#went with my main ships for this but v happy to fill requests for other pairings with this headcanon hehe đŸ«¶đŸ»
hendolish · 8 months
Your ficlets are so amazing!!!!!
I wonder, do you have any headcanons for your ships (I'm sorry can't choose one) with engagement? Who's the one who propose, when it happens and reaction?
I'm sorry if i make it complicated!
proposal headcanons ♡
hendo would totally be the one to propose and he’d definitely put in a lot of effort into making sure they have the best day together leading up to a fancy dinner; sleepy and loving morning sex (jack’s favourite kind) and taking skye on a walk along the beach together beforehand. however, jack being jack, doesn’t really catch on that he’s being proposed to until hendo’s literally down on one knee in front of him because hendo does nice things for him like, all the time, anyway.
honestly, he hasn’t much thought about marriage before. it has nothing to do with jordan or their relationship it just hasn’t ever crossed his mind, probably bc he’s the younger of the two. but then as soon as jack sees jordan lowering himself onto one knee and he finally catches on to what’s about to happen, he thinks about marrying jordan; spending the rest of their lives together, growing old and all that, and suddenly he’s never wanted anything more in his life. yes, he says almost too loudly, the words ripping from his lungs, yes, hendo
 i— yes. of course i’ll marry you. and jordan kisses him before anything else stupid can come out of his mouth, both with huge grins digging into their cheeks.
jordan proposes to john and he’s a sap deep down so he wants it to be romantic and perfect but knows john wouldn’t want much of a fuss so he tries to strike up a middle ground for them both by doing it all in the comfort of their own home. he tidies everything up and makes it look nice before john comes back from training. there’s no roses or anything but he does light a few candles because they have them anyway and never burn them and dims the lights slightly. when john arrives home he’s still in his training gear, which is perfect really, jordan thinks, because it’s so informal and normal and just them.
john shouts hello and jordan calls him to the lounge. when john enters, it’s with a reproachful eye and a sigh, ‘don’t tell me the power’s gone out again, we really should just—‘ he pauses when he catches jordan standing there in the middle of the room, probably looking more nervous than usual, and he’s never nervous, and fiddling with something inside his jacket pockets until he pulls out his hand to reveal a ring between his fingers . ‘you 
no way...’ john stutters then, sounding like he doesn’t know what else to say. ‘yep,’ jordan quips back, grinning giddily but feeling like the ring might slip from his shaky grasp any minute, ‘only if you want, of course.’ john calls him an idiot before rushing over to kiss him senseless in answer.
okay so, the obvious answer here is that aaron proposes to ben. he’d make it ridiculously romantic and sappy, whisking ben away on some romantic holiday where they get to live in their own little bubble for a week or two before he pops the question
 which is why i love to imagine it happening in a completely different way where ben proposes to aaron before aaron has the chance.
it goes like this: they’re tucked up in bed together because it’s winter and the heating hasn’t kicked in yet, bathing in each other’s warmth as they watch the snow begin to fall outside talking about stuff, and ben just says something like, ‘dunno why everyone’s getting married abroad these days, i’d love for it to snow at our wedding’. and aaron’s hand abruptly stops combing through ben’s hair. our he’d said.
ben seems unfazed and completely aware of what he’s just said as well, cheek still pressed comfortably against aaron’s chest, so it wasn’t just a slip of the tongue. aaron hopes, anyway. ‘you want that?’ he checks, feeling a burning need to, ‘with me?’ ben cranes his neck to give him a look that most certainly conveys, ‘who tf else would i be marrying?’ and aaron rushes to lean down and kiss him because he feels like his heart is about to burst from his chest.
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that-one-jasper · 4 years
Soundwave X Curious! Reader
(I changed the request a bit since I feel like Decepticons would be a little more hostile and careless to humans, so I hope that's okay.)
