#well i say that but that assumes i don't accidentally nap or my daughter just gets into shenanigans. LET'S JUST SAY I PLAN ON IT.
elvisabutler · 2 years
those headcanons KILLED ME!!!! pleaseeee i need the happy ones 😭
oh anon, i have way more where that came from lol.​ but you asked for happy and i have happy in the spirit of trying to make us all a little more happy on this sad day. the best tw I can give here is faint sexual undertones (very faint, it's like oh kissing) and mention of babies and the normal stuff to go with my pa! reader also a brief mention of a tattoo. trust me when i tell you though i could have gone on forever with this. i have a Lot of headcanons. some fluff, some angst and some NSFW.
So in the future when you've both gotten your act together and you're married and it's common knowledge despite y’all wanting to be private about to the point where your rings eventually just become each other initials on each other’s ring fingers. You have two kids. A third maybe on the way, maybe planned.
You had told Austin once upon a time that he was gonna be the daddy to give you everything. A house, the TV shows, the movies, the awards to give you an EGOT and the four kids and they’ll look so pretty daddy.
But you’ve got children, you’re married, you’re happy and EW or some magazine wants you to recreate the family photos Elvis and Priscilla once took with Lisa.
Austin immediately says no, you two had enough problems with photoshoots while on the press tour for Elvis and after the amount of therapy you two have gone through to make sure your relationship and your marriage is as solid as can be- he refuses to put either one of you in a state where you can backslide. Not to mention it would put your kids on display which y'all had specifically tried to avoid. 
You convince him that it’s a fine idea and that if his Lil Dove says its okay, it’s okay. 
The pre-sales of the magazine sell out before the day is out when they’re released.
But you know that's way in the future. Before then you two get to know each other during your quarantines. He finds you hate cooking breakfast while dinner and lunch are your specialties. He agrees that you know what, he'll make breakfast when you two don't decide that being lazy and eating a bowl of cereal in bed is a better option and take away that most horrible of meals from you. 
You both memorize each other's coffee orders surprisingly quickly. During the filming of Elvis you make fun of how Austin says oatmilk. Eventually he starts saying it the way he used to. In the future he says it when you're stressed out just to make you laugh. 
You buy each other jewelry all the time. His is because he's your dom, your daddy and he's got to spoil his little dove (and even if he wasn't he wants to give his partner the world). You do it because you like seeing him in the rings and the random tiny necklaces. "Daddy have you seen your neck? It's a crime not to put something on it."
The two of you adopt two dogs and a cat at some point. 
The cat is named Elvis and likes literally no one but you and your kids. Hates Austin which leads to him attempting to bribe him with fish and chicken.
The cat tries to eat Austin's hair multiple times while y'all sleep. 
The cat hates Austin because he can sense that he is an absolute puppy of a man and is thus useless to him. Best to be besties with who really calls the shots, i.e. you. 
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So this scene? That's you and Austin. Most if not all scenes had an element of the two of you but they also had the two of you as Elvis and Priscilla. But this scene is after Austin had been playing a bit too much with slapping your ass and Baz gave you the simple direction of be in love. Knowing fully well at this point that everyone on set knows you two are in love.
"Be in love. Easiest direction he's given, right Lil Dove?" You have to stop yourself from calling him daddy. "Aus, you're gonna ruin the make up." Not a hint of Priscilla's voice, it's all you trying not to giggle and ruin the take. "Too late, I see a smudge. Better make it worth it." And now you're giggling as you feel his lips nipping at your ear and him just chuckling. "My best girl. My only girl. Gonna make you my wife one of these days. My mama sent you to me. You’re so perfect." It's before everything goes wrong in your mind so all you can think and say when Baz calls cut after the light is off is simply: "You're forever."
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iateyourdoggo-part2 · 3 years
chapter 6: play date at Kinako's house
so yes, it will be a play date at Kinako's house but not just for Kinako, but for everyone. E v e r y o n e. So enjoy this next chapter while your here! (your basically here for the story anyways why did i say that???)
tw: swearing (1 word), emojis, @buse, yelling, kids/siblings
Kinako just picked up everyone from school (so im now changing the days of school to australian version bc its easier) since it was the last day. The schools weren't far walks from each other. Everyone arrived at home and everyone asked if they could have their friends over tomorrow. Since it was the holidays, Kinako said yes and Kai was going to have a playdate tomorrow as well. Kinako also thought it would be fun to bring Saika, Aori and Jien, too.
