#went with the name that rietta knows her mother by
fictionadventurer · 4 months
I'm a couple days behind on the Chesterton Challenge, but in light of @isfjmel-phleg posting that piece of Tietra's backstory from the Blackberry Bushes series, I decided to skip ahead to the "mother" prompt and post this attempt at a kyrielle about her situation.
Kyrielle for Tietra
The world is locked in awful war At last, to end it I must be Forever wedded to the foe O God, be merciful to me
I come within a foreign court My name changed by a king's decree My past erased, what else remains? O God, be merciful to me
My husband's death leaves me alone Suspected as an enemy By those who hold my daughter's crown O God, be merciful to me
They aim to shape my daughter's life In ways with which I can't agree I must retreat to save her soul O God, be merciful to me Caught fast between her world and mine With foes I can't defeat or flee How can I save myself and her? O God, be merciful to me
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isfjmel-phleg · 2 years
@fictionadventurer was curious about background for the adult OCs' names, so here it is! Plus Josiah's siblings since they didn't make it into the other post.
Marielle Tietra Valencourt (nee Mariella Philene Gremondi): All the Gremondi sisters, like many Otionovian women, have the first name "Mariella" and use their middle name instead. Philene was named for her great-grandmother. That name didn't translate well into Faysmondian, so she chose "Tietra" as an anagram of her fiancé's name.
Etriat Donatien Odilon Valencourt: As the only son of his parents, ended up with a high-pressure name, in honor of his grandfather, father (named for one of Faysmond's patron saints), and a deceased uncle.
Antavia Edella Ellaset Phemister: Lots of pressure here too! She is named for the descendent of Gearalt III from whom the Phemisters get their claim to the throne, her grandmother (a much-beloved and -respected queen consort who did a lot for Corege), and the arguably greatest reigning queen in Coregean history. Probably went by Tavie in childhood. Since taking a different title after her abdication, she encourages people to refer to her as "the Duchess." Hardly anyone gets to call her Antavia anymore.
Andras Marbert Adrend Phemister: Named for an obscure early king of Corege, the king who founded Hollingham College (his mother, Edella, was of course very interested in education!), and one of Edella's many brothers who died young. As a second son, he didn't have expectations of inheritance placed on him, so his parents could use names with more personal significance for him.
Bethira Catrin Liddick (nee Goswick): The Goswicks gave their daughters names that were stylish among their peers. Bethira's common name has made her seem more approachable to Coregeans.
Talfrin Gearalt Stamwell Liddick: His middle names are for his father and Gearalt III (the common ancestor of the Phemisters and Liddicks), but I have no idea where his first name came from. His mother might have just liked it.
Edmara Nelsie Melbray (nee Delford): The family names were all used by the time she was born (fourth of five), so she has a normal, down-to-earth Coregean middle-class name with no more to it than her parents' preference. As a child, she was Edie to her siblings; Elystan is literally the only person who calls her Mara.
Levico Dermond Melbray: Probably the same goes for him. He was also fourth of five (all brothers!), so who knows where his name came from. I don't think he's ever cared much for it though, hence the use of initials professionally.
Odren Linnaf Norlo Adrend Callon: Named for his father, because the Liennese are big on carrying on tradition. His middle names are for his uncles who died young (yes, that's the same Adrend Andras was named for--Edella was Odren's paternal aunt), a sentimental choice on his father's part. Maybe the association with lost brothers had a subconscious effect on the elder Odren's reluctance to get close to his heir.
Mariele Liane Rosanna Callon (nee Marielle Liane Rosanne Valencourt): Liane, as the youngest of a large family, was given fashionable rather than dynastic names (Faysmondians often use "Marielle" as Otionovians do "Mariella"). When she married, her name was simply translated into Liennese; lee-AHN became LY-uh-nuh.
Nyella Josefa Callon (nee Mellsbach): Her middle name (pronounced yo-ZEH-fa) was chosen for its resemblance to her father's first name, Josia.
Ayra Liane Edonora Callon: Named for her aunt, mother, and great-grandmother. All safe, conventional choices, with dynastic significance in case this child ended up having to inherit.
Ateva Edella Rika Callon: Named for her paternal grandmother, great aunt, and distant cousin Rietta. The first name was an attempt on Liane's part to mend a damaged relationship, and the others were useful for pleasing international connections.
Nyel Mikaiah Tilo Callon: Named for his mother and her two brothers. Nyella and Odren had not chosen names before the birth. Not knowing what his wife would have wanted, Odren chose all names of significance to her. No one has been able to bring themselves to call him Nyel, so he has always been Mikaiah, or Miki.