Regular. P.O.V
       Soundwave thought you were very peculiar to your species. When Megatron had first claimed you for ransom, all you did was wander around the Nemesis, and ask every single Cybertronian you saw a handful of questions. You also seemed to develop a bad habit of exploring the ship without anyone to guard you, meaning you've had more than a few close calls with meeting an unholy fate.       Megatron noticed how you would wander, and decided to put Soundwave in charge of you, though you thought he was boring. How would you learn anything if all he is, is silent? You had managed to slip away a few minutes ago, Soundwave getting busy with talking to Megatron about something-or-other. You were on your way to see Knockout, who had become accustomed to your daily visits to the medbay. He also didn't seem to mind answering any questions you had, as long as it didn't relate to any sensitive information.   However, due to your small size, and the lack of care from the cons, they didn't care if they crushed you, so you had to always be alert. One con who seemed to have it out for you was Starscream. He hated humans with a burning passion, and would blatantly ignore your shouts of 'be careful!' And would just keep walking, narrowingly missing you.     This seemed to be the case now, but just as you opened your mouth to call out for him to watch out, when a thing tendril wrapped around you and lifted you into the air, and safely onto your guardian's shoulder. "Watch-Out," He stated, using clips of others to communicate. "Thanks, Soundwave!" you smiled, before glaring over to Starscream, who had stopped to look at the two of you. "I suggest you watch your fleshy, Soundwave," he snarled. You narrowed your eyes at the feminine seeker. "Well, at least I don't look like a slut," You jabbed, pointing a finger at him.     The seeker looked like he was about to retaliate before Megatron was heard across the commlink. "Starscream. Head to the flight deck with an aerial patrol unit. Do not keep me waiting." Said seeker merely 'Tched' and shoved passed Soundwave. "He always seems to have a dick up his ass," you commented, crossing your arms. Soundwave had then taken you back to the main control room, where you watched him type in Cybertronian for the rest of the day.
    Ever since then, whenever Starscream found you wandering the Nemesis alone, he'd deliberately tried to step on you, so you made sure to always keep an eye out for him. Today, however, as your curious nature got the better of you, you roamed around different parts of the ship where you haven't been before, like the Energon storage, where the vechicons hang out, (You met a sweet one named St3v3), and to areas where they planned out digging excavations for the Energon. Megatron, of course, had made to keep other sensitive stuff heavily guarded, like the weaponry or other secret-stuff like that. You didn't mind, you just liked to explore the new environment.
        You were, headed to see Soundwave again, having filled your need of curiosity for the day when you encountered Starscream again. Instead of insulting him, you decided to shy away to the corner of the wall, however, he mirrored your movements, and started coming dangerously close to you, making you anxious. "Hey man! I'm walking!" "And soon you won't be," he growled, and just as he went to step on you, a quick snake like tendril wrapped around you again, and quickly brought you away from the grey seeker, and closer to the dark shoulder plates os Soundwave, who stood tall next to The Decepticon Leader.     "Starscream," the words sounded almost venomous, and it snapped the Seeker into attention. "Y-Yes, Lord Megatron?" His raspy voice asked, making you cringe. "What were you doing to the fleshy?" "N-Nothing, Lord Megatron." Said 'Con raised a brow. "Oh? Because the surveillance tapes show otherwise." The Leader stepped forward, and Starscream almost visibly shrunk. "This is our only bargaining piece for the Autobots, do not, disobey me again." He eagerly nodded, and practically ran off, while Megatron turned around and sent a glance towards Soundwave. "And you, fleshy. Don't go around the ship unless you are accompanied by Soundwave or Knockout. We don't have time to go out and get another fleshy if somethings happens." You nodded your head, "Yes, sir." As the fearless leader walked away, you turned your attention to Soundwave. "Starscream is a huge glitch," You muttered, rolling your eyes. "Affirmative," Soundwave responded, making you laugh.
