#wenclair mine chapter 12
fanficonly · 1 year
Wenclair "Mine" - Chapter 12
"I'm sorry" was all she said for the millionth time
As if her feelings were controllable. As if she got to choose who her Mate was meant to be. As if any of this was her fault.
"Why are you sorry?" Wednesday absent-mindedly stroked Enid's hair while asking the question. Neither one of them had found the strength to leave each others grasp so instead they remained neatly placed in the middle of the floor embracing one another.
"B-because I-" she stuttered again.
"Are you afraid of me?" She moved her head to look down at the blonde haired girl.
"No" Enid pulled away from Wednesday looking at her offended at the insinuation.
"Then why are you sorry? why are you acting like this? It's making me feel concerned for you. I'm in unfamiliar territory Enid my only defense is to question you relentlessly and you understand I will do it" Wednesday explained her actions further. She had never been so openly honest with the werewolf girl before nor had she ever felt so ok with thier current position. She just wanted her to be ok.
"Because I hurt you I'm not allowed to hurt you" Enid's lip quivered as she spoke, tears threatening her eye once again. She stood up leaving Wednesday still sat on the floor illuminated by the colourful lights of Enid's window.
"Why not? If you're not fearful of losing your life from harming me then why are you so scared?" Wednesday was pushing for the fear angle. It's all she had ever known from the people around her. If it wasn't her family and their unconditional love it was everyone else who naturally feared her.
She stood up and moved towards Enid who was staring out of the window facing away from the girl in shame
"I know you won't hurt me" Enid said, very sure of this but she remained hugging herself for comfort occasionally gripping at the material of other jumper sleeve.
"Bold of you to assume that" Wednesday retorted, speaking to the back of Enid. She was still a little on edge with how nice she was being to her bestfriend. Again... It was unfamiliar territory for Wednesday but nevertheless she pushed forward. She had to make sure Enid was ok and that they were ok with each other.
Enid seemed distracted, trying to distance herself from the soon to be awkward conversation. Wednesday, having not received a reaction to her smart witted response spoke again "Did you not hear me? I said-" but her words were cut short when Enid whipped around quickly saying "I'm scared of losing you Wednesday" she blurted out unintentionally. It was a reaction to Wednesday's deflecting. Her bluntness and monotone expressions began to annoy Enid because she knew when it came to her Wednesday wasn't always like this. She had that soft spot for the blonde girl, she knew it and she wasn't ready to give it up so easily.
Wednesday again thought logically about the situation rather than allow her emotions to take presidency over the entire ordeal
"I highly doubt this miniscule injury will cause me to bleed out, Enid. I already survived a Hyde attack" Wednesday looked at her wound and smirked at the memory. Enid wasn't referring to the black haired girl losing her life just the inevitable fact that she would leave Enid upon realising the feelings she had for her were romantic not platonic.
"That's not what I meant" Enid mumbled.
"So I'm not dying, it will take more than a harmless unintentional scratch or even a near death experience with a Hyde" Wednesday assured her once again and this time Enid turned to her visibly upset
When she didn't speak Wednesday assured her once again "I survived Enid"
"Yes you did" Enid agreed, focusing on the part about Wednesday almost dying from an attack by that repulsive creature.
"Right after I went looking for you in the woods" Wednesday continued talking, oblivious to Enid's shameful expression, due to being lost in the memory of that night.
"Yes you did I'm sorry" she responded hoarsely. Was Wednesday going to get angry at her? Tell her everything she already knew? That it was her fault Wednesday was even out there at that time and if it wasn't for her she would be untouched by death's scythe.
"You also saved my life, Enid" Wednesday raised her eyebrows, after noticing her friend's solemn expression and took one step closer to the girl.
"Yeah I guess I did" her expression softened, a slight smile creeping its way onto her lips.
"Right after turning into a wolf for the first time" Wednesday continued recapping last night's events.
"Yes I did" she spoke quietly but proudly just listening to Wednesday. She also knew what the next part of the story was and tried to prepare herself for the inevitable.
"Enid?" She began to ask
"Please don't ask me Wednesday" knowing full well she was about to be questioned about what she had said to Wednesday after wolfing out. She opted for just pretending it didn't happen, hoping Wednesday would just let it go...
