwise. She doesn’t want anything in return except to be with the people she has chosen.
Ferka got my loneliness. Orphaned and widowed in a single blow, a refugee from her homeland, and suddenly surrounded by people she doesn’t know who gave her a nickname she didn’t want, she retreats into herself. She shows off, obviously, because she’s rightly proud of her accomplishments, but she doesn’t speak unless spoken too, doesn’t seek out the company of the group, and is constantly planning for a way of getting her life back on track.
Chad was the first one to get my love. Unspoken but about to be dropped on the first person to make him blush, he was full of love to give. And he gave and gave and gave to everyone without question. It killed him, in the end, but I don’t regret a second of it.
Jojo was the first to get my happiness. Equally as overflowing but outwardly apparent, she saw an opportunity for joy in every situation. She always looked for the silver lining. I’ve always wondered what that trait could have done for her and the party going forward, but we weren’t meant to find out.
Damaris got my fear of failure. Angry at the universe for her lack of magic, angry at herself for letting her friends die, angry at wolves for killing friends and allies, angry at a god for killing her parents, angry at the party for not understanding. She just wants to be enough to make a difference. She wants to apologize to her parents for not saying goodbye, she wants to save everyone she can, she wants to do magic, and mostly she just doesn’t want to fail.
Compassion got my pettiness. Barred from a university for something she couldn’t control and unable to go home, she’s just going to change the world. What’s so hard about that? Every act is calculated, every piece of information possible is gained, before making a decision. If she doesn’t start a new, better, university from which she can bar all those who judged her, what was even the point?
Aelia got my fear. Just generally. Hurt beyond belief and with no guidance she’s guessing at the future and withdrawing into herself any time something reminds her of the past. She’s lashes out and acts impulsively before realizing what she’s done and trying to clumsily apologize, but it’s never enough. Nothing will ever be enough.
Anastacia got my curiosity. Always learning, always growing, with nothing to stand in her way. The type of person who would get on a CIA watch list just to see if they could. It’s gotten her in trouble more times than she can count but that’s never gonna stop her. She would kill herself before she wouldn’t go after a learning opportunity, and she might be about to.
There’s through-lines, too. They’ve all got very strict, slightly fucked up, moral codes. The ones that didn’t got killed pretty early on. Almost all of them start as ranged characters who end up with more melee abilities than ranged ones. Only one made it through a campaign without multiclassing and now she’s immortal. Only one is straight and it’s less that than that she just fell in love with her husband and never fell out of love with him. They’re all either tied to a god or have some sort of patron— either way they all have strong opinions about religion.
There was really no point to this post I’m just constantly fascinated by what I learn about myself when I play dnd.
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