       Some days have passed and per Megatron's orders, you were always accompanied by Soundwave or Knockout, though usually you were seen with the silent observer. You enjoyed spending time with him, and since you've been reading so much Cybertronian, you've managed to learn bits and pieces of the ancient code. You'd always be shy to admit, that you've grown rather...fond, of the Decepticon. You always seemed to notice the small things he did, the barely noticeable reactions he'd have, it became easier to tell how he was feeling, too. Of course, there was always the question if he liked you back. Did Cybertronians even date? And how would dating a giant Cybertronian work? Did he like humans? Naturally, not to your surprise, curiosity took hold into your mind, those questions constantly ringing in your ear.      You looked over to the large bot who was typing away, seemingly unaware of his surroundings. You weren't aware fo the words that left your mouth. "Soundwave?" You said out loud, catching said bot's attention. He didn't say anything, as usual, but he looked over to you. "Yes?' You took a deep breath, "I like you. As in, dating-courting, as your kind may know it as." The once confident demeanour that once radiated off of you seemed to simmer in the silence. "I just wanted to tell you, before I left or if something happens, I don't even know how dating a Cybertronian would work, let alone you dating a human," you began to ramble, but you caught yourself.     Still not receiving a response, you looked up at him and saw that he has a smiley face on his visor, something you've never seen him do before. "The feeling is, reciprocated," his monotone voice echoed, making you smile. "Really? You mean it?" He nodded. "Wicked! Does...Does this mean we're, you know, together?" You fumbled a little bit but your nervousness completely evaporated at the nod he once again gave you.     It had been a few hours and currently, you were resting on his shoulder plates, peacefully napping. The observer just kept typing away, occasionally stopping when he felt you stir in your sleep. When you said you liked him..He was very happy. A warm emotion had flooded through his systems, and he was always curious about human nature, so now that you two were together perhaps he could get more research done. He felt you stir again, causing him to pull away from the keyboard once again, he used one of his tendrils to give you a poke to see if you were waking up, and when he didn't feel or hear you moving anymore, he dove back into his work, his mood much lighter and happier than before.
Gahhhh I am so sorry for this *v* It's not my best, and honestly it's very short. I don't think I've ever written for Soundwave before? So this was a first for me, and I'm super sorry if I botched your request. I do hope you enjoyed it, though, and that it wasn't too unbearable lmao.
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that-terrible-writer · 6 years
Destined To Be
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Happy New Year! Hope you have a few days of relaxation. Mine has been filled with ups and downs but it has been nice to get away from work. Thank you for the follows! 900 people! I never have thought that it would grow like this, thank you for liking my shitty writing enough to follow it!
| Kylo Ren x OC (Celestia Lux) |
Summary: Celestia Lux is a childhood friend of Ben Solo, who is infamously known as  Kylo Ren: the apprentice of Snokes. Celestia is fine having nothing to do with Kylo, but Kylo has other plans to be reunited with his love.
Chapter V
Chapter I II III IV
Requested: “Destined To Be is my new favorite story! I can’t wait for more!!” 
“Destined to be is fucking amazing!! thank you so much!”
Kylo had been going to training more, more than usual, but he always returned to sleep by my side. I wasn't allowed to leave his room; it bothered me less since he continuously came back to me right after his practice. What was dangerous for Kylo, what he didn't have in mind was, he left me alone with mine; which would design a different way to escape and question things that he had told me.
"Snokes wants a child?" I mumbled to myself. Was it that important to have a successor if anything happened to Kylo? Why wouldn't Snokes just steal another person, that's what he did with my Ben. My thoughts broke when I heard a soft ring. I followed the noise, seeing that it was coming from my pile of clothes; the ones that I wore when I made the trade to get back Poe. I dug through the articles of clothing, finding a transmitter burying in a pocket. I opened it, seeing Poe on the other side; a look of shock came across his face.
"Poe!" I smiled, relieved to finally seeing someone else. I huddled in the corner, worried that a trooper would come in to check on me; or worst, Kylo.
"Celest, are you still safe?" Poe asked concerned, taking in a deep breath trying to relax his current state.