Wednesday took a second of silence contemplating how or even if she should say it out loud. But ultimately appealed to her will.
"Am I yours Enid?" Wednesday had moved to stand closer to Enid who wiggled nervously pulling at the sleeve of her sweater.
"W-what I - what do you mean" She gasped, not sure how to react to the way Wednesday had said it. She could have flat out just asked what it meant but instead she ... She did that?
"Am. I. yours." She paused after every word, not able to make it any clearer than this. Enid finally submitted looking down squeezing her eyes shut and then facing Wednesday... Now she was scared.
"Yes." She gulped visibly. Why lie? There was no point to it. Wednesday wasn't going to give over and Enid was now realising that either way she would lose her bestfriend. This was already causing a rift because her own stubbornness to tell the girl the truth and Wednesday inability to let things go. They would be at odds until it was out in the open. The truth. Because she knew Wednesday would not believe a lie.
"I know this may shock you but I don't subscribe to ownership of humans Enid" Wednesday really was ignoring everything she knew Enid was feeling. She had to be sure, 100% sure that she wasn't wrong.
"No no it's not like that I-" Enid stammered quickly.
"Then explain it to me Enid." She demanded "You had your first shift In front of me, I've never seen you so happy and that's saying something" she pointed out "The first thing you said to me was the word Mine" she stated fact " What does that mean Enid? You immediately panicked, you left, you haven't been the same since that moment and quite frankly it's causing me to become anguished." She said, becoming more frustrated with every step she recalled.
“I don’t mean for you to feel that way” Enid said apologetically once again, letting her face fall into her hands and pushing back her hair anxiously.
“ It’s annoying that I’m feeling anything at all Enid!” She interrupted the girl, accidentally raising her voice slightly “ It's a putrid impulse ”she quieted down irritated with her own invasive thoughts.
“This is exactly why I don’t want to tell you Wednesday” Enid explained and finally Wednesday understood. 
“ I understand” Wednesday assured the broken girl “What if I...” she swallowed back the acid in her throat and continued “ keep an open mind?” she asked. 
“ It wont make a difference" Enid scoffed.
“That’s pessimistic of you” Wednesday insulted.
“ Well let me be pessimistic for once” Enid shrugged
 ”No that’s my thing, you’re stealing my thing” Wednesday folded her arms like a child being told they weren't allowed the sweets in the shop, but her face remained still.
“Wednesday” she put her hands in her face frustrated again. She had never experienced so many emotions at once in such a broken cycle, she didn't even know what to feel anymore. 
“ Enid” She mirrored her counterpart 
“ I’m serious” she warned.
“Me too ”she warned back.
“As usual” Enid rolled her eyes.
"As opposed to what? Happy for no reason" Wednesday snarked back unintentionally.
“Wednesday” she sighed, knowing full well the raven haired girl was incapable of this whole open mind idea she had proposed.
“Enid” she mirrored again.
“ I can’t do this” she shook her head lightly. This was just another one of thier conversations that turned to arguments that neither one of them would ever admit fault to.
“ I can” Wednesday challenged.
“ You don’t want to” Enid warned her again. She wasn't ready for these feelings she knew it, look at how she was acting at the mere mention of it all.
“I assure you I do” She was met with Wednesday confident eyes.
“No” Enid said
“Yes” Wednesday opposed her once again.
“I swear to God” she lifted her arms in annoyance and let them fall to her legs with a small *slap* sound.
“You’re not religious” Wednesday reacted, tilting her head to the side.
“For Gods sake” Enid was getting really apted up now.
“ Again You’re not-” she was about to agitate the girl further but was interrupted by
“Wednesday!” she yelled, not even attempting to hide the fact that Wednesday was getting to her
“Enid” she smirked. Really what did people expect from her. To just lay down and accept this? No she was not ready to lose Enid to some stupid unexplained feeling.
“Wow” was all she said
“ Just tell me!” Wednesday raised her voice back.
“Say it!”
“Mine!” she spat the words hoping to trigger something in Enid
“Mate!” Enid involuntarily growled back, her wolf ears and claws making a fully acceptable appearance as she lunged towards Wednesday. She knocked her back, now above her practically pinning her to the ground with hungry eyes.
“What?” Wednesday blinked.
