#welp here i go again tweaking my designs again
more shape headcanons that will likely involve me tweaking my designs (again)
shapes have multiple colors, a primary color and a secondary color-
colors are important, because ones of a certain color will be either immune or resistant to corruption i.e pink is resistant/immune to pink, blue is resistant/immune to blue, etc.
whether one is resistant or immune depends on the individual and it ranges quite a bit. for example, cube is resistant but can still be corrupted, but shapes like the helicopter and the boat are unaffected by it, it can still hurt them, but they can't be corrupted-
and if we want to go further, there could be shapes who retain their mind somewhat after corruption after their systems fight it off like it's a disease, but can still be corrupted. in the meantime though, they will still act like one that had been fully corrupted. (theoretically lycanthropy could be one of these shapes)
so why 3 colors? because more than 3 is kinda overkill and gets complicated, FAST when it comes to designing, and 3 is still a good color to work with when it comes to coloring/designing. (not excluding shades of colors are still counted as that color i.e dark red and red are both reds)
shapes can be the same color on both colors, i.e magenta/magenta/magenta or blue/blue/blue. but it's fairly rare for that to happen. generally speaking, the colors are ranged from most to least, so a shape who is primarily say, blue with some black markings and pink highlights, the colors will be ordered as the following: blue/black/pink
i should prolly make a reference for what certain colors affect- for ease of worldbuilding later-
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kryptsune · 4 years
Kit’s OC Time {Part 2}
🌼So I got this wonderful ask from @chocolatetwix and I got super excited. There is a lot here so I just decided to make a huge post about it. That and I can save it and work on it too so that’s a bonus. You can’t really do that with asks. This will be in a couple different parts so that it’s not too overwhelming!
Let’s continue! 
Costume/ CC: Back in my DA days I used to draw a lot of animals and I had a fursona as well. Now I am not sure if I am going to keep her or not but I do actually still like her design. I might just tweak it a tad.
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I have an incredible piece of artwork from Nukerooster of her and I just need to share. Go check them out as well (>>>LINK HERE<<<) 
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Akuma: Another fluffy boy but I have this OC named Akuma, original... I know. He will most likely make an appearance in my Hell world once I re work him a bit. Basically he was a demon that caused a lot of Chaos and havoc but messed with the wrong village. Mid transformation he got a blessed sword rammed through his chest keeping him that way until the sword is released. It also perpetually bleeds, never heals, and drains his power. Poor demon baby boy. Also I realize that he is old... but like... I still love his design if that is even possible. He used to be red in color which I will post and then I redrew him a few years ago to see how he would look more current. Now he is teal ish. 
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Nuke also did this incredible one of Akuma. 
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Because of my major I sometimes randomly come up with cute RPG character designs and I really wanted to do one of little monster animals. I created this little guy during one of my classes. 
Spip: He is a little vampire ghost bunny. The cross shaped vile around his neck is filled with his HP restore (Blood) If you have a lot the vial will be full but if you don’t have enough it will deplete over time. Poor little Spip just wants to be friends with people but because of what he is they run away. He is kind of my homage to Bunicula if anyone remembers that book. I have ideas for his little buddies too like a Frankenstein cat and so forth. Just a cute little idea.
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Lastly we have the Infernum (name will probably change I am kind of thinking about calling it Twisted Otherworlds or just Otherworlds) cast which is even larger than the Hell side and I don’t even want to think about that right now X’D It is a little overwhelming. What I do have however are some of the designs I made for them, costume wise. This was back during my fashion degree projects. Think realms with twisted fairytale characters that happen to used to be real people from different periods in time. This is the point I really started to dig into the horror genre and it kind of shows though looking back I think I always kind of have been... 