"Yeah. I'm locked up in this room for weeks, but Kylo has kept me safe." I answered, looking over my shoulder to see that I was still alone. "When was this transmitter given to me?"
"When we tried to rescue you," Poe explained.
"Poe, you know how I said before that there was no hope left in Kylo?" I reminded him. I bit my bottom lip, looking over at the door to make sure Kylo wasn't going to be coming in anytime soon. I had lower my voice, making sure that only I could hear myself in the bedroom beside Poe, "He's been changing. It's odd; he's been opening up a little as we talk. He even apologized for the past."
"Is it one of his tricks again?" Poe questioned. He didn't look convinced, Poe was always questioning everything especially when it came from the First Order and Kylo.
I shook my head out of uncertainty, pushing my eyebrows together, having my mouth twitch a little while I tried words to explain. "I honestly don't think so. When we traded, Snokes originally wanted to kill me; angry with Kylo for giving you up. Kylo convinced Snokes that we could produce a child for him and he agreed to the terms."
"Excuse me; you have to do what?" Poe said, baffled. He blinked a few time, trying to make sure he heard what he heard.
"I still don't know why he wants one, but Kylo saved me.  There are times that when I look at him, I see Ben again." I sighed, "I was wrong."
"Well, still be on your toes," Poe instructed me, "You can never be sure about Ky―"
I let out a scream as the transmitter broke in my hand. I dropped the pieces, turning to see Kylo standing in the doorway.
"Kylo..." I soft let out, hands clutched to my chest, my eyes widening in fear on how pissed he was at me. Kylo made his way over to me, taking off his helmet in the process. He grabbed my shoulders, pushing me up against the wall, inches in my face. His eyes had a fire in them, narrowing to peer into mine.
"What did you tell him?" He growled. His tone caused me to wince, my stomach dropping to the floor due to fear.
"I was safe." I couldn't look at him, but he made that easier by grabbing my chin, forcing me to look directly at him.
"What else." He gritted his teeth. It wasn't a question; it was clear as day that it was an order. An order that I shouldn't reject.
"That Snokes wants a child." I quickly said, my eyes flickered around the room as he was burning into my soul. "Why?"
Kylo had loosened his grip a little, allowing me to stand freely. "He wants to train them while they're young," Kylo explained.
"So brainwashing them? Training them like how you train your Stormtroopers and how you were?" I barked at him.
"Celestia, the First Order is the future."
"Ben! If I ever had a child with you, I would at least want them to choose what they wanted!" I fought back. I felt my courage leap to my mouth, my mind not listening to my heart at all; yelling at Kylo as the fear quickly left me.
"I didn't!" Kylo yelled, "I was forced to train with Skywalker, I was forced to move away from my home and to leave you!"
"How did that work out? How did that make you feel? Bitter? Filled with hate?" I questioned him, crossing my arms, "I don't want my child to hate me as you do with Leia and Han. They did what they thought was helpful for you! You need to learn from their mistake, don't force anything they don't want to do." I had calmed down, but my heart still felt as if it traveled down to my stomach. Kylo seemed to be feeling the same; he looked away from me for a slipt second before coming back to me.
"You called me Ben again." He murmured. He took a quick look at me from the corner of his eyes.
"Sorry, it keeps slipping out." I quickly apologized, covering my mouth to show him that I wouldn't make that mistake anew.
"You told Dameron that you saw Ben in me again." I hit Kylo's chest, a bit of a playful matter.
"You were listening!" I yelled, "Why did you have to do that to me?"
"I wanted to hear it from you." He explained, he turned heading back to the door; he grabbed his helmet from the dresser.
"Where are you going?" I went to follow him but quickly stopped with a push from his force.
"To train."
"But you already did," I told him.
"If you still see Ben, that means I'm not where I'm supposed to be." He placed his helmet on, heading out the door; leaving me alone once again.
"Is that a bad thing?" I softly asked myself.
