#well shes not 5 mins late yet and im technically in a meeting with her but theres been a lot of service ourages
narutomaki · 10 months
did you know if youre over 5 mins late to a meeting with me i will just go to bed ive just decided this
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msawesomeworld · 7 years
Royalty not loyalty Chapter 5
A/N: Sorry that it is technically an hour late, but i had no wifi all day. Hope you enjoy anyway. I am working constantly on this fic actually wanting chapters so that i am able to finish it.
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Read the other chapters here.
“There’s no chance for us. It’s all decided for us.” 
- Queen.
Stella’s P.O.V.
We kept on partying and stayed together as a group all night, we might as well. When we felt like it we went back into the limo with some bottles and drove off to the beach. I was pretty drunk, along with everyone else, it had been a bit of a night. The boys had done some lines but nothing major. Louis sat beside me and kept feeding me the bottle I was drinking. He tried way too hard. We somehow ended up thinking truth or dare was a good idea. Because we were 14 or something.
“Stella, truth or dare bitch?” Skylar said with a smile and I chuckled taking a drink.
“Truth.” I said and her smirk faded.
“Come on that is not fair, that is the second time in a row. You can’t chicken out any more.” She said smirking again and I rolled my eyes sighing.
“Fine, dare me if you dare.” I said chuckling, I took a sip and she smirked widely.
“Okay, I dare you to make out with whoever you think is hottest in this limo, besides me of course.” She said chuckling.
I sat back and looked at them wondering who I would like to make out with. Of course I would love to make out with both Robert and Louis whose faces seemed to be meant for that. Wait what? Oh right, I get horny when I am drunk. I smirked and handed the bottle to Skylar who cheered.
I leaned in over Louis who was smirking wider than a chesire cat thinking he had won. I put my hand on his face and I leaned slowly in feeling his hot breath on my face. I padded it once and leaned beside him and kissed Victoria, the boys and Skylar whooped beside me and I leaned out and chuckled I grabbed my bottle and shrugged at Skylar.
“You never said it had to be one of the boys.” And she just laughed at me.
We arrived at the beach and ran out of the car fooling around with each other. Drunk was an understatement. High on life but low on balance I sat down in the sand not caring if it ruined my dress. The others apparently had the idea that skinny dipping was a great idea. I took sip of the bottle and handed it to the person I could feel sitting down beside me.
“So tell me princess, how does it feel to let lose a little?” Louis said I chuckled and took the bottle from him.
“I’m not skinny dipping yet am I?” I said and he chuckled.
“And why are you depriving the world and more importantly me of that wonderful image?” He said and I laughed taking a sip of the bottle.
“I like my dignity and it is fun not pleasing you.” I said and he grabbed the bottle from my hand holding it still looking me in the eyes.
“Fuck your dignity. Let lose for once, what have you got to lose?” He said and I chuckled pulling the bottle back towards me.
“Said dignity, face, and I’m pretty sure my parents would disown me if they found out.” I said and the smile faded from his face.
“Do you always do what your parents tell you to do?” He asked looking at me seriously. I shook my head but sighed.
“Not when I can get away with not doing so, but they do have some power. And I don’t know about you, but I would rather cry at the back of a limo than laugh in the front seat of a Zuzuki alto or some shit.” I said and he smirked again.
“Cheers to that.” He said finally taking the bottle and taking a few sips from it.
I got up from the sand and left him there while he was distracted shortly. He yelled my name and I turned around.
“What are you doing princess?” He asked and I chuckled turning around.
“Coursing some havoc of course.” And with those words I stripped out of my dress and ran in my underwear into the water joining the others.
He was right, it was fun letting lose and I should do it more often. But I knew I could not and I would go back to reality soon. Back to being pretty little miss perfect. So I decided not for his sake but for my own to go skinny dipping. Enjoy the freedom while it lasts. I should really stop listening to Louis, he is gonna get me in trouble, and I just might let him.
After being crowned we had the full weekend at a cabin in the woods where we would bond so that we could concentrate whenever there was a meeting. Of course we had to sleep in pairs because everyone, especially including my parents, expected us to end up with one of the other royals. I did not feel that way about Rian, but would probably be forced to marry him in a couple of years. Plus we were good friends, so I did not mind having to share a room with him.