The first day of the holidays came and Kinako woke to the sound of a doorbell. She got out of bed and went to the front door. There were 10 people, not including an adult, that were waiting outside.
"Uhhh... What's going on?" Kinako asked.
"Everyone says their here for a playdate." Saika chuckled.
"I'll just leave Wakaba here for you guys." said a woman. It was the mother of Kai's friend.
"Okay. Bye Miss. Chou!" Kinako waved goodbye at Wakaba's mother and picked him up. "Well uh... come inside? I guess?"
Everyone walked in and all of Kinako's siblings came out to meet their friend. Kinako picked up Kai as well and took them both to Kai's room which was also his play room. It was now only Kinako, Saika, Aori and Jien in the living room. They had no idea what to do so they went to Kinako's room. The only room that had no noise was Reiya's because she was practicing her bass guitar in her room with her friend. The other kids were just playing games or talking about things they shared.
The older teens played some truth or dare. They didn't play any other games like spin the bottle because, duh, they all were taken by someone in the circle.
"Aori my beloved, truth or dare?" Jien asked.
"Dare. Haha good luck finding a good dare."
"I dare you to let me go through your phone pictures."
Aori handed his boyfriend his phone and Jien went through every picture in every file until he stopped at the last file. It read 'My Beloved' Jien looked at Aori and smirked. He clicked on the file and saw a bunch of saved photos and taken pictures of Jien. There were pictures of Jien shirtless, doing a cute face, him with Aori or Jien with cute filters. Jien chuckled about it and Aori blushed then snatched his phone back. Jien giggled and saw the 2 girls taking pictures.
After a couple of rounds of truth or dare, they all went to the kitchen to make some food. Aori and Jien served the food and Saika and Kinako went to get the kids. Kinako knocked lightly on the twins' door and opened it to see them both hugging their 'friends' arm.
"I-" Kinako was shocked but also confused. "Okay. 1. Come eat food. 2. Is she really your friend or above that? And 3. Why are both of you hugging her?"
"T-this is just a close friend! That's all... hehe." Ichisaki whispered tugging at their friend's shirt.
"And Tsukikage is a boy. He looks like a girl and..." Kisaki continued, he paused for a bit and did some quick little emoji drawings in a notebook.
(angry, mom, hit, grabbed by force, scared, son, no, daughter, yes, mother, says, girl outfit, thinks/wants, boy, turn into, girl)
They all used emoji drawings to communicate when they had a secret or something. Kinako knew that the twins' friend Tsukikage was forced to become a girl by his mother.
"They have known me for a while and both like to hug me and stay close to me, that's all!" Tsukikage chuckled.
"I'm sorry, by the way for assuming you were a girl." Kinako apologized in humiliation.
"Hehe it's fine!"
"Well come eat because we're all waiting for you. And you 2, I will speak to later.", she pointed 2 fingers at her eyes and turned them to the twins' eyes as a warning, but not so much as a warning.
The whole table was crowded. There were 15 people. 2 toddlers, 2 pre-teens, 5 who just turned teens, 2 teens, and 4 young adults. The kids ate at the table and the older teens ate in the lounge room. There was so much dishes to wash.
"Why didn't you tell me about your relationship with Tsukikage? Are you guys dating him or-?" Kinako asked as she warned before.
"Well not exactly dating." , Ichisaki corrected, "We're just... friends."
"Hehe... Not exactly dating? What does that mean?" Tsukikage came out of the boys' room with a smile on his face.
Tsukikage was pretty popular at his school with the boys. He specifically chose to become friends with the twins for a reason. He may be a tall kid that looks 16 who are friends with 2 short twins who look 8 but they all get along so well they all practically know each other fully.
"Nothing!" Both twins spoke fast at the same time and turned their heads blushing.