I had enough. Enough with this black room. Enough of the Troopers. Enough of being treated like a prisoner. I changed my clothes, back into my dress, tying my hair into a ponytail. I got on the bed, reaching for the air vent; trying to take off the grate that blocked the only way out. I jumped, being able to grab the edge to pull myself up into it. I crawled down the vent, hearing conversations as I was trying to find the TIE fighters.
"He's growing weak." I heard Hux's voice, echoing through the vents, "It's because of Solo's apprentice."
"The girl?" Captain Phasma questioned.
"Yes, the girl, you dimwit!" Hux screamed, "Supreme Master Snokes was able to buy Kylo's excuse to keep her here, but I doubt that's truly why." I saw Hux walk over to the monitors, watching each screen until his eyes fixated on one. He had enhanced Kylo's chamber, his face scanning it all over. "Where is she!" He roared, slamming his fist on the controls. He turns to Phasma, his face red, boiling in anger, "Go tell Kylo Ren that his pet seems to have gone missing."
That was my hint to continue down the vent, stopping for a little bit when I heard the alarms go off. "Aw, all this for little old me?" I quipped, not being able to have a smirk tug at the corner of my mouth. I looked down one of the openings to see I was at the docks, everyone running around; losing it for the rath of―
"WHERE IS SHE!" I heard Kylo yell, echoing throughout the ship, having everyone, including myself, stop what we're doing. I took out my blaster pistol, turning to aim down the opposite side of the air vent and fired. The sound alerted everyone, causing them to clear out the hanger to investigate. Leaving me the perfect time to escape. I opened the vent, jumping down, quickly making my way to a TIE fighter. I shot off the chain that had it tied down, immediately shutting the door once I got in and strapped myself in; just in case Kylo tried using the force on me again.
I turned everything on; I quickly saw the main door to the docks open having Kylo run-in with an immeasurable amount of Troopers at his side. He made eye contact with me, running towards me, "Celestia!" He called.
I regripped the steering wheel, lifting the ship off the ground. I saw the Troopers raise their guns at me, but Kylo quickly stopped them, "Hold your fire!" I took one last look at Kylo before I took over.
If you're not going to let Ben stay, neither will I.
"Base? Base, do you read me? This is Celestia Lux, do you copy?" I talked into the mic, as I was heading back to the resistant base.
"Celest?" I heard Poe on the other line, "How did you―"
"I took a TIE fighter and got myself the hell out of there." I reported, "So, please don't shoot at me. Or you'll take the fun out of it for Han."
"Copy that." Poe confirmed I could hear the happiness that came from his voice; relieved for my safety, "I'll tell Mr. Solo of your return."
"Doubt it." I cracked a smile, not being able to hold back a joke, "He has to look after this kid again."
I had earned a laugh from Poe, "We'll see you when you land."
"Thanks. Lux out." I needed the line, heading straight to the planet in my view.
You can't run from me, Celestia.
I heard Kylo's voice, it frightened me, causing me to search the little fighter; only to show that I was alone.
You honestly thought you saw the last of me?
"Just did. Once I get back to Han, I'm out. Done with the resistance, done with the First Order and more important, done with you." I said out loud.
You don't mean that. What about getting Ben back?
"You said it yourself; you're going to keep training until Ben is gone. What's the point in trying?"
You love Ben, don’t you?
His comment caused me to grip the wheel tighter, biting the bottom of my lip. "Ben is gone." I whispered, "You're Kylo Ren now."
I can still be Ben to you.
"Stop." My voice cracked, tears were forming in my eyes. I felt my heart ached as flashes of Ben before he was Kylo, flashed before me. The man that I loved so much, who protected me as I was a child; the person that was never coming back to me.
If you come back, I'll keep a little piece of him for you.
"Stop it..." I plead.
I still love you, as Ben and as Kylo. We're destined to be with each other. Just come back to me.
"Get out," My voice rose a little, still soft but was more firm.
