#well actually he'd be a viper from what i know but whatever
justcommander · 4 months
No no anons you don't get it!!!! How can we expect a baby to grow up into a decent person and not an evil cult leader if we want to kick it?? Let's pat him on the head instead! Give him bright funky rattlers! He will have to go through growing up and puberty again, that's enough suffering imo
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John is truly risking a panic attack every time he thinks about having to literally survive through that.
However, even if Gary got some venom to inject, I think John's body would develop a resistance to it during the years. He'd be the only existing human immune to a demon's venom.
(rebirth AU by @kittyissac)
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simpingcowboy · 1 year
Ranking Pedro Boys as to Whether I Could Beat Them in a Fight
Pt 2 of this nonsense, featuring all the rest of 'em
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0, no threat - 10, I live in fear of this man
Once again for all intents and purposes we're posing these as bar type fights in manual combat
Nico, 0
Stand type of spoiled rich boy. I don't imagine he's ever really fought someone before. He would likely think that I'm robbing him- and he would be mistaken. I'm not interested in taking money. I'm interested in taking his dignity. Though he'd leave quite shaken, it would be a good story for him to dramatically wax on about at whatever open house he goes to next.
Dio, 2
Probably the only Pedro boy I'd actually want to fight. A bratty teenaged boy that I will absolutely demolish. He's got spunk, but I've got hands. As a proud former (ehh well- still sometimes if the occasion calls) goth kid, I'd actually love to beat him up. Narcissism and misogyny are NOT punk! And that boy needs a good humbling that I can deliver. He'd be lucky to have half of his piercing still in him.
Marcus Moreno, 4
Picking a fight with Moreno would be interesting, but yield little results. Considering I'm not a national level threat, I don't think he'd even bother with me. It also wouldn't be a good look for the Heroics to be seen beating up a superpower-less civilian. Marcus would simply teach me a lesson by using his powers to helplessly pin me to a wall to hang there in my shame. Literally. He'd just leave me there and walk away laughing. It'd be utterly humiliating.
Omar Assarian, 6
I have admittedly never seen the entirety of Lights Out, but from what I know he's an overly cocky arrogant boxer. So unfortunately for me he does know how to fight. Unfortunately for him, I'm a dirty street fighter who has no problems playing unfairly. It'd be a fight worth seeing. There'd be trash talk, drama, sexual tension, and utter confusion on his behalf about my technique. It'd be close. Ultimately though, I think after a couple right hooks he'd have me.
Oberyn Martell, 8
The Red Viper gets knocked down a couple points as I think he's most accustomed to fighting with his spear and not his hands. Still- boy is lethal. He's agile, fast, intelligent, and has lots of stamina (don't get me started). It'd be hard to get my hands on him enough to do notable damage. Oberyn would wear me out until he felt he could safely get close without immediately getting hit then take me out. I'm unsure if he would kill me, but certainly leave me unfit to stand up for a couple minutes. Truth be told- the smack talk he'd deliver would be so entertaining it'd be worth getting beat up over.
Max Phillips, 9
Actually I probably wouldn't mind fighting Max either. Unfortunately for me though, this would be a fight I'd lose. The whole "vampiric super strength" thing he's got going on will most certainly grant him a certain victory. I'm not even sure I could defeat him unless I had a handy wooden stake on me, which I often do not. I would likely end up as a snack for him :(
Din Djarin, 12 since so many of you were so eager to watch him beat my ass
This wouldn't even be a fight. It'd be a slaughter. Even fully unarmed, Din is probably the most dangerous of all the Pedro boys. He's skilled in literally every type of fight. Not to mention his encasing of full beskar armor. His helmet would probably break my damn hand. Best case scenario here, I'm last 2 minutes TOPS and that's assuming I can somehow sneak up behind him to catch him off guard. But let's be real here... I'd probably be dead before I even threw my first punch <\3
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I have *so* many SVSSS ideas and so im gonna drop random snippets from all of them!
And it was with those practice sheets strewn across his table that he reluctantly welcomed his Zhangmen-shixiong into his bamboo house. The man had had his familiar kicked dog eyes in full force when he'd gone to check who was knocking at his door, and he had been weak to it. He hadn't shown it, of course. No, he'd looked the sect leader up and down with a critical eye before snapping his fan open. Covering the bottom half of his face to hide the put upon downturn of his lips, before he'd welcomed the man in, instructing him to sit down whilst he made tea. A more minor but no less helpful boon of the muscle memory of the original Shen Qingqiu was how to prepare tea the ancient Chinese way.  Taking his time searching through the sachets he landed on a particularly sweet tea that had the unusual properties of becoming unnaturally sour when exposed to turbulent atmospheric qi. Shen Qingqiu suspected the original had used it to help detect when he was entering into a qi deviation.