'Soooooo... they're bisexual? I guess? Best not to think because I accidentally assumed a gender...' Kinako thought. She assumed they were bisexual because they were talking about a girl they met who was pretty a couple weeks ago when school started.
"Just next time tell me that you guys have a crush, doesn't matter what, gender or no gender." Kinako said calmly.
Both of the boys started to yell at her for saying that Tsukikage was their crush. She just walked back to her room and sat with her beloved Saika on her bed.
"What happened?" Saika asked because of the yelling outside.
"Just sorted out a few things with the twins. Kai and Wakaba should be going to bed now. You wanna help?"
Saika nodded and went with Kinako to a room where Kai and Wakaba played and looking a bit tired. The 2 girls put both toddlers to bed reading stories narrated by Kinako and lullabies sung by Saika. Kinako was also caught up in Saika's beautiful singing that even he fell asleep.
Thankfully, Kinako was very light. So Saika carried Kinako to her room and placed her on her bed again. Aori and Jien saw and left the room to watch some T.V on the couch. Saika laid down next to her girlfriend and had a small nap.
(here is what all the kids are doing btw:
Arisu and their friend, Kimu, studied in their room and then talked about some people at school. (not talking anything bad in case ur wondering, the 2 r just saying about some nice things about others)
Reiya and her friend, Hibina were, as mentioned before, practicing their music.
The twins and Tsukikage were playing some Mario Kart.
Kai and Wakaba were sleeping.
Tsubaki and her friend, Reiju, were working on a school project about animals.)
Saika and Kinako woke up to a small ringtone coming from a phone. Saika's mother, Rimi, called to come over for dinner and said to bring her as many friends as she wants, if she wishes. Aori and Jien were invited by her mother so they would be going. Ms. Rimi knew about Aori and Jien's relationship and was a bit disgusted but invited them anyways so she could be seen as a nice person. Saika decided she'd invite Kinako.
"B-but I can't!" Kinako exclaimed, "I need someone to look after my siblings..."
"Don't worry!" Saika touched Kinako's upper arm and rubbed it, "I know a very good friend who is very good with kids because she owns one of the best babysitter companies here."
"Really? Thank you!" Kinako was glad because her girlfriend just saved her life.
The rest of the day finished and everyone went home. Wakaba's mum picked him up from the playdate and left. That was such a long day. Now everyone was cleaning their rooms from their playdate.
This chapter took so long it took up most of my time. its hard while i have my studies.
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@ibukis-music-shop @ultimate-plushielover @godly-gummybear @just-a-potterhead
(what the friends of everyone looks like:)
Reiji (Tsubaki's friend)
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Tsukikage (The twins friend)
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Hibina (Reiya's friend)
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Kimu (Arisu's friend)
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Wakaba (Kai's friend)
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31. Part 3
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Switching the monitor on “I saw the family, gave Monica a hug. One of the biggest hugs, she said that her daughter is an Angel, she did something she could never do. She was singing praises at the store, it was cute. They all want to see the baby Robby” I chuckled “you know what, Chris and I with Fenty will come and see Barbados, and I don’t mind the family seeing her. And when I say family I mean my hometown; I know everyone is waiting to see her. You want to quickly switch to FaceTime and I can show you her, she is asleep” Mel cackled “all you bitches do is sleep, Chris was causing hell and you was both asleep” I hate Mel is laughing but it’s not funny “listen yeah, I’m going to get back to my usual self. I just need to rest my body; you try and give birth to a seven pound baby bitch!” I spat, answering the FaceTime “woo! We see she face, look at my sister. You still got the double chin girl” I gasped “say what!? Chris called me a kangaroo, I’ve been lazy sis not going to lie” angling the camera better “see, I can work it. I don’t know what to show, my chin or my forehead. I hate you; does it look like I gained weight?” Mel is annoying “she put weight on, won’t lie to you baby. But it’s baby weight, show me my baby now bitch. We sick of seeing you” rolling my eyes flicking the camera over “Fenty is asleep while her parents scream at each other” Mel cooed out “she is so beautiful!! Robyn she a little miss thing, she looks fed up. That bald up fist is telling me words!” I laughed at Mel, she is so stupid “it’s ok, auntie baby. I got you. I’m coming for you child!!” She is so loud for no reason “shut up, anyways I am going to have it out with Chris” walking off “keep me on the phone, for entertainment reasons” disconnecting the FaceTime, I think the fuck not.