We can have a child, live like the perfect family you always wanted with Ben.
"Get out of my head, Ben!" I screamed. It finally returned to silence. I thought that shaking my head would get his voice out, waving that feeling away; making sure I wasn't going to cry over him. Not anymore. I saw the base in the distance as I continued to try and calm my heart. Why was he so good at playing mind games? Knowing the exact things to say to me. I saw Leia, Poe, Han, and Chewy waiting for me to land. Once I did, I ran up to Poe; wrapping my arms around him, nuzzling my face into his chest.
"Quite a greeting there." Poe laughed. I felt his arms wrap around me, returning the same feeling: security.
I peeled myself away, seeing Han look at me, "Poe said you been seeing Ben."
"He's still trying to destroy him." I replied softly, "I can't change him." Han walked past me, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"You did good, kid. Rest up. Tomorrow we head to Tokodana." I nodded, understanding that we still had to continue doing our job.
"I'll show you where you're staying," Poe told me. I lifted my hand, grabbing the end of his shirt.
"Could I," I softly let out, looking up to Poe to meet his eyes, "just stay with you?" Poe looked over at Han, who had given him a questioning look.
"Y-yeah," Poe stammered, leading me towards his bunker. We entered, and I just resume holding onto him. "Celest," Poe sighs, grabbing onto my shoulders to pull me away, "What happened?"
"He just wants a successor, or that's what he told Snokes," I explained.
"Have you two."
"Twice. One was under that stupid mind trick, but the last was when I saw Ben. My feelings returned, and I couldn't help myself." I felt the tears swell in my eyes. "I thought he was there." I chocked, "I thought―I thought he proved me wrong."
Poe pulled me back into a hug, shushing me. He rested his chin on top of my head, letting me weep into his chest, "It's ok. You're safe now."
Tagged: @alwaysmebeforeyou
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taeguboi · 7 years
BTS Reaction To A Phone Break-Up
Request: ‘ sry if this is to angsty, but reaction to being broken up with over the phone? need smth to balance out the other stuffs ive been reading lately. thnx xx’
I find angst sorta difficult to write when it’s having the boys on the receiving end of the upset but here’s your angst!
Also this is my last day of half term break so it’s the same scenario for them all; in which the reader is breaking up with him because they never see each other any more because of their schedule... 
I’m sorry it’s a really typical scenario and a bit of a cop out but my aim is to empty my ask box of at least reaction / mtl and hc requests to leave just ships [which I can hopefully do a few at a time one weekends or something]
Rap Monster
“Baby, please don’t do this... I’ve been trying so so hard lately to balance work and relationships”
“But Joon, I never see you anymore, like ever; we don’t even video chat anymore”
“It’s not just you, and I know that sounds awful, but... my family is getting this kind of treatment too...”
“I can’t do it Joon; I’m sorry...”
“I... I guess I understand; I miss you”
“I miss you too. Good bye Joon.”
You hung up the call after that.
Of course, Namjoon is gutted; you’re the love of his life. His whole life has been filled with his hard working demeanour, and now that the band has gotten this far, he was convinced he could balance his work and personal life more equally; when he met you, he was convinced he was ready again. You’d be worth the few hours less sleep at night, the place in his heart, his spare time.
For ages he had been trying to push it out of his head that he’d been seeing less of you recently since the latest comeback. But promotions were heavy and the fan meetings slotted in that schedule increased with their ever growing popularity. He was kind of expecting for you to call him out on it though, less expectant that you’d give up on him like this. But it wasn’t a lie when he told you he understands.
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“Honey, if this is some kind of joke, you should stop; it’s not making me laugh”
“I really wish I was kidding Seokjin... not that I’d kid about this kind of thing”
“Then... it’s true?”
“You have to know I love you Jin... but this is killing me”
“Look, I know we don’t see each other as much as we used to be able to, but I really will make it up to you and that’s a promise; I’ll do anything!”