“What?” Enid blinked, slowly becoming aware of what she had done. She started to move off of Wednesday, settling her animalistic impulses but was immediately stopped by the girl beneath her gripping elbow to hold her in place.
"Enid" for the first time ever Wednesday voice softened intentionally and she looked up at the girl with pleading eyes asking her to repeat herself.
“You’re... ” Enid hesitated “ You’re my Mate Wednesday" she stared down at Wednesday, taking in the last interaction she would ever have with her best friend "There I said it” she spoke pushing herself harshly off Wednesday, releasing herself from her grip. She stood up and walked across to her bed but not before stopping mid way to turn her head to the side and say “Happy?” finally accepting that it was over.
“Not ...usually” Wednesday admitted, sitting up from her current position. After actually hearing the words , hearing the girl admit it... she was dumbfounded. Of course she had her suspicions that Enid was hiding some kind of feelings towards her, she was doing the same after all. But her mate? Now Wednesday wasn't incredibly well versed in werewolf culture but she knew the connotations behind that word. This was far more serious than Wednesday had originally prepared herself for.
And because of this she suddenly felt this overwhelming sensation of guilt for basically forcing the girl to admit something that's probably been crushing her from the inside out.
She had to do something.
But in that moment nothing came to mind.
She panicked internally. Is this why she felt so much of that love thing everyone talked about towards Enid? Is that why she was the only person she had ever shared intimate thoughts with? Enid had seen her exposed mind, body and now soul. Was the reason she allowed all of this to happen because they were meant to be together.
But who decides your fate? Wednesday always felt separate from those at the mercy of their impulses,delusions of love and weakness. But somehow finding out that the bright, bubbly,curly haired blonde werewolf room mate she had reluctantly allowed herself to feel for was meant to be romantically involved with her, helped slide all the pieces of this neverending puzzle into place.
The question was ... What does she do about?
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fanficonly · 1 year
Wenclair "Mine"- Chapter 17
The Chapter you've been waiting for??? ... Enjoy beautiful Wenclair shippers😋
It took an insatiable amount of time before Enid felt it. The cool light breath of her mate agonisingly close to her lips without allowing the sensation of touch. Wednesday remained carressing Enid's face with a heavy but careful urgency.
Enid swallowed, taking sharp, shallow, quick bursts of oxygen, Wednesday immigrating her own version of this nervous display in front of her.
She inched closer, Enid falling into Wednesday's touch and allowing her body to submit to her touch. Their eyes fluttered open, as if giving eachother an out, as if asking permission to both continue moving forward. The gap between them both lessened and upon feeling the light skim of each other lips their eyes fell heavy with anticipation, closing slowly.
Enid feeling dazed by Wednesday's forwardness was unable to move. In that moment everything she knew about human connection, everything she admitted about her own desires and every piece of knowledge she had... Flew so far out of her mind that 'Still' was now her go to move.
Wednesday's own eyes closed reluctantly out of pure habit but eventually she felt at peace when the first inkling of Enid's lips cursed her own. She took this opportunity to throw caution to the wind, block out every voice in her head that screamed at her not to give into such a mundane desire and she closed the gap between them with ease.
Hesitantly, but with ease.
She kissed Enid's lips lightly and carefully and let her hand climb effortlessly up to the back of Enid's head entangling her fingers between her soft curly locks.
Enid kissed her back, lightly at first, her eyes rolling back into her head when she felt Wednesday's hands travel up into her hair. Her weakness. She knew this. She practically melted into Wednesday touch as she kissed back.
Everything made sense. Her head exploded with electricity buzzing through her brain, her heart thumping loudly in her chest to the point where she was sure any other wolf within a 12 mile radius would be able to hear it. Wednesday's lips were just as captivating as her eyes and caused Enid's wolf to somersault inside her, the giddiness threatening to encase her body and consume her with passion.
The kiss lasted only a few seconds and Wednesday respectfully pulled away from Enid, waiting for her reaction so she would know for sure whether what she had done was okay or not.
Meanwhile Enid had to fight back the urge to whine at the absence of Wednesday alluring lips. She had never in her life anticipated such a burning sensation throughout her entire body that felt so calming at the same time.
Wednesday's eyes slowly opened, as she remained close enough to Enid to still feel her delicate breath. She breathed in frightened by her own actions and terrified of what would come next, although she would never visibly show this.