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fleurie3am15inspo · 6 years
Work was slow so I started brainstorming and came up with this
Hey there, whoever happens to read this. I am a writer too. I just don’t normally post anything and whatever I do write is usually between me and a friend with whom I am partnering up for a project of sorts. I sometimes have story ideas and get started on creating characters, plots, backstories, etc. and just go off writing little snipets. Well, this is an excerpt from my most recent one. A bit of background. This excerpt is a “how they met” type of deal. It is between two of my characters, Ardmont and Rietta. Ardmont is a blind elf and Rietta is a pixie in a fantasy world that has elves, humans, orcs, pixies, you name it. Pixies are usually captured for a variety of reasons. They can be pets, assistants, informants, etc. There is a way to distinguish between a “tamed” or “wild” pixie, but more on that later..maybe. Who knows?  Anyway, I’ll stop talking now. Here is a bit showcasing their current relationship followed by how they met. @the-lupine-sojourner , this is what I had mentioned to you a while back. Sorry it took me so long. Midterms have devoured me and left me for dead. But thank goodness, I have a few days to relax and post this. Thanks for your patience.I’ll give more on the plot later. Here we go!
Thorne and Ardmont are riding out to the next town via horseback at the request of Ardmont’s father. Thorne is the son of one of the groundskeepers so he and Ardmont don’t speak very much. So, he uses the ride to get to know the son of his father’s employer. .........
“So, it’s true? You really are can’t see?”
“That’s right. At home is where I use my cane. That way, I don’t have to bother anyone with escorting me. It’s much easier to use than you think.”
“If it's easier for you to get around with your cane, why don't you use it more often?”
“Father doesn't think it's appropriate for me to use it in public. He thinks that I'm just announcing to the world that I'm disabled. An embarrassment, even.” “Well, I can see how it looks. A disability does tend to garner unwanted attention..” “...” “Sorry.” “It's fine. It doesn't matter to me anyhow. I've got Rietta.” “Who?” A flurry of light pops up in front of him and settles on his horse’s mane. A winged creature in a flower dress places her hands on her hips, smiling proudly up at the newcomer. “I believe he means me.” “Whoa! Ardmont, you have a pet pixie?” Her attitude changes immediately as her glow turns orange in annoyance.“Who are you calling a pet? Hold me back Monty! I'm about to shove some pollen up his nose!” She flies off in a huff. “Rietta, I told you not to call me that.” He sighs, “She's not a pet; she's my best friend. And she helps me get around.” Rietta flies back next to his face with an arm full of pollen.“In other words, I'm his eyes!” Ardmont sneezes, “Did you actually get it?” Rietta freezes and lets it fall in a small golden cloud, “Maybe.” His friend shakes his head in amazement, “Incredible. I’ve never seen a pixie who willingly listens to an elf. All the little creatures I’ve seen have been tamed and marketed as pets.” Rietta begins to glow red as she fumes in anger. Ardmont feels the heat and gently raises his hand to nudge her with his finger. “Actually, I find the whole idea of it detestable,” he began, “Pixies are not wild animals. They think and feel just like any human, elf, or orc. And still, they’re hunted, caged, and stripped of their free will. It’s not right.” Rietta’s glow dims back down to a pale yellow and she settles on his shoulder. “Rietta is with me because she chose to. I didn’t ask her to follow me everywhere I went to make my life easier. I met her in the forest and she offered to help me. And for that, I am forever grateful.” “Aww!” Rietta turns pink and hugs his neck, “I love you too, big guy!” “My apologies then,” his friend said, “I hadn’t meant to offend you in any way, miss. The idea is new, but, from now on, I will keep an open mind to it.” Rietta flips her braid over her shoulder and dusts the yellow powder off, “It’s okay. Not everyone can see like Monty. He might not be able to see people, but he can see you as a person.” Thorne chuckles a bit, “You’re a bit passive-aggressive, aren’t you?” “Am I really, good sir? I had no idea.” Admont laughs as well, “Be nice, Rietta. Not everyone is used to your little mood swings.” “I must admit, though, I am rather curious as to how you two came to meet,” Thorne began, “I understand that you found him first, Rietta?” She twirls up in the air, “You got it! I was just minding my business on a pretty little patch of lilies when all the birds started screaming...
