#wenclair mine chapter 14
fanficonly 2 years
Wenclair -"Mine" - Chapter 14
I have written and re-written this chapter so many times! Tweaked, drafted, scraped and all ... So listen this is what I'm going with haha and I hope it's decent ...enjoy馃構
It had been a week since the confession and Wednesday had spent the last week investigating Enid's disappearance and shooing away the endless concerned students appearing at her door expressing their worries.
"She's fine" Wednesday would repeat constantly to each person who appeared although it seemed like she was trying to convince herself more than anyone else.
Enid hadn't returned after changing into a wolf and shattering their delicate glass window. In fact no one had heard anything from her which only caused more panic in the usually emotionless Wednesday.
The continuous interruptions were becoming more of a hindrance to her pursuit in finding Enid so eventually she stopped answering. The school was just as concerned with principal Weems trying to organise a search party but being assured by Wednesday that Enid was fine, she had talked to her and she just needed a mental health break from school. She even doctored texts between the 2 of them for evidence which probably wasn't her smartest move but she couldn't stand the idea of everyone being involved in her business.
Although she was worried for Enid she was sure the werewolf could handle herself and she knew why she had run away and she was sure she would not be happy with the entire school searching for her when she wanted to be alone.
However it was now day 7 of searching by herself and she was still making no progress to the point where she considered rallying the entire school behind her.
"Wednesday!" She was pulled away from her thoughts by the sound of Yoko as she reached the edge of the woods
"Yoko" she acknowledged the girl with a little head nod.
"Listen I'm just gonna get straight to it" she started giving Wednesday a chance to respond. "If you have hurt Enid in any way-"
"What is it you are insinuating" Wednesday rudely interrupted her before she could get another word out.
"oh I don't know" she said sarcastically "I've heard the rumours! You were kicked out of your last school for killing 2 students it's not that far a stretch to say you may have resorted to your old ways and-"
"I would never hurt Enid" Wednesday interrupted her with force in her tone this time "Not physically anyway" she mumbled, unable to hide her guilt as she tilted her head toward the ground in shame. She knew full well she had emotionally scarred Enid, unintentionally of course but she never knew it could hurt so much harming someone she cared for.
"Then where is she?!" Yoko yelled this time crossing her arms in frustration but Wednesday was just shocked at the audacity of this girl and responded
"I'd watch your tone with me" she warned.
"I don't care" regardless of everyone's fear of Wednesday she had reached her breaking point and her concern for Enid took precedence over her fear of being staked by Wednesday. " Weems may believe your lies but I've been watching you" she told her
"I knew I sensed someone lurking" Wednesday muttered her thought out loud but Yoko ignored her and continued
"You don't where she is either so why would you tell everyone she was fine. She could be in trouble or hurt or worse dead!" Yoko raised her voice with each scenario she listed and although these thoughts had crossed her mind she had periodically forced visions through touching Enid's stuff and each time was greeted with a very alive Enid in a non descript location each time , always in wolf form, always in pain.
She was determined that she would eventually find her and with the help of her psychic abilities she was able to at least keep track of her this way.
"She's not dead" Wednesday bluntly statedm
"Then where is she?" Yoko asked, partly defeated by this conversation.
"I don't know presently" she told her, unfazed by the vampire's outburst.
"So how do you know shes not-" but again her words were aggravatingly cut short.
"She's not." Wednesday raised her tone slightly and looked at Yoko confidently. They stared at each other for a moment, neither one dared to break eye contact or move.
"That's it I'm getting a bunch of people out here to search-"
"Wait!" Wednesday yelled and this time Yoko blinked and gave a look of confusion towards the shorter girl. She had never heard much of any emotion in Wednesday's voice which threw her off guard. "Just hold off for the day and I can assure you if I don't find her by then" she breathed in deeply " then you can send out a rescue squad, tell principal Weems, alert the authorities for all I care" Wednesday reasoned "Just leave it alone for 1 more day". It should have been phrased like a question but instead it was more of a light demand.
Yoko considered it. Wednesday was a seer after all and she knew that if Enid was in trouble one person who would move heaven and hell to save her would be Wednesday. She knew the girl enjoyed creating carnage and chaos when it came to protecting Enid, through her own subtle observations so ...she considered it.
When she got no response from the vampire she resorted to threats " Of course you can try to but I will make sure you are left with a stake pertruding from your heart if you don't want to accept the deal" Wednesday spoke horrifyingly.
"Damn girl ok calm down" Yoko rolled her eyes and held her hands up in surrender and turned to walk away. She would take the day and save her own life but she was watching Wednesday.
She left but turned over her shoulder one last time
"One. Day. Addams." she reminded the girl and Wednesday nodded subtly. Before making her way into the forest.
Enid had surrendered herself to the wolf inside her, allowing her lone wolf status to consume her. She had spent almost a week roaming the woods endlessly, not able to return to her human form due to the physical and emotional pain she felt anytime she tried to. It was easier to stay numb and submit to her animalistic side so that's exactly what she did.
Every time she stopped to rest it was in a different location but she would always find herself returning to the Hyde attack site without meaning to. This time round was no different and she knew why. The remnants of her mate's scent still lingered at the sight and her wolf yearned for that smell, craved it uncontrollably in fact.