Enid however felt an overwhelming need to feel that sensation again. Desperately opening her eyes and using them to question Wednesday's intentions. Her eyes softened and she smiled happily at the raven haired girl who only nodded quietly in response.
It's as if Wednesday heard Enid asking permission to kiss her again through nothing but a look. This was all Enid needed to snake her arms around Wednesdays neck, sitting forwardly lightly and attempting to press their lips together again. She wanted that feeling again. Needed it in fact and Wednesday surprised by her own desire to repeat the action accepted what happened next without another word.
She was more than pleasantly surprised by the gratification she acquired from the feeling of human connection through such intimacy. And although terrified by her vulnerable state she actively attempted to take control of the situation ready to kiss Enid again.
But Enid took charge this time pulled Wednesday closer, and much to her own shock, Wednesday allowed the action to be taken with no repercussions . Her hands had floated effortlessly from her hair, trailed desolately down Enid's back and landed securely on her hips as their lips connected once again.
This time Wednesday felt the sense of urgency radiating from every inch of Enid's body and had to slow her own passionate thoughts that clouded over her usually dark and desolate demeanour. But she kissed back with as much feeling she could pull from the depth of her dark soul.
The kiss lasted longer, felt more real, felt beautiful as they moved in sync with one another allowing only the bare minimum of touch in the most respectable way. But Enid pulled at Wednesday, doing everything in her power to be as close to her body as possible and the other girl happily obliged.
Enid was unable to control the light hum that vibrated against Wednesday's lips as she let her get closer but this seemed to snap Wednesday out of her hazed and loving state of mind. She moved her hands slowly towards Enid's chest, her palm placed in the middle just under her chin, fingertips teasing her neck. And she lightly pushed the girl away disconnecting thier lips and reluctantly opening her eyes.
Enid couldn't even allow herself to panic. She was just grateful that she had been allowed this moment of intimacy with Wednesday to be burned into her memory for the rest of her eventful life.
"I-" Enid attempted to speak but it came out as a cracked whisper from between her violated lips. Wednesday had only stopped as she wasn't sure what to do next. She felt Enid's touch, allowed herself to give into her desire and kiss her and then elicited a somewhat intoxicating sound from her that had ran her brain into overdrive. They both just stared at each other breathing heavily, neither one wanting to break the deafening silence.
She had never felt this before. She didn't expect to enjoy the feeling so much. In fact she had gone from harmless experimentation of the idea to full blown unequivocal, unavoidable, unimaginable need to feel this everyday for the rest of her life. She felt at home. Enid was meant to be hers. She was meant to feel those lips, feel her touch, hear her speak, be allowed the honour of being in her mere presence.
"I agree" Wednesday breathed out quietly,finishing for her. Speechless was the correct word to describe this seemingly indescribable feeling each girl had coursing through their bodies and landing dangerously close to their hearts.
One blackened, soulless, deflated, unbroken and wrongly supposed to be out of commission.
The other blood red, beating, broken but beautifully full of life.
Wednesday took this opportunity to admire Enid again, letting her fingers dance across her face, travel down her neck, stroke along her arm and clasp the claws that had inadvertently came out.
Enid couldn't help but tear up slightly at this small gesture and then her thoughts travelled to only seconds before when she had finally felt the intoxicating lips of Wednesday Addams. This of course urged her lips to twist into a bright smile that beamed almost too brightly for Wednesday's eyes. But she didn't look away. Enid was worth the pain and besides she was a little distracted herself at the action she just allowed her self to perform and participate in.
"Enid" There it was. Her name sounds sickeningly sweet to Enid's ears but there was a worried undertone to it this time. Enid wasn't sure she wanted to hear what Wednesday was about to say and she had to fight the urge to remove herself from the entire situation.
The call of the wild started to pierce her ears once again and it took everything in her not to shift completely and return to her exploration of the next 500 miles of trees and muddy terrain.
"Wednesday" Enid breathed out in response, bracing herself for her next words, her hand freely tightening around Wednesday cold but comforting hand.
She wasn't ready to let go.
Not just yet.
She was going to hold onto this feeling, hold onto her hand and hold onto Wednesday for as long as the Gods,or Wednesday herself, permitted it.
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fanficonly · 1 year
Links to the next 5 Chapters of Wenclair "Mine" Fanfic
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
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