It was a testament to how well the sect leader hid his clingy muddle-mouthed side that people had thought Shen Qingqiu was acting irrational. Or spoilt for that matter. It was more like Shen Qingqiu was being bought with all these wonderfully expensive trinkets to either keep quiet about how much of a fool the sect leader was behind closed doors or about whatever had made the sect leader so foolish in the first place. Whatever it was must have been earth shattering for him to keep it up after the peak lord had lost most of his memories - maybe he feared that would be one thing Shen Qingqiu wouldn't forget, vindictive as his memories had seemed to make him. Or perhaps that had been one thing his shixiong had remembered, they were the only two in the room when the Qing Jing peak lord had arisen after his qi deviation after all.
The lack of overcoat left his Shizun in a modest ten layers, the lowest amount he'd ever heard her to be in; eleven was her lounging number. It felt obscene looking at her with barely double digit layers on. The fact there were boys here who could possibly see her in such a state of undress was disgusting, averting their gazes wasn't enough, Shen Qingqiu wanted their eyes removed from their skulls. “Shameless!” He snarled whirling on unsteady feet to stand between his master and the Qian Cao disciples (He had seen that Yue Qingyuan had buried his head in his knees like a viper-headed ostrich in the dirt before the robe had been fully off of the first shoulder), “Turn your heads before I make you!”
How did he know that wasn't the case? Because he had a letter inviting him to Qing Jing peak for what was essentially a xianxia engagement party. HIS BRO WAS GETTING MARRIED AND HIS ENGAGEMENT PARTY WAS HOW HE'D FOUND OUT HIS BRO HAD REALISED HE WASN'T STRAIGHT!? What bullshit was this!? Cucumber-dada how was this fair! To always complain that Shang Qinghua had left too many small details out of Proud Immortal Demon Way only to turn around and not share his sexuality revelations and relationship status with his fellow transmigrator!? Well... At least Shang Qinghua got a letter, from the look of utter devastation on Yue QIngyuan's face the sect leader hadn't even gotten that. So... Maybe turning around and demanding a meeting with the sect leader to interrogate him, as to why everyone had kept Shen Qingqiu's courtship a secret from him until he'd be putting An Ding through the ringer because of a double peak lord wedding hadn't been the best idea. However, cucumber-bro had actually  been making a good effort at being friends with their sect leader - so how was he supposed to know it wasn't just him out of the know? Qinghua was used to being ignored and not told things (in both lives), and though his cucumber-bro had done his best to always be honest with him; the fact his bro sometimes couldn't tell a boner from a knobbly knee hadn't inspired much confidence in being let in on his self discovery.
Feel free to ask me about any of them!! (aka pls pls pls ask me abt them!!)
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soaring-kite · 2 years
Hello, I hope you don’t mind but if your still doing prompts/ask’s but I love your KHR x DC fanfic so to cut to the chase, what would happen if the Bat Family meet the Arcobaleno?
stranger, I am never not open for asks and prompts.
So, long answer short: pandemonium.
Long answer long: it'd be like... an ex meeting a new s/o, I think (from what I know about relationships, ahah) because, for all that I think the Acrobaleno wasn't per say family, they were, for whatever short period, a team. They went through the same trauma together, they were brought together by the same Sky (even if unwillingly, maybe) and yeah. ok, so, there are two ways this could go in my opinion.
Canon!Acrobaleno are transported briefly for whatever reason into the DCU.
The Acrobaleno were reincarnated alongside Fon.
In the case of the first, then they actually wouldn't mind too much??? I think??? They've got their Fon and the DCU have got theirs. Like, yeah, they may not understand how and Verde might have a conniption, but that's it. Wait. And they're also very confused about the whole 'heroes vs. villains' thing because where do you draw the line? What is a hero? What is a villain?
In the case of the second, however...
Orange (we'll go with Luce, because she's... idk, the OG I guess): Her opinion won't really matter much to Fon, because she's the one who hurt him in his past life. As for her opinion, well, she understands. She accepts is and wishes him well. Fon will give her a tight, sad smile and then turn away as the Bats either look between them in curiosity, distrust or anger, depending on if he's told them about Luce.
Yellow: Reborn would act as if he doesn't care. He'll be a bit split, though, in reality. That easy camaraderie and laughter—that's what he wanted from the Acrobaleno, once upon a time even if he'd refuse to admit it. (That's what he wanted with Fon, before the Curse, once upon a time). Even if he comes off as a suave Italian, he's really an idiot. He'd sneer and lash out and the Bats wouldn't really take it well.
Green: Honestly? Verde wouldn't care that much. However, he would be eager to ask questions as to how, why, and when to a lot of things. Some of them sensitive. This will, obviously, rub the Bats the wrong way (ignoring some of their hypocrisy at times). Most of all, I think, he would be confused. The underworld offered so much, gave so much, gave respect and dignity and they wouldn't make you go to school, Fon. So why?
Blue: Colonello and Lal... would be wistful, I think. They were, once, before mafia, military. Sure, not... completely sane military, but military. They'd understand Fon's decision but, if it came down to it, they're not too sure they would make the same decisions as he did. They never were as nice as him, as forgiving as him, as moral as him. (That's what they admire about him, actually. Even after all he faced, he's so very inherently kind). The Bats like them second best and give them the same respect they'd give veterans.