The story is basically a fairytale romp and during the day light hours it’s perfectly fine all zanny and fun but at night is a whole other story. You see the souls that live in these Realms used to be living breathing people. The only thing is that if you end up here though you lose all memory of that life. The Madness which is like a magical curse infects these souls and turns them into their own personal fears or horrors. It’s all back story based and intense so I won’t go into it. There are different monsters and characters and even though it’s an older idea I do think it still has a lot of potential. The realms of the Muses so to speak. Their day and night are switched as well so no matter where you are in the world you dream in the daylight and it’s night there soooo your usually going to get a pretty lucid horrifying nightmare but if you sleep during the night time you will have good dreams. Just don’t fall asleep during the day light hours X’D 
Anywhoo! Here are some of my favorites and again these are really old so their designs will be tweaked for the long run. I also apologize for the quality the actual PSD files are not on my laptop so I have to settle with the project photos I took a long time ago. In order you have the Rae the Black Rabbit, Lucian the Hatter, Ace the Cheshire Cat, Crow (probably change the spelling) the Scarecrow, The Woodsman, and one of Pan’s Lost Boys. I also included the top hats I made for them because I still think they are pretty neat!
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There are also some REALLY old designs for the Twisted Otherworld characters. They had more of an anime flair to them. That said there are a couple characters that I want to share since they are actually important despite the artwork being older than Methuselah. 
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Maximillian March/ Mad March: Crazy March Hare? I think so. He is a puppet master of sorts in the story and I have to redraw him but he has these deep swirly eyes and sharp teeth. (huh... looks like that design choice happened a long time ago... WELP)
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Tweedles: One of my friends was able to pick this out immediately but yea... these are the Tweedles. Their nightmarish 1910′s gas mask Orwellian horror cyborg versions anyway. I have a full image of Dee somewhere that I need to find... (edit) AH there he is... btw I was like 15 when I did this design so I gotta question what the heck was going through my brain.. unless it was that Doctor Who episode with the children that just freaked me out... yeah.. that was probably it. Are those real organs and muscles you ask... yes... yes they are.
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dreamscapesin1582 · 6 years
Warlords + Cute yet Dangerous MC
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I tweaked the scenario a little, if you don’t mind @yurikagemi
MC grew up in a family of soldiers and was trained in the military arts. She was a very capable fighter, but chose to keep a low profile about that in adulthood and took fashion designing instead since that was her dream. However, she found herself being transported back to the Sengoku era and blah blah blah.
One day, the warlord receives the news that his lover was kidnapped! Said warlord was ready to raise hell but when he arrived to rescue MC, she was already in the middle of saving herself, taking on her kidnappers!
he was grinning like a mad man
he watched amused as she slammed one man to the ground
Y E S 
dats mah gurl
when she was done, he was pleased
had a thought about having his army as capable as that
and said something he would regret
“you should train my soldiers”
he gets hit in the chest...
...almost too hard that his lungs were almost ejected
he was losing his sanity
what if you twist your wrist slamming that guy down
what if they use underhanded tricks against you
what if what if what if
he was quick to finish them off alongside her for the panic was overwhelming
after he determined she was safe, mama mode is on
“What were you thinking? You know they could hurt you if you weren’t careful! They could’ve left a scar on your cute face!”
anyone would think he was flirting but his forehead still had creases and he was dead serious welp
he was rendered s p e e c h l e s s
what in seven hells
he thought she was beyond reckless but surprisingly, she was actually holding up
alone, at that
after helping her, he pats her head
“I always knew you were a flower that hides many thorns. you hide some dangerous traits, young lady”
“want me to sample it to you then?”
a single drop of sweat rolls down his forehead “I prefer not to, thank you very much.”
he made a vow not to cross a line with her
not that he could do it anyway
he almost forgot his purpose there since he was happily watching from the sidelines
“while I kick his ass, you move your ass and help me, damn it!”
he was immediately made to move when he saw her glare
his mind helped him imagine how it was to be slammed to the ground like that and it terrified him somewhat
how come someone as cute as her can be so terrifying
he was crying while taking down the enemies
he felt like a mother hen letting go of its baby chicks like no more is my sweet baby MC 
okay that was exaggerated but still
unlike these little shits he didn’t let surprise stop him momentarily from taking down the enemy
but when it’s all good and done
? ? ?