Although fully submitted to the wolf, Enid was still able to keep her distance from Wednesday herself. She spent over an hour laying on a pile of leaves before her ears twitched at a few twigs snapping close by. She leapt up in an attack position ready to battle whatever beast might have decided to return. However, once she was hit with the intoxicating scent of her Mate who had rejected her she scurried behind a large tree in a panic.
She was not as subtle as she had thought though because as Wednesday approached the location she caught the sight of a tail disappearing behind the large tree.
"Enid?" Wednesday asked pacing towards the tree, elated that she had finally found the girl after an agonisingly long week.
When she reached the tree, the wolf fell backwards and tripped over her own paws attempting to flee once again.
"Stop!" Wednesday yelled and Enid was unable to fight her instincts which made it impossible for her to move. She did as she was instructed, her eyes filled with pure sadness as she looked up at the darker haired girl who reached out for her.
When Wednesday approached her werewolf, she did the only thing she could think of that would keep her there and stop her from running once again. She opened her arms and wrapped them tightly around Enids wolf form, squeezing tightly and closing her eyes in pure relief.
She found her. She finally found her.
"Enid" she whispered and felt her relax into the embrace reluctantly. They stayed this way for a few moments, Wednesday gripping her for dear life knowing that at any moment she could be lost again. She then broke the hug to look at the werewolf worriedly.
Watching the concern that Wednesday so willingly let show caused Enid's feelings to come rushing to the surface. Although happy with Wednesday for caring so much to show her soft side she was still heartbroken knowing that it wasn't because she loved her.
"I'm sorry" Wednesday held her face and stared into her eyes. She had to make her stay. She needed Enid as much as Enid needed her and not seeing the girl for an entire week had given Wednesday enough time to accept how she felt and surrender to the feelings she couldn't control.
Enid just bowed her head in sadness, not yet knowing how Wednesday actually felt. She had given up and given into her wolf there was nothing she could do. She had accepted her status.
"Enid please come back" Wednesday begged which was extremely unlike her and oddly unsettling. It caused Enid's ears to prick up ever so slightly and she raised her head to look up at her mate.
"I can't Wednesday" Enids voice rang throughout Wednesday's head which caused her to instinctively scrunch her eyebrows and bat away the air.
"What was that" she immediately asked curious with
"If you let me in I can speak to you in your mind" Enid's voice floated through her head again.
"What why?" Wednesday involuntarily diverted her attention away from concern for Enid to raising her own defenses at the idea of someone being inside her head. This was an alarming concept that she needed more information about immediately.
"It's a wolf thing" Enids voice settled in her head again "I actually don't know why you can still hear me once rejected the bond is suppose to be severed" she explained and again bowed her head in pain.
"Rejected?" Wednesday questioned, not because she didn't understand the meaning but because she wasn't aware that what she had done had counted as full on rejection. How was she suppose to know this?!
The thought of Enid thinking that Wednesday didn't want her, again, made her heart ache and she instantly realised her mistake when Enid stepped away from her still bowing her head in misery.
Suddenly none of it mattered anymore. Any doubts she had over her feelings for Enid or worry to let the girl invade her comfort zone were gone in a matter of milliseconds and all she could think to do was embrace her once again.
"Please come back to me" she begged once again and after looking past her initial shock Enid whimpered slightly nuzzling into Wednesday's shoulder. She allowed herself to feel again, all the numbness subsiding and being replaced with the medicine that was Wednesdays scent.
Could it really be? Wednesday needed her? Wednesday Addams was throwing away everything her character stood for just to get Enid to return to her. Any doubts Enid felt about Wednesday's feelings faded away and now all she wanted was to just be with her. Whether that be as a friend or a more than friend she didn't care because Wednesday still wanted to have her in her life regardless of her Mate status. This settled Enid incredibly fast and she sunk into Wednesday's hold.
"Please" she heard Wednesday beg again and her heart broke slightly, recognising that she had not said anything yet. Her wolf was happy again, holding onto that ray of hope from the word 'please' leaving Wednesday's lips twice.
Enid breathed in deeply through her snout and let her worn out wolf form retract slowly transforming back to her human form.
Wednesday's gripped Enid tightly, almost suffocating the girl, elated with finally finding her and being able to bring her home.
Her heart cracked at the cries of Enid that muffled into her shoulder as they stood for a moment basking in each others embrace.
Both girls breathing settled and synced with one another while Wednesday stroked Enid's hair to calm her. She gripped her waist tightly with the other arm, unwilling to let her go again, and she allowed a small smile to make it's way across her lips. Just this once she told herself.
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fanficonly 2 years
Wenclair Prompts?
Feeling the Wenclair today but not happy with my current draft for "Mine" Chapter 14
Does anyone have a request for a one shot please?
Wanna get that inspiration flowing and the words going
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fanficonly 2 years
Links to the next 5 Chapters of Wenclair "Mine" Fanfic
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
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fanficonly 2 years
Can you make a Capter 14 for wenclair "Mine"
Just posted Chapter 14 and writing chapter 15 as we speak 馃構
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