With the monitor in hand, I figured I would go to the garage. Chris did mention it so I guess I go there first, I hope he is there. My intention is not what he thinks, he has to believe that. I am calm about this because I’m beyond the point of shouting about this, I see Drake has nothing to me so there is that. The elevator pinged and so did my phone, looking down at the message. It’s Drake, unlocking my phone and reading the message ‘You wanted this, here it is’ he added a link to sound cloud, he did it. That man is beyond in love with me and I honestly can’t cope with it, I did use him for that and yet again I am, but I do not care for him. Seeing Chris in the office from the glass door, he is huffing and puffing, like where the fuck did he get these boxes of shit from. I need to really get my ass in gear, I just don’t want Chris angry at me I didn’t mean to upset him when I was trying to help him because I know he is not lying about that shit, it did happen. I don’t even want to interrupt him, but he is scowling so much, let me suck it up and try and get Chris to see my side of what happened, I hope he can anyways because I didn’t mean it. Watching Chris from afar, watching him get annoyed at himself for no reason as he tried to make the spray can work and then accidentally sprayed the glass window, he doesn’t make things easy because what if I were to move. Mine and Chris’ eyes both met but he wasn’t angry, his face softened which made me feel a little better.
Pulling open the glass door “can we talk? Or do you not feel like it and you want more time alone?” I asked, I ask because I don’t want to just barge in and he’s not ready to talk “I hurt my hand” he said while looking down at his hand “you didn’t” I said walking into the office space “not on purpose, when I was going down the stairs my hand caught the side” he is such a liar “is there a hole in the wall in this house” lightly holding his hand, he punched the wall “it’s nothing, I mean it happened. I’m calm now” looking up at Chris “clearly, where did you do this though?” It’s a little sore but you can tell he punched the wall once “bathroom, it’s marble. I ain’t make no hole” frowning at him “that makes it better, your temper is bad Chris but we need to talk, if we can go out of this place and sit upstairs” Chris nodded his head, clearly that punch to the wall has calmed him but it’s still stupid “my hand really hurts though, like look at it” placing the baby monitor on the table before holding his hand in mine and then resting my free hand a top of his “does that hurt?” I asked, “feels sore” bringing his hand up to me and pressing a kiss to the back of his hand before placing it just on my cheek “I mean this could totally make it worse, do you feel like you broke it?” Chris shook his head “it’s ok, just sore” nodding my head “you make me sad Chris, come. Let’s go upstairs” I said to him, I think we need a good talk “I just want to sleep, can I go to sleep?” nodding my head “of course you can, do you want me to wake you before New Year?” he nodded his head “I just want a nap” he has hurt his hand and is now tired “nap on the couch, put something frozen on your knuckles. Does that sound good?” maybe the nap may be good for him.
I feel so out of my depth with this and I thought I would get some advice; sad part is I can’t ask his family. I can’t even ask someone that knows him because nobody does know him or know his moods, so this is new to me, this is new to them I guess even though they have spent all that time with him. It does kill me to think he has nobody that knows him, I can’t ring his mom and say what is his mood like, what do I do because the bitch doesn’t even know so I am ringing this UK help, I need some insight on what to do because I mean now he is like just calm as hell, I am going to try and hide my accent but you never know “uh hi” I feel all nervous now, I mean I hope they don’t want details “yeah so I am Noelle, and my partner has Bipolar and just recently we have moved in so like I don’t actually know what his moods are like. He has ADHD also with that. I found this number and it’s luckily twenty four hours but I just need help understanding him, like I don’t get it” if he starts asking for names and stuff I am going to have to stop this call “that is fine, we are here for all advice and help in this matter. I am Michael, have you both just recently got married then?” he asked “yeah, and moved in. Like I know he had this illness, I wasn’t blind with it but it’s understanding it” this guy has a nice Scottish accent “does he take medication at all? He does take it” pulling a face “uh yes, we recently just had a baby. Like she is a week old, he was so good during then, no issues at all but like I would say two days ago he just fell off” I need help with this because, how do I even deal with it or do I just leave him alone.