Rietta is sitting on a mushroom amidst a small patch of lilies. She is humming quietly to herself as she sews lily petals together to make a skirt. It is a delicate garment and she is almost done. Suddenly, the ground rumbles and all the birds in the tree scatter, screeching a discord of noise. She looks around in confusion and sees a horse stampeding her way. She gasps and shoots up into the safety of the branches, dropping her skirt on accident. “No…!” She makes a grab for it, but the horse speeds ahead beneath her, and tramples the lily patch she was sitting in as well as her pretty skirt. She flits down and, with drooping wings, gently picks up the remains. She hugs the ruined garment and cries for a little when she is distracted by the horse once more. The horse has reared on its hind legs and thrown off it’s rider. An elf goes flying off his saddle and cries out in pain as he lands harshly on his right side. The horse neighs and takes off without the elf. Rietta burns bright red and flies up angrily, “What do you think you’re doing?!” Ardmont swivels his head around, trying to locate the source of the voice. “Who’s there? Please, can you help me? I don’t know where I am.” He tries to get up, but trips on a root and lands on his injured arm. “Aah..! They’re after me.” Rietta maintains her distance and looks in the direction he came, “Who is after you?” “Bandits,” he falls again and feels around for the tree trunk, “They attacked my caravan and my horse-” “Are you crazy! Why the heck would you lead bandits this way? You’ll lead them straight to the pixie meadows!” “I didn’t know. I’m sorry, miss. But please, I need help!” “Unbelievable… Ugh! Alright! Follow me, we’re gonna lead them away from here.” She flies off in a huff. “Miss, wait!” “Now what?” She flies back, getting up in his face, but he continues to look around frantically, feeling for another tree. “What the heck is wrong with you?” Ardmont is breathing quickly in a panic, “I’m blind, miss. I need you to guide me!” “Oh, for the love of-” Rietta springs down and grabs a stick, “Grab this and try to keep up.” He grabs hold with his left hand and they take off in a direction adjacent to where he had come from. Occasionally, he stumbles, but he never falls. Soon, the sound of crashing water is heard and the air turns salty. They have reached the ocean. Ardmont’s breathing has worsened and he collapses on his knees. ‘A-are they...are they g-gone…?” Rietta is panting as well. She drops the stick and settles down on a seashell, her wings drooping. “Yeah. We lost them.” Ardmont winces slightly as he puts both hands on the floor and leans forward in a deep bow. “T-thank you, m-miss,” he gasped between breaths, “I am...forever in debt to you.” “You’re facing the wrong way, you big oaf,” Rietta said dryly, “But, you’re welcome. Even if it was your fault to begin with.” She mutters the last part under her breath. Ardmont turns in the direction of her voice and bows again. “My most sincerest apologies, miss. I had not meant to lead them to your home. My horse was frightened and I let him take me.” He tries to sit up and take a deep breath, “I will burden you no more. I can find my way back from here.” Rietta raises an eyebrow, “Do you even know where we are?” “The Northern Shore. My mother brings me often so I know the way home from here. I just need a moment to recollect myself.” Cautiously, Rietta flies closer to his face noticing his skin was pale and tinged green. Hey, are you okay?” she asked, “You look like you’re going to be sick.” He shakes his head vigorously, “I-I’m fine. I j-just need-” he coughs harshly then empties the contents of his stomach on the sand. Rietta recoils but hesitantly moves closer. She tugs at a handkerchief stuffed in his shirt pocket. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.” She leaves him resting in the sand and returns to the forest from which they came. There is a stream nearby, in which she dunks the handkerchief. Then she rises up to the branches of a nearby fruit tree, plucking a circular blue one. With both items in tow, she flies back to the beach to look for Ardmont. He is lying down with his arms resting on his torso. Rietta places the damp handkerchief on his forehead and he flinches from the sudden coolness. “What-?” “Relax, oaf,” Rietta says, surprisingly soothingly, “It’s just me. Can you sit up now?” “Yes.” He manages to sit up on his own, though still a little shaky. “Keep that on your head and eat this.” She plumps the blue fruit in his lap. “It’s an aquarine. Plenty of water pockets and it’s good for you.” “Thank you, miss. I will remember your kindness forever.” Tilting his head back slightly to balance the cloth, he uses his left hand to awkwardly eat his fruit. They sit in a small silence for a few minutes. The color is returning to his face and he is breathing easier now. Rietta notices that he is taking special care to not move his right side and how his arm is resting on his lap. “So...how’s your arm?” She asks, breaking the silence. Ardmont pauses from his fruit, “I don’t know. I am hoping it is only a sprain, but it pains me to move.” “Well, I’m already playing caretaker. Might as well finish the job.” She flies up to his neck and tugs at his scarf. “What are you doing?” “I’m going to make a sling. You shouldn’t be moving it if it hurts.” “You’ve done enough, miss. I will have it examined when I return home.” “That could take hours. Just shut up and let me fix