he was staring at her for a good while until it freaked her out
“i’m just making a mental note not to judge a book by its cover. i need this as a specific reminder of that saying”
he knew he doesn’t have the privilege to call you weak ever again
more like he grew scared
mc-sama saved herself ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? 
little angel is confused
when in the world did she learn that?
where does all that strength come from?
how does- oh god she just kicked someone in the nuts
“ah poor thing. you shouldn’t have messed with mc-sama”
when it was all done, he approached her with mixed feelings
“that was a dangerous stunt you pulled, but you came out almost unharmed”
“i’m proud of you”
don’t think he won’t ask tons of questions after this
the boi needs answers
he feels betrayed somewhat
like surprise your cute fragile lover can actually batista bomb you in three seconds
when the shock has passed, she already rescued herself
“are you hurt?”
when he determined that she wasn’t, he was conflicted
he decided not to let her do that ever again
of course he likes the fact that she can protect herself but N O P E
he insists letting her get wild can be deadly and highly dangerous
his decision consisted of part worry, part terrified
“well perhaps you can do that to Shingen if he ever tried anything”
smirks at the thought
c r y i n g 
“my sweet angel, please don’t hurt yourself!”
wait til he finds outs 
his eyes may as well leave his sockets 
what the fuck
his cute little MC knocked the guy out cold
shivers ran down his spine
when she was away from trouble, he was awkwardly smiling at her
“never do that again, pls”
bearing witness to her Power™ proved to be a good point in the near future because Shingen started to think twice whether his flirting is crossing the line
hoeeeeee boi 
w h a t
he was going through the denial stage
his mind lingered to the times where he might have disrespected MC
is there a way to redeem myself without suffering from that
he felt his ego running away from his body
“MC might just be able to break my body in seconds...”
after all that shizzles, he gulped
“you okay?”
“when the hell did you start being considerate?”
“ever since I realized you can kill me”
when he saw that one guy get knocked out, he actually felt the pain
like what if that was him
with MC’s help, both of them were safe
“are you sure you’re not secretly a ninja?”
when she told him about her training, he nodded in understanding
“that’s amazing”
he’s just glad she can protect herself in this era
or the men that should try anything on her
“it almost seems like you were meant to be sent here”
he even offers to have someone train her in swordsmanship
well it’s better than nothing 
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sweetchiel · 7 years
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UPDATE 07/17/2017
Today is the lucky 777! I hope you guys get lucky sometime this week and smile more :'3
Last week is... adequate? Hmm, I'm not sure about this one since I spent a lot of time revising character designs + making line arts ><
- Finished 2nd SuperBacker's character basic sprite (I think I might tweak him again later when I notice something that can be improved/small details) - Finished 1 minor-important character sprite. This one is complicated and Jesus, I spent a lot of time revising on him -a lot more than the others. I still need to tweak him a bit, but I think I will leave him for awhile until my eyes refreshed :'D they're becoming dull from staring at him for too long. - 2 minor- important character sprites WIPs (line arts are finished + basic coloring, only needs to shade them) - 1 very rough character sprite sketch is still going to be revised & polished later.
I don't know about other artists, but believe it or not, I spent more time making line arts than coloring them :')) this is true for CG/BG/Character Sprites with small details. This is why I like to make forest/nature backgrounds lol -'cause they don't need line arts! x'D
But I'll be lying if I didn't say that the progress is a little slow because I binged-read some novels... *cough*
Anyways! The SuperBackers' character sprites are well on their journey to finish line! I still have some minor-important character sprites to do though. Curious? Welp, here's today's sneak peek! x'D
I have obtained permission to show this sneak peek from Olivia, one of the SuperBackers~ A small insight about what's to come in game :'3
As usual, my patrons will get to see her full-sneak peek early (today) but she will be revealed for public next week.
Meanwhile, my friend started her indiegogo campaign too yesterday! It's a BL fantasy visual novel, fair warning that it has some dark themes and rated R18 x'D
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Let's share the words to your friends who like BL!
That's it for this week and see you again, guys! xoxo,
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