“Please don’t make this any harder for me than it already is Jin...”
“Then stay with me, please! I’ll be worth it!”
“I just can’t Jin... You make me happy, but this... this is not making me happy; I’ve never felt so alone!”
“Please honey...”
“I’m sorry Jin. Stay well.”
This had to be a nightmare; a horrible dream. Any moment he will wake up now if he pinches himself and -- ouch! He had so many plans for the two of you. He was going to take you out the moment he came back to town, and he was going to pay for everything and anything you wanted. Maybe money can’t buy love, but he just wanted to prove that he loves you dearly and that was hopefully the start.
Suddenly the idea that he could have any girl he wants isn’t a novelty anymore. Not when he can’t have you. But he knows that calling you back will only make things worse as you’ve clearly made your decision. It drives him nuts not knowing the process you went through for it to come to this. Did his absence really torture you that much, or was it actually quite easy to pick up that phone and call it quits? Will he ever find out?
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“My main motivation to work as hard as I do is you ever since I met you! I’m going through these heavy schedules so we can live a secure future with...”
“How can we have that future when we’ll barely know each other Yoongs?”
“You know I’m right Yoongi... and I think you know that this much time apart obviously isn’t healthy for our relationship”
“So you’re saying we should just go our separate ways? Just like that?”
“It kinda feels like we already have Yoongs”
“What can I do to get you to stay with me?”
“Nothing. Nothing at all.”
“So... this is goodbye?”
“I think it’ll be for the best Yoongi. Your career comes first, we both established that fact when we got together.”
“You must have known we’d come across periods of time like this then surely when I told you that?”
“I guess I thought I could do it, but I can’t. I think I need to hang up now. I love you.”
It was always this way; he was hardly surprised. The work always got in the way. But this is his dream, right? He has to move on... or maybe he can be patient and come back one day? 
Even a long while after the phone break up, you’re still his motivation. He never thought he’d be such a romanticist but he’s gonna keep pursuing that career so he can earn his money and his free time and come back to you one day and hope that your heart still lies with him.
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“Hobi, I really never wanted for it to come to this...”
“Neither do I... Can you really not hold out for me?”
“I love hearing your voice over the phone, and I light up when I see you on a video call, which by the way is extremely rare now... It’s the empty feeling I get afterwards; I don’t know when I’m gonna hear from you next... You can’t even tell me when you’ll be back in town, let alone see each other in person again...”
“Believe me, I wish I knew... I want nothing more than to be able to tell you I’m coming back to town to see you...”
“Of course I believe you... I guess fate doesn’t want us to be together, not right now anyways”
“But I want us together...”
“I’m sorry Hobi. It’s over. You’ll be good without me.”
“You really don’t understand...”
“I have to go Hobi”
“I love you y/n; so much...”
“I love you too”
That moment it’s for certain that you’ve ended things with Hoseok is when day turns into night. Although it’s inevitable that the sun will come out tomorrow, he certainly doesn’t want to. Even though it had to be kept a massive secret, Hobi loved having someone to love, someone who had a place for him in their heart as he did for them.
The next few weeks, months or however long it takes to recover from this fall are going to be difficult, but he can’t be alone with his thoughts. So he finds the nearest member to completely let it out to them. As little as he wants to cry, it’s the best thing he can do for himself at this moment so that he’s less likely to crack under the public eye. He’s going to stay in love with you for a long time though.
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“Please don’t let this get the better of you y/n... You must know how much you mean to me... what this will do to me...”
“I do know Chim... I also know that I haven’t physically seen you for half a year, 6 months! It’s crazy how lonely I feel”
“I see people every day; I can barely avoid people in fact, but I feel just as lonely as you do...”
“See? That’s no good is it? I love you Jimin and I know you love me, but... this relationship is doing us more harm than good for as along as we’re away from each other for such extended periods of time”
“I’ll quit!”