“So It’s tough to go through the mood swings of bipolar disorder. It is very complexed to even explain but depression plays a big factor in this because the person with this mental health struggle themselves to understand why the change, they can make it hard to do the things you want and need them to do. During manic periods, they may be reckless and volatile. The best way to avoid mood swings is to get treatment which he has done but you may not be able to totally prevent bouts of mania or depression. Even people who always take their medication and take care of their health can still have mood swings from time to time. That's why it's important to catch changes in their mood, energy levels, and sleeping patterns before they turn into something serious. Mood episodes in bipolar disorder often happen suddenly, for no particular reason. You said everything was and is fine but sometimes, you may notice that there are specific things that can trigger mania or depression, such as getting too little sleep, changes to their daily routine. Many people find they're more likely to become depressed or manic during stressful times at work or during holidays. Some people see seasonal patterns to their mood changes” this is a lot “wow” is all I said “it’s very complexed” he is not wrong “it’s daunting for you and you shouldn’t be hard on yourself for feeling like that, if you need further help I can assist if you feel threatened?” shaking my head “no, he said he is having nap” well that is what he said anyways “is he sleeping well at night? It’s important for them to sleep, clear thoughts, clear mind?” he said, “he hasn’t been sleeping, for the days he’s been like that at all, why is it important for sleep?” I questioned “the less they sleep they are going through a mood change, usually mania. The more they sleep, it’s more depression phase. They need to have stability in their sleep, get the hours because their mind is working overtime, it’s hard for them to be ok in a room full of people that don’t think like them. But they do battle themselves more then you would know” that really made me sad.
I sighed out heavily “how can I help? Like in general anyways, I want to learn about it? We just moved here too” I thought I would add that “Caring for someone with bipolar disorder can be extremely hard, whether you’re a partner, parent, child, or friend of someone who has this condition. It’s stressful for everyone it touches. It’s tough to strike a balance. You want to be supportive and empathetic because you know the person with bipolar disorder isn’t to blame for their illness. But their behaviour may affect you, and you have to take care of yourself and your needs, not just theirs” flicking the tear that fell, this makes me emotional “so I can give you some tips which you are doing now which is learn. The more you know, the better. Listen. Pay attention to what your loved one has to say. Don't assume that you know what they are going through. Don’t dismiss all of their emotions and feelings as signs of their illness. Someone with bipolar disorder may still have valid points. Encourage them to stick with treatment. Your love one needs to take their bipolar medication and get regular check-ups or counselling. Notice their symptoms. They may not be able to see it as clearly as you do when their bipolar symptoms are active. Or they may deny it. When you see the warning signs of mania or depression, you can try to make sure they get help. Do things together. People who are depressed often pull away from others. So encourage your loved one to get out and do things they enjoy. Ask him to join you for a walk or a dinner out. If he says no, let it go. Ask again a few days later.”
“Express your own concerns. Since your loved one's behaviour can have a huge effect on you, it’s OK to discuss. Don’t blame the other person or list all of their mistakes. Instead, focus on how his actions make you feel and how they affect you. The most important thing is to take care of yourself. As intense as your loved one’s needs may be, you count, too. It’s important for you to stay healthy emotionally and physically Noelle” I am trying to take all this in but I can kind of understand “what’s up?” I jumped at Chris’ voice, turning around “thank you for that, I have got what I wanted” disconnecting the call “did you have a nap?” he shook his head, staring at Chris in sadness I just feel sad and it’s not that I hate what I have got myself into but this, what he has. It’s so horrible, and the fact I couldn’t call on his loved ones to help, I am so angry. I am angry at his mother, his father. They have failed him and me, I am having to do this now at his age because nobody cared, I am cleaning her mess “before it’s a New Year, can we talk baby?” he seems ever so calm now “I’m sorry” nodding my head smiling “we can talk, come” grabbing his hand as I walked with him, I don’t know why but a sob left my lips, my heart is crying “why are you crying?” Chris asked “just happy tears” I lied, I don’t want to go into it.
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