Indigo: Viper... is Viper. Much like Verde, they want to know the how's and why's and when's. Again, this rubs the Bats in the wrong way. They don't like how Viper chases after money. It just feels wrong to them. They especially don't like it when Viper sneers at them and tells them that everything has a price. They almost chase Viper out for that.
Violet: Skull. God, Dick loves Skull, no joke. I've already done one for Skull in the past. The rest of the Bats are a bit more wary, but Skull is undoubtedly the favourite. Skull, meanwhile, is delighted to be the favourite for once and jumps into the mess with fervour.
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non-operator · 2 years
I feel like Sova's dislike of Cypher reveals something interesting about his character, though I haven't figured out what exactly the angle is.
Overall, Sova (and the other VP agents) keeps Omega agents distinct from his actual teammates.
When referring to Omega, he usually goes with "their [agent name]"; ie "Their Breach has no patience at all..." or "Their Jett is fast!..."
He seems to blur the line when it comes to three agents: Brimstone, Breach, and Cypher.
Out of these three, Breach is the least notable. Sova's only lapse in distinction only comes when he kills Omega Breach and calls him "Thug". Otherwise, his voice line regarding Omega Breach remains fairly analytical--he points out a weakness and warns his team to watch out.
With Brimstone, both Sova's interactions are somewhat sentimental: "Captain killed" and "Be at peace, my friend". I doubt Sova's actually friends with Omega Brimstone, so this feels more of a projection onto Omega Brimstone. This feels reasonable as it seems Sova is close with Brimstone.
With Cypher, it just feels like there's a lot of strong emotions there. Even compared to how Sova talks about other Omega agents, his voice lines regarding Omega Cypher are actually pretty harsh? Or petty? Only one of his lines is dedicated towards being tactical and helpful, the others just reflect Sova's personal feelings (being fed up with secrets etc). For Sova to project so heavily onto Cypher, it feels like there's more to the rivalry than simple annoyance.
The only interpretations I have is either:
The devs already stated that their work ethics clash, with Sova valuing honesty and transparency and Cypher being shifty as hell. It could be that Sova does place a fair amount of effort and value into forging mutual trust, and takes Cypher's continued lack of honesty very personally.
We know that Sova isn't always antagonistic towards Cypher, in his commend line. So it seems that Sova might be willing to extend good will to Cypher.
Sova genuinely distrusts Cypher's goals/believes Cypher's objective ultimately does not align with the Protocol's. Considering he doesn't have as strong a reaction with working with Reyna or Breach, it seems strange that he'd be so adamant about staying suspicious of Cypher. This seems to imply that he, at the very least, trusts Reyna and Breach to work with VP to save Earth/not betray VP while dealing with the Omega threat--but he does not share the same assurance with Cypher. Does he know something about Cypher we don't to hold such strong sentiments?
I don't think he's the type to purposefully try and dig into someone's trauma--like dead family and such. I think he knows enough nuance to understand that's not something you share with anyone. I do think Sova is looking for something with more ramifications than that.
(Though, whether he knows he's looking for trauma or not is debatable. Perhaps he's thinking Cypher's hiding a deep dark secret about a past business deal or whatever and it turns out it's all just dead loved ones hiding in the closet. If that happens, I don't think Sova can make a friendship from that, much less recover a relationship as coworkers... invasion of privacy and for what? to re-traumatize a man and make him go through a second maybe third mid-life crisis?)
(somewhat related to the above speculation) This might take a while to build up, so bear with me.
Sova is the 6th the join the Protocol; he's joined fairly early. Considering how it was only him and Cypher who did investigative work before Fade, it seems likely that he would have been involved in checking the backgrounds of new agents--or at least, would be privy to the (whole or partial) results of Cypher's investigation of them. In any case, he would know enough about their history and motives for joining VP.
Similarly, it seems he's familiar enough with Viper's background and motives--he knows she wants revenge and that she used to be a scientist; he knows her tragic backstory well enough to hold sympathy for her. Whether he knows the details or not is unimportant; he knows enough to form an opinion.
Omen doesn't know his past, so there's nothing to dig up.
Sova seems close to Brimstone, and it seems he actively asks Brimstone to share more of his past--and Brimstone willingly does so.
However, Cypher is the only one who he has nothing on (presumably, we don't actually know if Sova's hunt for secrets actually yielded anything).
It could be that Sova doesn't actually extend trust to someone until he knows enough about them. Which I find kind of surprising, seeing how open and optimistic people write him and how friendly his voice lines are to his allies; you would think that he'd be all accepting, but this might actually establish him as a person who is a lot more strict in his conduct. He doesn't give chances until his conditions of honesty and transparency are met.
(on a somewhat related but also off-topic note, considering how Sova's went through multiple rifts--not just one, but rifts plural like who does that.... even if all of them led to omega earth and not some dangerous other dimension, omega earth is supposedly devastated by climate crisis and is uninhabitable in some areas to the point that its people have to live in geo-domes--and how excited he sounds when he says "come, into the unknown", maybe he's just a really nosy person and he can't help himself trying to tear open the pile of secrets wrapped in a trench coat that is Cypher. Cypher's just like, a special interest pet project to him)
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