“Don’t be stupid Jimin and don’t you dare even consider that! You know you’re just talking in the moment because you’re emotional”
“I’m sorry, you’re right... How about we take a risk and I send you as much of my schedule as I know...?...”
“And have people think I’m a Sasaeng? I thought we were never going to have attention drawn...”
“I just don’t want this to happen...”
“and you think I do?”
“Please don’t break up with me.”
“I have to. I think it will do us both some good, even though it might not feel that way now.”
“This isn’t gonna stop me missing you”
“I miss you too Jimin... but I’m going to hang up now... Just assure me that you’ll stay healthy and safe, please?”
It wasn’t ideal that you had to spend so much time apart from each other, but even just the thought of you kept him going, made him feel more certain about himself. Curling up into a ball on his bed, he considers his options to feel better. Usually, he’s the one there to cheer his friends and band members up when they’re feeling down, but it’s never come to this before.
In his professional life, he manages to stay very strong, without even the tiniest hint that something is up, but behind closed doors, it’s going to take quite a few more nights before he doesn’t slam that door behind him to be sad by himself.
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“Of course I love you Tae...”
“Then why have you chosen to do this?”
“You’re not the only one having to wait and feel tortured in this way, you know?”
“You have plenty around you to be distracted by; you get to finish work and go straight to sleep because there’s little other choice... I have to come home to an empty house and wonder if that phone will ring”
“I thought I was worth the time apart... I thought we were both going to wait so we can have that moment when we’re finally together again...”
“Me too, but it’s all gotten the better of me”
“Well, I guess that says enough about how much you’re willing to do to keep our relationship going... You entered this knowing fully well that I’d be busy, that sometimes it might be a while before we see each other again.”
“and now looking back, it makes me wonder how we even established that relationship in the first place Tae...”
“I can’t hear anymore of this y/n. I love you but this is ending with me completely unconvinced you ever fully felt the same way. Goodbye.”
Taehyung has a lot of self worth and respect; he knows it isn’t his fault that it has come to this, and that career sadly has to trump relationships. But he did think he had found someone who wouldn’t leave him because of the schedules. He loves you dearly, and you said ‘yes’ when he asked that big question to initiate your relationship, surely that was the start of something solid that could last despite the trying times?
He hangs up first though because he knows he’s about to well up. Since you told him you want to break it off, you’re no longer that person he feels he can get emotional in front of anymore. He’s going to open up to one close friends, but hide his devastation other than that.
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“I know this is hard for both of us, but I... I don’t know if I know how to handle this if you leave me”
“Keep living your dream Jungkook and forget about me, or at least your feelings for me. Distract yourself, it’ll fade eventually.”
“Are you sure you can’t wait for me? I love you; I can’t wait til we have a bit more freedom and I can finally show you to the world...”
“...and become the envy of all girls leading to all the hate comments which would have scared me off anyway no matter how hard I try to ignore it? Let’s face it Jungkook; this was probably doomed from the start”
“You know what I mean Jungkook. Something or someone out there doesn’t want this to happen. When’s the last time we saw each other?”
“Last week on...”
“I mean in person Kookie...”
*sighs* “At least a good 7 months, I suppose...”
“What kind of relationship is that?”
“Long distance?”
“Too much distance for me Guk... I miss you so hard it hurts...”
“Look... I think I understand... You do what you have to do and... I wish you all the best.”
“That’s very mature of you Guk...”
“Maybe some other time we can try again?”
“We’ll see”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
So that was the end of Jungkook’s first real romance... As a trainee from a young age and then escalating into stardom, this was the first time he’d established a proper relationship with real feelings, and that’s perhaps why he had the idea about ‘some time in the future’, unable to imagine a love life with anyone else.
Despite his great upset at the situation, he understands why this might have been hard for you to stay committed to and help sustain something that can’t give back. He missed you a great deal too and almost resented the heavy schedules, but it’s something that has to be done. With the help of his hyungs, he thinks he can at least get over the sad feeling.
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