I got up feeling major hungover, but after drinking bottles of champagne, I should not be surprised. I walked downstairs where there were pancakes and what else the people had prepared for us. Skylar was sitting with sunglasses on and Victoria looked surprisingly good. I ate the fruit bowl and yogurt in front of me, while all I wanted was a big mac, I had a figure to keep. The guys joined us and we kept talking to a minimal till we all had had some coffee and an aspirin. Louis sat beside me smirking at me. I was too tired to care how he magically looked good hungover. When I was done eating I made eye contact with Skylar who nodded and got up from her seat and I followed suit. Victoria did the same, even though, like I said, she looked gorgeous.
“We are gonna go, look presentable. Boys, be ready in an hour, then it is time for our first task.” Skylar said and I smirked and walked away.
Skylar had her stylist flown in and they got to work on us while we had some girl talk.
“So what is our first task gonna be? I hope it involves me making out with Robert.” Skylar said and Victoria and me’s mouths opened at her statement.
“Do you do anything that do not involve sex Skye?” Victoria asked smiling a little at her, Skylar just shrugged.
“I work in fashion, sex is something that I think about a lot, it sell you know?” She said and I chuckled.
“You should not laugh Stella, I have seen you making googly eyes at both Rian and Louis.” She said and I looked at her offended and hit her arm.
“No way, besides Rian and I am just friends, the only way that will happen is if my parents force me to.” I said and she looked at me disgusted.
“The fact that your parents interfere with your sex life, ew.” She said and I rolled my eyes and shrugged, that was just how the game was, if they fit okay together and would be good for business that was how it would go.
Being forced to marry someone, and while I would love to follow my childhood dream of marrying out of love, that was just unrealistic. Especially if it was someone who was beneath me. I would be disowned, and like I said to Louis last night: I would much rather cry in the back of a limo than smile in the front seat of a Zuzuki. I was raised that way, I am certain that I could take care of myself, but I do not know how to behave in the real world. I enjoyed luxury, but I enjoyed the simpler things as well. The small moments I have spent with my father was amazing. He was actually a simple man, who was just lucky to make a billion before he was 20 and getting into the sculls and meeting my mother. She has always been like this, rich family, nothing and no one came before the family image. So my father had me alone on some occasions and showed me the simpler things in life. Like the little joint in queens where he grew up, they have the best sandwiches. He thought me to enjoy the small things. My mother obviously disapproves, but he always managed to cover it up as something she deemed appropriate.
Victoria pulled me out of my train of thought and cleared her throat and shrugged.
“Be that as it may, that does not exclude Louis.” She said, and Skylar smirked and shrugged as well.
“If you dont tap that, I just might.” She said and I hit her arm chuckling.
“I don’t think Im his type. And I hear he is trouble. I don’t really feel like getting into trouble.” I said shrugging.
I turned around when I heard someone from the other end of the room, and saw Louis standing in the doorway smirking at me arms crossed. The other girls yelled at him to get out.
“The guys and I was just wondering how far you girls were.” He said and I raised my eyebrows looked at him.
“And they send you to check on us?” I said and he smirking and shrugged and walked towards me.
“I volunteered.” He said smirking I rolled my eyes at him.
“We will be done in 30 min tops. I need my hair the other girls need their make up and I have already picked out their clothes so should go smoothly.” Skylar said smiling up at him.
“Wait what? We are perfectly capable of dressing ourselves.” Victoria protested. But Skylar just shrugged and rolled her eyes at her.
“Of course you are, but when you are with someone who works in fashion. Why not use it?” Skylar said smirking.
I just chuckled at their whole ordeal, while Louis walked over to me and annoyingly enough the hair stylist let him get to me. He leaned down to whisper in my ear.
“Trying not to get into trouble. Sounds like an awful way to live.” He said only loud enough for me to hear. He smirked and then walked out of the room.
A/N: that is it for this time, if you can not wait till i post more feel free to read my other fics they should be just as cool, find them here.
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