#well I guess that’s what Caspian is and I endlessly make fun of him for it
sainamoonshine · 11 months
It’s time for shitposting friday!
Male love interests of my novels (WIPS and published ones), ranked in order of “Oh babygirl, there is something wrong with you”
7. Heka “Deer Knight” (Married to the Evil Wizard King) : Actually doing pretty well? Is a construct created like two months ago, didn’t have time to pick up a lot of trauma yet. The most stable guy in the lineup, an absolute pillar of mental health and zen. 1/10
6. Caspian Sterlet (Space Academia) : LMAO. Lol. Messed up but in a “the author thinks this is funny” sort of way. 2/10 absolute white man failing up mediocrity and the best part is that he’s aware of it.
5. Adrien (Skin Deep) : You guys watched Leverage? He’s like Eliot Spencer level of fucked up, but like pretty stable on average. 4/10 traumatized but he’s acting normal about it.
4. Lie Ingelf (Crimson Vines) : oooooh baby. Now here’s some crunchy trauma, but compared to some others on this list he’s handling it fine. 5/10 He and Adrien are having a beer and absolutely not talking about it
3. Zeta Greenshank (Space Academia) : Oh babygirl there is something wrong with you! (Affectionate) (Compliment). Not in terms of trauma but in terms of he thinks he’s the main character of the x-files and he refuses to be normal about it. Daniel Jackson pre-SG1 core. Absolute chaos gremlin man 10/10 funniest dude at the party
2. Eltanin “Evil Wizard King” Darkmore (Married to the Evil Wizard King) : whoops fucked up backstory and 1000 years of self-imposed solitude to escape a curse go brrrr. Has feelings and doesn’t know what to do about it. 10/10 would bully again.
1. Archibald “Jim” Montgomery (Four Liars in space) : Absolute poor little meow meow, incredibly fucked up, trauma up the wazoo and he’s NOT dealing with it, was once described as “now there was a man that needed to be buckled into a harness and told what to do for an hour or so. He looked like he desperately yearned to escape the pressure of inhabiting his own brain.” 11/10 no notes
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