it.” Ardmont concedes and removes his scarf for her. She flits about him and ties it securely around his neck. “There. You should be fine.” “Tha-” “And stop thanking me. Once was enough.” She rests on a seashell in front of him again, “Why are you so formal, anyway?” Ardmont bows his head slightly, “Apologies, miss. I just-” “Rietta.” “Pardon?” “That’s my name, I’m getting tired of hearing you call me ‘miss’.” Ardmont smiles, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Rietta. My name is Ardmont. My mannerism is so because my father raised me to treat all living creatures with respect.” Rietta sits cross-legged on the seashell and looks up at him skeptically. “...You do know I’m a pixie, right?” “Yes.” “So why are you being nice to me? Aren’t you going to try to capture me like everyone else?” A shocked look comes across his face, “Never! Do you not live, breathe, and think? You are a creature of free will, no different than I! Who am I to harm the lady who has saved my life?” Her glow fades back to yellow, “You mean you really don’t want to take me away?” “Never on my life.” “Wow...you’re...you’re different then…” Without realizing it, tears are falling down her face. She sniffs and tries to wipe them away quickly. “Are you crying, miss?” “No, I got sand in my eyes-Yes I’m crying!” She keeps trying to wipe them away to no avail. “And I said don’t call me that!” There is a slight pause, “Y-You’re the first elf I’ve met who hasn’t tried to hunt me down. I’m sorry! I didn’t help you because you asked me too…I didn’t want your kind to find us. And I thought that if I left you, you might have accidentally led the bandits to the meadows. I’m so selfish!” Ardmont smiles softly, “Rietta, you have nothing to apologize for. You are not selfish. In fact, you’re very brave. You acted in the best interests of your people and still found a way to help me. And even when you saw me as the enemy, you cared for me. I am forever in your debt.” He stands and stretches his side gently. “You are very kind, Rietta. I live in Ravenport, just off the coast. Should you ever need me, I will be more than happy to return the favor tenfold. I will make my way from here. It was an honor to meet you.” He bows once more and begins his trek down the beach. Rietta stays on her shell, still dumbfounded. Suddenly, she starts and flies to catch up to him. “Ardmont, wait!” He turns towards the sound of her voice, “Yes?” She takes a quick breath, “I want to go with you!” “What?” “Well, my life could use a little adventure in it. And you could use a guide. That way, we both get something out of this. Just make sure no one tries to steal me. I can take care of myself, but it’s nice to have a little more protection. That’s how you can repay me. Come on. I’ll even take you back.” “Are you sure? I can make the trip back on my own.” “I’m positive. I don’t have anything better to do anyway.” “In that case, I would be honored to have you accompany me.” There is a slight note of joy in his voice and a hint of excitement, “I will have a room set up for you right away!” “Eh, just give me a flowerbed and leave a window open at night. I’m not picky.” She settles on his shoulder, “Can I sit here?” “By all means.” “Great, thanks. And by the way, you’re going the wrong way.” Rietta gives a little well meaning ‘humph’ and nudges his chin so that he is facing the opposite direction. “Ravenport is that way.” Ardmont chuckles and makes a half rotation to walk in the correct direction, “It seems you are helping me already. Perhaps you and I could be friends, Rietta.” “As long as you don’t betray me, then maybe.” “I would never dream of it.” “Can I call you Monty?” “No.” “You wanted to be friends, so you’re stuck with it.” “Oh, dear…” The snippets of conversation and laughter fade away into the afternoon as the two embark on the journey back to town together: an unusual alliance between elf and pixie forming strong.
Sorry about the format. I just copy pasted from a google doc and I don’t know how to fix it. So yeah, this is just a little drabble from a random idea I had at the outlets a while back. I just liked the idea of a tiny pixie friend helping out her blind goliath. I found the description(?) I texted to my friend:
“He dreams of what it is like to see and she wonders what it is like to be big until BAM! They do too much exploring and stumble upon some magical cave (or some other cliche life changing accident/exchange) The magic is unleashed! The next morning they’ve switched bodies *insert shocked face* It is really disorienting because they both got what they wanted but with the disadvantages. Rietta is now big, but she’s always bumping into things or tripping over an animal. And now he can see, but he’s so small he knows he’s not getting an actual picture of what how things are. It’s amazing at first, but the world is kind of scary. Especially since he is now so small. Still, he offers to be his friend’s seeing eye friend just as he was for him. He’s kind of bad at it because he can’t describe what she’s going to walk into. But they have fun anyway. It is a new experience and they don’t know how long it’ll last, so might as well have fun with it. And maybe learn something new about each other in the meantime.”
If you made it to the end of this essay, thanks for sticking around. I don’t do this much so it’s a new experience for me. I had fun with it, though. Any criticism is welcome! 
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